Sholokhov, the fate of man is loyalty to the motherland. Composition “The fate of man is the fate of the people


"For treason to the motherland, an extreme baseness of the soul is needed," says N.G. Chernyshevsky. Indeed, treason is one of the lowest deeds that a person can only commit. Betraying a loved one or close friend, we spiritually degrade, causing pain not only to others, but also to ourselves. By betraying the Motherland, we also morally sink and demonstrate spiritual baseness.

Let us recall the work of V. Bykov "Sotnikov". We see two soldiers - Rybak and Sotnikov - who are captured by the Germans.

Under pain of death, Rybak becomes a traitor. He immediately agrees to go over to the side of the enemy, and soon helps them execute his friend Sotnikov. Such an act characterizes Rybak as a person, weak in spirit and low in soul. Unlike Rybak, Sotnikov remains faithful to the Motherland. A modest, seemingly inconspicuous fighter, he accomplishes a real feat. He honorably accepts death without becoming a traitor.

In the work of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" a hero named Kryzhnev for the sake of salvation own life also agrees to treason. He wants to hand over the platoon leader to the Germans, because he only cares about his future. Like Rybak, he commits a low, mean act. He shows himself to be a coward, ready to betray not only his comrade, but also his Motherland. But Andrey Sokolov, on the contrary, demonstrates fortitude and readiness to defend his Motherland to the end. He refuses to drink for enemy Germany, proving that it is better to die than to betray the Motherland. Such patriotism inspires respect even among the German commandant, and he remains to live.

Thus, any betrayal, including betrayal of the Motherland, exposes the true human essence, showing the baseness of the soul. Loyalty reveals the main virtues of a person, his strong spirit, moral stamina and unwavering moral principles.

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"The Destiny of Man" (1956) is sad story about the life of Andrei Sokolov. To share this simple man so many different trials have fallen that the hero himself sometimes asks himself: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that?” - but can not find an answer to his difficult question.

Despite all that Andrei Sokolov had to go through, he managed to maintain his human face, and in the war he not only showed courage and courage, but also demonstrated great love and devotion to his homeland.

Knowing what has begun fighting, Andrei Sokolov almost immediately goes to the front. It is hard for the hero to part with his beloved wife and children, but he goes to fight for his country, as well as for his family, and for many other similar families, in order to give these people hope for a better and better life. happy life in future. Therefore, for Andrei, this is already becoming a matter of honor.

Once at the front, soldier Sokolov serves as a driver, but soon he is taken prisoner by the Germans. Talking about this episode of his life, the hero explains how difficult it was for him to realize that he was in captivity against his will. According to the man, it is difficult for someone “who has not experienced this in his own skin” to immediately “enter the soul” so that all this “humanly comes to him”.

Indeed, it is difficult to convey in words the whole horror of German captivity and describe the cruel tortures that the Germans subjected Russian soldiers to. But Andrey Sokolov was able to adequately pass through these tests, and, according to him own words, "do not turn into a beast." And most importantly, his love for the Motherland not only has not faded over all this time, but has only become stronger.

Suffice it to recall how bravely this man refuses to drink "for the victory of German arms" and proudly rejects the enemy snack, despite the fact that he can hardly stand on his feet. The desire to return "to his own, to his homeland" is so strong in the hero that he makes two attempts to escape.

The first of them turns out to be unsuccessful, and the Germans severely punish Andrey Sokolov by setting a pack of dogs on him. Despite this, the hero still makes a second desperate attempt to escape from the hands of the enemy, and this time he succeeds.

Running away from the Germans, the soldier Sokolov thinks not only about himself, but also about what benefit he can bring to his country. That is why he takes with him a German major, whose driver he was in captivity. This act also says a lot about how devoted Andrey Sokolov is to his homeland.

Because the hero brought to his unit a German who "is worth more than twenty 'languages'", the Russian colonel wants to petition for Andrei's award. These words make the man feel joyful excitement, but the emotions are so strong in him not at all because he wants to receive a medal for his services to the Fatherland. Just for the time spent in German captivity, Andrey Sokolov "has lost the habit of human treatment."

The only desire of a half-dead soldier who has barely escaped from the enemy's lair and set foot on Russian soil is to be enrolled in a rifle unit. Andrey Sokolov strives to do everything in his power to help his country, and this shows true patriotism this man and all the strength of his love for the Motherland.

Loyalty and betrayal - arguments

* Loyalty to a friend:

** Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (Dmitry Razumikhin supports his friend, Rodion Raskolnikov, no matter what)

** Vladimir Korolenko “In a bad society” (Children from the dungeon: Valek and Marusya made friends with a boy from the “higher” class Vasya. The guys are so faithful to each other that they are ready not to betray under torture. Vasya even committed an unseemly act: he stole from own house for sick Marusya a doll to brighten up last days her life)

* Cheating on a friend:

** Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin. The heroes who were once friends turn out to be enemies because of different views on such concepts as honor, loyalty, nobility. Shvabrin eventually betrays Grinev, and because of love for one and the same the girl Masha Mironova does everything possible to destroy Grinev, with whom he was once friends)

** Mikhail Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time” (Grushnitsky, out of envy and jealousy, goes to Pechorin’s betrayal, since he turned out to be happier in love. Princess Mary Ligovskaya falls in love with Pechorin, who previously sympathized with Grushnitsky, who had his own plans for the girl. Deprived generosity, Grushnitsky cannot forgive Pechorin for his defeat and decides to take a vile step - a dishonorable duel... He slanders Pechorin, accusing him of close relations with Princess Mary, and during the duel offers ex buddy pistol loaded with blanks.)

** Haruki Murakami "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his wandering years" ("We don't want to see you anymore" - and no explanation. Four of his best friend suddenly cut him off from himself - and from his former life. After 16 years, the already matured Tsukuru will have to meet his friends again to find out what really happened. It turned out that Belaya accused him of rape and his friends believed it)

* Loyalty to profession/job:

** Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man" (about the events that took place in the life of the Soviet pilot Alexei Meresyev during the Great Patriotic War. During the battle, the plane was shot down by the Germans. He escaped, but his toes were crushed. For eighteen days Meresyev made his way through the forest. He was amputated in the hospital. As a result of persistent training and great willpower, Alexei achieved the ability to fly, as before. In incredibly difficult conditions of life, he remained devoted to his chosen profession, his chosen cause.)

** Andrey Platonov " Sand teacher"(Maria Nikifirovna Naryshkina chose the difficult profession of a teacher. When, by distribution, she was sent to the village of Khoshutovo, where the sands "reigned" and there was no vegetation, she did not refuse. In this small settlement, people were dying of hunger, there was poverty and devastation everywhere, but Maria did not give up, but decided to use her teaching gift for the good: to teach the inhabitants to deal with the sands.Thanks to her labors, vegetation appeared in the village, and on

lessons began to come more peasants. After the work done, she was sent to help nomadic people. She could refuse, but, remembering the hopeless fate of this people, she decided to put public interests above her own. With her actions and fortitude, she proved that loyalty to her profession is not limited to the walls of the office. Maria Nikiforovna became an excellent example of disinterested professionalism, kindness and responsiveness and showed how difficult and important the path of a teacher is.)

* Loyalty to a loved one

** William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" (children of militant clans meet each other against the decrees of their parents. Juliet decides to pretend to be dead and avoid marrying another. Not knowing that his beloved is sleeping, Romeo takes poison. Waking up, Juliet sees dead Romeo and kills himself with a dagger)

** Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (Margarita loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to look for him all over the world and beyond. She remained faithful to him, even when there was no hope of finding the Master.)

** Alexander Kuprin " Garnet bracelet"(Loyalty of love pushes a person to a feat, it can also be disastrous. In A.I. Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" unrequited love becomes the meaning of the life of the petty official Zheltkov, who remains true to his high feeling for married woman who will never be able to love him back. He does not defile the beloved with the demands of reciprocal feelings. Tortured and suffering, he blesses Vera for a happy future, does not allow vulgarity and everyday life to penetrate into the fragile world of love. In his fidelity there is a tragic doom to death.)

* Infidelity (treason) to a loved one

** Alexander Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" ( main character Katerina fell in love with Boris, cheating on her husband (Kabanov Tikhon), and then commits suicide)

** Nikolay Karamzin " Poor Lisa"(The rich nobleman Erast seduces Lisa, and then, having received what he wants, leaves her, leaving "to the army", but then they meet after 2 months and he announces to her that he is engaged (he had to marry a rich widow, because he lost his fortune in cards. In the finale, the heroine commits suicide)

** Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Natasha Rostova spiritually betrayed Andrei Bolkonsky with Anatole Kuragin) / note: + reasons for betrayal + when betrayal is justified - Rostova, due to her age and inexperience, could not think about the consequences of her choice)

* Keeping your word

** Leonid Panteleev "Honestly" (it is about a boy of seven or eight years old, who, during the game, was entrusted by the older boys to guard an imaginary powder warehouse and took from him honestly that he will not leave his post. After playing and forgetting about the sentry, the boys fled home for a long time, but our hero remained. It was already getting dark in the park when the narrator saw the little sentry, who for no reason wanted to leave the post entrusted to him, as he was afraid to break his promise. And only the permission of the major, whom the narrator accidentally finds at the tram stop, releases the boy from his word and allows him to go home. The narrator says that he does not know either the name, or the surname, or the parents of this boy,

but he knows one thing for sure: real man With strong will and a sense of fidelity to the word.)

** Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (Tatyana Larina was the embodiment of moral strength and sincerity. Therefore, she rejected Onegin's love and remained faithful to her marital oath, despite the fact that she loved him.)

* Loyalty to yourself

** Ivan Bunin " Dark alleys"(The heroine managed to remain faithful in her soul to her first and only love in her life - to Nikolai. Years pass, Nadezhda becomes an independent, firmly standing woman, but she was left alone. Loyalty to her beloved warms the heart of the heroine, although she accuses him when she meets , not forgiving for betrayal.) / note: loyalty to one's principles + loyalty to love + forgiveness of betrayal /

** Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" (The master believed in what he was doing so much that he could not betray the work of his whole life. He could not leave it to be torn to pieces by envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.)

* Loyalty/treason

** Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (Pyotr Grinev is faithful to his duty and his state, despite the mortal danger, when Shvabrin betrays the Motherland, the honor of an officer, friends, saving his life) / note: + reasons for betrayal /

** Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba" ( younger son Taras - Andriy - fell in love with a lady and betrayed his homeland) / note: + unforgiveness of betrayal by Taras)

** Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" ( Main character Andrey Sokolov showed patriotism, dedication and courage not only during military service but also in captivity. The hero, being very hungry and tired, refuses to eat and drink in honor of the German victory. After all, Andrei is faithful to his Vaughan duty to the end, he is not afraid of being shot for his refusal to the fascist. Andrey Sokolov - a man with capital letter. It is these people devoted to the motherland, and saved the country, defended it.)

The problem of a person's moral choice has always been especially significant in Russian literature. Exactly at difficult situations by doing one or the other moral choice, a person truly reveals his true moral qualities, showing how worthy he is of the title of Man.

The story of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" was written in 1956 - at the beginning of the "thaw", a complex, transitional historical period. It is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the post-war years and is a narrative common man, driver Andrey Sokolov about his life. In this ingenuous story - a typical story of thousands of people: in his youth he worked as a laborer, fought in civilian life, worked at a factory, started a family, built a house. The war crossed out all his peaceful happiness: his family died, his eldest son, an officer, was killed. Everything ego was normal for that time, as usual, and that, like thousands of other people for Andrei Sokolov in this situation, there was the only possible moral choice: to courageously defend their homeland. “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to bear everything, if the need called for it,” he says to his interlocutor. When it is necessary to bring shells to the artillerymen and the commander asks Sokolov if he will slip through, for Andrey there can be no doubt about this: “I must slip through, and that’s it!” He is not accustomed to thinking about himself, he thinks first of all about his perishing comrades. But shell shock and captivity put him in completely new, unusual conditions for him. He is ready for death, and it is more important for him not to lose his dignity, to remain a man, faithful moral law own conscience. It is not easy for him to decide to kill a traitor who is ready to betray his commander. But he cannot live according to the principle “his shirt is closer to the body”, and in order to save the thin boy commander, Sokolov strangled the traitor with his own hands. He is experiencing this event: “For the first time in his life he killed, and then his own ... But what is he like his own? He's worse than someone else's, a traitor." The situation of moral choice is resolved by the hero according to the laws of socialist realism: by the death of a traitor to prevent the death of many honest people.

The main moral choice of the hero in captivity was the same: not to collude with enemies, not to betray his comrades for a piece of bread, to bravely endure torture and humiliation. Someone less steadfast in spirit denounced Andrei for a carelessly spoken phrase, and Sokolov, called to the commandant of the camp, is preparing to fearlessly accept death, “so that the enemies do not see at my last minute that it is still difficult for me to part with life ... ". Refusing to drink "for the victory of German weapons", Andrey Sokolov agrees to drink "for his death and deliverance from torment", proudly refusing snacks. It was important for him to show that “although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their sop, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” And his dignity was appreciated even by the enemy, who released Sokolov in peace to the barracks and gave him bread and lard. Dividing the "grubs" for everyone is also the moral choice of the hero, who remains true to his concepts of honor, justice, collectivism.

Andrei Sokolov still has a lot to endure: escape from captivity, the news of the death of his family, the death of his son - “exactly on the ninth of May, in the morning, on Victory Day.” Such blows of fate can break any person who is no less steadfast than Andrei Sokolov. After being demobilized, he works as a driver, drinking "one hundred grams from the mark" after the flight. But he does not drink too much, he does not complain about his fate - the hero finds the strength in himself to pick up an orphan boy and adopt him. This is also the moral choice of Andrey Sokolov - to find spiritual generosity in oneself and take responsibility for little man dispossessed by the war. And the author believes that, a man of strong will, with a kind and courageous heart, Andrey Sokolov will be able to raise a man with the same moral criteria, like him, a man "who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path, if his Motherland calls him to this."

Sometimes it happens that a young man enters into adulthood full ambitious plans, the desire to change everything for the better and falls into a routine, against which all his attempts are powerless. There are many such examples in literature and in life.

What does such a person do? Keeps his ideals, but stops fighting society, steps aside because he believes that his time has not yet come? So did Chatsky in Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". No, he did not change his ideals, he was and remained confident that he was right, but he realized that the fight against society is pointless, he was not only not perceived as a reformer, he was simply considered crazy, which is doubly insulting.

Or doctor Ionych from story of the same name Chekhov, who also wanted to change his life for the better, who fell in love with a young and beautiful girl and was full of ambitious plans. But disappointment in love led to disappointment in life. Stratsev has changed dramatically in just four years, has lost all interest in life and is simply dragging out a miserable existence, while being a respected doctor.

USE 2018 Theme essay on literature "Loyalty and betrayal" in relation to oneself, one's moral principles, one's vocation, goals, word, religious beliefs

I believe, that bright hero on the topic of Loyalty and Treason in relation to oneself will be Judas from the Bible. He sold his beliefs for 30 pieces of silver and showed an example of betrayal. First he betrayed his beliefs, and then Jesus Christ.

His moral values ​​were very weak, which is why he was so easily shaken by the opportunity to get rich quick.

Loyalty and treason to the Motherland, public duty? Examples of works

Almost any novel, any story about the war, can be suitable for writing this direction, because the war is such terrible thing that there is always a place for examples of selfless loyalty to the Motherland and examples of dirty betrayal, in the name of saving one's own life.

For example, Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man".

The main character, Andrei Sokolov, is captured by the Nazis. He did not want this and tried to die with his head held high, but the Nazis still decided to take him prisoner. Sokolov is not going to give up and dreams of organizing an escape, he does not imagine betraying the Motherland when the Nazis offer to extradite commanders and communists.

However, among the prisoners there is a low soul, a certain Krydnev, who, succumbing to the promises of the enemy, was going to betray his wounded brethren. Sokolov personally strangled the traitor, because such people cannot be left alive. A traitor will kill dozens of innocent people without hesitation to save himself.

Sokolov manages to escape, but he is quickly caught and sent to work in Germany. However, despite all the hardships of camp life, Sokolov remained a real person, remained faithful to his duty and his homeland, and after returning to his native village after the war, he took up an orphan boy. his heart did not harden in the leapfrog of betrayal and cruelty, among the deaths and horrors of war, he remained a man faithful to his moral principles.

Unified State Examination 2018 Topic essay on literature "Loyalty and treason" Motherland, public debt Arguments and examples from works. Text conflict

On the topic “Loyalty and treason to the Motherland, duty”, you can use many works, for example, Pushkin’s The Captain’s Daughter.

Everything about this story is simple. The young officer Pyotr Grinev turns out to be true to his love and, most importantly, to his military duty, his oath. By the will of fate, he happened to meet with Emelyan Pugachev himself, when he was not yet the ataman of the rebellious Cossacks, and after this incident Pugachev feels sympathy for Grinev. Therefore, when fate again pushes these people together already in the crucible of battle, Pugachev offers Grinev protection and patronage if he goes over to his side. Of course, Grinev, for whom a debt greater than death refuses, and this is his feat as a person.

But the brilliant officer, whom Grinev Shvabrin initially admired, ceases to be a man in a moment of danger, he runs over to the side of the rebels and uses them in order to achieve his own plans related to captain's daughter Maria Mironova. But even those to whom they defected do not like traitors, only dirty bastards can walk alongside such people, so Pugachev formally supports his enemy Grinev, formally against his friend Shvabrin.

Pugachev understands what a duty of honor is and respects people who are able to maintain it no matter what.

Perhaps. Two pieces will suffice. In principle, they are quite voluminous and give a lot of ground for reflection on the topic of loyalty to the Motherland and treason to the Motherland.

Naturally, this is Gogol's Taras Bulba, where one can consider Andrey's betrayal. What is the essence of betrayal, why did Andrei go for it? What is more important, love for a woman or loyalty to the Motherland? These questions can be sorted out.

There is also a work by Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov". Here you can consider the reasons that pushed the partisan Rybak to betray, consider what this betrayal of Rybak himself ultimately led to.

To carry the idea that betrayal in the name of saving life turned into the fact that this life itself became unbearable to the traitor.

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