Why does a person betray his homeland. The theme of betrayal of the motherland: arguments from the literature


Love to motherland - this is very strong feeling. It is love for your family and the place where you were born and live. These are our bright childhood memories. This desire to protect always and everywhere, what is dear to us. Love for the Motherland makes us strong. This feeling helped our great-grandfathers to accomplish a great feat - to win the Great Patriotic War.
Maxim Dolzhikov.(13 years old, Moscow)

Love to motherland is love for the country where we were born. Motherland is the country where our relatives and friends live. We speak our native language, which we hear from childhood, in which we spoke the first words. They learned to read their favorite books and write letters to their loved ones. Mom's words in her native language are also part of the Motherland.
Elizabeth Mandrykina(13 years old, Temryuk)

Love to motherland- this is love for the place, for the country where you were born and live. These are yours, and only your memories of the place where you first saw the light and took your first breath. Love for the Motherland is your desire, your opportunity and your duty to protect your loved ones. It's warm and mother's hands. Love for the Motherland is the warmest, purest and most honest thing a person has.
Artem Dolzhikov(12 years old, Moscow)

Love to motherland- it means to love the place where you were born, the country where this place and the state are located. For me, to love the Motherland means to be a patriot of my country, to perceive it no matter what it is, to be proud that I was born here, to honor the traditions of my people. To love one's homeland means to love one's people, to be grateful to them for glorious history and care, to love the land on which a person lives, to love all the good and beautiful that is associated with it.
Elizaveta Girsanova(13 years old, Novorossiysk)

My country is Russia! I am proud to be a citizen of my great country who defeated fascism and built beautiful cities. My small homeland is Murmansk, where I was born and live. This is the largest ice-free port in the world and I want to tie my future life with the sea. I love my family, my city, my friends. When I grow up, I want to make their life better and I will do my best for this.
Semyon Buzmakov(13 years old, Murmansk)

For me, "Love for the Motherland" - this is, first of all, respect for the history of my country, for the peoples and traditions. In addition, "Love for the Motherland" should be expressed in actions and deeds. You can most clearly express your devotion to the Motherland by studying its history in detail, having visited significant places in our country. big country. For me, this concept also means getting a decent education in order to be useful to my country. To love the Motherland is to know its heroes, to respect them, to support the patriotism that our grandfathers awarded us.
Gleb Yurkov(15 years old, Moscow)

Love to motherland is in the heart of each of us. Someone just feels sharper and deeper. Others are in the cycle Everyday life don't think about it. Love for the motherland is, above all, love for the place where you were born, said the first word, took the first step, grew up, found true friends, met your first love, stepped into adulthood. Wherever fate throws you, this place will be sacred, to which you always want to return. It is called the small Motherland. Small Motherland merge into a whole country, for which every citizen has lofty feelings - patriotism, pride, admiration. You feel it especially when you are far from your homeland.
Uliana Alekseeva(14 years old, Kondopoga)

Honestly, I still can not fully experience this expression. Most likely, when I get older, this feeling will wake up. So far, I can say that most Russian people have two Motherlands: one "small" - the region, republic, region where he was born. And the second, of course, is Russia itself! People miss their small homeland if they move to live in other lands. People miss Russia if they leave to live abroad. "Love for the Motherland" is love for the people with whom you grew up, love for home and parents. "Love for the Motherland" is love for the nature of the native land, for the climate, for the traditions in the family and the people with whom you lived or live. The person you became in adulthood was instilled in you in the region in which you were born and raised. In our family, a small Motherland - the Republic of Udmurtia! I can’t say about Love for our Motherland better than my mother did:
Heart embroidered over the Russian plain,
Arable lands, forests, and talmas
A thread of springs, The Long Road,
And patterns on dresses with red thread ...
My heart sees my homeland - Udmurtia,
In summer heat, in spring, in frost and snow.
You are my humble, Udmurtia, and wise,
Cis-Urals ancient amulet!
Gathered into one family my Udmurtia
One hundred nations, one hundred cultures and one hundred hearts...
Everyone says to the earth: "I love you"
Everyone here is the owner and creator!
Daniil Zhuravlev(15 years old, Moscow)

Thinking about Motherland, I think about that great, beautiful country in which I was born, I associate the concept of homeland with a complex and interesting, rich and sometimes tragic history native land. I feel proud to be part of this country, part of this big world. With bated breath, we, with overwhelming patriotism, watch military parades on the main square of the country, with pride and an enthusiastic tremor in our voices, we congratulate the veterans on Victory Day. Each person has a homeland, and for each it has its own ... Invisible threads connect you with your family, and therefore with your homeland. Therefore, you love her with that love that is hard to explain: you see all her shortcomings and still love her.
Maria Yakovleva(12 years old, Astrakhan).

love the motherland means to know the history home country respect the culture, customs and traditions of their people. Love for the Motherland is different for everyone. For some, this means simply living in one's own country, enjoying native sunsets and native skies, walking on native land, breathing native air. And for someone to love the Motherland is to glorify their country, to contribute to its development and prosperity with their actions, their work - both physical and intellectual. In addition, I believe that to love one's Motherland is also to love people, one's fellow citizens, to be ready to help any person and not to take the position of "every man for himself." After all, together we are the strength and power of our country, and individually we are just the inhabitants who inhabit it.
Ekaterina Karpova(14 years old, Reutov)

The expression "Love for the Motherland" For me it means, first of all, love for my family. “Love for the Motherland” of each person and the entire Russian people for their country is the readiness to always defend their Motherland, its interests and people. All Russian people in ancient times were "brothers" to each other. IN hard times The Russian people many times proved their love for the Motherland to “strangers”, uniting and defeating enemies, acting on the principle of Alexander Nevsky’s favorite expression: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”. Also, "Love for the Motherland" is love for mother tongue, surrounding nature, cities, villages and towns where people live. We all rejoice at the victories of our athletes in international competitions, the world-class inventions of our scientists, the success of our compatriots in various fields of activity. The motherland can be proud of its warriors who defended it from enemies, not sparing their lives. If there are any failures, accidents, then they are eliminated by the relevant services, volunteers, volunteers. We all rejoice at the victories of our athletes in international competitions, the world-class inventions of our scientists, the success of all our people in various fields of activity. Is this not a manifestation of love for the motherland?
Alena Oleinikova(11.5 years old, Taganrog)

Motherland is my family , the city where I was born, the country where I live, the language I speak. Wherever fate throws a person, the Motherland is a place where you always want to return. I think that each of us should be a patriot of our country. A patriot is a person who knows, first of all, the history of his Motherland. Without the past, we will not have a future. Motherland is a mother that each of us cherishes, cherishes, loves and thanks for our birth.
Ivan Moskin(12 years old, Kerch)

In my opinion, love for the motherland is, above all, respect for it. A person who loves his homeland will not exchange it for anything else, no matter what it is. Love for the motherland is pride in its culture and traditions. Human, loving motherland, is trying not only to preserve all this, but also to change the Motherland into better side. He is ready at any moment to sacrifice anything for her, even his own life.
Diana Anisimova(15 years old, Moscow).

Love to motherland means something different for each person. For someone, this last letter from the front, from which everything shrinks inside and you want to cry, for some it is the expanse of native fields and the freshness of forests, for some it is a double-headed eagle - a symbol of strength and power. And I believe that love for the Motherland combines all this and even more. The motherland begins with a family, a home, a native courtyard, a "picture in the primer" and we love all this and keep it in our hearts all our lives and are ready to protect even the memories of it. My attitude to the Motherland characterizes famous poem, which sounded in the movie "Brother":
I found out that I have
There is a huge family
And the path, and the forest,
In the field - every spikelet!
River, blue sky
This is all mine, dear.
This is my homeland!
I love everyone in the world!

I have nothing more to add!

Sofia Lyubova(14 years old, Arkhangelsk)

I think, that "Love for the Motherland" is when you are ready to defend your country.

Motherland, you are like a mother to me!
No wonder you are in my destiny.
Motherland I love you!
Motherland, you are everything to me.
I'm going to defend you any minute.
Homeland you are my life!

Ksyusha Gureeva(11.5 months Moscow)

The expression "Love for the Motherland" for me it means, first of all, to be a worthy citizen of one's country. Be proud of it and change it for the better, first of all, by your own example. Experience it with your country difficult periods and share the joy of victories and achievements. With your daily work, service, study, contribute to the prosperity and development of your Motherland, creation and movement forward. Know and respect the history and traditions of your people. Be kind and honest, competent and confident in your views. With honor and dignity to represent our country and our people abroad, this is very important for us as residents of the Kaliningrad region, because due to our geographical location we have to visit more often neighboring countries Europe than in the main part of Russia. Patriotism and love for one's native land give a person a sense of belonging to great culture and make it part of history. When you love your small Motherland, wherever you are, you know that there is a place where you are happy.
Alisa Knyazeva(14 years old, Kaliningrad)

love the motherland means to be a worthy citizen of your country. Contribute to prosperity and development, creation and movement forward with your deeds and work. Respect the history of your people. Respect and honor old people, your parents, educators and teachers, be kind and honest. Be educated and confident in your views. Love for the motherland is a feeling of happiness.
Polina Dudnik(13 years old, Temryuk)

Love to motherland for me means: my country in which I was born, in which I live. I want there to always be peace in my country, so that there is a clear sky above my head. Love for the motherland is in the heart of each of us. Someone just feels sharper and deeper. Others in the cycle of everyday life do not think about it. But if trouble covers with a black wing native land, everyone will become a patriot of the Fatherland.
Evgeny Grechishkin(13 years old, Novorossiysk)

Love to motherland is in everyone's heart. But we all perceive it differently. Someone feels it quite sharply and deeply, while someone in their daily routine does not notice it. For me, love in the Motherland is love for the place where you were born, said the first word, took the first step, met friends, stepped into adulthood. And no matter where you are, you always want to return there.
Margarita Aghabekyan(13 years old, Novorossiysk)

Love to motherland is the feeling a person has native land in which he was born and raised. A person will not betray his beloved country and will not leave, and if he does, he will regret it and wait for his return to his native home. It is because of this love that we are ready to fight enemies and defend our land on which our mothers and fathers lived. A person who lives without a sense of homeland will never sacrifice something for this. native place- he'll just move.
Anna Sokolova(13 years old, Tuapse).

"Love to motherland"- it is love for the people who live with me in my country, in my city, in my house. Probably, people living in other cities and countries feel the same way. I am very sad when one of my friends moves to another city, because I get used to seeing these people nearby, I am friends with them, I don’t want to part with them. And if there is a need for me to leave, then even if it is interesting to travel, then later I want to go to my city to friends and relatives. And when you see again how beautiful my city is, our house and all the people close to you, you feel joy! When I become an adult, I will work together with other people for the good of my country, and if someone attacks us, I will go to the navy to protect my parents, sisters, brother and all Russian people. This is love for the Motherland.
Andrey Shevchenko(12 years old, Taganrog)

To be continued....
(check the website for updates).

If a person is brought up literary heroes(who were born before the moment when the writers succumbed to the process of deheroization), he will not be able to commit a betrayal of the Motherland even physically, because the prohibitive threshold grows too high - taboo. It is precisely such a healthy attitude towards patriotic values ​​that Arkady Gaidar's stories and novels are saturated with, and this is conveyed so accurately and penetrates so deeply that not a single child wanted to be a "bad boy". Where there is a betrayal of the motherland, there was not enough patriotic education. And even the geography of such places is calculated quite easily.


The very first truly major betrayal of the Motherland happened on the day that is now chosen as a holiday national unity- November 4th. In 1708, he betrayed his country and sovereign Peter the Great. He hoped for the victory of Charles the Twelfth, the Swedish king, but he miscalculated.

For betraying his oath, he was executed in a civil way: he was deprived of the awards and titles that had previously been granted to him by the sovereign. And they were rewarded with a new favor: Mazepa received from Peter the Great a single copy of the "Order of Judas", the order of the very first and most treacherous of traitors.

Essence of the Traitor

One hundred and twenty years later, this historical betrayal of the Motherland was not only not forgotten, it was immortalized in fiction. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote an amazing poem - "Poltava". The poet changed his mind about calling magical poems the name of a traitor - evil, immoral, vengeful, dishonorable, hypocritical, who stops at nothing to achieve any good in life.

This is exactly what this person was, because the treacherous essence seems to eat up all the good and positive spiritual qualities. Pushkin knew this, of course. A poem was written about the worst person on earth, but with such beautiful verses that the idea brought by the poet into young hearts penetrates so deeply that it never leaves them.


The theme of the betrayal of the Motherland by the poem "Poltava" was not exhausted, Pushkin returned to it more than once. No less interesting, and most importantly - penetratingly and intelligibly, another historical case is described. This peasant uprising Emelyan Pugacheva, where two forces clashed, each of which considered itself right. And here especially important place occupies loyalty to the oath, because if there is no such loyalty in the soul of a person, betrayal of the Motherland will always nest there. Pushkin's arguments for this postulate are the most weighty. Whoever did not keep honor from a young age in everything, at every step of his life, he, as it were, is rolling downhill to the very bottom, and it is there, at the very bottom - there is nowhere lower - and this sin lies.

Dante Alighieri in " Divine Comedy"precisely determined the location of the traitors in hell: they freeze into Lake Cocytus, and there is no deeper place in the other world, they will not knock from below. So, in Pushkin's story" Captain's daughter"Shvabrin commits a betrayal of the Motherland. He gives the following arguments: the fortress is not properly fortified, it will not withstand the assault, and why die in vain? It's easier to join Pugachev's army. Aleksey Shvabrin has no life ahead of him, and there will never be anything for a traitor, except because there is justice.


Pushkin's contemporary, who wrote an excellent story about the Zaporizhzhya Sich - "Taras Bulba", - to this day inspires modern domestic and foreign cinematography, revealed the theme of betrayal in an exceptionally artistic way. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol managed to bring such arguments under the betrayal that modern youth, who do not receive sufficient patriotic education, do this artistic material completely wrong conclusion.

Betrayal of the motherland or the loss of a beloved woman - what will outweigh? Younger son Andriy chose the first leader of the Cossack for the sake of a beautiful lady from a hostile city. "You are my Motherland!" - he said. And he betrayed everyone, sold everything, ruined himself for this love. But Taras Bulba could not even forgive his son for the betrayal of the Motherland. He was true to himself and to the Fatherland. He gave birth to Andrii, he killed him.

Bad Boys

A little has already been said about the fairy tale written by Arkady Gaidar. She is not one of those fairy tales that are lies, in her, despite the cartoon character, absolute truths sound. And not a hint, but an alarm. Because even today the "bad guys" that have multiplied have betrayed the country to the bourgeoisie. For a barrel of confiture, for a basket of Snickers.

There are numerous examples of betrayal of the Motherland today. What are the repentant words of a young bad boy from Novy Urengoy in today's Bundestag: the "so-called" Stalingrad cauldron, "innocent" occupiers who came to the Volga and destroyed half the world.

Betrayal today

If boys read works of art, written by eyewitnesses: Konstantin Vorobyov ("It's us, Lord!"), Nikolai Dvortsov ("Waves are beating the rocks"), Viktor Nekrasov ("In the trenches of Stalingrad"), and this list can go on and on, if the young men knew more about "Unbearable conditions of captivity", and our Motherland would never experience today's shame.

This speech was classified by the country's broadest public as a betrayal. And if only this one performance! Moral norms have turned inside out, according to Russian educators, there is a need to return to school curriculum at least the "Young Guard" Alexander Fadeev. According to Solzhenitsyn, it is not possible to educate patriots of one's country.

Krasnodon traitors

The older generation knows everything about the heroes of the novel almost by heart. Now, after the opening of the archives, it became known that the writer greatly regretted the psyche of his reader and did not write the whole truth. Indeed, she is terrible. And one more thing: in fact, there was not a single traitor among the Young Guard.

The motherland was committed only by their torturers, the policemen, who terribly tortured the Krasnodon teenagers, who, not sparing their own lives, defended and cleared their land from the invaders. Fadeev portrayed them so convexly and vividly that later, after the movie, people looked at the faces of the artists who played them with hatred.

The need for education

The suffering that befell the Young Guards, even described by Fadeev, is simply inhuman. In fact, it was much worse, neither film nor paper can convey this. And now Russian teenagers do not read this literature at all! That is why Nazism is being revived, and fascist torchlight processions with slogans about Bandera the hero are wandering around Ukraine.

Neo-fascists from fourteen to twenty years old should read this book aloud, with resistance - even by force, and then force Gerasimov to watch the film, and then acquaint them with documents from the archives, with photographs and medical examinations of the dead, but eternally living young Krasnodon. It is necessary to make sure that young people are able to distinguish between the concepts of loyalty to the Motherland and betrayal.


Every boy (and girl) should definitely read the fascinating novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains". This book has it all: the most selfless friendship, purest love, purposefulness on the way to a feat and an exceptional betrayal in its meanness - of the Motherland, friendship, love and all that is most holy in the world. Mikhail Romashov is one of the heroes of the book. And if Sanya Grigoriev went all his life from childhood to a feat, then Misha Romashov and childhood - to betrayal.

The whole path is visible, daily killing everything human in a person. It began with children's denunciations on the basis of envy. It ended in almost direct murder, when Chamomile leaves his wounded friend to die in the snow, taking everything from him, even weapons. Here it is - a betrayal of the Motherland. You will not find the best arguments from the literature. Traitors have no conscience, it is dead. It is Sanya Grigoriev who will ponder whether personal reasons played a role when he handed over the traitor who committed military treason to the authorities. So, in contrast, readers will better feel where is the truth and where is the lie, how to act and how not to, who to sympathize with and who to hate.


Vasil Bykov's novel "Sotnikov" tells about another kind of betrayal. A criminal named Rybak blames circumstances on him, even his wounded soldier comrade, whom he not only betrayed, but hanged himself. Only he does not blame himself, although he regrets what he did. Here the writer shows how easy it is for the unarmed patriotic education, and therefore, with a mean slack in the soul, a person understands himself, adequately assesses his actions.

Sotnikov, who received the most terrible tortures and who did not betray any of the partisans and locals, the traitor Rybak in his thoughts calls ambitious: look, they say, he is a hero. The fisherman is not aware that betrayal is considered the lowest act of all from time immemorial. It was his fate that turned so unexpectedly that he would have to serve Germany. A clear understanding of the moral and moral principles Rybak doesn't. What is this, if not a lack of education?


This story by Mikhail Sholokhov is in the treasury of world literature. "The fate of a man" is the fate of many and many, shown unusually broadly. This story is about people who experienced great grief, terrible hardships, war, a concentration camp, the loss of all loved ones, but who remained human. bright soul, deeply sympathetic and called to help. But even this story would not be complete enough if there were no theme of betrayal in it.

For the sake of saving his own life, the traitor Kryzhnev was already preparing to betray both the commander and his friends. But only traitors cannot keep loyalty to the Motherland. The true soldier Andrei Sokolov kills this vile creature and does not even feel pity, only one disgust, as if he strangled a snake. The story was written in 1956. The war ended eleven years ago, but the writer always feels responsible to his compatriots and their next generations, which is why eternal themes deeds and betrayals rise again and again.

Traitors cannot be rehabilitated!

A lot of interesting things were written about by another Vorobyov - Vladimir Nikiforovich, a retired major general. He, despite his age and ill health, considers it necessary to raise this topic again and again, since it is the most relevant today.

And indeed: now the traitors who betrayed their homeland are considered fighters against communism and Stalinism, moreover, champions of freedom and justice. They even erect monuments! Mannerheim, Vlasov, Denikin, Kolchak are enemies of their Motherland who betrayed her. The resolute protest of the major-general is quite understandable.

Sorting traitors

The writer in all its glory shows this unfinished White émigré part of the population, officers, landlords, capitalists, who fled abroad, who met Hitler with indescribable enthusiasm. With the help of German bayonets, they decided to return to the territory of their betrayed Motherland.

He especially dwells on the description of the numerous traitors mentioned above. geographical areas(Baltic, Caucasian, Germans from the Volga region), as well as Russian White Guards from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, who served not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Abwehr, and in the SD, and in the SS.


No one will argue that betrayal has existed at all times. And most often those people who were offended by something in their homeland became traitors. For example, the Spartan Ephialtes, rejected, betrayed his comrades at Thermopylae. Further, the list is replenished one way or another: Judas betrayed Christ, and Brutus betrayed Caesar, Mazepa betrayed Peter the Great, and so on. Their names usually remained in history forever.

But the Great Patriotic War happened to know a different kind of traitors - special and diverse. And more of them. Nevertheless, this topic has been quite successfully developed in the literature, helping to determine the worldview of almost every generation. Now everything has changed, the results of wars are being reviewed, priorities are shifting. Immediate decisive action is needed in this direction. For a people made up of traitors will inevitably lose their own country. And it all comes down to it, unfortunately. The next generation will be lost along with the country.

“Selling one’s own soul and Motherland for thirty pieces of silver, obvious deals with Satan because of benefits ...” (O. Platonov).

“Betrayal is unforgivable. Whoever does it is worthy of death. Betrayal consists in the fact that a person internally (in his innermost thoughts, feelings, decisions) or externally (in words or deeds) changes his spiritual principle. I. Ilyin).

People often make mistakes and stupid things because of ignorance of the laws of nature. If we were told at school how we would pay for an “ordinary” lie, we would forever become absolutely honest.

In the history of mankind there are enough examples of betrayal and people who committed such actions. The most famous of them is Judas, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. The very name "Judas" became a household name and synonymous with betrayal.

Traitors have always been despised by both friends and enemies, because there is nothing more disgusting than betrayal.

In this article I would like to talk about betrayal (treason) and traitors to the Motherland. Before talking about this topic, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what is " Motherland", "patriotism" and what is "betrayal".

motherlandand patriotism.

Homeland - fatherland, fatherland, country, historically belonging to a certain people, the territory, with its nature, population, features historical development, language, culture, way of life and customs, in which, thanks to the will of God, a person was born.

Love for the Motherland begins with love for parents. The word "patriotism" comes from Latin word"pater" - father (hence the word "Fatherland"). The second thing with which the Motherland begins is love for the faith of the ancestors and, in general, for the memory of the ancestors. Faith in God brings up conscience. A person without conscience (without faith in God) cannot love the Motherland, he can only use it, and sometimes even sell (betray).


Betrayal is called a violation of allegiance to someone or failure to fulfill a duty to someone. The most terrible form of betrayal is the betrayal of one's homeland, one's family.

A traitor to the Motherland is always an enemy of the people, only an enemy in the square, because the external enemy acts in the interests of his Motherland and his people, and the traitor, betraying the Motherland, directly betrays his people, his ROD, and, accordingly, himself, therefore, no, and cannot to be in the world is nothing more terrible than this.

The traitor is not just the one who betrayed, but the one whose moral consciousness changed, the moral sense was distorted.

Betrayal is a rejection of one's Divine Essence.

A person who has committed betrayal, and betrayal is always an anti-divine action, first of all destroys his Essence (soul), which degrades evolutionarily. And the more harm a traitor causes to the people and the Motherland, the more radical changes, towards degradation, occur with his Essence.

Betrayal is based on the energy of destruction, which destroys the dignity of a person, which is why betrayal is called one of the Deadly states of Egoism.

The basis of treason is always and everywhere ambition, lust for power, vanity, greed, envy and cruelty, love of money, that is, it is committed in the name of those vices on which God imposed His veto, because of which people betrayed Christ to death, and because of who are still betraying Him.

The more God is expelled from life, the greater the presence of the devil in it, the greater the betrayal.

Judas is a traitor, a man who betrayed God and entered into an alliance with the devil. Only when a person expels God from his life and accepts the devil into it, can he descend to Christ-selling.

Even in childhood, many of us could hear: "The worst thing is to be a traitor." But today, more than ever, people's readiness for betrayal strikes!

Before everyone's eyes, love, friendship, family, homeland are sold and betrayed ...

In the hour of horror, Judas suddenly saw complete emptiness, the senselessness of his act and the horror of the betrayal of God and man committed by him. And it killed him. Despair is when a person is close to the image of a demon, and when he is already standing at the gates of hell. Instantaneous earthly success leads suddenly to hopeless darkness when everything passes.

When Judas was tempted to betray his Teacher for thirty pieces of silver, they shone for him like the sun, but when the sin was committed and he received the money, the silver began to burn his conscience with unbearable fire. And he would give dearly to get rid of these pieces of silver.

The Holy Fathers say that there is "sin" and there is "sin". There is a sin of a passionate heart, when, under the influence of the moment, a person commits bad things. Let no one think to belittle such a sin. The consequences of it can be the most terrible if a person does not repent. But it is incomparably more terrible when a person consciously, prudently and cold-bloodedly goes to sin, being warned about the horror of his sin and knowing about the grace of Christ's love.

Betrayal, like a black brand, cuts deep into Fate, haunting. There is an opinion that as a result of betrayal, an energy hole is formed through which life force from the body of a traitor, and in order to patch it up, the traitor will have to go through similar situations again and again, but in a more “terry” version.

A person who has committed a betrayal of his Essence is deprived of the main thing - the Divine Fire and the Soul itself. He becomes empty and worthless, and he himself suffers from the meaninglessness of his existence.

“Selling one’s own soul and Motherland for thirty pieces of silver, obvious deals with Satan because of benefits ...” (O. Platonov).

“Betrayal is unforgivable. Whoever does it is worthy of death. Betrayal consists in the fact that a person internally (in his innermost thoughts, feelings, decisions) or externally (in words or deeds) changes his spiritual principle.. I.A. Ilyin.

We put many songs in our hearts,
singing native land,
We loved you unconditionally
Holy Russian land.
You raised your head high
like the sun, your face shone,
But you became a victim of meanness,
those who betrayed you and sold you.
Arise, Russia, from slave captivity.
The spirit of victory is calling, it's time to fight!
Raise the battle flags
For Truth, Love and Kindness.

From the song: "Farewell of the Slav"

In the history of mankind there are enough examples of betrayal and people who committed such actions. The most famous of them is Judas, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. The very name "Judas" became a household name and synonymous with betrayal. Traitors have always been despised by both friends and enemies, because there is nothing more disgusting than betrayal. In this article I would like to talk about betrayal ( treason) and traitors to the Motherland, without loading the text with an analysis of other types of betrayal. Before talking about this topic, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what “betrayal” is and what motherland.

P.S. March 2, 2011 - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev awarded Gorbachev"for his great personal contribution to the strengthening of peace and friendship between peoples and many years of fruitful social activities Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. There is only one thing to say about this: reward a traitor the highest order of Russia - an indelible shame for the awarder, but I hope the time will come when everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts and everything will be put in its place.

3. « Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevichfrom 1990 to July 1991 - Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. At the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU in June 1990, he left the CPSU. Since June 1991 - President Russian Federation. On December 31, 1999, he retired early. Died April 23, 2007".

Let us analyze the "achievements" of our Motherland during the time the first president of Russia was in power. With the direct participation of Yeltsin and his comrades ceased to exist Soviet Union, against the will of the people expressed in a referendum, and this is a betrayal.

"March 21, 1991 The Supreme Council The USSR considered the preliminary results of the referendum. He noted that BEHIND preservation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 112 million people spoke, that is 76% voters, and, consequently, “the fate of the peoples of the country is inseparable, that only by joint efforts can they successfully resolve issues of economic, social and cultural development…» Wikipedia

Under the "sensitive" leadership of the "dear" our country was under occupation, when foreigners, in the person of American advisers (CIA employees), actually ruled the country. They wrote, and the Duma adopted laws, according to which Russia until now, as a defeated country (according to various estimates), in the amount of about 500 billion dollars a year to our enemies -. This became possible, among other things, as a result of the adoption of the law on the independence of the Central Bank of Russia, which is actually a branch of the US Federal Reserve. For more details on the situation in Russia, see the numerous interviews of Yevgeny Fedorov, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Moscow State University experts found world kindertraffic. Parental shield from state skipping in Russia. Beckmann exposed the Gestapo of the 21st century. The names of traffickers in children in Russia are named, video– http://avn-msk.livejournal.com/1235372.html

Here are the names of these traitors- Judas, who do everything to destroy the very foundation of our state, the traditional family, remember them:

“On January 26, 2013, Moscow State University experts, who came from all over Russia to Moscow on Lomonosovsky Prospekt, discovered world kindertraffic and stated that the time has come in each native city create special forces in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to counteract this new for Russia type of organized crime. Analyzing the thirty-year history of turning children into slaves of the juvenile state dictatorship in the EU countries, MSU experts stated that state juvenile systems different countries Europe gradually united into one whole, and then merged with the global juvenile network and Today turned into transnational children's market. From Europe, juvenile fascism is coming to Russia…” Press Service of the International Movement "Russian Mothers"

4. Alcoholization and narcotization of the country directed against the security of the Russian Federation? Definitely yes! All people who take part in the production, advertising and distribution of: tobacco, alcoholic beverages and other drugs, whether they understand it or not, voluntarily or involuntarily participate in the destruction of their people, including their RELATIVES, being, in fact, enemies of their homeland Or rather, traitors. And all the arguments in his own defense, such as “it’s not my fault, he himself came” is nothing more than an excuse and abdication of responsibility for the crime.

Reference: "Today in Russia alcohol kills over 900,000 people a year, mostly Russians, about 400 thousand man kills tobacco, about 100 000- drugs. Just think about this scary statistics. From alcohol, tobacco and drugs in our country, 1 million 400 thousand people die every year. These are 140 equipped divisions with a staff strength of 10 thousand people. Russia has never known such a war, such losses throughout its history.. Press service of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma

One could give many more examples of betrayal, but it seems to me that this is enough to realize the extent of the harm that has been and is being done to our Motherland.

Traitors are not born, they become, therefore, it is necessary to understand the reasons why a person commits such actions and try to change the conditions under which such a thing will become impossible in principle. To do this, people need to know the most main truth, which is hidden from us with all their might:

What happens to a person at the level of genetics and at the level of its Essence ( immortal soul) at the moment when he performs any action? (Including betrayal).

It turns out that everything is simple: there are real laws of nature, hidden from all people, which is vital for everyone to know and observe in order to follow the path of development and climb the evolutionary ladder up, becoming human creator. Or, on the contrary, act contrary to these laws and degrade, sinking down and gradually turning into animal in human form. What are these laws? Let's find out for ourselves simple example, for which you need to turn on your brains, learn to analyze incoming information and, based on knowledge of the real laws of nature, draw the right conclusions. For the first time, an academician wrote about this in detail and openly. Nikolai Levashov in an amazing book...

So, everyone knows that the very existence of a reasonable person, as species, is impossible alone (for example, Mowgli children), but only in society, in a society of their own kind. This is the law of nature, and if this law is violated, man, as a species, will simply die out. Hence the conclusion: all actions of a person will be correct if they are aimed at the benefit of the whole society, in this case, it will be good for him as a part of this society. Accordingly, all actions of a person will be wrong if they harm society, and, accordingly, the person himself.

Everything is simple, and if even simpler, then in life "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you". By following this rule, one can get rid of the very concept of betrayal, simply because no one wants to be betrayed, of course, if he is not sick.

The teacher of literature analyzes point by point one of the directions of the final essay

Text: Anna Chaynikova, teacher of Russian language and literature, school No. 171
Photo: Kultura.RF

Already December 6 eleventh graders will write a final essay, which is a condition for admission to passing the exam. In 3 hours and 55 minutes, they will have to write an essay-reasoning on one of the five topics corresponding to thematic areas announced in September 2017. Today we'll take a closer look at how to prepare for possible topic in the first direction - "Loyalty and treason."

FIPI comment

Within the framework of the direction, one can talk about fidelity and treason as opposite manifestations human personality, considering them from a philosophical, ethical, psychological points vision and referring to life and literary examples.
The concepts of "fidelity" and "treason" are at the center of the plots of many works. different eras and characterize the actions of the characters in situations of moral choice both in personal relationships and in a social context.

vocabulary work

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova:

LOYALTY- perseverance and immutability in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one's duties, duty.

Loyalty is based on love, honesty, perseverance, sacrifice, devotion.

TREASON- violation of loyalty to someone or something (betrayal of the interests of the Motherland, going over to the side of the enemy.

Treason is associated with betrayal, deceit, meanness, treachery.


Loyalty: devotion, constancy, reliability, immutability, steadfastness, firmness, firmness.

Treason: betrayal, infidelity, inconstancy, deceit, adultery.

Who or what can you stay true to or change?

  • Homeland:

homeland, small homeland, native land;

military duty, oath

  • Love:

loved one; spouse

  • Friendship:

friend, comrades, relatives

  • Beliefs:

to myself,

beliefs, principles,

your word

  • Faith:

Christian commandments

Loyalty and betrayal are opposite manifestations of a person's personality. Everyone in life faces moral choice: stay true to something or change.

Honor and dishonor are closely connected with the concept of loyalty and betrayal.

By changing the principles given to promises, betraying someone, a person not only loses the respect of others, but also loses honor, incurring shame on himself. It is necessary to remain faithful to one's ideals, to one's homeland, to a loved one, regardless of the circumstances. Loyalty to the word, honor, responsibility - qualities without which a person cannot be called decent. Loyalty to Christian precepts becomes an important category of a person's moral assessment. Betrayal of faith and violation of God's commandments is the path to death, both moral and physical.

Treason is one of the lowest, meanest and shameful manifestations of human nature. This heavy and destructive feeling changes a person, dehumanizes. An example of this can be found in V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember".

The events described in the work unfold in a deaf Siberian village in the winter of 1945. Andrey Guskov, who went through the entire war, did not hide behind the backs of his comrades, but fought, “like everyone else, no better, no worse”, after being wounded, he ends up in the hospital. The closer the end of the war, the more he is afraid of dying, and the more desperately he is drawn to native village: "He was afraid to go to the front, but more than this fear there was resentment and anger at everything that brought him back to the war, not allowing him to go home." Driven by fear, resentment and anger, Guskov, leaving the hospital, instead of going to the front, deserts.

Having betrayed his homeland, Guskov understands that “his fate turned into a dead end” and after that his life will never be the same, now he is a traitor, a traitor to his homeland. Having lost the ground under his feet, Guskov, without knowing why, commits another betrayal - he cheats on his wife Nastya with a random acquaintance. Rasputin depicts the extreme loss of the hero, devastated and having lost respect for himself: “He somehow immediately became ashamed of himself, hated himself,” something “scraped, tearing his soul,” “this attitude towards himself overlaid him for a long time.”

Andrey Guskov secretly returns to his native village. He is afraid to appear in front of his parents and opens his terrible secret only to his wife Nastya, who accepts him and, becoming an accomplice to his lies, helps the deserter and traitor. The conscientious Nastena is tormented by her husband's guilt, reproaching herself for deceiving her father-in-law and mother-in-law, stealing food and supplies for her husband from the house, and secretly running to him in the forest. She has no right to betray Andrei, to abandon him and is ready to share the fate of her husband: “She loved him, pitying and pitying loving - these two feelings inextricably converged in her into one. And Nastena could not do anything with herself. She condemned Andrei, especially now, when the war was over and when it seemed that he would have remained alive and unharmed, like all those who survived, but, condemning him at times to anger, to hatred and despair, she retreated in despair: Yes, she is his wife. And if so, it is necessary either to completely abandon him ... or go along with him to the end, even to the chopping block.

Rasputin shows how treason and betrayal change a person, using the example of Guskov. During his life in the forest winter hut, he not only changed outwardly beyond recognition: overgrown thick beard, haggard, but internally lost his human appearance. Andrei learned to howl like a wolf, so much so that the owner of the taiga himself retreated: “When it became completely sick, he opened the door and, as if fooling around, having fun, let out a plaintive and demanding bestial howl over the taiga. And he listened to how everything freezes and freezes away from him far around. The hero from afar follows a cow with a calf in a completely animal way and then kills him extremely cruelly. Sometimes Guskov is overwhelmed by "an unbridled, fierce desire to set fire to the mill" or somehow harm people. Of all the feelings he had only fear for own life, animal instinct of self-preservation.

According to Rasputin, treason and betrayal are detrimental to a person.

Guskov, who deserted, betrayed his homeland and his people, turns into a beast, completely losing his human appearance. However, because of his betrayal, not only he himself perishes, but also Nastena: “Increasingly, Nastena imagined that she was being pulled with force into some kind of narrow neck and would be pulled in until she could breathe, and then, pressed down, suffocating , half alive, in last moment take it out somewhere. Here take a look at this new life she did not succeed, for her she was as dark, as hidden, as the graveyard peace. The traitor has no future, the author claims, cowardice and betrayal are not forgotten and forgiven, it is impossible to live with them. That is why Nastena dies at the end of the story, becoming an eternal reproach to her husband: live and remember.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:

  • Without constancy there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue. (D. Addison)
  • In this world, I value only loyalty. Without it, you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (V. Vysotsky)
  • Betrayal originates in the heart before it manifests itself in action. (J. Swift)
  • Traitors are despised even by those they serve. (Publius Cornelius Tacitus)
  • Everyone's duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and courageous, to remain faithful to it, even at the cost of life. (J.-J. Rousseau)
  • The basis of love, its first condition is faith, unconditional fidelity and devotion. True love she is not blind, on the contrary, perhaps for the first time she opens the eyes of a man. The slightest betrayal of a loved one, if it happens sooner or later, there is total betrayal everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because this means that every day of a life full of trust was a lie and the heart was deceived. Anyone who has been unfaithful at least once has never been faithful. (David Scott)
  • Faithful love helps to endure all hardships. (F. Schiller)
  • An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that follows you while the sun is shining. (K. Dossi)
  • Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person at all. (E. Thelma)
  • Be true to yourself, and then just as surely as night follows day, loyalty to other people will follow. (W. Shakespeare)

What are the questions to think about?

  • Can loyalty be learned or is it an innate quality?
  • Can fidelity be the criterion of love?
  • Is it possible to call betrayal a betrayal in relation to oneself?
  • What can push a person to cheat?
  • How can cheating affect people's relationships?
  • Is it acceptable to fight on the side of your enemies?
  • Can betrayal be forgiven?
  • How important is being true to your word?

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