Beer "Gambrinus" from the story of the same name by A. Kuprin


Very briefly, a Jewish violinist playing in a beer garden in a port city experiences the Russo-Japanese War and Jewish pogroms. He is crippled, but the violinist's craving for music is great, and he continues to play the harmonica.

"Gambrinus" - a beer house in the basement of the southern port city. Every evening for many years in a row, the violinist Sashka the Jew plays here, a cheerful, eternally drunk man of indeterminate years, similar to a monkey. Invariably, at six o'clock in the evening, he comes to the pub with a violin and a small dog Belochka. In the same pub, Madame Ivanova works as a barmaid, fat woman, with a colorless face from many years of being in the basement.

Vessels from many countries arrive at the large port, smugglers hunt at night, there are many coffee shops, brothels, and shelters near the port. Those who arrived in the city and the inhabitants of these places certainly visit Gambrinus. Sashka plays without interruption the songs of all peoples and regions ordered to him. By evening, his pockets are full of silver coins. Visitors borrow small sums from him and never pay them back.

Begins Russo-Japanese War. Sasha is taken to the soldiers. Visitors to the pub are horrified, one of them even volunteers to go instead of the violinist. Sashka gives his violin to a worker, and leaves his dog to Madame Ivanova. Being an orphan, he sends the money he earns to distant relatives. He leaves his last salary to the barmaid, so that she can send it to the violinist's relatives after his departure.

Without Sasha and his violin, Gambrinus is empty. The owner invites various musicians, but they are bombarded with sausages. However, over time, Sasha is forgotten. An accordion player plays in the pub, and only Madame Ivanova and the little dog Squirrel remember the violinist.

Sasha returns a year later. The harmonist is kicked out, despite the contract concluded with him, and "Gambrinus" comes to life again.

Soon a Jewish pogrom begins in the city, but Sashka calmly walks the streets, they do not touch him. One of the rioters, angry that he cannot touch Sasha, kills his dog Squirrel.

Detectives enter Gambrinus, one of whom is Motka Gundosy, a baptized Jew. There is a quarrel between him and Sasha. Sashka breaks the violin on Gundosy, and he wants to take him to the station, but the crowd hides the violinist. They arrest him in the evening on the way from the pub.

Three months later, Sasha returns. His left hand twisted, “pinned with the elbow to the side” and does not unbend, apparently, the tendon is damaged. "Nothing! A person can be crippled, but art will endure everything and win everything, ”says Sashka, takes it with his healthy hand harmonica and starts playing the favorite songs of the Gambrinus visitors.

Kuprin A.I., Gambrinus.
The main actions of the work of A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus" take place in a pub with by the same name.
The pub was named after King Gambrinus, a certain patron of the beer business. The place itself was in the basement. The walls of the pub were always damp, the floor was thickly strewn with sawdust, and there were beer barrels instead of tables. To the right of the entrance was a stage. The musician Sashka played on it every evening for many years in a row "for the pleasure and entertainment of guests". He was a Jew, his appearance was a kind of shabby monkey, but everyone loved and respected him. Sashka had a small dog, Squirrel, who accompanied him always and everywhere. In addition to Sashka, there was another significant person in Gambrinus - the barmaid Madam Ivanova, who "like a captain of a ship from a wheelhouse" silently ordered the servants and constantly smoked.
The city's port has always been crowded with ships. English, Japanese, Russian, Polish, French. The Italian ships stood with their sides pressed tightly against each other. Sailors various countries and states were constant visitors to Gambrinus, and they were also Sasha's constant admirers. Everyone ordered him the melody of their country, their region, and Sashka played them with great success. By evening, the musician's pockets were heavy with silver coins, and he himself swayed slightly from the beer that he was treated to. But the next day he always appeared in Gambrinus again, and everything was repeated. With his violin playing, Sashka forced people to forget that they exist in the world. gray days, melancholy, work, despondency...
Sasha was deservedly appreciated.
Once Sashka came to Gambrinus earlier than usual. There was bitterness in his eyes; he was taken to war. It didn't hurt that he was Jewish. By evening, all Gambrinus knew about it. Out of sympathy, Sasha was given a dead drink, but his eyes still "looked sadness and horror." Sashka gave the violin to one worker, and the dog Squirrel to the barmaid - Madame Ivanova.
Without Sasha, Gambrinus "was empty and stalled." The owner tried to invite wandering mandolinists, but the audience coming to Gambrinus booed them and threw sausage bits at them. At first, they asked about Sasha almost every evening, wondering if there was a letter or postcard from him. But since time “grinds and washes everything”, the mandolin players were replaced and Leshka, an accordion player, a former thief, was firmly established.
A year has passed. No one remembered Sasha, except for Madame Ivanova.
Another year has passed. And then Sasha returned. As it turned out, he was not even injured. On the day Sasha returned, there were so many people in Gambrinus that there was nowhere to sit. The violin was returned to Sasha, and the dog Squirrel was again sitting at his feet. Everything was fine, it seemed that the musician had not changed at all. But Madame Ivanova noticed that longing and horror had not disappeared from his eyes.
Soon "variegated, changeable, stormy times" came. Crowds of people walked through the streets, sometimes there were pogroms. Jews were also beaten. But Sasha was not touched, because everyone knew him. However, not daring to harm him, one day a Squirrel was killed in front of his eyes. After the pogroms, there was an ominous silence in the city. Detectives walked around the city. They also came to Gambrinus. One of the detectives was a baptized Jew nicknamed Gundosy. Something he did not like in Sasha, and he attacked him. But after a few moments, everyone saw that Gundosy was lying on the floor, and Sasha was holding a fragment of his violin in his hands ... Of course, the crowd hid Sasha from the detectives in an instant. But in the evening, when Sashka was leaving the pub, several people attacked him. Sasha could be considered buried.
Three months have passed. One evening Sasha returned. He grew a beard and grew thin. But the most terrible thing was that Sasha's left hand "was twisted with his elbow to his side." It was clear that the hand was not unbent. To the questions of the people around him, Sasha answered that "something with the tendon." He could no longer play the violin. The audience was upset. But suddenly Sashka took out a harmonica with his healthy hand from his pocket. And the old melodies, long known to everyone, resounded in Gambrinus.
"A person can be crippled, but art will endure everything and win everything"
- with these words, the work of A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus" ends.


The story "Gambrinus" is one of the most famous works Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. This is a powerful hymn to internationalism. Kuprin wholeheartedly denied national strife. In his life, the writer communicated with people of the different origin- and found with everyone mutual language. He especially hated anti-Semitism, which in pre-revolutionary Russia accompanied by waves of terrible Jewish pogroms.

Pogroms broke out with all social upheavals. So the anger and indignation of the people with their difficult, hopeless life, the tsarist "Okhranka" translated into a channel convenient for the government.

The story takes place in a large port city. Although it is not named, many people immediately recognize Odessa in it, where there is a beer "Gambrinus" even now.

The main character is the violinist Sashka, a Jew, an orphan with no education. This man has a real gift - a beautiful musical memory and hearing. He also possesses composing abilities, composes plays based on folk Jewish melodies. He can realize his talent only by playing in a pub.

Music touches the simplest and rudest hearts: fishermen, sailors, thieves. Sasha won the love of everyone who just enters Gambrinus. This is a man who combines the age-old sadness of the Jewish people, artistry, wit.

The musician is distinguished by courage: he desperately argues with a servant of the tsarist secret police, defending his convictions and dignity.

Many problems are touched upon in Russian literature. When you recall the theme of creativity, the public or the relationship of people, the first thing that comes to mind is the story of A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus" and his main character- violinist Sasha, Jewish nationality. Sashka entered this world to please people with his talent - playing the violin. He devoted his whole life to art, to his beloved work.

He knew absolutely all the songs different peoples There wasn't one that he didn't know by heart. Thus, Sasha made people enjoy life, forget about all the problems and dance to his beautiful songs. The audience included people different nationalities I really liked Sasha. Even people different countries danced to the anthems of foreign nations. It seems to me that A. Kuprin calls everyone to internationalism, I propagate the equality of all people and the friendship of nations.

In this work, the author contrasts External qualities with internal ones. "a small, bald man with the appearance of a shabby monkey of indefinite years." But Sasha was respected by everyone because of his great skill and inner, kind and pleasant qualities of a person.

Kuprin also did not leave in the shade eternal theme art, stating: “A person can be crippled, but art will endure everything and win everything” - with these words the work “Gambrinus” ends

Updated: 2014-10-18

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Plan - abstract open lesson by subject

Literature for class 8 Suvorov students

on this topic « Humanistic pathos story by A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus"

Compiled by: teacher of a separate discipline (Russian language and literature)

Simakova T.I.

Methodological substantiation

This topic- “The humanistic pathos of A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus" - studied in the section "Literature of the XX century". On the work of A.I. Kuprin is given two hours. One of them is for acquaintance and analysis of the story "Gambrinus".

Methodical goal lesson: the use of techniques and methods of critical thinking in the analysis artwork.

Learning goals:

Development goals:

Educational goals:

Internal connections: history of the creation of the story; socio-political views of the writer; using an explanation of new material based on previously studied material; the role of music in revealing the main image.

Interdisciplinary connections: the material selected for the study of the topic is related to literature, history, music, painting, military training, physical culture.

Technology:"Development of critical thinking" (TRKM) when working with text"

Methodical techniques and methods: teacher's word, work with text, "Intellectual warm-up" technique, commented reading, vocabulary work, "I know - I don't know" technique, clustering, analytical conversation, reception "Reading with stops", a creative story (on behalf of the main character), compiling a syncwine; reproductive and verbal methods, problem-search, illustrative method.


Lesson topic:

Educational: to acquaint with the features of creativity and attitude of A.I. Kuprin on the example of the work "Gambrinus"; show the exclusivity of the talent of the protagonist; identify the main problems posed by the author in the story.

Developing: development of such basic personality traits as critical thinking, communication, creativity, mobility, independence, tolerance, responsibility for one's own choice and the results of one's activities.

Educational: the formation of a reading culture, which includes the ability to navigate information sources, use different reading strategies, adequately understand what is read, sort information in terms of its importance, “screen out” secondary information, critically evaluate new knowledge, draw conclusions and generalizations.

material support lesson: presentation; footage from the movie; additional material on the history of Russia; booklet, booktrailer; reproduction of a painting by V.V. Vereshchagin "The Apotheosis of War"; story by A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus"; table; the text of the article with which students work when determining the genre of the work.

Working methods: teacher’s word, work with text, “Intellectual warm-up” technique, commented reading, vocabulary work, “I know - I don’t know” technique, clustering, analytical conversation, “Reading with stops” technique, creative story (on behalf of the main character), compilation syncwine; reproductive and verbal methods, problem-search, illustrative method.

Forms of work: group, steam room, general class, individual, steam room.

Forms of control: self-control, mutual control, teacher control.

Interdisciplinary connections: literature, history, music, painting, military training, Physical Culture.

During the classes:

Checking the preparedness of students for the lesson (survey on the material covered). Motivation to learning activities(Creation emotional mood, wishing success, observing the valeological aspect)

(call stage)- awakening of existing knowledge, interest in the information received, actualization of life experience.

Today in the lesson we will turn to the work of the Russian writer of the 19th century. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Let's remember what works of this writer you met in literature lessons in primary school and in grades 5-6. Based on the presentation slide and booklet, answer the following questions: Slide 1 booklet.

Questions about the studied works. Reception "Intellectual warm-up" (poll)

– In what work is Artaud the dog one of the main characters? ("White Poodle")

- What work tells about the history of an unhappy family and a happy meeting of the head of the family in new year's eve? (« Miraculous Doctor»)

- In what work main character- the girl was cured by an elephant? ("Elephant")

What story tells about the life of a racehorse? ("Emerald")

- In the 5th grade, you studied Kuprin's story "Taper". What is this story about? What is its theme?(On the eve of the celebration of Christmas, it turns out that the long-awaited holiday cannot take place, because they forgot to invite the pianist. Tatyana Arkadyevna, one of the Rudnev sisters, instructs Dunyasha to find the pianist at all costs. Composer A.G. Rubinshtein made Yura one of his students)

duty report

Greeting, observance of the valeological aspect

Students answer questions based on slide #1 of the presentation and booklet.

The painful life of the "official boy" was depicted in the story "At the Break".

Brief retelling

Taper, -a, m.A musician (pianist, accordion player, etc.) who played for a fee at dance parties.

Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will continue the conversation about the features of Kuprin's creativity and attitude using the example works"Gambre And nous."

Fill out the table. Reception "I know - I do not know."(see Attachment)

Recording in notebooks in compliance with the requirements of the EOP.

Fill in the table

Determine the purpose of the lesson

Presentation of new material on questions. (comprehension of content)

Message about the facts of Kuprin's biography using Video lesson, presentation (Slide number 2) and booklet.


Alexander Kuprin was born in the county town of Narovch A those Penza province in the family of an official. After the death of his father, Sasha's mother, Lyubov Alekseevna, moved with her son to Moscow.

At the age of six, the boy was assigned to the orphanage Moscow Razumovsky boarding school.

In 1880, Alexander entered the Second Moscow Cadet Corps, then the Alexander School, which he graduated with the rank of second lieutenant, served in the Podolsk province.

Already in cadet corps he became interested in literature. After the first publications, Kuprin felt a gift for writing. The life of an officer, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works. (See booklet)

The booklet shows those works in which Kuprin talks about military service. I think you, as military people, will be interested in reading them.

2 Suvorovets:

Presentation. Slide number 2.

For a decade after his resignation, Kuprin dabbled in different professions: was a newspaper reporter, house construction manager, bred tobacco, served in technical office, was a psalmist, played in the theater, studied dentistry, tried to be a monk, worked in a smithy and a carpentry workshop, unloaded watermelons, taught at a school for the blind, worked in a steel mill, went down under water in a diving suit, flew an airplane.

Kuprin was an ardent opponent of the war. He always believed that revolution and rebellion is a road to nowhere, to death. But in all his work he was truthful and honest.

History of the story. Slide #3

Kuprin's story "Gambr And nous" appeared in the magazine " Modern world in February 1907. The prototype of the protagonist in the story was the violinist Alexander Pevzner, with whom the writer was closely acquainted.

Slide number 4. Sculptor A. Knyazik dedicated his work to him,

Slide number 5. which is located in Odessa.

- Define the genre of the work. For this you have to work With theoretical material paired with. On the desk hung out possible options response: story, tale, essay.

Slide number 6.

pay attention to epigraph our lesson, think about what story topic?

Slide number 7.

The topic of our lesson is “The humanistic pathos of A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus".

How do you understand the word "humanistic"? Pick up the word "humanism" synonyms.

Slide number 8. Compiling a cluster to the word "humanism". (humanity, philanthropy, respect, kindness, compassion, responsiveness, understanding, sympathy, mercy, mutual assistance, dignity, democracy, life position)

Can we say that all these words can be attributed to the main character of the story?

Slide #9

Sasha image. Analytical conversation.

1. Find a description of Sasha's appearance.

2. What kind of music did Sasha play? Reception "Reading with stops"

View frame number 1 from the movie.

3. Why did everyone love Sasha? (Everyone hears in his music native, deep personal).

View frame number 2 from the movie.

4. What kind of music did Madame Ivanova ask Sasha to play?

View frame number 3 from the movie.

5. Why did the professor from the conservatory call Sashka's music "clownery"?

In chapter 5, Kuprin talks about the events related to the Russo-Japanese War. Let's listen to the historical background of these events. Slide #10

Historical reference. Report on the Russo-Japanese War.

On January 27, 1904, the Russo-Japanese War began. Its cause was the confrontation between Russia and Japan in the Far East. Slide #11 The Japanese side began hostilities by attacking Port Arthur. Slide #12 The course of the war immediately began to take shape not in favor of Russia. However, the Russian government, as if not seeing these facts, continued to expand in relation to Far East, and decided to use the war with Japan itself as an opportunity to distract the people from serious social problems. The Japanese economy was exhausted by the war. This forced her to go to peace negotiations. In August 1905, a peace treaty was signed in the American city of Portsmouth.

The defeat of Russia showed the weakness of the tsarist policy, which contributed to the growth of revolutionary sentiment and eventually led to the revolution of 1905-1907.

I would like to name those who, despite the defeat in the war, left a good reputation for themselves. (Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet S. O. Makarov) Slide #13

Slide #14 Vasily Vasilievich Vereshchagin (1842-1904) - Russian painter and writer. When the Russo-Japanese War began, Vereshchagin went to the front. He died in the battle of Port Arthur as a result of an explosion on the battleship Petropavlovsk on March 31, 1904. We have already referred to his painting. Slide #15

What is war for man? What does she bring him?

6. Does the zucchini change after Sasha leaves for the front?

7. How do Gambrinus visitors perceive Sasha's return two years later?

8. Why did the boilermaker keep Sasha's violin and not drink it away?

What event, described in chapter 7, changed Sasha's life?

Historical reference. Jewish pogroms. Slide #16

In October 1905, up to 690 (six hundred and ninety) pogroms took place in Russia in 102 (one hundred and two) settlements. The victims were different. ethnic background but the majority are Jews. About 4 thousand Jews were killed, 10 thousand were injured. Over 400 (four hundred) Jews died in Odessa. The main participants in these pogroms were soldiers and policemen.

9. How does Sasha behave during the pogrom?

10. How do we see Sasha in a dispute with Gundos?

11. How is the return of Sasha with a broken arm perceived in the tavern?

12. Do you feel sorry for Sasha when we read about how awkwardly and clumsily he puts his whistle into his mouth?

Suvorovets plays the flute.

Let's go back to the title of the story. Why is it so named? Who is Gambrinus? Slide #17

Suvorov's message.

There is a legend about how Duke Jan the First became King Gambrinus.

Once the brewers of Brussels decided to elect their leader, who must be strong and courageous. They organized a competition in which they put a large barrel of beer on the ground. The one who can carry it to the post will become their main brewer.

When his turn came, he ordered the servant to beat the bushings into the hole in the barrels. Then he lay down under it, turned on the faucet and drank until the barrel was empty. Then effortlessly moved the barrel to the post.

Based on this ingenious idea, the brewers of Brussels appointed him their honorary leader "Gambrinus, the King of Beer".

What character trait (according to legend) did

Gambrinus? (savvy)

In what way is Sasha similar to this hero?

But why doesn't Kuprin name the story after him? Remember historical background writing a story. (censorship)

Were you right in your judgments about the genre of the work?

Let's return to the epigraph. Slide #18

Who owns last words in a story? How do you understand this phrase? (This is an expression of the author's position. The metaphor is clear: the world without art is a basement)

Listen, take notes in the process of the story.

The form of work is general.

Self-control, mutual control, teacher control.

Working in pairs

Students answer questions

Make up a cluster (write the words on the slide with a “feather”)

Participate in conversation.

They reason.

Suvorov message

Suvorov message

Suvorovets plays the flute.

Suvorov message

Working with a table

Independent work students

(reflection stage)

Group work.

1 group. creative story about Sasha(on behalf of minor hero)

2 group. Composing a syncwine

3rd group. Answer the questions based on the booklet. A short story, but how many universal questions are raised in it. What? (- the question of art, which will endure everything and conquer everything;

Good and evil, life and death, meanness, betrayal and heights human soul;

national question)

Define the problem and the idea of ​​the work.

Having experienced humiliation, the dangers of the front, the hardships of Japanese captivity, the horror of the pogrom, the bullying of the Okhrana, Sashka retained the Man in himself. Kuprin answers the question of what role art plays in a person's life.

Give the facts of history, literature and art, confirming the idea of ​​Kuprin: "Art will endure everything and win everything." ( composer Beethoven At the age of 26, he began to lose his hearing, artist Rembrandt despite his brilliant talent, he died in poverty and loneliness, a forgotten, useless master, Molière, Anna Akhmatova, Solzhenitsyn)

Group reports.

Slide #19- As future officers, how do you feel about the events taking place in Syria? (destroyed historical monuments in Palmyra)


Forms of control: self-control, mutual control.

Work in groups

Make up a story

Individual task, from several syncwines they make up one, with the content of which everyone agrees, and present it for discussion.

Answer questions

View Booktrailer

Self-study task. (Optional)

Answer in writing, the genre is free (story, poem, diary entries etc.):

    Why is the story of A.I. Kuprin "Gambrinus"?

    A creative story about Sasha from the perspective of a minor character.

Write down in a diary

Teacher ________________________ / Simakova T.I./

(signature, acting surname)

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