Fun awards ceremony. Awards at the corporate party: comic nominations and not only ...


Awarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a fun conclusion to the official part entertainment program. It defuses the atmosphere and brings a festive mood to the event.

In each team, you can always single out a person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or dances well, who is the most erudite, etc. This will be your hint in the nominations. Try not to repeat the nominations.

Comic award options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • oscar figurines
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered in special places, and if there are craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can buy children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely leave such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photos of graduates and write under each photo of the graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes-wishes.

Award nomination options

Nominations for awarding can reflect the personality traits of the character of the recipient, his business qualities or rely on some single, but all famous case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, habits, outstanding external data, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that both the audience and the recipient like the nominations. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation and others. negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember your the main task when compiling nominations - do not spoil anyone's festive mood!

I offer you wide choose joke nominations:

Mister / Miss

  • Activity
  • anti-punctuality
  • Amazon
  • Antistress
  • Artistry
  • Carelessness
  • Fighter for justice
  • Veselchak (Joker)
  • magic voice
  • know-it-all
  • Fearless Warrior
  • Genius
  • Idea's generator
  • Grace
  • Delicacy
  • DJ
  • Kindness
  • good faith
  • good nature
  • Friendliness
  • Sole of company
  • Mystery
  • Entertainer (Entertainer)
  • pop star
  • sophistication
  • Grace
  • Intelligence
  • Seeker of adventures
  • Cinema fan
  • Yoke
  • Compromise
  • Handsome
  • Eloquence
  • Creativity
  • Cool guys are all over the place!
  • Lightness of Being
  • best biceps
  • Women's favorite
  • Animal lover
  • Curiosity
  • music lover
  • Dreamer
  • Model (Supermodel)
  • Wisdom
  • Observation
  • Real Gentleman
  • real lady
  • Resourcefulness
  • Extraordinary (Extraordinary personality)
  • unpredictability
  • Fidget
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • Model of intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Optimism (Optimiss and Optimister)
  • Speaker or voice of the people
  • Originality
  • Responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Charm
  • Positive
  • Political commentator
  • Popularity
  • kidnapper female hearts
  • Psychotherapist
  • Prankster (Prankster)
  • prudence
  • Determination
  • Romantic
  • Knight
  • Heartbreaker (Heartbreaker)
  • Storyteller
  • Modesty (Humble)
  • Wits
  • Athlete (Sportswoman)
  • Justice
  • Style
  • Slenderness (Slender)
  • Mystery
  • Privy Councilor
  • Tact
  • Dancer
  • Creative person
  • Confidence
  • Smile
  • Dreamer
  • cunning
  • Laughing
  • Generosity
  • Energy
  • Scrabble
  • Humorist
  • Mr "I'm Busy"
  • It's hard to be a god
  • War is war, but lunch is on schedule
  • Desperate Drybite
  • avid coffee lover
  • Best Chipseater
  • Honored Master of Feng Shui
  • Social Media Goddess
  • Photo monster
  • Internet Maniac
  • Just a Goddess
  • light head
  • Simply Genius
  • Computer genius
  • Our Muse
  • Master of golden pens
  • Mr. Bean
  • Thumbelina
  • Mermaid (most long hair)
  • Cowboy Joe, etc.

Nominee Awards Ceremony

How can you beat this or that nomination at the awards ceremony? I offer options for some nominations:

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Antistress"

This is the most calm person a team. Communication with him brings you into a state of peace, so you want to communicate with him (her) again and again ...

Nominations "Mr. Veselchak and Miss Laughter"

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
The winners in this category are _____________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Lightness of Being"

Genius carelessness and distraction. He has a great talent to always and everywhere be late, but always and everywhere to be in time! How does he (she) do it?

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Curiosity"

This is the most inquisitive person in the team. It is he (she) who will until the last beat out of you all the information about everything, everything, everything ...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Speaker, or voice of the people"

He (she) is the most eloquent person who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Responsibility"

Despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms and rising prices for gold and oil, there will always be right place and in right time. For responsible attitude to the daily routine

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Sunshine"

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Competently selected nominations for rewarding employees act no worse than material incentives. What to hand over to employees so that they remember the event for a long time, read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Why are nominations needed to reward employees?

Rewarding employees is an effective tool of non-material motivation. Not everyone dreams of receiving an award, because people's values ​​are different. The main thing is not to reward the same specialists from year to year, otherwise it will lead to conflicts and a decrease in loyalty.

Award titles at corporate parties when most of employees going together. Choose honorary titles related to the type of activity, character traits, or rely on other criteria. Make sure that cool nominations for rewarding employees were not insulted or humiliated.


During the period of crisis, when the company cannot accrue bonuses and issue material bonuses, use interesting nominations to reward employees. Organize an event to increase staff engagement.

What criteria should be taken into account when choosing nominations for rewarding employees?

Compile and coordinate with the higher management descriptions of merits and achievements applicable to different categories of persons: for managers, specialists, ordinary performers. Choose comic and serious nominations to reward your employees. Be smart, think about what you personally remember in human activities for a certain period of time.

Consider the success of a top manager the implementation complex project. Performers are rewarded for the fact that they worked hard or without fail, and specialists - for the quick solution of current problems.

When awarding nominations for a corporate comic, describe merit of staff variably - list several signs for which you decided to reward. How other employees who did not receive a prize will react to the situation depends on your words. List real successes, don't be personal. Subjective opinion demotivates people who are left out of your field of attention.

When choosing nominations for corporate employees, consult with colleagues who are not related to management. Let them offer options, highlight employees whose merits they remember. It's impossible to get everyone's opinion, but if you're in a quandary, organize an online vote or a written survey.

Editorial tip:

Be prepared for the fact that playful corporate party nominations and intangible prizes can cause negative feedback. Work out a line of behavior in advance to calm disgruntled employees. About how to prepare , read in the magazine "Director of Human Resources".

According to the forum

The most important fashion critic "Some comic nominations for men need clarification. For example, "The Most Important Fashion Critic" is awarded to those male representatives who closely monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. At the same time, in reality, they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the cut. " The best connoisseur privacy» There is such a person in any company. As a rule, he is always aware of the personal lives of all employees. He knows who and with whom he lives, with whom he meets, with whom he quarrels, from whom and for what reason his wife left, who is cheating on her husband, and so on.

Comic nominations for corporate honoring.

  • “Headless Horseman” - in any team there is an employee to whom the management periodically issues a tirade: “It would be better if you lost your head!”. This is a nomination for people who do not lose the necessary documents in time.
  • "Breakthrough of the Year" - probably, there is a fearless leader in your office - brave and risky, who is not afraid to take on new tasks and rally a group of enthusiasts around him. This award is for him.

How to nominate colleagues in poetry in an original way? We present a selection of comic nominations in verse for rewarding employees:

  • For the first beauty in your team:

The eyes, like the sea, reflect And the brilliance, and the blue spill of the sky, And the lips glow with juiciness, And the mouth is devilishly beautiful!

  • Nomination for the best financial director:

Money, money, money, money, I'm a financial tycoon: Three is in my pocket - Dollar, euro and manat.

Awards at the corporate party - comic nominations and not only ...


Such titles must be awarded to the security guards of the firm or office.

  • "Harry Potter". In every team there is a person who can get anything. And this is the head of the economic department.

Preparing for the ceremony To organize such an important event, it is necessary to conduct high-quality preparation.

It includes several stages:
  1. Organizational. On it is created creative Group who will plan the event. It includes young and creative employees of the team.
    At this stage, it is necessary to choose those responsible for the various elements of the event: the scenario, the design of the premises, the development of certificates and thank you letters, purchase of commemorative prizes, etc.
  2. Preparatory.

Madame life

This will expand the circle of communication of your team, learn more about each other. A selection of comic awards for employees We offer you several funny categories of awards for a corporate party. It is not necessary to use these nominations. You can easily change the titles or description to make the fun awards unique to your group and specific recipients. Nominations can be from "For selfless office work" to "Best tamer of mice", meaning a computer mouse.

Last nomination best suited to your sysadmin. Cool nominations for women: ATTENTION! Do you feel lonely? Are you losing hope of finding love? Would you like to improve your personal life? You will find your love if you use one thing that helps Marilyn Kerro, the finalist of three seasons of the Battle of Psychics. More…

Comic nominations for corporate employees in poetry and prose


Sport for him is entertainment up to a sweat and at the same time sport is an opportunity to show his best qualities. He is a captain, coach and just a strong shoulder - (last name, first name, patronymic). We made a knight's move and give you a trotter. IN old days half a kingdom was given for such.

(The prize is a toy horse.) Nomination Musaist Since the 19th century, lyceum students have been called "lyceum students", gymnasium students - "gymnasium students", we decided to call a person who has been repeatedly visited by the muse in our time, modestly - "Musaist"! Creative people they love immodest applause... The man is a legend... The Lord of the word and the master of rhyme... (last name, first name, patronymic).

Cool nominations for rewarding employees

He (she) can endlessly tell stories from the story (company) “Master of Golden Hands”: dedicated to an employee, by a magical wave of his hand, any office equipment will “clog” in work. “They only dream of peace”: This is definitely about him or about her. About those who are called the ringleader and "motor" of the company, This is a sparkle in the eyes and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy, There he (she) is sitting at the next table! "I looked back to look": Men's Choice Award. The woman is amazing and unpredictable, When she walks down the corridor, I always try to turn around and look after her! "He's our superman...": Women's Choice Award.

He is strong, courageous. The most gallant man in our company. " Unbearable lightness being": Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness.

Comic nominations for men. nominations for corporate comic

Useful advice When holding events dedicated to significant dates for the company, in the nomination for rewarding employees, it is necessary to include special ones for pensioners, which for a long time worked for the company. This will serve as a positive motivation for the current working members of the team. Conclusion In any organization, to create a favorable psychological climate needed individual approach to every employee.


The event, which provides for nominations for rewarding employees, will contribute to team building. After all, everyone wants their work to be noticed and appreciated. Why do you need a tiny pocket on jeans? Everyone knows that there is a tiny pocket on jeans, but few have thought about why it might be needed.

Interestingly, it was originally a place for the…

Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees at a corporate party

The prize is a children's spatula.) Nomination Man-orchestra This is the noisiest worker. If Uncle Styopa could be seen from a mile away, then this man can be heard from a mile away. It can be listed in the Guinness Book of Records, but, fortunately, it is listed in another book ... of accounting for the company's personnel - (last name, first name, patronymic). (The prize is a conductor's baton.) Nomination Lighter Man “Hello, fire department? Fry the meat! - We do not fry, we stew! - Well then put it out! The most fire hazardous worker is presented in the next nomination not because he indulges in a lighter, he basically does not smoke, his energy and pressure are comparable to fire, a spark that is always with him! This is (last name, first name, patronymic). We decided, in a good sense of the word, to add fuel to the fire. (The prize is a bottle of olive oil.) Nomination Strong link This is a man with a rod who completes the construction of the house, planted trees, and took his son to school.
Let's determine all together who we have "The most, the most, the most ..." and we'll tell them all this, right in the face and in front of everyone! It is NOT NECESSARY to think and consult with each other for a long time, write those who first come to mind. Opinions will be taken into account in the aggregate, confidentiality is guaranteed. We really hope for you. P.S. Only, please, one nomination - one surname, but at the same time one person can be nominated several times. "Uma chamber": This is the most, most ... head (of the company), This is our most intelligent employee or employee, This is our clever, erudite and intellectual, He can handle the most difficult tasks! “Miss/Mr. antistress”: This is the most, most calm voice of the company, Communication with him brings you into a state of peace, you want to communicate with him (her) again and again “Keeper of Traditions”: You can always find out from him or her ... ..
Grapes - one of the most noble plants on earth, which gives the most ancient alcoholic drink- wine and, of course, juice! A person who intoxicates with his charisma and squeezes the last juices out of himself and his department - (first name, last name)! Pepper. This vegetable does not need special comment, but still, let me say a few words about ... (first name, last name). We saw this person in action, and he is really cool! You can say about him: “It's all about the pepper, all the pepper is in the business”! Thirdly, despite small size office, he achieves great results! Pineapple is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It is mentioned in songs, poems, proverbs and sayings: Small pineapple, but expensive. One pineapple is good, but two is better. It was called pineapple - climb into champagne. The popularity of our team has been won largely due to the charm of ... (first name, last name).

Nominations for rewarding employees comic at corporate

As you know, there was a golden age in poetry, silver and even iron, but thanks to his talent, critics tend to judge that the "pearl age" is coming! (The prize is a souvenir "Pearl in the Heart".) Nomination Beauty - horrible power These immortal words of Faina Ranevskaya became the name of the next nomination! It presents a man of rare external and inner beauty which will definitely save the world! He attracts attention, he serves as a standard, his appearance in the team is always an event - (last name, first name, patronymic). (The prize is a life buoy with the inscription “Beauty is a terrible force.”) Nomination Paradise gardener If paradise appears on earth, this will not happen without the participation of this person.


Cool nominations for rewarding employees


If you don't know how to relieve stress, don't wear it.

IN corporate culture Against the backdrop of the world-famous Oscar and TEFI ceremonies, it has become fashionable to solemnly present at corporate holidays various prizes and awards in various categories.

And although the competition between workers for the title of production leader remained in the Soviet past, the nomination and verbal gratitude remain important ways non-financial incentives for employees.

At a corporate event for the occasion, or on the day of the official part, you can build around an employee awards ceremony.

We bring to your attention the possible names for corporate nominations.

Nomination Sportsmaster

This person is a living personification of the saying “Recreation is active, sports holiday”. Sport for him is entertainment up to the sweat and at the same time sport is an opportunity to show his best qualities. He is the captain, coach and just a strong shoulder - ( Full Name). We made a knight's move and give you a trotter. In the old days, half the kingdom was given for such.

(The prize is a toy horse.)

Nomination Museist

Since the 19th century, lyceum students have been called "lyceum students", gymnasium students - "gymnasium students", a person who in our time has been repeatedly visited by the muse, we decided to call modestly - "Museist"! Creative people love immodest applause... Legendary man... Lord of words and master of rhyme... ( Full Name). As you know, there was a golden age in poetry, silver and even iron, but thanks to his talent, critics tend to judge that the "pearl age" is coming!

(The prize is a souvenir "Pearl in the Heart".)

Nomination Beauty is a terrible force

These immortal words of Faina Ranevskaya became the name of the next nomination! It presents a man of rare external and internal beauty, which, of course, will save the world! He attracts attention, he serves as a standard, his appearance in the team is always an event - ( Full Name).

(The prize is a life buoy with the inscription "Beauty is a terrible force.")

Nomination Gardener of Paradise

If heaven appears on earth, it will not happen without the participation of this person. After all, he fights not only for beauty, but also for the health of his colleagues, rewarding you with the most important wealth - air, without which a person cannot live even five minutes! Messenger garden of paradise - (Full Name).

(The prize is a small watering can.)

Poet's Dream nomination

Yes, such a woman is not only to a burning hut or a galloping horse ... She is on a rock, and uphill, and for the smell of the taiga, because, as you know, many today go "for money, for money ...", and she goes for the smell adventure, romance and tourism - ( Full Name).

(The prize is a compass.)

Nomination Excellence in Labor Training

This worker is always ready for work, he is not late from vacation, from lunch, from a work break. He owns the techniques of industrial gymnastics and does not sleep at the workplace. To the question: “Ready for work?” he confidently replies, "Always!" -( Full Name).

(The prize is a children's spatula.)

Nomination Man-orchestra

This is the noisiest worker. If Uncle Styopa could be seen from a mile away, then this man can be heard from a mile away. It can be entered in the Guinness Book of Records, but, fortunately, it is listed in another book ... accounting for the company's personnel - ( Full Name).

(The prize is a conductor's baton.)

Nomination Lighter Man

“Hello, fire department? Fry the meat! - We do not fry, we stew! - Well then put it out! The most fire hazardous worker is presented in the next nomination not because he indulges in a lighter, he basically does not smoke, his energy and pressure are comparable to fire, a spark that is always with him! This ( Full Name). We decided, in a good sense of the word, to add fuel to the fire.

(The prize is a bottle of olive oil.)

Nomination Strong Link

This is a man with a rod, who completes the construction of the house, and planted trees, and took his son to school. He is an indispensable person at work, at home and on holiday. If it is not there, everyone understands: there is no “strong link”! Category Winner - ( Full Name). Without exaggeration, you are a real hammer!

(The prize is a hammer.)

Nomination Night Watch

The winner in this nomination understands firsthand the words of the famous police anthem, which sings about a difficult service, he knows how much a pound is dashing and that the nights are dark not only in the city of Sochi. A midnight maniac, a storm of crime and a faithful keeper of material and spiritual values, all this - ( Full Name).

(Prize - book " The night Watch with a commemorative autograph of the director.)

I’m writing to you, what more?”, For the unique ability to write SMS messages in any place, position and position, For the efficient and uninterrupted use of all available types of written communication (E-mail, ICQ, sms) “In step with the times” For a responsible attitude to the work schedule: despite crazy traffic jams, world cataclysms, the fall of the dollar and the rise in prices for gold and oil, will appear in the right place and at the right time (Source: Thanks to the authors The selection is posted for review RELATED ARTICLES: Comic nominations and medals to colleagues on February 23. Comic congratulations and gifts for the 10th anniversary of the company. Scenario of a corporate party "Let's compliment each other" Music games and contests for corporate parties Scenes by March 8 and February 23 for corporate parties and parties.

Comic nominations for corporate honoring.

This will expand the circle of communication of your team, learn more about each other. A selection of comic awards for employees We offer you several funny categories of awards for a corporate party. It is not necessary to use these nominations. You can easily change the titles or description to make the fun awards unique to your group and specific recipients. Nominations can be from "For selfless office work" to "Best tamer of mice", meaning a computer mouse.

The last nomination is best for your system administrator. Cool nominations for women: ATTENTION! Do you feel lonely? Are you losing hope of finding love? Would you like to improve your personal life? You will find your love if you use one thing that helps Marilyn Kerro, the finalist of three seasons of the Battle of Psychics. More…

Comic nominations for corporate employees in poetry and prose

Home » Holidays » Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees at a corporate party No corporate party can do without special contests. Scenarios for such events are usually compiled by an initiative group of workers. Depending on the occasion of the feast, they come up with jokes prizes.

One of the most popular entertainment at parties is rewarding employees with nominations. You can present such fun in original form. In every enterprise there is an employee who differs from others in his qualities. This can be said about any employee. Nominations for titles are thought out in advance, and special awards in the form of non-standard items are also purchased.

Consider the popular nomination options for rewarding employees:

  1. Mister or Mrs.

Madame life

If you think that a corporate party can do without an impressive final chord in the form of comic rewarding employees - you are mistaken. Cheerful, positive and bright end of the official part holiday program everyone is waiting. Therefore, the main thing is not to deceive the expectations of employees and develop an awards ceremony that will emphasize the ideas of a corporate event and, at the same time, become one of the most memorable and key moments of the holiday.

However, it is not easy to think through such a conclusion, and the advice that can be found on the Internet is haphazard and scattered, which is why achieving the desired results is immediately put under pressure. big question. eventspro has systematized the network experience of conducting prank corporate awards to help you choose the right directions corporate incentives for employees.

Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees at a corporate party

Do you want your corporate event to be interesting, with a fair amount of humor, unique? Include comic nominations in your program. Comic nominations are always original, original, fun. corporate event, or as they say, corporate parties, for a long time give us a supply of vivacity, joy, positive emotions.

So, let's get started, the first nomination ... "I will command the parade" In this nomination, the palm belongs to the head, director of the enterprise, chief manager. He is our commander, lord. “My position is known to everyone, I will command the parade.” "In chocolate" One of the most successful ladies of your team can become the winner of this nomination. The lady is successful and lucky. Or a big fan of the solarium can win the nomination.

Awards at the corporate party - comic nominations and not only ...


For example, organize a nomination for best competition, script or toast. In the last version of the award, it’s a good idea to organize special attributes - purchase a red carpet, purchase Oscar toy figurines. Original awards for different professions Depending on the name of the nomination, it is also worth giving incentive prizes to employees. Such a move will help to significantly bring together and liberate colleagues, which is necessary for a successful event.

Note! In the nominations, it is worth mentioning only those professions that, in fact, cannot exist in the team. IN Lately Outdoor parties are gaining popularity. In this case, it is worth considering in advance where to place the prizes so that no one notices them.

Comic nominations for men. nominations for corporate comic

So: Bird-talker (sometimes so), Master of Feng Shui, MMORPG-amateur (a fan of online games), DJ (always with headphones), Anecdotoman (amuses with jokes), coffee lover and much, much more! We are sure that your employees are very versatile people. Smarties and clever girls Collect in this nomination all the actions of employees (both serious and funny) related to any discoveries and ideas. Simply Talent (for guessing crossword puzzles or successfully solving grade 4 problems for the director's son), Kinder Surprise (for the youngest and most active employees), Breakthrough of the Year, Idea Generator, and more fit perfectly here.
To be 100% prepared for a corporate party and create a great atmosphere, don't forget about contests, use our selection of contests, games, sweepstakes and quizzes that are perfect for any corporate party.


On the same topic, you can come up with similar nominations, for example, in the heading: “for the record cups of coffee drunk during the working day”, “for the record frequency of visiting the smoking room”, and so on. In a word, come up with comic nominations for employees and at the same time emphasizing individual characteristics each of the nominated employees. "Bird-talker" An excellent nomination, in which people who like to talk a lot can be involved. They usually talk regardless of whether they are on their lunch break or doing some activities in work time. As a prize, such employees can be presented with a mouthpiece or a poster in the style of "silence is gold."

"Chief psychotherapist of the firm" To the selection of candidates suitable for given name premiums must be approached very carefully. Comic nominations should cheer up, not upset.

Nominations for corporate comic in prose

He (she) is always and everywhere late, But always and everywhere in time, although he (her) is never there! How does he (she) do it? "Thinking at the speed of sound": This is our smartest employee or employee. Have you repeatedly contacted him or her for good advice. And, what is most interesting - they always received it! "Artist of large and small scenes": Let there be interruptions in hearing But there is a loud voice, Good (a) from his face ...
Yes, the advantages of all can not be counted! If you suddenly ask what you need, You will arrange a scene in an instant, And marvel at talent Both a colleague and ... "Dear friend": If you want - shout, If you want - whisper, If you want - be silent, like a dumb. He (she) does not care: he will hear joy, he will feel grief And, of course, he will share with you! The Da Vinci Code (Keeper of Secrets and Passwords): This is the most, most, most "secret" head of the company.

A person who can, as if by chance, throw a couple of phrases that can change the policy of the company. And, at the same time, and his position in it);

  • National Geographic correspondent (someone who loves to travel and talk about it, and his desk is littered with souvenirs from other countries).

Of course, you know your employees better than we do. Therefore, perhaps other fun and more appropriate nominations will come to your mind.

How else to entertain employees, read the article "Ideas for a corporate party." Nominations Hobbies Feel free to use the passions and habits of your employees! And for greater effect, do not forget to add the word "Best", "Diligent", "Brave" and other similar epithets. The name of the nomination depends only on your imagination and observation.
An excellent gift option is an anti-sterss keychain, because the psychotherapist also needs to control the thoughts “Firefighter” or “Rescuer of the Year” - a person who helps the whole company get out of difficult situation Lighter in the form of a fire extinguisher - great idea for a gift "He only dreams of peace" - for rewarding a hardworking employee A souvenir in the form of a bunny on batteries will please a colleague "Keeper of Traditions" - a nomination for a colleague who has worked in the company long time Give an employee a notebook with the inscription "for urgent thoughts" "In chocolate" - for an employee who always succeeds The ideal option will become a high-quality delicacy tile Awarding nominations for various holidays at work Humorous nominations can be invented not only on the occasion of the anniversary of the company, but also on such holidays as New Year, March 8, men's day and others.

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