Smeshariki birthday series. Children's birthday in Smeshariki style


kids preschool age They enjoy watching “Smeshariki” and follow all the events in the lives of Krosh, Hedgehog, Barash and Nyusha. If your child is celebrating a birthday soon, you can prepare an unusual surprise that a young fan of the educational animated series will love.

The most important day of the year should be bright and eventful. Therefore, holding a children’s birthday party must be planned down to the smallest detail: come up with a script, hang up the decor in the style of “Smesharikov,” order a cake with the main characters of the cartoon. And, of course, present the most desired gift to the hero of the occasion at the end of the holiday.

We share the secrets of how to organize a children's birthday in the Smeshariki style so that the birthday boy and his friends will find it interesting and fun. Create a creative and friendly atmosphere and don't let anyone get bored!

Children's party decoration

If a child is celebrating a birthday in the warm season, it is worth considering the idea of ​​holding a party on fresh air. For example, in a cozy gazebo in the courtyard of a private house or in a country house. An indoor party will be no worse, however, children in the hall get less freedom for active competitions.

The hall needs to be decorated in such a way that immediately upon entering each child is overcome with delight in anticipation of cartoonish entertainment. Be sure to hang as many balloons as possible, the color of which matches the color of the characters.

Cut out butterflies from paper and arrange them on the curtains. A toy bucket, a net, a telescope and other attributes from the cartoon series will also come in handy when decorating a room. Stretch a garland with smeshariki under the ceiling and arrange a photo drying using a rope and multi-colored clothespins. Attach portraits of cartoon characters, interspersed with photographs of your baby taken at different times.

Menu and table setting in Smeshariki style

The table at the children's birthday party “Smeshariki” can be decorated in the form of a fairy-tale meadow. Decorate the green tablecloth with daisies, bees, ladybugs. Use bright branded dishes and skewers with Smeshariki stickers.

What to treat the kids at the holiday? The menu should be not only sweet, but also healthy. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are a must on the list of treats. We suggest making do with a tea table: make sandwiches with cheese, light cakes, muffins, serve marshmallows and sweets. For drinks, offer your guests juice and lemonade. And the most important treat - a festive cake with smeshariki - bring in at the end of the holiday, with lit candles according to the number of years of the hero of the occasion.

Children's costumes in the style of “Smeshariki”

You can tell the parents of the invited children about the theme of the party in advance so that they can prepare outfits in the Smeshariki style. You can also offer each guest a T-shirt with a picture of the characters - let everyone choose who they want to be. An even simpler option is to make caps or masks with the faces of the heroes from cardboard. This way, children will be able to stay in their festive outfits, but at the same time they will be affected by a cartoon transformation.

Competitions and games with Smeshariki

Whose is this? Ask the children to name the name of the Smesharik who owns each of these items: a rake, a bow, a watering can, a cactus, a star map, a newspaper and a blanket, a wrench, candy wrappers, carrot jam, a cactus.

Draw a Smesharik. Give the kids felt-tip pens and markers. The trick is that you need to draw Smeshariki not on regular paper, but not on balloons.

Butterflies. They can be used not only for decoration, but also in this competition. On the back, carefully write down the tasks that your child will complete in order to receive a prize. For example, you can sing a song, dance, recite a poem or tongue twister, guess a riddle, etc.

Create fairyland and invite your child and his guests who love watching the cartoon “Smeshniki” to it. For young viewers, such a surprise will turn a child's birthday into a double celebration. A sweet table will be waiting for them and funny competitions. At the end of the event, give each participant a gift with Smeshariki - bright balloon, coloring book, stickers, soft toy or sweets.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

It has already become a tradition in our family to hold themed children's birthdays with competitions, prizes and the sea. positive mood. My daughter Sonechka's third birthday was no exception. The plot of the holiday was predetermined - “In the land of Smeshariki”, since Sonechka really likes the heroes of this animated series. Here is the birthday script and a small photo report.

Main actor There was a clown for the holiday, portrayed by my mother. He invited the guests and the birthday girl to visit the country of Smeshariki.

CLOWN: Hello, boys! Hi girls! Why are there so many of you? Are you the one who came to visit me?


CLOWN: Why not me? And to whom then? Ah-ah-ah, perhaps to Sonechka?

CLOWN: What happened? Is Sonechka having a holiday today?

CLOWN: Birthday?

CLOWN: So what - there will be funny songs, dances, competitions, prizes?

CLOWN: How old is our birthday girl? Sonechka, how old are you?

SONCHKA: 3 (points to fingers).

CLOWN: What about you? And you? (He asks all the little guests and some adults, asking them to show their age on their fingers.) Surprisingly, adults liked this entertainment much more than children.

CLOWN: Oh, how grown-up you all are! And you know how old you are! You are just great! Guys, do you want to visit the country of Smeshariki with your mothers?

CLOWN: Great! Because my friends Smeshariki have prepared a lot for you interesting competitions and prizes! But before you go to the country of Smeshariki, I suggest you refresh yourself. (As the experience of past years has shown, it is better to feed the children first, and then organize competitions, because some bring the children hungry, and they, of course, have no time for the holiday. Children and mothers are invited to the festive table, where, among other treats, There were also “Nyusha” sandwiches. After everyone has eaten, the clown appears again.)

CLOWN: Well, guys? Do you have magical powers?

CLOWN: Ha ha! So I believed you! Maybe you're deceiving me, huh? Let's check how strong you have become after Sonechka's magical treats?

The clown invites the children to repeat simple movements to the poem.

Handles to the sides and up (make the appropriate movements)
Belt in front of you
And jump-jump, jump-jump.
Spun once, twice, (spinning around ourselves)
Head is spinning. (we wrap our hands around our head and tilt it to the sides)
Hands sat on our shoulders, (hands on shoulders)
Spin around - (handles on shoulders, make turns left and right)
It became easier (inhale and exhale).

CLOWN: Yeah! Indeed, you have become very strong! All the movements were repeated after me and no one made a mistake! Well done! Well, now I propose to solve riddles about the inhabitants of the country of Smeshariki. Ready?

CLOWN: Moms, you can help us. And if you guys or your mothers give the correct answers, then after each riddle one of the inhabitants of the country of Smeshariki will appear! (The role of the inhabitants of the country of Smeshariki went to soft toys - Smeshariki: for her birthday, we decided to give our daughter a whole squad of Smeshariki.)

He is round and loves honey,
He has a vegetable garden.
He loves to sleep in winter...
Guess who I'm talking about? (Kopatych)

He doesn't like to draw
Loves fixing things more!
He came to us from the ice floes,
And we call him... (Pin)

Very kind, but not brave,
He writes poetry skillfully.
Guessed this time
What's his name? (Barash)

He is not gray, not colored,
Just light blue
Runs, frolics,
Loves to have fun!
This mischievous
Everyone knows for sure! (Krosh)

Without a doubt, he is smart:
Knows more than a hundred names!
He will give you good advice
And his name is... (Losyash)

Loves to try on dresses
And change hairstyles,
Very tasty to eat...
Who is this? (Nyusha)

He's a wise old raven,
He loves to sleep during the day too!
He is friends with Kopatych,
And the name is... (Kar-Karychem)

This is our Smesharik
Just a prickly ball!
Will always help you
It's like... (Hedgehog)

Maybe I can knit a sock for you
And help bake the pie
Excellent singer
Her name is... (Sovunya)

CLOWN: Well done! All the riddles have been solved! But that's not all - our adventures in the country of Smeshariki are just beginning! My friends Smeshariki have prepared tests for you. And the first - from the grumpy Kopatych.

Competition “In Kopatych’s garden.” We will need: 2 basins, a box of balls of two colors (made of foil, paper or plastic), children's scoops according to the number of participants. Children are given scoops. At the clown's command, the children take out the cardboard box balls and transfer the yellow balls to one basin and the red ones to another.

CLOWN: Guys, our Kopatych is so absent-minded that he collected all the seeds from his garden in one basket. Can we help him separate the pumpkin seeds from the tomato seeds?

Competition from Pin “Build a tower”. Children are invited to build a tower using Lego. Mothers also take part in the competition.

Competition from Barash “Portrait”. For this competition, I prepared a portrait of Krosh in advance, but cut out the eyes and ears separately. Children and mothers were offered eyes closed Correctly attach ears and eyes to the portrait. (Everyone really liked the competition, the children tried several times.)

Competition from Krosh “Bunnies”. The clown invites the children to jump like bunnies, show them what kind of ears bunnies have, and remember what bunnies eat and where they live.

Competition from Losyash “Know-It-All”. For this competition, I pre-printed cards with various animals. The children were asked to name the animal depicted on the card and remember the sound this animal makes. Some children showed how the animal moves and said what it eats.

Competition from Nyusha “Fashionable sentence”. To conduct the competition you will need: neckerchiefs, scarves, clips, bracelets, beads (whatever you find). Fashionista Nyusha suggested making our mothers fashionable too. Children dress up their mothers. (The competition was a great success: the kids really enjoyed digging through the basket with beads and bracelets and dressing up their mothers.)

Competition from Kar-Karych “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”. For this competition, I prepared 6 circles of the same color (flower cores and petals). She laid out 5 hearts on the floor and announced to the children that suddenly a hurricane came out of nowhere and tore all the petals from the flowers, and they got mixed up. Now we have to match each core with petals of the same color.

Competition from Sovunya “Magic Path”. On sheets of cardboard I drew silhouettes of feet, palms and circles. Laid out in chaotic order and invited the children to walk along a magic path: on the image of a foot, place a leg, where the palm is drawn, place a palm, and on the image of a circle, place a knee. (The mothers liked the magic path much more, and the children had a lot of fun watching adults try to get into the squares correctly. They supported us - shouted: “Mom! Come on! Leg! Knee!”.)

While the guests were making their way along the magical path, the clown went for a cake and solemnly brought it into the room. The children's eyes shone with happiness! Of course, we spent about 10 minutes blowing out the candles - every little guest tried to blow them out.

Then the children sat down to drink tea and cake and watch a cartoon, and the mothers sat down to chat at the “adult” table. But even after tea, the guests did not want to leave. For more than an hour, the children drew, played, looked at gifts, sang karaoke and danced. And at this time I asked my mother to write wishes to our birthday girl on a poster.

The culmination of the holiday was a fireworks display from balloons(we released the balloons on the street). This is how my daughter Sonyushka’s 3rd birthday passed!

Tatyana Pisklyukova


An interesting scenario! Apparently the mother devotes a lot of time to the children and that’s great! Of course, there are a lot of holiday agencies now, you can invite a host or go to the children’s Entertainment Center(also very fun and interesting for kids), but in my opinion, it is the holidays created by parents, thought out and made specifically for their child, and not according to a template, that are much more valuable.

03/22/2014 23:54:11, BBC

Very cool idea for a children's party!!! I will definitely take note and use it when the opportunity arises.

Comment on the article "Children's birthday with Smeshariki: holiday scenario"

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I read it with pleasure and got excited about the idea of ​​holding such family games. We will have them in winter; we prefer to ski, skate and fly down the hill on a sled with the breeze.

Useful material, with its help you can prepare excellent family celebration. Everyone in our family is a supporter healthy image life, so they will be happy to take part in such competitions.

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review from Voleta
Thank you so much for this idea interesting program child's birthday. We celebrated at the "Big Turtle" club, because... At the time of recording there was no longer any free time in the cartoon studio. It turned out that they cooperate with clubs. The presenters arrived at the club with all their props. I really liked the clubhouse. The presenters are simply excellent young guys and girls. We ordered a long program with a master class - soap making. Not only the children were happy, but also the adults. Once again a huge thank you. Our cartoon [link-1]

Review from member gerda81

I want to tell you and Ksenia thanks a lot for our son's birthday, everything went just fine! The guys worked 100%.
All the children are absolutely delighted, my husband and I are still recovering from such a holiday.
Thanks again! I hope that I will turn to you more than once for help in organizing my next birthday, since we have a lot of children, and, accordingly, birthdays too. Plus, as the chairman of the Parents Committee, I’m already thinking... to invite your guys to our class, to graduation, for example. V primary school, they don't seem to mind :)


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Smeshariki is amazingly colorful children's cartoon who teaches good and useful things. And most importantly, children really like it! Therefore, a birthday in the style of “Smeshariki” will be a great surprise for children!

Holiday decoration

When decorating a birthday party, focus on bright and colorful details: inflate a lot of multi-colored balloons, paste pictures of Smeshariki on the walls, prepare disposable dishes with pictures of Smeshariki.

The leading mother (or father) welcomes the children and invites them to colorful world Smesharikov.

Drawing Smeshariki

To begin with, all children are given a card with one of the Smeshariki drawn, a piece of paper and colored pencils. A competition is announced for best drawing. After the drawings are ready, it turns out that all the drawings are so good that all participants become winners. Therefore, everyone gets a sweet prize: candy or chocolate.

Game “What kind of Smesharik are you?”

A lottery is drawn and 1 participant is selected, he is blindfolded. All other participants are given cards with names or drawings of Smeshariki (on each card).

From this moment on, all participants become Smeshariki, i.e. make sounds that his character usually makes, for example, Kar-karych croaks, Kopatych growls, Nyusha grunts, etc.

Smeshariki stand around the blindfolded participant. His task is to catch and name the caught Smesharik. If he says the name correctly, the blindfold is removed. And the participant he guessed is blindfolded. And everything repeats itself again. You can play the game until you get tired of it.

Competition "Nyusha"

All the kids know that Nyusha dreams of becoming a real princess! Invite the kids to help her and complete the “Real Princesses or Princes” competition for her. Anyone can participate in the competition.

To do this, you need to put a towel folded several times on the chair in advance, and put several peas or other round objects, such as buttons, under it. The task of the participants, sitting on a chair, is to determine how many peas are under the towel.

Competition "Krosh"

Who is the fastest of Smeshariki? Of course, Krosh. Now let's find out who is the fastest of the kids! We invite children to solve simple and funny riddles about Smeshariki. The first one to shout out the answer wins a sweet prize!


I'm a Smesharik bunny
Handsome and good.
My name… (Krosh.)

I don’t go without needles
I’m friends with Krosh the Bunny.
We walked a lot of paths with him.
Who am I? Certainly… (Hedgehog.)

“I write good poems.
I’ll read them to you now, friends!
We need inspiration, we need courage!” -
This is what our talent says... (Barash.)

I'm a piggy girl
Sheep's girlfriend.
There is no more beautiful and better
In Smeshariya... (Nyusha.)

I am an expert in gardening sciences,
I am a faithful friend of all Smeshariki.
Often I take a shovel
And my name is... (Kopatych.)

Will cook delicious jam,
Will cheer everyone up
Busy around the house.
What is her name?.. (Sovunya.)

Has an elevator and a plane,
Lives in the refrigerator
Very correct penguin!
Give me a name... (Pin.)


We divide the children into 2 teams and give each team a funny crossword puzzle. The task of the participants of each team is to write the names of Smeshariki in the correct boxes without errors. The team that correctly and correctly enters the names wins.

Competition "Losyash"

Losyash is a famous scientist and is interested in various sciences. And in order to make friends with him, we all need to carry out some unusual experience together. You will find simple interesting ones at home.

Quest “Hedgehog: fantikomania”

As you know, Hedgehog loves to collect candy wrappers. Therefore, we invite the kids to help the hedgehog find candy wrappers that are hidden in the room or throughout the apartment.

To do this, you need to hide the candy wrappers in secluded corners in advance, stick them to the wall, to the ceiling, to various objects in the room. And the children need to find as many candy wrappers as possible. The reward for all collected candy wrappers will be a delicious cake with your favorite characters on it.

Children's Holiday in the style of "Smeshariki" is an interesting and fun party, which will bring a lot of bright emotions and will be a great surprise for any child!

Wish you Have a great holiday,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

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Characters: Nyusha, Krosh, Karkarych, Losyash.

Children in the room festive table, Krosh appears, runs fussily around the table, not noticing the children, and, grabbing sweets and fruits, thinks.

Krosh: Oh, what a table, so many delicious things, I could eat everything, so where to start? I guess I'll start with the cake! No, I’ll leave the cake for later, here, I’ll take the carrots! Oh, just recently I broke a tooth on her, I should have been more careful! But the candies, that’s where I’ll start with the candies.

Karkarych appears

Karkarych: Krosh, what kind of manners? What will the children think of us? You burst into the party, didn’t say hello to anyone, didn’t congratulate the birthday boy, and just brazenly grabbed everything from the table! When I was young like you, then in our time, coming to new company, we made sure to say hello to everyone, but you are setting a bad example!

Krosh: Hmm... But you just came here and didn’t say hello to anyone either! How to understand you?

Karkarych coughed embarrassedly and turned to the children.

Karkarych: Hello, dear children! I am glad to welcome you to such a warm and wonderful company! How beautiful you are today, especially the birthday boy! I congratulate you with all my heart!

Krosh: I join! Greetings and congratulations, but I really want to come to the table! Everything is so delicious!

Karkarych: Shame on you! We must wait for other guests!

Nyusha and Losyash enter. Nyusha has a chocolate bar in her hands and a yellow ball tied to it with a smiley face drawn on it.

Nyusha: (patter) Oh-oh-oh. Hello children!!! And we were almost late - we were in such a hurry, so in a hurry! Either the bus barely moved, or Losyash constantly forgot something at home, and we had to return to his house and go again. And I got up early, I was so afraid of being late. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and thought for a long time - what would be nice to wear? And when she came for Losyash, he was still sleeping! I had to pick him up and wash him - otherwise he was so unassembled! How can you sleep so much on a day like this?

Karkarych: (interrupting her) Nyusha! Are you starting again? Stop talking so much, otherwise you'll be talking to your little ball again!

Nyusha: Oh yes, the ball. Our dear birthday boy, I congratulate you with all my heart and give you this chocolate bar. When I was given a chocolate machine for my birthday, I decided to make it for you.

It’s good if it’s a large bar of chocolate with a homemade wrapper with a congratulatory inscription and that the chocolate was made in Nyusha’s chocolate machine.

Nyusha: (turning to Smeshariki) You see! But I got ready for my birthday! And you were getting ready!

Losyash: Why! Everyone was coming up with something and getting ready! For example, Barash wrote wonderful riddles, and now we will read them to you. Just let the children agree: we will read the riddles, and you will call in chorus and loudly the last word. And then we will know how well you know us. Ready?

He is fussy, but cheerful

And as a friend he is so good!

And now we will say together

His name is... KROSH

Well done, and here's another:

Who is the most beautiful in the world?

Does he like to eat chocolates?

The children all answer in chorus:

Well, of course, ours... Nyusha

Karkarych: And now me!

He is sympathetic and kind

And his salads are delicious

After all, in gardens and orchards

Works for a long time... KOPATYCH

Oh, well, they know everyone! And here is this riddle:

It's from Nyusha's samovar

Made a barrel for the depths

As a mechanic - the best

This smart master... PIN

Nyusha: Can I? I also want to ask riddles!!!

Artistic and smart

Loves tea from a samovar

Endowed with intelligence


Wow! You're guessing everything! What do you think of this riddle?

He loves poetry and prose

Round, pink curl

If something goes wrong, then in tears

Our famous... BARASH


Our dear friend

She's a doctor and a singer

Soccer ball - for leisure

The famous… SOVUNYA

Krosh: Well, I’ll finish! Here are more riddles:

He has needles everywhere

But in any trouble it will help

Let's shout the name - only loudly:

This is our famous... HEDGEHOG

Great, well done guys! And this:

He is an astronomer and philosopher

He is our well-known friend

Wears his horns proudly

Wonderful... ELK

Losyash: What smart children we came to visit, and the birthday boy answered best of all.

Karkarych: So Pin wanted to check if the kids are really so smart and that’s why he prepared such tricky pictures (takes out a folder). You know that Pin loves to design everything. And so here are his drawings and drawings, and you try to guess what it is.

The trick with the pictures is that White list paper covers the main part of the drawing, leaving a small detail - for example, a tail from an airplane - respectively, this is the airplane itself, the wheels from a car, or some kind of design that Pin himself came up with. The child guesses what it is, and you can easily check if he is right if you remove the sheet of paper.

Krosh: Well, there’s no way to trick you - really, smart children, we’ll tell Pin this. Now let's have some fun and play sports competitions, which Sovunya prepared for us. After all, I love to play so much!

Competitions with outdoor games are held - relay races, games of dexterity and others, so that children have as much fun as possible.

Losyash: It’s a pity that the time has come to an end, and it’s time to go back to our home - after all, other Smeshariki are waiting for us at home, who could not come today, and they are so eager to find out how the birthday went. But now you can convey something to everyone through us that you want to say. And when we are home, we will tell everyone everything. But finally, we will once again congratulate the birthday boy, do a round dance, and sing him a song: “Loaf”.

After “Loaf” the Smeshariki say goodbye and leave.

“Guys, could you recognize the cartoon characters by their characteristics? And tell me what animal or bird this Smesharik looks like? What color is it?”

SHE is the most real girl. And that's it! HER life is full of pleasant worries: SHE spends her days studying good manners, dreams of princes, eats candy and goes on dates. And in his free time from worries, he engages in artistic whistling.

HE is a very, very talented scientist. At the same time, HE is also very attentive and responsive / elk /. And very well-mannered. In conversation, everyone is addressed as “you.” He always finds scientific answers to any questions, even the most unscientific ones, in his famous library.

HE is a desperate mechanic and a brilliant inventor. Not all of HIS inventions seem useful, but HE knows that someday they will definitely come in handy. And he patiently waits in the wings, inventing new inventions during breaks.

HE is quiet. HE is very kind and a little shy. What's most amazing is that HE is not prickly, so you can always rely on him. He looks soft on the outside, but on the inside he is strong and brave. For the sake of his friends HE can do this! Nobody can do that!

HE is a widely known poet among the Smeshariks. He is very hardworking: he can write poetry all day and still not write anything. Likes to soar in the clouds, but is afraid of heights. Therefore, before hovering, he closes his eyes.

HE is a mischievous and daredevil. He doesn’t know how to get bored himself, and he doesn’t let other Smeshariki get bored either. If HE is nearby, you won’t have to sit idle. And HE also has a unique talent - he always manages to get into terrible interesting stories!

HE is a great traveler. During his wanderings HE collected three million wise councils. And now HE sits at home, gives advice to friends and talks incredibly true stories about your amazing adventures.

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