Snow Maiden (Spring Tale) A. N


"Snegurochka" Ostrovsky

"Snow Maiden" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, heroes, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky can rightfully be considered the creator of the repertoire for the national Russian theater. Despite the fact that he became famous most of all for his works about the customs of the Russian merchant class (which the critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov very aptly nicknamed " dark kingdom”), among the gloomy and slightly scary stories from the life of Zamoskvoretsk merchants there is a very bright and fabulous work - "Snow Maiden" written in 1873.

At the core plot The playwright used a Russian folk tale from Alexander Afanasiev's collection "Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature" for the play. That is why Slavic higher and lower deities act in the play: Yarilo, Frost, Spring, Goblin. The peculiarity is that the play "The Snow Maiden", unlike all the previous ones, is written in verse, but without rhyme. However, the unified rhythm of the work made it possible to set it to music. The whole play is a kind of poetic stylization of Russian folklore, which Ostrovsky was then passionate about.

This is explained by the fact that in 1873 the troupe of the Maly Theater was forced to move to Grand Theatre during the repair. So under one roof were the opera, ballet and drama troupe. Then the commission of management of the Moscow imperial theaters decided to put on an extravaganza performance with the participation of all the artists. Ostrovsky composed a play in short term, ending on the day of his fiftieth birthday. And the music for the performance was written by a young and then little-known composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Thus, Ostrovsky's lyrical play became a multi-level, multi-layered work, as it embodied both the folk tale about the Snow Maiden and the folk legend about ancient tribe Berendey, and mythological features Slavic legends, And ancient rites and songs. And Ostrovsky's "spring tale" breathes with such purity of poetry that it reminds of Pushkin's fairy tales. Yes, and in terms of meaning, there is a lot of Pushkin in it: life appears as the magic of beauty and tragedy at the same time, and goodness in a person turns out to be a natural basis.

Therefore, the life of nature in the play looks like a realm of harsh contrasts of cold and heat, lifelessness and flowering. Ostrovsky writes about nature as about man. The landscape resembles a portrait in which the artist peers. The abundance of emotional epithets, comparisons that put natural phenomena on a par with human feelings, emphasize the closeness of the natural and human principles in the mind of the playwright.

The action of the play takes place in the kingdom of Berendey. It is more like a kind of utopian state in which people live according to the laws of honor and conscience, afraid to provoke the wrath of the gods: this is a kind of ideal of a social structure created by Ostrovsky. Even the tsar, who in Rus' was the sole ruler, autocrat, in the work embodies folk wisdom. He worries about his people in a fatherly way: it seems to him that his subjects have ceased to notice the beauty of nature, but are more experiencing vanity and envy. That's why he got angry with the Berendey Yarilo, who every year freezes people more and more. Then Berendey discovers one of the main laws of nature: "All living things must love". And he asks his assistant Bermyata on Yarilin Day to gather as many grooms and brides as possible in order to sanctify their marriage and make a sacrifice to the Sun God.

However, the main dramatic conflict associated with the struggle between love and "heart chill" in the soul of the Snow Maiden, who lives in the cold purity of loneliness, and with her soul strives for the fire of love, which is why she must perish. Father Frost warns mother Spring-Krasna about this: he says that Yarilo swore to take revenge on him using their daughter Snegurochka. Say, when she truly loves, Yarilo will melt her with his hot rays.

It didn’t take long for the Snow Maiden to know what it was. real love. Once in the family of a childless Bobyl, the girl expects the same love that from her mother and father. But Bobyl and Bobylikha perceive their adopted daughter as a kind of bait for rich suitors. Only the suitors are not the same: many guys quarreled with their girls because of the Snow Maiden, but neither she is ready to give her heart, nor foster parents ordinary berendei are not satisfied.

The Snow Maiden herself likes the shepherd boy Lel, who generously bestows all the girls in the area with his songs. This hurts the heroine: she wants to be loved only by her. When is the rich bridegroom, "trading guest" Mizgir, ready to give up all her wealth for the sake of the Snow Maiden, she cannot find feelings for him in her heart. Everyone is unhappy: Kupava, the failed bride of Mizgir, Mizgir, who can no longer think of anyone but the Snow Maiden, who captivated him with her beauty, and the Snow Maiden herself suffers because she does not know what true love is.

Turning to her mother for help, the heroine gets what she wanted more than anything in the world - the opportunity to love. Vesna-Krasna says that she will love the first person she meets. Fortunately, it turns out to be Mizgir, and the reader can imagine that now everything will end happily. But no, Mizgir, intoxicated with the love of the Snow Maiden, wants to show everyone that he was able to achieve his goal - the reciprocity of the beauty. Not listening to the requests of the girl, he literally drags her up the mountain, where the Berendeys met the dawn, and under the first rays of the sun the Snow Maiden dissolves. Having yielded to human law, she melts "from the sweet feelings of love."

The melting of the Snow Maiden is a victory over the "traces of cold" in the heart. She was ready to die for the right to love with all her heart. Mizgir said about it: "Love and fear fought in her soul". Now the fear is cast aside, and the Snow Maiden in the last minutes of her short life is given only to love.

Fearless and Mizgir. He kept his promise: "Trouble will come - we will die together". The death of the Snow Maiden is a disaster for him, so he rushes into the lake to connect with the cool water into which the Snow Maiden has turned, until recently warm in his warm embrace.

But Tsar Berendey calls the death of the Snow Maiden "sad", Then "wonderful". The difference between these epithets suggests to the reader a way out of tragedy into life-affirmation. The death of the Snow Maiden and the holiday of the Berendeys are close by. Its fading brings a flood of light into the world. No wonder the king says:

Snow Maiden sad death
And the terrible death of Mizgir
They cannot disturb us; The sun knows
Whom to punish and pardon ...

Thus the tragedy of the individual is dissolved in the general chorus of nature. In the words of Pushkin, the author's sadness is light, because it is light human soul: she turns out to be free and fearless in love, she is stronger than the fear of self-preservation.

Folk tales occupy a rather serious place in the Russian ethnos. They express the aspirations, hopes, fears, and even just people. Most Russian fairy tales are permeated with kindness and faith in justice. Sometimes we are faced with the fact that the writer takes as a basis the plot of some folk tale and develop it in his own way. An example is the work of such a writer as Nikolai Ostrovsky. "The Snow Maiden", a summary of which is known to everyone since childhood, received a new and instructive round under the author's pen.

Frost and Spring Love

Let's take a closer look at what N. Ostrovsky writes about. "The Snow Maiden", a summary of which can be conveyed in a few sentences, is filled with a lot of instructive messages to readers. Imagine the ancient mythical land of the Berendeys. And then one day, an unprecedented event happened in her. Spring comes to Krasnaya Gorka near Berendeev Posad (the royal capital). Yes, not alone, but with all her magnificent retinue. Her retinue is noble - cranes and swans. However, the country of the Berendeys unkindly meets Spring (as it seems to her, the reason for this is their relationship with the old Frost). After all, the father of her daughter named Snegurochka is Frost.

Not only in the country of the Berendeys are dissatisfied with this course of things. The sun also expresses dissatisfaction, threatening to no longer warm the earth. Therefore, Spring, in order to somehow help the animals warm up, invites them to sing and dance. However, as soon as they begin to move, an angry cold blizzard immediately rises. Spring gathers all the birds and hides them in the bushes in the hope that the next day will bring the long-awaited warmth.

Father's warning

In addition, old Frost appears from the forest, reminding Vesna of caring for a common child. He offers to hide the Snow Maiden in the depths of the forest, where a warm tower is located. Mother Spring also takes care in her own way - she wants her child to live among people, to enjoy life with them. The meeting turns into a fight. Frost knows that the hot Yarilo wants to destroy the Snow Maiden, making it so that when the fire of love ignites in her heart, she will simply melt. He tells all this to Spring. But she does not believe Moroz's arguments.

From the very beginning we see the difference in the plots folk tale and the one that Ostrovsky wrote. "The Snow Maiden", a summary of the chapters of which we are considering, continues like this. After a long argument, the parents decided to give the girl to be raised by a childless Bobyl. Say, there are no guys there, which means that the heart of the Snow Maiden will be safe. The girl herself admits that she has long dreamed of living with people, singing songs and having fun round dances. In addition, it turns out that the Snow Maiden is not completely indifferent to the young shepherd Lelya. This especially alarmed Frost. He warns his daughter with all paternal severity to stay away from the shepherd, communication with which can ruin her.

Adoptive parents

Summary In the story “The Snow Maiden” (Ostrovsky perfectly describes the farewell to Shrovetide), we will continue with the fact that the Berendeys rejoice at the arrival of Spring, meeting her with songs and dances. Bobyl meets in the deaf more often a beautiful, rich dressed girl, who asks for foster daughters. The life of the Snow Maiden is not easy. The thing is that, being too bashful, she, according to the Bobyls, discouraged all potential suitors. But they so wanted to get rich at the expense of the family in which they would take the girl in marriage.

Suddenly, the shepherd Lel comes to stay at the Bobyls. Nobody wanted to take a handsome and charming guy into their house, fearing that the master's daughters would not resist him. And what to take from the poor shepherd? A very unfavorable party. Therefore, fellow villagers collect money and give it to Lelya so that he can find a place to live somewhere, but not with them. Tempted by money, Bobyls let the young man into the house.

The inexperience of the Snow Maiden

How accurately and deeply Ostrovsky reveals his characters! "The Snow Maiden" is a play, the summary of which cannot convey the entire palette of characters. Let's look at the relationship between the handsome shepherd and the innocent, modest Snow Maiden. Despite the fact that she likes Lel's songs, and the guy himself, the girl's innate modesty clearly prevents young people from getting close.

Yes, and the shepherd was not entirely disinterested. He does not want to sing just for the pleasure of hearing. He asks for more material gifts. For example, kisses. But the Snow Maiden does not understand Lel's aspirations. She wholeheartedly gave the young man a flower for the song performed. The shepherd, tired of explaining the obvious, threw him out and went to other girls who, in his opinion, could better appreciate talent and beauty.

Beauty is an object of envy and resentment

What else does Ostrovsky emphasize? The Snow Maiden (a brief summary of the tale cannot be left without some details) was written a long time ago, but even today we find many instructive moments. So, the Snow Maiden, despite her popularity among young people, cannot find girlfriends. After all, all the guys look at her, and the girls do not want to communicate with the daughter of Spring.

The only one who showed kindness to the Snow Maiden was Kupava, the daughter of a wealthy peasant. She is so frank with the girl that she shares her happiness - the rich merchant Mizgir from the royal settlement has asked for her. Soon to be a wedding. After some time, the groom himself appears. He arrives with many gifts that he wants to give to Kupava's relatives and close people in honor of his marriage.

Kupava introduces the Snow Maiden to her lover and invites her to a bachelorette party arranged on the occasion of her imminent marriage. But Mizgir falls in love with the Snow Maiden at first sight, completely forgetting about Kupava. He officially announces to the girl about the termination of the engagement, arguing this with his unexpected love for the Snow Maiden. Kupava is so shocked that she decides to commit suicide by drowning herself in the river, but the shepherd Lel manages to save her. Of course, Kupava, like all the other girls in the village, harbored a grudge.

The disgrace of the god Yarila

Let's continue with the summary. The fairy tale "Snow Maiden" (Ostrovsky built it on the basis of the ancient folk beliefs) takes us back to the times when people worshiped natural, natural gods. So, it seems to Tsar Berendey that in Lately the god Yarilo is not merciful to his kingdom. It warms a little, does not allow the crop to ripen, and in general rarely appears.

He tells about this to his close Bermyata. The king is sure that Yarilo is angry with his subjects for the lack of warmth of love in their hearts. As a bright and warm deity, this is unpleasant for him.

Berendey's plan: a summary

Ostrovsky N., whose “Snow Maiden” “exposes” all human passions, leads him to an angry Kupava. She asks to punish the traitor. Justifying himself, Mizgir explained to the king that he no longer considers Kupava his bride, and does not want to marry without sincere love. After listening to the merchant, Bermyata, who had previously been silent, offered the king to force him to marry Kupava. However, the girl herself objected, declaring that she did not need such a traitor for nothing. Mizgir replied that from now on he considers Snegurochka his bride.

All this interferes with Berendey's plan, according to which his subjects need to conclude maximum amount marriages. And the sooner the better. This should appease Yarila. Bermyata was skeptical about the royal plans, citing the fact that more and more suburban girls have been quarreling with their boyfriends lately. Those are subdued by the beauty of the Snow Maiden.

Acquaintance of the Tsar with the Snow Maiden

Enraged, Berendey sentences the merchant to exile from the country. Mizgir agrees with the punishment, but invites the king to take a look at the beauty himself, because of which there are so many conversations. Soon Bobyl together with adopted daughter appeared before the king.

Berendey was amazed at the beauty and chastity of the Snow Maiden, immediately estimating that if he married her successfully, Yarilo would definitely be satisfied. However, here again the question of suitors arose. The heart of the Snow Maiden is cold, and she does not want to get married. Perplexed, Berendey asks his wife, Elena the Beautiful, for advice. The queen, having understood the situation, explained to her husband that only the shepherd Lel could melt the girl's heart.

Magic Gift of Spring

It would seem that the denouement is not far off. But passions are only heating up. That is exactly what Ostrovsky thought. The Snow Maiden (a summary of the actions of this tale accurately conveys the libretto to Rimsky-Korsakov's opera) does not interest Lel. He is very passionate about Kupava, so much so that he wants to sing his songs only for her. Inviting the Snow Maiden to a night party, the shepherd is not at all going to give her his heart, hinting that the girl has already once failed to appreciate his aspirations. She does not understand carnal feelings, and Lel rejects the girl.

Mizgir also does not waste time and seeks to win his beloved. But the Snow Maiden is not interested in the wealth of the merchant either. The enraged Mizgir tries to take the girl by force, but the magical inhabitants of the forest protect the daughter of the old Frost. As Ostrovsky wrote, the Snow Maiden (a very brief content does not allow to fully reveal all the nuances of the plot) is under the tutelage of Leshy all the time.

Desperate, she asks Vesna to teach her human love. The mother on the last day of her dominion (after all, Yarilo rises in the morning) cannot refuse her daughter. But she nevertheless recalled that these feelings are "like death." The Snow Maiden agrees to everything, just to know love. Spring puts a magic wreath on the girl's head: the first man her daughter meets will become her chosen one.

The destructive rays of the sun

The Snow Maiden meets Mizgir, to whom she gives her love. The merchant is happy and does not believe in the fears of the Snow Maiden about the first rays of the Sun. He solemnly brings the girl to Yarilina Gora, where all the Berendeys have gathered, and the king blesses all the couples who are going to get married.

Unfortunately, Ostrovsky ends the tale tragically. The Snow Maiden (the summary does not contain all the experiences of the girl) dies with the first rays of the sun. The merchant is so shocked that he rushes straight from the mountain into the pool, where he drowns. However, their death did not impress Tsar Berendey. He believes that Yarilo received a great sacrifice, and now their life in the kingdom will improve.

  1. As the title suggests, the main character is Snow Maiden- daughter of Frost and Spring. Lovely girl with unearthly beauty, heart of ice and boundless desire to love. To understand what it means to love, the Snow Maiden is ready to make any sacrifice.
  2. Snow Maiden's parents: Freezing And Spring-Red. Frost is tough, formidable lord of cold winds and winter cold. He is ready to give everything just to save his daughter from mistakes. From her mother Vesna, the Snow Maiden received the ability to love.
  3. Lel- a carefree shepherd, thirsty for the attention of girls. It is he who will be able to awaken love in the Snow Maiden.
  4. Mizgir- a passing merchant who fell in love with the Snow Maiden with all his heart for her beauty and naivety, who left his bride only to be with his beloved.


In the center of the plot is the kingdom of the Berendeys. Spring should have come long ago, but the mountains of the kingdom are covered with snow. Leshy stands on Krasnaya Gorka and watches as Spring-Krasna descends from heaven. But Berendeev Posad is not ready to meet the spring sun and birdsong.

Frost filled the entire kingdom of the Berendeys. And all because of the fact that Spring played with Frost bad joke Now she is in his captivity. Spring confesses to Leshem that she and Frost have a daughter, the Snow Maiden.

Dispute of Spring and Frost

Frost descends on Krasnaya Gorka in order to decide who will take care of the Snow Maiden. Frost wants to hide his daughter in the forest to protect her from human problems. Spring, on the contrary, wants her daughter to live among people. Frost convinces Vesna to give him the child, warning her of the evil intent of the sun god Yarilo.

Yarilo wants to destroy the Snow Maiden - as soon as the flame of love lights up in her heart, she will melt. Spring-Red does not believe the words of Frost. To resolve the dispute, Frost asks his daughter: "Where would she like to live?" The girl admits that she always dreamed of living among people, dancing, singing songs and enjoying the spring sun. For a long time, the Snow Maiden has been dreaming of a beautiful young shepherd, whose name is Lel.

Snow Maiden in the kingdom of the Berendeys

The girl is given to be raised by a childless Bobyl. Spring comes to the kingdom of the Berendeys, the people meet it with loud dances, round dances and songs. The Snow Maiden lives quietly at the Bobyls. Because of her naivety, modesty and bashfulness, she has no girlfriends at all, and suitors do not line up behind her.

One day, a young shepherd Lel drops in on Bobyl. Other villagers are wary of leaving a poor shepherd at home, fearing that their daughters will fall in love with young guy. The fellow villagers give Lel money, and the Bobyls, coveting the money, invite the young man to spend the night.

The inexperience of the Snow Maiden

The beauty of the Snow Maiden captivates the shepherd. However, innate modesty and bashfulness does not allow the girl to show her feelings. With all her kindness, she gives the young man a flower for the song he has performed.

But Lel is not disinterested and asks the girl for more meaningful gifts- kisses. Tired of waiting for reciprocal actions from the Snow Maiden, the shepherd goes to the city to seduce other girls with his dances and songs.

Acquaintance of the Snow Maiden with the rich blacksmith Mizgir

The Snow Maiden has no friends among her fellow villagers, only Kupava shares all the hardships and sorrows with her daughter Vesna. Kupava is preparing for a wedding with a young, wealthy blacksmith Mizgir. She frankly tells the Snow Maiden about her love for a young man, about her boundless happiness.

Kupava decides to introduce the Snow Maiden to her fiancé at a bachelorette party. The merchant has recently arrived in the village, with gifts for the bride's relatives. At the first glance at the Snow Maiden, Mizgir's heart stops, he forgets about the wedding, about his bride and love for Kupava.

He publicly confesses his love to the Snow Maiden and terminates the engagement. The abandoned bride commits suicide on the river bank, but Lel manages to save her. All young girls hate the Snow Maiden, and Kupava sends Berendeys to the king with curses against the former groom.

Acquaintance of the Snow Maiden with the Tsar

The enraged Tsar Berendey drives the merchant out of the country. Mizgir worthily accepts the royal punishment, but asks the king to see his beloved. The king himself wants to meet mysterious beauty. At the invitation of the tsar, Bobyli and the Snow Maiden arrive at the royal palace.

Berendey is struck by the mysterious, icy beauty of the Snow Maiden, her naivety and chastity. He decides to marry the girl to a rich nobleman in order to please the sun god Yarilo.

However, the girl does not want to get married, human feelings are now disgusting to her. Berendey consults with his wife Elena the Beautiful about the marriage of the Snow Maiden. The queen understands that melt the heart beautiful girl only her first lover, the shepherd Lel, can.

Spring's last gift

Lel falls in love with Kupava, but invites the Snow Maiden to the Spring Festival. Lel is not going to confess his love to the daughter of Vesna, he wants to show her how painful it is when you are rejected. The Snow Maiden hopes for reciprocity from Lel, but in response she receives only reproaches. The Snow Maiden will never understand human, carnal feelings.

Mizgir tries to interest the Snow Maiden with expensive gifts and his love. But the girl does not need the rich gifts of the merchant, she wants to learn to love Lelya. The angry Mizgir grabs the girl and drags her into the forest, trying to take the girl by force. Fortunately, magical forest dwellers protect the Snow Maiden at the behest of her father.

The Snow Maiden asks Mother Vesna to teach her human love. Spring-Krasna warns her daughter, reminding her of cruelty human feelings. But she cannot refuse her beloved daughter. Spring gives her daughter a wreath woven from flowers: the first one the Snow Maiden meets will become her lover for life.

Death of the Snow Maiden

Mizgir becomes the beloved of the Snow Maiden. A rich merchant cannot hide his happiness and does not worry about destructive rays Suns that can take his beloved away from him. Mizgir brings the girl to Yarilina Gora, where all the fellow villagers and the king are preparing to marry a beautiful couple.

The first rays of the sun prevent the Snow Maiden from becoming Mizgir's wife. So, the prediction of her father comes true - the Snow Maiden melts in the sun from human love.


King Berendey. Snow Maiden . Mizgir. Lel. Spring-Red. All Berendey, retinue of Spring, flowers.

Yarilina Valley: to the left (from the audience) a gentle slope, covered with low bushes; on the right is a continuous forest; in the depths, a lake overgrown with sedge and water plants with luxurious flowers; flowering bushes with branches hanging over the water along the banks; With right side Lake naked Yarilina mountain, which ends in a sharp peak. Morning dawn.

The first phenomenon

The ghost of the Snow Maiden rushes, barely touching the ground. Mizgir follows him.

All night long, a cute image flickers in my eyes.
Snow Maiden, wait a moment.

(Running after the ghost into the forest.)

The Snow Maiden descends from the mountain.

The second phenomenon

Snow Maiden, then Spring.

Snow Maiden

(referring to the lake)

Dear, in tears of anguish and grief
The abandoned daughter is calling you.
From still waters come - hear the groans
And your Snow Maiden's complaints.

Spring rises from the lake, surrounded by flowers.

Snow Maiden, my child, what
Are your prayers? Great gifts
I can console you at parting.
Spring spends the last hour with you,
With the dawn of the day, the god-Yarilo enters
In their own right and the summer begins.

(Approaches the Snow Maiden.)

What are you missing?

Snow Maiden

Everyone around me loves, everyone is happy
And joyful; and I alone yearn;
I'm envious of someone else's happiness, mother.
I want to love - but I don't know the words of love,
And there is no feeling in the chest; I'll start caressing
I will hear abuse, ridicule and reproaches
For childish shyness, for the heart
Cold. Anguished jealousy
I learned love, not yet knowing.
Father Frost, and you, Spring-Red,
Bad to me, envious feeling
In return for love, they gave it as an inheritance;
They put it in a dowry for my daughter
Sleepless agonizing nights
And meeting the day without joy. Today,
Washing on a cold key,
I looked into the mirror jets
And I see in them my face in tears,
Wrinkled by the longing of a sleepless night.
And I'm scared: my beauty will fade
No joy. Oh mother, give me love!
I ask for love, girlish love!
You forgot your father's fears.
Love will be your death.

Snow Maiden

Spring sits on the grass, the Snow Maiden is beside her. Flowers surround them.

Look, child, what a combination
Flowers and herbs, what overflows
Color game and pleasant smells!
One flower, whichever you take,
Awakening your souls to slumber,
Ignite in you one of the new feelings,
Unknown to you - one desire,
Pleasing to a young heart;
And all together, in one fragrant wreath
Weaving colorfully, merging aromas
In one stream, all feelings will be ignited at once.
And the blood will flare up, and the eyes will light up,
The face will be painted with a lively blush
Playing - and shake the chest
The girlish love you desire.
Dawn spring fragrant color
The whiteness of your cheeks,
White lily of the valley, pure lily of the valley,
It will illuminate with languid bliss.
Lord's arrogance scarlet velvet
Puff your mouth
A small flower will give a smile -
Forget-me-not beauty.
A rose will turn red
On the chest and on the shoulders
Vasilechek will turn blue
And shine in your eyes.
Honey from the mouth will pour
mind charm,
Will sneak through unnoticed
In the soul sticky Drema.
Poppy will fool the heart,
Mack will put the mind to sleep,
The hops of the cheeks will blush
And turn your head.

(Puts a wreath on the head of the Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden

Oh mama, what's wrong with me? What beauty
The green forest is dressed! Shores
And the lake is not to be missed.
The water beckons, the bushes are calling me
Under your shade; and the sky, mother, the sky!
Dawn spilling in quicksand waves
Snow Maiden, goodbye
My child! Love scent
Your soul is filled. Ebullient
The rapture of passions will soon seize you;
The beauty of the meadows and the mirror lake
As long as you admire
The balls will not rush to the young man.
Only then will you fully know the power
And the power of love over the heart. From the first meeting
Lucky you give love, whoever
I didn't meet you. But, joy-daughter,
Tai love from the eyes of the Yaril-Sun,
Hurry home, do not hesitate: do not admire
Crimson streams of dawn, -
The tops of the mountains were covered with gold,
And soon the king of the luminaries will illuminate the earth.
Run home along the forest paths
In the shade of the bushes and avoiding the meeting;
Premonition troubles my heart.
Farewell, child, see you again,
And don't forget your mother's advice.

(Goes down into the lake.)

Snow Maiden

What treasure do I keep
In my chest. I ran as a child
Snow Maiden in green Forest- goes out
A girl with a happy, full soul
Pleasant feelings and golden hopes.
I will carry my treasure along an unknown path;
Only I wandered through it, goblin
It is trodden between the swamp
And the lake. Nobody walks on it
Only goblin, for a joke, bitter drunkards
They beckon along it to lead it into a quagmire
No exit.

(Goes into the forest.)

Comes out to meet her Mizgir.

The third phenomenon

Snow Maiden, Mizgir.

Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden

Ah, meeting!
Snow Maiden, my strength is weakening,
I've been chasing you all night. Stop!
Are you afraid?

Snow Maiden

Oh no, Mizgir, not with fear
My soul is full. How lovely
In your words! What a bold look!
High brow courageous look
And a proud posture attracts
They beckon to you. The strong have support,
In the brave - the heart is looking for protection
Shameful and timid. With love
Snow Maiden trembling chest
It will press against your chest.

(hugging her)

By greedy hearing
I catch your words, I'm afraid to believe
Bliss I, Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden

Oh honey
I'm sorry! I was afraid of something...
It's funny and ashamed, cherished
Some kind of treasure without knowing
That everything that is dear in the world,
Lives in just one word. This word:
More encouraging words, more
And there will be no measure of happiness.

Snow Maiden

Let me look into your face, into the fire
Look into your eyes! Listen before
I considered girlish cuteness,
Silvery fluff of the cheeks and tenderness of the skin
For the best beauty. I don't understand,
Blind, stupid. Is it possible
Beauty girls equate with your beauty?
Immature color of girlish tender skin
To equate with a man's coarse blush?
Your Snow Maiden, take it to your home
My wife - I will love and undead,
To catch your eye, to warn desires.
But, my dear, let's run faster, hide
Your love and happiness from the Sun,
It threatens death! running
Cover me! sinister rays
Bloody scares me. Save
Save your Snow Maiden!
save you? Your love is salvation
Exile. At sunrise
Mizgir will show you as his wife,
And the king's true wrath will be tamed,
And, rich in mercy, Berendey
The young couple will show affection.

Snow Maiden

(on the knees)

Testament of father and mother, oh dear,
I dare not violate. prophetic heart
They sensed trouble - to hide
Told me my love from the Sun.
I will die! Save my love
Save my heart! Have pity
Snow Maiden!
With submissive hearts
You are accustomed to own, accustomed to amuse
The custom is whimsical.
But in my heart I'm not a boy - and to love,
And I know how to order; stay!

Snow Maiden

Not a whim, no. Will die in your hands
Snow Maiden!
Leave childish fears
Unknown disaster! But if really
Trouble will come - then we will die together.

Snow Maiden

Look look! Everything is brighter and scarier
The east is on fire. Take me in your arms
With clothes, shade with hands
From furious rays, hide under the shade
Branches bending over the lake.

(Becomes under the shade of a bush.)

From the forest down the mountain descends people; ahead harpists play the harp and shepherds on the horns, behind them king with retinue, behind the king in pairs suitors And brides in festive clothes, then everything berendei. Having descended into the valley, the people are divided into two sides.

The fourth phenomenon

Snow Maiden, Mizgir, king Berendey, Lel And all the people. Everyone looks to the east with expectation and sings at the first rays of the sun.

General choir

One side:

And we sowed millet, sowed,
Oh Did-Lado, sowed, sowed.

Other side:

And we will trample millet, trample,
Oh Did-Lado, trample, trample.
And what do you trample, trample,
Oh Did-Lado, trample, trample?
And we will release the horses, release,
Oh Did-Lado, let's release, let's release.
And we will take over the horses, we will take over,
Oh Did-Lado, let's take it, we'll take it.
And we will redeem the horses, we will redeem,
Oh Did-Lado, we will redeem, we will redeem.
And what do you redeem, redeem,
Oh Did-Lado, redeem, redeem?
And we will give a girl, a girl,
Oh Did-Lado, girl, girl.
And our regiment arrived, arrived,
Oh Did-Lado, arrived, arrived.
And our regiment has gone, gone,
Oh Did-Lado, gone, gone.

When singing, both sides approach with slow steps to the time of the song. At the end of the song, the grooms take the brides and bow to the king.

May your union be blessed
Abundance and happiness! In wealth
And live the joys to the last
Years of their children and grandchildren in the family!
Sadly I look at the celebration
Folk: angry Yarilo
Doesn't seem and bald top
Its mountains are covered with clouds.
Evil promises Yarilin anger:
Cold mornings and dry winds
Honey grew unprofitable spoilage,
Incomplete fillings of grains,
Rainy cleaning - undergrowing,
And early autumn frosts
A hard year and impoverishment of granaries.

(bringing the Snow Maiden to the king)

Great king, your wish was
Law to me, and I fulfilled it:
Bless with the Snow Maiden for marriage,
Forgive my guilt and anger at mercy
Oh wow, I love it
Snow Maiden.
Do you want it, girl
Snow Maiden, handing to the groom
Your fate? Together with your hand
Do you give love to him?

Snow Maiden

O king!
Ask me a hundred times, I'll answer a hundred times
That I love him. On a pale morning
I opened the chosen one of the soul
His love and rushed into his arms.
In the brilliance of the day now, in front of all the people,
In your eyes, great Berendey,
I'm ready for the groom and speech
And first repeat those caresses.

A bright ray of sun cuts through the morning mist and falls on the Snow Maiden.

But what about me: bliss or death?
What a delight! What feelings of languor!
Oh Mother Spring, thank you for the joy,
For the sweet gift of love! What a bliss
Languishing flows in me! Oh Lel,
Your enchanting songs are in my ears,
Fire in the eyes... and in the heart... and in the blood
All over the fire. I love and melt, melt
From the sweet feelings of love! Goodbye everyone Snow Maiden in the arms of hot:
It was warm; and I felt in my heart
How her human heart trembled.
Love and fear fought in her soul
From the light of day she begged to flee.
I did not listen to prayers - and before me
She melted like spring snow.
Snow Maiden, you are not a deceiver;
I am deceived by the gods; it's a joke
Cruel fate. But if the gods
Whom to punish and pardon. Happened
Righteous Judgment! Frost spawn -
The cold Snow Maiden died.
For fifteen years she lived between us,
For fifteen years the Sun has been angry with us.
Now, with her miraculous death,
Frost's interference has ceased.
Let's drive out the last cold trace
From our souls and turn to the sun.
And I believe it will look welcome
To the devotion of the obedient Berendeys.
Cheerful Lel, sing Yarila a song
Laudatory, and we will come to you.
Scorching god, we praise you with the whole world!

At the top of the mountain, the fog dissipates for a few moments, showing Yarilo in the form of a young man in white clothes, in right hand a luminous human head, in the left - a rye sheaf. At the sign of the king servants they carry whole roasted bulls and rams with gilded horns, kegs and valleys with beer and honey, various utensils and all the accessories of the feast.

(sings out)

Grant god of light,
Warm summer.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world.
Summer is grain-growing.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world.

This work has entered the public domain. The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago, and was published during his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since publication. It can be freely used by anyone without anyone's consent or permission and without payment of royalties.

The basis of the plot of the fairy tale is the life story of the Snow Maiden, the daughter of Spring and Frost. The girl really wanted to be free to people, so her parents allowed her to live with the childless Bobyls. The Snow Maiden does not know love. She asks her mother to reward her with this feeling, despite the fact that she may melt with love. The Snow Maiden falls in love with Mizgir, who is also in love with her, and melts with the first rays of the summer sun. Mizgir also dies from his grief - he throws himself from the mountain into the lake.

The main idea of ​​the work is a great feeling of love, for which it is not a pity to give one's life. It is absolutely natural and inevitable for all people.

Read the summary of Ostrovsky's fairy tale Snegurochka

The events of this story take place in prehistoric times country of the Berendeys.

The beginning of spring, the threshold of Maslenitsa. Red hill, all covered with snow. At midnight, Spring-Krasna appears with her retinue of birds. hard frost, the blizzard begins.

Spring admits that she herself is to blame for the fact that she and the birds are freezing. Shouldn't have flirted with old Santa Claus sixteen years ago. They have common daughter- Snow Maiden. Therefore, Spring cannot quarrel with Frost. And he takes advantage of this - he enveloped Spring itself and the Berendeys with cold.

The sun is angry with them for prolonged cold.

Santa Claus appears.

Frost's peaceful conversation with Spring about his daughter turns into an argument. Spring thinks that she is bored in the forest to live among the animals. The Snow Maiden needs freedom, communication with people, girlfriends and guys, love. Frost is categorically against it. He insists that the girl's place in the forest is with hares, martens and squirrels. As a result, they agree to give the Snow Maiden to the childless Bobyl family. There, the girl will have a lot of work, and the guys have no self-interest to pester her.

There is a rumor that if the Snow Maiden falls in love with someone, then there is no salvation for her - the Sun will melt her.

Santa Claus calls the Snow Maiden. He wonders if the girl wants to go live with people. The Snow Maiden admits that she has long dreamed of this. She likes the songs of the shepherd Lel and round dances. Frost was upset by his daughter's answer. But he, reluctantly, let the Snow Maiden go to the people, giving at the same time a punishment - to be afraid of the shepherd Lel and the Sun.

Frost takes a promise from the goblin to protect and protect the Snow Maiden from evil people and leaves. Spring begins.

Berendeys greet spring with merry festivities and celebrate Maslenitsa. Bobyl went to the forest to chop wood and met the Snow Maiden there. He was very surprised and called his wife Bobylikha. Having got acquainted with them, the Snow Maiden asks the Bobyls to take her in as an adopted daughter. Bobyl took the girl to her, hoping to find her a rich groom and cash in on it.

It is not easy for the Snow Maiden at the Bobyls. The girl is unnecessarily bashful and modest, which caused dissatisfaction with the named parents. She refused all suitors, she cannot fall in love with anyone.

Many guys in the suburb are smitten with the beauty of the Snow Maiden, and they quarreled with their girls. Therefore, she had almost no girlfriends. One Kupava, the daughter of Murash, is friends with the Snow Maiden.

Kupava shared with her friend her happiness that she had mutual love with a guest from the royal settlement - Mizgir. The girl wants to introduce the Snow Maiden to her fiancé.

Then Mizgir appears with expensive gifts and woo Kupava. But as soon as he saw the Snow Maiden, he immediately forgot about his bride. Kupava is offended by her friend and offended, her heart is broken. Mizgir brings his gifts to the Bobyls and woo the Snow Maiden. The beans force their named daughter to accept Mizgir. The Snow Maiden obediently fulfills their order.

Meanwhile, Tsar Berendey is talking with his subject about the affairs of the state. Yarilo, God of the sun, is angry with the Berendeys. For fifteen years, cold and crop failure in the kingdom. The warmth in the hearts of people has disappeared. And Berendey decides on Yarilin's day to make a sacrifice to the god of the sun - to marry all the young. Only now all the guys and girls quarreled because of some Snow Maiden.

Then Kupava comes to Berendey and talks about his grief, asks to punish Mizgir. The king orders to call the criminal. Mizgir appears and talks about his love for the Snow Maiden. And he also assures Berendey that he must certainly see this girl in order to understand everything.

The Snow Maiden appears with the Berendeys. Seeing her, the king is amazed at such beauty. He decides that the one who melts the heart of the Snow Maiden before dawn will be her husband.

The festivities begin. In the center of the round dance Lel and the Snow Maiden. At the request of the king to choose a mate, Lel chooses Kupava. The Snow Maiden is very offended and runs away in tears. In the forest, she meets Mizgir, begins to pester. The girl pushes him away, and the goblin leads the guy all night through the forest.

The Snow Maiden asks Spring for love at least for a moment. The mother endows her daughter with this feeling and promises that the Snow Maiden will fall in love with the first person she meets, who turns out to be Mizgir. The girl falls in love with him. Mizgir is immensely happy and leads the Snow Maiden to the Tsar. The first rays of the summer sun appear, and she melts in the arms of her beloved. Mizgir from grief throws himself off a cliff into the lake and dies. The king decides that the sacrifice has been made to Yarila, and orders the festivities to continue.

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Ostrovsky. All works

  • Poverty is not a vice
  • Snow Maiden
  • talents and fans

Snow Maiden. Picture for the story

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