Composition based on a work on the topic: Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward (based on the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")


Goals. To expand and deepen students' understanding of A. I. Kuprin - the master artistic word who conveyed in the word the power of the rarest gift high love, the greatness experienced by a simple person; show how the writer depicts the process of awakening a person; help to compare what was read with the world of one's own soul, to think about oneself; form an aesthetic perception, using different kinds arts - literature, music.

Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on earth - higher than her punishment,

Neither happiness is higher than the pleasure of serving her.

W. Shakespeare

During the classes

I. Introduction

To the sounds of George Sviridov's music, the teacher recites the sonnet (130th) by William Shakespeare by heart.

Her eyes don't look like stars

You can’t call the mouth corals,

Not snow-white shoulders open skin,

And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,

You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.

And the body smells like the body smells,

Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it

Special light on the forehead.

I don't know how goddesses walk

But the darling walks the earth.

And yet she will hardly yield to those

Whom in comparisons magnificent slandered.

Teacher. These words about love belong to the great Shakespeare. And here is how Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky reflects on this feeling.

Love, love is a mysterious word

Who could fully understand him?

Always in everything you are old or new,

Are you a languishing spirit or grace?

Irrecoverable loss

Or enrichment without end?

Hot day, no sunset

Or the night that devastated the hearts?

Or maybe you're just a reminder

About what inevitably awaits all of us?

Merging with nature, with unconsciousness

And the eternal world cycle?

Love is one of the most sublime, noble and beautiful human feelings. True love is always selfless and selfless. “To love,” wrote Leo Tolstoy, “means to live the life of the one you love.” And Aristotle spoke about this as follows: “To love means to wish for another what you consider good, and to wish, moreover, not for yourself, but for the sake of the one you love, and try as far as possible to deliver this good.”

It is such amazing beauty and strength of love that is depicted in the story of A. I. Kuprin “ Garnet bracelet».

II. Conversation on the content of the story

What is Kuprin's work about? Why is it called "Garnet Bracelet"?

(The story “Garnet Bracelet” sings of the selfless holy feeling “ little man”, Telegraph operator Zheltkov, to Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. The story is named so because the main events are connected with this decoration. And the grenades in the bracelet with their “bloody fires” trembling inside are a symbol of love and tragedy in the fate of the hero.)

The story, consisting of thirteen chapters, begins with landscape sketch. Read it. Why do you think the story opens with a landscape?

(The first chapter is an introduction, prepares the reader for the perception of further events. When reading the landscape, there is a feeling of a fading world. The description of nature recalls the transience of life. Life goes on: summer gives way to autumn, youth to old age, and the most beautiful flowers doomed to decay and death. Akin to nature, the cold, prudent existence of the heroine of the story - Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the marshal of the nobility.)

Read the description autumn garden(second chapter). Why does it follow the description of Vera's feelings for her husband? What was the author's goal?

What can be said about her soul? Is she suffering from “heart failure”?

(It cannot be said that the princess is heartless. She loves her sister's children, wants to have her own ... She treats her husband like a friend - “the former passionate love is long gone”; she saves him from complete ruin.)

To better understand Vera Nikolaevna, you need to know the environment of the princess. That is why Kuprin describes in detail her relatives.

How did Kuprin portray the guests of Vera Nikolaevna?

(Students look for “characteristics” of the guests in the text: and “fat, ugly huge” Professor Sveshnikov; and with “ rotten teeth on the face of the skull" of Anna's husband, stupid person, who “did absolutely nothing, but was registered with some charitable institution”; and Staff Colonel Ponomarev, “a prematurely aged, thin, bilious man, exhausted by excessive clerical work.”)

Which of the guests is depicted with sympathy? Why?

(This is General Anosov, a friend of the late father of Vera and Anna. He produces pleasant impression a simple, but noble, and most importantly, wise man. Kuprin endowed him with “Russian, peasant features”: “a good-natured and cheerful outlook on life”, “an ingenuous, naive faith” ... It is he who owns the deadly characteristic of his contemporary society, in which interests have been petty, vulgarized, and people have forgotten how to love. Anosov says: “People's love has taken such vulgar forms and has descended to some kind of worldly convenience, to a little entertainment. Blame the men, satiated at twenty, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, To heroic deeds to tenderness and adoration before love.” This is how the theme of true love begins in the story, love for which “to accomplish a feat, to give one’s life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy.”)

What “happily-wonderful” happened on the name day of Princess Vera?

(Vera is presented with a gift and a letter from Zheltkov.)

Let us dwell on Zheltkov's letter to Vera. Let's read it. What characterization can we give to its author? How to relate to Zheltkov? Sympathize, pity, admire or despise like a weak-minded person?

(We can treat the hero as we please, and it’s good if such a tragedy does not happen in the life of each of us, but it is important for us to determine the author’s position, to identify the attitude of the author himself towards his hero.)

Let us turn to the episode of the visit of Zheltkov by the husband and brother of Princess Vera Nikolaevna. How does Kuprin present his hero to us? How do the participants in the scene behave? Who wins the moral victory in this confrontation? Why?

(Zheltkov. Behind his nervousness, confusion lies a huge feeling that only death can kill. Tuganovsky can neither understand nor experience such feelings himself. Even Prince Shein uttered words that speak of the sensitivity and nobility of Zheltkov’s soul: “... love and is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation for itself ... I feel sorry for that person. And I not only feel sorry, but now I feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul ... " )

Find in the words of the author, who depicts Zheltkov's behavior, evidence that his actions are driven by that very great feeling that can make a person either immensely happy or tragically unhappy. What is your impression of last letter Zheltkova?

(The letter is beautiful, like poetry, convinces us of the sincerity and strength of his feelings. For Zheltkov, loving Vera even without reciprocity is “great happiness.” He is grateful to her for the fact that for eight years she was for him “the only joy in life, the only consolation , with a single thought." Saying goodbye to her, he writes: "Leaving, I say in delight:" Hallowed be thy name "").)

III. Reading by heart the poem by A. S. Pushkin "I loved you ..."

How is Pushkin's poem in tune with Kuprin's story?

(In both works, both admiration for the beloved, and reverence, and self-sacrifice, and the pain of a suffering heart are expressed.)

Can Zheltkov's feelings for Vera Nikolaevna be called madness? (“What is it: love or madness?”.)

(Prince Shein: “I will say that he loved you, but was not crazy at all.”)

But why does Zheltkov commit suicide?

(Zheltkov loves for real, with passionate, disinterested love. He is grateful to the one that evoked this wonderful feeling in his heart that exalted the “little man.” He loves, and for this reason he is happy. Therefore, death does not frighten the hero.)

The turning point for Vera is the farewell to the deceased Zheltkov, their only date. Let us turn to this episode and read it from the words: “The room smelled of incense ...”

What does Vera Nikolaevna feel when she peers into the face of someone who passed away because of her?

(Looking at his face, Vera recalls the same peaceful expression on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.)

Is this detail random? How does Zheltkov appear before us?

(Zheltkov is great in his suffering, his love. Vera Nikolaevna also understood this, remembering the words of General Amosov: “Maybe your life path, Verochka, crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream of and that men are no longer capable of.”)

Note: the story underlying this story is largely real. The prototype of Princess Sheina was L. I. Lyubimova, to whom a man in love with her wrote anonymous letters for several years. He had no hopes, he understood: between him, the "little man", and her - an insurmountable abyss.

The patience of the aristocratic relatives of Lyudmila Ivanovna ran out when the lover dared to send her a garnet bracelet as a gift. The indignant husband and brother of the princess sought out the anonymous person, and a decisive conversation took place. As a result, the gift was returned, and Yellow (the name of the lover) vowed not to write again. That is how it all ended.

Why did Kuprin interpret the “curious incident” in a different way and introduce a tragic ending into his story?

(The tragic ending produces great impression, gives extraordinary strength and weight to Zheltkov's feeling.)

What do you think is the climax of the story?

(The episode with the pianist: “... Excited by what she saw and heard, Vera rushed to her and, kissing her large lovely hands screamed…”)

The greatness experienced by a simple person is comprehended to the sounds of Beethoven's Sonata No. 2, as if conveying shocks, pain and happiness, and unexpectedly displaces everything vain, petty from Vera's soul, instills reciprocal ennobling suffering.

(Beethoven Sonata No. 2 sounds.)

Why does Zheltkov “force” Vera Nikolaevna to listen to this particular Beethoven work? Why were the words that were forming in her mind so consonant with the mood expressed in Beethoven's music?

(The words seem to come from Zheltkov. They really coincide with the music, really “it was like couplets that ended with the words: “Hallowed be thy name””).

Princess Vera is experiencing spiritual unity with a man who gave his soul and life to her. What do you think, did a reciprocal feeling of love arise in the soul of Vera?

(The reciprocal feeling took place, albeit for a moment, but forever awakening in her a thirst for beauty, the worship of spiritual harmony.)

What do you think is the power of love?

(In the transformation of the soul.)

So, the unfortunate Zheltkov is by no means pitiful, but the depth of his feelings, the ability to self-sacrifice deserve not only sympathy, but also admiration.

Why does Kuprin, putting his hero on such a height, introduces us to him only in the tenth chapter? Do the first chapters differ from the last ones in style?

(The language of the initial chapters is unhurried, calm, in them more descriptions, no anguish, more ordinary.)

Let's find not only stylistic, but also semantic opposition of the two parts of the story.

(The lyrical landscape, the festive evening are contrasted with “the spit on the stairs of the house in which Zheltkov lives, the wretched furnishings of his room, similar to the wardroom of a cargo ship.”)

Surnames are also a means of opposing the heroes: an insignificant and even some kind of belittled “Zheltkov” and an exaggeratedly loud, triple “Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky”. There are contrasts in the story as well. Which?

(An exquisite notebook embellished with “a filigree gold pattern of rare complexity, subtlety and beauty,” and a low-grade gold garnet bracelet with poorly polished garnets.)

What is the idea of ​​A. I. Kuprin's story? What is the meaning of contrasting the first and second parts of the story? What tradition of Russian literature XIX century the writer continued in this work?

(The meaning of the story is to show the nobility of the soul common man, his ability for deep, elevated feelings by opposing the hero high society. The author shows a psychological contrast: a strong, disinterested feeling cannot arise in a world where only well-being, tranquility, beautiful things and words are valued, but such concepts as the beauty of the soul, spirituality, sensitivity and sincerity have disappeared. The “little man” rises, becomes great with his sacrificial love.)

IV. Conclusion

K. Paustovsky said that “Kuprin wept over the manuscript of the Garnet Bracelet, wept with relieving tears ... he said that he did not write anything more chaste.” The same feeling of purification and enlightenment leaves Kuprin's story with us, readers. It helps to understand what we can lose if we don’t see, hear, and notice the big, real things in life in time.

V. Homework(Reply in writing)

How do you understand Kuprin’s words from a letter to F. D. Batyushkov (1906): “Individuality is expressed not in strength, not in dexterity, not in mind, not in talent, not in creativity. But in love!”

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Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward (according to the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our rosy dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet".
The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background all events take place, come true beautiful fairy tale love. coldish autumn landscape fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even during a conversation with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied life principles without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached maximum value became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. crystal palace, in which Vera lived, crashed, letting a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with the music of Beethoven, it merges with both Zheltkov's love and eternal memory about him.
I so wish that this fairy tale about the all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin. I wish that I never harsh reality could not defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. love, true love, it is necessary to study diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but also put out a strong one, true love impossible. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our rosy dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even your own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet". The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background, all events take place, a beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. The coldish autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even during a conversation with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the principles of life, without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached its maximum value, became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. The crystal palace in which Vera lived was shattered, letting in a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with Beethoven's music, it merges with Zheltkov's love and eternal memory of him. I so wish that this tale of all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin, penetrated into our monotonous life. I so wish that cruel reality could never defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. Love, true love, must be studied diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but it is impossible to put out strong, true love. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward (according to the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our rosy dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even your own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet".
The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background, all events take place, a beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. The coldish autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even during a conversation with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the principles of life, without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached its maximum value, became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. The crystal palace in which Vera lived was shattered, letting in a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with Beethoven's music, it merges with Zheltkov's love and eternal memory of him.
I so wish that this tale of all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin, penetrated into our monotonous life. I so wish that cruel reality could never defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. Love, true love, must be studied diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but it is impossible to put out strong, true love. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward (according to the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our rosy dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even your own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet".
The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background, all events take place, a beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. The coldish autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even during a conversation with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the principles of life, without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached its maximum value, became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. The crystal palace in which Vera lived was shattered, letting in a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with Beethoven's music, it merges with Zheltkov's love and eternal memory of him.
I so wish that this tale of all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin, penetrated into our monotonous life. I so wish that cruel reality could never defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. Love, true love, must be studied diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but it is impossible to put out strong, true love. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

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