Arguments from modern literature to prepare for the exam in the Russian language. N.V. Gogol "Terrible revenge"


Frost's antipode - Pavel Mechik. In the novel, he is an "anti-hero". This is a young boy who joined the detachment only out of curiosity. But he immediately became disillusioned with the ideas, for the sake of which he "ceased" to be an urban intellectual. But the Sword hid it from everyone. The people who surrounded Paul brought him many disappointments, because they turned out to be incompatible with the “ideal” heroes that the ardent youthful imagination created them. still weak, because in the further narrative he betrays the members of the detachment. The sword was put on patrol by Levinson, the head of the detachment, but Pavel considered this not true and, having not fulfilled his duty, disappeared into the forest, which led to the death of the detachment. “... The swordsman, who had already driven quite far, looked back: Frost was riding behind him. Then the detachment and Morozka disappeared around the corner ... He dozed off. He did not understand why he had been sent ahead. He threw up his head, and the sleepy state instantly left him, replaced by a feeling of incomparable animal horror: there were Cossacks on the road ... "

The sword disappeared and saved only his own life, putting the lives of the squad members on the map. Fadeev focuses not on the battles themselves, but on the time between us, when there comes a moment of respite, rest. These seemingly “peaceful” episodes are full of internal tension and conflict: whether it’s the case of killing fish, confiscating pork from a Korean, or waiting for the result of Metelitsa reconnaissance. In this construction lies the deep meaning of the narrative: moral, ideological and political problems and their philosophical understanding are important. The train of thought of the characters, their behavior, internal throwing in relation to everything that happens around - this is what Fadeev called "the selection of human material."

In this regard, the image of Frost, one of the heroes of the novel, is interesting. Actually, his presence in the center of the work is explained by the fact that he is a model of a new person undergoing a “remake”. The author spoke about him in his speech: “Morozka is a man with a difficult past... He could steal, he could curse rudely, he could lie, get drunk. All these traits of his character are undoubtedly his great shortcomings. But in difficult, decisive moments of the struggle, he did what was necessary for the revolution, overcoming his weaknesses. The process of his participation in the revolutionary struggle was the process of the formation of his personality ... "

Speaking about the selection of "human material", the writer had in mind not only those who turned out to be necessary for the revolution. People "unsuitable" for the construction of a new society are ruthlessly discarded. Such a hero in the novel is Sword. It is no coincidence that this man social background belongs to the intelligentsia and consciously joins the partisan detachment, driven by the idea of ​​the revolution as a great romantic event. Mechik's belonging to a different class, despite his conscious desire to fight for the revolution, immediately alienates those around him. “To tell the truth, Frost did not like the rescued at first sight. Frost did not like clean people. In his life practice, these were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted. This is the first certification that the Mechik receives. Morozka's doubts are in tune with the words of V. Mayakovsky: "An intellectual does not like risk, / He is red in moderation, like a radish." Revolutionary ethics is built on a rigidly rational approach to the world and man. The author of the novel himself said: “The sword, another“ hero ”of the novel, is very“ moral ”from the point of view of the ten commandments ... but these qualities remain external to him, they cover up his inner egoism, lack of devotion to the cause of the working class, his purely petty individualism ". Here, the morality of the ten commandments and devotion to the cause of the working class are directly contrasted. Author preaching triumph revolutionary idea, does not notice that the connection of this idea with life turns into violence against life, cruelty. For him, the professed idea is not utopian, and therefore any cruelty is justified.

What is revenge? It is pain that gives rise to the desire to harm the offender. But is there a need for this?

One of the problems raised in the text proposed for analysis by V.A. Soloukhin, is the problem of the need for revenge. The narrator recalls how long he had been planning revenge for an unreasonable blow to the back from a friend who had sneaked up behind him, and how easy it was on his soul when he nevertheless decided to forgive the offender. Although the position of the author is not explicitly expressed, it is reflected by the logic of the text: from his point of view, there is no need to take revenge on a person who offended something, revenge is negative quality, which negatively affects primarily its owner, depriving him of joy and peace. One cannot but agree with this: it is much better to resolve the conflict peacefully than to resort to aggression.

But there are situations in which the offender cannot be forgiven. To prove my judgments, I will give two examples from the Russian classical literature.

The novel by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter". After the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin, during which the latter despicably struck at the moment of his distraction of the enemy, Pyotr Andreevich forgave his opponent, because he was smart and understood that nothing could fix this person and therefore there was no point in continuing to conflict with him. But Aleksey continued to treacherously take revenge on his opponent, writing a denunciation of him to his parents.As the story continued, Shvabrin more and more revealed himself as an immoral person, his actions became more base and dishonorable.As a result, the magnanimous Grinev did not tarnish his honor and found true happiness, but his enemy was left with nothing but a burden on his soul.

Now let's look at the "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov" by M.Yu. Lermontov. This poem tells how the merchant Kalashnikov killed the guardsman in a fight, who defiled the honor of his wife, thus taking revenge on him. In this case, it is impossible to say for sure whether the merchant should have gone for the kill or not. On the one hand, every person, whatever he may be, has the right to life. But on the other hand, Kalashnikov can be understood: the former reputation of his wife cannot be returned (in the sixteenth century, what Kiribeevich did with Alena Dmitrievna was considered a great shame), and negotiations with the offender would not lead to an improvement in the situation, nor to spiritual relief. And the state would not have resolved the conflict fairly, since the offender was the king's favorite. Thus, there are critical situations in which the culprit must be punished.

Revenge or not taking revenge is a choice that each of us can face. The main thing - in no case should you succumb to momentary emotions. And remember: revenge is a dish best served cold.

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Updated: 2017-05-08

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We have less than a month left before the final essay on literature, which must certainly be written well. After all, an essay test is a direct admission to such an important exam as the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. In order to write a high-quality work, the student had to read works of Russian and foreign classical literature throughout all 11 years of schooling. But what if there was no time to read, or extensive literary material had already been forgotten? Don't worry. After all, especially for such force majeure situations (which, as you know, happen to everyone), we have prepared a bank of arguments from the literature in all five areas of IP.

For each of the directions, we have selected for you several arguments that may be suitable for commenting on many possible topics. The wise Litrecon wishes you the favor of fortune and offers to “hack” it with the help of pre-prepared arguments. Go!

It's not like that difficult direction, suitable for preparation for everyone who is not confident in their literary talents. Therefore, the Wise Litrecon picked up the arguments from famous works, which definitely will not cause questions from the inspectors. If you still have wishes for examples, express them in the comments - we will add them.

"Fathers and Sons", I. Turgenev

The problem of the relationship between fathers and children, which belongs to the category of eternal dilemmas of mankind, is raised in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev. The title of the piece speaks for itself. The dispute between two generations is revealed on the example of the relationship between “fathers” (they are represented by the brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov) and “children” (these are Arkady Kirsanov, the son of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, and Evgeny Bazarov, a friend of Arkady). The philosophy of nihilism has taken possession of Bazarov, who has influence on his comrade. Representatives of the older generation stand up for traditional values ​​and do not understand the sweeping denial of unshakable foundations. The conflict of ideological positions leads to a duel between Evgeny and Pavel Petrovich. The ending of the work is unexpected - the main character dies of a serious illness in the house of his parents. The death of such a strong, characteristic character is a symbol of the failure of nihilistic views in society and the victory of "fathers" over "children". Arkady, refusing fashion trends, returns to the bosom of the family, finds his own, adjoins the camp of "fathers". He becomes the bearer of traditional values.

Here you can "pick up" the argument about good and bad children and their attitude towards the family. Eugene was indifferent to his parents, did not find time to communicate with them. When he arrived for the first time in three years, he did not even condescend to a conversation with his father, but immediately went to bed, although he did not close his eyes. But the old people still loved their heir, and when he died, only they came to his grave. But Arkady loved and revered his father, even nihilism could not separate them. He approved of his marriage to Fenechka, supported him in every possible way, wishing only happiness. In the final, both families lived together, in their family nest harmony reigned. And all because the young man did not disdain communication with his father.

"The Captain's Daughter", A. Pushkin

Andrei Petrovich Grinev, sending his 17-year-old son Peter to serve in Belogorsk fortress near Orenburg, gives the young man a father's order: "Take care of your shirt again, and honor from a young age." These words become the most important in the fate of a young man, literally determine his fate. Peter does not lose dignity in difficult situations. He is ready to help a person in trouble, and his goodness repeatedly returns to him. He always remains honest before the Motherland, faithfully observing the precepts of the parent. The work shows an example of the beneficial effects of father's upbringing on children. Andrei Petrovich Grinev brought up a real, brave and honest citizen of his country and a merciful person.

The parents of Masha Mironova accept death from Pugachev without tarnishing their honor. Especially touching is the scene when Vasilisa Egorovna sacrifices herself in order to last moment support her husband and raise the morale of other people doomed to death. Their daughter also followed in the footsteps of her relatives and was not afraid to stand up for her chosen one before the empress. This family is characterized by courage, honor and readiness for self-sacrifice. The work will become good argument about the similarities of children and fathers, the features of a good upbringing and family values.

"Scarecrow", V. Zheleznikov

Granddaughter Lenka, an awkward sixth grader, comes to the elderly Nikolai Nikolayevich Bessoltsev. In the new class, ridicule, bullying and misunderstanding of classmates awaited her. Lenka gets the offensive nickname "scarecrow" and is constantly attacked by evil schoolchildren. The girl and her peers represent the generation of children, in turn, the generation of fathers is represented by the figure of the class teacher of the sixth grade, the teacher Margarita Ivanovna and the grandfather of the "effigy" Nikolai Nikolaevich. A work about what happens when adults turn a blind eye to the problems of children, leaving them to themselves, leaving them alone with cruelty and misunderstanding.

Refusal to see children's sorrows can lead to irreparable consequences and repentance of an adult in front of a child. Both Margarita Ivanovna and Nikolai Nikolaevich understand that they made a mistake and repent. The grandfather decides to leave the city with his granddaughter, and the teacher realizes that behind her own happiness she did not see the adult experiences of her students.

This beautiful heartfelt story opens with the words: “Strange: why do we, just like before our parents, every time feel guilty before our teachers? And not for what happened at school - no, but for what happened to us after. The protagonist of the story, the village boy Volodya, comes to study in the fifth grade in the district center, 50 km from home, to his aunt, who has three children. 1948 Endless hunger haunts the boy, his mother sends him parcels with potatoes and bread, but he notices that his supplies "somewhere" are disappearing, and because of hunger he begins to gamble with classmates. The class teacher, French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, taking pity on the boy, tries to help. She sends him a package of food, but he guesses where it comes from and returns everything to the teacher out of pride. Lidia Mikhailovna represents the generation of fathers, the boy Volodya and his classmates represent the children. The teacher plays with the child for money, but not for her own benefit, but to help the student win at least some pennies for food. The director of the school lives through the wall, he enters the apartment and sees the game. The woman returns to the Kuban, and in the winter the boy receives a parcel with pasta and apples, which he had only seen in pictures before.

Here the problem of mercy, kindness, generosity is raised, which can help you when writing an essay on other suitable thematic areas. The main theme of the story is the responsibility of "fathers" for "children", not only their own, but all those in need of help, and the gratitude of young people for all the good that they once received from mature people.

"The Cherry Orchard", A. Chekhov

A work in which "fathers" and "children" change places. Infantile parents, especially Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, and her brother Leonid Andreevich Gaev, are absorbed in dreams and memories of bygone years held in the estate. The house, along with the cherry orchard, must be exposed for debt, but older generation only says that the house needs to be saved, but does not take any steps towards salvation. But the children are forced to take care of the "fathers" to preserve the beautiful family garden. But Anya, Varya and Petya Trofimov adopt inactivity from their ancestors and only talk about changes for the better and planting a new garden. The infantile stupidity of "adults" completes its work, and a sad fate awaits the estate with a garden. This is a book about how the older generation has a bad influence on young people, leaving them to their fate. Lyubov Andreevna herself dooms her daughters to poverty, trying to spend all the capital on the maintenance of her lover in France.

Here you can also find an argument about the continuity of generations: Lopakhin was the grandson of a peasant who, at the cost of labor and perseverance, bought the family out of the possession of the nobles. The hero inherited the industriousness, acumen and practical ingenuity of his ancestors and became a wealthy capitalist. This is a positive example of the impact of parenting on children.

"Mother of Man", V. Zakrutkin

The war took away her husband and son from the pregnant Maria, but she continues to live for the sake of her future life, saves the girl Sanya, who also soon dies, then pities the young German who calls her "Mom!" All living things flock to Maria, and as a result, having sheltered seven Leningrad orphans brought by fate to a burnt farm, she meets the victory of a real mother. She becomes the patroness of all living things. For her, there are no other people's children, the struggle for life rallied the people, and the woman becomes a symbol of the revival of the country from the ashes. She kept these children, only thanks to her care they survived, so this argument is ideal for revealing the topic "The role of the mother."

The problem of love and responsibility of "fathers" for "children", the problem of mercy, generosity (instead of revenge on the German, as a representative of a hostile people who destroyed Mary's family, she pities him, accepts, forgives) and kindness - all this is revealed in this book. The work can be used as an argument to other thematic areas.

"My friend Momich", K. Vorobyov

Orphan Sasha remains in the care of his uncle's wife. She loves their neighbor, Momich, who takes care of the abandoned family into his own hands. The little hero in their relationship discovered the meaning of the union of a man and a woman, infinitely devoted and loving friend friend. Sirota saw a chaste family, in which Momich is a mentor, protector, father, teacher. But the apocalyptic time of the 1930s, insisting on "moving" forward, offered models of new "families". For example, there was a “commune” - this is how the authorities imagined the unification of people who were strangers to each other in “ social institution new type." There, no one belonged to anyone, everyone could mate like an animal with everyone. Sanka and his aunt end up in this "paradise" (with clear signs of a concentration camp), but Momich "kidnaps" them from there, saving a woman with a child from inevitable reprisal. This is an example of the importance of the institution of the family in people's lives. The boy survived that difficult post-revolutionary time only thanks to foster parents who spared no effort in his proper upbringing. Alexander will become a bold and courageous defender of the homeland and patron of the weak and oppressed.

Revenge and generosity

Any military work almost always raises the problem of revenge or generosity: B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", V. Bykov "Sotnikov", L. Tolstoy "War and Peace", etc. We will focus on more diverse examples, but if you definitely need “combat” arguments, you are welcome in the comments, where you can write what needs to be added to the selection, and we will listen to your advice.

"Terrible revenge", N. Gogol

This story from the cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” tells about two stories of revenge. The main outline of the work tells about the story of Danilo Burulbash, his wife Katerina and her father, who turned out to be a sorcerer. Her parent, among other things, was in cahoots with the Poles. Due to the personal accounts of his son-in-law and father-in-law, Danilo ends up in prison and then dies. Distraught, Katerina is obsessed with revenge. And he decides to kill his father. However, he kills her himself. This is an excellent argument for proving that retribution does not lead to anything good and generally destroys families.

The story concludes with the song of the old bandura player about the brothers Ivan and Peter. Ivan caught the Turkish Pasha and decided to share the award with his brother. But the envious Peter pushed Ivan with his baby son into the abyss and took all the good for himself. God gives Ivan the right to choose the execution for his brother. He curses all the offspring of Peter and, as the end comes to his brother, the ghost of Ivan will cast him into the abyss, and all his grandfathers will be drawn from different parts of the earth to gnaw him, and Petro, distraught and dumb, will gnaw himself. God was horrified, but decided to fulfill the will of Ivan. So, the thirst for retribution turns good man in the fiend, ready to use any torture to achieve their goals.

"A Hero of Our Time", M. Lermontov

The tragic consequences of revenge are displayed in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". The hot-tempered highlander Kazbich is in love with the daughter of the Circassian prince, the beautiful Bela, and wants to win her heart. But the girl is kidnapped by a young officer tsarist army Grigory Pechorin, and with her the horse Kazbich for Bela's brother Azamat. The Circassian decides to take revenge. Having tracked down when the girl is left alone, he steals her and tries to take her away, but, noticing the chase, mortally wounds the victim and leaves her on the road. Bela dies, and Kazbich achieves nothing with his revenge and is left with nothing. The conclusion can be this: retribution has nothing to do with justice, since people just try to compensate for their mental anguish, forgetting about the equivalence of punishment for the culprit of their troubles. As a result, even innocent people suffer from such an act of aggression.

Another example from this work: the duel between Grushnitsky and Pechorin. In an effort to take revenge on Grigory for his ridicule and success in winning the heart of the princess, the young man denigrates the name of his own beloved, trying to provoke a comrade into a showdown. In the course of preparation, the junker deliberately planted an inactive weapon on his opponent, but his opponent saw through his deceit. Without waiting for a confession in an attempt to commit meanness, Pechorin killed the enemy, who was left with his forgery without the ability to defend himself. Thus, revenge again destroys all human virtues and feelings (Grushnitsky sacrifices the reputation of his beloved girl for the sake of realizing his plans), and also leads to dire consequences(junker died in the prime of life). In addition, it cannot be considered fair, because no jokes are worth the death of a person.

"The Master and Margarita", M. Bulgakov

The central theme of the novel is the conflict between good and evil. But motives of revenge and generosity go hand in hand here. The novel "The Master and Margarita" is often called the Gospel of Satan. And Woland is also characterized by revenge on those who do not believe in him and in God (to Berlioz, as proof of the existence of God (and hence the devil), providence itself cuts off the head with a tram), and generosity towards people who are characterized by real love And real talent. Woland encourages truth and honesty, but punishes lies and cowardice. His behavior can be called fair, and this revenge can be justified, because many characters really need a life lesson that would teach them to think about something else besides the housing issue.

Margarita is a woman who is characterized by generosity. She renounces a stable rich life for the sake of her beloved Master, who lives in a poor closet in the basement. He is obsessed with romance, and she is obsessed with love for him. For the sake of his search, she makes sacrifices, because participation in the events of the devil takes away the chance for the immortality of the soul. The heroine boldly goes to dark forces risking his life to find and save the Master. Also, Margarita's nobility and generosity manifests itself after the ball, when she (instead of her desire) asks Woland not to give the distraught Frieda a handkerchief with which she strangled her son, and in return receives Woland's generous gesture - he reunites her with her beloved Master.

Just as generous is Yeshua, who does not hold a grudge against the people who tortured him. He also forgives the procurator who condemned him to death. The young prophet alone takes punishment for everyone, protecting all the inhabitants of the Earth before God. This argument will come in handy to reveal the essence of generosity: it is selfless kindness at the cost of self-sacrifice.

"Chelkash", M. Gorky

Chelkash is a tramp. Gorky's tramps are noble heroes, courageous and independent people, and the peasants, including Gavrila, are shown not from the very beginning. better side. The thief takes Gavrila to work. But the partner turns out to be cowardly and greedy for money: he understands that he does not want to divide the money in half, and decides to rob a colleague by hitting him on the head. But it was not this insult that Chelkash could not stand, but the insult with a word. The guy tells him that he is extra person, and the money will come in handy for him, he will buy land, start a family ... The thief can not stand it and takes the prey, but then decides to give him everything. But this is by no means a gesture of generosity, but a kind of revenge on Gavrila. The peasant returned for forgiveness to his comrade, and he wants the greedy man to be bitten by conscience. This is a good example of imaginary generosity, which only seems to be such, but in reality is a sophisticated, but fair revenge (fair, because it did not entail victims and became important lesson for a young guy).

The same example is useful for revealing the theme of kindness and cruelty, dreams and reality. It was not the one from whom everyone expected it that turned out to be cruel, but a common person, and his aggression is saturated with indifference to everyone except himself. This means that the essence of cruelty lies in indifference, and not in the type of activity or lifestyle. Even a thief and a vagabond can be humane.

Gavrila's dream of a family and honest work becomes a pretext for him to assassinate human life. For the sake of his happiness, he is ready for anything, and this readiness becomes fatal for his entourage. Obsession with desire can give rise to unscrupulousness and immorality, so dreams do not always help a person to live, sometimes they even interfere very much, because they turn him into a beast.

In the legend of Larra, Gorky gives an example of the people's revenge on the proud son of an eagle. Larra fell in love with the girl, but she did not reciprocate. In revenge, the proud narcissist kills her. The elder of the tribe banishes him, and he is doomed to eternal loneliness. When an aimless lonely life bothers Larra, he approaches the tribe so that people kill him, but realizing that this is just a trick, that he wants to kill, they retreated from the traveler to prolong his torment. Terrible, but fair revenge, which can be called justice, because no one suffered from it, except for the one who deserved it. It has become a lesson for the whole society and a good warning for those who do not value the rights of other people as their own.

In the legend of Danko, Gorky gives an example of how generosity can play bad joke with a person. The selfless hero is trying to lead his tribe out of the forest, where people simply suffocated from poisonous fumes. He takes the situation into his own hands, and boldly makes his way through the thicket. When the people began to despair, Danko tore the heart out of his chest and lit the way for them to the wide steppe. Having reached the goal, he died happy. And someone stepped on his heart. No one appreciated the feat of Danko. The reward for a young man is only the goal that he has achieved. Generosity often goes unnoticed and brings disappointment and even physical harm to a person.

“My friend Momich”, K. Vorobyov

Sanka is an orphan, he was raised by his aunt Yegorikh, the wife of his own uncle Ivan. Momich is the hero's neighbor, Maxim Evgrafovich. Momich and Yegorikha love each other. At that time, the authorities tried to convert believers by force into some kind of vague "religion of a bright future", destroying old temples. The boy, who became especially religious after meeting Momich, observed the confrontation between the authorities and the small church. But in his presence, Aunt Yegorikha was killed when she made an attempt to stop the tearing of the cross from the church. Sanka recalls that Momich "nursed a dead aunt", and after the funeral he put a dish of water and hung a towel - "so that the soul was washed." But the widowed Momich does not take revenge. He goes into the forest, as "to the porch of the church." The hero refused retribution for ideological reasons: he was a believer and could not fight back. This means that religion can save a person from a thirst for revenge.

There is no place for generosity in war, because the soldiers of the warring armies are desperately avenging it. So, the adoptive father of the protagonist was killed by the Nazis, who found out that he was helping the partisans. Momich could not do otherwise, because his comrades and fellow citizens were freezing and starving in the forests, and his behavior is understandable and commendable from a human point of view. But in wartime true values give way to false ones, and people become bloodthirsty enemies to each other. Therefore, a man whose behavior would be approved by all Germans in civilian life was killed as punishment for the “crime”.

Kindness and cruelty

This direction can be found in every work, so the choice of books for him is huge. Everything that can be useful is difficult to write, the Wise Litrekon will act more selectively. If you would like to receive some specific argument, write about it in the comments, he will be happy to add it.

“My horses are flying”, B. Vasiliev

In this work you can find an example of the importance and significance of kindness. Thanks to Dr. Jansen, the hero's mother decided to have a child. The woman was sick with consumption, and she was persuaded to terminate the pregnancy, but the doctor's advice became a pillar of hope. The sympathetic doctor took care of and supported the patient, did not let her lose heart and feel sorry for herself. Despite everything, the heroine gave birth to a son and became happy. Kindness is an indispensable condition for the existence and interaction of people, its role in our world can hardly be overestimated. It is this quality that can save a person and give him a chance to be born, because our life begins with the kindness of parents and their environment. All of them strive to give way to new generations, and without responsiveness, sympathy and readiness to help, the human race would have ceased long ago, since no one would sacrifice their comfort in order to give way to new people.

Dr. Janson is a kind person whose profession requires given quality. And he really developed it phenomenally to help people, to save them. For these features, the hero was very much appreciated in Smolensk, he became a symbol of dedication and nobility. Even his death was a consequence good relationship to the townspeople: he died, pulling out children who fell into the sewer. Such situations show the true nature of a person: one who is truly kind will not leave defenseless children to their fate. Hence, true virtue expresses the readiness to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of saving those who cannot help themselves on their own. This argument will come in handy in revealing themes: Who can be called kind? What are the acts of kindness?

Also have interesting example delimiting kindness and mercy. In the cavalry regimental school, the protagonist of the work practiced military affairs on a horse, to which he became very attached. He loved these animals, treated them kindly, respecting the work they give to people. Boris took good care of his partner, tried to treat her carefully and carefully. This is kindness: every day a person protected and cared for his assistant. But then his horse was wounded during an air raid, and the squadron commander shot her out of mercy. This act is a consequence of pity and compassion, because the poor animal was tormented by pain, and the only way to help her is to kill, which stops the torment. The commander took upon himself the burden of this reprisal, but made the fate of the horse easier. This is the difference between kindness and mercy: one quality means a good and responsible attitude towards the environment, and the second is the ability to sympathize and the desire to alleviate the torment of someone who is ill and hurt.

"Dubrovsky", A. Pushkin

Troyekurov showed cruelty when, due to an everyday dispute, he began the process of seizing the estate of his old comrade. He bribed officials who recognized him as the true owner of Kistenevka. The rich man left his poor friend without housing and capital. The helpless old man died, struck by injustice to the very heart. And so, when Kirila Petrovich repented of the evil he had done, he realized that he had gotten excited, it was already too late: his only real friend died an untimely death through his fault. Conclusion: cruelty is irreversible and entails tragic consequences.

Also here you can find an interesting example on the topic: “Who can be called a cruel person”? Troekurov not only ruined his only friend, but also ruined the life of his own daughter, who forcibly married an unloved person. Marya begged her father to cancel the wedding, because she did not love Vereisky. But Kirila Petrovich was adamant: he knew better what was needed for his daughter, and this something was wealth. Only in him did the old man see the meaning of life. He ignored Mary's needs and doomed her to a life without love and happiness. The truly cruel one is the one that harms even the members of the family itself and is indifferent to eternal values, preferring material ones to them.

In addition, there is an argument proving that cruelty can be justified. Dubrovsky, having lost his father, estate and prospects, despaired and decided to take revenge on the offenders. The first step was the burning of the estate, which Troekurov got illegally. Corrupt officials died in the flames of the fire, because one of the peasants locked the door. Then Vladimir began to rob local landowners, forming a gang of bandits from fugitive peasants. Of course, his behavior is cruel and illegal, but it is justified by the reader, because the hero suffered and lost everything he had because of the corruption, injustice and greed of all those he robbed. Like noble robber He took from the rich to give to the poor. This desire for justice is worthy of respect, but the people who are responsible for the troubles of a people who cannot stand up for themselves are worthy of abuse as a punishment.

"Bread for the dog", V. Tendryakov

In this book you can find an example of the impact of cruelty on children. The protagonist lived in Siberia, in a station settlement, when the dispossessed wealthy peasants were exiled there. Before reaching the place of exile, they were left to die of starvation in a small birch forest in front of the inhabitants of the village. Adults bypassed this place, and the children could not restrain themselves from curiosity. The dispossessed were called "kurkuli", and the children from afar watched the death of these unfortunate ones. The stationmaster was horrified by such a strange curiosity, and was perplexed that he would grow out of these tomboys. From the height of his years, the author is surprised at how he, a little boy, did not go crazy from such a spectacle. Cruel times had a very strong impact on children, and they grew up in an atmosphere of general indifference to death and selfishness. The narrator could not get rid of this memory, even as an adult. His moral condition was forever undermined by these appalling conditions life. A lot of time has passed, but thoughts about those years still torment the author.

There is also an interesting take, proving that initially all people are kind, it's just that circumstances force them to change for the worse. It can also be used as part of the theme: "Can a kind person commit a cruel act." The hero does not show pity for the dispossessed, but he himself brings them the remnants of his dinner. Still, he could not feed more than two people, and more and more hungry people began to line up at the fence of his house. He could not bear this burden and drove them away. He no longer brings bread to the “kurkuly”, but his conscience is restless. And then a dog appears in the village, hungry. And the boy decides to help her. But the narrator remarks: “I did not feed the dog, which was shabby from hunger, with pieces of bread, but my conscience.” The hero was kind, but could not help everyone who needed it, so circumstances forced him to harden and leave the hungry "fists" to their fate.

"Dark alleys", I. Bunin

Even if cruelty is not punished by people, fate itself stops it. So, the hero of Bunin's book named Nikolai became a victim of his cruel act. Once he left his mistress, as a result of which the girl remained single for life. The man acted selfishly, because at that time a woman who lost her innocence outside of marriage was considered fallen and unworthy of a marriage proposal. Nikolai, without hesitation, doomed his beloved to loneliness and shame, as he was carried away by another lady. He really fell in love with his lawful wife, but she did not share his feelings and left her husband. The hero was very upset by the loss, but for a long time he had hopes for his son, he thought that he would find happiness in his society. However, even here he did not manage to escape from the revenge of fate: the young man grew up as a "scoundrel." Obviously, he could not build happiness on someone else's misfortune. The cruelty of the hero towards the abandoned Nadezhda was punished, although not directly.

Kindness does not exist without honesty and patience. A good example confirming this statement is the position of the heroine of Bunin's story " Dark alleys". Having lost a loved one, Nadezhda did not look for opportunities to get married. She still loved Nikolai, who left her. Therefore, the woman did not deceive another man, just to arrange her fate. She did not want to condemn the one who would take her as his wife to a life of lies.

"Old Woman Izergil", M. Gorky

In the story “Old Woman Izergil”, the first legend is the story of Larra, the son of an eagle and a woman, doomed for his cruelty to eternal wandering and loneliness. He considered himself superior to others due to his mysterious origins. Once from a tribe of farmers and hunters, a huge eagle that lived on the very high mountain, kidnapped the most beautiful girl. Her search was unsuccessful, and twenty years after the death of the eagle, she returned with a beautiful young man, her son. The boy was very handsome, but proud and cold, he did not take into account the opinion of any of the tribe, nor with the elders, which caused indignation of all the people around him. But the last straw in the cup of patience was his disgusting act - the murder in front of everyone of an innocent girl who rejected Larra. This cruelty did not go unpunished, and the offender was expelled from society. Even God punished him with eternal loneliness. Only then the young man realized his mistake and repented, but it was too late.

Another example can be given if the topic concerns the superiority of kindness over beauty. Izergil in her youth was a rare beauty, a woman was idolized and carried in her arms. She has had many adventures and highlights. However, in old age, the heroine turned out to be useless to anyone: she had no loving husband, no children, no major achievements. As soon as beauty gave way to fading, all the value of this person was gone. But if Izergil was famous for her kindness and responsiveness, and not just her beautiful appearance, then she would not be lonely even in old age, because true virtues do not depreciate over time.

"Mu-mu", I. Turgenev

Why do people get bitter? An example from the work of I. S. Turgenev "Mu-mu" can serve as an explanation. Gerasim is not an evil person, but absolutely pure and kind. He never offended anyone, he treated everyone with respect. Despite his slightly formidable appearance, in his soul he was very kind and vulnerable. But the people around him abused his courtesy, for example, the same lady pulled him out of his usual environment and forcibly transported him to the city. Then she destroyed his dreams of marriage with Tatyana. But even this seemed to her not enough, and the landowner insisted on killing her servant's pet. Receiving one blow of fate after another, the man withdrew into himself and lost faith in people. After the death of Mu-mu, he ran away from his mistress's house and returned to the village, where he lived the remaining years in solitude. He could no longer bear the cruelty of this world, and therefore did not take responsibility for his wife or dog. He hardened and withdrew into himself, as terrible circumstances forced him to surrender under the pressure of injustice.

Cruelty often goes hand in hand with power. An example is the lady from the story "Mu-mu". The woman could dispose of the peasants as she wanted, and abused this, putting pressure on them and playing with their destinies. For example, in an effort to cure Kapiton of alcoholism, she married him to Tatyana, who did not love him. And the drunkard did not particularly need a wife. But the landowner imposed her will on the servants, disregarding their feelings and opinions. As a result, Kapiton drank even more, and the fate of his wife was completely ruined completely. The noblewoman allowed herself such experiments, feeling her impunity and permissiveness. Power poisons the mind and instills irresponsibility in people, so cruelty most often becomes its manifestation.

"French Lessons", V. Rasputin

Sometimes we do good, realizing that it will bring us harm, but we do it anyway, because we know that our sacrifice is justified. The heroine from the work of V. Rasputin "French Lessons" can serve as such an example. Lidia Mikhailovna was well aware that by helping Volodya, she could lose the job she loves, but she could not do otherwise. Woman playing with boy gambling to give him money for food under this pretext. The poor child was starving in the city, but out of pride he did not take handouts. Of course, having learned about this, the school principal put the teacher out the door, without understanding the situation. But when Volodya grew up, he remembered the kindness of his teacher and thanked her for it. Lidia Mikhailovna was well aware that the kindness she showed to him could harm her, but how can one stay aside when help is needed for someone who cannot provide such help to himself?

Sometimes cruelty in life is very difficult to notice, and people pass by it. For example, Volodya's relative, not doubting the rightness of her actions, deprived the boy and stole his food. What his mother sent him with great difficulty became the prey of a woman who gave nothing to the child, dooming him to a hungry childhood. He could have died of exhaustion had he not thought of playing for money. But the fate of Volodya was not interested in his relative, who did not see anything wrong with her actions. She, of course, justified herself, thinking that she had three children, little money, and then an extra mouth to feed. But such actions cannot be justified, because they have one really truthful basis - indifference to other people.

"White Bim Black Ear", G. Troepolsky

The story of a strong friendship between a man and a dog is useful for arguing on the topic: “Why do we need kindness to our smaller brothers?”. They wanted to kill the little setter, because he did not look like a thoroughbred at all, but the writer saved the dog by taking it with him. Bim grew up as an exceptionally smart, affectionate and good pet. The dog understood all the feelings of the owner and was able to repay him with kindness for kindness, showing unprecedented devotion. Ivan Ivanovich went to the hospital, and Bim remained under the supervision of his neighbor Stepanovna. He was so sad that he did not eat, and as a result he left to look for the owner in the hospital. Realizing that it would take a long time to return, the animal suffered greatly, but stubbornly strove for the one who saved it. Having gone through all the misfortunes, the dog did not lose trust in people and love for one single person. So, Ivan Ivanovich found in a pet a faithful and sincere friend who worried about him and was waiting for him very much. Animals wholeheartedly respond to kindness and give us in return all the generosity of their love, which so supports and inspires us.

There is also an example of human cruelty to animals. While the owner was ill, Bim lived with a shepherd and his son Alyosha. The shepherd loved Bim, but one day he gave it to a friend for hunting. Klim beat Bim because he, too good a dog, did not finish off the little animal. The man saw in the pet only equipment for entertainment and a variety of weapons. The consumer attitude towards the dog led the person to the manifestation of unmotivated aggression. Having hit Bim, the hunter behaved even worse than the beast, because the animals do not get angry and do not attack without a good reason. Thus, cruelty to our smaller brothers leads to the degradation of the soul and mind, because the one who is capable of this has no right to be called a "man", because he behaves worse than an animal.

Art and craft

This is the most difficult direction, it is not so easy to find it in Russian literature, so we paid special attention to it. The wise Litrekon still asks you for help: write in the comments what is missing.

"Art", N. Gumilyov

Argument that art is eternal. “All dust. - one thing, rejoicing, art will not die. The statue will outlive the people,” Gumilev writes. Creativity is eternal, it exists for centuries, we restore the life of the distant past from pictures, we can learn from statues about kings who died long ago, from legends and chronicles we restore history itself. Only art will live for centuries, as a symbol of eternal life, because it is higher and more significant than everything material and practical.

And here is the answer to the question: “What kind of art is the most valuable?”. Poetic creativity the author puts on the highest pedestal. It is the poetic word that is destined to survive even copper, sculpture, everything material, because, as it is written in the Bible: “In the beginning there was a word.” It will survive in historical memory peoples, because the language, unlike paints and clay, is owned by all people, so they will always need literature. She will always help them express their feelings and thoughts beautifully and correctly, without this civilization will lose the only thing that unites it - speech.

"Creativity", A. Akhmatova

This work raises the problem of the role of inspiration in creativity. Poetic art is a subtle matter emanating from higher powers. Many creators think so. In the poem "Creativity" Akhmatova reveals the secret of the birth of the verse, reveals how feelings are born that make you write: something is heard (thunder peals), something is imagined, a captivating "languor" takes possession of the body. And out of many sounds, the poet takes one and begins to develop it. As if something higher is dictating verses to him, and the master of words acts as a medium who distinguishes signals from an unknown world and translates them into human language. Thus, the author describes inspiration and notes its significance in the creative process, because without mysterious, barely perceptible sounds, a poem does not originate in the poet's head. He needs a creative impulse called insight.

"Artists", V. Garshin

Here you can find the difference between art and craft. Before the reader are two artists - Ryabinin and Dedov. They are comrades, studying at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Dedov - representative pure art. He cares about the beauty of creation, not its meaning. Ryabinin, on the other hand, wants to create in a social way, wants to reach out to the hearts and thoughts of the viewer and begins to paint a portrait of a “grouse”, someone who patches holes in boilers from the inside. Capercaillie receive a small wage for their work, quickly become deaf and die. Dedov does not encourage the ideas of his colleague, he does not understand why multiply the ugly. He is entirely for beauty and harmony, for pictures that delight the eye. But Ryabinin finishes the work and, having sold it, falls ill from a nervous shock. After this incident, he decides never to paint again, but to do something socially useful. The hero had the strength to realize and accepted that he just used art to promote his ideas. He did not want to create, his task was to draw public attention to the problems of the people. Painting itself was secondary to him, so Ryabinin can be called an artisan. But Dedov is a true artist, he was only interested in the beauty of the canvas, and he was engaged in creativity for the sake of the process itself, and not the result. His work was a real art.

There is also a good example here that reveals the theme: "Genius and villainy are two things that are incompatible." Grandfathers - very talented painter, to whom fate gave the opportunity to completely occupy himself with art. And he sincerely surrenders to the impulse of creativity, rejoicing at the successful play of light on the canvases and looking for interesting views. It seems that this person is distracted from everything that surrounds him. He does not understand, for example, why multiply ugliness by drawing a laborer "grouse", but not out of anger or selfishness, but because this is alien to his activity. But in life this young man is very kind and sympathetic. For example, he takes his sick friend to the hospital, takes care of him and visits him often. There is genuine compassion in his words. Obviously, the young man's talent is combined with kindness and readiness to help a comrade in difficult times. Gifted people are so distant from the bustle of the world that they do not find a reason and place for anger or cruelty in their bright soul.

"Doctor Zhivago", B. Pasternak

IN this novel one can find an argument that reveals the true purpose and power of art. Yuri Zhivago is a doctor and a poet. His youth falls on the time of the revolution. But, despite the political tension, the historical upheavals that befell the hero, Yuri remains absolutely apolitical. His name speaks for itself - he personifies life itself. He doesn’t care which side to be on, life in all its manifestations and the opportunity to create are important to him. The novel concludes with his book of poems. Each poem by Yuri is a response to events, shocks, feelings experienced by the doctor. Before the reader is life flowing in creativity. For a man, literature has become a sip clean air, with it he was saved from the cruelty and fury of the world around him. Only she protected his soul from the fever of fratricidal war, only she helped him plunge into love and find shelter in it. Thus, art heals a person, saving him from the destructive influence of omnipresent aggression. It gives him a haven where he can restore strength for life.

In addition, here you can find an argument on the topics: "What can inspire a person"; "What is inspiration?" Yuri began to write poetry especially actively when he met Lara, his muse. The woman became a source of inspiration for him, because love for her excited all the feelings of a man. Such a frenzied passion set him up for discoveries in literature, for the search for new themes and images. The magnetic power of this girl stimulated the imagination of the creator. Almost all the poems are dedicated to her, and after her departure, the author's creative energy began to wane. Thus, the most abundant source of inspiration for artists is love.

“Being famous is ugly…”, B. Pasternak

Here you can find an example that tells about the purpose of art. The author talks about the tasks of creativity, about the poet's guidelines. Boris Pasternak writes: “The goal of creativity is self-giving, not hype, not success. It is shameful, meaning nothing, to be a parable on the lips of everyone. Creativity for the sake of creativity, for the sake of a response in the hearts of the reader - this is the main goal of the poet. Neither fame nor money makes a creator a creator. It is the number of touched spiritual strings of readers or viewers that determines the value of an artist. The fate of the author is, first of all, a sacrifice in the name of the beauty and richness of the syllable, stroke, note. He is only a conductor of a brilliant message, a priest in the temple of creativity. Honor and recognition is just a hype that does not mean anything, because a real creator does not follow the crowd, but is ahead of her expectations by hundreds of years. Thus, the purpose of a cultural figure is to express all the potential inherent in him, to reach the peak of his abilities and surpass it.

"Portrait of Dorian Gray", O. Wilde

In this work you can find an example that reveals the essence of talent. Sybil Vane is a brilliant actress who lives on stage and skillfully transforms into the heroines of plays. A wealthy nobleman sees her on stage and falls in love with her image, with her passion on stage. Sybil fell in love with him, but she wanted to appear before him in real life, without the masks and falsehood of the theatre. For the sake of love, the girl played badly, ruining her talent. However, the young man fell in love with the talent in his chosen one. When his ideal crumbled to smithereens, he became disillusioned with her. She wanted to be real for him, to stop living in other people's roles, and this desire became fatal for her gift of reincarnation. Thus, a talent is a fragile and vulnerable skill that makes its owner exceptional, but very dependent person. The exclusivity of abilities levels his personality, in which others see the bearer of the gift, and not individuality.

This novel is rich in arguments, so the Wise Litrecon dedicated it to him, there are many high-quality examples.

"Martin Eden", D. London

There is a good example in this book concerning the plight of the creator, as well as the price of talent. The sailor realizes that he wants to become a writer. That's how it started long haul disappointments and small victories in the world of literature. It was difficult for the poor man to engage in self-education and creativity, because they didn’t really pay for it at the start. Martin writes books day and night, he has nothing to eat. When he dies of hunger, everyone drives him away, he does not see help, understanding from people who are proud of their education and belonging to the highest circle, but cannot lend a helping hand when it is really needed. Having survived many humiliations and trials, the hero nevertheless achieves his goal and becomes a fashionable author who stands out from the rest. Thus, talent is, first of all, the diligence of a person and his ability for self-development. Being gifted is very difficult, because geniuses often remain misunderstood and persecuted, and it is always difficult to recognize them, because people do not like those who stand out with at least something.

There is also a good argument as to why creative people often oppose society? Begins white stripe in Martin's life: after a long lack of money and a time of failure, they begin to print it. He becomes a famous writer, a rich and respected man. But the hero realizes that outwardly much has changed, but inwardly he remains the same Martin Eden. Writing and reading made him an intellectual and cultural conversationalist. But he doesn’t understand why earlier, when he needed food, understanding, no one wanted to support him, and now, when he has everything, he is invited to lunches, dinners and welcomed everywhere with open arms? Thinking about this injustice, he realized that society is hypocritical and deceitful. It is ready to accept only the winner and tramples underfoot hundreds of losers. Unable to bear the internal dissonance, Martin Eden jumps from the ship into the water and drowns. So he protested against people who wanted to know only a successful writer, but were ready to break and throw out a simple sailor. Thus, the hero rebelled against the crowd of rich townsfolk, because they showed him, the poor and the rich, their true face - indifferent, deceitful and arrogant.

Dream and reality

The wise Litrekon prefers not to dream, but to act, therefore he has collected suitable arguments for you in this direction. If his fees are not enough for you, contact him in the comments, he will get more useful things that you need.

"Tsar-fish", V. Astafiev

Ignatich is the wealthiest person in the village, a skilled fisherman. He is lucky when it comes to catching fish. But he dreams of catching the king fish. A sturgeon with more than two buckets of caviar could make Ignatich rich. And one day, when the main character goes fishing, he comes across the ultimate dream of all fishermen. A serious struggle ensues between the king of all nature and the king of underwater world. The clumsy Ignatich finds himself in the water, entangled in his own nets. And when the fight becomes impossible, the fisherman begins to pray, to ask for forgiveness from everyone he offended, forgetting his pride, he calls his brother, with whom he did not want to share his prey. But God seemed to hear Ignatich, gave him a second chance, separated the fisherman and the sturgeon. This is an example of how a dream can harm a person, forcing him to risk his life.

You need to dream big, otherwise life can pass you by. To prove this thesis, one can argue from this work. The desire of the hero was the capture of fish, which promised enrichment. The sturgeon, which carried several kilograms of expensive caviar, became the ultimate dream for an avid fisherman. He became obsessed with fishing and even risked his life for the sake of catching a gigantic fish. However, a petty consumer dream disappointed him: being on the verge between life and death, the man realized that he was doing the wrong thing, and now he is drowning in vain. Having miraculously escaped, he repents of his illusions and decides to reconsider life values and landmarks.

"Overcoat", N. Gogol

Here, too, you can dig up an example suitable for the topics: "You need to dream big", "How to distinguish a dream from a desire." Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin is a titular councilor living in St. Petersburg. He looks pitiful and causes ridicule from his colleagues. All that occupies him is rewriting papers. But one day the hero notices that his old overcoat was worn to holes. The tailor Petrovich refuses to repair a worthless thing, insists that Akaky Akakievich buy material for a new one. The dream of a new thing has become the focus of the life of the protagonist. He limits himself in everything, and, finally, he manages to save up 80 rubles for material for cutting a brand new overcoat. Having received it, a man becomes more confident in himself, begins to enjoy life. But the robbers liked the thing, and the hero is left without outerwear. This loss brought the official to an untimely death, because he attached things too great importance. His consumer dream was just a banal desire of a person to update the wardrobe, and he made an idol out of it, which contains the meaning of being. The mistake cost him his life, but if you think about it, he lived in vain if clothes were the limit of his dreams.

There is an abyss between dream and reality, because in our imagination we brush aside all the risks and difficulties that we are likely to face in real life. They then separate the idea from reality. An example is Bashmachkin's dream. Thinking about a new thing, he hoped that a representative appearance earn the respect of the environment, which he so lacked. But in his imagination, he completely did not take into account the fact that the thing is a shaky and insignificant reason for pride, if only because it is easy to lose. This is what happened in real life: the man was robbed, and the officials refused to help him look for the villains. But the man, deprived of illusions and hopes, could not come to terms with this and died of a nervous breakdown. The gap between dreams and reality has swallowed up another victim, and the reason for this phenomenon is simple: people themselves build castles in the air, so far from reality that at the first breath of the wind they scatter, leaving only a bitter sediment on the soul.

"Scarlet Sails", A. Green

This is an argument about staying true to your dream and not losing hope, even if everyone around you is urging you to do so. After the eight-year-old Assol heard the prediction of the collector of fairy tales Egl that the prince would come for her on scarlet sails, the girl began to dream about this moment, to wait for its approach, although all the children laughed at her. Assol spent her whole life alone and unsociable, and her fellow villagers considered her a fool. But one day the girl saw the approach of the treasured ship, which inexpressibly surprised her ill-wishers. It turns out that the traveler found out about the wonderful desire of the heroine and decided to fulfill it, since he liked Assol. As a result, the dreamy beauty, remaining true to her ideal, waited for a miracle and realized her dreams. This means that a person simply needs faith in a dream: it gives him the strength to live and strive for the best, and is also a guarantee of his success.

This example will come in handy when disclosing topics: “How to achieve your dream?”; "Is it necessary to make an effort to make a dream come true?". Arthur Gray was only child who lived in the rich family estate of his father. He was destined for the fate of a child with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he did not like the lot of a diplomat and an aristocrat. Seeing a picture in the library that depicted a ship, he wanted to become a sailor. Naturally, the parents did not want to hear about the arrival of an heir. Having been refused, the young man was not embarrassed and at the age of 15 he fled to the ship as a cabin boy, proved himself, and after the death of his father became the captain of his own ship. It was such a life that made him happy, it was in it that he saw the meaning, but it was not easy for the hero to achieve the embodiment of the ideal: for this he left his comfort zone and risked everything he had. To realize a dream, you need to try and work hard, otherwise plans will remain plans.

"Horse with a pink mane", V. Astafiev

This is a good example for revealing the topic: “How do children's dreams differ from adults?”; What do children dream about? To earn extra money, the grandmother sends her grandson for strawberries, which can be sold. For a basket of berries, she promised her grandson a gingerbread in the form of a horse with pink mane from sweet glaze. Such a pink gingerbread horse is the ultimate dream of all yard boys. Little Vitya really wanted to get a gingerbread, but he ate the collected berries, and instead of them he laid grass in a basket, filling it with strawberries on top. The deception of the grandson put the grandmother in an awkward position, but, having heard sincere apologies, the elderly woman relented and handed the sweet to Vitya. He was happy. Obviously, children's dreams are very simple and naive, unlike adult dreams, but both children and their parents are ready to go to great lengths for the sake of their desires. Nevertheless, in children this perseverance is not conscious, they hardly separate good and evil, but older people, of course, should be responsible in choosing means to achieve the desired result.

"Defense of Luzhin", V. Nabokov

This argument will help to uncover the problem of "escape from reality". Alexander Ivanovich Luzhin at the age of 10 became interested in playing chess. Now his whole life revolves around chess combinations, complex thinking over moves. As a child, no one understood him, but now we have a great chess player who lives exclusively inner life. He has little interest in the outside world. Reality was replaced by chess. All in illusory world obeys chess moves and calculations. One day, a draw with the Italian Turati puts Luzhin into a painful state, and he decides to "drop out of the game" - he commits suicide. The novel ends with the phrase: “Alexander Ivanovich! Alexander Ivanovich! But there was no Alexander Ivanovich.” This phrase says not only that Luzhin died, but also that Alexander Ivanovich did not exist at all, never, for a long time. He just turned into a chess piece. The author described the tragic outcome of "escape from reality", proving that it is a painful reaction of the personality to external stimuli.

Also, this example can answer the question: "Why does a person run away from reality." Nobody understood Luzhin since childhood, it was difficult for him to find mutual language with people. The boy suffered from loneliness and restlessness until he found an outlet that allowed him to leave the unfriendly real world. For him it was a chess game where all his sorrows were dissolved. He began to perceive everything that surrounded him through the prism of a board lined with squares. All life has been reduced to figures on the playing field. Even love could not knock Luzhin out of a comfortable rut: he stubbornly continued to exist outside of reality. Such a worldview was caused by misunderstanding and pressure from society, which led the child to the idea that it was easier to close in a cozy cocoon and avoid contact with the cruel and cold outside world.

"Portrait of Dorian Gray", O. Wilde

This example is suitable for an essay on the topic: "Be afraid of your desires." Dorian Gray's careless dream to have the portrait grow old instead of him has come true. Now the hero is doomed to eternal life. At first, this pleases the young man, because most of all he valued his appearance. secret life canvases gave him impunity and permissiveness: all his vices remained invisible to society. However, in mature years the man realized that he was doomed to live forever, feeling the whole burden of his own sins, the burden of pain that he caused people. Maddened, Dorian attacks his portrait with a knife, and dies himself. Thus, some dreams should not leave the limits of fantasy, otherwise their realization can destroy the dreamer himself, since he did not reasonably weigh all the consequences of his desire and, without realizing it, doomed himself to a tragic ending.

And this argument will reveal the topic: “Do dreams always have to come true?”. An ordinary girl Sybil Vane fell in love with a rich nobleman and dreamed of life together with him. A more practical and sensible brother warned his sister that she did not know her chosen one at all and was mistaken about him, because rich people rarely marry simple people like her. But the heroine could not stop the flight of her fantasy and already imagined herself as Dorian's wife, when she suddenly received a harsh refusal from him: the young man stopped loving her. Sybil could not survive the betrayal and committed suicide. Her brother was right: her dream was not destined to come true for objective reasons, so the girl went to her deceptive lights in vain.

S. Aleksievich "Uwar is not a woman's face..."

All the heroines of the book had to not only survive the war, but participate in hostilities. Some were military, others were civilians, partisans.

The narrators feel that having to combine male and female roles is a problem. They solve it as best they can. For example, they dream that their femininity and beauty will be preserved even in death. The warrior-commander of a sapper platoon tries to embroider in the dugout in the evening. They are happy if they manage to use the services of a hairdresser almost on the front line (story 6). The transition to a peaceful life, which was perceived as a return to the female role, is also not easy. For example, a participant in the war, even when the war is over, when meeting with the highest rank, one wants to take it under the hood.

The unheroic falls to the woman's lot. Women's testimonies allow us to see how enormous was the role of "non-heroic" types of activity during the war years, which we all so easily refer to as "women's business." It is not only about what happened in the rear, where the whole burden of maintaining the life of the country fell on a woman.

Women nurse the wounded. They bake bread, cook food, wash soldiers' clothes, fight against insects, delivering letters to the front line (story 5). They feed the wounded heroes and defenders of the Fatherland, themselves suffering severely from hunger. In military hospitals, the expression "blood relationship" has become literal. Falling from fatigue and hunger, women gave their blood to the wounded heroes, not considering themselves heroes (story 4). They are wounded and killed. As a result of the path traveled, women change not only internally, but also externally, they cannot be the same (it’s not for nothing that one of them will not be recognized by her own mother). The return to the female role is extremely difficult and proceeds like a disease.

The story of Boris Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..."

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “The dawns here are quiet…” Quiet dawns cannot be in tune with war, with death. They died, but they won, they did not let a single fascist through. They won because they loved their Motherland selflessly.

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the girls - fighters shown in the story. Both the most comical and the most dramatic scenes are connected with Zhenya in the story. Her benevolence, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, implacable hatred of enemies involuntarily draw attention to her and cause admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of female fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova played a stunning scene of carefree swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns. In the last minutes of her life, Zhenya called fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, she did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupid, absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

Courage, composure, humanity, a high sense of duty to the Motherland distinguish the squad leader, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov to be central, already in the first chapters talks about the past life of Osyanina. school evening, acquaintance with lieutenant - border guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and defend against gases, the birth of a son, and then ... war. And in the first days of the war, she was not at a loss - she saved other people's children, and soon found out that her husband died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

They wanted to send her to the rear more than once, but each time she reappeared at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally, they took her as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to hate enemies quietly and mercilessly. In position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists who came out of the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone at home: "It's bad, girls, it's business."

It was clear to him that they would not last long against heavily armed enemies, but then Rita’s firm remark: “Well, watch how they pass by?” - obviously, greatly strengthened Vaskova in decision. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov by taking fire on herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to detain fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was mortal, that she would die long and hard”

Sonya Gurvich - "translator", one of the girls of the Vaskov group, "city" pigalitsa; thin as a spring rook.

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry, theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers. The percentage of intelligent girls and students was very high at the front. Mostly freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible ... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich also fought.

And now, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, a foreman, Sonya rushes after a pouch, forgotten by him on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow of an enemy knife in the chest.

Galina Chetvertak - an orphan, pupil orphanage, a dreamer endowed by nature with a vivid figurative fantasy. The skinny, little "fuzzy" Jackdaw did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend Galka, the foreman ordered to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of faintness, felt a knife penetrating into the tissues, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave rise to a dull, cast-iron horror ... ”And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could think of in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.

The automatic hit briefly. From Ten Steps he struck a thin back, tense in running, and Galya thrust her face into the ground without removing her hands, twisted in horror, from her head.

Everything froze in the meadow.

Lisa Brichkina died while on a mission. Hurrying to get to the junction, to report on the changed situation, Lisa drowned in the swamp:

The heart of the hardened fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov is filled with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength, gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equalizes foreman Vaskov and five girls who "hold their front, their Russia" on the Sinyukhin ridge.

Thus, another motive of the story arises: each on his own sector of the front must do what is possible and impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

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