Modern dancer. The most beautiful dancers in the world


The art of dance is a unique form of expression that uses a universal body language that everyone can understand. From ballet to modern dance, from hip-hop to salsa and from oriental dance to flamenco - dance has recently become a delight that is a kind of renaissance.

But when it comes to individual dancers, who has the best moves? The best posture, strength and sharpness? Below are ten of the greatest dancers of the twentieth century - selected for their fame, popularity and influence on world art dance.

10. Vaslav Nijinsky

Vaslav Nijinsky was one of the most talented ballet dancers in history, perhaps even the greatest. Unfortunately, there is no clear footage that captures his incredible talent in motion, which is the main reason he only ranks tenth on this list.

Nijinsky was well known for his amazing ability to defy gravity with his magnificent jumps, as well as his ability to fully fall into the role he played. He is also known for dancing en pointe, a skill not often found in dancers. Nijinsky danced in the lead roles in tandem with legendary ballerina Anna Pavlova. Then Tamara Karsavina, founder of London's Royal Academy of Dancing, became his partner. They spoke of them with Karsavina as "the most worthy of imitation artists of that time."

Nijinsky left the stage in 1919, at the relatively young age of twenty-nine. His retirement is believed to have been due to a nervous breakdown and he was also diagnosed with schizophrenia. Nijinsky spent last years their lives in psychiatric hospitals and asylums. The last time he danced in public at last days World War II, impressing a group of Russian soldiers with their intricate dance moves. Nijinsky died in London on April 8, 1950.

9 Martha Graham

Martha Graham is considered the mother of modern dance. She created the only fully codified modern dance technique, choreographed over one hundred and fifty works in her lifetime as a choreographer, and has had a profound impact on all areas of modern dance.

The deviation of her technique from classical ballet, and the use of certain body movements such as contraction, release and spirals, had a profound effect on the world of dance art. Graham even went so far as to create a movement "language" based on expressive possibilities human body.

She danced and choreographed for over seventy years. During this time, she became the first dancer to perform at the White House; the first dancer to travel overseas as a cultural ambassador and the first dancer to receive the highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. As the mother of modern dance, she will be immortalized in people's memory for her incredibly emotional performances, her unique choreography, and especially her homegrown dance technique.

8 Josephine Baker

Although the name Josephine Baker is associated primarily with the Jazz Age, her incendiary dances still have an impact on dance world, almost one hundred and ten years after her birth, as it was before.

Many decades before Madonna, Beyoncé, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez, there was Josephine Baker, one of the world's first celebrities of African descent. Josephine went to Paris in 1925 to dance at La Revue Nègre. She made a lasting impression on French audiences with her perfect combination of exotic charm and talent.

The following year she performed at the Folies Bergère and this was the true start of her career. She appeared in a banana skirt and wowed the crowd with her dancing style. She later added singing to her performances, and remained popular in France for many years. Josephine Baker responded to the adoration of the French people by becoming a French citizen herself in 1937.

In France, she did not feel the same level of racial prejudice that was present in the United States at the time. Toward the end of her life, Josephine Baker hoped to create a "world village" on her estate in France, but these plans collapsed due to financial difficulties. To raise funds, she returned to the stage. Her return was short, but it was a triumph on Broadway in the 1970s, and in 1975 she opened a retrospective show in Paris. She died the same year of a cerebral hemorrhage, a week after the show opened.

7 Gene Kelly

Gene Kelly was one of the most big stars and the greatest innovators during Hollywood's golden age of musicals. Kelly considered his own style, somewhat of a hybrid of different approaches to dance, he took his movements from modern dance, ballet, and tap.

Kelly brought dance to the theatre, using every inch of his set, every surface, and every wide camera angle to break out of the film's two-dimensional limitations. And in doing so, he changed the way filmmakers look at their cameras. Thanks to Kelly, the camera became a living instrument, and even the dancer she filmed.

Kelly's legacy pervades the music video industry. Photographer Mike Salisbury photographed Michael Jackson for the cover of Off The Wall wearing "white socks and light leather shoes like Gene Kelly moccasins" - which have become the movie star's trademark. It was this image that became his own after some time. recognizable brands singer.

Paula Abdul, originally known for her dancing and choreography, made a reference to famous dance Kelly with Jerry the Mouse in his vulgar video for "Opposites Attract", which ends with a tap dance. Usher was another top-selling artist who paid tribute to Kelly's legacy. There will never be another dancer like Kelly, and his influence continues to resonate through generations of American dancers.

6. Sylvie Guillem

At forty-eight, Sylvie Guillem continues to defy the laws of ballet and gravity. Guillem has changed the face of ballet with her supernatural talents, which she has always used with intelligence, integrity and sensitivity. Her natural curiosity and courage directed her on the most daring paths, beyond the usual framework of classical ballet.

Instead of spending her entire career on "safe" performances, she made bold decisions, equally capable of playing the role of "Raymonda" (Raymonda) at the Paris Opera, or being part of an innovative dance performance based on the work of Forsythe (Forsythe) " In The Middle Somewhat Elevated". Almost no other dancer has such a scope, so it is not surprising that she has become the benchmark for most dancers around the world. Like Maria Callas in the opera world, Guillem was able to change the popular image of the ballerina.

5. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was exactly the man who could make music videos trend and he is, without a doubt, the one who made dancing an important element modern pop music. Jackson's moves have already become standard vocabulary in pop and hip-hop dance. Most modern pop icons like Justin Bieber, Usher, Justin Timberlake admit that Michael Jackson's style had a strong influence on them.

His contribution to the art of dance was original and unusual. Jackson was an innovator who was primarily self-taught, designing new dance moves without the often-occurring formal learning effects that limit the flight of the imagination. His natural grace, flexibility and amazing rhythm contributed to the creation of the "Jackson style". His employees called him "the sponge". This nickname was given to him for his ability to absorb ideas and techniques wherever he found them.

Jackson's main inspirations are James Brown, Marcel Marceau, Gene Kelly, and perhaps this will surprise many people - various classical ballet dancers. What many of his fans don't know is that he originally tried to "pirouette like Baryshnikov" and "tap-dance like Fred Astaire" but failed miserably. However, his dedication to his own unique style earned him the fame he sought, and today his name stands alongside other giants. popular music such as Elvis and the Beatles, and is considered one of the greatest pop icons of all time.

4. Joaquin Cortes

Joaquin Cortez is the youngest dancer on this list, but despite still being in the process of building his legacy, he is one of the few dancers in history to become phenomenal sex symbols loved by women and women alike. and men. Elle Macpherson described it as "walking sex"; Madonna and Jennifer Lopez have publicly adored him, while Naomi Campbell and Mira Sorvino are among the women whose hearts he is rumored to have broken.

It's safe to say that Cortes is not only one of the greatest flamenco dancers of all time, but also the one who cemented flamenco's place in popular culture. His male admirers include Tarantino, Armani, Bertolucci, Al Pacino, Antonio Banderas, and Sting. Many of his fans call him the God of Flamenco or simply the God of Sex, and if you get the chance to watch one of his shows, you'll understand why. However, at the age of forty-four, Cortes remains a bachelor, stating that "dance is my wife, my only woman."

3. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

Astaire and Rogers were, of course, an inimitable pair of dancers. They say that "he gave her charm, and she gave him sex appeal". They made dancing much more appealing to the masses in a rather prim time. This was partly due to the fact that Rogers used her acting skills in dancing, and gave the impression that dancing with Astaire was the most happy moments her life.

The era also contributed to the rise of their popularity, during the Great Depression, many Americans tried to make ends meet - and these two dancers gave people a chance to forget about the depressing reality for a while and have fun.

2. Mikhail Baryshnikov

Mikhail Baryshnikov is one of the greatest artists ballet of all time, many critics consider it the greatest. Born in Latvia, Baryshnikov studied ballet at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg (then known as Leningrad) before joining the Mariinsky Theater in 1967. Since then, he has performed leading roles in dozens of ballets. He played a key role in bringing ballet into popular culture as early as the late 1970s and early 80s, and has also been the face of art for over two decades. Baryshnikov is perhaps the most influential dancer of our time.

1. Rudolf Nureyev

Baryshnikov won the hearts of critics and fellow dancers, and Rudolf Nureyev was able to charm millions ordinary people Worldwide. Russian-born dancer becomes soloist Mariinsky Theater at the age of 20. In 1961, when his personal life made him the subject close attention from the side Soviet authorities, he asked political asylum in Paris, and then toured with the Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas (Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas).

In the 1970s, he broke into the film industry. Most critics argue that technically he was not as good as Baryshnikov, but Nureyev still managed to captivate the crowds with his amazing charisma and emotional performances. The Nureyev and Fonteyn ballet Romeo and Juliet remains to this day one of the most powerful and emotional duet performances in the history of ballet.

Unfortunately, Nureyev was one of the first victims of HIV infection, and died of AIDS in 1993. Twenty years later, we can still see the incredible legacy he left behind.

Donnie Burns

Donnie Burns is a Scottish professional ballroom dancer who specializes in Latin dance. He and his former dance partner Gaynor Fairweather were World Champions in the Professional latin dance a record sixteen times. On this moment he is the president of the World Dance Council, and also appeared on the twelfth season of Dancing with the Stars. the Stars).

He is considered the greatest ballroom dancer of all time, and his championship dances with his partner are now considered classics. But things didn't always go so well for Burns. During an interview with the Daily Sun, he admitted, "I never thought that little boy from Hamilton will be able to experience at least part of what I have experienced in my life. I was teased relentlessly at school and often got into fights because I wanted to prove that I was not a "dancing queen".

It's safe to say that today he wouldn't object to such an epithet, as Donnie Burns is now considered the "King of the Dance".

Note 1
So, if your girlfriend is a dance teacher, be patient..

1. all conversations will come down to one topic - dancing
2. You will have to watch all dance movies with her
3. You will have to listen to the same track many times in a row - she puts on a dance!
4. you'll have to film her newly invented ligaments so she doesn't forget
5. you will know her entire team by name, even if you have never seen someone
6. you will constantly need to deliver someone from the team home
7. you will sometimes have to be as a partner, or even a partner (you need to train on someone)
8. She buys clothes that you will only see in pictures because she only wears them in the gym.
9. she sometimes takes YOUR ITEMS to perform
10. she spends money on 7 identical pants/glasses/gloves/etc.
11. you periodically find glitter all over the apartment
12. she is always sewing, gluing, crafting - props for performances
13. do not touch her CDs, flash drives or whatever she writes music for dancing on
14. music is divided into working and normal. working tracks (under which she has dances) she cannot listen for more than a second, she is so tired of them
15. you will attend a lot of completely unplanned events
16. you will begin to understand dancing, trust me

Note 2
If your girlfriend is a dancer:
1. You're out of luck, dancing is a diagnosis!
2. She is incurable!
3. On the first date, she comes with a huge backpack, her hair is gathered in a bun and she has almost no make-up - just all the makeup has worn off while she was studying.
4. This backpack contains several sets of sweat-soaked workout uniforms, running shoes, pound weights, elastic bandages... it's all he carries.
5. She won’t have any more time, it will always be short, so you won’t have many dates either.
6. She does not have time to sort things out and resentment.
7. She is very good at hiding her emotions - you will see them on stage.
8. Do not try to go on dates with other girls, because now you are her boyfriend, which means only suicidal girls put their eyes on you.
9. You have to distinguish jazz from modern, hip-hop from popping and house, and classical disco from disco freestyle.
10. You MUST know her schedule if you want to see her again.
11. a) You must go to all the performances - this way she performs better; b) You should not go to her performances, she performs badly in your presence
12. No need to approach her before the performance, she still doesn’t hear anything anyway.
13. Do not try to treat her bruises and bruises - she is already used to them. Yes, and until the next performance, they will not pass.
14. Don't hope for a vacation in winter: they have a season in winter. And this is performance after performance.
15. Hooray, the season ends!!
16. Preparations for the next one begin, and this is constant training and training. After all, spring is coming soon and new performances begin.
17. Saturday and Sunday are not weekends (who even came up with such nonsense?!) There is no school these days, which means there are 2 times more training.
18. A coach is a coach!
19. No, no, you don't understand... A coach is a COACH!!!
20. Her team is her team.
21. No, no, you didn’t understand again ... Her team is HER TEAM!!! This is her second family!
22. Be prepared for what dancers feel first, then think. Do not try to deceive her, she will understand before you finish, even if she does not show it.
23. Dancers also do first, then think.
24. Girls dancers are always in the spotlight, especially for guys. You will have to be with her so that she is not carried away by someone else, because there will be more than enough guys.
25. She is stubborn and very strong, you don’t need to lisp with her, you need to respect and love her, even if you don’t understand.

And if, after all the above, you still decide to be with her - congratulations - you are very lucky with her !!!
Everyone has a girlfriend, but not everyone has her - a dancer!

IN Top 17 most beautiful dancers in the world included girls and women from Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Spain, China, India, Algeria and America.
The ranking contains beautiful dancers a wide variety of modern and classical trends and styles: oriental dances (bellydance, trouble fusion), Latin American dances, ballet, kathak, bollywood dance, burlesque, pole dancing.
The site has ratings and a theme dedicated to dance art: The most beautiful ballerinas , The most beautiful dances of the world and Belly dance - belly dance

17. Sofia Boutella(born April 3, 1982, Oran, Algeria) - dancer and actress of Algerian origin, the "face" of Nike.

16. Didem Kinali / Didem Kinali(born 1986) - Turkish belly dancer and singer.

15. Varda / Varda(born March 3, 1985, in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine) - singer, actress, pole dancer.

14. Oksana Sidorenko / Oksana Sidorenko(born January 1, 1987, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) - Russian dancer, actress, world champion in ballroom dancing in the Latin American program.

13. Gypsy Rose Lee / Gypsy Rose Lee(February 9, 1911 - April 26, 1970) - American actress and the queen of burlesque.

12.Mary Elizabeth Winstead(born November 28, 1984 in Rocky Mount, North Carolina) is an American actress and dancer. She studied ballet and jazz dance, participated in Broadway musicals. played leading role in the dance drama Take a Step.

11. Agapia Savickaya / Agapia Savickaya(born June 3, 1987) is a tribal fusion dancer.

10. Oksana Rasulova / Oksana Rasulova(born December 19, 1982, Shirvan, Azerbaijan) - Azerbaijani dancer of classical Indian and Bollywood dances, winner of the Indian talent show "India's Best Cine Stars Ki Khoj".

9. Jenna Dewan-Tatum / Jenna Dewan-Tatum(born December 3, 1980, Hartford, Connecticut, USA) is an American actress and dancer. Known for her leading role in the youth musical melodrama Step Forward.

8. Amanda Schull / Amanda Schull(born August 26, 1978) is an American actress and former professional ballet dancer.

7. Madhuri Dixit / Madhuri Dixit(born May 15, 1967, Bombay) - Indian actress and professional dancer classical dance kathak. In 2013, she opened the online dance academy "Dance with Madhuri".

6. Medina Maimaiti / Medina Maimaiti(b. April 10, 1987, Urumqi, China) - Uighur actress, dancer and model from China.

5. Kathryn McCormick(born July 7, 1990) - American dancer and an actress. Winner of the sixth season of the American reality show Think You Can Dance? (2009). She played the lead role in the sequel Step Up 4.

4. Marta Korzun / Marta Korzun(b. 1977, Sevastopol, Crimea) - one of the leading performers of oriental dance in Ukraine and abroad, two-time World Champion in oriental dances, winner of the Championship of the Universe (2012).

3. Sofia Arzhakovskaya(born August 12, 1987, St. Petersburg, USSR) - Russian ballet dancer, American and Russian actress movie. The owner of the title "Mrs. World 2006". From the age of 16 she worked in the corps de ballet of the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre.

2.Mahire Emet / Mahire Emet(born May 24, 1987, Urumqi) - Uighur dancer, actress and singer.

October 22nd, 2011 10:36 am

1. You're out of luck, dancing is a diagnosis!
2. On the first date, she comes with a huge backpack, her hair is gathered in a bun and she has almost no make-up - just all the makeup has worn off while she was studying.
3. This backpack contains several sets of sweat-soaked training uniforms, running shoes, 1kg weights, elastic bandages,... he carries it all.
4. She won’t have any more time, it will always be short, so you won’t have many dates either.
5. She is great at hiding her emotions - you will see them on stage.
6. You must distinguish jazz from modern, hip-hop from popping and house, and classical disco from disco freestyle.
7. You MUST know her schedule if you want to see her again.
8. a) You must go to all the performances - this way she performs better;
b) You should not go to her performances, she performs badly in your presence
9. No need to approach her before the performance, she still can't hear anything.
10. Do not try to treat her bruises and bruises - she is already used to them. Yes, and until the next performance, they will not pass.
11. Don't hope for a vacation in winter: they have a season in winter. And this is performance after performance.
12. Hooray, the season ends!!
13. Preparations for the next one begin, and this is constant training and training. After all, spring is coming soon and new performances begin.
14. A coach is a coach!
15. No, no, you don't understand... A coach is a COACH!!!
16. Her team is her team.
17. No, no, you didn’t understand again ... Her team is HER TEAM!!! This is her second family!
18. Be prepared for what dancers feel first, then think. Do not try to deceive her, she will understand before you finish, even if she does not show it.
19. Dancers also do first, then think.
20. Girls dancers are always in the spotlight, especially for guys. You will have to be with her so that she is not carried away by someone else, because there will be more than enough guys.
21. And if, after all of the above, you still decide to be with her - congratulations - you are very lucky with her !!!
Everyone has a girlfriend, but not everyone has her - a dancer! (c)

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