Theater and fascinating interactive fairy tales. What is an interactive performance


For the full development of the child, parents strive to show him the world of art: theater, ballet, musicals. Now there are many opportunities for this. But along with the classical theater, where the performance is watched by young spectators from their seats, there is also the opportunity to go to interactive performance where you can take part in the action yourself.

What gives the child such an interactive performance:

Understandable stories. The performances are based on fairy tales with the participation of animals. Often these are interesting sketches that introduce children to the natural world, the habits of birds and animals.

Introduction to music. Musicians play live instruments. The child can observe how the violinist moves the bow, what sounds arise at the same time. He correlates the sounds of music and the instrument, learns to understand its mood. Classical music often coexists with the melodies of the peoples of the whole world.

Immersion in a fairy tale After all, the fairy tale takes place nearby, you can interact with the heroes of the fairy tale - help, voice, etc. You can go through all the tests with them. Immersion in this Magic world fairy tales will help and finger and gesture games. To turn into a hero of a fairy tale, sometimes you only need a light scarf or a rattle, everything else will be done by children's imagination.

Physical activity.Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes for a healthy child to sit still, and at the interactive performance there is an opportunity to jump and dance. And there these actions are not prohibited, but are woven into the performance itself. Well, everyone likes to spin around with a beautiful umbrella.

Family atmosphere.
Parents are present at the performance, which always serves as an invisible support for the child in a new place, and if mom and dad are also involved, then the child has a great example of how to behave in public, how to interact with other people. Such performances are intimate, for a small number of people, the child will not be shocked by the crowd, but will be able to join the company and have fun.

It is difficult for kids in a regular theater to sit still. A dark room, a deep armchair, from where you can't see anything, and your favorite characters are high on the stage - you can't reach out, you can't talk ... How about an interactive theater? One where you can freely move around the hall, get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales, touch them and take an active part in what is happening. We have compiled our list of interactive theaters for kids from 1 to 3 years old.

"The First Theater"

Having studied the experience of foreign baby theaters and child psychologists, the creators of the First Theater came up with their own principle of performances for young spectators. There is no stage or hall, the actors and small spectators together create a cozy and safe space for performance and play, where you can enter, crawl in and run in, and, if you wish, look from the side. The scenes of the First Theater are short and capacious. Simple plots are taken as a basis - the change of seasons and weather, the sea, snow and others - "Water", "First Snow", "Snail", "Nutcracker". Toddlers observe the phenomena of the world around them and participate in them. The First Theater also has puppet characters, they are realistic and taken from life, because it is important for kids to see something familiar. By the way, performances are played almost without words, because not all kids still understand speech. A pleasant surprise will be gifts for each spectator at the end of the performances. A piece of ice, a starlight or a shell with a song of the sea.

Age: from 10 months to 4 years
Price: from 1500 r. adult+child
Addresses and other information

"Fanny Bell House"

It's family chamber theater in light and modern space, which is open near the playground in the Garden. Bauman. Almost every performance at the Fanny Bell House provides an opportunity for children and parents to become part of it. Plots at the heart of the performances classical literature and unique ideas that arose from the directors of the directing team. The auditorium is designed for only 50 people. Plays during performances live music and the actors are on the same level as the audience. Toddlers don't have to lift their heads to see their favorite characters on stage. The play "Port", for example, will tell about incredible adventures white tiger cub in the mediterranean port. There will be a revived port, and giraffe cranes, and magic tricks with shadows accompanied by live music. And in the play "The Caterpillar", sitting on a soft green carpet, the kids get to know and play with a friendly caterpillar. What is the secret of turning a nondescript worm into one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet?

Age: from 2.5 years
Address: st. Staraya Basmannaya, 15
Price: from 750 rubles

"Together with Mom"

Together with mom, this is a team of organizers who every month create a unique poster of events for parents with children. Jazz and classical music, English lessons, tours of Moscow museums and children's interactive performances. At the performances of the Theater for Kids, you can touch the characters and talk to them, sit quietly on the floor or actively participate. In every performance there is an opportunity for tactile impressions, such as sand or water. The roles are played by professional actors, and live music helps children immerse themselves in a fairy tale. The names of the performances speak for themselves - "How the worms saved the spring", "How the parrot learned to be friends" and others.

Age: from 1 year to 4 years
Price: 1100 r. adult + child, 2 adults + child 1400 and + 300 rubles. another adult or child
Schedule and ticket booking


This is not just a theater, but a whole program for the development of the baby. All performances line up in a unique line of development. Directors, actors and child psychologists take part in the creation of performances. At the beginning of the puppet show (which lasts 30-40 minutes), the actors play for fifteen minutes so that the kids can get used to it. During the performance, there will also be a lot of opportunities to interact with the characters, answering questions, connecting to an interactive game and saving the main characters. The plots in "Poteshki" are familiar to almost every kid - "Three Little Pigs", "Teremok", "Geese Swans". That's why they are good.

Age: from 1 year
Address: Kedrova st., 14 building 3, Children's cinema "Salyut", st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27str.3, recreation center "Gaidarovets"
Price: 600 r.

"Living fairy tale"

All spectators who came to the performance, from young to old, take an active part in what is happening. Professional theater actors Living fairy tale» they try to convey all the kindest and fairest, accumulated over the centuries in folklore different peoples. Now there are two fairy tales for kids in the repertoire - "The Three Little Pigs", "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". And at the end of October, the theater team will show the kids two new performances “Like a kitten was looking for a mother” and “Nikanor the duckling”.

Age: from 2 to 9 years
Address: SEC RIO (2nd km of MKAD) 4th floor, SEC Vegas (24th km of MKAD) -1 floor
Price: 600 r.

"Theatre in the palm of your hand"

The Baby Theater at the Moscow Puppet Theater on Spartakovskaya shows 4 performances for the little ones based on different seasons. Shows are 45 minutes long. In “spring” children launch boats in the stream, in “winter” they touch snowflakes and ice floes, in “summer” they play carrot pipes, and in “autumn” they pick mushrooms in the forest.

Age: from 1 year to 3 years
Address: Moscow Puppet Theatre, Spartakovskaya street, 26/30
Price: 800 r.
Poster and other information


In this interactive theater, children become the main participants in all performances and help the characters unravel the most tangled stories. For the smallest in the repertoire, there are performances “Toy Bureau” (spectators enter the toy workshop and repair all broken toys together with the wizard), “Visiting the Wizard” (you have to cast a spell on your favorite characters), “Paints” about how to reconcile between all colors. And many others. Children sit separately from adults, and at the end they arrange a pillow fight.
Age: from 2-3 years

Address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33 SEC ATRIUM -1 floor
Price: from 600 rubles

With surprisingly "live" performances for children from 10 months "First Snow" and "Water". Also cooperating with the project is the director Marfa Gorvits, the author of the interactive performance-participant of the festival " Golden Mask"Tales from Mom's Bag." Own productions of "Baby Scenes" - "I make the world", where civilization is born from a paper sheet. Also, for kids from 1.5 years old, the performance of the graduates of the experimental course of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) "Caterpillar" is addressed.

Project "The First Theater"

Venues: a tent in the foyer of the Russian State Children's Library, in family clubs Mamas' Place at CSK Garage, Fanny Bell House Theatre,family center "Hut Family", children's center "Logos", "Vedogon-theater" and El Theater Studio.
From 1 year

"First Theater" creates performances that introduce kids aged 1 to 4 years with the structure of the world around them - the most popular interactive performances about snow and water. An artist, director and actors work on the productions. The performances use water and other natural elements, as well as modern theatrical devices such as projections. Sometimes there is live music during performances. During the performance, kids can communicate with the actor and directly influence the course of the plot.

Theater for the smallest Baby Lab (Baby Lab)

Theater "Together with Mom"
20 branches of "Together with Mom" ​​in different parts of Moscow
From 1 year

The oldest Moscow project, whose specialization is live concerts and chamber performances for babies from 1 to 4 years old with parents. At performances, you can walk around the hall, lie on the floor, communicate and touch the characters, actively participate in the performance. The authors of the performances - professional actors and musicians - also use tactile impressions, using sand and water. The plots of the performances are kind and instructive, but just enough to be understandable to kids. The unconditional hit of the repertoire is the play "How worms saved the spring." Other performances are no less good, so it is better to buy tickets in advance, the theater is always sold out. The performances are staged in 20 branches of the Together with Mom project.

Moscow Puppet Theater

m. Baumanskaya
From 1 year

The oldest puppet theater in the capital, the Moscow Puppet Theater, was founded in 1930. Performances are held at three venues: in the small and large halls, as well as in the game room, which is located in the lobby. It is in the foyer that the performances and programs "Theater on the Palm" are held, addressed to the very kids from 1 year old. The performances of "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter" are shown to kids. These performances are interactive - in spring you can splash through the puddles, and in winter you can touch the ice.

Moscow Children's Puppet Theater

m. Begovaya
From 2 years

The Moscow Children's Puppet Theater is a theater with over 25 years of history. The repertoire of the theater includes 13 puppet shows, some of which are intended for audiences aged 2 and over. For example, interactive musical fairy tale"Three merry little pigs", a musical based on "Kolobok" - "Aunt Lusha and Vanyusha the gingerbread man" and others.
Performances of the Moscow children's theater puppets are held on the stage of the "Center for Drama and Directing" on Begovaya.

Children's puppet theater "Poteshki"
m. Kurskaya
From 1 year

IN puppet theater"Nursery Rhymes" are produced by professional directors and artists with the active participation of child psychologists. Today, the repertoire of the "Poteshki" theater includes four puppet shows, of which three are suitable for kids: the musical fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" (from 1 year old), the play "Geese-Swans" (from 2 years old), the popular fairy tale "Teremok" (from 1 year), as well as New Year's programs For children from 2 years old. The performances are interactive: children not only watch the events, but also take an active part in what is happening.

Puppet Theater (
m. Novogorevo, Vykhino, RIO shopping mall, Vegas shopping mall
From 10 months

The repertoire of includes several interactive musical performances for children from 6-12 months: "Gingerbread man", "Three funny little pigs", "Naughty kitten". The performance "Goat-Dereza" will be interesting for children from 1.5 years old. During New Year holidays children are shown themed performances - for example, New Year's fairy tales.

Theater "Semitsvetik"
m. Timiryazevskaya
From 6 months

The theater has recently turned 4 years old, the repertoire includes three performances for the youngest. The atmosphere in the theater is chamber and cozy, the actors are young. For babies from 6 months "Semitsvetik" offers to visit premiere performance"It's time to sleep!" and a performance created from real balls of cozy wool "Wool Fairy Tale". And children from 2 years old - puppet show By stories of the same name G. Oster "Kitten named Woof".

Interactive theater "Live Fairy Tale"
SEC RIO (Reutov), ​​SEC "Vegas"
From 2 years

The interactive chamber theater "Live Fairy Tale" was opened for the youngest spectators. Children from 2 years old are invited to the performances: “Three Little Pigs” based on an English folk tale, “Alenushka and brother Ivanushka” based on Russians folk tales, musical performance"Duckling".

Interactive baby theater
m. Belorusskaya
From 8 months

Interactive Baby Theater is chamber mini-performances for children from 8 months to 3 years old. There is no classical scene And auditorium Because children at this age are very restless. Babies can position themselves as they please. There are no words in the performances and complex plot, only understandable to kids emotions and actions. The uniqueness of the performances lies in in large numbers interactive inclusions.

Children's educational theater "Komiks"
m. Kuznetsky most
From 2 years

Cognitive and educational Theater "Komiks" has been leading its history since 1985. Performances and game programs theater will help parents explain to the child the world. Each performance of the "Comic" is a theatrical response to the endless "why?" growing child. Why can't you put your fingers in the socket? Why are “matches not a toy for children”? Why don't talk to strangers on the street? A lot of edifying parental attitudes in the performances of the "Comic" turn into a fascinating guide for the little ones through the big adult world.

Repertory performances:

Teremok 1+

  • Teremok is a fairy tale for the smallest children about how animals lived in the same house, and a cunning fox and a stupid, gullible wolf tried to destroy it. And in that house lived: a little mouse, a frog, a runaway bunny and a kind hedgehog. The tale tells about what friendship is and how it helps to resist evil. The performance is made in the style of popular prints..
  • Feedback from a psychologist: It is very remarkable that each performance of the "Poteshki" theater is made in its own style. As for "Teremok", these are popular prints. Russian folklore sounds in everything, starting from the very beginning - the invocation of spring, and further - musical arrangement, dance numbers. In my opinion, the inculcation of culture should not be postponed until older age, it should be done imperceptibly, unobtrusively from the earliest years.

Geese Swans 2+

  • Geese-Swans - Russian folk tale. Performance for children from 2 years. The fairy tale teaches children to obey adults and not be capricious. Talks about mutual assistance and responsiveness. The poetry of this teaching lies in the fact that the forces of nature stand up for children. The performance is interactive.Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Feedback from a psychologist: A child during this period has a crisis, accompanied by stubbornness, negativism, obstinacy and depreciation. The play "Geese - Swans" in an accessible form shows children the negative aspects of their behavior, and emotional experiences help to realize actions. The performance includes elements of magic, the revival of inanimate objects that attract attention and create an atmosphere of mystery. The whole performance takes place in a playful way, it includes: musical and motor warm-up, riddles, songs, and of course live communication with the heroes of the fairy tale. The child is an integral part of any performance. It is in the third year of life that it is closely recommended to engage in introducing the child to music, creativity and art. During this period, the soil is more fertile than ever.

Three little pigs 1+

  • The Three Little Pigs is one of the most popular children's fairy tales. A bright musical performance in which children are not only spectators, but also take part, helping piglets hide from insidious Wolf and his assistant Lisa.Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Feedback from a psychologist: The performance is really designed for the smallest viewers. At the age of 2-3 years, the child's attention is not stable, it is involuntary, therefore, various methods of switching attention are used in the performance. Bright costumes and scenery promote concentration visual perception. The use of sound jacks develops auditory perception. Direct play with soft dolls evokes tactile sensations in the child. Bubble at the beginning of the performance allow you to experience a bright emotional condition joy. The restoration of emotional balance is facilitated by the so-called rhythmic stimulation - an outdoor game with a fairy tale character.

Kitten 2+

  • Kitty - little kitty who really wants to prove to everyone that he is an adult. It's just that he can't do it. He asks the Bunny, and the Mouse, and the Bear cub what it means to be big, but he does not find an exact answer. And only the gentle sun helps him to understand that "to be great" is to take care of his loved ones and be independent. Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Feedback from a psychologist: Good, instructive tale for children and adults. All parents know that children want to grow up faster, but not many people know how children feel about it. complex world experiences of the protagonist is accessible and understandable to young viewers. Together with the kitten, the main character of the play, the children decide for themselves important questions. When will I grow up? And most importantly, how will I grow up? Some questions will make you think not only children, but also adult viewers. In a light, unobtrusive form, children are reminded of the rules of hygiene, daily routine and the benefits of physical education. Recommended for children from three to ten years.

Kolobok 2+

  • A small round ball traveling in a large unknown world… Who will he meet on the way? What surprises and difficulties!? He is not afraid of anything because he faithful friends kids-spectators are always there. Performance for children from 2 years old. All the characters are kind, beautiful, funny, but a little hungry. From an early age, a familiar children's fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Wolf and kids 2+ (premiere)


Puppet musical performance based on the English folk tale "The Three Little Pigs". Young and adult spectators are met by cheerful clowns who get to know and play with children. Funny clowns show a story about brothers - piglets. During the performance, children take an active part - they hide piglets from a hungry wolf and a cunning fox, suggest what houses are built from and much more. This is what keeps the child's attention until the end of the action.

The performance is intended for children from 2 years old. The duration of action is 40-45 minutes.


Cheerful musical history about new adventures famous hero. The prankster and mischievous Kolobok falls into magical forest where he meets a hare, a wolf and a bear. What's new with him fairy forest You will find out by watching our puppet show.

The duration of the action is 45 minutes without intermission. The performance is saturated interactive games with small audiences. Children help the characters throughout the performance, which helps to keep the attention Guys.


Puppet musical performance for children based on Russian folk tales "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" and "Geese-Swans". Spectators are greeted by the characters of the performance in Russian national costumes play and meet children.

According to the established tradition in our theater, children take the most active part in the action - they help Alenka find her brother and disenchant him, hide him from geese - swans, suggest where to run next. Interactive action, music, wonderful scenery, puppets and the skill of the actors allow you to keep the child's attention until the end of the performance.

The performance is intended for children from 2 to 9 years old. Duration of action 45 min.


Musical, interactive performance for children from 2 to 9 years old.

This is a story about a small, cheerful pig Hryuntik, who performs in a circus with his friends. Mistress Bella makes the protagonist perform dangerous stunts, as well as begging for money from the audience.

Khryuntik can not stand the deception and runs away from the greedy Bella. On the way, he meets the kind uncle Focus and the bear Bublik. Friends play with the audience, learn tricks and help Hryuntik escape from Bella. Thanks to his new friends and young viewers, Khryuntik is saved from Bella's insidious machinations. Children actively participate in the performance, help the piglet overcome all difficulties.

Cheerful music, dancing, scenery, bright costumes - all this helps to keep the attention of the audience throughout the performance. The duration of the performance is 45 minutes.

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