The Volgograd actor will play the same role as Georgy Vitsin in the classic film. See what "role" is in other dictionaries


We live in the era of sequels and prequels, and it's no surprise that we see an actor in the same role year after year - say, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Marvel comic films. But those are movie serials and movie cycles. And does it happen that an actor repeatedly portrays the same person in films that are not related to each other? For example, in different adaptations of the same book? Yes, it happens! We remembered ten actors and actresses who have repeatedly played the same roles in unrelated films.

Attention - we indicate total films in which the actor played the same role, and we do not separate related and unrelated tapes. For us, it is only important that among these paintings there are unrelated projects.

Peter O'Toole - Henry II (2 films)

Shot from the movie "Beckett"

It’s hard to believe now, but in 1964 one of the main films of the year was the historical drama Becket, which told about the conflict in medieval England between King Henry II and the Archbishop of Canterbury named Thomas Becket. Peter O'Toole played in this film the monarch who first shoved Becket into his post, and then drank grief with him. Four years later, in 1968, O'Toole again portrayed Henry II, but as an elderly monarch with adult sons in the drama The Lion in Winter. The actor was then one and a half times younger than his character. By the way, Richard Lion Heart, the eldest of the princes and the future famous king, played by Anthony Hopkins in that film. Both tapes are now considered Western classics.

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  • Economic theory of self-government
  • However, economic theory, which sought to reduce all its activities to economic questions, very soon
  • Social theory or social economic theory
  • R. Mol believed that the community - a cell of self-government - is one of the natural spheres of human
  • Supporters of social theory put forward the non-state, mainly economic nature of the activities of the bodies
  • In Russia, this theory was the most popular in the 60s of the XIX century. "Public
  • In Russia
  • In the work of A.I. Vasilchikov “On self-government”, self-government was defined as a management procedure in which “local
  • In Russia in the 60s of the XIX century. social theory enjoyed significant support from the liberal
  • Social theory was subjected to sharp criticism.
  • Practice has shown that self-government bodies carried out the functions of both a private law and public law nature, characteristic of
  • German scientists L. Stein and R. Gneist on numerous examples taken from the practice of managing local
  • State theory of self-government
  • The spread of the "state theory" was caused by changes in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. With development
  • The essence of the theory
  • The state theory of local self-government was based on the position that self-government institutions must necessarily
  • Such prominent Russian lawyers relied on the provisions of the state theory of local self-government in their works,
  • State theory had a significant impact on the development of the doctrine of local self-government in the XIX
  • political theory
  • legal theory
  • The well-known Russian jurist N.I. Lazarevsky believed that each of these theories is correct "in that
  • municipal socialism
  • In Russian literature, municipal socialism
  • 2.2Modern theories of LSG
  • In modern Russia
  • The ratio in the municipal power of elements of state and public power is changeable. It changes in
  • Dualistic theory
  • Dualistic theory
  • The dualistic theory of local self-government can claim the status of a synthetic theory of modern Russian local government.
  • The theory of "social service"
  • Most modern theories interpret local self-government as a relatively decentralized form of government in
  • In legal theory, local self-government is seen as
  • Deconcentration
  • Distinguish between vertical and horizontal deconcentration. Under the first, all powers of representation
  • According to G. Brabon, the deconcentration reforms have “administrative, not political meaning: in geographical
  • Decentralization
  • All these theories in their pure form do not reflect the nature and essence of modern
  • Since the middle of the twentieth century, municipal science as a science of local communities has become more
  • The concept of development of local communities
  • In the 21st century, the task of substantiating the modern model of strategic municipality is on the agenda.
  • The concept of development of local communities
  • In the development and implementation of the concept of development of local communities, four main strategic
  • Municipal science is developing. There is an understanding of the practice of municipal government, the search for solutions for an adequate response
  • The main features of theories
  • Theme 2


    2.1 Formation of theories local government

    2.2 Modern theories of LSG

    Basic concepts

    free community theory, social theory, state theory, legal theory, dualism theory of municipal government, social service theories, decentralization, deconcentration, concept sustainable development, local community development concept.

    2.1 Formation of theories of local government

    The French scientist J.-G.Ture in 1790 in the National Assembly of France for the first time formulated and substantiated the ideas of organizing community management. He pointed out the main problem of the doctrine of local self-government - the definition of the content of concepts: 1) "own community affairs", inherent in nature municipal government and 2) “state affairs”, which are transferred by the state to local self-government bodies.

    See: Kudinov O.A. municipal law Russian Federation: lecture course. - M.: Os-89, 2005. P.8.

    “Communal institutions play the same role in establishing independence as primary schools for science; they open the way to freedom for the people and teach them to use this freedom, to enjoy its peaceful character. Without communal institutions, a nation can form a free government, but it will never acquire the true spirit of freedom. Transient passions, momentary interests, random circumstances can only create the appearance of independence, but despotism, driven into the social organism, will sooner or later reappear on the surface.

    Tocqueville A. Democracy in America. - M., 1992. P.83.

    The theory of a free (natural) community

    originated in mid-nineteenth century in Belgium and France within the framework of the school of natural law and was developed in the works of German and then Russian scientists. Its authors (A. Tocqueville, N. Gerber, G. Ahrens, R. Gneist and others) believed that the right of the community to manage its own affairs is as natural and inalienable as human rights and the state must respect the freedom of community management. The community has the right to autonomy and independence from central government by its very nature, the state does not create a community, but only recognizes it.

    Along with the executive, legislative and judicial powers, it was stated that it was necessary to recognize the fourth power - local (municipal, communal, communal).

    Local self-government bodies are the bodies of the community, not the state, and they are elected by the members of the community. Any illegal state interference in the affairs of the community was considered a violation of its rights.

    Economic theory of self-government

    Its representatives (R. Mol, A. Vasilchikov) focused not only on the recognition of a self-governing community as an independent subject of law, but also on maintenance of communal activities. Local self-government was considered alien to politics, its main area is economic activity aimed at satisfying basic needs society for the maintenance of its home and everything that surrounds it.

    However, economic theory, which sought to reduce all its activities to economic issues, very soon lost credibility in science. Practice testified that economic activity is not the main feature of local self-government. Almost everywhere, self-government bodies were engaged in many social issues (protection of public order, care for the poor, management of fire and sanitary measures, etc.).

    Municipal management: Proc. allowance. / A.G. Gladyshev, V.N. Ivanov, E.S. Savchenko et al. M., 2002. P. 89.

    Social theory or social economic theory

    The main provisions were formulated by the German scientist R. Gneist in 1808 during one of the first reforms of local self-government in Prussia. The prerequisite for the reform was the deterioration of the economic condition of the country, largely due to the inefficient system of urban management.

    Based on this theory, the state recognized the right to self-government as the natural right of any community and assumed obligations not to suppress the activities of public organizations.

    The most prominent representatives of this theory were the German scientists R. Moll, A. Scheffle, O. Girke, G. Preuss.

    R. Mol believed that the community - a cell of self-government - is one of the natural spheres of human activity. The state cannot encroach on its independence, it is called upon to assist the community in the implementation of its goals and interests. By independence, he understood the right of the community to freely determine the scope and content of the goals set in relation to the needs, means and will of an individual association and to achieve their achievement in a certain space of common life.

    [1] Cited. Quoted from: Chernyak E.V. Theories of local self-government in German and Russian science XIX - early XX centuries. - Kazan, 2010. P.23.

    Well-known radio host and rock critic from Canada in an interview with KazanFirst

    Evgeny Bychkov

    Farid Karimov - Kazan

    Radio host and rock critic Yevgeny Bychkov has been known and loved by several generations of Russian-speaking music lovers. His exciting and "positively charged" radio programs dedicated to the classics of rock and roll and blues are always popular among listeners around the world, including those who, due to their age, did not find golden age rock of the 60s and 70s of the XX century.

    Bychkov fell ill with rock and roll back in the 70s, like most people of his generation, after hearing Beatles records. Since then, music has remained the main passion and meaning of his life. In the 1990s, he hosted many programs on the independent Kazakhstani radio station Radio Max, which introduced listeners to good music. How professionally and interestingly they were made is still remembered and cited as an example by novice presenters.

    Since 1997, Evgeny Bychkov and his family have been living in Canada, where he still does what he loves: he teaches piano at the Mississauga School Of Music and hosts a talk show on the Toronto Russian radio station RadioPlus and prepares three (!) weekly programs for a Kazakhstani radio station " Tengri FM": "The Beatles Forever!", "Blues on Fridays" and "Two Lives Later". Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, anyone can now listen to them.

    I will not describe the merits of his programs. In the end, it's better to hear once ... But, if you really love high-quality foreign music, then Bychkov's transfers are exactly what you need.

    I think that Russian rock, especially in the 80s and the first half of the 90s, had a huge impact on our culture. He meant as much to us as foreign rock for English youth in the 50s and 60s. As far as transmissions are concerned, this moment I don't see the point in it because I don't want to do " secondary product". Quite a lot comes out about Russian rock anyway interesting books, television and radio programs, etc., I can hardly add anything fundamentally new to this.

    By the way, at one time, thanks to friendship with music critic Artemy Troitsky and director Rashid Nugmanov (it was he who shot the cult film "The Needle" with Viktor Tsoi - KazanFirst), I managed to meet and communicate with almost all the titans of Russian rock: Viktor Tsoi, Alexander Bashlachev, Konstantin Kinchev, Boris Grebenshchikov, Andrei Makarevich, Vyacheslav Butusov, Yuri Shevchuk, Alexei Romanov, Mike Naumenko. Troitsky, I generally consider my main teacher both in life and in the profession. We have known each other since the late 70s. Artemy is an incredibly talented, bright and active person. God bless him.

    All of our rockers were at their peak back then creative form and, most importantly, they had not yet had time to “bronze”, which made communication with them especially interesting and memorable. Unless Andrei Makarevich stood out against the general background with his closeness and demonstrative distancing from his interlocutor. I deeply regret that I was never able to talk heart to heart with him ... But I became quite close friends with Borya Grebenshchikov, whom to this day I consider one of the most talented poets and musicians of his generation. Recently I listened to it new album"Salt", and was simply shocked by the power and depth of this disc. I completely agree with Troitsky, who wrote that this best job BG for the last 40 years.

    I remember, of course, communication with Vitya Tsoi during his filming in the film "The Needle". In those days, he and Rashid Nugmanov regularly came to visit me in Alma-Ata, and we watched Sergio Leone's westerns together (I already had a video player at home then). His sudden, absurd death is still an extremely painful topic for me. How many more things he could have done if not for this stupid trip. It's hard to even talk about it.

    He did not foresee his death. On the contrary, he was full of all sorts of plans and ideas. He enjoyed life and his success. She and Rashid were already thinking about their next joint film. Just knowing in advance what happened, it is now easy to speculate and invent something that did not happen. Here is another case with Alexander Bashlachev. He is really in last years was deeply depressed and suffered from creative crisis(for the last 1.5 years, as you know, he has not written a single song). And still it is impossible to realize how bad it was for him if, in the prime of life, he decided to take this desperate step (Alexander Bashlachev jumped out of the window of an 8-storey building at the age of 28 - KazanFirst). SashBash was an absolute genius of exaggeration, a man not of this world. I remember how amazed I was when I saw him after the performance in Alma-Ata. All fingers were smashed to the blood, he played with such furious dedication. Later I found out that he also gave all the best at almost every concert. I am happy that I had the opportunity to communicate with this unique person. It is very unfortunate that he passed away so early.

    ­ - I remember the 70s with pleasure. Of course, everything happened, but as far as music is concerned, we were really lucky. It is unlikely that today's youth can imagine what a thrill we experienced when we first heard the new Beatles records, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin…

    Once my friend wittily remarked: “we were in time for a rock feast,” and this was true. Of course, the records in those years were not so easy to get, and they were not cheap, but the joy of listening to them could not be compared with the efforts and finances we spent. For us, music was not just a hobby, we actually lived it. And some, like me, for example, have remained avid music lovers and "sixties" in spirit.

    Highly complex issue- why nowadays rock and roll has almost completely lost its significance, which it had in the 60s and 70s. I think that, firstly, the West gradually smoothed out social contradictions who served nutrient medium for rock and roll. Secondly, with the growth in popularity, the commercialization of rock music inevitably occurred, which, ultimately, led to a significant decrease in its creativity Thirdly, with the advent of computers and all kinds of gadgets, people have more ways for self-realization and alternative self-expression. In fact, today the Internet plays the same role as before rock and roll. Although it does not carry, alas, no creative charge.

    However, I am much more interested in the question of what nevertheless influenced such an unprecedented, I would say revolutionary, rise of rock music in the 60s, when hundreds of bands and artists appeared simultaneously, whose albums are still sold in huge numbers? Never before or since has music ever had such a meaning and has never had such an impact on people. Maybe it's the unique shift of "black" and "white" styles, maybe in the special atmosphere of that time. Don't know. But, the fact that rock and roll lay at the heart of the cultural revolution in the West in the second half of the twentieth century is beyond doubt. The only pity is that now the situation has changed, and now mostly not young people go to rock concerts. How can one not remember the phrase of John Lennon: "I dream of living to see the time when every pensioner will play the guitar." So it is, in general, and happened. Unfortunately.

    Why did I move to Canada? There is a whole range of reasons, and all of them, one way or another, influenced my decision to stay with my family in Canada. One of the main reasons is the desire to provide my children with a stable and secure life, which I simply could not guarantee in the 90s in Kazakhstan. Secondly, in those years, I confess honestly, I was very tired of the lies and hypocrisy surrounding me, and I finally wanted to live differently, in full height. However, I would not like to touch on politics ...

    I don't dig very deep in my transmissions. Here in the multi-part cycle "The Ninth Archipelago", if you listened to it, I really tried to "embrace the immense", and tell about the heroes of the cycle in the most detailed and original way, digging out truly rare and exclusive materials. The format of "The Beatles Forever!", "Blues on Fridays" and "Two Lives Later", alas, does not allow this (I do not want to "load" the listener too much). However, I'm happy with what I have. And I don't feel any fatigue from my gears. In addition, I have been doing radio journalism for a long time, since the 80s, and I feel quite comfortable in this profession.

    By the way, some of my programs, for example, Blues on Fridays, were created back in the 90s and were successful in Alma-Ata. A few years after I finally moved to Canada, representatives of the Kazakhstani radio station Tengri FM offered me to get back on the “familiar track”, and of course I agreed. It's great that now, thanks to the Internet, these programs can potentially be heard by everyone.

    Of course, it's great to listen to vinyl records. AT this issue I'm not a perfectionist. But to make them sound “for real”, you need expensive and high-quality equipment, as well as the availability of a sufficient amount of free time. Unfortunately, I don't have either. In addition, if the music is really good, then it will produce the desired effect regardless of the equipment and audio format. In our youth, we listened to our favorite albums in terrible quality, re-recorded dozens of times on records and cassettes, but we didn’t even notice it. Music took music, and not something else. If the song is right, it will sound great on an old cassette recorder. Although, as for the records, I always really liked their design, which sometimes even surpassed the album itself in its value and artistic merit. Therefore, I understand vinyl collectors to some extent.

    Rock 'n' roll is dead!


    "I haven't yet!"

    Evgenia Tishko


    I didn’t quite understand what Eugene wanted to say by comparing rock and the Internet ....


    Good interview! It was interesting to learn about such a passionate about music man! Thanks to the author!


    Thank you for introducing me to a talented person! I will listen to his broadcasts with gratitude!




    This year they will begin to fight against the silting of the reservoir, bottom sediments will be removed, so the authorities are asking local residents endure bad smell hydrogen sulfide. Then Fresh air will return, they promise

    Ilnur Yarkhamov - Kazan

    404 million rubles during three years will be allocated for the restoration or, in other words, for the eco-rehabilitation of the Admiralteisky Pond (this is the old bed of the Kazanka River). The main work will take place next year, at the same time the lion's share of funding is expected to arrive - 360 million from the federal and regional budgets. This was announced yesterday by the 1st Deputy Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Kamalov on the round table in Public Chamber RT.

    In 2016 Main Investment and Construction Department of the Republic of Tatarstan(GISU) will begin to “partially remove” the bottom sediments of the pond and clear the coastal area. The authorities hope to eventually turn this place into a tourist center.

    Despite this, industrial enterprises continue to adversely affect the pond.

    GISU in summer 2015placed on the public procurement portal a tender worth 17 million rubles for the development of the corresponding conceptcleaning the Admiralteisky Pondand assessment of his condition. The documents state that the water is hereheavily polluted , the state of the pond threatens living organisms and human health.

    “The waters of the Admiralteisky pond are classified as class 5 water quality - extremely dirty. Excesses of MPC are regularly noted. Bottom sediments formed in previous years, when untreated industrial, domestic, household faecal waters were dumped into the pond, deposited [accumulated and stored] a wide group of heavy metals and oil products in quantities many times higher than the background content, and exhibit acute and chronic toxicity," notes in document

    “Out of 16 enterprises, including industrial ones, we have only two registered enterprises that report. These are Vodokanal and Kazan Helicopter Plant," she complained.Irina Mustakimova, and about. Head of the Department of Water Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Lower Volga Basin Water Administration. However, the lake notes a “slight decrease” in wastewater discharges.

    As it became known to KazanFirst ( full list polluting enterprises are at the disposal of the editors), in two years by June 21, 41 protocols on an administrative offense on the Admiralteysky reservoir were drawn up. For example, on February 29, 2014, the city "Vodokanal" dumped "household and fecal wastewater" into the pond. Also, municipal unitary enterprise "Urban improvement" dumped storm waters of the city sewerage into the pond.

    Kamalov told KazanFirst that a black list of pond pollutants would be prepared in the near future. It will be given wide publicity to cause public censure.

    “The environmental rehabilitation project does not take into account the problems associated with the inflow of groundwater from the sludge dumps of the Gunpowder Plant (waste products that make up dust and fine parts during ore washing -KazanFirst),” said Irek Zigantdinov, representative of the non-staff assistant to the President of the Republic of TatarstanNatalia Fishman. According to him, because of this, the water in the pond is now highly oxidized.

    The problem of sludge groundwater at the Gunpowder Plant has been going on for a long time, says corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan and expert of the Public ChamberVenera Latypova. According to her, experts have not yet been able to find official confirmation that the dumps belong to the plant. “[Representatives of the plant] tell us that they don’t have any sludge, but we see strong oxidation in the water,” the scientist complains. She notes that experts are denied access to the territories where the sludge is supposedly stored: "no one is allowed there."

    Since the project is mainly funded by federal agency water resources of the Russian Federation, then for the implementation of eco-rehabilitation, everything must be officially and strictly confirmed, says Latypova. Therefore, the problem of "unofficial" sludge pollution by the Gunpowder Plant is excluded from the project.

    “The gunpowder factory has existed for several centuries, it began under the tsars. They justify that earlier, under the empire, under the USSR, it was different entity, and now it’s different, so there are no documents and no one is to blame, ”explains the performer of engineering surveys on the reservoirOleg Nikitin.

    Eco-rehabilitation project and city pond function

    According to Latypova, the Admiralty Pond performs a very important hydrodynamic function for the city. About 24% of the accumulated water is ground water. Without a pond, these waters poured into the streets Kirovsky district there would be a flood. She notes that 3 years ago it was estimated that the environmental damage to the pond is 1.4 billion rubles. But if the pond can no longer take in groundwater, the damage to the city will already amount to 80 billion rubles.

    According to Kamalov, it is now necessary to remove bottom sediments from the pond. The silting rate of the reservoir is one of the highest in Tatarstan - 20 cm per year. The average depth of the pond is 0.5 m. Therefore, about 150,000 tons of sludge will need to be removed.

    Latypova reported on the results of bottom research. It turns out that a significant proportion of pollution was caused in the early years of the formation of the pond. And it was created in 1957, when the main mouth of the Kazanka River was blocked. Then the enterprises poured wastewater without any filtration. Rospotrebnadzor found that 40% of the sludge is dangerous and does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, the scientist says.

    And what should people do? Escape from the city of ra while your works? So it is impossible to live near a pond because of its smell. And here's more


    Cool, I'll go fishing



    The wife of life-sentenced Oleg Mikhailov became the mother of four children

    A wedding was played in the colony for life-sentenced "Vologda Pyatak": the killer of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovo group Oleg Mikhailov married former investigator Victoria, mother of four children. She told us why she decided on this marriage.

    Oleg Mikhailov and Victoria

    On Ognenny Island, where a life sentence is served in the Vologda Pyatak serial killers and maniacs, Oleg Mikhailov married a 43-year-old resident of Perm.

    "MK" became the unwitting culprit of this, so to speak, celebration. On March 12, 2018, Mikhailov's penitential confession was published on the pages of our newspaper under the title, which was read by Victoria. She was not afraid of the killer's confessions and found a place in her heart not just for sympathy, but for love.

    Suppose Mikhailov is sincere both in his remorse for what he has done and in his feelings for Victoria. But so far no one has been released from the death row colony where he is imprisoned. And how can spouses who see each other only twice a year (more often dates are not allowed by law) be happy? And in general, what normal person wants to connect his life (albeit purely officially) with a hired killer?

    We asked Victoria herself about all this.

    REFERENCE "MK": “Oleg Mikhailov in the 90s was a full-time killer of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya group. However, before the trial, no one knew him by sight, since the leadership of the organized crime group kept the mercenary apart so that he could kill his own. It was rumored that it was he who came up with the brutal method of hiding the bodies in barrels of concrete. At the trial of the leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group, it turned out that he was actually the only one who himself came to the authorities to write a confession. Mikhailov was found guilty of 9 murders.”

    "Thank you! Thanks to you, I found my love ”- these are the lines of Mikhailov’s letter to the editor. But in front of me is that same love - a very pretty, sweet woman. Victoria has two higher education one of which is legal. Woman for a long time She was an investigator-inquirer, and then she began to do business. Victoria is divorced, now she has four children, adults live separately, the youngest are 3 and 4 years old.

    You will also think: they say, probably, no one needed it and therefore contacted the prisoner? she asks. - Usually everyone thinks that only unclaimed women go for such actions.

    - Not. But why did you choose a convicted killer out of all the men?

    Believe me, I had someone to marry. Not so long ago, a friend of mine made a marriage proposal to me. Another has been calling for marriage for several years. But I'm not interested in them. I would die of boredom. And it doesn't matter that there are four children. Before I met Oleg, I even had an idea: if you can’t fall in love with a Russian, you need to look for a foreigner.

    - And then you got a newspaper in your hands?

    Yes! I usually don’t read about crime, but then something happened. I read it once, twice. A lot of things struck me, especially the fact that he was the only one from the gang who wrote a confession, and the court did not take this into account, that he was asking for forgiveness from the Muscovites. I noticed that the head of the colony speaks well of him. For a long time I rummaged through the Internet in search of information about organized crime groups. I found almost nothing about him.

    I don't justify it at all. But he was a killer in the bloody 90s. Back then, a lot of good boys got into gangs, no one was safe. In addition, I know that many former bandits, on whose conscience not fewer souls, then legalized, came to power or became businessmen. And now they have no questions.

    In general, I began to notice that I think about this person all the time. Decided to write. At first I stopped myself: he is in prison for such terrible deeds! And then she nevertheless said to herself: “Write him a letter, since he hooked him. Write friendly. April 9, 2018 I sent email(Where to address it, I found out with the help of the Internet). I must say right away: I have never corresponded with men from places of deprivation of liberty.

    Three days later I received a response. He warned me, wrote that I probably read the article in MK inattentively and that he was a bandit. Yes, here is the letter, see for yourself.

    "Why do you need this, Vika?"

    “Hello, Victoria-Vika! To be honest, I was very surprised by your letter. After all, I did not expect any letters after the article in Moskovsky Komsomolets about me. I did not expect any reaction to it from anyone.

    Oleg Mikhailov in the cell

    I have never given an interview to journalists before, it was my first experience of communication with the writing fraternity. And then the administration came to the cell, they said that the MK correspondent wanted to talk, and I, I don’t know why, agreed. Somehow it worked out. I just wanted to ask the Muscovites for forgiveness through Eva Merkacheva, the MK correspondent, for all the grief that I brought with my “activities”. It turned out what happened.

    Vika, I don't think badly of you. I was not in the habit of judging anyone, and now that I myself am condemned, even more so. But why do you need this, Vika? Maybe you read something wrong about me? I'm not just a bandit, there's blood on my hands. You will need to re-read the article in "MK".

    - That is, he kind of scolded you for wanting to correspond with him?

    Yes! I think it's okay. I wrote to him again. And then we began to constantly exchange correspondence. And then he just wrote: "You know, I notice that I'm looking out the window and waiting for the postman with your letters."

    - He, of course, has nothing more to do in prison. Well, what about you?

    I was interested in him from the first moment. We have a complete coincidence in many ways: in habits, character, attitude to life. We even have one blood group - the fourth! I'm a roar like him. He recently listened on the radio while he was at work. captain's daughter” and was forced to pretend that something had fallen, while he wiped his tears under the table.

    - And you believe in all this?

    There are facts. We just have mystical coincidences. He divorced his first wife in the same year that I divorced my husband, and so on. Oleg, according to him, was "covered" last winter, he asked God for love. And just at that time I was making a “wish card”, and a man, a wedding were depicted there. In general, we both got what we wanted.

    By the way, he perfectly feels me at such a great distance: he washed the dishes, took off the ring, and then he calls: “Vikulya, I don’t feel rings ...” We have the same size of fingers with him. After the wedding, I took him home wedding ring(not allowed in prison) and now I wear two at once.

    During the interview, I photographed him from behind, so that his face was not visible. So you fell in love blindly? Did you care what he looked like?

    I read in your article that he is athletic. I also found an old photo from the courtroom where members of the organized criminal group were tried. On May 25, we had our first date, and he was just worried that he would not like me outwardly.

    - And how was the first date?

    He wrote to me so that I would not come in until I talked with the leadership of the colony. “Listen to them and then make a decision. There are such cadres sitting here who get to know each other out of nothing to do or for the sake of parcels. I spoke to one of the bosses. He said: "Vika, Oleg is very vulnerable, don't break his heart."

    Did he say so? Something not very believable, to be honest. The head of the colony told me that he spends hours discouraging potential brides who go to the local prisoners from all over Russia.

    But here the case turns out to be special. He also said that Oleg never wrote to dating services that he did not correspond with any of the women. After the meeting, the boss called to himself: “So what? Did you like him?" What can you say?

    I immediately felt that he was mine, completely mine. I have a shiver from his voice, and at first my legs were shaking when I picked up the phone and heard him on the other end of the wire. By the way, we are entitled to four calls a month.

    May 9, Victory Day, Oleg proposed to me by phone. I didn't even think about it. But I had to go to Moscow, take a copy of his divorce certificate so that I could apply to the registry office.

    Oleg at the wedding ceremony

    "I was in a white dress, I brought him a suit"

    - How was the wedding?

    The ceremony took place on September 20. I rode with curls, they scattered in the wind, I had to collect my hair in a bun. But she was in a white dress. I brought him a suit. Everything was very fast, but solemn, in the psychologist's room. They signed, hugged once, and he was taken away.

    - And it suits you that you and your husband will see each other only twice a year?

    Many spouses see each other daily, and families are unhappy. They told me here: they say, Oleg “branded a woman”, deprived me of a future.

    I am free and independent, I do not depend on anyone. If I decide to get a divorce, no one will stop me from doing it. But I feel that I will be with him until the end. I love him so much, although by nature I am not an amorous person.

    And I will get divorced in two cases: if I find out that there are some other shura-mura with someone (at least by correspondence), and if they offend me with words and deeds. And so we want to have a child. We want to get married.

    - As for the wedding ... After it, all the sins of the husband fall on the wife. And your chosen one is very heavy ...

    He prays every day for the dead. I think I prayed, since God sent me to him. And the people who condemn me need to take care of their lives. Everyone goes their own way, and everyone gets what they deserve.

    He provides for himself. Oleg works in the sewing industry until late every day. Himself called to go on shift at the weekend and holidays, if it's necessary. Everything he needs, he buys with his own money. So he doesn't need me to sponsor him.

    I always take care of children, because I work from home.

    - By the way, do the children know that you are married?

    Little ones don't. And the elders know, of course. My daughter was shocked, she even thought that I had joined some kind of sect. I decided for myself: I will raise children, send them to adulthood, and I myself will settle next to the colony on an island or in the city of Belozersk. To be closer to him.

    Oleg is a family man, not a lone wolf. I realized that he committed crimes mainly for the sake of his woman, her well-being. If not for this, then he would not have got into the gang in the first place.

    From left to right: Andrey Pylev (sitting for life), Sergei Ananyevsky (killed), Grigory Gusyatinsky (killed), Sergei Butorin (sitting for life) - leaders of the Orekhov organized criminal group

    And so he embarked on a criminal path in order to raise funds for the family. And then, when I realized that I had gotten myself into trouble, it was already dangerous to leave the gang. And he was afraid not for himself, but for her.

    There was such Vladimir Gribkov, nicknamed the Baker, known for his cruelty. When he decided to leave, his wife was killed by the Pylevs, that is, their own people (the gang was headed by the Pylev brothers - Auth.). After that, he gave up the gang. Here he has 12 episodes (this is more than Oleg's), but they gave him only 13 years, and he has already been released on parole.

    When Oleg was arrested, his wife left him. And I think she knew how he made money for her.

    Oleg Mikhailov

    Victoria, last question. Are you ready until the end of your days to love a prisoner who will never go beyond the perimeter guarded by machine gunners and dogs?

    Ready. But I hope that he will be replaced with a life sentence for a specific period. There are reasons for this. According to today's legislation, if there was a confession, then they should not be given a life sentence. At the time when Oleg was tried, this was not the case. But the law is retroactive if it mitigates the fate of the prisoner. In general, I am now collecting documents with faith in the future.

    It is difficult to understand a woman who connected her life with a suicide bomber. But she is not the first and not the last. In general, it has become like a tradition for Russian women to marry prisoners who, with sweet speeches and promises, find their way to their hearts.

    But love story Mikhailova still, in my opinion, stands apart. Initially, during my visit to the colony, the head of the institution only found about him good words. And it was he who told the story, which later went into.

    “Somehow they led us to work in formation, under escort. But the weather was good. It was very quiet, it was light, it was snowing lightly. And as if from the sky a ray of light fell on everyone. I had the feeling that the monks were going to obedience. A fleeting, but very vivid sensation.

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