Do-it-yourself decoration of the music hall in kindergarten for the holidays. Musical arrangement of the wedding


Decoration of the music hall for the holidays.

This work is intended for preschool teachers, music directors.

Decorating the music hall for the holidays, I try to convey the festive atmosphere of this event, to make the hall unforgettable, always different and attractive for both children and adults. IN Lately I use fabric in my work. This is a durable material, the design of which can be used in various variations, changing the form and content of the design by mixing ready-made design elements.

Autumn- a beautiful bright time of the year. Therefore, in order to design music hall not only an air veil of various colors was used, but also ribbons, fruits, artificial branches and leaves, multi-colored packaging for flowers made of coconut fiber.

Trees are a frame made of dense wire, on which chaotic order a multi-colored veil is attached.

Autumn is different and therefore in this academic year trees in autumn forest I sewed directly onto a thin veil and hung the canvases not only on the central wall, but also on an additional curtain designed for the curtain, thereby creating a sense of perspective.

The next holiday, the approach of which adults and children are looking forward to, New Year . In 2010, he was like this.

Layering is sometimes very helpful. 1st layer - white veil, 2nd layer - blue organza, 3rd layer - blue mirror squares strung on a fishing line. On the white layer there are blue snowflakes and, of course, a beautiful Christmas tree.

A year later, the concept of the hall completely changed, the Christmas tree became not so colorful, we kept it, like the whole hall, in silver-blue colors. If you notice, then the central wall is decorated with the same organza and veil, only this time it is draped differently, and silver threads have been added to the blue mirrors. And of course, a chest that is upholstered with brocade. The locks, as well as the keys to them, are made to order in the workshop from thick plastic and covered with a silver film.

For the New Year this academic year, I was engaged in making decorations for almost 2 months. We had to involve the teachers of our preschool, because it took a lot of work to sew the sentepon on the main fabric, but in my opinion it's worth it!

February 23- This is a holiday that personally causes difficulties for me in the design of the hall. This is how it was last year.

The star and branch are made by fitting a frame cut out of thick cardboard. Material crepe satin.

Spring is a very gentle season. This is how I made the layout women's day.

The flowers are sewn from the same satin crepe and sewn onto a figure-eight frame. A year later, the figure eight was dismantled and the flowers were simply “scattered across the field” from a gently green veil. In the corner there is an inverted and wallpapered screen, from which a room has turned out.

This year has been fruitful for ideas and rather time-consuming for their implementation. I had to again involve the team to help sew on 1500 flowers and turn all this splendor into a rainbow. Flowers were sewn from my favorite speckled satin for 1.5 months.

9th May is a special date. Every year, 20 to 30 veterans come to visit us in kindergarten, for whom we prepare holiday concert we set the tables. You always want to create a festive atmosphere. This design was assembled from parts. The branch has already been used on the holiday on February 23, and Eternal flame made by analogy with the red star, but large sizes. Here's what happened.

High school graduation is the last holiday in kindergarten. Therefore, it must be unforgettable. We didn't have any graduations. We spent one of them in the underwater kingdom in search of a pearl of knowledge.

Fish and algae are sewn from various fabrics and embroidered with sequins. Graduation last year was held in the form of the TV show "Saturday Evening", so the emphasis in the hall is not on the central wall, but on the set tables where graduates and their parents sit. Although you will agree that multilayer drapery and Balloons create a festive mood.

"Music therapy is medicine for the soul"

Music therapy is a medicine that is listened to. The fact that music can change the mental and physical state of a person was known back in ancient greece and other countries.However, not only natural, but also artificially created ordered sounds heal. Specially selected melodies relieve anger, annoyance, improve mood. Melodies that bring joy to a person have a beneficial effect on his body: Slow down the pulse, increase the strength of heart contractions, promote vasodilation, normalize blood pressure, stimulate digestion, increase appetite.

Music acts selectively: depending on the nature of the work, on the instrument on which it is performed. So, for example, the violin and piano calm the nervous system, and the flute has a relaxing effect. If you believe biblical legend, King Saul was saved from bouts of madness by playing the harp.
However, excessively loud music with emphasized rhythms percussion instruments harmful not only to hearing, but also to nervous system. Modern rhythms increase the content of adrenaline in the blood, which can cause stress. Interestingly, the music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven has an amazing anti-stress effect.
In Japan, music therapy is widely used to normalize the physical and psychological state a person in production, at school, in universities, and now music has become one of the elements of obstetric care.

Special studies have shown that the music of Wagner, Offenbach's operettas, Ravel's "Bolero", Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" with their increasing rhythm has the most exciting effect. These works have the greatest effect in working with lethargic, pathetic children. True, the upbringing of music is very individual and requires a lot of strength and knowledge for experienced selection melodies.

"Caprice No. 24" by Paganini modern processing On the contrary, it increases the tone of the body, mood. Music, distracting attention from unpleasant images, contributes to the contraception of attention. The balance of the nervous system was facilitated by the phonograms of the forest, the singing of birds, the plays of the cycle “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky, “ Moonlight Sonata» Beethoven.
Science has established that a silent environment negatively affects the human psyche, since absolute silence is not a familiar environment for him.
While health and education institutions have not turned to the problem of music therapy in the right way, enthusiastic teachers, doctors, parents have to choose the “sounding” medicine on their own.
The purpose of classes with the use of music therapy: Creation of a positive emotional background of rehabilitation (removal of the anxiety factor); stimulation of motor functions; development and correction of motor processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) and sensory abilities; Disinhibition of speech function.
IN school age sedative or activating effect is achieved by musical arrangement various games, special corrective orientation traditional occupation with kids.

Musical rhythm is widely used in the treatment of motor and speech disorders, correction of insufficient psychomotor development, sense of rhythm, speech breathing. Music can be used while performing independent work when verbal communication is excluded. The exception is trifle reading - reading to music, a combination of music and activities.

The success of the lesson is influenced by the positive personality of the teacher, his possession of ways of musical expression - playing the musical instruments and the ability to sing, as well as the inclusion in the preventive and corrective process of the factor of group dynamics, mutual psycho-emotional positive infection, empathy and sympathy between participants in group music classes.

  • It is necessary to determine an individual course of correction for children with certain disorders and tactics after its completion. The number and duration of music therapy sessions (from 15 to 45 minutes), the frequency of use per week 1-7 times are important.
  • In the venue for music therapy there should be the most comfortable chairs, armchairs or rugs, and the lighting should be artificial in order to achieve a distraction from the real flow of time ( daylight hours) and enhance the emotional impact of the session.
  • It should also be remembered that corrective music sessions should not be carried out on an empty stomach and not earlier than 2 hours after eating.
  • Before accepting a session of music therapy, children must be set up. They should relax - this will help them "open the doors of the unconscious" and take full effect of the music. It does not matter what effect the music has - calming, stimulating or uplifting.
  • It is important to choose the right posture. Music treatment should be short enough not to cause fatigue and possible defensive reactions.
  • The strength and volume of the music must be carefully adjusted. Low volume should be chosen not only for soothing, but also for stimulating music. High volume tires and shocks the nervous system.
  • After listening to healing music, you need to relax for a while. This favors its full, non-violating peace of mind action on the unconscious.
  • It is known that the unconscious is most active during sleep, while it is also susceptible to external impulses. Therefore, it is especially recommended for aggressive, restless, hyperactive children to use therapeutic music during sleep.
  • 10. It is advisable to use instrumental classical and
    specially healing music, but not vocal and not the most
    popular because they carry an unnecessary semantic load.
    Choice of music should be good
    thought out. It is much more difficult than it might seem at first.
    sight. It would seem obvious the use of a sedative,
    stimulating or cheerful music. However, not everything is
    Just. Cheerful music can get on your nerves
    a man burdened with grief. Per person able
    excitement and confusion are unlikely to make a deep impression
    solemn adagio, it will make him even more restless.
    On the other hand, when a discouraged person hears
    sad music, it can cheer him up.

      As part of a music therapy session, you can and should use various active techniques, exercises and methods that I have described above, such as movement exercises and dances, rhythmic and breathing exercises, dramatization of therapeutic performances - games, activation of visual images and ideas, music making, game therapy, vocal therapy, art therapy, color therapy, fairy tale therapy and other methods.

    List of musical recipes
    Scientists, after conducting numerous studies and experiments, came to the conclusion that many melodies really have a strong therapeutic effect:
    The invigorating music of Tchaikovsky, Pakhmutova, Tariverdiev, the sound of dombra relieves nervousness and irritability.
    Helps relieve stress, concentrate, ideal for secluded activities and meditation romantic, creating a feeling of free space, music by Schubert, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt, sounds of kobyz.
    To prevent fatigue, you need to listen to "Morning" by Grieg, "Dawn over the Moscow River" (a fragment from the opera "Khovanshchina") by Mussorgsky, the romance "Evening Bells", the motive of the song "Russian Field", "The Seasons" by Tchaikovsky.
    They cheer up, relieve depression, charge the intensity of feelings - jazz, blues, dixieland, soul, calypso and reggae¸ originating from temperamental African music.
    The creative impulse is stimulated by the "March" from the film "Circus" by Dunayevsky, "Bolero" by Ravel, "Saber Dance" by Khachaturian.
    You can get complete relaxation from Shostakovich's "Waltz" from the film "The Gadfly", the Purcel orchestra, Ley's "Man and Woman", a romance from musical illustrations for Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm" by Sviridov.
    Grieg's suite "Peer Gynt" normalizes sleep and brain function.
    Development mental abilities in children, the music of Mozart contributes.
    As a treatment for migraines, Japanese doctors offer Mendelssohn's "Spring Song", Dvorak's "Humoresque", as well as a hefty dose of George Gershwin ("An American in Paris").
    Headache also filmed listening to the famous Ogiński polonaise.
    Blood pressure and cardiac activity are normalized by Mendelssohn's "Wedding March"
    Beethoven's "Sonata No. 7" cures gastritis
    A stomach ulcer will disappear when listening to Strauss' Waltz of the Flowers.

    To design a music hall in a kindergarten, you can use various types of materials, in this case only the head's imagination can be a limitation. Do not neglect the usual and well-known materials: Whatman sheets, cardboard, different types paints, balloons, cloth, colored paper, glittery tinsel, etc.

    From these affordable and diverse in their quality and purpose, you can make impressive decorations for any holiday. In our time, when from a very young age the child is attached to high technology and the wonders of technology, a flower or a snowflake made of ordinary paper can be a real discovery for him and a very vivid impression. Especially if the child himself will participate in their manufacture. Many kindergarten teachers successfully use even polyethylene and polystyrene as a material for creating decorations (although it would seem that it could be more trivial and boring).

    From foam (due to the fact that it is easily cut with a regular paper knife), you can make any of the most complex shapes. Depending on the theme of the holiday and the season, foam plastic can be used to make figures of snowmen, grandfather and frost and snow maiden, birds, as well as silhouettes of trees. You can even get the sun and clouds.

    If there are mirrors in the music hall of your kindergarten, then you can decorate them with paper stencils, white gouache and an ordinary toothbrush. This is done simply. First you need to take 1-2 drawing paper and draw on them with a simple pencil the drawings or figures you need for the holiday. Then the resulting figures must be carefully cut.

    After that, moisten the resulting stencils with water and stick to the mirrors. After that, you need to dilute the gouache and use a toothbrush to spray it along the border of the stencil. Then remove the paper stencils from the mirrors. The remaining drops of paint form a pattern reminiscent of patterns of frost on glass in frosty times. Of course, such decorations are ideal for new year holidays. In the same way, you can decorate window panes.

    In order not to stain the walls with traces of adhesive tape, and also not to leave holes from nails and screws in them, it is best to have a special screen in the hall, on which you can attach fabric, applications, balloons, etc. The screen can be made independently or ordered in the workshop.

    Such a screen can be draped with fabric. Light iridescent fabrics (chiffon, silk, organza) are ideal. On top of the drapery, you can attach flowers made of paper or fabric, as well as balloons, rhinestones, letters, and more. Also, the screen can be used as a wall newspaper, making a collage of children's drawings or photographs brought by pupils from home. In addition, it will be an ideal decoration for any performance, behind which the actors participating in the performance can hide.

    The ceiling of the hall can be decorated with colored paper garlands, threads of New Year's rain, colored tinsel. The pupils themselves can decorate the music hall for the celebration. To do this, it is necessary to announce in advance in the group a competition of drawings or crafts.

    Don't forget that modern technologies They can also help you decorate the room. For example, you can use video projection using a computer and a projector (at some point celebratory event). Most importantly, be sure that the design of the hall, created with a soul, will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Musical arrangement holiday.

    Any festive event cannot do without professional musical accompaniment, which is essential component mass event. Dancing, games and fun toasts are not complete without a good song or recording. It is very important to correctly select compositions that are designed to cheer up guests and "heroes of the occasion". For each stage of the wedding or birthday, appropriate music should be selected that can cheer up the participants or set them in a positive way.

    If you are planning to organize live music, then you should hire professional musicians and get to know their style of sound. In the process of selection ideal option there will be an independent visit to their performance. However, in the process of organizing an event, very often there is not enough time for such trifles. Therefore, you should at least read the reviews of the selected candidate.

    Note that a true professional is able not only to reproduce musical composition- they create a unique atmosphere and can complement the flow of the script with an appropriate joke, emphasizing the thematic basis. They correctly place musical accents. The cost of their services can be high, but the positive impressions of the event cannot be bought with money. Quality on highest level- This necessary condition for a modern wedding or banquet.

    However, what musical style worth choosing? Will these be ordinary musical hits that everyone has already gotten a little bored with? Or will it be rock that the guests might not like? We suggest paying attention to classical music – it can be appropriate in any situation and will create a unique atmosphere of fun or tranquility.

    Benefits of live classical music at a party

    If you have ever heard the sound of live classical music, you will hardly be able to forget that indescribable feeling of harmony and peace. Scientists have conducted a study on positive influence classical music on the human body. Today, most of the events are held with the participation of symphony orchestra or ensemble.

    Many event planners don't even try to impress their customers. original sound. Routine can spoil even the happiest event. However, classic, antique or jazz music can create a unique and inimitable atmosphere. A professional orchestra is suitable for both a wedding and a birthday. Let's pay attention to the main advantages of musical design of this type:

    • Universality - such music is suitable for any kind of event, and it will be pleasant to guests of any age category;
    • Uniqueness - while most organizers use music centers, you will get a lively and harmonious sound;
    • Originality - despite the fact that classical music has remained relevant for several centuries, you will surely surprise your guests with a personal orchestra.

    Also, everyone knows about the beneficial effects of such music on the human body. After the event, the guests will not be tired, but on the contrary, they will leave banqueting hall inspired and filled with harmony. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consider the option of your own symphony orchestra . Let the sounds string instruments will fill the ears and hearts of every participant of the festive event. Such a holiday will surely be remembered for a long time by both the organizers and guests of the event. As we have already noted, classical music will always be in fashion due to its uniqueness, originality and harmony.

    Your store, shopping mall Or has the boutique just opened? You do not know how to arrange a trading floor correctly musical accompaniment, and, most importantly, you have no idea where to get it so as not to violate copyright? DigiSky is at your service.

    We have been working for more than 10 years, our experience and accumulated knowledge allow us to say that for us, musical design for a store is an area where we know all the nuances. During this time, we have been developing music for stores: Metro Cash&Carry, Podruzhka, Monetka, Perekrestok Express, Selgros Cash&Carry and many others.

    Our cooperation with you will be built as follows:

    • we will select for you the musical design of the store. We will choose the right format that will ideally emphasize and complement the specifics of your business;
    • we will help you choose and install professional equipment (music player, speakers, etc.); we will manage the musical accompaniment and update compositions from our office;
    • from time to time we will analyze the performance of the system and adjust it as necessary;
    • we will help you get rid of the need to deal with deductions to the authors of compositions. We will take this on as well.

    Why is store music so important?

    The buyer, crossing the threshold of the store, finds himself in a special world, the world of the brand. If he has already been in it and returned again, it means that something has hooked him. Of course, this cannot be said about grocery supermarkets, where people go for groceries. And they do it daily. Only poisoning with "delay" or strong markups will force them to change their usual store. Another thing is a clothing store, household appliances and electronics. Here, the main thing for its owner is not to cause negative emotions among buyers. Everything goes to the rescue, from friendly staff and discounts, to the musical design of the hall.

    Different musical accompaniment has a different effect on purchasing activity. If you put on calmer music, then your customers will choose the product more slowly, and their activity will decrease. If you opt for the rhythmic dance music, thereby pushing buyers to make a decision as soon as possible.

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