Health is the most valuable capital. Biz4all


Almost a century ago, before our country in full height faced the task of industrialization. It would seem that in an agrarian country with an illiterate population, the task is not solvable. But the road was mastered by the walking one, whose path is rightfully called the Russian economic miracle. Where did it all start?

It all started with education and training.

Right after October revolution the issue of public education was put as a major state priority. So on December 26, 1919, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR." The decree provided for the complete elimination of illiteracy throughout the country: from now on, the entire population Soviet Russia at the age of 8 to 50, who could not read or write, was obliged to learn to read and write in their native language or in Russian at will.

The matter was not limited to one decree. On June 19, 1920, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy (VChKLB, educational program) was created under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR. The commission took control of the organization of educational programs, the training of teachers, and the publication of educational literature.

The Russian writers M. Gorky and L. N. Seifullina, the poets V. Ya. Bryusov, V. V. Mayakovsky, and Demyan Bedny, and the scientists N. Ya.

In 1920-1924 two editions of the first Soviet mass primer for adults D. Elkina, N. Bugoslavskaya, A. Kurskaya were printed. In the same years, V. V. Smushkov's "Workers' and Peasants' Primer for Adults" and E. Ya. Golant's "Primer for Workers" appeared.

In 1923, the voluntary society "Down with illiteracy" was created, branches of which were opened throughout the country. The Society's goal was to promote the work of the Commission, and the goal was achieved.

On September 17, 1930, the central headquarters of the educational program-campaign was formed (instead of the Commission of the VChKLB). And by 1934, the problem of illiteracy and semi-literacy in the USSR was finally resolved with the widespread introduction of universal primary education.

Inherited from tsarist Russia the Bolsheviks got the majority of the illiterate population (30% according to data for 1914). After the catastrophe of the First World War, the collapse of statehood, civil war and intervention most likely the situation with literacy has become even worse. But recovery National economy country, industrialization required an increase in educational and cultural level population. Everyone understood this, and that is why education programs got such a scale.

The result was not long in coming. According to the census in 1939, the literacy rate was 90% (among citizens aged 16 to 50).

This is how the foundation was laid for the great Soviet science and industry, which amazed the world with their achievements.

What now? After the destruction of the USSR, the Soviet tradition was discarded. IN Soviet education and science was consistently hammered in nails, as in a coffin. Cancellation of traditional exams, introduction USE testing only made the situation worse.

In 2015, the country again faced the problem of industrialization in full growth. It is called import substitution or reindustrialization, but the essence does not change from a name change. Almost a century ago, the current elite of the country understood the immense importance of education for solving this problem. Does the actual elite of modern Russia understand this?

Cadres decide everything, Stalin once said, speaking to graduates of military academies (May 4, 1935). He also said that the most valuable capital- it's people. And he was absolutely right!

Daniel DiPiazza, founder of the Rich20Something platform, blogger who teaches entrepreneurship, explains how partnerships work, where to find your audience, and how you can close a successful deal.

Tell me who your friend is...

The main reason to make friends with successful people is your desire to expand your area of ​​​​influence and ensure that your ideas are needed by more people. Therefore, if you have a few good friends who help you, you can achieve your goals much faster than when you are alone banging your head against the wall trying to figure out how to promote your ideas. In addition, the chances are high that by making friends with successful people, you will become successful yourself: you are the arithmetic average of your five closest friends. However, many unknown people today will ask: “How? How can I become a friend of a successful person? I will teach you how to connect with anyone in the world.

Networking? No thanks

I honestly don't like the idea of ​​networking. Does anyone like to think of themselves as a "network" worker. Did you want to be in someone's network? There is something predatory in the very idea. Therefore, I will build the entire subsequent conversation based on the fact that acquaintance with interesting people you need for the simple human joy of communication and, as a result, a more joyful and vibrant life. Successful people are exactly the same real people, just like you. Think of them as individuals, not as stepping stones. career ladder, on which you climb, not disdaining any means, and then, I guarantee, you will get to success in half the time.

Step 1. How to find people with whom you have common interests and how to please them?

Do you know that all successful people know each other? How is it in an elite club? To a certain extent, this is true. And you can get an invitation to this club. When I started my Rich20Something blog, I didn't know anyone at all. I was like a person who came to a party where he does not know anyone, and everyone else has been hanging out in the same company for a long time. In this situation, it is logical to start introducing yourself to people, so much so that they are willing to get to know you. At the time, I didn't have much to offer, but I had a small website. And I decided to do an interview: everyone likes to see their name on the Internet. So I started looking for people in in social networks with a sufficient number of subscribers, and who, in my opinion, could say something interesting. I wrote batches of emails to various entrepreneurs and bloggers with the only question: “Can I interview you?” Each letter was personalized for each addressee and very soon I began to receive answers, but even if 10 people out of 100 addressees answer you, this is an excellent result. My page with the interview was replenished with materials. People found out who I am. I was no longer a stranger at their celebration of life. If I were to do it all over again, I would write according to this simplified scheme:

Hi, my name is Daniel and I am (insert work, blog, etc.). I saw your work in (insert) and I liked it very much. I am writing to you because (insert sphere common interests, solving problems of the addressee, etc.). Will you have five minutes for a short chat in the next two weeks? I have time in (write specifically days, hours). Thank you! Daniel.

What if you don't have a blog? Create it!

Building your audience is the best thing you can do with your time. If you can't do that yet, then look for something that can be useful to a person who you want to befriend. Search online for what he is interested in, what his hobbies are, or problematic issues. Now think: what can you offer these people in order to help them? The best way to do this is to subscribe to Twitter: people write on Twitter to complain about life. In general, be interesting and noticeable. The main thing is to choose the right time for contact.

Step 2: Make human values ​​a priority

I even suggest that you do not think at all about how other people can be useful to you. At least on this one initial stage. Many people make this mistake: they met and let's try to benefit from the acquaintance. This is completely wrong. It is necessary, as for a deposit, to add up and add up good deeds. And the benefit can be obtained only after the "account" accumulates enough, after your new acquaintances are interested in you. Often I couldn't understand why the prospect of befriending successful person ended at the moment when I, having barely met, asked him to do something for me.

Step 3: Reap the benefits of true friendship

Now that you've really made friends and become a friend yourself, shown how and how useful you are to an organization/blogger/entrepreneur, you've officially become part of the team. You are someone you can count on. Now you are also responsible for the formation of a brand or direction.

Here's what I did at this stage: I used my new reputation to attract even more powerful friends. With the support of organizations I believed in and funds mass media, I asked new friends to be an invited guest on my blog and post on it.

The whole process was energy intensive. But the results are truly priceless. And it's not about attracting some specific people. It's about the process of identifying the people you want to meet, befriending them, and long-term relationships.

Now imagine this process over decades. You can go wherever you want, have access to whatever you want, and know that at any moment you will have the resources to solve any problems. Your friends become your most valuable asset.

Lack of perception of knowledge as a corporate asset and common culture accumulation and use of this knowledge hinders the development of knowledge management in Ukraine.

UKRAINIAN experience of knowledge management in companies (English knowledge management) is very small. Unfortunately, while this activity is relevant and gradually develops only in the consulting business. As for other enterprises, almost everywhere the exchange of information between employees is carried out by gravity. Only a few managers have already realized the need for their own participation in the accumulation and preservation of accumulated experience, they take this direction under administrative control and attach importance to it in business development.

The main difficulty in knowledge management lies primarily in the fact that the lion's and most valuable share of corporate knowledge does not exist on paper, but is contained in the heads of employees. Nevertheless practical experience multinational corporations has shown that even such a managerial problem can be solved.

FOR THE FIRST TIME, knowledge management in the United States was discussed back in the late 1980s. But the heyday of this direction came in the early 1990s. It was then that the term knowledge management went beyond the scope of academic articles, appeared on the pages of the popular Western business press and took one of the prominent places in the list of consulting agency services. Since 1995, knowledge management has been an established scientific discipline teaching university courses and professional and academic publications on the subject. Enough grasped at the idea a large number of organizations, and knowledge management has become fashion trend in business development. Transnational corporations began to specifically allocate additional resources, often defining this direction in separate divisions of departments information technologies or personnel management.

The essence of knowledge management is that enterprises need to organize the exchange of knowledge between employees and departments in order to find best ways reference economic activity. There are enough options offered: informal communities and expert networks for the exchange of experience, libraries of practical solutions, databases about customers or suppliers. However, the enterprise first needs to understand where the company's most valuable intellectual asset is located and how it can be made available to the public, since the knowledge that any company possesses is dispersed throughout the enterprise and heterogeneous. These are paper and electronic documents, directories and databases, as well as non-formalized experience.

In UKRAINE, knowledge management has been discussed quite recently and mainly in the context of extracting additional value from intellectual capital. However, there are no purely Ukrainian systematic approaches and methods to knowledge management yet.

For companies involved in GG-consulting, this area is particularly relevant. Due to the shortage of qualified personnel and the current trend of poaching experienced employees, many companies are trying to protect themselves as much as possible from the loss of accumulated intellectual capital along with the employee.

“For the exchange of experience within the company and the professional development of consultants, we have created the so-called project libraries,” says Ostap Malaniuk, acting head of the personnel department at Borlas Ukraine. - They form a bank implemented solutions. At any time, you can get acquainted in detail with all the nuances of completed projects, their problems and solutions to specific issues in practice. It helps younger generation employees to quickly join the company and not only improve their professional level, but also to become part of a single team with accumulated experience. Also, project libraries are an opportunity to find answers to regularly arising questions.

However, some materials about projects, no matter how successful and interesting they may be, are not enough for the adaptation of new employees. That is why many consulting companies use the practice of mentoring. From the first day of work of a new employee, he is received by a curator, an experienced individual consultant who answers any questions of the ward, if necessary, prompts and corrects his actions. “Consultants who have experience in two or three implementation projects willingly serve as mentors for new employees, including organizing special trainings for them,” says Svetlana Tikhonenko, HR manager at Amazing Ukraine Corporation (formerly Robertson & Blums Corporation Ukraine). “This guarantees the formation of a strong team and opens up new career opportunities for employees.”

According to experts, so far in Ukrainian conditions, the practice of curating is the most effective method preserve and increase knowledge.

An important knowledge management tool for domestic companies is also the availability of special software, with which you can orderly save the practical experience accumulated by employees. Companies create such an internal infrastructure and a special procedure that involves the exchange of information in in electronic format. The program helps to store information, categorize it and search. " hallmark of such technologies is that all used platforms are integrated, which greatly simplifies work, saves time and allows you to reuse information,” explains Dmitry Popinako, CEO Innoware company. “If the system is convenient to work with, then we save time, and in consulting, saving time is saving money.”

Motivational mechanisms operating in a favorable environment
PETER DRUKER, one of the most influential management theorists, argued in his writings that knowledge is manifested by free will, not by command. It is useless to force people to show their knowledge by order, to share it. Instead, it is necessary to create conditions conducive to the voluntary exchange of knowledge. Unfortunately, not all managers understand this. “In the knowledge economy, everyone is a volunteer, but our managers are only trained to give orders,” argued Drucker, who is credited with the idea of ​​knowledge management. The manager will not be able to manage knowledge until he understands that it cannot be managed.

Nevertheless, Ukrainian business consultants believe that the presence of financial motivational mechanisms for maintaining and sharing knowledge in the company will not be superfluous. “Motivational mechanisms can be very simple,” explains Andrey Kryuchkov, CEO of the consulting and training center Seven. -One of the options is to enter the history of work with the client into the database. If the manager does not enter the work history into the corporate CRM system, the transaction is not credited to him, and he does not receive his bonuses on it. If management wants to motivate employees to think innovatively so that they offer their ideas to improve the company's business, then you can pay bonuses for each proposal. And if the proposal is implemented, pay a premium.

However, not everyone agrees with the opinion that financial or even administrative motivation is enough to preserve knowledge. Dmitry Popinako believes that the most important thing is to create such a business environment in the company, which in itself would involve the accumulation of knowledge. “We have no opportunity to work differently. Our business processes involve the use of an information system, and Information Systems-accumulation of knowledge, - Mr. Popinako explains his position. — Our company has developed a grading system for personnel, which is also integrated with the mission and strategy of the company and is primarily focused on ensuring that we constantly improve the level of customer service. This system also contains a system of knowledge accumulation.

Svetlana Tikhonenko believes that professional career prospects should be an important tool for motivating employees. An employee who shares experience and tells colleagues about the difficulties that arose during the implementation of certain projects, and the ways that he found to overcome these difficulties, in the future will receive projects with more complex tasks for implementation.

“The most important thing is the recognition by management of the fact that the preservation of accumulated experience and knowledge is the basis of business continuity,” says Anton Poretskov, Director of Amazing Ukraine. “With this in mind, the construction of all processes of the organization should be carried out.” The main difficulties that companies experience in the development of a new direction of management in the this moment- unpreparedness for large investments in a new direction and resistance of employees who traditionally oppose changes in their work.

Team cohesion based on mutual trust contributes to the fact that people have a desire to share experience and learn from each other. When people experience a lack of knowledge, they usually ask colleagues first and only then to databases and other "inanimate" sources of information. The introduction of rigid procedures for interaction within the organization reduces the level of trust by suppressing the natural exchange of knowledge.

Time is a valuable asset that needs to be managed. Over the past few years, this thought has become self-evident to most Russian managers. And that is why the following question is increasingly being asked at time management seminars: how to instill a culture of time management in subordinates, colleagues? And, scary to say, management?

We cannot be 100% effective if we do not coordinate our personal time management with the people around us - colleagues, management, subordinates, relatives, clients, etc.

It is not easy to convey the idea of ​​time management to another person. But the result is worth it. It is a higher mutual respect for our most valuable and irreplaceable resource of time. Respect in the work team, in the family, in the company, and finally - in our society.

How to instill time management in subordinates: "voluntary" strategies

What is the difference between a commander and a commissar?

- The commander says "Do as I do!", and the commissar says "Do as I say!" Soviet joke.

At seminars for top managers, the most active discussion is usually the question "to force or not to force?". Managers are more rigid insist: no need to wait until something "sprout". Softer managers emphasize that time management is a rather individual matter, and the higher the "creative" and "human" components in an employee's work, the more difficult it is to impose methods of self-organization on him by order.

I am a supporter of the combined use of both approaches. First you need to "sow the time management bacillus", use internal, voluntary resources, and only then - external, coercive resources.

1. The first step in the "strategy of voluntariness" - set a personal example.

The effectiveness of this method is difficult to overestimate. Present, and do not declare, organization, punctuality, respect for the time of colleagues and subordinates.

The effectiveness of subordinates ultimately contributes to your results and your success, so do not consider it shameful for yourself as a leader to show respect for the time of subordinates. At one corporate training, a participant said - "I, of course, ask" is it convenient for you to speak? "When calling a boss or a client, but not a subordinate. What difference does it make to me whether it is convenient for him or not?" I asked: is your personal comfort or business interests more important to you?

If you are the owner of a company and at the same time decide that your comfort and freedom is more important than the efficiency of your subordinates - no problem, call them at 2 am, call them to unexpected meetings with an unknown duration, etc. You are the owner - you are in your right. Just don't be surprised if subordinates have the same attitude towards customer time, and customers repay by moving to your more punctual competitors.

But if you are not the owner of the company, I recommend that you treat the time and comfort of your subordinates no less carefully than your own. This is yours, I'm not afraid of this word, " official duty"as a manager, is important for the interests of the common cause. Show respect for other people's time without "double standards."

2. Create motivation to use TM techniques.

"Motivation" - not to be confused with "stimulation", i.e. not a system of rewards and punishments, but an understanding in the minds of employees why time can and should be managed.

What will your subordinates answer to the question "If you do more, will you earn more"? If "no" - your task is a little more difficult than, for example, the head of the sales department. But it is completely solvable. Typical arguments that your employees may listen to:

    More comfort in doing work, due to more competent organization;

    Reducing the risks associated with non-compliance with the deadlines set by management;

    The opportunity to leave work earlier, to spend part of the freed time on yourself.

Even if saving time does not directly bring money to the subordinate, he must understand that he wins by increasing work efficiency. Be prepared to "pay" - more flexibility in the work schedule, earlier departure of the employee home (meaning not a reduction in the working day provided for labor code, but the reduction of overtime beyond the working day), etc.

In the group of companies MC-Bauchemie-Russia (trademark"Plitonit") IT director during the corporate TM project wanted to encourage subordinates to pay more attention to self-organization. To do this, he daily noted the number of cases carried out by the unit in an "emergency" mode. They turned out to be about 80%. These facts convinced employees of the need to engage in time management, and after a while they themselves more accurately distributed responsibilities among themselves, drew up a schedule of preventive work, a plan for purchasing office equipment for departments, etc.

Please note: all these results could be achieved "from above", with the help of regular management. But the value of the "TM-bacillus" "inoculated" into employees is that they did it all themselves, without coercion. The leader did not waste "administrative resources", and forms of organization born "from below" usually turn out to be simpler and more effective than those imposed "from above".

3. Move in small steps, but rhythmically.

The highest quality of Japanese products is largely the result of the ideology of "kaizen" - small, but continuous, daily improvements. As in personal work, in a corporate implementation of TM there is no need to globalize the task. Offer subordinates new techniques regularly, at least once a week. The simpler and more self-explanatory these techniques are, the better.

Alexey Chernin, Chairman of the Board OJSC "Omskbank", after the TM training introduced "15 minutes for time management" into the Board meetings. During these mini-meetings, he shared personal experience mastering the next tool from the Learning Organizer, and invited top managers to share their experience. One of the deputy chairmen held similar mini-meetings for middle managers.

How to "instill" time management in subordinates: "forced" strategies

Gabrovtsy (residents of the Bulgarian city, famous for their stinginess) agreed with the teacher - to pay for the education of children, 2 buckets of vodka from each yard. On the day of calculation, a barrel was placed on the square, and everyone poured their two buckets into it. The teacher went up to the barrel and saw in it clean water. Every Gabrovian thought that two buckets of water would not spoil a barrel of good strong vodka.

In social psychology, the phenomenon that manifested itself in this anecdote is called "social laziness." This is when everyone understands that something useful needs to be done, but no one in particular wants to take the first step. And here you can not do without the "administrative resource". How to apply it for the introduction of TM-techniques?

1. Better "less" tools, but mandatory.

Do not try to build a global universal "only true" time management system. Well suited for the first steps of implementation:

    any planning boards;

    diaries or planning + daily planning standard;

    regular task overview tables;

    meeting forms.

"If subordinates do not want to use the tool - how to force them?" This is not a question for a time management specialist. Re-read any book on people management, motivation, management struggles, etc. I will only note that the more people were prepared at the "voluntary" stage, the more of their own ideas and considerations your innovation takes into account, the easier it will be to implement.

2. Come up with simple and quick "carrots and sticks".

The ideology is exactly the same as in personal work: small and preferably immediately applied rewards and punishments. For example, when introducing a planning standard in a diary for managers of a retail chain, the general director proposed 1-2 months after the training to reward the three owners of the most competent diaries with one day off, and the three owners of the worst diaries with a fine in the amount of the cost of one working day.

Gulmira Tuleshova, Head of the Motivation Department of the Human Resources Department National Bank Kazakhstan. "After training in time management and the introduction of a planning board, we had the idea to motivate the emerging process of improving personal efficiency - every month we choose an effective employee, and he earns one free day a month. The criterion for effectiveness is that he coped with the tasks set for him on time and with good quality, and, of course, in conjunction with the tasks of the unit. Our senior management welcomed the idea, promising not to interfere in the process of motivating effective employees and understanding their absence on the day off earned. The promise is kept."

3. Use "pilot projects".

"Pilot", trial project - a very useful technique. Try the technique on one employee, one department, one line of business (for example, "only with this type of client", or "only for project X"). This will allow you to understand all the pros and cons of technology in real practice, spending a minimum of time and effort. In addition, the experience of a successful pilot project is an important argument for convincing other employees (or departments) of the need and usefulness of new technology.

In conclusion, main principle: Calculate the cost of your time, the cost of the unit's time. Try to express in money. And fight for time as hard as you do for money. At the Siberian Agreement conference in Novosibirsk in May 2005, one of the participants, the general director and owner of the company, asked - "What if my time depends not only on me, but also on other people, primarily on subordinates?" I asked a counter question - "You are the owner of your business. If your subordinates steal your money - do you know what to do about it? Or, just like me, helplessly asking a corporate finance consultant about this? But your time is much more valuable your money - it is much less, and it is non-renewable." This man, when asked about the theft of money, changed his face so much that I realized that I do not envy those who try to steal his money. I am sure that after the seminar one can also not envy those who will try to steal his time.

Time is money, and even more valuable than money. Make the "management of accountability" for time as self-evident for employees as it is for money.

How to "instill" time management in the boss?

Mom, don't scold me, I'm a very good child!

And why is that?

Not a single housekeeper can stand with us More than a month, and I have been living with you for 7 years!

If you are not a businessman or a freelance artist, then one of the key factors influencing your time is your manager. IN extreme manifestations the disorganization of the leader reaches "I called everyone in the morning, ordered me to be in the office strictly by 15.00 for an important meeting, arrived at 18.30 and asks - why are you all here, will the meeting be the day after tomorrow?".

At trainings, one often hears: "And if I have a force majeure - the boss unexpectedly gave a new task?". Here I propose to think about the fact that working out the unexpected requests of the leader is not "force majeure", but the direct responsibility of the subordinate. If there are difficulties with this, you should not look for ways to influence the boss, but master the tools of flexible planning. For a person who actively uses such tools, unexpected tasks are not a problem.

But it happens that the leader is really not attentive enough to the time, and I would like to influence him in this regard. How to do it?

It's better that "it was his idea"(in most cases, but not always).

It is necessary to find an indirect way in which the idea of ​​time management can reach the boss. His friend, secretary, head of a neighboring department, etc. A magazine or book accidentally forgotten somewhere is also suitable.

Present the tools "in action".

At the meeting, bring out a neat overview schedule of regular or project tasks; visit your boss less often, but with a prepared written list of questions, etc. The boss's interest in the new tools you use is a great reason to interest him in time management.

Start with tools that are useful and inexpensive for the boss.

If your "TM-offers" start with equipping the department with laptops and buying you a pocket computer, they are unlikely to be heard. Rather, offer a simple planning board, an overview schedule of regular tasks, etc. Give the leader financial costs feel the increase in control, manageability, predictability of work - and he will be ready for your next proposals.

And in conclusion - remember the main thing. It is your task to make sure that the boss is comfortable working with you. His time is more valuable than yours, his comfort is more important for the company than yours. If you think otherwise - no problem, create your own business. Then the inconvenience associated with having a boss will be replaced by other, much more serious inconveniences. But that will be a completely different story.

Which is carried out with the support of the EU. The founder of the business is an energetic young man with kind eyes and lots of ideas. We meet in the building of the administration of the Moskovsky district of the city of Minsk, where there is a small social Enterprise "Printing Laboratory" . It is being renovated, because after a year of work, Dmitry plans to expand the business and open a new line of business. While the workers assemble the shelves and arrange the goods, Dmitry talks about the opportunities for developing social business in Belarus.

Dmitry Klimkovich, founder PE "Valuable Capital" , explains how the different names came about: Entity is called “Valuable Capital”, and during the year a printing center operated in this room, which we ambitiously called the “Printing Laboratory”. Because of this name, quite often there was confusion in services: people came for printing, and we offered printouts, photocopies and photos for documents. We decided to open a stationery store on this site and keep the services that were previously offered, but now we will be called "Valuable Capital". A real printing laboratory with by the same name we will open in a new building on Korolya street between the Nemiga and Frunzenskaya metro stations this summer. There we plan to provide a full range of printing services, as well as allocate space for a full-fledged office.

Printing Center Valuable Capital employs people with disabilities, but the guys try not to advertise this fact. Unfortunately, the correct attitude towards people with disabilities has not yet been formed in the Belarusian society. Dmitry says that they do not cover the social orientation of the business, because many clients do not understand how a person with a disability can, for example, take a good photo.

Self-sufficiency and reinvestment

In addition to employing young people with disabilities "Valuable Capital" has a second direction of social benefit: discounts on services for pensioners, people with disabilities. Dmitry admits that when he opens l "Printing Lab" , then he approaches the matter not as a business: “For the first six months, we did a lot of indulgences and tried to help people, we printed a lot for free, and not just sold our services. But social enterprises in our country have practically no benefits and they need profit to exist. So six months later, I hired a director with business experience.”

The right approach to social business helped Dmitry to reach self-sufficiency. The enterprise fully independently repays all payments on wages, rent of premises, taxes. If it turns out to work in plus, then the money is reinvested in the purchase of new printing equipment. Thanks to this financial strategy the young man thought that it was time to open another center for the provision of printing services.

It was with this project that Dmitry and his team came to the Biz4all program. They say that the program appeared at an ideal moment when they wanted to take active steps to further development. This is a unique chance to gain valuable knowledge, the guys try to complete all tasks on time and with great responsibility.

As part of the project, Dmitry has two mentors. Sergey Fenenko helps with advice on the proper organization of work in social networks: how to attract interested users for free and initiate them to share content. Maria Anischenkova advised to create a website. With implementation last advice they did not pull and the site is already under development.

Interview and competitive selection

Now four employees work in the state - the director, accountant, administrator and computer operator - all girls. With the opening "Print Laboratories" on the King the state will expand. Helped to find employees Board of Employment of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee, but before hiring, Dmitry always conducted an interview. I gave preference to young people, no special knowledge was required, wages immediately offered a decent one.

All the necessary skills - the ability to take pictures, print photos and documents, make a photocopy - were taught on the spot. Designer Anastasia works part-time, she was registered in the PE "Tsenny Kapital" for distribution after college. Despite her deafness, Anastasia does an excellent job with her tasks.

With the opening "Print Laboratories" for the King of orders, the girl will definitely increase. An additional field of activity of the enterprise is the sale of stationery by bank transfer to NGO institutions and government organizations. Prices remain competitive thanks to the absence of VAT and a flexible approach to business.

When Dmitry shows the results of the renovation, talks about expanding the social business, his eyes light up, and this powerful energy is transferred to others. A successful year since the opening, which has allowed not only to work for self-sufficiency, but somewhere to become a plus, confirms the seriousness of the young team's intentions.

Text: Valeria Nikolaychik

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