The genre of the essay in the work of Korolenko. Biographies of writers and poets


Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, whose brief biography we will consider today, is a writer of the middle of the 19th and early 20th centuries. He was a remarkable Russian author, worked in journalism, was a publicist. His work is studied at school, so Korolenko and his brief will be useful for children.

Korolenko Biography. Briefly the most important

Let's now take a brief look at Korolenko's biography, dwelling in more detail on his childhood, work and interesting facts from his life.

Vladimir Korolenko biography: childhood

life path and short biography Korolenko, which is studied in the 5th grade, begins in 1853 in Zhytomyr. It was there in the family of a county judge was born in July future writer. His mother is Polish, so the future writer knew Polish from birth. He receives initial knowledge at the local gymnasium, and after moving to Rivne, he enters the school. In general, Vladimir spent his childhood and adolescence in small towns, where he was surrounded by Polish, Jewish and Ukrainian-Russian peoples. They will be reflected in the future in his work, where Polish romanticism intertwined with Ukrainian-Russian coloring, poetry and sincerity.

After college, the boy enters a technical institute in St. Petersburg. At that time, his father died, leaving the family without money. The boy has to endure hardship and starve. Later, the mother will get her son to move to Moscow, where in 1874 he will become a scholarship holder at the Agricultural Academy. But he is expelled from there because of his participation in student movements. He was sent to Kronstadt. Upon his return to St. Petersburg in 1877, he became a student at the Mining Institute. Later he would be expelled from here too, deported to Glazov, and for refusing to swear allegiance to Alexander III he would be sent to Siberia.

Literary creativity

If we talk about him creative biography, then the first literary activity came when he studied at the Mining Institute. His first work was called Episodes from the Life of a Seeker. He writes this novel in 1879. However, his main work fell on the period from 1885 to 1895. During this period of time he writes famous work Son Makara, later there will be other no less remarkable works, among which Without language, written during the writer's travels to other countries.

His work has been translated into foreign languages and have been recognized around the world.

Korolenko lives first in St. Petersburg, and then moves in 1900 to Poltava. There he continues to write novels, and on recent years life writes an autobiographical work History of my contemporary. Died V.G. Korolenko in 1921.

If we dwell on interesting facts in the biography of the writer, then it is worth saying that he was born in Ukraine, where he received his primary education.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko- Russian writer, public figure, publicist and journalist.

Was born July 15 (27), 1853 in Zhitomir. The writer's father was a stern county judge and collegiate assessor. His mother was from Poland, which is why the writer knew the Polish language from childhood. Elementary education Korolenko received at the Zhytomyr gymnasium, then the family moved to Rovno, where he entered the local school.

After the death of his father, Korolenko entered the Technological Institute in St. Petersburg, which he could not complete due to financial difficulties. In 1874 he transferred to the landowning academy in Moscow, where he studied on a scholarship. Due to the fact that the writer in his youth participated in the populist movements, he was expelled and exiled to Kronstadt. In 1877 he returned to St. Petersburg and entered the Mining Institute. It was around this time that his literary career began.

The first short story by V. G. Korolenko, “Episodes from the Life of a “Seeker””, appeared in 1879. In the spring of the same year, on suspicion of revolutionary activity, he was again expelled from educational institution and sent to Glazov. And when in 1881 he refused the oath Alexander III, was exiled to Siberia for several years. The most fruitful years for the writer were 1885-1895. The real triumph of Korolenko was the release of his the best works- "The Dream of Makar" (1885), "In Bad Society" (1885) and "The Blind Musician" (1886). .

In the 1890s, Korolenko traveled a lot. He visits various regions Russian Empire(Crimea, Caucasus). In 1893, the writer is present at world exhibition in Chicago (USA). The result of this trip was the story "Without a language" (1895). Korolenko is recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad. His works are published in foreign languages.


1853 July 15 (27)- Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko was born in the city of Zhytomyr, Volyn province.

1864 - Goes to high school.

1871 - With a silver medal, he graduated from the gymnasium and entered the Technological Institute in St. Petersburg.

1873 - Leaving the institute. Corrective work.

1874 - Admitted to the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy.

1876 - Expelled from the academy for submitting a collective application. Settlement in Kronstadt under open police supervision. Drawing work.

1877 - Enters the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. Correction work in the newspaper "News". Participation in the funeral of Nekrasov.

1878 - Studying shoemaking, intending to take part in "going to the people."

Korolenko brothers, Vladimir and Julian, translated the book of J. Michelet "Bird". The first appearance in the press - a note in the Novosti newspaper - "A fight at Apraksin's yard (Letter to the editor)".

1879 - Arrest and deportation to the city of Glazov, Vyatka province. Shoe work. The Slovo magazine published "Episodes from the Life of a "Seeker". Exiled to Berezovsky Pochinki.

1880 - Arrest and transfer to the Vyshnevolotsk political prison. The story "Wonderful" is written. Korolenko was sent into exile in Siberia. On the prisoner's barge, the essay "The Fake City" was written. Returned from the road and settled under police supervision in the city of Perm. In the "Word" printed "Fake City". Service as a timekeeper and clerk on the railway.

1881 - The story “Temporary inhabitants of the “under investigation department” was printed. Renunciation of an oath. Exiled to the Amga settlement of the Yakutsk region.

1882–1884 - Farming and shoemaking. The stories “Killer”, “The Dream of Makar”, work on the stories “Sokolinets”, “In Bad Society”, “Vagabond Marriage” (“Marusina Zaimka”), “Machinists” (“Tsar's Coachmen”), etc. were written.

1885 - Settlement in Nizhny Novgorod. Cooperation in the newspapers "Volzhsky Vestnik" and "Russian Vedomosti". Printed stories "In the night under Holy holiday”, “Old ringer”, “Wilderness”, “Son of Makar”, essay “On the machine”. Participation in the journals "Russian Thought", "Severny Vestnik". The stories "Killer", "Falconer" appeared.

1886 - Published "The forest is noisy." Marriage to A. S. Ivanovskaya. Visited Leo Tolstoy. The story “The Blind Musician”, the stories “The Tale of Flora the Roman”, “The Sea”, the essay “Containing” were printed. The 1st volume of Essays and Stories has been published.

1887 - "Prokhor and students." Acquaintance with A.P. Chekhov and G.I. Uspensky. "At the factory". Entered the editorial office of the Northern Bulletin. Printed "Behind the Icon", "On the Eclipse". standalone edition"Blind Musician" Work in the Nizhny Novgorod Archival Commission.

1888 - Printed "On the way". "From notebook"(the first edition of" Circassian "). "On both sides." Exit from the editorial office of the Northern Bulletin. Story at night.

1889 - Meetings with N. G. Chernyshevsky in Saratov. Visiting Korolenko A. M. Gorky.

1890 - Essays "In Desert Places", "Pavlovsky Essays" were published.

1892 - Work on hunger. Articles "On the Nizhny Novgorod region".

The stories “The river plays”, “At-Davan” appeared in print. Cooperation in "Russian wealth".

1893 - Articles "In the hungry year" in "Russian wealth". Foreign travel.

1894 - Printed "Paradox", "God's town", "Fight in the House". Entered the editorial office of Russian Wealth.

1895 - The story "Without language" was published in "Russian wealth". The essay "In the fight against the devil" appeared. Secondary trial of the Multan case. Articles in defense of the multans.

1896 - Moving to St. Petersburg. "Death Factory", "On a Cloudy Day". Work on the story "Artist Alymov". Acting as a defender in the Multan case.

1897 - A trip to Romania. "Over the firth".

1899 - The essay "At the Dacha" ("Humble") was printed. Written satirical tale"Stop, sun, and don't move, moon!" Work on the story "The Runaway Tsar". The story "Marusya" ("Marusina Zaimka") was published.

1900 - Elected an honorary academician. Editorial work. "Lights". Trip to Uralsk. Moving to Poltava. The story "Instant" is published.

1901 - The stories "Frost", "The Last Ray", essays "At the Cossacks" were printed.

1902 - A trip to the city of Sumy for the process of Pavlovian sectarians. "Memories of G. I. Uspensky". Renunciation of the title of honorary academician.

1903 - The articles "Autocratic helplessness" and "Substitutes for publicity for the highest use" were published. The story is not terrible. Trip to Chisinau. The essay “House No. 13” was written (not passed by the censors). Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Korolenko.

1904 - Korolenko - editor-publisher of "Russian wealth".

Memoirs "In memory of A.P. Chekhov". "Memories of Chernyshevsky" printed. The story "Feudal lords" was published.

1905 - The article "January 9 in St. Petersburg." The beginning of work on the "History of my contemporary". Participation in the newspaper "Poltavshchina" (later "Chernozem"). The fight against the rioters in Poltava. Appeals to the population of the city with anti-pogrom appeals. The prohibition of "Russian wealth" for printing the "Manifesto" of the St. Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies. The essay “House No. 13” was printed. About 60 articles on socio-political topics.

1906 - "An open letter to the State Councilor Filonov." Persecution of the writer by the Black Hundreds. The History of My Contemporary began to be printed. The article “Words of the Minister. Affairs of governors. About 40 articles during the year.

1907 - The article "Sorochinsky tragedy", "From stories about people you meet" were published.

1909 - Essay "Ours on the Danube".

1910 - Articles "Everyday phenomenon", "Features of military justice". Meeting with Leo Tolstoy. Participation in the funeral of Tolstoy.

1911 - The articles “In a Calm Village”, “To the Features of Military Justice”, “Tormentor Orgy”, “Liquidation of the Pskov Hunger Strike”, etc. were published.

1913 - An article about Korolenko in the "Working Truth" "Writer-humanist". At the Beilis trial in Kyiv. Articles "Gentlemen of the Jury".

1914 - Travel abroad for treatment. Preparation for publication of the complete collection of works. Within a year, nine volumes of complete works were published by the publishing house of the t-va A. F. Marx.

1915 - Article "Won back position". Return to Russia. "Mr. Jackson's Opinion on Jewish question". Work on the story "The Brothers Mendel".

1916 - Editorial and journalistic activity. The articles "Old Traditions and a New Organ", "On the Mariampol Treason", etc. were published. Work on "The History of My Contemporary".

1918 - Work on the "History of my contemporary". Article "To help Russian children."

1919 - Work in the Children's Rescue League. Protests against robberies and pogroms of Denikin. Six "Letters from Poltava". The 2nd volume of "The History of My Contemporary" has been published.

1920 - A visit to A. V. Lunacharsky. Work on the 3rd volume of "History of my contemporary". Letters to Lunacharsky about current events.

1921 - A sharp deterioration in health. The 4th volume of "The History of My Contemporary" has been completed. December 25 Korolenko died. 27th of December at session IX All-Russian Congress Soviet delegates honored the memory of the writer. December 28th- mourning in Poltava, civil funeral of VG Korolenko.

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Biography Korolenko

Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich (1853-1921) - Russian writer, publicist, public figure.

Born in Zhytomyr in the family of a county judge. He studied at the Zhytomyr and Rivne gymnasiums. In 1871 he entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, in 1874 he moved to the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy in Moscow. In the 70s, he became close to the leaders of revolutionary populism. In 1876, he was expelled from the Academy for filing a collective student protest and exiled to Kronstadt under police supervision.

In 1877 he entered the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. In 1879 and 1880 was arrested several times. In 1881, for refusing to swear allegiance to Tsar Alexander III, he was exiled to Yakutia. In 1885 he settled in Nizhny Novgorod, where he developed an active literary and social activity. In 1886 he married E.S. Ivanovskaya. In 1893 he traveled to America.

Since 1896 - one of the leaders, and in 1904-1918 (with interruptions) the executive editor of the magazine "Russian wealth". From 1896 he lived in St. Petersburg. In 1900, he was elected an honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (in 1902, together with A.P. Chekhov, he refused the title in protest against the illegal cancellation of the election of M. Gorky to the Academy; in 1918 he was reinstated in the Academy).

In September 1900 he moved with his family to Poltava. “Moving to Poltava,” recalled Korolenko’s daughter Sofia Vladimirovna, “was a happy event in the life of our family. VG Korolenko, who grew up in Ukraine, loved its climate and nature… We often went to the city garden and admired the beauty of Poltava. After St. Petersburg with its rains and fogs, Poltava seemed to us a wonderful new world.”

At first, the writer lived in Staritsky's house on the street. Aleksandrovskaya (now Oktyabrskaya), since 1903 - in the house of Dr. Budagovska on the street. Malo-Sadovaya (now Korolenko). Now in the house is the Literary and Memorial Museum of V.G. Korolenko.

The writer's house became the center of the cultural life of Poltava; letters from L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, M.M. Kotsyubinsky (visited Korolenko in 1903), M. Gorky, A.V. Lunacharsky (1920), V.P. Kataev came.

Korolenko quickly became involved in the literary and social life of the Poltava region. He established friendly relations with figures of Ukrainian culture - Panas Mirny, M. Kotsiubinsky, I. Tobilevich, Kh. Alchevskaya, G. Khotkevich and others. In 1901 he sent new biographical information about T. G. Shevchenko, in 1902 he participated in the preparation of the Russian-Ukrainian almanac dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of N. V. Gogol. In 1905, he spoke at rallies in Poltava aimed at preventing Jewish pogroms in the city. He condemned in the press the massacre of the peasants during the Sorochinsky tragedy of 1905 (placed in the newspaper "Poltava" on January 12, 1906 open letter, in which he denounced the lawlessness and mass cruelty of the senior adviser A. Filonov, led the suppression of the peasant uprising). In 1911 he spoke at the opening of the monument to N.V. Gogol in Sorochintsy.

The years of life in Poltava were filled with intense creative work. Here he completed the essays “At the Cossacks”, wrote the second cycle of Siberian stories (“Frost”, “Feudal lords”, etc.), the stories “MiG” and “Not Scary”. In Poltava, V. Korolenko continued his work as an editor of the Russian Wealth magazine, a publicist and newspaper correspondent for metropolitan and provincial newspapers. In 1905, the writer began work on The History of My Contemporary. In 1910, Korolenko worked hard on a series of articles called "Everyday Phenomenon" directed against courts-martial and mass death sentences.

Since 1905, almost every summer, he rested on x. Houses. In 1912 he visited Finland, in 1914 he was treated abroad, in France. Returned home in 1915.

Korolenko belongs big role in the protection of the Jews of Poltava from pogroms in the period 1905-1907 He took an active part in the defense of Beilis. In the years civil war in Ukraine and the terror of war communism, Korolenko spoke out against pogroms, stood up for both Jews and people of other nationalities repressed by the Soviet authorities.

Russian literature XIX century

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko


Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich - an outstanding writer. Born July 15, 1853 in Zhitomir. By his father, he is an old Cossack family, his mother is the daughter of a Polish landowner in Volyn. His father, who served as a district judge in Zhytomyr, Dubna, Rovna, was distinguished by a rare moral purity. In the main features, the son described him in the semi-autobiographical story “In Bad Society”, in the image of an ideally honest “pan-judge”, and in more detail in “The History of My Contemporary”. Korolenko's childhood and adolescence passed in small towns where three nationalities collide: Polish, Ukrainian-Russian and Jewish. Stormy and long historical life left here a number of memories and traces full of romantic charm. All this, in connection with a semi-Polish origin and upbringing, left an indelible mark on Korolenko's work and clearly affected his artistic style, which makes him related to the new Polish writers - Sienkiewicz, Orzheshko, Prus. It harmoniously merged the best sides of both nationalities: Polish coloring and romanticism, and Ukrainian-Russian sincerity and poetry. The altruistic currents of Russian social thought of the 70s came to the aid of natural qualities. All these elements created an artist with a highly poetic mood, with an all-penetrating and all-conquering humanity. In 1870, Korolenko completed a course at the Rivne real school. Shortly before this, his ideally disinterested father had died, leaving a large family almost without any means. When in 1871 Korolenko entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, he had to endure the most difficult need; he could afford to dine for 18 kopecks in a charity kitchen shop no more than once a month. In 1872, thanks to the efforts of an energetic mother, he managed to move to Moscow and enter the Petrovsky-Razumov Agricultural Academy as a scholarship holder. In 1874, for filing a collective petition on behalf of his comrades, he was expelled from the academy. Having settled in St. Petersburg, Korolenko, together with his brothers, earned a livelihood for himself and his family by proofreading. Since the end of the 70s, Korolenko has been subjected to arrest and a number of administrative punishments. After several years of exile in the Vyatka province, in the early 80s he was settled in Eastern Siberia, 300 miles beyond Yakutsk. Siberia made a huge impression on the involuntary tourist and provided material for his best essays. The wildly romantic nature of the Siberian taiga, the terrifying environment of the life of settlers in Yakut yurts, full of the most incredible adventures the life of tramps, with their peculiar psychology, the types of truth seekers, next to the types of people almost brutalized - all this was artistically reflected in Korolenko's excellent essays from Siberian life: "Makar's Dream", "Notes of a Siberian Tourist", "Sokolints", "In the Detention Department" . Faithful to its main warehouse creative soul- love for the bright and sublime, the author almost does not dwell on the everyday aspects of Siberian life, but takes it mainly in its most majestic and uplifting manifestations. In 1885, Korolenko was allowed to settle in Nizhny Novgorod, and since then, more and more often, Upper Volga life appears in his stories. There is little romantic in it, but a lot of helplessness, grief and ignorance - and this is reflected in the stories of Korolenko: “On solar eclipse”, “Behind the Icon”, “The River Plays”, in the semi-ethnographic “Pavlovian Essays” and especially in the essays that made up the whole book “In the Hungry Year” (St. Petersburg, 1893). This book was the result of Korolenko's energetic activity in organizing free canteens for the starving in Nizhny Novgorod province. His newspaper articles on the organization of assistance to the starving at one time gave a number of very important practical indications. Social activity Korolenko for the entire time of his 10-year stay in Nizhny was, in general, extremely bright. It has become a kind of "institution"; the best elements of the region were grouped around him for a cultural struggle against all kinds of abuses. The banquet arranged for him on the occasion of his departure from Nizhny Novgorod in 1896 assumed grandiose proportions. Among the most brilliant episodes of the Nizhny Novgorod period of Korolenko's life is the so-called "Multan case", when, thanks to Korolenko's remarkable energy and skillfully behaved defense, Votyaks accused of ritual murder were saved from hard labor. In 1894, Korolenko traveled to England and America and expressed part of his impressions in a very original story “Without a Language” (“ Russian Wealth”, 1895, No 1 - 3 and separately), somewhat straying into a joke, but generally written brilliantly and with pure Dickensian humor. Since 1895, Korolenko has been a member of the editorial board and official representative of Russkoye Bogatstvo, a magazine to which he has now completely joined; earlier, his works were most often published in Russkaya Mysl. In 1900, during the formation of the belles-lettres category at the Academy of Sciences, Korolenko was among the first to be elected honorary academicians, but in 1902, due to the illegal appeal of Gorky's honorary academician elections, Korolenko returned his diploma with a written protest. Since 1900, Korolenko settled in Poltava. - Korolenko began his literary activity back in the late 70s, but was not noticed by a large public. His first story, Episodes from the Life of a Seeker, appeared in the Lay in 1879. The author himself, who is very strict with himself and who contributed by no means all of his published collections of his works to his own published collections, did not include the Episodes in them. Meanwhile, despite the great artistic shortcomings, this story is extremely remarkable, as a historical evidence of the moral upsurge that swept the Russian youth of the 70s. The hero of the story - the “seeker” - is somehow organically, to the marrow of his bones, imbued with the consciousness that every person should devote himself to the public good and treats anyone who cares only about himself and thinks about his personal happiness with undisguised contempt. The interest of the story lies in the fact that there is nothing pretense in it: this is not a flaunt of altruism, but a deep mood that penetrates a person through and through. And in this mood - the source of all further activities of Korolenko. Over time, the intolerance of sectarianism disappeared, contempt for other people's opinions and worldviews disappeared, and only deep love for people and the desire to find out in each of them the best aspects of the human spirit, no matter how thick and, at first glance, impenetrable crust of superficial everyday dirt, they did not hide. The amazing ability to find in every person what, in Goethe's pendant ewig weibliche, could be called das ewig menschliche, most of all struck the reading public in Makar's Dream, which, after 5 years of silence, interrupted only by small essays and correspondence, Korolenko made his second debut in Russkaya Mysl in 1885. What could be grayer, more uninteresting than the situation and the life that the author set out to portray. An almost obsessed resident of a Siberian settlement lost under the Arctic Circle got drunk on the last money of disgusting vodka infused with tobacco, and beaten up by his old woman for drinking alone, and not sharing the disgusting drink with her, fell asleep. What can dream of such a semi-savage who has almost lost his human image, who is officially considered a Christian, but in fact imagines God in the Yakut image of the Great Toyon? And yet the author managed to notice a smoldering divine spark in this bestial form. With the power of creative power, he inflated it and illuminated the dark soul of the savage with it, so that it became close and understandable to us. And the author did this without resorting to idealization. With a masterful hand, giving an outline of Makar's entire life in a small space, he did not hide a single trick and a single trick of his, but he did this not as a judge and accuser, but as a good friend, looking for all mitigating circumstances with a loving heart and convincing the reader that it was not in Makar's corruption is the source of his deviations from the truth, but in the fact that no one has ever taught Makar to distinguish good from evil. The success of "Sna Makar" was huge. The excellent true poetic language, the rare originality of the plot, the unusual brevity and at the same time the relief of the characteristics of persons and objects (the latter generally constitutes one of the strongest aspects of Korolenko's artistic talent) - all this, in connection with the main humane thought of the story, made a charming impression, and the young writer was immediately assigned a place in the forefront of literature. One of the most characteristic aspects of the success that befell both Makar's Dream and other Korolenko's works is the universality of this success; Thus, not only the most detailed, but also the most enthusiastic sketch of Korolenko was written by the critic of Moskovskie Vedomosti, Govorukha-Otrok, known for his hatred of everything “liberal”. Following Makar's Dream, the story "In Bad Society" appeared - also one of Korolenko's signature works. The story is written in perfect romantic style, but this romance freely poured out from the romantic warehouse of the author's soul, and therefore the brilliance of the story is not tinsel, but casts with real literary gold. The action again takes place in an environment where only very loving heart can open glimpses of human consciousness - in a gathering of thieves, beggars and various crazy people sheltering in the ruins of an old castle in one of the Volyn towns. Society is really "bad"; the author resisted the temptation to make his outcasts Protestants against public untruth, “humiliated and insulted,” although he could do this very easily, having at his creative disposal the colorful figure of Pan Tyburtius, with his subtle wit and literary education. All the gentlemen "from the castle" regularly steal, drink, extort and debauchery - and, however, the son of the "pan judge", having accidentally become close to the "bad society", did not take anything bad out of it, because he immediately met high examples of love and devotion . Tyburtsiy really did something ugly in the past, and in the present he continues to steal and teach his son the same, but he loves his little daughter, slowly melting in the dungeon. And such is the power of any true feeling that everything bad in the life of a “bad society” bounces off the boy, only the pity of the whole society for Marusya is transmitted to him, and all the energy of his proud nature is directed to alleviate the sad existence of Marusya. The image of the little martyr Marusya, from whom the "gray stone", that is, the dungeon, sucks out life, belongs to the most graceful creations of the latest Russian literature, and her death is described with that true touchingness that is given only to a few chosen ones. artistic creativity. In terms of romantic tone and scene of action, the Polissya legend “The Forest is Noisy” closely adjoins the story “In Bad Society”. It is written in an almost fabulous manner and the plot is rather banal: the serf, offended in his marital feelings, killed the pan. But the details of the legend are worked out admirably; especially beautiful is the picture of the forest agitated before the storm. Korolenko's outstanding ability to describe nature was reflected here in all its brilliance. With a sharp eye, he spied not only the general physiognomy of the forest, but also the individuality of each individual tree. In general, the gift of describing nature belongs to the number key features gifts of Korolenko. He resurrected the landscape, which had completely disappeared from Russian literature after the death of Turgenev. Purely romantic landscape Korolenko, however, has little in common with the melancholy landscape of the author of Bezhin Meadows. For all the poetic nature of Korolenko's temperament, melancholy is alien to him, and from the contemplation of nature he pantheistically extracts the same invigorating aspiration to rise and the same faith in the victory of good, which constitute the main feature of his creative personality. Korolenko's stories from Volhynia, according to the place of action, also include The Blind Musician (1887), At Night (1888) and a story from Jewish life: Yom-Kinur. "The Blind Musician" written with great art, there are many separate good pages in it, but, in general, the author's task - to give a psychological sketch of the development of ideas about the external world in a blind-born - he failed. For art, there is too much science, or rather, scientific conjectures; for science, too much art. Truly fragrant can be called the story "Night". Children's conversations about how children are born are conveyed with amazing naivety. Such a tone is created only with the help of the most precious quality for a novelist - the memory of the heart, when the artist recreates in his soul the smallest details of past feelings and moods, in all their freshness and immediacy. The story also includes adults. One of them young doctor who successfully coped with difficult childbirth, they seem to be a simple physiological act. But another interlocutor lost his wife two years ago during the same "simple" physiological act, and his life is broken. That is why he cannot agree that it is all very "simple". And the author does not think so; and for him death and birth, like all human existence, are the greatest and most wonderful of mysteries. That is why the whole story is imbued with a breath of something mysterious and unknown, the understanding of which can be approached not by clarity of mind, but by indefinite impulses of the heart. Among Korolenko's Siberian stories, apart from "Makar's Dream", "From the Notes of a Siberian Tourist", with the central figure of the "murderer", enjoys well-deserved fame. The pervasive humanity of the author is expressed here with particular depth. Any other narrator, having told the story, from the usual point of view, of a “fair” murder, in which the unwitting “murderer” was an avenger for a series of atrocities and a deliverer from the death of a mother with 3 children, would probably have calmed down on this. But the "murderer" is a man of an unusual mental disposition; he is a seeker of truth par excellence and does not satisfy him with justice achieved by the shedding of blood. The “murderer” rushes about in terrible anguish and cannot come to terms with the terrible collision of two equally sacred principles. The same collision of two great principles underlies short story"Easter Night" The author does not at all intend to condemn the order in which prisoners are not allowed to escape from prisons: he only states a terrible dissonance, he only notes with horror that on a night when everything speaks of love and brotherhood, a good man, in the name of the law, killed another person who, in essence, did not declare himself to be anything bad. The same by no means tendentious, although the least impassive artist is Korolenko in the excellent story about Siberian prisons - "In the Detention Unit." In the bright figure of the half-mad truth-seeker Yashka, the author, on the one hand, reacted with complete objectivity to that " people's truth”, before which many of the people closest to the author in terms of the general system of worldview of people so unconditionally bow. But, at the same time, Korolenko loves his own, freely born in his sensitive soul, the truth with too much living love to bow before everything that comes from the people, just because it is popular. He reveres the moral strength of Yashka, but the whole spiritual image of a seeker of some kind of “rights of the law”, a prototype of the gloomy figures of a split, fanatics who burned themselves in the name of protecting ritualism, is not at all attractive to him. - Having moved to the Volga, Korolenko visited the Vetluzhsky region, where truth-seekers from the people - schismatics of various persuasions - gather on the Holy Lake, near the invisible Kitezh-grad, and conduct passionate debates about faith. And what did he take away from this visit? (story: "The river plays"). “I carried away heavy, not joyful impressions from the shores of the Holy Lake, from the invisible, but passionately sought by the people of the city ... As if in a stuffy crypt, in the dim light of a fading lamp, I spent all this sleepless night, listening to someone somewhere behind the wall reads in a measured voice prayers for the dead over the people's thought that has fallen asleep forever. Korolenko least of all, however, believes folk thought truly dormant forever. Another story from the life of the Volga - "On a solar eclipse" - ends with the fact that the same inhabitants of a provincial town who were so hostile to the "wits" who came to observe the eclipse were imbued with surprise at a science so wise that even the ways of the Lord are known to her. In the final question of the story: “when will the darkness of popular ignorance finally dissipate?” one hears not despondency, but a desire for the speedy realization of cherished aspirations. Belief in a better future is generally the main feature of Korolenko's spiritual being, alien to corrosive reflection and by no means disappointed. This sharply distinguishes him from the two closest peers in terms of the writer's rank, which he occupies in the history of modern Russian literature - Garshin and Chekhov. In the first of them, the abundance of evil on earth killed faith in the possibility of happiness, in the second, the dullness of life sowed unbearable boredom. Korolenko, despite many personal hardships, and perhaps just because of them, does not despair, and does not get bored. For him, life holds many high pleasures, because he believes in the victory of good not out of banal optimism, but in the power of organic penetration by the best principles of the human spirit. By the mid-1890s, purely artistic activity Korolenko has reached its climax. Among the works written by him since then there are excellent essays and sketches, among which it is especially necessary to note “The Sovereign Coachmen” and “Frost” (from Siberian life), but they do not give anything new to characterize the literary appearance of the author. From 1906, Korolenko began to publish in separate chapters the most extensive of his works: the autobiographical History of My Contemporary. By design, it was supposed to be something typical par excellence. The author states that his "notes are not a biography, not a confession, and not a self-portrait"; but, at the same time, he “sought for the fullest possible historical truth, often sacrificing its beautiful or bright features of artistic truth. As a result, the "historical" or, rather, the autobiographical prevailed over the typical. In addition, the 2 parts of The History of My Contemporary that have come out so far, mainly devoted to the initial period of Korolenko’s life, the central point of which is the clash of three national elements in the era of the Polish uprising of 1863, are not typical enough from an all-Russian point of view. Nor are those forms of serfdom that so impressed the young observation in the life of the gentry in Ukraine. Korolenko was very successful in his memories of the writers - Uspensky, Mikhailovsky, Chekhov - which he united under the general title "Departed". Among them is a truly excellent essay on Uspensky, written with all the expressiveness of a purely fictional study and, at the same time, warmed by real personal love for the writer and the person. A brilliant place in Korolenko's literary formulary is occupied by his extensive journalistic activities - his numerous newspaper and magazine articles devoted to various burning malices of the current day. Korolenko's penetrating journalism is in close connection with his outstanding practical activity. Wherever he settled, he everywhere became the center of active work aimed at alleviating people's needs and disasters. This practical activity of Korolenko is inseparable from the literary one and forms one merged whole. It is difficult to say that, for example, in "The Hungry Year", or in the "Everyday Phenomenon" (1910), which made a huge impression, there is a remarkable literary phenomenon and that is the greatest public merit. All in all, high position, which occupies contemporary literature Korolenko, is to the same extent an expression of a beautiful, at the same time intimate, and elegant artistic talent, as well as the result of the fact that he is a knight of the pen in the best sense of the word. Will it happen disaster whether innocent people will be convicted, whether a pogrom will be perpetrated, whether death penalty will be brought to a nightmare, to turning into a "everyday phenomenon", Korolenko already "cannot be silent", in the words of Tolstoy; he is not afraid to talk about the "hackneyed plot." And the sincerity of Korolenko's humanism is so deep and undoubted that it captures the reader completely regardless of belonging to one or another political camp. Korolenko is not a "party member", he is a humanist in the direct and immediate sense of the word. Korolenko's writings have always enjoyed great success in the book market. The 1st book of his Essays and Stories, published in 1886, passed 13, the 2nd book (1893) - 9, the 3rd book (1903) - 5, The Blind Musician (1887) - 12, year" - 6, "Without language" (1905) - 5, "History of my contemporary" (1910) - 2 editions. - In tens of thousands of copies, Korolenko's short stories published by various publishing houses were distributed. The first "Complete Works" of Korolenko is the one that is attached to the "Niva" (1914, in 9 volumes). A relatively complete bibliography written by Korolenko is given in a detailed book by Princess N. D. Shakhovskaya: “Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko. The experience of biographical characteristics" (Moscow, 1912). - Wed. Arseniev, " Critical Studies"(Volume II); Eichenwald, "Silhouettes" (vol. I); Bogdanovich, "In the years of the turning point"; Batyushkov, Critical Essays (1900); Arseny Vvedensky ("Historical Bulletin", 1892, volume II); Vengerov, "Sources" ( volume III); Vladislavlev, Russian Writers; Volzhsky, "From the World of Literary Searches" (1906); Ch. Vetrinsky ("Nizhny Novgorod Collection", 1905); Goltsev, "On Artists and Critics"; Iv. Ivanov, "Poetry and Truth of World Love" (1899); Kozlovsky, "Korolenko" (Moscow, 1910); Lunacharsky, "Etudes"; Merezhkovsky ("Northern Messenger", 1889, 5); Yu. Nikolaev (Govoruha-Otrok) (“ Russian Review", 1893 and separately); Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky ("Bulletin of Europe", 1910, 9, and "Collected Works", 9); Poktovsky, "Idealism in Korolenko's Works" (Kazan, 1901); S. Protonopov ("Nizhny Novgorod Collection", 1905); Prugavin ("Russian Vedomosti", 1910, No. 99 - 104); Skabichevsky, "History of New Russian Literature"; Stolyarov, New Russian Fictionists (Kazan, 1901); Sedov ("Bulletin of Memories", 1898, 3); Treplev, "Young Consciousness" (1904); Umansky ("Nizhny Novgorod sheet", 1903, 130); Chukovsky, "Critical stories" (1910).

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko was born on July 15, 1853 in Zhitomir. His father was from an old Cossack family, and his mother was the daughter of a Polish landowner who lived in Volhynia. His father was extremely pure man who have held judicial positions in different cities Ukraine.

Korolenko spent his childhood and youth in small towns, where three nationalities often met: Poles, Jews, Russians and Ukrainians. The turbulent life has left its mark on creativity famous writer. It shows the best aspects of Polish color and Ukrainian sincerity. The current of Russian social thought in the 70s of the 19th century had a great influence on the writer.

In 1870 Korolenko graduated from the Rivne real school. Shortly before that, his father died, leaving a large family without a penny of money. And when Korolenko entered the St. Petersburg Technological University, he had to make ends meet due to lack of funds.

Thanks to his mother's connections, he still manages to move to Moscow, in 1872, and enter the academy. Two years later, he was expelled from the academy fellows after a collective application from his comrades.

Having moved back to Petersburg, he begins a difficult working life along with his brothers. And in the late 70s, he was arrested on suspicion of a number of administrative crimes committed. For these deeds, Korolenko was exiled to Siberia, where he lived until 1885. This year, for his exemplary behavior and a number of services to the state, the writer is allowed to settle in Nizhny Novgorod. Over the years of his life, the author created many beautiful works. It must be said that in different periods, corresponding works were written.

Among the most striking episodes of Korolenko's life in Nizhny Novgorod, one can rank the "Mulatto affair", thanks to which he saved from hard labor those accused of ritual murder of Votyaks.

Korolenko had a progressive heart disease. But despite this, he last days of his life, doing charitable activities and helped orphans. The writer died of inflammation of the brain in 1922.

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