Anna Prokopyeva Buranovsky grandmothers. “Grandmothers from Buranovo” about the new composition of the team: “Let the second team succeed, we don’t wish them anything bad


About 30 kilometers from Izhevsk, a small village of Buranovo, where 670 people live, hid between the hills.

8 of them will perform in Baku at the Eurovision final on Saturday. They will have to defend the honor of Russia in this prestigious competition.

"Buranovskiye Babushki" have lived in Buranovo all their lives, and some for most of it. They sang, as they say, as long as they remember themselves. The composition under the star name was formed relatively recently, in 2000. They sang Tsoi and Grebenshchikov in Udmurt, then - songs from the repertoire of the Beatles, Eagles and received recognition throughout the country.

Actually, main secret The success of the "Buranovskiye Babushki" - their originality, sincerity and purity of images - is visible, as they say, to the naked eye. What kind of artists are on stage, they are like that in life - simple, kind and real.

On the eve of the most important performances in the career of Buranovsky Babushki, RG correspondents visited the singers, asked them about their life, families and hobbies.

Hospitable grandmothers (RG-Nedelya told about some of them in the issue of March 22 this year) willingly acted as interviewees and told all the secrets about themselves.

Mother of many children sings, embroiders and knits

Granya Ivanovna Baysarova was born on June 12, 1949. By profession - plasterer-painter, tiler. After graduating from college, she worked for some time at the Izhevsk Machine Plant.

We have always loved to sing. When they worked as painters, the songs were bawled out to the entire entrance, in which they were doing repairs! - Granya Ivanovna recalls and adds: - Now they probably don’t sing like that.

In 1976, she moved with her family to Buranovo, where she worked as a milkmaid for 20 years. Granya Ivanovna had a big break in her work, when two sons, one after another, went to serve in the army, in Chechnya. They returned safe and sound, and my mother sang again.

Craftswoman of all trades - knits, embroiders, weaves. She always has yarn and knitting needles with her. Almost all grandmothers knit colored stockings for performances.

She raised six children, eight grandchildren and a great-granddaughter are growing up.

Bast shoes from the Begishevs

All her life she worked as an accountant at the Buranovsky state farm. After leaving the state farm, she created a museum in the local House of Culture. Although the museum is unofficial, Alevtina Gennadievna keeps a record of all the exhibits that she collects herself and with the help of her fellow villagers. Such a character - everything should be in order.

One boy brought an old iron, - says Alevtina Begisheva, - he thought we would give him money, and when he found out that the House of Culture had no money, he was very upset, but he did not take the iron back. And one man brought a three-kilogram mammoth tooth. Even to ancient life he has nothing to do with it, but I assigned him a number and show it to everyone.

And the husband of Alevtina Gennadievna weaves bast shoes for the whole team. The Begishevs raised three children.

Chef for the whole team

Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova was born on April 15, 1940 in Buranovo. She worked as a baker in Buranovsky bakery. She got married and left for the village of Babino (also in Udmurtia). There she worked as a cook and head of the school cafeteria. After the death of her husband, she returned to Buranovo and worked as a cook in the canteen of geologists until her retirement.

The most sedate and laconic member of the team. On trips, he always cooks lunch for everyone. He lives in Buranovo with his daughter and two grandchildren.

Idea's generator

Galina Nikolaevna Koneva was born on October 15, 1938. She graduated from the Sarapul Preschool Pedagogical College. She worked in an orphanage for several years. She returned to her native village and could no longer leave - she dragged out the kindergarten. Until the age of 60, she worked as a teacher. Then she reluctantly retired and found new hobbies for herself: she began to sew clothes for dolls, took on the role of the "senior" in the village. He remembers how a couple of years ago in the village they almost opened " night club". Having a clear educational idea and fortitude, Galina Nikolaevna achieved a ban on opening a cafe.

We'd better build a temple, it's important for the upbringing of the younger generation. We don't need any cafes to get people drunk! Let the youth pray to God, says Koneva. Galina Nikolaevna is the core of the team and the generator of ideas. She raised three children, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

The oldest breeds "locksmiths"

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva, the oldest of the Buranovsky Babushki, will turn 77 this year. She was born on November 28, 1935, not far from Buranovo, in the village of Chutozhmon (literally translated from Udmurt as "I came lame from the war"). She managed to finish only the first grade of school, as the war began. Then there was no time for studying. She worked all her life on the Buranovsky collective farm. Natalya-apai (translated from Udmurt - grandmother Natalya), as they call her in the team, loves pets and flowers very much. Now she and her husband keep a cow and breed chickens with guinea fowl, which Natalya Yakovlevna calls "my locksmiths."

Natalya Pugacheva is an excellent cook. On her table are always amazing pies, baked goods and cookies. She has an amazing sense of humor, always smiling and agile.

Four children, three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Tuning fork for ensemble

Ekaterina Semyonovna Shklyaeva was born on November 2, 1937, not far from Buranovo, in a village that no longer exists. I finished my studies only up to the 4th grade, as I had to become the eldest for my brothers and sisters, when my mother became seriously ill, and my father was taken to the front.

Then she worked at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, as a plasterer-painter at a construction site in the Perm region. After 6 years, when her husband died, she came back to Buranovo.

In the team, the tonality is checked on it.

She raised three children, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

One left

Valentina Semyonovna Pyatchenko was born on October 21, 1937 in Buranovo. She graduated from the eight-year school and went to Sarapul to study as a seamstress. After graduating from college, she continued her studies in the Udmurt pedagogical institute. She received a philological education, got married and left for Krasnovodsk, where her husband, a military man, was appointed by appointment.

After the divorce, she returned to Buranovo with two sons, one of whom died at the age of 17.

Valentina Semyonovna lost right hand, working on a circular saw (she enters the stage with a prosthesis). Nevertheless, she does an excellent job with the housework and with one hand: she digs up a garden, picks berries, makes delicious jam and even sews on a sewing machine. Previously, it was she who sewed dresses for the team.

Valentina Pyatchenko is especially proud of her strawberry "plantation": there are enough berries for sale and for jam, which she makes in large quantities and distributes to all city friends, colleagues, and relatives.

Valentina Semyonovna has a son and two grandchildren.

Director of success

Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva - artistic director"Buranovskiye Babushki", director of the Buranovsky House of Culture, author of translations of songs into the Udmurt language.

She was born on April 26, 1968 in the village of Puro-Mozhga near Buranov. Graduated from the Perm Institute of Culture. Moreover, when she came to enter, she spoke Russian very poorly. I decided to study as a director, not even knowing what this word means.

I was offered to enter the methodologist, librarian and director. I chose the latter - I really liked the word! - said Olga Tuktareva.

Her main hobby, besides the Buranovskiye Babushki ensemble, is children's theatre studio, which Olga Nikolaevna organized at the local House of Culture. In the DC, the artistic director practically spends the day and sleeps. And the husband at this time is engaged in greenhouses and in April he will treat the whole family with fresh cucumbers. The couple are raising two children.

Buranovo, where "Buranovskiye Babushki" live, is a small village in Udmurtia, 30 km from the capital - Izhevsk.

"Grandmothers" at rehearsals and in front of journalists communicate with each other only in Udmurt, but they promise to start learning English from April, Komsomolskaya Pravda writes.

Since April, the number of residents of Buranovo will grow from 650 by several dozen more people: tutors, choreographers, stage directors from Moscow will arrive. The producers decided not to pull the "grandmothers" so as not to endanger their health. Still average age team for 66 years.

Galina Nikolaevna Koneva, 73 years old - "mother of the team" - lives in wooden house one. Water is carried on a yoke. Cooking food in the oven. A large room is a living room, there is a TV set covered with a white napkin, a sofa and an armchair. And a bedroom hidden from prying eyes by a curtain. There are hand-knitted rugs on the floor, curtains embroidered with flowers on the windows. She worked all her life as an educator in kindergarten.

Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva, 43 years old - the most important and most severe member of the team. It was she who came up with the idea of ​​creating Buranovskiye Babushki. In life he is the director of the house of culture, in his soul he is a mass entertainer.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva, 76 years old - the oldest and smallest member of the team. It is she who is the main star of the Buranovsky Babushki. And dancing and singing.

Ekaterina Semyonovna Shklyaeva, 74 years old, is the most calm and obedient singer. Prepares the most delicious sauerkraut. In the team they look up to her. She is the tuning fork of Buranovskiye Babushki.

Valentina Semyonovna Pyatchenko, 74 years old - philologist at Buranovskiye Babushki. In the late 90s, she lost her arm while working on a circular. Before going on stage, he puts on a prosthesis. But at the same time, he does not ask for help in anything. She puts on stage clothes herself, plants a garden herself and works around the house. Does the most delicious jam from pumpkin and zucchini.

Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva, 53 years old, is the hostess of Buranovskiye Babushki. She has worked as an accountant all her life, so she keeps order in the team. It was thanks to her abilities that it was possible to collect many costumes for the singers. Manages the museum in Buranovo. And her husband made bast shoes from linden for all members of the team.

Granya Ivanovna Baisarova, 62 years old, loves to make things with her hands. In her youth, she built houses, and after moving to Buranovo, she worked as a milkmaid.

Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova, 71 years old. - the head chef of the team. If you need to cook dinner during the tour, then all duties are assigned to her.

Each "grandmother" has a small household. A goat, a dozen chickens, one has a pig, one has rabbits. All goats have the same name - Milka.

The costumes in which the "grandmothers" perform are about a century old. At least most of them. We found them at home in chests, some were taken from the museum in Buranovo. The main part of the costume: dress or shirt. They are sewn by hand, and the fabric is woven on antique looms. They wore this outfit only on holidays.

Patterns on the sleeves and hem are also not just decoration. Each of them means something. Leitmotif - a talisman against evil Udmurt spirits, in which they believe from time immemorial.

On top of the dress is a bib. Very similar to a modern apron. And it was already made by the current Buranovsky masters.

On the feet: bast shoes and stockings are already modern attributes. Shoes for "Buranovskiye Babushki" are made by the husband of one of the singers, Ilya Begishev.

Jewelry on the neck - monisto - made of silver coins. Some of them date back to the Catherine era.

The Russian group "Buranovskiye Babushki", whose average age is 66, will perform in the first semi-final of Eurovision 2012 in Baku on May 22.

About what caused cardinal change members of the team and what the new grandmothers will be like, said the producer and press secretary of Buranovskiye Babushki Ksenia Rubtsova and Svetlana Syrygina.

- Ksenia, what caused the sudden change in the composition of Buranovsky Babushki?

Such decisions are not taken “suddenly”. And it wasn't easy for me. First of all, the renewal of the composition is caused by the emotional fatigue of grandmothers. For five years of our cooperation, grandmothers took part in dozens of concerts and television broadcasts. They traveled almost all of Russia, visited many foreign countries. Not every young person can withstand such loads, and no one made any allowances for age for grandmothers.

They, like all artists, flew night and morning flights, lacked sleep, got tired. And I have no moral right to continue to wear down grandmothers for the sake of popularity. But the main thing is still not this, but the fact that initially I did not set myself the goal of promoting specific grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo. My mission was bigger. I wanted to unite people who are called by the warm word "grandmother" and, of course, tell the whole of Russia, the world about the small Udmurt people, their culture and traditions. I am happy that now Udmurtia, where I come from, is known far beyond the borders of our country. And today, Buranovskiye Babushki is not a single team, but a whole movement that all those who are young at heart can join.

- Grandmothers supported your idea of ​​their resignation?

No one has been fired. I am ready to continue to cooperate with them if they have the desire, strength and opportunity for this. I respect that great job, which was held by grandmothers, but we must not forget about those people who are behind the scenes. I emphasize once again that I did not have a goal to make "stars" from a single team of the village club. The Buranovskiye Babushki project should grow further, this is normal. It is not normal, from our point of view, to destroy the idea and creativity demanded by society, the viewer.

- Did the grandmothers manage to fulfill their old dream - to build a temple in their native Buranovo?

In general, the temple was built, only small internal Finishing work. The presentation of the temple will take place on October 12.

- There will also be eight grandmothers in the new team?

No, the new Buranovskiye Babushki will have about 20 participants: 8 main and 12 in reserve. All of them live in different villages, and some in the capital of Udmurtia - Izhevsk. But they are very mobile and "fly" to the concert at the first command.

- And someone from the old composition of grandmothers is not torn back to the team?

Any grandmother from the old composition, if she has time, desire and allows emotional condition, can easily be embedded in new team and perform with him. By the way, the oldest of the grandmothers, Natalya Pugacheva, who will turn 79 at the end of October, after undergoing an operation to remove a cancerous tumor in March of this year, has already appeared on stage with new “grandmothers” several times. So, we are always happy to unite and perform together. I created the team not so much as a commercial project, but as a kind of challenge, a message to all grandmothers, I wanted to prove that in old age can live fully and happy life. And that age, despite the “sores” and fatigue, is not a sentence.

- And on what basis did you select them in the group? Was there a casting?

No, the call was thrown and we took almost everyone who responded to the team.

Svetlana Syrygina, press secretary of Buranovskiye Babushki

- Who are they, new grandmothers?

The updated composition of the "Buranovskiye Babushki" included three professional artists. it former soloists popular in Udmurtia ensembles "Italmas" and "Aikay", as well as Ekaterina Antonova, former leader ensemble of harmonists "Arganchi" of the Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia. The rest are amateur artists. Some of them work as a teacher in a kindergarten, there are pensioners, cleaners. The composition is varied.

- Do new grandmothers communicate with their old colleagues?

The new grandmothers treat the old cast with gratitude and great respect. After all, it was thanks to them that the whole country and the entire musical world learned about the grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo.

- Sveta, how does the viewer react to the new faces of grandmothers in the team?

For the first couple of songs, the audience is looking closely at them. In the meantime, the audience is studying them, the grandmothers “turn on” their skills and immediately conquer the hall. Although, by by and large, the public cannot always distinguish between new grandmothers and old ones. Especially since they all have the same outfit. The only one who stood out against their general background was the smallest and most charming of the grandmothers - Natalya Pugacheva. The viewer noticed her absence immediately.

- Is the repertoire of the "new" grandmothers the same as that of the "old" ones?

He was updated by 80-90 percent. There are many new songs. Naturally, there were songs that were loved by the audience and which are indispensable at concerts. Grandmothers sing many new songs to the accordion.

- Tell me, do the grandmothers of the old line-up have the right to sing songs from the old repertoire?

The name of the group "Buranovskiye Babushki" is patented by the "House of Lyudmila Zykina", the copyright for the songs also belongs to him. Therefore, according to the law, they cannot use phonograms of songs from the old repertoire. Performing old songs live is not forbidden, but soundtracks "plus" and "minus" are prohibited.

- And the outfits of the "old" grandmothers were also inherited by the "new" grandmothers?

New grandmothers perform in the same costumes, only instead of bast shoes they have shoes. In the chests of every Udmurt grandmother there are old national dresses and jewelry. They are glad that they finally have the opportunity to put them into practice.

- Do the new grandmothers also keep cattle and poultry?

Almost everything. And those who live in the city have country plots where they grow vegetables. So grandmothers do not change their old traditions.


Grandmothers are not at the cash desk

Column by columnist Yulia Volosataya

Well, what would it seem like? Changed "Buranovskiye Babushki". Updated composition. In general, of course, you can understand. The result is needed. Ratings there, box office fees.

The producer explains. Tired, they say, grandmothers. Trips, experiences. No normal rest. And age already.

And in general, it turns out that the goal was not to promote specific grandmothers (the producer formulates it that way). They, they say, not all of them were distinguished by their faces.
It seems like a different scale was laid there. folk culture, for example, to glorify the whole world (but who is against it?). Or so that the warm word "grandmother" unites everyone (also great).

Well, in general - party for everybody!* Regardless of age. ()

Even on the way to Buranovo, I felt that the conversation would not be easy. It's hard to ask. It hurts to speak. It is sad at the mere thought that we will never again hear songs performed by our beloved grandmothers. And all because.

I met grandmothers, the very ones who, with their work, perseverance and charm, conquered the whole world at Eurovision, in the Palace of Culture in the village of Buranovo. Grandmothers call it their second home. Unfortunately, it was not possible to communicate with everyone - many were busy with housework.

“I almost had a heart attack…”

Upon learning that the renewed Buranovskiye Babushki collective was touring the cities and singing to the soundtrack of the previous composition, Galina Nikolaevna Koneva almost had a heart attack.

When asked if Galina Nikolaevna was offended by the producer, the grandmother answered "I won't tell." Only tears treacherously rolled down her cheeks ...

If only she called and said: since you can’t go on tour, you refuse, then we’ll recruit a group again and go around the cities. And we would be ready for it, - says Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. - But everything was done on the sly. And that's the most annoying thing. In any case, I am very grateful to Xenia. Indeed, without her help, we would not have seen the world, and the House of Culture would not have been repaired for us, and we would only continue to dream about the temple. I don't blame her. I just don't understand why she did it the way she did.

The wound is still fresh and has not healed. Resentment is like a trophic ulcer on my leg, which does not heal for a long time. And I have to live with her, - Galina Koneva sighs. - Now the new team has to carry a heavy cross, just as we have carried it for five years.

Producer Ksenia Rubtsova admits that the decision to renew the team was also not easy for her.

Ksenia Rubtsova,

First of all, this decision was caused by the emotional fatigue of the grandmothers. During the five years of our cooperation, they took part in dozens of concerts and television broadcasts. They traveled almost all of Russia, visited many countries. Not every young person can withstand such loads, and no one made any allowances for age for grandmothers. They, like all artists, flew night and morning flights, lacked sleep, got tired. And I have no moral right to continue to wear down grandmothers for the sake of popularity. Although I am always ready to continue to cooperate with them, if they have the desire, strength and opportunity for this.

I respect the great work that the grandmothers did, but we must not forget about those people who are behind the scenes. I understand the feelings of these people. But I want to emphasize that initially I did not set myself the goal of promoting specific grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo. My mission was bigger. I wanted to unite people who are called by the warm word “grandmother,” Ksenia explains. - And, of course, to tell the whole of Russia, the world about the small Udmurt people, their culture and traditions. I am happy that now Udmurtia, where I come from, is known far beyond the borders of our country. And today, Buranovskiye Babushki is not a single team, but a whole movement that all those who are young at heart can join.

"No time to be bored"

Despite the current situation, grandmothers do not lose heart. They remember the tour with smiles. They say that bells were brought home from all the temples, and also, as a memory of the cities, glasses, magnets and even pebbles.

Grandmothers' touring life is over, but they no longer have free time. They still perform in Buranovo.

People from other cities come to us almost every day. They pass by, see Buranovo and stop by, - says Alevtina Begisheva. - Recently, the guests were from Moscow. Therefore, we live richly, do not get bored, especially since such rich life already used to. When free time located, we are, of course, engaged in farming and gardening.

Is it rural or urban? grandmothers ask me.

City, but my grandmother also lives in the village, - I answer.

Then she must know how much work we have! Cattle, a vegetable garden, flowers - you need to take care of all this! And if you go to the store, then you have to leave in advance. Because you will say hello to one, talk to the second. And so two hours can pass.

30 thousand rubles - for the performance?

Eurovision participants have repeatedly said that their the main objective- to revive the church in his native village, which was closed in the late 1930s, and in the late 40s completely destroyed to the ground. That's why most they gave their fees specifically for its construction, which began in May 2012. At the beginning of the year, the debt to the contractor amounted to 2 million 800 thousand rubles. Now, thanks to their own efforts, performances and donations, the grandmothers have 1.4 million left to give. By the way, as it turned out, Ksenia had not transferred the earned money to the Buranovsky Babushkas for a year. And this, meanwhile, is a decent amount - it would be enough to cover the debts.

Of course, we will not take the money that another team is now earning for the temple. This is someone else's money. They, they say, are also building a temple in the village. Let them finish it. And we will cope on our own, - says Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva. - Ksenia gave us 30 thousand rubles for the performance at all. We did not see the rest of the money. They took a thousand rubles each, and the rest was set aside for the temple. Fans, when they come, also donate, that's how we build brick by brick. Yesterday my aunt sent us 10 thousand rubles. She said that she had prepared this money specially for the temple.

Since the idea of ​​building a temple arose, which the grandmothers voiced in 2009, the "House of Lyudmila Zykina" has collected about 12 million rubles, which is confirmed by the relevant documents. And we continue to work with the general contractor, - says Ksenia. - The builders are already ready to open the temple in October this year and continue work on interior decoration and landscaping. Another 5 million 30 thousand rubles are needed to complete all the work.

On October 12, the opening of the temple is scheduled in Buranovo. Guests and fans will come not only from Udmurtia, but also from other Russian cities. As the grandmothers said, on this day there will be an impromptu concert, where everyone could perform any song. And during the breaks, the grandmothers themselves will perform. In addition, a new song from the band awaits the guests.

As Ksenia Rubtsova told us, she will not be able to come to the opening of the temple.

Ksenia Rubtsova,

producer of the Buranovskiye Babushki collective, director of the Lyudmila Zykina House:

I received an invitation from Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. And I'm glad for the grandmothers that their dream to build a temple in their native village is coming true. But, unfortunately, on October 12 I will not be able to come to Udmurtia for the opening of the temple. Now I'm cooking a big concert program, anniversary Alexandra Pakhmutova. The concert will take place November 3 in the Kremlin, I am its producer. Therefore, every day I have a schedule for minutes. But I will definitely come to Buranovo as soon as I have such an opportunity.

If Xenia comes to the opening of the temple, then I will drag her somewhere into a dark corner and beat her without witnesses! - Galina Koneva says jokingly, but with resentment in her voice.


Who will now perform in "Buranovskie Babushki"

As Ksenia Rubtsova said, the backbone of the renewed line-up is three professional artists: Anna Prokopyeva, Valentina Serebrennikova, former soloists of Italmas and Aikai ensembles, well-known in Udmurtia and not only, and Ekaterina Antonova, former head of the Arganchi ensemble of accordionists in the Malopurginsky district.

Ekaterina Antonova, Anna Prokopieva and Valentina Serebrennikova

I have known the first two for a long time, and earlier, more than once or twice, I suggested that they strengthen the composition of the Buranovsky Babushki. Therefore, in the recruitment of new artists, I completely relied on Anna Nikolaevna and Valentina Mikhailovna. They are professionals in their field, they have done a lot for the development of Udmurt culture. They offered to attract amateur artists from Ludorvay, and I approved their choice, - says Ksenia. - I was at several concerts of the renewed line-up and I am very pleased with them. And not only me. You have to see how the audience takes them!

Many of them are performed by grandmothers to the harmonica of Ekaterina Antonova. In addition, there were old songs that the audience fell in love with and which are indispensable at concerts.

As for Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva, who has already appeared on stage several times in a new line-up - for the first time since the operation she underwent in March, then, according to the producer, it was only her desire, she missed the stage and communication.

Nobody forced anyone. It is clear that Natalya Yakovlevna participated in these concerts in a gentle mode - she went on stage in only two or three numbers. I understand that she will not be able to tour as actively as before - on October 28 she will be 79 years old, - says Ksenia. - But she is a great fellow, I love her very much and always wait. However, like all other grandmothers, I am ready to cooperate with everyone within the framework of the law.

Buranovskiye Babushki is perhaps the only Russian amateur team, which covered itself, if not with world fame, then certainly European. Charismatic, direct, sincere members of the team in masterpiece national costumes made a splash on the international scene.


The official residence of the group is the village of Buranovo near Izhevsk, the capital of the Udmurt Republic. The backbone of the ensemble is made up of residents of the village, who have long gone on a well-deserved rest, but are still cheerful and active. And most importantly - not indifferent to the folk song.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva is considered the face of the collective. The woman was born 6 years before the start of the Great Patriotic War I only attended school for a year. She raised 4 children, 3 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. At a very advanced age, the resilient grandmother underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Among other things, Natalia Pugacheva is the oldest Eurovision participant in the entire history of the contest.

Colleagues of the most charming participant of the "Buranovskiye Babushki" - Ekaterina Shklyaeva, Valentina Pyatchenko, Granya Baysarova, Zoya Dorodova, Alevtina Begisheva, Galina Koneva - women with a difficult fate, who survived a husband or a son. However, the burden of years and events did not at all weaken women's thirst for life and love for music.

The optimistic grandmothers are led by Olga Tuktareva, who is also the director of the rural House of Culture. Apart from general guidance, she translates into Udmurt modern songs, which are then heard from the stage performed by Buranovskiye Babushki.

Unfortunately, in 2014, the oldest member of the team, Elizaveta Zarbatova, passed away. Elizaveta Filippovna once wrote the song "Long-long birch bark and how to make an aishon out of it." This song became a pass for the ensemble in qualifying round Eurovision.

The news about the colorful ensemble from Udmurtia spread widely after the Buranovskys performed at the anniversary. Later, Ksenia Rubtsova, director of Dom Lyudmila Zykina LLC, took over the duties of the team's producer and, according to media reports, turned folk ensemble in a business project to make money.

She also, by a strong-willed decision, made changes to the composition of the Buranovskiye Babushki, including among the artists former performers from two other ensembles. Rubtsova explained new composition groups by the fact that it is difficult for grandmothers to tour, and the viewer is not at all familiar with someone from the team. In addition, after the onset of world fame, young artists wanted to perform under the Buranovskiye Babushki brand.

At the same time, the producer did not bother to personally talk with the grandmothers about the prospects for changing the composition, the first soloists learned about everything from the Internet. They did not take into account the fact that the grandmothers asked to be allowed to continue performing in order to raise money for the restoration of the church in their native village. Moreover, older artists do not own the name "Buranovskiye Babushki" and even soundtracks on own songs. And in order to tour in your native Udmurtia or anywhere else, you need to ask permission from Rubtsova.

At the same time, the new team did not need the accumulated collection of predecessors. The ensemble performs new songs, from the former repertoire there are "Veterok" and the hit "Party for everybody dance" that made grandmothers stars.

The good news is that the grandmothers did not lose heart, changed the name of the ensemble to "Grandmothers from Buranov" and continue to delight fans with provocative songs.

In addition, the members of the ensemble realized the dream for which they endured so much - they opened a temple in native village. In fairness, we note that the "House of Lyudmila Zykina" contributed to the financial support of the construction.


The repertoire of grandmothers was made up of Udmurt and Russian folk songs. However, they were especially famous for their performance on Udmurt language hits of modern rock and pop music -, DJ Slon,.

Despite their far from young age, the performers toured the country and half the world on tour. Moreover, the schedule of performances, if violated, was only because of household chores or field work.

In 2014, Buranovskiye Babushki presented a video for new song"Veterok" specially for Olympic Games in Sochi. Wrote the music former member, words - head of the ensemble Olga Tuktareva.

At the Spasskaya Tower festival, Udmurt performers performed together with a French star. After singing the song “Chao, Bambino, Sori,” the grandmothers admitted that it was not difficult to sing in French, since the languages ​​are somewhat similar.

In 2016, active pensioners recorded a song in the electro-house style with young fellow countrymen - musicians of the Ektonika project. The guys wrote the music in a club arrangement, and the grandmothers wrote the words in the Udmurt language.

Especially for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a video of the song "Ole-Ola" by "Buranovskiye Babushki" was published on the Web. In the video, the artists sang, danced and made several football passes. Enthusiastic viewers noted that for such active participants not ashamed, compared to 11 members of the Russian football team.


They tried to conquer the stage of the large European song festival "Buranovskiye Babushki" twice. The debut of 2010 turned out to be very successful - with the song authored by a colleague in the group "Long-long birch bark and how to make an aishon out of it", the singers took 3rd place in the Russian qualifying round.

Two years later, the grandmothers amazed the selection jury with the composition “Party for every body”, performed in Udmurt and English. The recording of the ensemble's performance in the final of the competition in Baku was ahead of other competitors in terms of the number of views.

"Buranovskiye Babushki" lost only Swedish singer, which journalists called a discovery for Europe. A simple, sincere performance left far behind shocking competitors with their theatrical performances and glamor. To a reasonable question, why did the grandmothers need to conquer the international stage, the artistic director of the ensemble answered that the goal was the same - to build a church in the village of Buranovo.

Three years later, the team turned with a parting word to, which they chose to defend the colors of the Russian flag at Eurovision -2015. Grandmothers noted that Polina has a strong voice and they like songs from the girl's repertoire - "Cuckoo" and "The performance is over."

Buranovskiye Babushki now

The ensemble from Udmurtia continues not only to delight with unusual performances, but also to surprise fans with the ease with which artists manage to break stereotypes about folk music.

One of the hits of the Internet is a video in which grandmothers play up the title theme of the cult computer game Mortal Kombat. The video was filmed specifically for the TNT-4 channel, which sent the entry to the PromaxBDA UK-2017 contest.

By the way, this is the most prestigious award in telemarketing, design and production. In 2017, the TV channel won all the main prizes in the nomination "Best Promo for foreign language". The video with the participation of grandmothers got bronze.

In December 2017 on YouTube channel published new clip"Buranovskiye Babushki" under the name "Vyl Aren". The singers remained true to themselves and chose to perform another hit - Jingle Bells, singing in Russian and English. For a fun holiday, the provocative artists presented a video for the song "New Year's".

The second youth was given to Buranovsky by singer Dmitry Nesterov. An artist who can sing with three different voices, "Russian Joe Dassin" at the beginning of cooperation with "Buranovsky Babushki" was not promised any prospects. Nevertheless, the musician recorded with the ensemble the compositions “I'm 18 again”, “We wish you happiness”, “ New Year", "Hello".


  • 2012 - "Party for every body"
  • 2012 - "Buranovskiye grandmothers"
  • 2012 - "Chiborio"
  • 2013 - "I'm beautiful"
  • 2015 - "I'm surprised"
  • 2017 - "We wish you happiness"
  • 2017 - "I'm 18 Again"


  • 2012 - "Chiborio"
  • 2014 - "Apostle Andrew"
  • 2015 - "I'm surprised"
  • 2016 - "Football 2018"
  • 2016 - "Hymn of Youth"
  • 2017 - "Mortal Kombat"
  • 2017 - "Pay Safely"
  • 2017 - "We wish you happiness"

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