Buranovskiye grandmothers producer who. Where are Buranovskiye Babushki from? The history of the team, activities, composition


The scandal surrounding the change of team in the Buranovskiye Babushki group from Udmurtia does not subside. Some diligently defend the position of those same grandmothers who became famous throughout the country, becoming the silver medalists of Eurovision 2012 in Baku. Others are trying to understand the producer, who wants to continue the project started so successfully.

“The new line-up was chosen on the basis of territoriality, vociferousness and the ability to behave on stage”

At the end of August of this year, information appeared that the producer of the band, Ksenia Rubtsova, decided to renew the line-up. It also included grandmothers, but others. Former soloists of the state academic ensemble song and dance of Udmurtia "Italmas" and the republican theater folk song"Aikai" Anna Prokopyeva and Valentin Serebrennikov. And also Ekaterina Antonova, ex-head of the Arganchi ensemble of harmonists from the Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia.

For 5 years of performances, the team emotionally fizzled out. Especially over the past two years, when the schedule of performances was especially tight, - says Svetlana Syrygina, press secretary of Buranovsky Babushki radio " TVNZ- Izhevsk" (wave 107.6 FM). - During this time, grandmothers traveled all over Russia, visited many countries of the world. A young artist will also get tired of such a rhythm, and even more so an elderly one. The team is in demand. Therefore, the producer decided to rejuvenate. But I would like to emphasize that we are always glad to see the former line-up in the new ranks.

IN new composition besides professional artists original grannies also entered. True, they are not from Buranovo, but from Ludorvay ( village near Izhevsk. - Approx. author). Picked them up by the current artistic director collective Anna Prokopieva.

Ksenia Rubtsova suggested that I gather people, - says Anna Nikolaevna. - It was possible, of course, to collect grandmothers from all over Udmurtia. But technically it would be difficult to find one time for rehearsals with them. Therefore, we settled on Ludorwei. They have good voices, they know how to work with the audience and move well.

By the way, since September new team is already touring Russia under the Buranovskiye Babushki brand. There are 8 people performing so far. But the plans are to recruit about 30 artists.

The resentment of the old composition has not yet passed

Despite the producer's understandable behavior, old composition flatly refused to perform with the new one on the same stage. Grandmothers were offended, they say, steel was not needed. And the temple, for the construction of which they gave their fees, was never completed.

- “Buranovskiye Babushki” is our name and how can we take it away from us? This is us. Let the second team succeed. We do not wish them anything bad. Let them record new songs, do worthwhile things that deserve respect. They are going to hold a festival in the Kremlin - very good idea, - tells the first artistic director of the group Olga Tuktareva.- At first, the grandmothers were offended that the new line-up sings with our voices. We understand that under copyright law we do not have the right to be called Buranovskiye Babushki. Let the new team protect this name just like we do.

Apparently, the storm of misunderstanding in the old line-up is slowly subsiding. Grandmothers say that they now feel free, and life is becoming calmer.

The path I have traveled has taught me a lot: both self-awareness and creativity. Thank you very much Xenia for everything she has done. It was good school. And she did everything very well, only she stumbled on the last steps. But she is still young, - said Tuktareva. - We will continue to perform, because we need another 5 million to complete the construction of the temple.

So far, the old team, indeed, has no time to lose heart. On October 12, they held the first divine service in the new church. But there is still a lot of work to be done. The official opening of the church will most likely take place before the end of the year.

Natalya Pugacheva will perform with a new team, and the song Party for everybody will get a new sound

By the way, in this cultural castling there is pleasant moments. For example, the smallest songstress of the Buranovskiye Babushki group, Natalya Pugacheva, will still appear at concerts.

This is the only grandmother from the old line-up who, despite her age and illness, agreed to perform with the new line-up, says Svetlana Syrygina. - It is clear that she will not take part in every concert, and will go on stage for only a couple of songs.

Recall that Pugacheva in March of this year underwent a difficult operation to remove a cancerous tumor.

Also, now the new line-up is working on updating the repertoire and phonograms. Well, the audience, this year is waiting for an updated version of the main hit of the team.

The song Party for everybody will definitely remain in our repertoire, - said Anna Prokopieva. - It's a branded song. And if at the first concert the backing vocals of the phonograms were still played by grandmothers from the old line-up, now we are completely rewriting the phonogram. Well, we are working on writing new songs. I think that in the future there will be new hits.

So the hit from Eurovision will be re-recorded with the participation of chamber choir"Biscuit" from St. Petersburg. IN new arrangement for the first time, residents of ... Vienna will be able to appreciate the song, where a group from Udmurtia will perform on October 31 at a folklore festival.

There are many plans for this year. We will spend a lot of time on tour and in recording studios. Residents of Udmurtia will be able to see our concerts only next year, says Prokopyeva. - On October 26 we are going to Moscow to record phonograms - for the anniversary of Nadezhda Kadysheva, for Statehood Day, for the New Year. In November we will perform in Moscow at a concert by Alexandra Pakhmutova, for the police.

Well, the main event of the year - the festival "Buranovskiye Babushki" - will be held on December 7 at the State Kremlin Palace. It will be held as part of the opening of the Year of Udmurtia in Moscow. Other bands from Udmurtia, regions of Russia, as well as popular Russian artists, world stars.


Recording of the broadcast of the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda - Izhevsk" (107.6 FM) with the participation of the new artistic director of the "Buranovskiye Babushki" Anna Prokopieva and the press secretary of the group Svetlana Syrygina

About what caused cardinal change members of the team and what the new grandmothers will be like, said the producer and press secretary of Buranovskiye Babushki Ksenia Rubtsova and Svetlana Syrygina.

- Ksenia, what caused the sudden change in the composition of Buranovsky Babushki?

Such decisions are not taken “suddenly”. And it wasn't easy for me. First of all, the renewal of the composition is caused by the emotional fatigue of grandmothers. For five years of our cooperation, grandmothers took part in dozens of concerts and television broadcasts. They traveled almost all of Russia, visited many foreign countries. Not every young person can withstand such loads, and no one made any allowances for age for grandmothers.

They, like all artists, flew night and morning flights, lacked sleep, got tired. And I have no moral right to continue to wear down grandmothers for the sake of popularity. But the main thing is still not this, but the fact that initially I did not set myself the goal of promoting specific grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo. My mission was bigger. I wanted to unite people who are called by the warm word "grandmother" and, of course, tell the whole of Russia, the world about the small Udmurt people, their culture and traditions. I am happy that now Udmurtia, where I come from, is known far beyond the borders of our country. And today, Buranovskiye Babushki is not a single team, but a whole movement that all those who are young at heart can join.

- Grandmothers supported your idea of ​​their resignation?

No one has been fired. I am ready to continue to cooperate with them if they have the desire, strength and opportunity for this. I respect that great job, which was held by grandmothers, but we must not forget about those people who are behind the scenes. I emphasize once again that I did not have a goal to make "stars" from a single team of the village club. The Buranovskiye Babushki project should grow further, this is normal. It is not normal, from our point of view, to destroy the idea and creativity demanded by society, the viewer.

- Did the grandmothers manage to fulfill their old dream - to build a temple in their native Buranovo?

In general, the temple was built, only small internal Finishing work. The presentation of the temple will take place on October 12.

- There will also be eight grandmothers in the new team?

No, the new Buranovskiye Babushki will have about 20 participants: 8 main and 12 in reserve. All of them live in different villages, and some in the capital of Udmurtia - Izhevsk. But they are very mobile and "fly" to the concert at the first command.

- And someone from the old composition of grandmothers is not torn back to the team?

Any grandmother from the old composition, if she has time, desire and allows emotional condition, can easily infiltrate a new team and perform with him. By the way, the oldest of the grandmothers, Natalya Pugacheva, who will turn 79 at the end of October, after undergoing an operation to remove a cancerous tumor in March of this year, has already appeared on stage with new “grandmothers” several times. So, we are always happy to unite and perform together. I created the team not so much as a commercial project, but as a kind of challenge, a message to all grandmothers, I wanted to prove that in old age can live fully and happy life. And that age, despite the “sores” and fatigue, is not a sentence.

- And on what basis did you select them in the group? Was there a casting?

No, the call was thrown and we took almost everyone who responded to the team.

Svetlana Syrygina, press secretary of Buranovskiye Babushki

- Who are they, new grandmothers?

The updated composition of the "Buranovskiye Babushki" included three professional artists. This former soloists popular in Udmurtia ensembles "Italmas" and "Aikay", as well as Ekaterina Antonova, former leader ensemble of harmonists "Arganchi" of the Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia. The rest are amateur artists. Some of them work as educators in kindergarten, there are pensioners, cleaners. The composition is varied.

- Do new grandmothers communicate with their old colleagues?

The new grandmothers treat the old cast with gratitude and great respect. After all, it was thanks to them that the whole country and the entire musical world learned about the grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo.

- Sveta, how does the viewer react to the new faces of grandmothers in the team?

For the first couple of songs, the audience is looking closely at them. In the meantime, the audience is studying them, the grandmothers “turn on” their skills and immediately conquer the hall. Although, by by and large, the public cannot always distinguish between new grandmothers and old ones. Especially since they all have the same outfit. The only one who stood out against their general background was the smallest and most charming of the grandmothers - Natalya Pugacheva. The viewer noticed her absence immediately.

- Is the repertoire of the "new" grandmothers the same as that of the "old" ones?

He was updated by 80-90 percent. There are many new songs. Naturally, there were songs that were loved by the audience and which are indispensable at concerts. Grandmothers sing many new songs to the accordion.

- Tell me, do the grandmothers of the old line-up have the right to sing songs from the old repertoire?

The name of the group "Buranovskiye Babushki" is patented by the "House of Lyudmila Zykina", the copyright for the songs also belongs to him. Therefore, according to the law, they cannot use phonograms of songs from the old repertoire. Performing old songs live is not forbidden, but soundtracks "plus" and "minus" are prohibited.

- And the outfits of the "old" grandmothers were also inherited by the "new" grandmothers?

New grandmothers perform in the same costumes, only instead of bast shoes they have shoes. In the chests of every Udmurt grandmother there are old national dresses and jewelry. They are glad that they finally have the opportunity to put them into practice.

- Do the new grandmothers also keep cattle and poultry?

Almost everything. And those who live in the city have suburban areas where they grow vegetables. So grandmothers do not change their old traditions.


Grandmothers are not at the cash desk

Column by columnist Yulia Volosataya

Well, what would it seem like? Changed "Buranovskiye Babushki". Updated composition. In general, of course, you can understand. The result is needed. Ratings there, box office fees.

The producer explains. Tired, they say, grandmothers. Trips, experiences. No normal rest. And age already.

And in general, it turns out that the goal was not to promote specific grandmothers (the producer formulates it that way). They, they say, not all of them were distinguished by their faces.
It seems like a different scale was laid there. folk culture, for example, to glorify the whole world (but who is against it?). Or so that the warm word "grandmother" unites everyone (also great).

Well, in general - party for everybody!* Regardless of age. ()

Buranovsky grandmothers (udm. Brangurtys pesyanayyos)- small folk group from the village of Buranovo, Malopurginsky district of the Republic of Udmurtia (). The ensemble was created over 40 years ago, average age participants - 68 years.

Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva, director of the Buranovsky House of Culture and artistic director of the group, united the grandmothers under her wing, but none of the grandmothers seriously thinks about the professional stage.

They sing like their great-great-grandmothers sang.
They carefully preserve the values ​​that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.
They live by subsistence farming the way their ancestors lived.
They can refuse to perform just because they need to plant potatoes. And everyone treats it with understanding.

The main repertoire consists of Udmurt songs and ditties. For the first time, "Grandmothers" began to perform with rehashings of famous pop songs on Udmurt language in 2008. Among them - "Golden City" by Boris Grebenshchikov, "A Star named "Sun" by Viktor Tsoi, "Smoke on the water» deep purple, "Hotel California" Eagles, "Yesterday" and "Let it be" Beatles, "Walks on Water" by Vyacheslav Butusov and others. In 2010, they participated in qualifying round contest "Eurovision-2010" with the song "Long-long birch bark and how to make Aishon - a high cone-shaped hat on a leather or birch bark base, lined with canvas, decorated with coins and various pendants.
It is a traditional female headdress of the Udmurts.
and took third place. They won the Eurovision 2012 qualifying round with the song Party for Everybody, the music for which was written by the band's co-producer Viktor Drobysh, the words in Udmurt are written by the grandmothers themselves, and English text created by poet Mary Susan Applegate, who works with Modern Talking and Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue). At the end of May in Baku they will represent Russia at this competition.

Also in Soviet time, in 1939, in the village of Buranovo, they first closed, and at the end of 1940 they completely destroyed the Trinity Church, where the founder of Udmurt literature, the famous teacher and ethnographer Grigory Vereshchagin, served. The dream of the Buranovsky grandmothers is to build a temple in their native village. And, perhaps, this is the main incentive that leads grandmothers to the stage. The grandmothers also hope that their popularity will stimulate the development of the Udmurt language and culture.

In the rural club of the village of Buranovo, grandmothers on your own opened a museum, the main exhibits of which were scarves, which are 200 years old.
The national costumes of grandmothers, in which they perform, have their own centuries-old history. They were not made to order, but were stored for a long time in the chests of the inhabitants of Buranov. For example, the dresses are hand-sewn from natural linen, and they are about a hundred years old, and the decorations on the neck - ">monisto" - are made of silver coins, some of which date back to the 18th century.

Buranovskiye grandmothers: Who is who

(from left to right)

Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva, 50 years old

Director of the Buranovsky Rural House of Culture and Artistic Director of the Buranovskiye Babushki collective. 3,83,140 ,88,145,90,149,90,155,97,160,101,164,107,156,104,147,103,138,105,129,110,122,118,119,127,120,134,123,142,125,149,129,157, 132,164,132,169,126,173,117,178,110,180,105,185,99,189,93,201,89,217,86,226,81,238,80,245,80,251,83,259,83,266,80,273,80,28 ,57,363,49,364,41,364,33,363,26,360,19,360,10,359,6,350,8,339,12,330,17,312,18,285,23,260,18,255,8,248,6,240,10,225,10,21 1,15,184,17,166,24,138,33,113,51,87,77 ,77,81,66,85,60,80,47,79,32,84,21,92,15" href="/biography/#olga-tuktareva" /> Ekaterina Semenovna Shklyaeva, 81 years old

" shape="poly" coords="164,108,170,113,173,119,173,125,173,134,173,142,172,147,168,151,171,157,173,162,179,166,188,171,180,176,173,17 9,167,181,162,189,157,197,150,210,145,221,142,238,136,250,135,260,135,267,146,291,140,305,127,321,121,335,117,352,115,363,1 13,375,100,371,83,366,68,362,57,363,54,350,60,330,73,298,82,290,81,282,81,271,83,257,80,246,93,203,100,189,108,180,119,177, 130,172,132,163,124,146,120,131,122,118,133,108,147,103" href="/biography/#ekaterina-shklyaeva" /> Valentina S. Pyatchenko, 81 years old

" shape="poly" coords="197,166,198,151,197,134,201,117,209,108,223,106,239,111,250,121,252,131,248,149,240,162,248,176,263,187,266,19 5,255,203,248,215,244,223,244,238,238,256,234,275,234,287,237,299,242,314,222,361,212,380,207,406,207,423,118,415,114,374,1 18,350,131,316,140,305,146,291,136,269,136,250,142,238,145,220,167,182,188,171" href="/biography/#valentina-pyatchenko" />

" shape="poly" coords="274,192,273,158,283,133,299,128,313,130,322,138,328,150,327,170,337,190,353,199,365,220,369,240,373,275,364,29 2,366,306,372,322,377,356,379,374,380,405,379,435,332,437,263,432,214,431,207,422,210,390,217,372,226,353,235,333,242,313.2 34,288,234,273,244,239,244,223,255,204,266,195" href="/biography/#natalya-pugacheva" /> Granya Ivanovna Baysarova, 69 years old

" shape="poly" coords="398,153,392,137,396,109,404,99,420,97,432,100,444,110,447,126,448,144,461,158,462,169,478,181,486,190,494,202, 498,227,498,257,494,274,490,287,492,299,504,317,511,333,512,361,511,387,508,405,458,391,418,392,394,392,380,399,379,376,373 Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova, 78 years old

" shape="poly" coords="498,145,493,136,497,118,507,109,532,102,544,108,553,120,554,138,552,151,550,158,544,163,544,169,561,174,569,17 9,574,183,578,197,582,213,586,224,592,234,592,246,597,255,600,266,601,281,602,286,607,292,615,297,627,304,635,311,643,323.6 50,345,655,361,665,384,669,411,640,414,599,417,579,430,556,441,520,442,517,402,512,373,512,343,512,332,503,316,491,299,491, 284,496,267,498,253,498,220,495,203,485,188,475,179,478,169,487,165,487,153" href="/biography/#zoya-dorodova" /> Galina Nikolaevna Koneva, 80 years old

" shape="poly" coords="586,162,589,156,583,143,583,122,592,112,601,107,617,108,626,116,631,128,633,142,632,150,629,160,632,173,638,17 5,648,178,660,189,676,219,685,240,690,258,686,273,687,286,687,295,703,307,717,322,726,336,740,355,743,369,723,379,705,388.6 83,393,669,380,662,379,653,354,645,326,625,302,606,291,602,286,600,266,597,258,591,247,591,232,585,223,578,198,575,185,567, 176,579,169" href="/biography/#galina-koneva" /> Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva, 60 years old

" shape="poly" coords="675,85,672,76,670,52,677,42,690,33,695,31,710,35,717,36,723,43,727,57,725,68,734,73,742,82,749,100,758,110,766 ,127,773,144,774,162,774,187,774,207,773,228,769,245,766,256,757,262,759,281,760,311,762,337,762,358,759,367,761,382,741,38 4,743,369,739,354,725,333,717,322,699,303,687,295,686,272,689,256,683,235,666,200,662,190,656,184,658,178,653,170,649,162,6 47,158,632,174,629,161,632,149,633,139,632,129,647,113,663,97 />

Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva

Director Buranovsky rural House of Culture And artistic director collective "Buranovskiye Babushki". Graduated from the Perm Institute of Culture. Author a large number translations of songs into the Udmurt language. Very sincere and subtle nature. At the same time, it does not forget about household- her family already in April eats fresh cucumbers from their own greenhouse.
Two children.

Ekaterina Semyonovna Shklyaeva

The tuning fork of the collective - the tonality is checked on it. Leaves the most delicious cabbage. There is always bread for birds in her pockets: wherever grandmothers come on tour, she feeds pigeons, sparrows or ducks everywhere. When I was in the 4th grade, Ekaterina Semyonovna's mother fell ill. Therefore, I had to leave school and take on all the work around the house. Worked for the legendary Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, then in the Perm region at a construction site painter-plasterer. She got married there, but after 6 years her husband died. returned to native village and worked until her retirement collective farm in the village of Buranovo.
Raised 3 children. There are 5 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.

Valentina Semyonovna Pyatchenko

In the team she is called "shirpi", in Russian - mouse. She is so quiet. First she learned to be a seamstress, then she graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute. 21 years of experience teacher of Russian language and literature in Turkmenistan, where her husband was sent to serve. But family life, unfortunately, did not work out, and in 1984 Valentina Semenovna returned with her children to her native village of Buranovo, where she worked at a school until her retirement.
In 1998, while working on a circular saw, she lost right hand(before going on stage he puts on a prosthesis). Over time, she learned to do everything herself: sew on a typewriter, bake pies and cook the most delicious jam from pumpkin and zucchini.
She raised 2 sons, one of whom died tragically. Has 2 grandchildren.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva

The oldest participant in the Eurovision Song Contest in its entire history. She studied at school for only one year, then the war began - there was no time for studying. All her life she worked on a collective farm in the village of Buranovo. They say about such people: small, but remote. Indeed, it does everything! And he also has a great sense of humor.
Raised 4 children. She also has 3 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. And the beloved husband is grandfather Athanasius, who sometimes does not let his wife go to the ensemble rehearsals.

Granya Ivanovna Baysarova

By profession a painter-plasterer, tiler. Worked for Izhevsk Machine Building Plant. In 1975, she moved with her family to Buranovo, where she worked as a milkmaid for 20 years. She knits every free minute. Beautiful stockings in which grandmothers go on stage, her creation.
She raised 6 children who gave her 8 grandchildren. There is a great granddaughter.

Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova

By profession a baker. She worked in the Buranovo bakery, as a milkmaid on a collective farm. Having married in the village of Babino, she worked as a cook and manager school cafeteria. After the death of her husband, she returned back to Buranovo and worked as a cook at the Geofizika company until retirement.
The most sedate and laconic member of the team. If you need to cook lunch on trips, then Zoya Sergeevna does it.
She raised a daughter who gave her 2 grandchildren.

Galina Nikolaevna Koneva

The core of the team and the generator of ideas. No wonder her friends call her "mush muma", in Russian - queen bee. If she lived in the city, she would certainly become a statesman.
She graduated from the Sarapul Preschool Pedagogical College. All her life she worked as a kindergarten teacher. WITH young years performing on stage in amateur performances and for only two years she has not participated in ski competitions - Galina Nikolaevna has the 1st adult category in cross-country skiing.
Raised 3 children. There are 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva

All her life she worked as an accountant and only for the last 4 years she has been managing the museum in the Buranovsky House of Culture. She changed her job not by chance: the whole family collected antiques. So the family hobby became a profession. It was thanks to her that it was possible to collect many costumes for grandmothers. And for all the members of the team, her husband, Ilya Begishev, wove real bast shoes from linden bast. Alevtina Gennadievna - an accountant in life - loves clarity and order in everything. She loves to solve Sudoku puzzles.
Three children.

Elizaveta Filippovna Zarbatova

(not in the photo)

Age: 87 years old

12 years ago she wrote the triumphal song "Long-long birch bark and how to make an aishon out of it." With this song, grandmothers performed at the Russian Eurovision selection round in 2010 and took 3rd place. Baba Liza, as everyone calls her, she herself would gladly go to Moscow and Eurovision, but the years are not the same.

Nikolai Grigorievich Zarbatov

(not in the photo)

Age: 55 years old

Accompanist of Buranovskiye Babushki. On big stage we do not see it, because, as a rule, it is alive musical accompaniment there is not required. But he has always been and remains part of the team. It's a human orchestra! He plays the guitar, button accordion, harmonica, domra, etc. Surprisingly, he took up music seriously only at the age of 30. Prior to that, I was a driver for 10 years.
3 children and 3 grandchildren.

Radiant eyes, bright faces, non-plastic joy on their faces - Buranovsky grandmothers are ahead of all Eurovision stars and win the hearts of the audience. They are hard workers and really grandmothers - almost all of them have many children and grandchildren.

Let's get to know them better.

Baysarova Face

By profession a plasterer-painter, tiler. Worked at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant. In 1975, she moved with her family to Buranovo, where she worked as a milkmaid for 20 years. She knits every free minute. Beautiful stockings in which grandmothers go on stage are her creation.

She raised 6 children who gave her 8 grandchildren. There is a great granddaughter.

Koneva Galina

She graduated from the Sarapul Preschool Pedagogical College. She has been a kindergarten teacher all her life. From a young age, she performs on stage in amateur performances and has not participated in ski competitions for only two years - Galina Nikolaevna has 1 adult category in cross-country skiing.

The core of the team, the generator of ideas. No wonder her friends call her "mush mummy" - the queen bee. If she lived in the city, she would certainly become a statesman.

Raised 3 children. There are 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva

She studied at school for only one year, then the war began - it was no longer up to school. All her life she worked on a collective farm in the village of Buranovo.

They say about such people: small, but remote. Indeed, everything works! And he also has a great sense of humor.

Raised 4 children. Now she has 3 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.

Tuktareva Olga

Graduated from the Perm Institute of Culture. Director of the Buranovsky House of Culture, artistic director of the Buranovsky Babushki. Author of translations of songs into the Udmurt language. Very sincere subtle nature. At the same time, he does not forget about the economy. Her family already in April eats fresh cucumbers from their own greenhouse.

Two children.

Pyatchenko Valentina

First she learned to be a seamstress, then she graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute. For 21 years she worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in Turkmenistan, where her husband was sent to serve. But family life did not work out, and in 1984 Valentina Semyonovna returned with her children to her native village, where she worked at a school until her retirement.

In 1998, while working on a circular saw, she lost her right hand (she puts on a prosthesis to go on stage). Over time, she learned to do everything herself: sew on a typewriter, bake pies, cook delicious jam. Last summer I collected 8 buckets of forest strawberries in a week! And even in the driest summer, she manages to collect the largest harvest from the garden. In the team she is called "shirpi", in Russian - a little mouse. She is so quiet.

She raised 2 sons, one of whom died. Has 2 grandchildren.

Dorodova Zoya

By profession a baker. She worked in the Buranovskaya bakery, as a milkmaid on a collective farm. She got married in Babino. There she worked as a cook and head of the school cafeteria. After the death of her husband, she returned to Buranovo and worked as a cook at Geophysics until her retirement.

The most sedate and laconic member of the team. If you need to cook lunch on trips, then Zoya Sergeevna does it.

She raised a daughter who gave her 2 grandchildren.

Begisheva Alevtina

She has been an accountant all her life, and only for the last 4 years has she been in charge of the museum in the Buranovsky House of Culture. It was no coincidence that she changed her job: the whole family collected antiques. So the family hobby became a profession.

An accountant in life - loves clarity and order in everything. She loves to solve Sudoku.

Three children.

Shklyaeva Ekaterina

When I was in the 4th grade, my mother fell ill. Therefore, I had to quit school and take on all the housework. She worked at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, then at a construction site as a plasterer-painter in the Perm Region. She got married there, but after 6 years her husband died. She returned to her native village and worked in agriculture Buranovo village.

The tuning fork of the collective - the tonality is checked on it. Kvass the most delicious cabbage. In her pockets there is always bread for birds: wherever grandmothers come, she feeds pigeons, sparrows, ducks everywhere.

Raised 3 children. There are 5 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.

When they took the stage of the Russian stage of the Eurovision-2010 contest, the hall met them standing. Young people, famous musicians and respectable producers looked at the performance of a unique team and were surprised to discover a new name for themselves Russian show business Buranovskiye grandmothers.

The originality and sincerity of the performers conquered the Russian public at first sight. It was a surprise for the audience that the grandmothers, who are already over 70, decided to come to Moscow, and most importantly, they were not afraid to speak in front of a huge television audience. The next morning, the Internet exploded with reports that grandmothers from the little-known Udmurt village of Buranovo took 3rd place in the Russian stage of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The video with the performance of grandmothers instantly became a hit on the Russian Internet, it was posted by many news portals and websites. In just a couple of days, more than 30 thousand people watched it.

Internet users commented admiringly on the performances of grandmothers: “Grandmothers ...” - just super! How did they manage to start the hall! It's just amazing. The audience gave them a standing ovation. “Grandmothers…” could easily win Eurovision with their originality, unformattedness and originality. "Grandmothers ..." - well done. I wish them good health and good luck!”

It was a resounding victory!

The triumphal song “Long-long birch bark and how to make an aishon out of it”, with which the grandmothers performed at the qualifying round, was written 10 years ago by a member of the team, Elizaveta Filippovna Zarbatova, or simply Baba Liza. At that time, the Buranovskiye Babushki collective was still being created. Baba Liza admitted that she is glad that many people have heard her song. Baba Liza herself would go to Moscow with pleasure, but the years are not the same - she is 84.

The song sings about the difficult female lobe: an Udmurt woman, going out into the field, turns to a birch: “How can I make an ayshon out of birch bark? How to weave a belt from linen? There are seven shops in the house - how to feed them? In the stall - a young mare - how to teach her to plow? I go out into the field - the distance is boundless - how can I, an unlearned one, plow the land and sow seeds?

Many experts from show business are wondering: what is the phenomenon of grandmothers? "Buranovskiye Babushki" is a small team led by Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. The smallest "star" of the group - the soloist Baba Natasha proudly bears the name Pugacheva. None of the grandmothers seriously thought about the professional stage, they were just going to sing. They sing the way their great-grandmothers sang many years ago. At the same time, they always surprised the audience, for example, singing the songs of Tsoi, Grebenshchikov and the Beatles in the Udmurt language.

They keep those true values that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. They live by subsistence farming the way their ancestors lived. They may refuse to perform just because they need to plant potatoes or it's time to breed pets. And everyone treats it with understanding.

In the rural club of the village of Buranovo, the grandmothers opened a museum on their own, the exhibits of which were scarves that are 200 years old, an old gramophone and other utensils. “Grandmothers taught me a lot, I reviewed my whole life. And when it’s difficult for me or something doesn’t work out, I say to myself: don’t whine, grandmothers are working in the garden at this time. I get up and move on. That's how they had a beneficial effect on me, ”says one of their fans.

There is another topic that is very important for grandmothers. In 1939, in the village of Buranovo, the church was destroyed to the ground. At Soviet power the temple was not restored. Villagers go to the nearest temple as much as 40 kilometers away. The dream of grandmothers is to build a temple in their native village. And, perhaps, this is one of the main incentives that leads grandmothers to the stage.

For several years now, Europe has been experiencing a boom - the fashion for folklore. There are no analogues of "Buranovsky grandmothers" in show business today. None of the experts can give a clear definition in what style or genre grandmothers sing. But one thing is known for sure - the Buranovskiye Babushki ethnic project aroused interest not only in Russia, but also in the world. Japanese journalists filmed a story about grandmothers, Finnish television is preparing big gear, RTR shoots a clip.

Once upon a time, in the foothills of the Urals, a tribe lived, from which many Finno-Ugric peoples, including the Udmurts, were formed. The ancestors of the Finno-Ugric peoples were observant, they knew the laws of the world and nature. Their descendants dispersed throughout Europe, speaking different languages. All of them today make up a large Finno-Ugric world. Who knows, maybe this is why advanced European youth are so interested in a small team from Udmurtia, because in fact they are the genetic grandmothers of many Europeans?

Buranovo, where "Buranovskiye Babushki" live, is a small village in Udmurtia, 30 km from the capital, Izhevsk.

"Grandmothers" at rehearsals and in front of journalists communicate with each other only in Udmurt, but they promise to start learning from April English language, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Since April, the number of residents of Buranovo from 650 will grow by several dozen more people: tutors, choreographers, choreographers from Moscow will arrive. The producers decided not to pull the "grandmothers" so as not to endanger their health. Still, the average age of the team is 66 years.

Galina Nikolaevna Koneva, 73 years old - "mother of the team" - lives in wooden house one. Water is carried on a yoke. Cooking food in the oven. A large room is a living room, there is a TV set covered with a white napkin, a sofa and an armchair. And a bedroom hidden from prying eyes by a curtain. There are hand-knitted rugs on the floor, curtains embroidered with flowers on the windows. She has worked as a kindergarten teacher all her life.

Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva, 43 years old - the most important and most severe member of the team. It was she who came up with the idea of ​​creating Buranovskiye Babushki. In life he is the director of the house of culture, in his soul he is a mass entertainer.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva, 76 years old - the oldest and smallest member of the team. It is she who is the main star of the Buranovsky Babushki. And dancing and singing.

Ekaterina Semyonovna Shklyaeva, 74 years old, is the most calm and obedient singer. Prepares the most delicious sauerkraut. In the team they look up to her. She is the tuning fork of Buranovskiye Babushki.

Valentina Semyonovna Pyatchenko, 74 years old - philologist at Buranovskiye Babushki. In the late 90s, she lost her arm while working on a circular. Before going on stage, he puts on a prosthesis. But at the same time, he does not ask for help in anything. She puts on stage clothes herself, plants a garden herself and works around the house. Does the most delicious jam from pumpkin and zucchini.

Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva, 53 years old, is the hostess of Buranovskiye Babushki. She has worked as an accountant all her life, so she keeps order in the team. It was thanks to her abilities that it was possible to collect many costumes for the singers. Manages the museum in Buranovo. And her husband made bast shoes from linden for all members of the team.

Granya Ivanovna Baisarova, 62 years old, loves to make things with her hands. In her youth, she built houses, and after moving to Buranovo, she worked as a milkmaid.

Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova, 71 years old. - the head chef of the team. If you need to cook dinner during the tour, then all duties are assigned to her.

Each "grandmother" has a small household. A goat, a dozen chickens, one has a pig, one has rabbits. All goats have the same name - Milka.

The costumes in which the "grandmothers" perform are about a century old. At least most of them. We found them at home in chests, some were taken from the museum in Buranovo. The main part of the costume: dress or shirt. They are sewn by hand, and the fabric is woven on antique looms. They wore this outfit only on holidays.

Patterns on the sleeves and hem are also not just decoration. Each of them means something. Leitmotif - a talisman against evil Udmurt spirits, in which they believe from time immemorial.

On top of the dress is a bib. Very similar to a modern apron. And it was already made by the current Buranovsky masters.

On the feet: bast shoes and stockings are already modern attributes. Shoes for "Buranovskiye Babushki" are made by the husband of one of the singers, Ilya Begishev.

Jewelry on the neck - monisto - made of silver coins. Some of them date back to the Catherine era.

The Russian team "Buranovskiye Babushki", whose average age is 66, will perform in the first semi-final of Eurovision 2012 in Baku on May 22.

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