The correct definition of life purpose. The technique involves the performance of actions to achieve the goal. If the absence of any actions is obviously planned, the effectiveness of the technique is low. A SMART goal should be specific, which will increase


Right on target...

You can hit the target exactly with not only a well-aimed shot. An unexpected offer that I received from one very interesting, enthusiastic person turned out to be the perfect fit for my circle of interests - getting new experiences, new impressions ...

Accurate goals determine the correctness of the path ...

I love new acquaintances, they promise new impressions. Like most people, I am drawn to extraordinary people. It was with such a person that I happened to meet in a foreign land. We met much earlier, but I got to know him so closely only now.

A wide variety of interests make communication with him very interesting. It was from him that a proposal was made to arrange a shooting competition from ... a crossbow.

Crossbow shooting...

A real blocky hunting crossbow that hits the target with great destructive power, of course, in experienced, firm hands. Worth noting that it is forbidden to use this throwing weapon as a hunting weapon on the territory of many countries. If you still decide to become its owner, then it will need to be registered like any other weapon (eg firearms).

You can use it without licensing (registration), like a toy, but only if your crossbow has:

  • string stroke less (stretch length) 20 cm
  • shoulder span less than 43 cm
  • string tension force 20-25 kg

With such characteristics, the effectiveness of shooting from a crossbow will be no more than 15 meters and it will not be considered hunting, but even in this case, the “toy” remains deadly (!) Dangerous!

Our weapons were the most real and we were in the law. Such a crossbow is used in hunting big game (roe deer, wild boar, bear, etc.). At short distances, he is able to hit the beast even right through. But getting out of it into a medium-sized bird, and even on the fly, is a great success. In tribes where throwing weapons are used as the main ones, an arrow who knocked down a bird in flight (in motion) was supposed to weave an ordinary feather into his hair (for the prey of a bear, an eagle feather was supposed to be), as a sign of recognition and reverence.

It was impossible to refuse such an acquaintance with ancient weapons. The proposal was accepted with enthusiasm and after breakfast, in order to more exact definition the best of the best ... we left to the venue of the competition. Later a short time we arrived at the shooting range. It was a private territory, the owner of which is keen on hunting with a bow, and according to this, the site was “densely populated” with many mock-targets of various animals and birds. We had permission to use this shooting gallery.

As the first target, we chose the layout of the wolf. Not because of a special dislike for this particular species of the canine family, but because behind it (behind the model) there was an obstacle that, in the event of an inaccurate hit (which we absolutely did not exclude), would not allow the arrow to leave the place of crossbowmen competitions in an unknown direction.

The first arrows were fired from a distance of ten to twelve meters. Such a distance did not seem very small to us, because. all participants (except sensei) held this weapon in their hands for the first time in their lives. Surprisingly, we all fired some very successful shots, which inspired us a lot. Moreover, everyone did not get anywhere, but into slaughter zones (so the experienced say). We decided to double the distance and make the task somewhat more difficult, to make some changes to the competition rules.

We moved the line of fire, doubling the distance to the target, and decided to make the target an apple. Yes, it's an apple medium size. Now the expression to hit the bullseye with a crossbow took on a direct meaning. Having resolved the issue with the order of shooting (the less fortunate one shot first, so that the apple would remain whole longer), we continued the competition.

right on target

And, lo and behold, the first shooter, the first shot and perfect hit on target - bull's-eye! In fairness, it is worth noting that he did not hit the top ten directly, but a little to the edge. But there was a hit and it was recorded by everyone, and the sniper danced a dance of joy at the target and right at the lens, a pre-installed camera. We were pleasantly surprised and somewhat puzzled. Everyone wanted the same success, but not everyone was sure of it.

And not in vain. The subsequent shots did not bring success to anyone, except, as one would expect, the sensei. The target could not be hit. The arrows lined up in a row, forming a kind of bed for an apple, but no one else managed to hit the forbidden fruit, as happened with the first two shooters.

Almost on target, but not exactly...

Then we decided to shorten the distance. We returned to the starting line and luck was not long in coming.

Target hit...

Every shot, every contestant hit the target. And very soon our target fell into complete disrepair, which we were all very happy about. We were proud of ourselves...)

Photo for memory …

We fired weapons that were over two thousand years old. Which was invented and successfully used by the Romans already in the fifth century (!) BC. Of course, this weapon was constantly modernized and changed a lot during this period, but the idea - shooting arrows, remained. Get to know this weapon in a century computer technology, and even achieve some success in its use ... I was very pleased.

Precise goal setting shortens the path to achieving them…

Thanks to the owner of this miracle weapon for the idea and acquaintance with the crossbow, thanks to all the participants in this funny competition. We all enjoyed a lot and new experience- Crossbow shooting experience.

It is unlikely that this experience Some of us will need it sometime. But our competition is a touch on the history of throwing weapons, it is a pleasant pastime, it is the desire of each of us hit right on target.

Dear guests, if my story seemed interesting to you, write about it. I really want to know your opinion. Leave a few words in the comments - this will be a sign of your gratitude (or not ...) to the author of the post for his work.

SMART is like an engine in a car mechanism. This is far from the only necessary part, but all other parts stop working without it. You just won't go any other way.

What is SMART and how to apply it?

The word SMART itself is a simple abbreviation of five English words, which represent basic laws and criteria for setting goals. More precisely, not even so - without these five criteria, the goal is not the goal.
To the question: "Tell me, do you have a goal?" Indeed, 90% of people will answer "Well, it's good to live." It can be a desire, an urge, or words from the heart. Anything, but not the goal. And this is exactly where the Pareto principle applies - 90% of people have 10% of the result, and 10% of people - 90% of all results and benefits. Let's analyze these 5 criteria and find out how to be in the 10% of people.

Setting techniqueSMART-goals - perhaps the most famous in goal setting. Let's see what it is, what are the ways to use it, as well as in what cases and for what people it is suitable.

But first a bit of history. Translated from English, "smart" means "smart" with a hint of "cunning", "savvy". In our case, this word is an abbreviation introduced by Peter Drucker in 1954. SMART contains 5 criteria for setting goals:

Specific - specific;

Measurable - measurable;

Achievable - achievable;

Realistic - realistic;

Timed - defined by time.

In the future, various authors compiled other methods related to goals. As a result, the requirements for goals were adjusted to the SMART acronym. And there were other decodings of these five letters. We will not touch them now.

1. Specific: Specific.

A SMART goal should be specific, which increases the likelihood of achieving it. The concept of "Concrete" means that when setting a goal, the result that you want to achieve is precisely defined.

Answering the following questions will help you formulate a specific goal:

What result do I want to achieve by completing the goal and why?

Who is involved in achieving the goal?

Are there restrictions or additional conditions that are necessary to achieve the goal?

The rule always applies: one goal - one result. If, when setting a goal, it turned out that as a result it is required to achieve several results, then the goal should be divided into several goals.

The goal should be extremely specific in order to clearly understand what we really want to get. It is not enough to say “I want more money”, it is important to clarify exactly how much money you want to “Earn 350,000 rubles”

Let's take another example. Many of us dream of a new car, and most of us set our goal something like “Buy a cool new car”, as you know, this is not a very specific goal.

Correctly it will sound something like this Buy red Aston Martin Virage Coupe Touchtronic 2 (Engine 497 hp), 2014 release, fully equipped»

Feel the difference? So we are more specific about what we are striving for. But the main importance of concretization is not that we understand with our brains what we are striving for, but that we use our subconscious to achieve the goal.

The subconscious mind is a very powerful tool, and if a desire arises in it to achieve a certain goal, then it will most likely be fulfilled. If we set the goal “I want to be happy”, then the subconscious mind can consider a regular trip to the cinema as achieving this goal, and will stop striving for it. That is why it is very important to set specific goals.

Remember: Your Unconscious Mind will not perceive the goal until you are very simple, accessible and specific about the point you want to get to.

If your goal, for example, is to live abroad, write in your goal in which country or countries you want to live. Which house/apartment? Only then, after setting a monetary goal (monetary goals are generally the subject of a large separate training), will you understand the exact goal in work or business.

If you want to buy a car, and you want to turn this desire into a goal, immediately go to car buying sites, determine which brands you like and what year of manufacture you would like to buy a car.
Accuracy in working with the Subconscious decides.

Interestingly, there is even a certain magic in this. Later, as you get closer to your goal, you may very well update or change it. However, this is not even so important: your Subconscious will still carry you to high results, just knowing the given coordinates.

2. Measurable: Measurable

A SMART goal should be measurable. During the goal setting phase, specific criteria need to be established to measure progress toward achieving the goal. Answering the following questions will help you set a measurable goal:

When will it be considered that the goal has been achieved?

What indicator will indicate that the goal has been achieved?

What value should this indicator have in order for the goal to be considered achieved?

In order to make progress in something, we must understand what criteria we can rely on when evaluating the final result. If we set the goal to “Get smarter”, then it will not be easy to determine whether our goal is achieved or not. But let's say the goal is “Enter the Faculty of Soil Science at Moscow State University” or “Read Robert Kiyosaki's book “Poor Dad. Rich Dad is more measurable.

Wrong goal: “I want to have enough money.”
Correct Goal: “Receive and deposit $100,000 in my bank account by December 31, 2015.”

Or take an example from the field of health: Wrong goal: "I want to conquer all my diseases."

Correct goal: “By June 1, 2015, I display my blood pressure readings to ______” (set the norm).” And so on.

You are probably thinking right now: “Is it possible to measure every goal in the same way?” Absolutely. Just where it is more difficult to do this, look for and cling to any meters, and you will definitely succeed.

In any area of ​​life there are indicators with which you can clearly focus on the final result. Here is an example of such indicators in various areas of life:

Work, business: Money, company turnover, number of deals made, number of potential clients, etc.;

Education: The number of words learned, the number of points in the test on the topic of study, passing the exam;

Sports, beauty: Weight, biceps volume, time of 100 meters, number of compliments received;

Health: Bedtime , pulse, pressure, temperature, cholesterol, blood sugar, excess weight;

Relationships: The number of friends and acquaintances, dates, the number of friends in the social. networks, contacts on the phone, time spent in the team;

I think now it’s more clear to you how to make your goal measurable.

3. Achievable or Attainable: Achievable

Ah, dreams... They beckon us with their bright lights. However, is it possible to turn everything into a goal?

At this point, ask yourself the question: “Is my goal achievable?” Goals in the areas of increasing profits, going to Australia or visiting the Louvre are more than achievable, but flying to the moon tomorrow and relaxing at a resort there is hardly possible. Of course, I'm exaggerating now, but still check your goal for achievability.

Usually this item is especially relevant for big goals, your “guiding stars”.

SMART goals must be achievable, since the realism of the task affects the motivation of the performer. If the goal is not achievable, the probability of its fulfillment will tend to 0. The achievability of the goal is determined on the basis of one's own experience, taking into account all available resources and restrictions.

Constraints can be: time resources, investments, labor resources, knowledge and experience of the executor, access to information and resources, the ability to make decisions and the availability of managerial levers for the executor of the goal.

It's important to have ambitious goals, but at the same time, sometimes it's important to turn on the "Hard Truth" mode and not go too far. If you are 48 years old, you have never played sports, but after watching all the fights of Roy Jones Jr., you decided to become a world boxing champion…. This is, to put it mildly, an unattainable goal.

There is also another example of unattainable goals, namely "Out of Time". Time is a very tricky substance, and it constantly deceives us.

4. Relevant: Meaningful

Before talking about this criterion, I think it’s worth explaining the meaning of the word “Relevant”

Relevant is the degree of relevance and adequacy to something.

We are talking about setting goals, and therefore, the main task of this criterion is to ensure that each of the goals corresponds to other goals. I'll give you an example.

Let's say you have one of your goals "get up early", but you want to set another goal "Hang out at night at parties 3 times a week." As you can see, one of the Night Parties goals directly interferes with the achievement of the second "Shift to an early riser", and this should not be.

And another example of "irrelevant target". You decided to become a ballerina and perform in a big theater, but also, after watching films with Schwarzenegger, set the goal to “Start squatting with a 150 kg barbell”, but the weightlifter’s legs do not fit a ballerina in any way, so these are completely irrelevant goals.

To determine the significance of the goal, it is important to understand what contribution the solution specific task will contribute to the achievement of global strategic objectives. In setting a meaningful goal, the following question will help: What benefits will the solution of the task bring? If there is no benefit in fulfilling the goal as a whole, such a goal is considered useless and means a waste of resources.

Ask yourself the question: “Is this goal relevant to me now?”. Does your goal really lead to the achievement of your results, and do you really want it?

We live in a world of mass information attack, and a large number of goals that are not ours are imposed on us daily. And you are not to blame. This happens completely unconsciously. It seems that everyone wants, for example, to go to the Maldives, but when you start to think about whether this goal really ignites you, you discover that this is not your goal at all.

Or do you just have a goal that, as they say, “need to close”? Think about it.

Sometimes Relevant is replaced with Realictic (realistic).

A very common mistake is setting too many monthly goals, making most of them unattainable. But never be afraid to set too high a goal.

It's better to set a slightly high goal than a small one that won't fire you up. There is such a figure as “120%”, if you set a goal of 20% more than you want, then this will be quite the best option.

Time bound: Limited in time

To show this factor, I will ask you: “Would you like to have a million dollars?”. You will probably say “of course!”. However, if I clarify: “... by the age of 90?”. Surely, such a goal will not light you up anymore. The fact is that we all want to enjoy our results and the fruits of our goals. So when you set a goal, it's critical to write down the date you want to have it in your hands.

If you want to open a business, write the exact number when you submit documents to the tax office. If you have been dreaming of flying to Paris all your life - set yourself an exact date, do not put off your dreams any longer!

The SMART goal should be limited in terms of fulfillment in time, which means that the final deadline must be determined, the excess of which indicates that the goal has not been achieved. Establishing time frames and boundaries for achieving the goal allows you to make the management process controllable. At the same time, the time frame should be determined taking into account the possibility of achieving the goal in a timely manner.

If we don't set a strict time frame, then it becomes completely unclear when to complete the goal, how long it will take to complete it, in what order to complete the goals, and a bunch of other questions will arise.

Each goal must be timed. For example, we want to become scientists and we decided to set the goal of “Defending a doctoral dissertation in mathematics”, but if we do not set a deadline for doing this, then our subconscious will not consider it necessary to rush, believing that even at 75 years old we will be able to achieve this.

Therefore, you need to set a clear time frame, this is how the goal “Defend a doctoral dissertation in mathematics in 2015” would sound right

It is the same in other spheres of life and for any period. It is advisable to set three types of time goals:

  • Short term: 1-3 months

  • Medium-term: 3 months - a year

  • Long term: 1 year or more

But about the correct formulation of each of these categories, it is necessary to speak separately.

An example of compiling a SMART goal

Let's transform the goal "Earn more" in accordance with the criteria, which in this form corresponds to only one or two so far.

In order for the goal to become specific, we will decide that we want to earn, for example, 20,000 rubles a month more. Better yet, add the postscript "more than".

Is it possible to measure? Certainly!

Attainable? Most likely yes, if you are reading these lines.

How realistic? Is it possible to increase working hours? Is it possible to increase the cost of working time? Is it possible to organize and increase passive income? Maybe there are other ways? If the answer is yes, then move on. Will the chosen method harm something else? For example, family life? Or the need for rest? How to make sure it doesn't hurt? Is there a way? Great!

By what time is it planned to achieve the goal? Let's say 3 months later. What do we end up with?

“By 04/28/2015 I increase my income by more than 20,000 rubles per month while maintaining the current working hours.”

Examples of SMART goals

Here are 10 examples of correctly set smart goals that meet all 5 criteria:

Achieve an income of 120,000 rubles per month at your current job by October 1, 2015.

Enter the budget department at MGIMO at the Faculty of Law, in 2015.

Obtain a category B driver's license by December 30, 2015.

Lose 10 kg of excess weight by June 1, 2015.

Travel for 2 weeks to Rome, in a 4 star hotel in the city center, from 16 to 30 September 2015.

Buy a new 2015 MacBook Air by September 30, 2015

Learn Polishuntil August 31, 2015

Give Igor a leather wallet for Valentine's Day February 14, 2015

Learn 100 English words in 30 days

Read all articles of the Youth 35+ portal, until November 20, 2015

I think these examples of smart goals will be enough for you to understand how to set them correctly.

Ways to use SMART technology

If you want to achieve something, you must form an intention. The best place to start is in writing. To do this, apply a SMART check to the intent. So you immediately discover some of the pitfalls that may interfere with the execution of the intention.

Refining a goal according to SMART criteria is a way of focusing on the appropriate intention. Thus, you are already tuned in to the desired wave. As a result, you can not only come up with ways to achieve the goal, but also “pull” the necessary events and even achieve the goal without “doing” anything for this.

Specification and ways to measure the achievement of the result will help you better understand what you really want. This will to some extent separate your goals from the imposed ones.

The practicality of checking for realism lies, among other things, in understanding the connection between the current goal and your other goals, the goals of people close to you, etc.

SMART techniques can be used to check the advice, recommendations, suggestions, etc. received from other people. (for example, at meetings).

When working with a large number of goals, the SMART technique allows you to weed out the “bad” goals and leave the “good” ones.

When the technique works and when it doesn't

Target dates must be up-to-date. Long-term SMART planning does not make sense in a rapidly changing situation, when goals become irrelevant ahead of time. The option is also suitable here when a person has “seven Fridays in a week”.

There are situations when it is not a specific result that is important, but movement in a certain direction. In this case, the SMART methodology will have to be applied with some reservations.

The technique involves the performance of actions to achieve the goal. If the absence of any actions is obviously planned, the effectiveness of the technique is low.


The stubborn desire to formulate all goals completely (literally) in accordance with the SMART principle can lead to meaningless results. Sometimes it's more important to know "driving direction" than the exact "target state". We will never have all the information to accurately define goals. This is especially true for long-term goals - markets change so quickly and unpredictably that building a SMART goal over a ten-year period can be useless.

When using this tool, discretion, a sense of proportion and common sense are required.

Today you learned 5 criteria for goal setting using the SMART model. Share the article with your acquaintances and friends so that neither you nor your loved ones ever forget about these 5 reinforced concrete rules.

It's hard to tell who's going with the flow voluntarily

(Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Each person in life can have several goals. Here are some of them:

· make a career

· create a family

realize your abilities (become a professional - an artist, an artist, a successful businessman, good family man etc.)

Reach certain heights in the most different areas life.

And on each life stage one of these goals may be more relevant than all the others.

The concept of goal achievement includes strategy and tactics. Strategy answers the question: “What to achieve and in what sequence?”, and tactics answers the question: “How to achieve?”.

If you have read up to this point, then you have already understood whether you are the mistress of your own destiny.

If you think or would like to consider yourself the mistress of your own destiny, carefully read the strategy for achieving goals. The very concept of strategy implies planning, that is, the distribution of one's efforts in space and time, and represents very specific steps that help to achieve success:

– Clearly defined goals

– Disclosure and implementation of their personal qualities

– Thinking for success

- Identification of the main stages of the implementation of this strategy.

To start, write down a list of all the goals that you would like to achieve in life and determine which one in this moment realistically achievable or relevant. And postpone the rest of the goals until better times. However, it must be borne in mind that sometimes our goals are so cleverly intertwined that in order to achieve the main goal, we have to switch to a secondary one.

Suddenly, circumstances emerge that, at first glance, violate your plans, forcing you to get involved in some unexpected projects- this means that the time has come for them just now, and therefore they should not be rejected. It is better to adjust plans taking into account new factors.

It is not always possible to present a strategy for achieving goals in the form of successive steps. It happens that the stages of achieving various goals are reversed. Sometimes, encountering an obstacle in achieving one goal, we are forced to temporarily abandon it in order to accumulate enough knowledge, skills, and experience to solve this problem, comprehend what is happening, choose a different “toolkit” and other approaches. Meanwhile, other goals come to the fore. If you know how to be flexible in your movement, then in difficult situation it will help you not get depressed. much, and even most our life and the obstacles that are encountered in it, we cannot foresee. It is important to be ready to put aside what you have started and switch to solving other problems.

It is very simple to distinguish between inconsistency and flexibility: inconsistency is the result of external influence, someone else's will, while flexibility is the result of one's own choice. But if you switch to something else at the slightest difficulty, this is no longer a strategy for achieving the goal, but an avoidance of decisions, choices and responsibility.

To begin with, you need to concentrate your efforts on one thing - on what you clearly see in front of you. And then just be attentive to the prompts.

The strategy includes a number of points.

First, formulate what, in fact, you want to achieve and for what period of time (approximately, do not limit yourself to exact dates), as well as phased plan way.

Second important point is the Power of your desire. Are you really ready to act with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, making every effort to achieve success?

The third point is the freedom and flexibility of action, the ability to abandon what you are used to, trust the new, experiment and take risks. The courage to see imperfections in yourself and the desire to change yourself.

Sometimes an unbending stance is the result of paralysis

(Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

The fourth moment is Love for what you are going to do. It is very important to believe in yourself, to love your work not only as an opportunity to prove something to someone (parents, beloved, rivals, girlfriends) or achieve something, but to find meaning in the very process of your activity and in its results. And then the business will love you - you will get from it everything you want and dream about. By the way, this fully applies to building relationships with other people.

If this is love, then everything you need will definitely come to you and just when you are truly ready for it. Don't confuse loving a cause with exploiting that cause in order to use it against your opponents.

Any goal consists of small sub-goals, step-steps. In order not to be afraid of the magnitude and complexity of the path that lies ahead of you, it is better to focus on overcoming the first step. Climbing to the next level will be much easier.

Therefore, actions must begin with dividing the goal into small pieces that are available for execution right now or sequentially, one after another. It happens that as a result of this division, the resulting actions do not even remind you of their belonging to the main goal you have chosen. Subgoals, tasks, should be on your shoulder. If you overestimate your strengths and capabilities, you may not have enough strength. In this case, you risk experiencing disgust for your work and disappointment in yourself.

So, first of all, you should plan the path.

In order to achieve your goal, you need:

– Actually, your Goal, its complete and colorful picture

– Plan to achieve it

- Desire to achieve

- perseverance and will

- Ability to build relationships with people

– Training information

If you have come to the conclusion that you are missing a lot, this is not a reason to give up. Begin to acquire everything methodically and systematically. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. The main thing in this business is constancy, stability of movement and continuity.

If you have talent, diligence will improve it, and if you do not have talent, diligence will make up for this deficiency.

(John Ruskin)

Purpose Awareness

Anyone who can answer the question “why?” will almost always find the answer to the question “how?”

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

To achieve the goal, it is important whether your motivation is enough to move along a rationally chosen path. What if this is not your path? For example, you understand with your mind: your knowledge is enough to succeed in some business, but the soul experiences fear and uncertainty, and the body cannot cope with the necessary loads.

You have decided to change your personal life, and for this you have taken care of your appearance. You started going to Gym but you don't like physical exercise and besides, do not believe that they will help you.

Are these goals achievable?

We do not always make decisions because we feel a vital need for them. Much more often we make decisions under the influence of the desire to look like, to prove, to conform to some models and someone's ideals. All this - external causes. One has only to look at oneself from someone's point of view or hear someone's remark, as one does not want to achieve anything: it still does not work out. Someone overcomes this crisis and moves on, while someone turns off this path forever.

A person who loves his job is not afraid of any crisis. If you do something for a long time and with love, success is guaranteed. Maybe you will become a star, albeit not of the first magnitude. You won't perfect wife- but you will become the only and beloved. You don't have to be a perfect mother, you just need to be best friend for their children.

Think about what kind of activity you could do with most useful for humanity? Probably, exactly what came to mind after thinking about this question is your calling. A calling is not just what you do best, but what you do with love.

If we are result oriented rather than process oriented, the first misses or lack of quick results can discourage what we do. The joy of traveling is not in arriving at the final station, but in the very process of traveling. A person who enjoys the process itself has a stable labor motivation.

Motivation is needed not only to do something effectively. Lack of motivation creates negative energy around a person, causing distrust towards him and unwillingness to support him. If you are trying your best to be devoted and attentive, but in fact you are annoyed that you are not receiving attention and devotion in return, then sooner or later, the irritation will break through, destroying the bridges that you managed to build.

Lack of conviction and commitment to your goal affects your relationships with those on whom the success of your business depends. If you get the impression that the whole world is against you and your desires, first convince yourself that your business is the most exciting and important for you, and then others will believe you. Convince - in this case - does not mean "persuade". It is important to realize how important this particular choice is for you.

To move towards a goal for real means to engage in it, and not to create an appropriate impression around yourself.

How do you determine how committed you are to your goal? Significant tasks for a person absorb all his attention, automatically sifting out what has nothing to do with them. As interest in one thing grows, it becomes more and more difficult for a person not only to do, but also to notice something else. There is no limitation or isolation in being wholly involved in something.

You have probably met people who are so absorbed in their work that they invariably translate any topic of conversation into their work (hobby), enthusiastically dedicating others to its details. You probably got the impression that this person is possessed. Nevertheless, how much this person does and knows, as a rule, in areas adjacent to his business or in one way or another adjoining to it! And this is the real breadth of the outlook of such a person.

If you notice that the business you have chosen does not fascinate you very much - think about whether this is what you need?

Very often we are distracted from the goal by negative thoughts related to other people. Then you do something not for yourself, but for them - to annoy, for example, or to prove. For example: “This guy always wants to prove that he is better at work, because of him I always fail. But I can’t see this vixen at all, she poisons my life with her presence. Write these thoughts down, look at them, and throw them away. Negative thoughts about others interfere only with you and poison your life only for you, but in no way improve the situation and those people that you do not like.

Most likely, you have a certain motivation, there is a real pleasure in what you do, but there are doubts that you will really succeed. Some have these doubts because they see obstacles where they exist, while others have these doubts because they see obstacles where they do not exist. Someone does not believe that circumstances will allow him to do what he wants. Doubt is a worm that corrodes everything positive, active. Focus on action, not doubt:

· Each of us has our own principles of building relationships with partners, achieving goals, behavior, which we always use. You may not have been aware of them before. Write down the principles that help you in life.

For example, what helps me in life is that I respect my partner's point of view and make decisions based on it. In communication, a partner is called any interlocutor - boss, employee, and competitor. I will call this principle "The Principle of the Whole View of the Situation."

By writing out all your useful principles, you will see your resources for solving problems.

Analyze your behavioral traits: what is dictated by their inner need and your life principles, and what is a social necessity, that is, the need to please someone.

Don't make your goal dependent on someone else's reaction to your actions. Let one friend judge you for spending too much energy keeping your apartment in perfect order, and another friend for spending hours doing manicures when your apartment is a mess. No one has the right to judge you for this, because only you know what is more important to you: the cleanliness of your apartment, the beauty of your nails, success in your profession, or your ability to listen.

There are situations that make you behave differently than you would like. For example, if your boss does not like your mode of work, talk to him, trying to convince him of the correctness of your actions and conclusions. Stock up on the necessary arguments, but be prepared for the fact that you may be convinced otherwise. If the arguments of the other side turned out to be more convincing, agree with them without fear of “losing the crown”.

- Make a plan for the day, week and month under the heading "What do I want to achieve?". Is it important to you to feel like you're doing what you set out to do? What can you do to get this feeling?

When planning your day, don't take on too much. There is no point in rejecting someone else's help out of pride or a desire to be independent - these are empty principles, playing on one's own and others' pride. It's okay to accept help. The main thing is not to overdo it in this, so as not to believe yourself that you are helpless. Checking your notes after a while, answer the question: “Do I need these actions? Do I need to solve these problems now? How relevant is this? Learn to discard what is no longer relevant. If you decide to marry that handsome guy, and he turned out to be a boor, is there any point in re-educating him, so that later you can show off your pedagogical talents to your friends? Be flexible. Promises even to oneself are given for reasons, but are fulfilled according to circumstances. Change plans if they are outdated. Even if they managed to do it in two days.

- Don't be afraid to take risks. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. And the one who does is certainly wrong, and only because he draws conclusions from his mistakes, he achieves a lot. It is impossible to know without error what you need to change in yourself in order to achieve success.

- Often we do things under the pressure of someone else's opinion or the desire to be good for another (for others). In fact, this is the pressure of your fear of rejection, which gives other people the opportunity to manipulate you, using your guilt, duty, responsibility. A sense of guilt for our behavior, which should not be confused with responsibility, makes our actions inconsistent: we went in one direction, then suddenly shied away in another.

Letting others decide how to live for you is like letting the waiter eat your lunch.

(Vernon Howard)

– There are people with whom communication sows fear and doubts in one’s soul. Determine if there are such people in your environment, do you really need to communicate with them, do you get something from them for yourself, for your development, something positive, or is this communication a tribute to tradition or old friendship, which only poisons your life. If so, reduce the number of such people in your life to zero. As a rule, such people themselves have nothing in life, and do not give to others.

How to respond to humiliating remarks from a partner. What is considered derogatory remarks? The degree of humiliation is determined only by our subjective feeling of humiliation. If the remarks humiliate you, talk about your feelings: “When you say this, I feel like ... I get angry (offended, upset, don’t want to communicate with you, and so on)” Thus, you mark the boundaries of acceptable treatment with you. If the person who is humiliating does not consider your feelings, should you consider his feelings? Do you need these contacts, these relationships? At a minimum, you can indicate your attitude towards this, and your actions that you are ready to take in order to prevent this from happening to yourself.

Your inner core is, first of all, stable ideas about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, how to use them in your career and in life, clear ideas about your professional and life values: This is important, but this is not important.

The ability to act on the basis of a conscious strategy in relations with others, and not go with the flow, the ability to calculate situations and forces is a sign of advanced intelligence and intuition, a sign of a real female mind.

Some say: “Yes, I want! But I don't have the opportunity... Opportunities are found when there is motivation, and abilities are developed when there is a strategy. You cannot jump over your shortcomings and obstacles on your way to success, you can overcome them step by step.

There are problems that cannot be solved, but must be reached with a limp, and in these cases it is not a sin to limp.

(Sigmund Freud)

On the way to the goal

The weak wait for the right moment, the strong create it.

When a person concentrates on one thing, subordinating his whole life to it and completely ignoring everything else, any slip can be fatal.

For the sake of your own happiness, it makes sense to live a fulfilling life, but you must be aware that excessive love for pleasure and refusal to solve problems is the other extreme.

Exists huge difference between purposefulness and obsession. The first guarantees a purposeful, competent, intelligent, logical progress towards the goal, while the second absorbs a person as a whole, depriving him of the opportunity to be complete in other areas of his life, destroying him for other people, for the family, for society, for himself. And you can be obsessed not only with work or invention. A lot of girls in our time are obsessed with the idea of ​​​​unhappy (yes, unhappy!) Love, because it's as beautiful as in the movies! Or the idea of ​​the Unapproachable Lady. You can die like an impregnable fortress.

Obsession and purposefulness are not the same bottom. A person captured by an obsession, as a rule, does not notice the signs of fate, and therefore follows the path of greatest resistance.

In a word, the goal must be given as much attention as your soul and body require, without making them suffer.

There are obstacles for everyone, even for those who are armed with knowledge and means. Obstacles exist as long as there is movement. And the movement can be very different.

A person who does not consider the situation and does not hear the other, because he sees only resistance, without thinking about its cause, goes straight, like a tank. And normal heroes, meanwhile, go around.

In a complex movement, a person takes into account the cause of the opposition, draws conclusions and approaches his goal with different parties, using different methods and methods of influence. To do this, you need to be able to readjust. This applies to both external obstacles and internal obstacles personal growth person.

A complex movement consists of several, sometimes extremely short, rectilinear segments, each of which has its own nearest target, which is related to the main, global goal, which was mentioned earlier.

When moving towards the goal, it is necessary to save energy and take into account obstacles. If this is not done, there may be situations that are different in appearance, but similar in results:

A) with zero consideration of obstacles and zero economy of effort, a person moves ahead. And often gets hit on the head with a mop and other percussion instruments.

B) with 100% consideration of obstacles and 100% saving of strength, a person constantly looks around, sparing his strength and thinking about the correctness of his every step, so he is simply not able to move forward. Here I cut it, if you don't like it, I'll return it.

As a rule, it usually only seems to all of us that we have spent all our forces without a trace, while in reality they have not yet been exhausted. If there really is not enough strength for a more energetic impact on an obstacle, there is always the opportunity to look for strength and other methods of influence.

Weak, capricious, spoiled people more often than others are looking for external means of influencing a situation that does not suit them, because they are not accustomed to using their internal resources - intellectual, emotional, psychological, physical, financial. They tend to exaggerate the scope of goals and the height of obstacles, by farthest from them.

Often we cannot move according to the strategy, because we are stopped by negative memories that we once did the same, and nothing good came of us. Surely you have met a person who, complaining about his difficult situation, answers “yes ... but ...” to any solutions to his problem.

One friend invites another to a restaurant. “No,” says the second, “I won’t go. I don’t go to restaurants at all” – “Why?” - “Yes, once in a restaurant they fed me so that I got poisoned, since then I don’t go to restaurants”

Write down the hurts, mistakes, and disappointments that come to mind most often. What do you regret the most? Could you somehow change that situation?

Perhaps you could not change it, because at that time you could not do otherwise. That is why this situation was given to you, so that you will understand what else you have to learn from it.

If, according to your strategy, you need to go through the same situations again, go through them and see what you can do. But before that, try to draw conclusions from past situation and try to apply this knowledge in a new case.

We cannot change the past, but we may not regret it. Too long periods of regret about the past means little involvement in the present and future. This happens with old people, hopelessly ill or those who refuse to take responsibility for what is happening in his present. Sometimes the tasks of the present are so difficult that a person in his thoughts is not here all the time - either in the past or in the future. And this does not help him solve the problems of the present, but only distracts from them, wasting time.

Analyze yourself, look for: what takes away your desire, determination, will to achieve the goal.

It is much harder to see the problem than to solve it.

The first requires imagination, while the second requires skill.

(J. Bernal)

The top beckoned. Every moment his mind was busy calculating and taking the next step. The rest of life did not exist - the peak absorbed all his attention. He wanted to be there before the others. He did not see, did not know and did not want to know anything except the top.

The mountain towered before him - high, magnificent, with an inaccessible platform of fifty square centimeters at the very top. But it was inaccessible only at first glance. He knew the laws and principles of ascent and strictly followed them. He walked and knew that this site was only for one person. For him. He will reach it before those who do not know the laws and those who do, but who do not have enough strength and will.

And he walked. Each vertical meter was given to him by a heavy, unbearable, painful effort. He piled at the foot of everything that he had - everything valuable and unnecessary, everything that others take with them, he gave everything as a sacrifice to the top so that this load would not drag him down and interfere with his journey. And every meter was taken by him faster than others. He walked, leaving behind him less fortunate competitors, calculating the misses of those in front.

He concentrated his will and desire so much that somehow imperceptibly, with one strong movement, he was at the very top.

He was out of breath from the suddenness and globality of what had happened. He cast an admiring glance great picture revealed to his eyes.

Huge radiant spaces, beauty and freshness, thrill heights and risk, and at the same time a feeling of free, unrestrained flight, seized him.

And below… failed rivals ripped their palms bloody.

He looked down at his feet.

Here it is, a small platform. Even if someone can get to her, there is no room for two. This is his place, he deserved it, he gave everything for the right to be here. He will always be alone. One hundred years of complete solitude, everything that was dear to him was left below. Loneliness without purpose and continuation. The top left below, under his feet, was his goal.

If you want to be successful in life, it is very important define your goal. The goal should be for you the peak to which you aspire, the embodiment of your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe result that you want to achieve.

By defining a goal, you will focus not on what you are doing, but on what you want to achieve as a result of your activities. The set goal awakens in a person the desire to take concrete actions to achieve it. When a person knows his goals and strives for them, he concentrates his energy on what is really important and does not waste his strength.

A person has a mechanism for finding a goal. If the goal is not clearly defined, a person's energy is directed to things that are insignificant. When there is no clear goal, chaotic throwing through life begins. Any problem that arises becomes an insurmountable obstacle. If we clearly know our goal, then we go through life confidently. We focus on achieving results, and we are quite capable of achieving a lot in a short period of time.

Goal setting is important because it gives a person a direction in life. It is very important at a young age to determine what you want from life. Unfortunately, many young people do not even think about their life goals. They do not strive to do something really important in life, but simply rely on the will of fate. Regret comes later, when they are not at all where they would like to be and have not at all what they dreamed of.

To clearly define your life goals you need to think them through first. Imagine perfect option of your life in a few years and think about what you need to do today to achieve it.

After that, be sure to write down your goals. It's even better if you present your goals in a visual way. For example, if you want to purchase in 3 years Vacation home, find a photo of one you like. Position the image in a conspicuous place. So you will remember your goal every time, and this is a good impetus to achieve it.

Writing down your goals is a good thing because it gives you a clear idea of ​​what you're aiming for. If you do not know what you want to get, you will not be able to determine whether you have achieved it or not.

Don't be afraid to set big, unattainable goals. There is nothing impossible in life. It all depends on your desire and the importance of the goal for you. If you are already set on getting what you have planned, prepare for the fact that you will have to sacrifice your usual business and your time.

Remember only one thing: never sacrifice even for the most important goal communication with loved ones. It will be better if they help you achieve what you have planned.

It is very important to correctly formulate a life goal. It must be specific, realistic and time bound.

The goal setting process consists of six steps.

The first step is to determine what you want to set a goal for. It is very important that this goal be clear, first of all, to you.

Second phase. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in 5 years. It should be clear picture, which will include all the important components. Think about what kind of house you live in, what your family looks like, how much you earn, what kind of relationship you have with family and friends. Then open your eyes and describe what you saw. The more detailed you describe the picture of your future life the faster you can reach your goal. This is a very important step.

At the third stage, review the text you wrote and choose your priority goals.

Then describe what you want to achieve. For example, imagine your future home in all its details, its parameters, the view from the windows, the location of the rooms. The picture should be clear and tangible to you.

Train your imagination.

In the fifth step, highlight the three most important goals on the list. Tune in to the fact that these are exactly the goals to achieve which you will direct all your efforts.

Stage 6. You need to think about your goals every day. Imagine that you have already achieved them, listen to the feelings of joy and satisfaction that you have. Feel the joy of living in your own apartment or buying a car today. This simple exercise should be repeated at least three times a day.

Success comes to those who put in the effort. Start working on your goals today, and the result will not keep you waiting.

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