White Clothes (novel). Vladimir Dudintsev "white clothes"


The work "White Clothes" was published only three decades after it was written. This book will be of interest to every representative younger generation, who is interested in history and the persecution that took place on representatives of various categories of the population. The novel talks about how biological research began in the era of the USSR.

The beginning of the story

In the autumn of 1948, the action begins in the work "White Clothes". The summary introduces us to the main character - Fedor Ivanovich Dezhkin. He comes to small town, where he begins to check at the Agricultural Institute. Dezhkin wants to know whether the workers at the Department of Genetics and Breeding have "rebuilt" to the new paradigm and whether they support Michurin's teachings. He conducts the check together with the employee V. S. Tsvyakh. In addition, the head of Dezhkin named Ryadno says that there is information about scientists and graduate students involved in illegal science.

Evening at Tumanova

The summary of "White Clothes" introduces us to the main character, who studied in this city. Dezhkin has many acquaintances and friends - former teacher by the name of Pososhkov, the poet Kondakov, Antonina Tumanova, who in the past was an operetta artist. The next day after his arrival, Dezhkin met with the workers of the institute. This is a professor named Natan Kheifetz, head of the laboratory Ivan Strigalev with an unusual nickname "Trolleybus". Also, a charming employee, Lenochka Blazhko, works at the department.

The summary of "White Clothes" continues with a scene visiting the artist Tumanova. In the evening, she invites Dezhkin to visit, and the heroes discuss issues of good and evil. Dezhkin says that good is nothing but suffering, since the desire to do a good deed arises in a person when he sees the suffering of another person. Zvyah says a quote about white clothes, which his father loved very much. The quotation refers to people dressed in white robes who came "out of great tribulation."

Persecution of scientists

The summary of Dudintsev's "White Clothes" continues with the discovery of Dezhkin. He discovers that the employees of his leader Row falsify the results in their work. Strigalev's papers appear to be very successful and also up to standard, but Dezhkin points out that the scientist started working too early, before the August session began. Also at the meeting, the employee Zvyakh makes a small remark that Professor Kheifets has not yet adjusted to the new paradigm, and he also expresses a desire to strengthen the department with a few more “correct” employees.

The work continues with a betrayal committed by one of the students. A graduate student named Angela Shmakova, whose supervisor was Strigalev, makes a report on him. She speaks publicly about the fact that he had two journals, one of which was official, and the second - genetic. Only the first of the journals corresponded to the Michurin paradigm. Strigalev admits his guilt: he really is engaged in "forbidden" science. Kheifetz says that he cannot work in such a team, and refuses his position. The next day, an order is issued according to which Dezhkin becomes the head of the institute.

Communication with Strigalev

He comes home to the former professor Strigalev. He says that he managed to develop a completely new variety of potatoes, but he gave the authorship to Ryadno only so that he was given the opportunity to calmly do his work. Dezhkin is very surprised that Ryadno is familiar with Strigalev, and now he finally goes over to the side of scientists involved in "forbidden" genetics. After some time, Strigalev tells him another secret: now he is working on another variety of potatoes, which may turn out to be very promising. You can get it if you cross a regular variety with wild Solyanum Contumax. Perform hybridization naturally impossible. The variety was practically bred by Strigalev, but it is important not to let Ryadno take possession of it.

Lenochka's secret

Dezhkin and Lenochka begin love affair. The problem is that Lenochka is constantly going somewhere, but does not say where exactly. Ryadno visits the institute and gives the task to Dezhkin: to get a new variety of potatoes from Strigalev. Further developments in the work "White Clothes", summary which is now being considered, introduces us to the relationship between Dezhkin and Lenochka. They decide to formalize their relationship, but just on this day, the registry office is closed to visitors. They choose cohabitation, Dezhkin moves in with his beloved - this is how the summary of Dudintsev's "White Clothes" continues. Lenochka is still disappearing somewhere. Dezhkin, tormented by jealousy, follows her and ends up at a meeting of scientists who are engaged in "forbidden" science. They are watching a foreign film about science.


Many were greatly influenced by the book "White Clothes" by Dudintsev. The summary ends sadly. At night, Lenochka is informed that Zhukov, a student of Strigalev, is under arrest, since it was he who brought this film. Lenochka begins to suspect Dezhkin. After all, the arrest took place precisely after he appeared at a secret meeting, tells the summary of the novel "White Clothes". But the scammer turned out to be another employee - Krasnov. Then other members of the club are also under arrest, only Strigalev manages to escape. He wants to hide, but first he needs to show Dezhkin where the seedlings are. Dezhkin is trying to fulfill the request of his colleagues and save them. He hides them and manages to get the new kind. Together with the saved fruits, he leaves the city.

Task specifics

Such is the difficult plot of Dudintsev's book "White Clothes". A summary and analysis of a work is a frequent task for high school students. Indeed, in this work lies a deep philosophical meaning- the truth will always triumph, in spite of any intrigues of unworthy people. The actions committed by Ryadno and Krasnov cannot be justified. The busiest students can use this article to prepare for the lesson. Such complex issues can only be studied in high school, so students often receive as homework prepare a summary of the "White Clothes" chapter by chapter. Purity is difficult to maintain in a cruel world, the work teaches. However, at the highest court, real people can only be recognized by the bright robes that they will be wearing.

Creating a book

About serious moral issues wrote his book "White Clothes" Dudintsev. A summary can only convey the facts from the book and the main idea. In the process of preparing the novel, the writer had to study various areas of knowledge that were not familiar to him before. Preparation for writing the book took a lot of time. Acquaintance with the breeder Nina Lebeda had a great influence on the author with the surname Dudintsev. "White clothes", a brief summary of which was discussed in this article, largely appeared due to the work of the writer with her. Lebeda helped the writer to master the basics of biology. The novel was signed for publication in 1986.

Fyodor Ivanovich Dezhkin was about thirty years old, short, narrow in the waist, walked. His broad, but thin face with a rather noticeable attentive nose was mobile, a fair-haired eyebrow sometimes rose with a bend, and this spoke of the habit of constantly thinking, characteristic of some scientists. There was a feature in his face: a sharply defined groove on upper lip passed to the lower one and ended with a deep curved fossa on the chin, it turned out that the lower part of the face was, as it were, crossed out by this distinct vertical. His steps were slow. This man needs proof, he does not take a word. His scientific struggle with opponents becomes a political struggle with dissidents, and he, honest, intelligent, a kind person, is tormented by the question: what is truth if the struggle for it causes evil? He thinks to do right choice, a person should think not only about himself, but also about others, believes that freedom moral choice must remain with the person. Fedor Ivanovich likes to communicate with smart people, he is good at intellectual conversations and knows how to answer the question put to him. He can gain confidence very quickly, he knows how to play a double game. This is the person who, if he takes up a just cause, does it to the end, and under no circumstances does he deviate from it. He has a rare gift to empathize with people and feel someone else's pain. Because of heightened attention to the people around Fedor Ivanovich sees them almost through and through. He has an extraordinary flair for truth and essence. He is constantly looking for the truth, doing everything in his power for other people, thereby trying to atone for his past sins. He takes the baton from the hands of his defeated comrades and almost miraculously brings it to the finish line.

Ivan Ilyich Strigalev is an example of high morality and inner purity, he is not very capable of intrigue and hypocrisy, he is an image of a person capable of thinking independently about what is good and what is bad. This is a real scientist who is obsessed with his ideas. This is the embodiment, so to speak, of pure spirit in all its extraordinary integrity. Ivan Ilyich is little capable of intrigues and pretense, of tricks and subterfuges, of disguised moves. He is unarmed in the face of the hardened Ryadno, the master of quackery. The purpose of his life is to create new varieties that are so necessary for the people, while he does not want to glorify himself, this is not the main thing for him. Strigalev believes that the well-being of the people is more important than glory.

Svetozar Alexandrovich Pososhkov is graceful and dexterous in everything he says and does. He has a huge daily work on himself behind him. He is armed with all the riches of world culture. It is not worldly unsuitability that destroys him, but tragic mistake. Remaining in his soul "the orthodox Weismannist-Morganist", he nonetheless defiantly renounces his views, humiliating himself even to the point of public repentance. A man who was once an "extra" child, and then an orphanage, Pososhkov is trying in this way to protect the fragile comfort of the House, which was actually acquired only in old age. But a tragic paradox occurs. An attempt to preserve the family hearth through betrayal turns into the destruction of the hearth. After that, the hero very successfully compared himself with Hamlet, wounded by a poisoned sword. No worldly blessings and conventions now have power over him. Having previously done everything possible to atone for his sin, Academician Pososhkov voluntarily parted with his life.

Sveshnikov, Colonel of State Security, who has long figured out the secret of power, is a bit of a cynic, in his heart admiring the honest scientist Ivan Ilyich. He, like Fedor Ivanovich, is trying to help Strigalev, but due to the fact that Fedor and Sveshnikov late saw each other as allies, they destroy Strigalev. And then he does everything in his power to save the "inheritance".

No wonder Krasnov was called a climber in the novel. A climber is a person who climbs up in an attempt to reach the top. So is Krasnov - he really wants to rise to Academician Ryadno, to get as close as possible to him, to become his "hand".

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Voronezh Aviation College named after V.P. Chkalov

Based on the work of Vladimir Dudintsev: "White clothes"

Voronezh 2011

1. Biography

Born on July 16 (29), 1918 in the city of Kupyansk, Kharkov region. Dudintsev's father Semyon Nikolaevich Baikov, staff captain tsarist army, died during civil war(shot in Kharkov by the Reds), and Vladimir was brought up by his stepfather, Dmitry Ivanovich Dudintsev, a land surveyor by profession. Mother Claudia Vladimirovna Zhikhareva was an operetta artist.

In 1940 Vladimir graduated from the Moscow legal institute and was drafted into the army. was a member of the Great Patriotic War, first as an artillery officer, and then as an infantry company commander. Received 4 wounds in the battles near Leningrad, the last one was severe, in new year's eve December 31, 1941. After the hospital, he served in the military prosecutor's office in Siberia until demobilization in 1945. After the end of the war, he returned to Moscow and worked as a correspondent for the newspaper TVNZ"(1946--1951).

In 1952 he published a collection of short stories "At the Seven Bogatyrs", in 1953 - the story "In My Place". A stunning success was published in 1956 in the magazine " New world» Dudintsev’s novel “Not by Bread Alone”, which tells about futile attempts provincial engineer Lopatkin, honest and courageous man, to break through with his invention, which speeds up and reduces the cost of housing construction in a post-war destroyed country, the wall of indifference of officials who, out of selfish and career motives, support an alternative, obviously unusable project of a metropolitan professor.

Dudintsev was recognizable by his accurately written details. By psychological characteristics the plot was read as a truthful and vivid appeal, in the best traditions of Russian realistic prose to the sore problems of our time. He was accused of "slander". And after the magazine edition of the philosophical and allegorical "New Year's Tale" (1960) about the irretrievable value of every moment, so often wasted or killed by trifles and striving for false goals, and the publication of the collections "Tales and Stories" (1959) and "Stories" (1963), in connection with the completion of the so-called. “Khrushchev thaw”, a de facto ban was imposed on the publication of Dudintsev’s works.

Only in 1987, with the beginning of "perestroika", appeared in print and immediately became a milestone in the history of modern Russian literature, Dudintsev's second long-term work - the novel White Clothes. The novel was awarded the USSR State Prize (1988).

The sounding motif of suffering as an important and even necessary condition for self-knowledge and self-improvement of the individual, distinct in Dudintsev’s work, the writer himself explains as follows: “I am convinced that our best and worst sides are manifested only in truly harsh conditions. It seems to me that in a society where "life curses do not reach this garden behind a high wall," I would not become a writer. and enthusiastic people, Dudintsev saw the keepers of life-giving creativity.

Dudintsev literature creativity

2. The history of the creation of the work

By the beginning of the war, Vladimir Dmitrievich did not have time to become a writer, but only graduated from a law school. As he says, his "thirst for justice and the desire to accumulate more "human material", which is more accessible to a lawyer, led him to the legal sciences."

Not being able to tell the truth, the writer did not tell a lie, in his stories there is an undoubted accuracy of detail, true and curious observations, rigor and a certain nobility of writing, but this is not enough for prose, characters are also needed, and they cannot be depicted without a fight, conflict.

Biologists attracted the author's special attention. Once at the meeting of geneticists, the writer listened to the report of N.A. Lebedeva on the development of new varieties of potatoes. This served as the starting point for the creation of a new novel Dudintsev carefully studied the dramatic situation that has developed in biology. He attended the seminar of T. D. Lysenko at the Institute of Genetics. Having learned about the purpose of the visits, the academician ordered Dudintsev not to be allowed to attend classes. Thus, in 1987, the novel “White Clothes” was published, written 20 years before and dedicated to the period of struggle against Lysenkoism in biology and around it.

3. Theme, idea, issues

Dudintsev's novel "White Clothes" refers to a tragic episode in the history of our society. It's about about the bloody era of Stalinism, one of the victims of which was genetics and the people who served it faithfully. They are the main characters of the book. The author himself expressed the idea of ​​his book as follows: “After all, it is impossible to calmly see those who know how to take off his shining clothes from a person obsessed with a great deed, who get into them himself and flaunt, deceiving others with their borrowed attractiveness and loud words. Here the whole world complexities. In the novel "White Robes" I want to tear off the masks under which evil hides. Hit him in the most sensitive place. I would like to equip good man unmistakable criteria for distinguishing between good and evil. Or, as one of my readers said, to create a toolkit for good.

The novel "White Clothes" is a courageous step of the writer on the path of restoration historical truth. harsh assessment Stalinist terror, given by the writer, allows us, readers, to feel the scale of not only scientific, economic, but also human losses. Dudintsev's close look at our past makes us seriously think about the present. “Happiness cannot be found. Doomed business! Who seeks, he naturally tries for himself. And this is a second-rate effort. Happiness does not like such efforts, bypasses.

... The world is given to us as it is. Neither add nor subtract. And there is no happiness in it. Do not be mistaken and do not wander in vain in search. And do not think, and do not think. Happiness is in you. When you lay down your flesh to nourish your neighbors... You will shed blood, you will swim across the seas of suffering... You will crawl out onto the shore barely alive... Then happiness will find you, not thinking about it. It will creep in front of you. And never get bored ... Happiness still freely chooses the worthy. These words belong to one of the heroes of the novel, Vasily Stepanovich Tsvyakh. They contain an orientation towards an uncompromising moral choice - the need to fight evil in the name of good. The writer believes in the triumph of high truth and true happiness, suffered at a high price.

Good and Evil are the eternal opposing forces of life. Strigalev considers an indicator of a person's high morality to be his ability for introspection, for thinking about what good and evil are. Fyodor Ivanovich Dezhkin excitedly says to Colonel Sveshnikov: “Look! These are miracles! Opening! Good wants pleasant experiences for the neighbor, and evil, on the contrary, wants suffering for him. Do you feel? Good wants to save someone from suffering, and evil wants to protect from pleasure. Good rejoices in another's happiness, and evil in another's suffering. Good suffers from the suffering of others, and evil suffers from the happiness of others. Good is ashamed of its motives, and evil of its own. Therefore, good disguises itself under a small evil, and evil disguises itself under the greatest good ... ". Fedor Ivanovich believes that the right of free moral choice should remain with a person. But the human "I" should not be deformed under the pressure of external circumstances, otherwise, in the process of deformation, a person betrays his high moral ideals and evil will triumph over good.

The forces of evil in Dudintsev's novel are represented by heroes who are fighting to own the blessings of life alone. There are many. The figure of the "People's Academician" Ryadno embodies a particularly unbridled ignorance and a claim to absolute power. Living according to the laws of meanness, he is terrible because his cruelty and ignorance are invulnerable. The author explores the reasons for this invulnerability: “It was not the tsar who sent your Kasyan to us,” says Colonel Sveshnikov to Dezhkin, “not America. Arrived myself. At first, everyone looked around, dreamed, envied. Looking for moves. Then I set off on my way - to study what everyone was shouting about. So he flew from his own infinity ... ".

The author explains the vitality of meanness, evil, ignorance with the “folk spontaneity”, which was at that time “ comfortable screen for a career" and arbitrariness. It covers not only Ryadno. No wonder Colonel Sveshnikov puts General Assikritov on a par with Ryadno: “Both Kasyan and my Kolya flew to us from their own space, overflowing with envy. Envy and a dream of power… Position, authority, post… captain’s cabin, command bridge… These people are always right.” The figure of Ryadno's closest assistant, Saul Bruzzak, is painted with satirical colors. A predator by nature, he puts on a mask of naivety.

The scammer Krasnov, like Saul, disguises his evil with good intentions. “And this evil intent passes unchanged from century to century, from law to law. This is the fact that proves the historical immutability of evil. Invariance". The writer cannot live in peace, seeing how people like his heroes: Ryadno, Bruzzak, Assikripov, Krasnov - "flaunt, deceiving others, with their borrowed attractiveness and big words." Dudintsev takes off their masks, and thus teaches the reader to recognize evil, to fight it. Lysenkoism dealt a blow not only to agriculture, animal husbandry, and the country's economy. She contributed to the destruction of spirituality. The lack of dynamism in the economy, the inculcation of cruelty and fear have led our society to moral degradation.

People who sowed the seeds of lies, ignorance, consumerism, self-interest became the masters of life. Those who lived true deed were either destroyed or expelled. V. Dudintsev, referring to critical moments our story, makes the reader extract moral lessons contributing to the awakening of the civic dignity of every person. Dudintsev's favorite heroes are characterized by the ability to maintain a high spirituality, regardless of the blows that fate inflicts on them. For Strigalev and Dezhkin, for Tsvyakh and Lena Blazhko, life develops in such a way that suffering becomes for them necessary condition the existence of good. They have suffered scientific discovery new frost-resistant potato variety, remaining true to its moral principles. They assert goodness at a high price - at the cost of suffering: “Potatoes! Hybrid! Food! This is not a moment of simple satiety. Experience concentrate. The taste of a dream. Evil is still an independent substance, and therefore suffering, as long as evil exists, will always be an attribute of good. In philosophical generalizations about good and evil, the true humanity of the author of "White Clothes" comes through.

Dudintsev is a master of parable-metaphors. His philosophical generalizations find expression in them. The metaphors "sleeping kidney", "honest pioneer", "skydiver", "hourglass" help to recognize good and evil. The "hourglass" embodies the idea of ​​the novel, "this graphic image our consciousness - how it relates to the surrounding world. The upper cone, which goes to infinity, is expanding all the time, this is the universe, the world that contains everything ... and the lower cone, which also goes to infinity, which has no bottom, is me ...

Until we have learned to write down our thoughts and feelings, ... until then, an unknown good person can live and act, hiding in the shadows, ready to fight against the tricks of evil ... Self-observation evil person not interested. His life is in the outer cone, among things. He is after them. He needs to be in outer space all the time, grabbing good things from under people's noses and showing everyone that he is a good-natured, noble donor. And all this disguise can be clearly seen by the good that has learned to see. The good that has befallen this difference will be in a favorable position. It's a superpower." This is how Fyodor Ivanovich Dezhkin defines the way of being. He is convinced that if a person betrays his conscience, life principles under the pressure of external circumstances, he is unable to maintain moral purity and then the evil in man wins. How can you save your soul? How to leave unobscured its light, which shows the way to truth and goodness?

Dudintsev proves that the ability to keep an unsullied conscience and pure soul, faith, and goodness, and justice in spite of tragic circumstances the external world depends only on the person himself. Those people who do not adapt to external circumstances always live according to the laws of truth. "White clothes" is the light of their pure souls. Cowards and opportunists in pursuit of the blessings of life disguise their insignificance with "white clothes" from someone else's shoulder. And so they are recognizable. An analysis of the path of Dudintsev's heroes to the truth equips us with the tools of goodness. Such tools can be the energy of the mind, a calm conscience, dissatisfaction with oneself, the ability to accept someone else's pain and compassion. The author convinces readers: a person must know what is good and evil; teaches to believe in the triumph of good and fight evil.

4. Characteristics of the images of the main characters

Fyodor Ivanovich Dezhkin was about thirty years old, short, narrow in the waist, walked. His broad, but thin face with a rather noticeable attentive nose was mobile, a fair-haired eyebrow sometimes rose with a bend, and this spoke of the habit of constantly thinking, characteristic of some scientists. There was a peculiarity in his face: a sharply defined groove on the upper lip passed to the lower one and ended in a deep curved fossa on the chin, it turned out that the lower part of the face was, as it were, crossed out by this distinct vertical. His steps were slow. This man needs proof, he does not take a word. His scientific struggle with opponents becomes a political struggle with dissidents, and he, an honest, intelligent, kind person, is tormented by the question: what is truth if the struggle for it causes evil? He believes that in order to make the right choice, a person should think not only about himself, but also about others, he believes that the freedom of moral choice should remain with a person. Fedor Ivanovich likes to communicate with smart people, he is good at intellectual conversations and knows how to answer the question put to him. He can gain confidence very quickly, he knows how to play a double game. This is the person who, if he takes up a just cause, does it to the end, and under no circumstances does he deviate from it. He has a rare gift to empathize with people and feel someone else's pain. Due to the increased attention to the people around him, Fedor Ivanovich sees them almost through and through. He has an extraordinary flair for truth and essence. He is constantly looking for the truth, doing everything in his power for other people, thereby trying to atone for his past sins. He takes the baton from the hands of his defeated comrades and almost miraculously brings it to the finish line.

Ivan Ilyich Strigalev is an example of high morality and inner purity, he is not very capable of intrigue and hypocrisy, he is an image of a person capable of thinking independently about what is good and what is bad. This is a real scientist who is obsessed with his ideas. This is the embodiment, so to speak, of pure spirit in all its extraordinary integrity. Ivan Ilyich is little capable of intrigues and pretense, of tricks and subterfuges, of disguised moves. He is unarmed in the face of the hardened Ryadno, the master of quackery. The purpose of his life is to create new varieties that are so necessary for the people, while he does not want to glorify himself, this is not the main thing for him. Strigalev believes that the well-being of the people is more important than glory.

Svetozar Alexandrovich Pososhkov is graceful and dexterous in everything he says and does. He has a huge daily work on himself behind him. He is armed with all the riches of world culture. It is not worldly incompetence that destroys him, but a tragic mistake. Remaining in his soul "the orthodox Weismannist-Morganist", he nonetheless defiantly renounces his views, humiliating himself even to the point of public repentance. A man who was once an "extra" child, and then an orphanage, Pososhkov is trying in this way to protect the fragile comfort of the House, which was actually acquired only in old age. But a tragic paradox occurs. An attempt to preserve the family hearth through betrayal turns into the destruction of the hearth. After that, the hero very successfully compared himself with Hamlet, wounded by a poisoned sword. No worldly blessings and conventions now have power over him. Having previously done everything possible to atone for his sin, Academician Pososhkov voluntarily parted with his life.

Sveshnikov, Colonel of State Security, who has long figured out the secret of power, is a bit of a cynic, in his heart admiring the honest scientist Ivan Ilyich. He, like Fedor Ivanovich, is trying to help Strigalev, but due to the fact that Fedor and Sveshnikov late saw each other as allies, they destroy Strigalev. And then he does everything in his power to save the "inheritance".

No wonder Krasnov was called a climber in the novel. A climber is a person who climbs up in an attempt to reach the top. So is Krasnov - he really wants to rise to Academician Ryadno, to get as close as possible to him, to become his "hand".

5. Place of the work in Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century

After the novel appeared in print in 1987, it immediately became a milestone in the history of modern Russian literature. The novel "White Clothes" was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1988.

I enjoyed reading this novel. The author accurately and in detail describes the fate of people, for disclosure ideological concept uses intricate comparisons that help to penetrate deeper into the novel. It clearly conveys the atmosphere of that time. The author of this novel gives the reader very informative and catchy thoughts, such as about the "hourglass", "iron pipe" or about the troubles that came from unreasonable confidence in one hundred percent rightness. This book makes you think about the meaning of life. After getting acquainted with this book, you can change your view of the world, it can help you choose moral guidelines V difficult decisions. Dudintsev managed to prove that it is possible to keep a pure conscience and a pure soul, faith in goodness and justice despite the tragic circumstances of the outside world, and all this depends only on the person himself. A book like this will leave a lasting impression on you.


1. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudintsev_Vladimir_Dmitrievich

2. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C1%E5%EB%FB%E5_%EE%E4%E5%E6%E4%FB_%28%F0%EE%EC%E0%ED%29

3. http://www.aphorisme.ru/about-authors/dudincev/?q=4812

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About the life and work of biologists. Based on a real conflict between the "People's Academician" Lysenko, who tried to use the post-war difficulties of the state to achieve personal power, planted pseudoscientific theories with the help of repression, which in the future became known as Lysenkoshchina, and scientists - supporters of "classical" genetics. The novel was published in 1986, thirty years after its completion, and was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1988.


Part I

The action of the novel begins in the fall of 1948, shortly after the August session of VASKhNIL. The main character, Fyodor Ivanovich Dezhkin, comes to small town where the Agricultural Institute is located. Together with a senior colleague, Vasily Stepanovich Tsvyakh, he must check whether the employees of the Department of Genetics and Breeding have “reorganized” and whether they support the new Michurin doctrine. In addition, Dezhkin's immediate supervisor, Academician Ryadno, has information that there is a "kublo" in the city, where researchers, graduate students and students are clandestinely engaged in forbidden science.

Once Dezhkin studied at this institute, so he has acquaintances in this city: his former teacher, academician Pososhkov, poet Innokenty Kondakov, former operetta artist Antonina Prokofievna Tumanova, NKVD colonel Mikhail Porfiryevich Sveshnikov. He meets each one shortly after his arrival.

The next day after his arrival, Dezhkin gets acquainted with the staff of the Department of Genetics and Breeding: the head of the department, Professor Natan Mikhailovich Kheyfets, the head of the laboratory, Ivan Ilyich Strigalev, who received the nickname "Trolleybus", the charming researcher Lenochka Blazhko, and the cytologists Vonlyarlyarsky. In the evening, Tumanova invites him to her place, where a company of employees of the troubled laboratory gathers. They discuss the question of what good is, and Dezhkin declares that “good is suffering,” because the desire to do a good deed arises at the sight of the suffering of another person. Zwiakh recalls his father's favorite quote: "These, clothed in white robes - who are they and where did they come from? They came from great tribulation" .

During the check, Dezhkin convicts Krasnov and Khoderyakin, supporters of Ryadno, of falsifying the results. Successful work Strigalyov, at first glance, they look like approved science, but Dezhkin aloud draws attention to the fact that they began to be conducted six months before the August session of VASKhNIL.

At a meeting of the institute, Zvyakh makes a report on the conclusions of the commission. They contain only mild criticism of the non-reformed Professor Heifetz and the wish to strengthen the department with a couple of “correct” scientists who would help “to realize mistakes”. However, the favorable decision of the commission does not save the disgraced geneticists. Strigalyov's graduate student Anzhela Shamkova, at the instigation of the rector Varichev and Anna Bogumilovna Pobiyakho, an employee of the institute, makes a report in which she informs on her supervisor. She reports that there were two journals in the laboratory: one fake, corresponding to Michurin science, and the other, real, genetic. Strigalev is forced to admit that he is engaged in a forbidden science, he refuses to renounce it. Kheifetz, shocked by the reigning meanness, declares that he does not want to work in such a team.

The next day, an order is issued in which Dezhkin is appointed acting head of the department of genetics and selection and head of the problem laboratory. Strigalev and Kheifets were fired from the institute. Classic textbooks on genetics and portraits of genetic scientists are burned in the household yard.

Dezhkin comes home to Strigalev. He tells how, with the help of colchicine, he received at one time a new variety of potatoes "May Flower" and gave authorship to Ryadno for the right to work quietly. Dezhkin is struck by the fact that Strigalev and Ryadno met, as well as by the fact that the variety for which he honored the academician was actually created by another person. He finally goes over to the side of genetics. After some time, Strigalev confides his secret to him: he is working on a new very promising potato variety, which should be obtained by hybridizing an existing variety with the wild Solyanum Contumax potato variety. It is impossible to achieve hybridization in a natural way, the original parent plant of Contumax is a polyploid obtained using the same colchicine. The deed is almost done and it is very important that there is a person who will bring the matter to the end, if something happens, and will not allow Ryadno to take possession of a new variety.

In parallel with everything that is happening, Dezhkin and Lenochka start an affair. However, Dezhkina is worried that Lenochka goes somewhere all the time, without saying where.

Academician Ryadno arrives at the institute and gives his “son” Dezhkin a task: to get a new variety from the “legacy” of the Trolleybus.

Part II

Dezhkin and Lenochka decide to get married. The registry office is closed that day, so Dezhkin simply moves in with Lenochka, and they begin to live together. Lenochka still goes somewhere, Dezhkin one day, in a fit of jealousy, follows her and ends up at a “kubla” meeting, where underground geneticists watch educational film brought from abroad. There he discovers, among others, Krasnov. Dezhkin is trying to convince Strigalyov that Krasnov is Ryadno's man and he must be urgently removed from the underground group, but to no avail.

At night, they come to Lena's apartment and report that Strigalev's student Sasha Zhukov, who was taking a foreign film to Moscow, has been arrested. Lenochka is horrified and cannot help suspecting Dezhkin, since the arrest followed his appearance at the kuble meeting. She asks for a "temporary divorce", and Dezhkin goes to his hotel. In fact, Krasnov was the scammer. On the same night, the NKVD arrests all the participants in the kuble, only Strigalev manages to escape. After some time, he comes to Dezhkin and tells in detail how to grow a new variety. For some more time, Strigalev manages to hide, but he is gradually "covered". Then he is going to run away somewhere, but first he wants to show Dezhkin where the Contumax is planted on his site. They meet at night, but they still cannot go into the courtyard - there is an ambush. Strigalev is trying to quietly leave the neighborhood of his house, he is caught. Dezhkin at this time meets Sveshnikov in the bushes, who wanted to find Strigalev before his boss, General Assikritov, and save him from arrest.

Part III

Dezhkin is trying to complete the task given by Strigalev. He hides seedlings first at Tumanova, then at Sveshnikov. As a result, he manages to get berries and polyploids. Academician Pososhkov goes to a conference in Sweden and reports on the creation of a new variety, presenting photographs. After returning, he commits suicide to avoid persecution.

Dezhkin is expelled from the institute for covert propaganda of Weismannism-Morganism. Meanwhile, the Danish scientist Madsen became extremely interested in the new variety and came to the USSR to personally meet Strigalev. Ryadno and Varichev are forced to offer Dezhkin a deal so that he impersonates Ivan Ilyich and tells the foreigner that there is no new variety. In the presence of spies, Dezhkin plays his role in front of Madsen, but when they are alone, he admits that he is not Strigalev and shows berries and polyploids. Madsen says that he knew this, he met Strigalev during the war, when Soviet troops liberated the Danes from the death camp.

Dezhkin understands that the last day of the Dane's stay is the last day he is free. At night, he skis out of the city with berries and polyploids.


The action of the epilogue takes place after the death of Stalin. All this time Dezhkin was hiding in the state farm, which was led by Tsvyakh. However, he is found and summoned to the KGB, where they report that the case is being reviewed. He is no longer being persecuted, the arrested geneticists are going to be released. However, Strigalev had already died in the camp.

At the building on the Lubyanka, Dezhkin meets Kondakov. He served time for a comic poem about a portrait of Stalin. Kondakov says that he disheveled to everyone in the cell how Sveshnikov burned a draft of this poem, trying to save the poet. Sveshnikov is also gone now.

Ryadno found himself in isolation, everyone turned away from him. Science is slowly regaining its rights.

Dezhkin and Lenochka are reunited. They have two sons, the eldest of whom, Fedya, was born in the camp after Lena's arrest.

Main characters

In "white clothes"

  • Dezhkin Fedor Ivanovich
  • Strigalev Ivan Ilyich (Trolleybus), head of the problem laboratory
  • Elena Vladimirovna Blazhko, researcher
  • Pososhkov Svetozar Alekseevich, Academician
  • Sveshnikov Mikhail Porfiryevich, colonel of the MGB
  • Poray Boris Nikolaevich (Uncle Borik)
  • Tsvyakh Vasily Stepanovich, breeder - gardener
  • Kheifets Natan Mikhailovich, Professor
  • Babich Zhenya, student
  • Tumanova Antonina Prokofievna, former leading operetta actress


  • Ryadno Kassian Damianovich (Kasyan Demyanovich) - "People's Academician", deputy. President of VASKhNIL
  • Krasnov Kim Savelyevich (alpinist), born Prokhor Breveshkov, renounced his father during dispossession
  • Assikritov Nikolai (Parachutist) - General of the MGB
  • Varichev Petr Leonidovich, Rector of the Institute
  • Pobiyaho Anna Bogumilovna, breeder - "Michurinets", however, she brought her wheat varieties from irradiated "freaks"
  • Shamkova Anzhela Danilovna - post-graduate student
  • Bruzzak Saul Borisovich - professor, "left" hand of academician Ryadno

Screen adaptations

In 1992, the novel was filmed by Leonid Belozorovich.

Additional Information

In 2013, the novel was included in the list of " 100 books"Recommended for schoolchildren by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for independent reading.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the White Robes (novel)

"Where are they going?" thought Rostov.
Five minutes later Denisov entered the booth, climbed onto the bed with dirty feet, angrily smoked his pipe, scattered all his belongings, put on his whip and saber, and began to leave the dugout. To the question of Rostov, where? he answered angrily and vaguely that there was a case.
- Judge me there God and great sovereign! - said Denisov, leaving; and Rostov heard the feet of several horses splashing through the mud behind the booth. Rostov did not even bother to find out where Denisov had gone. Having warmed himself in his corner, he fell asleep, and before evening he had just left the booth. Denisov has not yet returned. Evening cleared up; near a neighboring dugout, two officers with a cadet were playing pile, laughingly planting radishes in the loose, dirty earth. Rostov joined them. In the middle of the game, the officers saw wagons approaching them: 15 hussars on thin horses followed them. The wagons escorted by the hussars drove up to the hitching posts, and a crowd of hussars surrounded them.
“Well, Denisov was grieve all the time,” said Rostov, “so the provisions have arrived.”
- And that! the officers said. - That's a happy soldier! - Denisov rode a little behind the hussars, accompanied by two infantry officers, with whom he was talking about something. Rostov went to meet him.
“I warn you, captain,” said one of the officers, thin, small in stature and apparently angry.
“After all, he said that I wouldn’t give it back,” Denisov answered.
- You will answer, captain, this is a riot - to beat off transports from your own! We didn't eat for two days.
“But they didn’t eat mine for two weeks,” Denisov answered.
- This is robbery, answer, sir! – raising his voice, repeated the infantry officer.
- What are you doing to me? A? - shouted Denisov, suddenly heated up, - I will answer, not you, but you don’t buzz around here while you are safe. March! he shouted at the officers.
- It's good! - not shy and not driving away, the little officer shouted, - to rob, so I will ...
- To chog "that march with a quick step, while intact." And Denisov turned his horse to the officer.
“Good, good,” the officer said threateningly, and turning his horse, rode away at a trot, shaking in the saddle.
- A dog for God's sake, live dog on zabog "e," Denisov said after him, "the highest mockery of a cavalryman over a mounted infantryman, and, having driven up to Rostov, burst out laughing.
- Recaptured from the infantry, recaptured the transport by force! - he said. “Well, why don’t people die of hunger?”
The wagons that drove up to the hussars were assigned to an infantry regiment, but, having been informed through Lavrushka that this transport was coming alone, Denisov with the hussars recaptured it by force. The soldiers were handed out crackers at will, even shared with other squadrons.
The next day, the regimental commander called Denisov to him and told him, closing his eyes with open fingers: “I look at it like this, I don’t know anything and I won’t start business; but I advise you to go to the headquarters and there, in the food department, settle this matter, and, if possible, sign that you received so much food; otherwise, the demand is written to the infantry regiment: things will rise and may end badly.
Denisov went directly from the regimental commander to the headquarters, with sincere desire follow his advice. In the evening he returned to his dugout in a position in which Rostov had never seen his friend before. Denisov could not speak and was suffocating. When Rostov asked him what was the matter with him, he only uttered incomprehensible curses and threats in a hoarse and weak voice ...
Frightened by the position of Denisov, Rostov offered him to undress, drink water and sent for a doctor.
- To judge me for g "azboy - oh! Give me more water - let them judge, but I will, I will always beat the scoundrels, and I will tell the sovereign." Give me some ice, he said.
The regimental doctor who came said that it was necessary to bleed. A deep plate of black blood came out of Denisov's hairy hand, and then only he was able to tell everything that had happened to him.
“I’m coming,” Denisov said. “Well, where is your boss here?” Showed. Wouldn't you like to wait. “I have a service, I arrived 30 miles away, I have no time to wait, report back.” Well, this chief thief comes out: he also took it into his head to teach me: This is robbery! “Robbery, I say, is not done by the one who takes food to feed his soldiers, but by the one who takes it to put it in his pocket!” So you don't want to be silent. "Fine". Sign, he says, with the commission agent, and your case will be handed over on command. I go to the commissioner. I enter - at the table ... Who is it ?! No, you think! ... Who is starving us, - Denisov shouted, hitting the table with his fist of his sore hand so hard that the table almost fell and the glasses jumped on it, - Telyanin !! “How are you starving us?!” Once, once in the face, deftly it had to be ... “Ah ... rasprotakoy and ... began to roll. On the other hand, I am amused, I can say, - Denisov shouted, joyfully and angrily baring his white teeth from under his black mustache. “I would have killed him if they hadn’t taken him away.”
“But why are you screaming, calm down,” said Rostov: “here again the blood has gone. Wait, you need to bandage it. Denisov was bandaged and put to bed. The next day he woke up cheerful and calm. But at noon the adjutant of the regiment, with a serious and sad face, came to the common dugout of Denisov and Rostov and regretfully showed the uniform paper to Major Denisov from the regimental commander, in which inquiries were made about yesterday's incident. The adjutant said that things were about to take a very bad turn, that a military judicial commission had been appointed, and that, with real severity regarding the looting and willfulness of the troops, in happy occasion, the case may end in dismissal.
The case was presented by the offended in such a way that, after repulsing the transport, Major Denisov, without any call, appeared in a drunken state to the chief provisions master, called him a thief, threatened to beat him, and when he was taken out, he rushed to the office, beat two officials and dislocated one arm.
Denisov, to Rostov's new questions, laughingly said that it seemed that some other one had turned up here, but that all this was nonsense, trifles, that he did not even think to be afraid of any courts, and that if these scoundrels dare to bully him, he will answer them so that they will remember.
Denisov spoke dismissively about the whole affair; but Rostov knew him too well not to notice that in his heart (hiding this from others) he was afraid of the court and was tormented by this affair, which, obviously, was supposed to have bad consequences. Every day, paper requests began to arrive, demands for the court, and on the first of May Denisov was ordered to hand over the squadron to the senior officer and report to the headquarters of the division for explanations on the case of the riot in the provisions commission. On the eve of this day, Platov made reconnaissance of the enemy with two Cossack regiments and two squadrons of hussars. Denisov, as always, rode ahead of the chain, flaunting his courage. One of the bullets fired by the French riflemen hit him in the flesh of the upper leg. Maybe at another time Denisov would not have left the regiment with such a light wound, but now he took advantage of this opportunity, refused to appear in the division and went to the hospital.

In June, the Battle of Friedland took place, in which the Pavlogradites did not participate, and after it a truce was announced. Rostov, who felt hard the absence of his friend, having had no news of him since his departure and worrying about the course of his case and wounds, took advantage of the truce and asked to go to the hospital to visit Denisov.
The hospital was located in a small Prussian town, twice ruined by the Russians and French troops. Precisely because it was summer, when the field was so good, this place, with its broken roofs and fences and its filthy streets, ragged inhabitants and drunken and sick soldiers wandering around it, presented a particularly gloomy spectacle.
In a stone house, in the yard with the remains of a dismantled fence, frames and glass broken in part, there was a hospital. Several bandaged, pale and swollen soldiers walked and sat in the yard in the sun.
As soon as Rostov entered the door of the house, he was overwhelmed by the smell of a rotting body and a hospital. On the stairs he met a Russian military doctor with a cigar in his mouth. A Russian paramedic followed the doctor.
“I can’t burst,” said the doctor; - come to Makar Alekseevich in the evening, I'll be there. The paramedic asked him something else.
- E! do as you know! Isn't it all the same? The doctor saw Rostov going up the stairs.
“Why are you, your honor?” the doctor said. - Why are you? Or the bullet did not take you, so you want to get typhus? Here, father, is the house of the lepers.
- From what? Rostov asked.
- Typhoid, father. Whoever ascends - death. Only the two of us with Makeev (he pointed to the paramedic) are chatting here. At this point, five of our brother doctors died. As soon as the new one arrives, he’ll be ready in a week,” the doctor said with visible pleasure. - Prussian doctors were called, so our allies do not like it.
Rostov explained to him that he wished to see the hussar major Denisov lying here.
“I don’t know, I don’t know, father. After all, you think, I have three hospitals for one, 400 patients too! It’s also good, the Prussian ladies of the benefactor send us coffee and lint at two pounds a month, otherwise they would be lost. He laughed. - 400, father; and they keep sending me new ones. After all, there are 400? A? He turned to the paramedic.
The paramedic had exhausted look. He evidently waited with annoyance to see if the chattering doctor would leave soon.
“Major Denisov,” repeated Rostov; - he was wounded near Moliten.
- Looks like he's dead. What about Makeev? the doctor asked the paramedic indifferently.
The paramedic, however, did not confirm the words of the doctor.
- Why is he so long, reddish? the doctor asked.
Rostov described Denisov's appearance.
“There was, there was such a person,” the doctor said as if joyfully, “this one must have died, but I can handle it, I had lists. Do you have it, Makeev?
“Makar Alekseich has the lists,” said the paramedic. “But come to the officers’ chambers, you’ll see for yourself there,” he added, turning to Rostov.
“Oh, it’s better not to go, father,” said the doctor, “otherwise you don’t stay here yourself.” - But Rostov bowed to the doctor and asked the paramedic to accompany him.
"Don't blame me," the doctor shouted from under the stairs.

Roman V.D. Dudintseva "White clothes"

Roman V.D. Dudintsev "White Clothes" is based on a real conflict between Stalin's favorite "People's Academician" T.D. Lysenko, who carried out their own pseudoscientific theories with the help of repressions, and genetic scientists devoted to the truth, forced to conduct double life, to resort to all sorts of tricks, hiding from the state security agencies and their voluntary spies. Exploring the secret springs of the system that allow charlatans to take over, Dudintsev dynamically and sharply builds a plot, turns to philosophy, theology, history, combines High style and biblical pathos depicting the difficult post-war life.

In the novel, all the characters are divided into two oppositions. These are the heroes of Good and the heroes of Evil (evil is vividly represented in the Lysenkoites and their henchmen). The former include Dezhkin, Strigalev, Pososhkov, Sveshnikov, Blazhko, Tumanova, Kondakov, Tsvyakh, Poray. To the second - Ryadno, Bruzzak, Shamkova, Vonlyarlyarsky, Krasnov (Breveshkov), Assikritov, Varichev, Pobiyakho and others. Following Yu. Chernichenko, who noted that Academician Ryadno "represents a whole menagerie," we established that the heroes of Evil and Good are compared with animals. This comparison can be expanded in terms of two positions:

1) the beast can be considered as a symbol of aggression, everything wild in a person;

2) the animal is perceived as a source of wisdom and strength due to its involvement in the secrets of nature.

"These earrings made her look like a chicken" (to Shamkova). Chicken - Africa's guide to afterworld; was used as a sacrifice to summon spirits [tresidder, p.182-183]. Anzhela Shamkova appears as a kind of victim in the hands of Anna Bogumilovna Pobiyakho, who demands that she give up her supervisor Strigalev.

"Saul Bruzzhak," dwarf male ". ... Kasyan brought him to feel the air here with his unmistakable fish lips" . The fish is a positive, early Christian symbol of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself draws an analogy between catching fish and turning people into new faith[tresidder, p.316-317]. This symbol in the novel, in our opinion, turns over and has a negative connotation. Just as Jesus converted people to a new faith, so Sal Bruzzak converted people to the Michurinist, pseudoscientific direction in biology.

"Strigalev squinted with a deep bull's eye." The bull in iconography represented death and rebirth. With this image sounds the idea of ​​a frank mockery of death [tresidder, p.31-33]. So, in the image of Ivan Ilyich, the idea of ​​the immortality of man as a creator, who continues to live in his created creations, is revealed: "This is one of the best varieties in the world. ... this is not a variety, but a person. … I'm afraid he's gone. If so, he has become a potato and will feed millions of people with his body. You put this certificate in those pages where the testimony of Ivan Ilyich Strigalev. You will see how the lines will bleed ... ". This thought in the epilogue of the novel goes to another, more high level. It is connected with the Gospel episode about Christ, who at the Last Supper bequeathed to his disciples to perform the rite of communion, eating wine and bread as a symbol of the blood and body of Christ. So, in the epilogue, Vasily Stepanovich Tsvyakh utters one of the main thoughts in the novel: "Potato ... Hybrid! Food! ... This concentrate. The concentrate of the experience. The taste of a dream. You don’t even dare to eat, as you remember everything that was around it. And you begin to understand the words ... What is embedded in this expression: "This is my flesh." ... "

"Dezhkin is like a fish." The fish has become a symbol of deep inner life hiding under the surface of things [Andreeva, p.430]. so deep, inner life and led main character when he worked on the preservation of the potato variety bred by Strigalev. Dezhkin is also compared with a bird, symbolizing the embodiment of wisdom, intellect, lightning speed of thought [tresidder, p.293-295]. It is the main character Dezhkin who owns reasoning about good and evil, the creation of a metaphor-mythologeme hourglass. There is also a comparison of the protagonist in the novel with such a negative image-symbol as a badger ("it took off like a badger in the forest"). In Japan, a badger is a cunning with an evil character, the hero of many fairy tales, is depicted as an egoist, a rogue, taking care of his belly [tresidder, p.21]. Perhaps such a comparison is justified by the fact that the hero puts on a mask and enters the bosom of enemies, the bosom of the heroes of Evil, so that in the future evil will be defeated.

It is important to note that the moral essence of the heroes of Good and Evil helps to reveal the details. Thus, throughout the novel, the color of the eyes, the smile, the gaze of the heroes of the two oppositions are contrasted and compared.

Good Heroes:

"shining caress look" Blazhko;

"his (Dezhkin's) infrequent smiles delighted the interlocutor, like long-awaited gaps";

"honest eyebrows" Blazhko;

"childish smile" Sveshnikov;

"bold gray eyes" Sasha Zhukov;

"crazy bright eyes" Kondakov;

"deep bull's eye" Strigalev;

"fire burned in the eyes" Pososhkova;

"black eyes shine invitingly" Tumanova;

Dezhkin's "soft cool Titian look".

Heroes of Evil:

"indifferent eyes" Varicheva;

Krasnov's "porcelain eyes of an insolent person";

"tin eyes" Ryadno;

"bulging eyes" in Vonlyarlyarsky.

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