Conscience is the moral guide of a person. What examples of conscience from life can be cited


Lesson summary of the lesson "Basics religious cultures and secular ethics"

3rd year student of GBPOU SO "Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College" Anchugova Anastasia Dmitrievna.

Lesson topic: Conscience

Target: the formation of the concept of "conscience" among students as one of the moral and ethical values ​​of society
Planned results:
Personal: students show the development of independence and responsibility for their actions based on the concept of conscience as a moral and ethical value of society, show goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people.
Metasubject: show personal UUD(self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical assessment); regulatory UUD(goal setting, control, correction, evaluation, volitional self-regulation); cognitive UUD(formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of information, semantic reading, analysis, comparison, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, proof); communicative UUD(planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers, the ability to accurately express one's thoughts, asking questions).
Subject: students are familiar with the concept of "conscience", distinguish between the concepts of "Shame" and "Conscience"
Learning principles:
Operation principle
Continuity principle
The principle of integrity
Minimax principle
The principle of systematic and consistent learning
The principle of psychological comfort
The principle of visibility
Principles of education:
Creating a positive emotional uplift
Education through interaction
Education methods:
Methods for the formation of social experience: pedagogical requirement, an exercise;
Methods for stimulating and correcting the actions and attitudes of children in educational process: promotion.
Methods for children to comprehend their social experience: conversation, artistic word
Teaching methods:
According to the source of obtaining knowledge: verbal (explanation, conversation, story), practical (exercises), visual (demonstration);
By didactic purposes: methods of forming skills and abilities, applying knowledge, methods of testing and evaluating knowledge;
According to the level of inclusion in productive activity: partially exploratory, problematic presentation of what is being studied;
Development Methods cognitive interest: stimulation with entertaining content, creation of situations of creative search;
Methods for the formation of responsibility: the formation of an understanding of personal significance;
Methods of organizing interaction and accumulation of social experience: temporary work in pairs, groups.
Forms of organization of students' activities: individual, pair, frontal
Means of education:
demo: presentation, video fragment, music, task cards
individual: textbook, pencil, pen, task cards, reflection cards, puzzle pieces
Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new knowledge and methods of action (learning new material).
Lesson structure:
1. Organizational and motivational stage
2. Preparing students for work at the main stage of the lesson
3. Planning and setting learning objectives
4. Stage of discovery of new knowledge and ways of action
5. The stage of primary verification of understanding of what has been studied
6. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of activity
7. Stage of application of knowledge and methods of action
8. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge
9. Stage of control of knowledge and methods of action
10. Homework information stage
11. The stage of summing up the lesson and reflection of activities

During the classes

1. Organizational and motivational stage
Teacher: Hello guys. Organize, please, your workplace, remove extraneous things from the desks.
Sit down.
The more we know, the more we can
The more experience we gain.
Experience will help you succeed
To cherished dream will lead us!
2. Preparing students for work at the main stage of the lesson
Teacher: Guys, in the previous lessons you got acquainted with what honor and dignity, guilt and shame are. Let's remember the definitions of these concepts (students correlate the concept with the definition on the smart board)

Teacher: Today we will meet another very important quality person. What kind of quality, you will learn by carefully listening to my story.
“One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the person’s mood was bad, or something else, he just threw fragments of broken glass into this mug - and he went on.
Teacher: Who are the heroes of this story? What activities are described?
What do you think happened next?
Let's read on.
“It's been 30 years. This man has achieved everything in life. And children, and grandchildren, and money, and good house, and universal respect - he already had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. It was as if something inside sat and gnawed at his soul, did not let him sleep.
teacher: How does this man feel?
What do you think the hero of the story will do?
“And in his declining years, he decided to find a blind man and ask for forgiveness. He came to the city where he was born and raised, and the blind man still sits in the same place with the same mug.
- Do you remember, many years ago someone threw you in a mug broken glass- it was me. Forgive me, said the man.
“I threw away those fragments on the same day, and you carried them in your heart for 30 years,” the blind man replied.

Teacher: Guys, what fragments was the blind man talking about?
What "sat" inside the man?
Students: conscience sat inside the man
Teacher: Which main idea this text?
You probably already guessed what our lesson will be devoted to? Name the topic of the lesson.
Students: The theme of our lesson is conscience.
3. Planning and setting learning objectives
Teacher: Take the cards, please, and mark with a “+” sign what you already know about conscience and what you want to know.

Teacher: Based on what you would like to know about conscience, formulate the objectives of the lesson.
4. Stage of discovery of new knowledge and ways of action
Teacher: Guys, do you think shame and conscience are the same thing?
What do you need to know to answer this question?
Students: To do this, you need to know the definition of the word "conscience"
Teacher: Open the 48th page of the textbook, read the first two paragraphs. Find the definition of the word conscience and find common and different features between shame and conscience.
(Shame is a difficult experience of shame in front of other people for one’s behavior. Conscience is shame in front of oneself)
Teacher: What is the difference between shame and conscience?
Teacher: The word conscience is a Church Slavonic word. Literally, conscience is translated as “holy news”, that is, correlation with what is holy, true, is not subject to any editing.
The very word "conscience" carries a lot of information. Let's try to listen to the word CONSCIENCE and make other words out of these letters, only so that each letter is used in the word only once. Write these words in your notebooks.
Teacher: Guys, let's check what words you made up.
Teacher: Each of your words has its own meaning. Let's find out what they mean.

Teacher: Conscience is a feeling that is peculiar only to a person, a sense of responsibility to oneself and to other people for one's actions. Therefore, conscience develops and is brought up in a person.
5. The stage of primary verification of understanding of what has been studied
Teacher: Let's answer the next question. What is conscience for? To do this, let's read a parable. The parable is on the card. As you read, remember that there is a life lesson hidden in it. Determine main idea works. And also come up with 2 questions in pairs about the main idea of ​​the parable. Chamomile Bloom will help you in drafting questions.

Parable. Once a man's conscience told him that he was wrong, another, a third ...
On the fourth he decided to get rid of her. Yes, not for a day or two - forever!
I thought and thought about how to do it, and thought of ...
- Come on, - he says, - conscience, play hide and seek!
“No,” she says. - You will deceive me anyway - you will peep!
Then the man pretended to be completely sick and said:
- I got sick of something ... Bring me some milk from the cellar!
Her conscience could not refuse him this. Went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!
He called his friends to the joys and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended the other, and when they began to take offense, he completely drove everyone out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - good at heart, calm.
It’s good, it’s good, but only a day has passed, another, but something began to be missed by a person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such anguish fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.
- All right, - he says, - come out! Just don't order now!
And in response - silence.
He went down to the cellar: there, here - there is no conscience anywhere!
Apparently, indeed, got rid of her forever ...
The man sobbed:
How can I live without a conscience now?
And suddenly he hears a quiet, very quiet voice. Not from the cellar - in the heart:
- Here am I…
A man called to the joys of his friends, apologized and arranged such a feast for them here!
Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not mind. And not at all because I was afraid to be in the basement again.
After all, if you look, that's how it was.

Teacher: Guys, how would you title this parable?
Now think about the questions you came up with. The first row will ask its questions to the third row, the third row will address its questions to the second row, and the questions of the second row will be answered by the first row.
Teacher: So all the same, did a person manage to hide his conscience? Why?
Here we spread our hands
As if they were surprised.
And each other to the ground
They bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straighten up
Bent over, straightened up.
Down, down, don't be lazy
Bow and smile.
6. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of activity
Teacher: Guys, express your assumption about how conscience works.
What is the importance of conscience in human life?
Among the people, very strong expressions are used with the word conscience, for example, such as: “conscience gnaws”, “conscience does not let you sleep”. What other expressions with the word "conscience" do you know?
The first option will think about the meaning of the expression "conscience gnaws",
The second option considers the meaning of the phrase "conscience sleeps",
3 - "clear conscience",
4 - "conscience spoke",
5 - "pangs of conscience",
6 - "agree with your conscience."
Teacher: Now we are listening carefully to the speakers.
Teacher: Guys, I suggest we build a model of conscience. Each pair has a card with a proverb on the desk. You need to discuss the meaning of this proverb in pairs, and choose a synonym keyword from the aphorism, (possibly a phrase), to get a definition of the type of conscience - this is (what?) Wisdom. And write it down on a piece of the puzzle. When you're done, we'll put this puzzle together. Who does not understand the work that we are doing now?
1. Conscience is the best moral book we have and should be looked into most often. (Blaise Pascal)
2. The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law. (I. Kant)
3. Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which illuminates only the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, brings it to life, and, following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case. (A.V. Suvorov)
4. Conscience is our inner judge, unerringly testifying to how much our actions deserve respect. (P.A. Golbach)
5. Conscience is basically memory, which is joined by a moral assessment of what has been done. (D.S. Likhachev)
6. I believe that conscience is fear, in everyone individual person guarding the rules that society has developed for its own safety. (S. Maugham)
7. Conscience is inner voice, warning that someone is following us. (G.L. Mencken)
8. Conscience - realized by reason and experienced by feeling moral standard. (Seneca)
9. Conscience is a moral lamp that illuminates the good path; but when they turn to a bad one, they break it. (G. Hegel)
10. Conscience is a personal hiding place in which spiritual qualities its owner. (I. Golyuk)
11. Conscience is the emotional guardian of beliefs. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
12. Conscience is the faithful leader of people's lives. Beware of everything that your conscience disapproves of. (L.N. Tolstoy)
Teacher: Now, in turn, the couples will come out, read how they defined conscience and attach their card to the board.
Teacher: Guys, based on the definitions that you wrote, you will agree that Conscience is our inner judge that lives in each of us.
Before choosing, conscience tells us what we should do. After a mistake, conscience works like an alarm: “It’s impossible! Fix it!")
The whole life of a person consists of such situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make a mistake, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad.
7. The stage of applying knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: To become dexterous and strong, the body is exercised; in order to learn to solve problems well, people exercise the mind. Is it possible to exercise conscience? How?
It is necessary to force the conscience to constantly work, to perform exercises. The exercise of conscience is inner work mind and heart, when a person thinks about what he did good and bad during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of other people. With such work, the conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person.
Let's look at three situations. How to act according to conscience? Let's try to hear the voice of conscience.
Form groups of 4 people.
Situation one.
The teacher had to leave the classroom at the lesson on time control work, and she asked Katya to look after the students so that no one would cheat. Some guys cheated, of course. When the teacher returned to the classroom, she asked Katya if anyone had cheated (it is known that they will put a deuce for this). The teacher trusts Katya. What should Katya do and why?
Situation two.
You copied the entire dictation from a neighbor on the desk. But the teacher gave the neighbor a "3", and you "5", because he did not notice two mistakes that he saw in her notebook. Your actions?
Situation three.
On the spring holidays you and your class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Preparations are underway for happy trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and poured foam over the entire floor in the office. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one confesses. Then classroom teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled. Did you know that your friend ripped the faucet off the fire extinguisher. How can you act wisely in this situation?
(Highly important point! The conversation should be reduced to conscientious person actively helped others to act according to their conscience, and did not "sneak". In the first case, Katya, addressing the class, would ask those who cheated to confess themselves. Similarly in the third case. A friend must convince a friend to be brave and answer for his act).
8. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge
Teacher: Guys, let's listen to the groups, what situation was offered to them and how they will act (because there are three situations, and there are more groups, then one group will come out, and the rest will complement)
And everyone else listens carefully to each other, and prepares to complement and ask questions.
Does anyone think differently? What would you like to add?
Teacher: The most important thing in a person's life is to be in harmony with his conscience. You need to be able to listen to her, act according to her prompts.
But what to do if you stumbled, made a mistake and acted against your conscience.
Sometimes they say "conscience is like a splinter"
I wonder why?
An unclean conscience is like a SPLINTER that constantly reminds of itself, whines, itches, depriving a person of joy and peace.
If our conscience began to disturb us, annoy us, what medicine should we turn to?
This medicine is called REPENTANCE.
The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals the human soul. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases before which medicine is powerless, remorse heals. “The sword does not cut a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.
Think for a moment, has it ever happened that your conscience tormented you for some act? Maybe repentance will help heal your spiritual wound. (no discussion)
9. Stage of control of knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: Guys, what kind of person is called conscientious?
People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious.
Conscientiousness - feature Russian person. Let's try to "Draw" a portrait of a conscientious person (on the cards individually). Write the missing words in the text.

D.S. Likhachev raises the problem of conscience.

To draw the attention of readers to this problem, the author asks questions: “What does a person need? How to live life? Likhachev is convinced that a person, first of all, should not commit any acts that would “drop” dignity. The writer leads us to the idea that people should act according to their conscience, guided by the laws of morality.

Involving readers in a difficult conversation about conscience, the author says that "a person should not go against his own conscience", "should not make a deal with it." The purpose of the author is to convince readers that a person should act according to conscience even in everyday, everyday life.

From Likhachev's point of view, conscience prompts us, teaches us, helps us not to violate ethical standards to preserve dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

One cannot but agree with this, because conscience can be called the most important characteristic the soul of a person, because it is she who is the inner judge, who tells how a person should act in a given situation.

Many Russian writers touched upon the problem of conscience. One of them is Vasil Bykov, whose works make one think about the spiritual needs of a person. Let's turn to the story "Obelisk".

The main character is Ales Moroz. This is a rural teacher, deeply loving students, devoted to his work. The policemen seized his pupils and promised to let them go if Frost surrendered. The teacher acted according to his conscience, hastened to help the children, although he knew that he would die.

When Pavlik Miklashevich, the only survivor of the guys, faced the question of choosing a life path, he became a teacher and carried the ideas of his mentor through life's trials.

This indicates that an act of conscience is not depreciated.

The story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram" cannot leave anyone indifferent. The heroine of the story is Katerina Petrovna. She is an old and lonely woman. Forgotten by her daughter, she lives out her last days lonely. Watchman Tikhon really cares about Katerina Petrovna. Conscience does not allow him to leave her alone.

He is a stranger to Katerina Petrovna, and pities her more than own daughter. It is he who is next to an elderly woman in her last minutes. Nastya leaves her mother alone. Arriving in Zaborye, she does not find Katerina Petrovna alive. She will never forgive herself for this, all her life she will be tormented by remorse.

The concept of conscience is closely intertwined with morality and honor and forms a strong inner backbone of a person. Acts of conscience allow a person to live in harmony with himself and with the outside world.

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Updated: 2017-05-21

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Does a person need a conscience?

In Shchedrin's fairy tale "Conscience Lost" people begin to suffer when the judgment dictated by conscience wakes up in them. Wishing to get rid of the unnecessary “things” as soon as possible, “unfortunate drunkards”, merchants and representatives of the wealthy bourgeoisie give gifts, toss them into the pocket of the inattentive, give Conscience to just anyone. It is no longer valuable to anyone - rather, people will call it a curse, a terrible disease, because when it wakes up, its owners, people with unclean hearts, suddenly become vile and painful in their souls.

And if we imagine that the people have lost all the remaining rudiments of conscience in an instant forever? It is impossible to describe this darkness into which everything in the world will plunge. After all, conscience is the first virtue that makes us understand in time when it is worth stopping, otherwise something bad will happen.

A person without an internal regulator, which is conscience, is doomed to a difficult and terrible life path. He may mistakenly think that his conscience can do nothing to help him. But it is worth rethinking the end of the fairy tale “Conscience is lost”, it will not be timid and will want to manage everything on its own”, and on its basis there will arise: Fortitude, Justice, Faith in truth, so loved and sung by many honest and whole peoples, people will follow who wants to achieve the truth and is not afraid to pay for it with his stomach.

Does a person need a conscience? Let this person answer first: will she have the courage to own it?

(Tsaplina Olga, student of the 8th "B" class of the MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

It seems to me that conscience is an internal control. With it, a person weighs his actions. How terrible the world would be if conscience did not visit humanity at least occasionally.

For example, when a person goes to murder, robbery, does he realize it? Of course. But he stifles his conscience in every possible way. Even if people go unpunished and live with their sin, there are moments in their lives when everything emerges in their consciousness. This happens especially when death is near. Conscience burns the hearts of these people and makes them suffer.

And if a person has a conscience, and she does not sleep? He lives in peace, enjoys life. He is not afraid that he will have to give an account for his deeds and deeds. There are very few such people and there are fewer every day.

But a child is born with pure soul, with a clear conscience. Probably, it also depends on the family what character will be formed and what will happen to his conscience in the future.

(Zakorchemnaya Anna, student of 8 "B" class of MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

Conscience is one of miraculous gifts God given to us from above. It reveals the deepest qualities of our essence. It cannot be denied that conscience is inherent in man by nature.

There is hardly a person who does not have a voice in his soul. Conscience is the first deepest source of responsibility. A person's departure from conscience is fraught with dangers and troubles. This will continue until the return comes. The sooner and deeper humanity comprehends nature, the more clearly it will understand that neither life nor culture is possible on earth without conscience, and the more troubles and suffering will be prevented.

(Chabanenko Ekaterina, student of the 8th "B" class of the MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

Conscience is decisive driving force in personality development. The presence of conscience helps to evaluate your act in terms of rightness and wrongness. You can often hear a person say, “You have no conscience!” This means that a person does not look back at his actions and does not take any measures to correct the evil done. Conscience allows a person to be convinced of whether he is doing something good or something evil.

Remorse of conscience is familiar to everyone. For some people, their conscience would not allow them to compromise with their parents, family, and society as a whole. When you do well and your conscience is clear, you experience a pleasant state of mind, peace. Conscience is responsibility for one's own thoughts and actions.

(Kabychkin Pavel, student of 8 "B" class of MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

Conscience combined with the mind -

this is a good moral compass.

However, conscience without mind or mind without conscience -

it is a compass without an arrow or cardinal points.

What is conscience? Does a person need it? These questions got me thinking.

“Conscience is a feeling and consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior and actions to oneself,” such a definition is given in the dictionary, and I agree with it. However, having learned about the "heroine" from Shchedrin's fairy tale, one might think that now conscience is really just an annoying "habitant". No matter how you look at it, it's nothing but trouble everywhere. The world is cruel, you need to adapt to it, and honor in this "list of necessary improvements" does not appear at all.

And the first discrepancy between conscience and a comfortable and easy existence is fully manifested at work. To get promoted, you need to frame someone else. What to do in this situation? Here it is, the moral choice of everyone. But more important are the actions of those whose professions are by their nature built on lies and influence the fate of other people. For example, a lawyer. How will he act, protecting the criminal: to the detriment of his career, but for the good of society, or as an excellent specialist?

It turns out that not all people need a conscience. (And those who don’t need it would really come in handy).

But on the other hand, how cruel and unbearable a “shameless” world would be! Everyone has experienced dishonest treatment of themselves, and knows how unpleasant it is.

Yes, living with a conscience and a sense of duty to society is hard, but necessary. Indeed, with the right attitude, conscience will not be a burden that you want to throw off your shoulders as quickly as possible, but a faithful assistant.

Although there is a problem here: everyone's conscience is different - for someone this or that act is within the normal range, while the other is already squealing with indignation. Here it is important to correctly determine the boundaries of what is permitted for yourself, and act in life in such a way that there is simply no reason for mental anguish.

Having considered all this, I come to the conclusion that conscience is still needed. But only if she does better and won't clogged and forgotten in the deepest corner of my heart.

(Frank Anastasia, student of the 8th "B" class of the MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

During his life, every person at least once hears in his address: “You are shameless!” And what kind of person then is “conscientious” - “conscientious”?

A conscientious person is one who is aware of his actions, analyzes them, asks himself questions: “Am I doing the right thing?” “Maybe I offended someone?”

Everyone probably wants to be comprehensively healthy, and conscience is a kind of medicine that helps you feel more confident and better. To be conscientious is in the interests of any person. You do not lie - you do not have to make excuses, because a conscientious person first thinks and then does. You did something bad - you start to suffer and suffer, an overwhelming fear settles in your soul, and something inside says that something terrible has been done, something that will not let you live in peace until you remember what you have done and repent.

A conscientious person is inwardly superior to those who try to stifle in themselves the sprouts of goodness and piety. And sooner or later life will put everything in its place.

(Utkina Elena, student of the 9th "B" class of the MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

Conscience ... It is she who torments us every day. Sometimes, we want to get rid of this feeling, because it brings so much excitement. But after a while, this fuss in the soul disappears, and we again feel free. But for how long? After all, soon everything will start again and will continue again and again ... and so it will always be. The inner voice will repeat all the time: “You need to be responsible for your actions!” And then you sit down and think: “Why do we need a conscience?”

Everything has its purpose. In Shchedrin's fairy tale, conscience is a useless, greasy rag that no one wants to own. But why? After all, she is needed for something or is it just nerves? The fact is that the author of the fairy tale wanted to show that conscience exists so that a person understands when he does not act “according to his conscience”.

The heroes of the fairy tale do not want to worry about what they do and how they act, and therefore they drive an unhappy conscience away from themselves.

But can it happen that there is no trace of conscience? It's scary to think what will happen then! Universal void.

Each of us will sooner or later good lesson for ever hiding his conscience away and not listening to it. It’s not in vain that Shchedrin wrote the following ending in his fairy tale: “A little soul grows, and conscience grows with it ...”

It cannot leave our souls without a trace, because it was given to us from above at birth and “grows” with us.

(Kostenko Ekaterina, student of the 9th "B" class of the MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

The most important decoration is a clear conscience.


Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: Conscience - moral consciousness a person, expressed in the evaluation of his own and other people's actions, on the basis of a certain criterion of good and evil.

Everyone makes a choice for himself: to take the path of evil, or to serve faith and truth until the end of his days.

Conscience has no unit of measurement, it cannot be counted. It can only be felt. AT modern world, where violence, rudeness, theft and corruption are very often, we completely forget about what conscience is intended for, although this does not relieve us of responsibility, each of us is responsible for his actions. Forgetting about honor and conscience, closing our eyes to rules and obligations, we violate moral boundaries without noticing it ourselves.

What drives people in the moment of lack of reason? What to do if the soul goes against material values?

Everything is possible and depends on you. I think so, and I have several reasons for this. First, a person must pass with dignity the tests destined for him by fate.

Secondly, no matter how trite it may sound, the main thing is to help your neighbor in Hard time, do not offend the younger, and of course respect the elder, treats people with kindness.

Conscience is the source of happiness and the guarantee of truth. Why do people forget about it? The warmest, most tender, truly alive and sensual should be invested in a child from birth. So that from the first years of his life, the baby understands what is good and what is bad. How to do it is possible and even necessary, and what is not even worth trying. With age, of course, views on the same things change, but moral core, which has been developed since childhood, must definitely make itself felt. Experience comes with time, as well as intelligence, beauty, material wealth. A conscience, it either is, or it is not.

Today, kindergarten teaches us to be friends and work together, in a group, the school gives us an idea about adulthood, with all its negative sides: resentment, pain, humiliation, betrayal and much more. And only then, after studying at a university, a person chooses his own way of life. The most important thing is to live in such a way that you do not take a bad example from others, but that you are remembered as a worthy person, honest and conscientious.

(Viktoria Petrosyan, student of the 9th "B" class of the MAOU gymnasium No. 1)

What examples of conscience from life can you give?

  1. It seems to me that not everyone can write such an essay. Because many do not know what conscience is. Of course, everyone should have a conscience, but many people have become so evil, callous, cruel that they do not feel any conscience in themselves. And conscience is justice, goodness, decency, morality. In each of us there is such self-control that allows a person to evaluate his behavior and his actions. They say that you can’t run away from conscience and you can’t hide, conscience doesn’t let you sleep at night and it makes a person think. A person gets upset if he did not do the right thing. If a person wants to succeed quickly and dishonestly, then conscience is an enemy for him, because it does not allow him to live in peace for some time. Then a person gets used to it and goes over the heads of others without regretting anything. They say about such people that he lost his conscience. The Bible says that conscience is knowing oneself. We seem to look at ourselves from the outside and evaluate our actions. We encourage and praise ourselves, or our conscience torments us for bad deeds. Conscience is an instinct reasonable person it allows a person to understand that he is doing good or evil.
  2. I will give an example from my life, I had a classmate named E Arina and I will say that one time when we left the class I forgot in the class a handbag that looked like a rose and when I returned to class I looked there, I went there and met her on the stairs she didn’t have exactly the same bag as my bag and asked about it, she said yes, but I said otherwise my skill was exactly the same, I got lost and at that time I was very upset and she realized like a beast and gave me this mini bag but never confessed!
  3. For example, a man cheated on a woman, and then came to her house to ask for forgiveness with a bouquet of flowers. Or a girl stole a phone from a friend, but then thought about it and decided to return it.
    Conscience is manifested when a person realizes that he did wrong and is ready to correct his mistake.
  4. Well, let's say, in anger, you were going to incinerate someone, but your conscience reminds you of yourself.
    You see, Olga, conscience is a kind of censor of our mental apparatus, protecting us from various actions. Whether we listen to his voice or not is another matter. Where did conscience come from?
    First of all, I will say that we are not born with a conscience. This is a certain set of prohibitions that have come into our consciousness due to the upbringing that we receive while living in human society in the context of the accumulated culture. Once upon a time, at the dawn of mankind, there was no conscience: everything was decided by force - the law of the jungle, and that's it. Worst of all had the weak, who, in fact, worked, and for their protection, morality gradually began to take shape, and then religion began to be built on its basis. And conscience appeared as part of our morality and part of ourselves. Notice that even the very word "conscience" has its root in the word "message". That is, this is what is transmitted to you through other older people, and as a result, you begin to understand the difference between good and bad.
  5. conscience is an inner voice that tells you what to do and what not to do, for example, once a boy stole a phone from a girl and a girl from poor family and my mother came to school and said that they were saving for this phone whole year and so that they would find the phone and the boy would feel ashamed in front of the girl, because the girl didn’t do anything to him and an inner voice told him to give the phone back 2 days passed and the boy was tormented by conscience and he gave the phone to the girl and admitted that he stole the phone and the girl was exactly because he returned the phone to the girl and since then he has always told the truth because the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie.

Theme: "Conscience"

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation of the value world of the child; concept formation« conscience», « shame».

Planned results

Personal results:

    the formation of a perceived need moral behavior a person conditioned by the ideas of conscience accepted in society;

    development of independent and personal responsibility for one's actions on the basis of ideas about moral standards;

    the formation of the ability to formulate one's own moral obligations, to exercise moral self-control, to demand from oneself the fulfillment of moral standards.

Subject Results:

    grasp the concepts« conscience», « shame», « repentance», « the senses», « will»;

    objectively assess their own and other people's actions;

    understand the importance of being tolerant of other opinions.

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

    together with the teacher to discover and formulate a learning task;

    highlighting and understanding by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.

Cognitive UUD:

    select the necessary solutions learning task sources of information among the dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books and other materials proposed by the teacher;

    extract new knowledge: extract information presented in various forms (texts, tables, diagrams, etc.);

    process the information received: draw conclusions, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships.

Communicative UUD:

    communicate their position to other students: with sufficient completeness and accuracy to express their thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account their educational and life speech situations;

    listen to other people, consider their point of view, treat them with respect, be ready to change their point of view;

    cooperate in joint decision tasks, performing different roles in a pair, group.


    computers with internet access,

    interactive board

Didactic materials:

    textbook "Fundamentals of secular ethics. Grades 4-5". Danelyuk A.Ya.-M.: Enlightenment, 2014

    handouts for group work (texts, envelopes with proverbs, reference material, colored circles, word boards, group work sheets, pens)

Epigraph of the lesson:

Happy is he who has a calm conscience!


During the classes.

l . Organizing time.

The more we know, the more we can

The more experience we gain.

Experience will help you succeed

To the cherished dream will lead us!

II . Knowledge update.

1. Checking homework.

In the previous lessons, we got acquainted with some concepts. Let's remember them.

What feelings does a person experience if he has a severe, depressed state from condemning others for wrong behavior, for unfulfilled duty to himself. This is... (SHAME and GUILT)

What qualities will not allow a person to commit an immoral act, will help to avoid enmity, mutual insults and reproaches, even revenge. This is ... (HONOR and Dignity)

(The words on colored cards are written on the board, the children show a circle desired color; explain your choice)

Teacher summary:

Shame and guilt form a person's CONSCIENCE. German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said that "Honor is an external conscience, and conscience is an internal honor." I think you guessed what we will talk about today in the lesson? (ON CONSCIENCE)

2. Formulating the topic, the purpose of the lesson. The beginning of mental activity.

That's right, the topic of our lesson is CONSCIENCE. The epigraph of our lesson will be the proverb "Happy is the one whose conscience is calm!"

Guys, what would you like to learn in this lesson? (children's answers)

(What is conscience? How is it formed? What kind of conscience is there? What do the expressions "clear conscience", "voice of conscience", "lose conscience", "pangs of conscience", etc. mean.)

Let's try to understand these issues together.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Deepening into the topic of the lesson. Work on the content of the fairy tale "The Story of Pinya".

I propose to get acquainted with the fairy tale "The Story of Pinya".
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson! (sounds like a fairy tale)

Did you like the fairy tale?

And did you like main character fairy tales? Why did big trouble happen to Pinya? (Pinya thought only of himself)

Why only Aunt Snail sighed and stroked Pinya on the back? (It became a pity, the ant was small and stupid, did not want to understand what is good and what is bad)

Why do you think Pinya has changed? (I felt ashamed, asked for forgiveness from everyone I offended, he was forgiven and he made friends, began to live according to his conscience)

And what lesson did you learn for yourself after meeting the fairy tale? (children's answers)

Teacher summary: Sincerely experiencing the consequences of a bad deed, blaming himself, repenting, a person most often does not understand, does not realize that at this moment the voice of his own conscience sounds, does not know how to call what is happening to him.

Conscience is a voice within us. He tells you what you can do and what you can't. If you did something wrong, your conscience torments you, says: go and apologize. You are ashamed. Conscience and shame are close things. You have to be able to listen to your conscience.

2. Work with the text of the textbook.

The concepts of "SHAME" and "CONSCIENCE" are also different from each other. With what? Our textbook, page 48, will help you answer this question. Read the first three paragraphs on your own.

What surprised you? What were you thinking about? What did you advise ancient Greek philosopher, born in 460 BC.

His words are still relevant today for us living in the 21st century.

3. Work in groups.

And how do people known to us explain the concept of CONSCIENCE. Read the quote and try to explain the underlined phrases.(Discussion in groups)


1 group: Conscience -clawed beast , scratching the heart. (Pushkin A. S.)

2 group: conscience isthe inner luminary , closed, which illuminates only the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, brings it to life, and, following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case. (Suvorov A.V.)

3rd group: Conscience -faithful leader of people's lives . Beware of everything that your conscience disapproves of. ()


1 group. Let's try to listen to the word CONSCIENCE and make other words out of these letters. Write it down on your sheet.

ADVICE (conscience is what is inside us and gives us advice;

MESSAGE (conscience is what gives us the news: we are doing right or wrong;

NET (what catches all our good and bad deeds;

IS (conscience is what everyone has;

LIGHT (conscience is the light within us;

WEIGHT (conscience is something that has weight (significance);

VETO (that which imposes a ban on bad deeds;

Teacher summary: Conscience is a feeling that is peculiar only to a person, a sense of responsibility to oneself and to other people for one's actions. Therefore, conscience develops and is brought up in a person.

2 group. Your group needs to look in different sources, how the concept of CONSCIENCE is revealed there and highlight the main words.Write it down on your sheet.

Dictionary V.N.Dalya:

« Conscience - internal her consciousness of good and evil, tai soul nickname , in which recallsXia approval or condemnationevery deed, abilityrecognize the qualityka,feeling that prompts truth and goodness."

Conscience - this is one of the ways thatthe soul teaches a person to do what is right; it is a strong influence of the soul on a person coming from the heart (the cry of the soul).

Conscience - a powerful voice of the heart in defense of another and a force that destroys selfishness.

Conscience - A sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior to other people, society .

Internet Wikipedia:

Conscience - the ability of the individual to independently formulate moral duties and implementmoral self-control , demand from themselves their implementation and evaluate the actions committed by her; one of the expressions of the moral self-consciousness of the individual.

Conscience -a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior to other people or society (as well as to oneself).

3rd group. In the textbook on page 49 find the answer, what feelings accompany conscience? Write these feelings down on your sheet.

Try to explain how you understand it.

(If you do something with integrity, then you getpleasure. Dissatisfaction gives birthpangs of conscience, repentance.)

Teacher summary: The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases, against which medicine is powerless, are cured by remorse. “The sword does not cut a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.

IV . Work with proverbs.

- You have the words from the proverbs in the envelopes. Make up your proverb.

1. There is a conscience, there is shame, but there is no shame, and there is no conscience.

2. If you lose money, you can make money, but if you lose your conscience, you will know trouble.

3. Submit to conscience, and master the will.

V . Working with parables

Parable - it's like that short story which has deep meaning.

Working with parables (In groups )

    Read the parable.

    What did you feel and think as you read the parable? Talk about your feelings and thoughts.

1 group. Conscience without pain.

( The author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Eugene Sanin))

Parable talk.

What will the hero of the story do? Your opinion.

Why would he return the wallet to the owner?

What helps a person to distinguish good from evil?

Which proverb fits?

2 group. master or servant.

( The author of the parable: Alexandra Lopatina)

Parable talk.

What are the lines of wisdom? (To overcome obstacles, a person needs will, reason)

Which proverb fits?

3rd group. Conscience.

( Author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Eugene Sanin))

Parable talk.

Guys, under what situation did the main character hear the voice of conscience?

Which proverb fits?

Teacher summary: The voice of conscience is the inner work of the mind and heart, when a person thinks about what he did good and bad during the day, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of people he respects. With such work, the conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person.Conscience, rejected by a person, manifests itself in incomprehensible states of anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction. In a word, the soul hurts. So that you do not have this, let's try to determinesequence of actions to solve your problem.

    Coming peace with yourself . (5)

    you meditate over what he did . (1)

    This thought you haunts. (2)

    You fix the situation . (4)

    You understand , what I need to correct my behavior. (3)

VI . Application of knowledge.

1. Problem-search situation. Collective work.

Do you agree with the statements:

    all people have a conscience;

    it is easier for an unscrupulous person to live;

    bad people, criminals have no conscience;

CONCLUSION ( Teacher summary):

Remember! There are no dishonest people! It’s just that the conscience of such people has hardened, like the skin after a callus or a burn, where the healed tissues become insensitive.

Do not ignore or suppress the voice of your conscience, and you will always go the right way!

VII . Reflection. Grade.

So, remember the objectives of the lesson. Give us your opinion on how we achieved our goals. (Children briefly analyze the achievement of goals)

Teacher summary:

Actively worked in the classroom ....

The comments were interesting...

VIII . Outcome.

The most important thing in a person's life is to be in harmony with his conscience.

There is so much evil in the world.

So, we must always remember:

Never too late and never too early

Do good deeds.

And so that the heart is not frosty,

No matter how much trouble you've done,

Never too early and never too late

Confess honestly and seriously

What you once did. (E. Asadov)

Learn to listen and hear the voice of your conscience and act on its promptings, correcting your past mistakes without making new ones. After all, as the proverb says: "Happy is the one whose conscience is calm!"

I X. Homework.

1. Recall the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky "The Black Hen, or Underground inhabitants". What feeling did the hero experience because of his act?

2. Draw what you think conscience looks like.

3. Pick up proverbs about conscience.


Conscience without pain.

A conscientious person found someone else's wallet. And there is so much money in him that he, who lived on the verge of poverty, would have been enough for the rest of his life. And still left! The man rejoiced.

But not money. And the fact that the owner's business card was in the wallet. With an address to which the find could be returned. Otherwise, all this well-fed and comfortable life would be sheer torment. Yes, it would be enough for eternity!


master or servant.

Once a rich gentleman came to the teacher and said:

- You may not remember me, but I have remembered your lessons all my life. “Be masters of your feelings - will, reason, perseverance. Let them listen to you,” you told us. These words helped me achieve everything.

- I'm glad, - the teacher smiled. - But why did you come again?

- Help me deal with one feeling. Life is cruel, and I often had to deprive my debtors of shelter and land. Recent times memories of them keep me awake.

- Your heart is not hardened if it can still hear the voice of conscience. This feeling must be served. Be the master of the will and reason, but the servant of conscience, my dear student, - said the teacher.



Once the conscience told the man that he was wrong, another, third ... On the fourth, he decided to get rid of it. Yes, not for a day or two - forever! I thought and thought about how to do it, and thought of ...

Come on, - says, - conscience, play hide and seek!

No, she says. - You will deceive me anyway - you will peep!

Then the man pretended to be completely sick and said:

I got sick of something ... Bring me some milk from the cellar!

Her conscience could not refuse him this. Went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!

He called his friends to the joys and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended the other, and when they began to take offense, he completely drove everyone out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - good at heart, calm. It’s good, it’s good, but only a day has passed, another, but something began to be missed by a person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such anguish fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.

Okay, he says, come out! Just don't order now!

And in response - silence. He went down to the cellar: there, here - there is no conscience anywhere!

It can be seen, indeed, that he got rid of her forever ... The man sobbed:

How can I live without a conscience now?

And suddenly he hears a quiet, very quiet voice. Not from the cellar - in the heart: - Here I am ...

A man called to the joys of his friends, apologized and arranged such a feast for them here! Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not mind. And not at all because I was afraid to be in the basement again. After all, if you look, that's how it was!


The story of Ping.

Once, a baby appeared in one respectable ant family. He moved his legs so quickly, as if he was kicking, for which he was called Pinya. He grew up brisk, loud-mouthed and very naughty.
One morning he left the house, taking the rest of the pie, and went for a walk. Goes, yells at the top of his voice. The Beetle looked out from under the leaf:
- Do you have a conscience? Still sleeping and you screaming.
“I only have a piece of sweet cake, but I have no conscience,” thought Pinya, looking into the pocket of his pants, and rushed on with a screech.
Noticing the slowly walking Worm, he decided to play a joke. He pulled a leaf - all the cold dew fell from a flower on an unfortunate passerby. Dropping his cane in surprise, the Worm groaned and shrank in fear.
And Pinya jumped around the trembling old man and laughed.
- I've lost my mind! the bumblebee buzzed angrily, trying to slap the ant with its wing. The prankster was frightened, rushed with all his might, not understanding the road, almost fell into the pond. He hid behind a pebble, caught his breath, grumbled with resentment:
And I didn't lose anything. And here is the pie.
I got Pinya a pie and let's eat it. The elegant Butterfly carefully sat down beside her, hoping for a treat, but the sweet crumbs instantly disappeared in the ant's mouth. After resting, Pinya, having nothing to do, began to throw pebbles at white lilies. Petals break with a crunch, and the mischievous laughs for the whole district. The dragonfly wanted to protect the delicate flowers, but the stone hit her too. Then a Frog emerged from the water, followed by a few more, and how they croaked:
- What are you doing, hooligan! Ignorant! How dare you offend defenseless flowers? Here we will throw you into a pond, you look, and your conscience will wake up.
Instantly found himself an ant in the water! And he can't swim. He chokes, calls his mother for help, but no one is in a hurry to save him.
Fortunately for him, Vétrushko flew past, and it was he who pushed the drowning man ashore. He lay down on the sand, barely breathing, and Vétrushko finds out, fluttering over the water:
- Who are you, where are you from? Why did you get into the water if you can't swim? Why are you walking alone? Answer me, otherwise I’ll fly away, what if something happens to you again or who offends you?
- He hates everyone! There is no rest from him. Ill-mannered! Lives without a conscience! the inhabitants of the pond murmured.
How is it without a conscience? It can't be! Vetrushko was surprised.
- I had no conscience, but only a piece of cake, but I ate it. I live with my mom and dad, there are still brothers and sisters, but no conscience lives with us! Pinya shouted in despair, stamping his feet out of habit and waving his fists.
Aunt Snail came out to the noise, and everyone vied with each other to talk about what had happened. The respected aunt shook her head, sighed, and gently stroking Pinya on the back, said:
- You are still small, stupid, although you should already understand what is good and what is bad. Was it scary in the water? And others are afraid when trouble overtakes. As soon as you go home, the sun will soon set, darkness will cover the path, you can’t do without an escort. But who will help you?
The baby burst into burning tears, but then Vétrushko rustled:
- Okay, I'll see my aunt. Parents, go, lost their feet, looking for you, ne'er-do-well, crying, worried.
Pinya remembered here about mom and dad, felt some kind of heat in his chest and groaned.
“This shame burns, it will wake up your conscience,” said the Snail quietly, leaning towards the unfortunate Pina. - It is necessary to ask for forgiveness from everyone whom you offended, then your conscience will never leave you, then you will live correctly, in conscience.
“I offended a lot of people. Will I have time to get around everyone before dark? the poor man whimpered again.
- Stop whining! Run for mom! Let's do it together in no time! Thank you, kind aunt Snail! Goodnight, friends! roared Vétrushko and flew off, dragging Pinya with him.
All the inhabitants of the anthill came out to meet the missing baby, and Bumblebee, Worm and Beetle sincerely forgave him. Since then, Pinya has become obedient, kind, and if he accidentally offended someone, he asked for forgiveness, because Conscience now lived in his ant soul.


    The wisdom of the millennia. Encyclopedia. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2005. - Compiled by V. Balyazin. - 848 p.

    Monk Barnabas (Eugene Sanin). Little parables for children and adults.

    Parable from Alexandra Lopatina "Master or Servant"

    Pletneva G.S. "The Story of Pinya"

    Internet - Wikipedia

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