A dishonorable act is a crime and punishment. Dishonor in Crime and Punishment


Disclosure of the topic Honor and dishonor on examples from the works of Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment and Leskov Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district(Final essay)

“honor cannot be taken away - it can be lost,” said A.P. Chekhov. Indeed, as early as childhood, each person was instilled with norms of behavior, told how to behave well and how badly.

And this cannot be taken away from a person.

But having done one or the other bad thing, a person can lose his honor and dignity, thus disgracing himself in the eyes of his loved ones.

The topic of dishonor is also touched upon in his essay “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” by Nikolai Leskov. main character, the young merchant Katerina commits a series of immoral acts: she starts an affair with her lover, kills her father-in-law and husband, and finally commits suicide. She does not feel much guilt for these actions, she does not care that she acted unfairly, lost her dignity.

Honor and dishonor in the novel Crime and Punishment how to write an essay?

Yes, a heavy classic of course, but the book was amazing.

I would write an essay on the example of the main character: Firstly, this main character and around him the whole plot of the book unfolds - there is food to unfold. Secondly, he killed, because of the difficult financial position and circumstances, two women is a dishonor. But Rodion himself is convinced that he killed the one for whom he was written off forty sins at a time - this is in honor of him.

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Victory and defeat.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova

Mistakes and experience.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Mind and feelings.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Friendship and enmity.



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Final essay 2019: arguments on the work "Crime and Punishment" for all directions

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova

Victory and defeat.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova

Mistakes and experience.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Mind and feelings.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Friendship and enmity.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Dmitry Prokofievich Razumikhin


The following articles:

Works about honor and dishonor

M. Lermonotov. The novel “A Hero of Our Time” (Pechorin knew about Grushnitsky’s intentions, but nevertheless did not wish him harm. An act worthy of respect. Grushnitsky, on the contrary, committed a dishonorable act by offering Pechorin an unloaded weapon for a duel).

N. Gogol "Taras Bulba". (Ostap accepted death with dignity).

6. V. Rasputin"French lessons".

(The boy Vova with honor passes all the tests in order to get an education, to become a man)

7. F.M. Dostoevsky“Crime and Punishment” (Raskolnikov is a murderer, but the dishonorable act was based on pure thoughts. What is it: honor or dishonor?)

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". (Sonya Marmeladova sold herself, but she did it for the sake of her family.

What is it: honor or dishonor?)

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". (Dunya was slandered. But her honor was restored.

Gospel motifs in Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

Dostoevsky was a very pious person. His religious path was intense, his views changed many times, and his faith went through many doubts. This is largely why the protagonist of the novel goes through a difficult path from disbelief to faith, that is, one of the central ideas in the novel "Crime and Punishment" can be called the idea of ​​renewal, the search for God and moral purification.

Dostoevsky's novel is literally permeated gospel stories, images and symbols. The title already reflects the violation of the commandment “Thou shalt not kill”, and the plot of the novel begins with the murder of Alena Ivanovna and her sister Lizaveta.

The work is based on gospel commandments and ideas.

The artistic skill of the author keeps readers in suspense. The work not only tells about the state of the criminal - together with the hero, the reader feels the inevitability of retribution for the evil done. Raskolnikov in himself bears the punishment for the crime, because the soul does not tolerate spiritual violence against itself: “Did I kill the old woman? I killed myself, not the old woman!” - this is how the motive of the moral suicide of the hero who violated the Christian commandment is manifested. Even before the murder, at the very beginning of the novel, Raskolnikov anticipates the torment of punishment, as evidenced by the hero’s first dream, and after the deed, he experiences moral and physical suffering throughout the entire work. But Raskolnikov expects not so much retribution as deep repentance, in which the people closest to him will take part. The hero's insight comes in the epilogue: "How it happened, he himself did not know he loves, loves her endlessly, and that this moment has finally come. They were resurrected by love."

The central idea of ​​Christianity is love for one's neighbor. At the beginning of the novel, the protagonist does not respond either to the love of his mother and sister, or to the care of Razumikhin. But throughout the work, the transformation of the hero takes place: he begins to feel the world and people more subtly, and at the end of the novel he loves for real. The question arises: why did Sonechka Marmeladova fall in love with Raskolnikov, forced him to confess to a crime, devoted her life to him, visited him in hard labor? The answer is simple: she loves the image of Christ in man, for her a man created in the image and likeness of God is initially good, so she, having learned the real one, living soul Raskolnikov, full of suffering and repentance, supports him in every possible way, sacrificing himself.

The motives of suffering and compassion as the basis of the Christian consciousness can be traced throughout the entire novel. Many of the characters in Crime and Punishment suffer consciously. For example, Marmeladov married out of pity an unfortunate noble widow with three children, although he understood that he could not make her happy. His words “I need to be crucified, crucified on the cross, and not sorry!” they tell the reader that the hero feels his own sinfulness and guilt for the life of his family, and therefore is ready for the greatest sacrifice, remembering the execution of Christ. Ready to sacrifice himself, he expects from those around him that in the name of which Jesus suffered - the healing of mankind, ready to forgive and regret.

The dyer Mikolka, who took on someone else's fault, decides to "accept suffering", because he believes that suffering ennobles a person, purifies and brings him closer to God. Raskolnikov atones for his crime with suffering, and only in hard labor does he feel a spiritual rebirth.

The symbolism of numbers in the novel is very important, since gospel motifs are visible here too. The number "three" occurs many times in the novel: Svidrigailova Marfa Petrovna bought it for 30 thousand; Sonya Marmeladova gave 30 kopecks for a hangover; Marfa Petrovna did not leave three thousand rubles to Duna. In the second chapter of the first part, Marmeladov tells Raskolnikov that Sonya "silently laid out thirty rubles" to Katerina Ivanovna. These thirty rubles, obviously, reminded Marmeladov of thirty pieces of silver, which, according to the Gospel, Judas received for the betrayal of Christ.

In the same chapter, another important number is found - “eleven”: at the eleventh hour the main character goes to the Marmeladovs, leaves the deceased Marmeladov, comes to Sonya, and then to Porfiry Petrovich. Here you can see the similarity with gospel parable about how the owner of the vineyard went out in the morning to hire workers. He hired them all day, and in the evening, when it was time to distribute the pay, it turned out that both those who worked the whole day and those who worked only an hour would be paid the same by the owner. When the first began to grumble, the owner said: “So will last first and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen.”

In a religious sense, retribution is the onset of the Kingdom of God, and the author emphasizes by this that it is not too late for Raskolnikov to confess and repent.

In the fifth chapter of the same part, another very symbolic number of the novel appears - "seven": the work consists of seven parts (6 parts and an epilogue); Raskolnikov committed the crime at seven o'clock; Svidrigailov lived with his wife for seven years; 730 steps from Raskolnikov's house to the old woman's house. In the gospel symbolism, the number "seven" is a symbol of holiness, the combination of the divine number "three" with the number "four", symbolizing the world order and, by the way, also important in the work: Raskolnikov spent four days in illness; on the fourth day Sonya reads to him about the resurrection of Lazarus, which took place four days after his death; in chapter IV of the fourth part, Sonya and Raskolnikov meet. It turns out that the number "seven" is, as it were, the union of God and man. The episode in the epilogue, when at hard labor "they were both ready to look at these seven years as if they were seven days" echoes biblical history about Rachel and Jacob: “And Jacob served for Rachel for seven years; and they appeared to him in a few days, because he loved her” (Gen. 29:20).

Returning to the episode when Sonya reads the Gospel to Raskolnikov, we can say that the connection between Lazar and the main character can be traced throughout the novel: Raskolnikov's room resembles a coffin, and the murder of the old woman is the hero's moral death; the words “for four days he was in the tomb” (John 11:17) become a metaphor for the mental and physical torments of the hero. But, probably, the most important thing is that Raskolnikov, like Lazarus, is waiting for resurrection thanks to the love and faith of his neighbor. Dostoevsky himself wrote about the years of his hard labor as follows: “I consider those four years as the time in which I was buried alive and closed in a coffin,” and “the exit from hard labor was presented as a bright awakening and resurrection into a new life.”

In chapter IV of the fifth part of the novel, the reader meets another important point- exchange of crosses. Sonya, begging Raskolnikov to take the cross, says: “Lizaveta and I exchanged crosses, she gave me her cross, and I gave her my icon. I will now wear Lizaveta, and this one is for you, ”in this way Sonya, as it were, accepted the sacrificial fate of Lizaveta. The cross that she offers to Raskolnikov symbolizes Sonya's readiness to sacrifice herself: ". together we will bear the cross!” she tells him. Raskolnikov, having accepted the cross, would have taken, without realizing it, the first step towards his future purification and resurrection, but he only dismisses this proposal.

Children in "Crime and Punishment" get the role of unwitting missionaries. Polenka softens the murderer, revives in him a thirst for life when he promises to pray for him. In the novel there is a phrase "But children are the image of Christ." It means that in children the image of God is preserved, which in adults is distorted by sins. In Chapter IV of the fifth part, Dostoevsky says that Raskolnikov looks at Sonya "with the same childish smile", the author wants to emphasize that he sees his salvation in the "childhood" of the hero's soul. Children do not have self-love, the difference between internal and external, in many Dostoevsky's heroes children's features are preserved: there is a certain childishness in the behavior of Lizaveta, in the guise of Sonya - a deeply religious person who thinks in Orthodox categories, does not dare to condemn others and sees God's intention in everything. Dostoevsky believed that meekness and humility, present in both Sonya and Lizaveta, are very important, since a person endowed with these qualities does not hold a grudge against those who offend him, retains his inner world in harmony, does not allow evil to reach his soul.

Dostoevsky discovered new gospel depths, Christian dialectics, which allows one to see a repentant Christian in a criminal, and spiritual purity in a prostitute " eternal Sonya on which the world stands."

Gospel motifs in the novel Crime and Punishment

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  • gospel motifs in the novel Crime and Punishment
  • Gospel motifs in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment
  • gospel motives in crime and punishment

Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov" Kiribeevich - a representative of the oprichnina, does not know anything to refuse, he is used to permissiveness. Desire and love lead him through life, he does not tell the whole truth (and therefore lies) to the king and receives permission to match with married woman. Kalashnikov, following the laws of Domostroy, defends the honor of his disgraced wife. He is ready to die, but to punish his offender. Leaving to fight on place of execution, he invites his brothers, who must continue his work if he dies. Kiribeevich, on the other hand, behaves cowardly, courage and prowess immediately leave his face as soon as he learns the name of his opponent. And although Kalashnikov dies, he dies a winner. 3. N.A. Nekrasov "To whom in Rus' ..." Matryona Timofeevna sacredly preserves his honor and dignity of mother and wife. She, pregnant, goes to the governor's office to save her husband from recruitment.

Honor and dishonor in the novel crime and punishment how to write an essay?

We have selected an argument for each possible topic in this direction. When composing an argument referring to these works, you can easily get a “pass” according to the K2 criterion.
  1. novel by A.S.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

  • Argument #1. Grinev retained his honor even under pain of death.
  • Argument #2. Shvabrin - a prime example a man who has lost his dignity.
  • story by M.A.

    Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" (Sokolov is a Russian soldier who was not afraid to look into the eyes of death and earned the respect of the Nazis)

  • novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" (Pechorin, knew about Grushnitsky's intentions, but nevertheless did not wish him harm.

    An act worthy of respect.

  • However, the heroine did not even think about the consequences of her decision, how could her brother accept such a terrible sacrifice? And she herself does what she ran away from as a governess: she gives herself to an unloved person. Doesn't such a marriage humiliate her? This stubborn lack of accountability of actions indicates that her goal is just a desire, a dream, not supported by solidity and responsibility.

    • One of the most conflicting images in the novel - Arkady Svidrigailov, whom researchers call "Raskolnikov's ideological double", since he considers himself free from moral laws, as if bringing to life the theory of Rodion.

      Living in absolute idleness, Svidrigailov pursues elusive pleasures, in which he sees the ultimate goal of existence.

    Honor and dishonor

    Where is her Infamy? After all, Sonya remained in her Soul a pure, sincere girl who wants to help everyone and everything. She prays to God, believes in his mercy and waits for a miracle that would save her from earning a piece of bread with her body.
    Therefore, I DO NOT believe that Sonya committed a dishonorable act, even though outwardly it looks like that. A dishonorable act was committed by Katerina Ivanovna, who sent Sonya Marmeladova to the panel.
    She sold her stepdaughter's body. And Sonya only accepted the order of her stepmother with humility, since in former times the will of the parent was considered sacred.

    • The theme of Honor and dishonor in the work Crime and Punishment can be considered on the example of several heroes. Raskolnikov was a murderer, but the author shows that his dishonest act was based on pure thoughts.

    Read "Crime and Punishment". essay writing arguments

    (42 Votes)) Details Final essay 2017: arguments on the work "Crime and Punishment" for all directions - Honor and dishonor; – Victory and defeat; – Mistakes and experience; – Mind and feelings; - Friendship and enmity. Honor and dishonor. Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova Literary example: Raskolnikov decides to commit a crime for the sake of his loved ones, driven by a thirst for revenge for all the destitute and poor people of that time.

    He is led by great idea- to help all the humiliated, destitute and abused modern society. However, this desire is not realized quite noble.


    The solution to the problem of immorality and lawlessness was not found. Raskolnikov became a part of this world with its violations and dirt.

    HONOR: Sonya saved Raskolnikov from a mental breakdown. This is the most important thing for an author. You can get lost and confused.

    one more step

    Sonya Marmeladova - on the one hand, this girl sold herself, but on the other hand, she did it for the sake of her family. Again, one can pose the question, what is this honor or dishonor? To write an essay on a work: You can contact several storylines, firstly, to Sonina, since her life was not sugar at all and, according to the orders of her stepmother, she was engaged in activities that were completely inappropriate for a young lady.


    The second option, Raskolnikov. His fate is most often described in the works, so you don’t need to touch only the bad side, but you can also justify the hero who did a completely bad deed - he took his life. But it seems to be for good purposes, to help others, to remove the taxes that were imposed by the pawnbroker.

    But there is also flip side- one pawnbroker will be replaced by another, there is no holy place and the option of murder was not an option.

    Arguments: ends and means in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

    You can add several references to this great work in an essay about honor and dishonor using the example of Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova. Raskolnikov decides to kill the old woman who allegedly wants revenge for all the poor people.

    The idea to help people is good, but how does Raskolnikov implement it? The murder of an old woman. This is dishonor. And the honor in the work is that it was Sonya Marmeladova who saved Raskolnikov from mental anguish and fall. We are all people and nothing human is alien to anyone, you can get lost, confused, but to find the right solution and a way out of a seemingly dead-end situation, not to give up and not give up - this is a matter of honor.

    • The theme of honor and dishonor in the novel Crime and Punishment is disclosed quite widely, we can say that the main characters themselves are an example of the struggle in a person of either honor or dishonor.

    She prays to God, believes in his mercy and waits for a miracle that would save her from earning a piece of bread with her body. Therefore, I DO NOT believe that Sonya committed a dishonorable act, even though outwardly it looks like that. A dishonorable act was committed by Katerina Ivanovna, who sent Sonya Marmeladova to the panel. She sold her stepdaughter's body. And Sonya only accepted the order of her stepmother with humility, since in former times the will of the parent was considered sacred. the questioner chose this answer the best theme Honor and dishonor in the work "Crime and Punishment" can be considered on the example of several heroes. Raskolnikov was a murderer, but the author shows that his dishonest act was based on pure thoughts. Using the example of Raskolnikov, an essay can be written considering his act with the question of what is honor or already dishonor.

    Argument dishonor crime and punishment

    The hero reflects not so much on the possibility of murder as such, but on the relativity of moral laws; but does not take into account the fact that the "ordinary" is not capable of becoming a "superman". Thus, Rodion Raskolnikov becomes a victim of his own theory.
    The idea of ​​permissiveness leads to the destruction of the human personality or to the generation of monsters. The fallacy of the theory is exposed, which is the essence of the conflict in Dostoevsky's novel. Back Reason and feelings. Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov Literary example: Either an act is performed by a person guided by a feeling, or an act is performed under the influence of the character's mind. The actions committed by Raskolnikov are usually generous and noble, while under the influence of reason the hero commits a crime (Raskolnikov was influenced by a rational idea and wanted to test it in practice).

    But getting on the right path is a matter of honor. Back Victory and defeat. Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova Literary example: In the novel, Dostoevsky leaves the victory not for the strong and proud Raskolnikov, but for Sonya, seeing in her the highest truth: suffering cleanses.

    Sonya confesses moral ideals which, from the point of view of the writer, are closest to the broad masses of the people: the ideals of humility, forgiveness, humility. "Crime and Punishment" contains a deep truth about the unbearability of life in a capitalist society, where the Luzhins and Svidrigailovs win with their hypocrisy, meanness, selfishness, as well as the truth that causes not a feeling of hopelessness, but implacable hatred for the world of hypocrisy. Back Mistakes and experience. Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov Literary example: Raskolnikov's theory is anti-human in its essence.

    In my opinion, honor and conscience are the leading concepts that characterize human personality. Usually honor is a combination of the most noble, valiant feelings of a person that deserves the respect of other people. Honor and conscience are interrelated, since observance of the rules of honor helps a person to gain peace of mind and live in harmony with your conscience. But it is quite natural that, due to the diversity of different human characters, the concept of honor can be different and even opposite in two different personalities.

    In my opinion, it is precisely because of this variability of understanding that the problem of honor and conscience worried writers, poets and other people. creative professions at all times, therefore it seems to me that it would be most justified to consider the problem of honor and conscience on the basis of works different writers various genres. They play a leading role in the history of Russian literature XIX century: the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", the novels by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" and "Dubrovsky" and the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Although all works are XIX century, it seems to me that the representation of honor in them is quite different, and this allows us to consider the problem most objectively.

    First, it seems to me, one should study the most important aspect problems - the concept of honor. The hero of each of the above works understands it in his own way. Pushkin, in my opinion, has the most classic, simple and at the same time the closest concept of honor to me in spirit ... One of the main characters of The Captain's Daughter, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, understands honor precisely as action always in good conscience.

    Grinev's soul contains, as it were, two honors, two concepts about it - this is duty in relation to the empress, and therefore, to the Motherland, to the Fatherland, and the duty that love imposes on him for the daughter of Captain Mironov. That is, the main component of Grinev's honor is duty. When Pugachev helps Grinev free Masha Mironova from the captivity of Shvabrin, Grinev, although grateful to the leader of the rebels, still does not violate the oath to the Fatherland, preserving his honor: “But God sees that with my life I would be glad to pay you for what you are for made me. Just do not demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience.

    But in dangerous, difficult moments, love nevertheless prevails over duty towards the Fatherland, as it usually happens, and Grinev is ready to risk military forces in order to save Masha. Then, in a conversation with General Grinev, he declares: “Your Excellency, order me to take a company of soldiers and fifty Cossacks and let me clear Belogorsk fortress". Perhaps this is justified by the fact that love is the highest of all possible feelings and especially love for certain person. Fatherland is a general concept, which includes many others, it is almost impossible to have the same feelings for it as for your beloved girl. Therefore, such behavior of Grinev can be justified to some extent.

    Another protagonist of The Captain's Daughter, a seemingly negative hero, has a completely different understanding of honor - Pugachev. His understanding of honor rests solely on the level of feelings, mostly friendly. It is this limitation, it seems to me, that allows Pugachev to commit atrocities in the robbed conquered villages and fortresses, without feeling pangs of conscience, and at the same time help Grinev save Masha, remembering his kindness in old days. “Which of my people dares to offend an orphan? If he were seven spans in the forehead, he would not leave my court! This is what Pugachev says in response to a report that Shvabrin is holding Masha in captivity, forcing her to marry him.

    Quite similar, in my opinion, the situation is in "Dubrovsky". Senior Dubrovsky is a hereditary nobleman, whose honor is based on his position and the history of his family. One of the main components of honor in the concept of the elder Dubrovsky is pride. It is she who does not allow him to endure the insults of the servants of the wealthy neighbor Kirila Petrovich Troekurov: “Until then, I do not intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me the kennel Paramoshka with a confession, but it will be my will to punish him or pardon, and I will endure jokes from your Kholopyev does not intend to, and I will not endure them from you, because I am not a jester, but an old nobleman. This excessive pride allows Dubrovsky to bring the case even to court with former friend and eventually to his own death.

    For Dubrovsky's son, Vladimir, again, like for Grinev, the main aspect of the motive of honor is duty. First of all, of course, the duty to his father makes him take revenge on Kirila Petrovich, but later the evil feeling of revenge is extinguished by the emerging feeling of love for Troekurov's daughter. Then the debt to the father is reborn into a debt in relation to the object of his love. The young ardor of Vladimir Dubrovsky allows his revenge to grow almost to the level of banditry, and love makes him eventually turn off this road of robberies, robberies and barbarism. And in this change, as I see it, the leading role is played by conscience, awakened precisely by his new love. Such was the understanding of honor in the works of Pushkin, in early XIX century. In principle, in most cases, this Pushkinian understanding of honor, in my opinion, has survived to this day.

    A completely different view of the concept of honor we meet with Lermontov. Lermontov's hero Pechorin is not at all typical character, but exceptional. This can be seen even from the very title of the novel. Heroes are always rare and exceptional, they are few. Therefore, the honor of Pechorin is another, exceptional honor. Pechorin knows and foresees everything, he is educated and well versed in human relations ... Pechorin allows himself a lot, and the only thing that restrains his freedom of action is the remnants of his former soul and conscience. After the duel with Grushnitsky Pechorin, something trembles a little inside. “Walking down the path, I noticed Grushnitsky's bloody corpse between the clefts of the rocks. I involuntarily closed my eyes… I had a stone in my heart.” In fact, Pechorin has no honor in the traditional sense of the word. Glimpses of nobility and kindness, at times overshadowing him, are caused, it seems to me, by a sense of the exclusivity of one's own destiny. Therefore, I would say that the main and only integral part Pechorin's honor is his exclusivity. Rather, there is no honor in the usual sense! There are only remnants of conscience, which, together with the awareness of the importance of one's own destiny, form, as it were, "dishonor in honor."

    In my opinion, from this we can conclude that Pechorin is in some way the forerunner of Raskolnikov. For him, too, the concept of honor is very personal and peculiar, it is in no way compatible with the public understanding of honor, and sometimes it is also a deterrent. Raskolnikov does not recognize society and wants to live only according to his own laws, invented and cherished by him. But he has to exist precisely in society, and it usually does not accept people who deny its laws, therefore the presence of a peculiar and rather unusual understanding of honor and the fact that Raskolnikov does not think at first about the people around him in general allows him to commit the murder of an old woman. But his conscience forces him to eventually surrender to the police. This kind of honor invented by him allows Raskolnikov to lie to the investigator Porfiry Petrovich, to deny, not to confess to committing a crime: “You are all lying! .. I don’t know your goals, but you are all lying ... You are lying!”.

    Another understanding of honor is found in Svidrigailov. Here, on the contrary, it is not honor that gives birth to love, as in Pushkin's " Captain's daughter”, and love revives the previously lost concept of honor. The conscience of Svidrigailov is exclusively his memory, in particular the ghosts that visit him. Memory awakens in him kindness, participation, compassion, understanding of human misfortunes. And, it seems to me, first of all, conscience and love made him “leave for America”, did not allow him to live on ... Love and honor ...

    Thus, I can say that in all the works announced at the beginning of the work, one way or another, the motive of honor and conscience can be traced. In Pushkin, honor and conscience are interconnected and, in my opinion, are usually present in any person, perhaps in different manifestations. In Dostoevsky, perhaps the concept of public honor in relation to ordinary person disappeared completely.

    Honor and conscience is one of the most important characteristics human soul. Therefore, the problem of honor is present in the works of almost all Russian writers of the 19th and the 20th century. And the understanding of honor, as it turned out, can be different. This is due, in my opinion, to the different worldviews of the writers. But, despite the outwardly different understanding and manifestation of honor among the heroes of Dostoevsky, Pushkin and Lermontov, the importance of the concepts of honor and conscience for the individual and the power of their influence on the human soul, on his feelings and actions always remains relevant.

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