Psychics about Danil Pluzhnikov: the great destiny of a little man. It would be health


Hi all! I just adore Danila Pluzhnikov and his voice, I am a real fan of this boy with a wonderful voice. That is why I decided to write an article about Danila, which would help other people to find out more useful and reliable information about this wonderful and talented boy. After reading the article, you will find out how old, what Danil Pluzhnikov is fond of and how he managed to achieve victory in the Voice.

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Danil Pluzhnikov: biographical information

Danila Pluzhnikov's age is 13, although you can never tell this by looking at the photos of the boy. Due to the disease, he looks much younger than his real age. What about him - I'll tell you a little lower. A boy was born in 2003, in Adler, a district of Greater Sochi. Danila's parents are creative people, both passionate about music. Who are they - detailed information could not be found, the boy's mom and dad do not like to tell reporters about themselves.

The birth of Danila was a real happiness for his mom and dad, but 10 months after being discharged from the hospital, this happiness was overshadowed by the fact that the boy’s mother noticed that the child’s growth slowed down, the baby also stopped gaining weight. The doctors tried to reassure Danila's parents as best they could, but, in the end, they informed them about terrible diagnosis boy: a rare bone disease, the medical name of which is spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. At 13, the boy's height is only 98 centimeters. Recently, information appeared on the network that Danila was hospitalized - but, fortunately, it was not confirmed.

In this situation, the parents acted courageously and decided that life must go on and they must help their son in everything. Danila goes to school, teachers come to his house, and at some lessons the boy is “present” thanks to online broadcasts. Danila studies for one five and takes new knowledge very seriously.

Hobbies and interests

Danila does not sit at home all the time: he has many hobbies and hobbies. For example, he just loves to ride a skateboard and a scooter. With pleasure, Danil Pluzhnikov draws, writes poetry and stories. But the main hobby of the boy is music. Danil visits music school in which he does vocals. And just recently, the young talent decided to try his hand as a composer. Danil selects his first melodies on a synthesizer bought by his parents.

You can write to Daniel at in social networks. On his personal page on VKontakte, the boy does not refuse to communicate with fans. There you can also find various photographs of Danila and another interesting information about a gifted young performer.

About participation in the project "Voice"

Take part in the project "Voice. Children ”Danil wanted from the moment the TV show started, but at first he was embarrassed to go through the casting because of his disability. However, the support of his parents helped Danila overcome embarrassment, and so the boy got into the project. The listening jury really liked the way Danil Pluzhnikov performed the song "Two Eagles": the singing was catchy, touching the soul. Danila's vocals also touched the mentors, who turned to young performer and so the boy became a full participant in the project.

The path to victory was not easy: there were many rivals and all of them were also talented. However, a very special manner of performing Danila's compositions brought him forward and made him the real winner of "Voice-3". Danila always sang very seriously, thoughtfully and heartfeltly: it seemed that the boy himself experienced and experienced what he sings about. Such sensuality and penetration caught the audience and mentors, and therefore the boy received voices and support that helped him move forward. I especially liked how Danil sang Kipelov's song - "I'm free." Having become the winner of a popular TV show, the boy did not become arrogant at all and still communicates simply and friendly with friends and fans. “I am who I am,” Danila says modestly about himself, and this modesty increases the number of people who admire the boy and his talent.

Danil Pluzhnikov

Danil is 14 years old, his height is 98 cm. The young singer survived three serious operations, after which the opinions of doctors were divided. Danila's mother is confused, she does not know how to proceed.

The son performed at many competitions: international, Russian, regional, - Dani's mother Irina told Antenna. - We applied for the "Voice" and did not know until the last we will pass the selection or not. When invited to the casting, Danka was delighted. And when I saw my last name in the lists for blind auditions, there was no limit to happiness and joy. Danka jokes: "The mentors turned around, saw me, and there was a moment of silence." Of course, they were shocked, they did not expect. But we are not offended, we are already accustomed to such a reaction. My son needs constant treatment: he has sore joints, a systemic disease of the skeleton. We have already done three operations on my legs, two more are planned.

- Danya was born like all normal children, 3100 g, 48 cm, and developed at the right pace, even went over a little in height and weight. But in a year old he suddenly slowed down, I sounded the alarm. We went to the doctors, we were diagnosed with "achondroplasia" (a genetic disease in which shortening of the limbs is observed. - Approx. "Antennas"). We live in Adler, with orthopedists (narrow specialization) here it is bad. There are only two such specialists in the polyclinic, and both are leaving. It turns out that they don’t take us to Sochi, because we are from Adler, in Adler they are sent to surgeons who look at me like I’m a fool, they say, nothing will help you. You have to travel to other cities. Two operations were performed in the Kurgan region, one in the TsITO them. N.N. Priorov in Moscow. But doctors' opinions were divided. Some talk about the need for surgical intervention, while others, on the contrary, are categorically against it. And Danka and I don’t know who to listen to ...

- From the age of one and a half to two years, Danil sang all the children's songs from Soviet cartoons. At the age of four, we signed up with him in rehabilitation center for the disabled, and he began to go on stage. At first he read poetry, and at six he already sang. We got good teachers. They said that Danka gives hope. They took their son to the music school with the words: "A child grasps everything on the fly." Danya really learned quickly: from the second grade he was immediately transferred to the fourth. By that time, he had already taken the Grand Prix at one of the international competitions and won several first places in playing the synthesizer.

At the same time, Danya is an excellent student at school. He is homeschooled - teachers come for half of the subjects, and for the rest he studies remotely via Skype. The son has no free time: school program, two musicians in different areas (singing and instrument). Plus Danya - soloist vocal group"Elegy". He is generally an optimist. And a natural leader. When I was little, I organized all the guys in the yard around me. I couldn’t run, so I sat down on the table and told something interesting, invented games, and knew how to captivate. The boys and girls seemed to want to run, but they sat and listened. They probably had some respect for him that he could not participate in their games. Sometimes they even dragged him. Not always, of course, children are children, it happened, and they ran away. Then Danka was sad: “Why can they, but I can’t.” I had to explain. Now Danya tells me: "I accepted myself as I am."

- It’s hard for him to get up every morning, his joints hurt, he has to walk around. But he manages, he fights. A real man. In the future he dreams of becoming a musician. He lives by it. IN Lately I started sitting at the synthesizer for a long time, composing my own melodies, showed it to the teacher, the teacher approved, and I like it. It's nice that my opinion is important to him. I'm mom.

Yaroslav Degtyarev

Seven-year-old Yasya got into a serious accident two years ago. The chance of survival is one in a hundred. Her mother taught her to walk again. And here is Yaroslav on stage!

I began to sing before speaking, - Yasya laughs. - Already at the age of one she sang "bayushki-bayu". Now I do not like children's, cheerful songs. Therefore, for blind auditions, I chose "Cuckoo" - a combative, powerful composition. I am glad that I got into the team of Dima Bilan. He is artistic, not sad, and his hits are wonderful.

In the future I would like to become an artist, singer and music teacher. At school, children who cannot sing ask for help. I worked out with one girl a little, explained how it was necessary, and she began to get better. IN free time I like to shoot interesting videos or make cakes in a toy bakery. I also play with a cat or train a dog.

Two years ago, we were driving with Yasya along the highway from Rostov and got into terrible accident, - adds Yaroslava's mother Alesya. - Due to the fault of the driver, they flew into a ditch. My daughter had an open craniocerebral injury, a hip fracture, many injuries to internal organs, her face was injured. The hospital near the accident site did not have the necessary doctors. My brother arrived, agreed, and Yasechka was taken to Rostov. Heads of departments gathered there: a neurosurgeon, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist… Thanks to them and God. I spent a month with my daughter in the hospital ward. At first she just lay down. Then she began to raise her head, sit down, then we learned to walk again. At first they moved on crutches. I was worried about how my daughter would take all this, I did not know what to do next. But Yasya did well, did not lose heart. While we were in the hospital, I taught her to read, we drew a lot. She constantly said that she was still the best for me, the most beautiful. In addition, the daughter saw heavy children. I sympathized with them, supported them, sang for them. Now we are constantly under the supervision of doctors. We regularly examine the eyes, the head (there is no escape from the consequences of the accident), we keep our finger on the pulse all the time. But there are no contraindications to singing, and she likes it. So everything is slowly getting better, the worst is over.

Alexander Filin

10 year old son of ex artistic director ballet Bolshoi Theater submits big hopes. But he was not invited to the project the first time, he had to storm the Voice for two years in a row.

My husband and I have noted since childhood that Sasha constantly sings, - said the boy's mother Maria. - When he was still very young, he liked musical cartoons, quickly memorized all the songs and hummed around the clock. In addition, the son often went with us to the theater for rehearsals. Surprisingly, he liked adult ballet performances.

At the age of five, he asked: “Mom, can I also study music?” They recorded him in the group "Fidgets". They decided that they should definitely understand what he likes best. Sasha chose right away: vocals are his favorite lesson, he can walk every day. Plus, he is learning to play an instrument, this year he chose the guitar.

I have been singing since the age of three, - Sasha enters into the conversation. - Sometimes I play the piano, my mother teaches at home. I would like to sing pop music and some rock in the future. I was not afraid to try my hand at Golos, I had already performed both in the Kremlin and at different competitions: in Bulgaria, Spain, Prague. It was much scarier...

The idea to go to the "Voice" is entirely Sasha's, - Maria clarifies. - A boy from Fidget, whom we knew, participated in the first season of the project, the son looked and said: “I want it too.” Although he was still very young, he was only making music for the second year. But we applied. The son went through all the auditions, but the turn did not reach him, he had to wait for the next year. Now I understand that it was for the better, because Sasha has changed a lot during this period, gained a lot.

Especially for the "Voice" we made T-shirts with an eagle owl. The daughter of friends drew a sketch. The eagle owl is the talisman of our entire family. There are a lot of them at home, they bring us from different countries, donate. And the owl, with which Sasha went on stage, was presented to him by the class teacher.

I want to be a singer or an actress. To be honest, dancing is easier for me. I remember the movements and everything. And in singing you need to study, study and study, constantly train. It happens that because of rehearsals and concerts I miss classes at school. Then it is difficult to catch up with the program. But I manage. And the teachers are understanding. They admit they are proud. Classmates are happy about my participation in the "Voice". They are not envious, they are good. And I didn’t become a star, I communicate with them in the same way as before, I’m friends.

What are your vivid childhood memories?

Performing on stage at the age of six. I then studied at a music school in Yerevan. The first flowers were presented to me by a friend of our family, at that time President of the International Union of Armenian Composers Edward Mirzoyan. This is a memory for a lifetime.

I remember very well international competition"Rose of Wind". I am 12 years old. I perform the song "Carnival", number c Spanish dance. Won first place.

I grew up in the Caucasus. Already at the age of six I understood what it means "life flashed before my eyes." While climbing the mountain, he fell off a steep cliff. IN last moment dad grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the abyss.

I was happy when, at the age of five, my parents gave me a piano, my first instrument. At first, she played willingly. But then I got a little tired from work.

I liked our trips with my parents to Lake Baikal. From Ulan-Ude, where I come from, it's easy to get there. An hour and a half by car - and you're there. At first they stayed with friends, then they bought their own cottage near the lake. Swimming all day long!

Danil Pluzhnikov. "We are beaten, we fly"

Name: Danil Pluzhnikov

Age: 13 years

Place of Birth: Sochi

Height: 98

Activity: singer, winner of the project "Voice. Children-3"

Danil Pluzhnikov: biography

Danil Pluzhnikov was born in Adler, the regional center of one of the four inner city districts of the resort city of Sochi. The boy was born into a family where both parents love music. Mom sings and plays the piano, dad plays drums and guitar. It is not surprising that little Danya, having barely learned to speak, was already singing all the songs from the Bremen Town Musicians under karaoke.

The clear and cloudless sky over this family began to become covered with clouds when Danila was 10 months old. Mom noticed that her son stopped growing and gaining weight. The doctors at first reassured him and did not share their suspicions, but soon made a disappointing diagnosis: the boy had spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. It is a complex systemic bone disease.

But life went on. And courageous parents did everything in their power so that their son would receive from this life everything that it can give him. Danil Pluzhnikov goes to school. True, for him the chosen method home schooling: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy does not require any concessions for himself and does not allow himself to relax: he is an excellent student.

Dani has many hobbies. He loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter that resembles a two-seater mini-car. He also loves to draw and write poetry. But main love Dani's whole life is music.

Several times a week, parents take their son to a music school, where he diligently practices vocals. Not so long ago, Danil Pluzhnikov began composing instrumental music, picking up a motive on the synthesizer.

The first victories were not slow to appear. In the very first year of vocal lessons with her beloved teacher Victoria Brendaus, Dana brought 11 awards. Pluzhnikov regularly visited various music competitions, some of which were held far from their native Sochi. Now the young performer has more than 20 medals of the 1st degree and 7 awards of the 2nd.

In 2014, when Sochi hosted Olympic Games, Danil Pluzhnikov also did not stand aside. He was invited to meet the Paralympians, and he gladly agreed.

This small in stature- only 98 centimeters - a huge and kind heart. A boy, worthily and courageously bearing the burden of his own difficult fate does charity work. He visits the Moscow Cancer Center, where he sings and plays the synthesizer for the smallest patients.

Danil admits that these trips are not easy for him, because it is very scary to see seriously ill children and understand that some of them cannot be saved. But smiles and good mood kids are given the feeling that he is doing a good and necessary thing.

"Voice. Children"

The decision to take part in the 3rd season of the show “Voice. Children ”was not easy for Danil Pluzhnikov. The boy had long dreamed of going on stage and, along with other talented guys, proving that he sings no worse. But the fear of a huge audience, which is not limited only to those present in the hall, somewhat restrained. But Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer took the stage with a wonderful Cossack song Oleg Gazmanov "Two Eagles". Before leaving, he admitted that he dedicated the chosen song to his grandfather, who went through the war. Danil is alarmed that the feat of that heroic generation is underestimated by his peers, and they began to forget who gave them life.

He performed this song so thoughtfully and without a hint of pretense that he impressed not only the audience, but even sophisticated mentors. At the last minutes of the song, Dima Bilan turned to the boy and gasped. A little later, Bilan admitted that his heart almost stopped when he felt the extraordinary, adult spirituality that such a young boy filled the music and words with.

Pelageya also expressed her sincere admiration. She said that this song really suits Dani's voice. But the main thing is that in his performance "Two Eagles" sounded very adult, thoughtful.

From the stage, Danila Pluzhnikov was carried away in his arms by Dmitry Nagiyev, immensely admired by the courage and talent of the boy. According to all mentors, the performer from Sochi has unlimited possibilities and undoubted talent.

The audience saw the singer off with a standing ovation. The Our Future Foundation congratulated Danila on the successful completion of the Blind Auditions stage. Pluzhnikov is a multiple participant in the Foundation's projects. In February of this year, the young Sochi singer participated in International festival-competition"Success Factor", which took place in his hometown. Then creative biography Danila Pluzhnikova was replenished with another victory: he became a laureate of the 1st degree.

On April 29, 2016, Danil Pluzhnikov became the winner of the show "Voice. Children-3" under the guidance of project mentor Dima Bilan.

Personal life

The boy admits that he does not interfere at all in Everyday life his small stature. He had long realized that he would never become like his peers, and began to take the reaction of others calmly.

The whole personal life of Danila Pluzhnikov and his most big love- it `s music. He loves different songs, but always with deep meaning. In addition to the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, his repertoire includes compositions by Grigory Leps and Valery Meladze.

Danil Pluzhnikov - They beat us, we fly| Voice Kids 3 2016 Final

Danil Pluzhnikov I am happy

The third season of the popular musical TV show “Voice. Children ”and the winner of numerous youth music competitions.

Danil Pluzhnikov was born in Adler, the regional center of one of the four inner city districts of the resort city of Sochi. The boy was born in a family where both parents love music. Mom sings and plays the piano, father plays drums and guitar. It is not surprising that little Danya, having barely learned to speak, was already singing all the songs from the Bremen Town Musicians under karaoke.

The clear and cloudless sky above this family began to become covered with clouds when Danil was 10 months old. Mom noticed that her son stopped growing and gaining weight. The doctors at first reassured him and did not share their own suspicions, but soon made a disappointing diagnosis: the boy had spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. It is a complex systemic bone disease.

But life went on. And courageous parents did everything in their power to ensure that their son received from this life everything that it can give him. Danil Pluzhnikov goes to school. True, the method of home education was chosen for him: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy does not demand any concessions for himself and does not allow himself to relax: Danil is an excellent student.


Dani has many hobbies. The boy loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter that resembles a two-seater mini car. Danil Pluzhnikov also loves to draw and write poetry. But the main love of Dani's life is music.

Several times a week, parents take their son to a music school, where Danil diligently practices vocals. Not so long ago, Danil Pluzhnikov began composing instrumental music, choosing a motive on a synthesizer.

The first victories were not slow to appear. The first year of vocal lessons with her beloved teacher Victoria Brendaus brought Dana 11 awards. Pluzhnikov regularly attended various music competitions. Some were held far from their native Sochi. Today, the young performer has more than 20 medals of the 1st degree and 7 awards of the 2nd.

In 2014, when the Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Danil Pluzhnikov also did not stand aside. The young musician was invited to meet the Paralympians, and Danil agreed with pleasure.

This small stature - only 98 centimeters - has a huge and kind heart. The boy, worthily and courageously bearing the burden of his own difficult fate, is engaged in charity work. Danil Pluzhnikov regularly visits the Moscow Cancer Center, where he sings and plays the synthesizer for the smallest patients.

Danil admits that these trips are not easy for him, because it is very scary to see seriously ill children and understand that some of them cannot be saved. But the smiles and good mood of the kids give the feeling that he is doing a good and necessary thing.

"Voice. Children"

The decision to participate in the 3rd season of the show “Voice. Children ”was not easy for Danil Pluzhnikov. The boy had long dreamed of going on stage and, along with other talented guys, to prove that he sings no worse. But the fear of a huge audience, which is not limited only to those present in the hall, restrained this impulse of the musician. As a result, Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer took the stage with a wonderful Cossack song "Two Eagles". Before leaving, he admitted that he dedicated the chosen song to his grandfather, who went through the war. Danil is alarmed that the feat of that heroic generation is underestimated by his peers, and they began to forget who gave them life.

The boy performed this song so thoughtfully and without a hint of pretense that he impressed not only the audience, but even sophisticated mentors. At the last minutes of the song, he turned to the boy and gasped. A little later, Bilan admitted that his heart almost stopped when he felt the extraordinary, adult spirituality that such a young boy filled the music and words with.

She expressed her sincere admiration. The singer said that this song "goes" with Dani's voice. But the main thing is that in execution young musician"Two Eagles" sounded like an adult, thoughtfully.

From the stage, Danila Pluzhnikov was carried away in his arms by Dmitry Nagiyev, admiring the courage and talent of the boy. The mentors noted that the performer from Sochi has unlimited possibilities and undoubted talent.

The audience saw the singer off with a standing ovation. Danila was congratulated by the Our Future Foundation on the successful completion of the Blind Auditions stage.

In the show "Voice. Children ”the little musician constantly surprised the audience and the jury. Danil Pluzhnikov appeared on the screens in the fourth episode of the third season music show"Voice. Children”, which aired on Friday 11 March 2016.

On April 1, 2016, Danil Pluzhnikov appeared already in the episode of the show at the stages of "Fights" and "Song for the Departure". At the “Duels” stage, Danil sang the song “Oh, roads ...” by Novikov and. The boy was the second participant in the third trio and became the winner of the stage.

In the competition "Song for the Departure" Danil Pluzhnikov again sang the song "Two Eagles" by Gazmanov, which brought the young performer victory in the auditions. The song didn't disappoint this time. young singer- Danil went to the next, final, stage.

Another triumph of the young performer was the final, in which the boy sang the song "They beat us, we fly." After Pluzhnikov touched the audience and the jury again, the boy went to the superfinal. Danil Pluzhnikov's rivals were with the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin" and with "Rubber Hedgehog". Daniil Pluzhnikov himself performed the hit "I'm Free". 61.7% of viewers voted for Danil.

April 29, 2016 Danil Pluzhnikov became the winner of the show "Voice. Children-3" under the guidance of project mentor Dima Bilan. In addition, Pluzhnikov made three out-of-competition performances. The young musician took part in the combined performances of the children of the project on the songs "Cisara" and "The Winner Takes It All", and also sang the song "I Remember You" together with the mentor Dima Bilan and teammates.

Pluzhnikov is a multiple participant in the Foundation's projects. In February of this year, the young Sochi singer participated in the International Festival-Competition "Success Factor", which was held in the musician's hometown. Then the creative biography of Danil Pluzhnikov was replenished with another victory: the boy became a laureate of the 1st degree.

Personal life

The boy admits that his small stature does not interfere with his life at all. Danil realized long ago that he would never become like his peers, and began to calmly relate to the reaction of others.

Today, Danil Pluzhnikov's personal life and greatest love is music. Danil loves different songs, but always with a deep meaning. In addition to the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, the young performer's repertoire includes compositions and.

Danil is also fond of composing music, the boy even received the Grand Prix for his own composing work. Fans of Pluzhnikov's work hope to soon hear the author's music performed by the young artist.

Danil Pluzhnikov now

After winning the TV show “Voice. Children ”Danil Pluzhnikov began touring Russia. In 2016, the young musician performed at the Invasion rock festival in front of a crowd of two hundred thousand. The song “I am free”, which Danil performed in the project “Voice. Children ”inspired the organizers to take a crazy, but at the same time logical step: to invite the boy to perform with Valery Kipelov, who performs this composition in the original. As a result, Kipelov and Pluzhnikov performed with two songs "I am free" and "Lizaveta".

In 2017, on Russia Day, Danil Pluzhnikov spoke at holiday concert in Sochi. The boy sang along with the Yin-Yang group, which became the headliners of the event.

In 2017 Danil Pluzhnikov performed with new song"Pilgrim". This is a composition written specifically for a young musician after winning the children's "Voice". The musician also presented this song to the public in Sochi, but already on solo concert which took place on 15 July.

Once again, with a new composition, the young singer delighted the audience at grand opening the First World Congress of People with Disabilities at the Palace of Team Sports in Yekaterinburg. The musician also recorded this track in the studio, and today the composition "Pilgrim" is available for purchase on the iTunes platform.


Danil Pluzhnikov has not yet released a solo album, but the songs performed by the young musician were included in two collections:

  • 2016 - #LIVE
  • 2017 - "Two Eagles" (a collection released as part of the "Voice. Children" project)

Singles on iTunes:

  • 2017 - "Pilgrim"


Grade 5

More recently, the star of young talent Danila Pluzhnikova caught fire - he won the final of the TV show “Voice. Children". This fourteen-year-old boy looks only three years old due to a serious illness. But this does not prevent him from moving forward, working on himself, making music. Now his story has captured the whole of Russia, and psychics want to talk separately about the family of this boy, ..

Summary 5.0 excellent

More recently, the star of young talent Danila Pluzhnikova caught fire - he won the final of the TV show “Voice. Children". This fourteen-year-old boy looks only three years old due to a serious illness. But this does not prevent him from moving forward, working on himself, making music.

Now his story has captured the whole of Russia, and psychics want to talk separately about the family of this boy, his mother and Danil Pluzhnikov himself, making him a forecast for the future. Psychics say they see the fate of this child as very special.

Danil Pluzhnikov biography

Danil Pluzhnikov was born on January 26, 2002 in Adler. We can say about this date that by the sign zodiac horoscope Daniel is an Aquarius. This sign indicates the leadership qualities and penetrating abilities of the native. Aquarians often know how to captivate people with them only because they are endowed with a special energy of the leader.

His mother, Irina Vladimirovna Afanasyeva, graduated School of Music in the piano class, however, she did not have to work. father plays on percussion instruments. From the very birth of Danechka, concerts were constantly held in the house, and this could not but affect his character - at the age of one and a half he already knew how to sing songs. No wonder music is in his blood.

Mom Irina on January 26 was born a completely ordinary baby weighing about 3 kg and 48 cm tall. Until 9 months old, he grew normally, like all children, but suddenly the development of limbs and growth began to slow down. Irina Vladimirovna sounded the alarm first, the doctors still reassured her that it seemed, but she already understood in her heart that something was wrong. The heart did not deceive. Two months later, the child received a verdict. The boy is terminally ill.

Danil Pluzhnikov disease

Danil Pluzhnikov's diagnosis is spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. It is a complex systemic bone disease.

Every year it became more and more clear how the child differs physically from his peers.

It is based in the spine, which develops in the wrong way, due to which it curves and rib cage, and joints. The body simply stops growing.

However, he is mentally developed comprehensively - he studies on a par with the guys, only at home. he also draws and writes poetry, he is very sympathetic to other sick kids - he helps to raise money for them. Note that it is Danil and his parents who do all the operations at their own expense.

At some point, both mom and dad and Danil himself suddenly realized that life did not stop and did not end after they found out about his illness. He, like the others, studies at school - he only does it at home, and does not give himself up - he studies for five. But he goes to music school for classes himself from the age of 9. In one school, he studies vocals, and in another, playing the synthesizer.

When I was little, I organized all the guys in the yard around me. I couldn’t run, so I sat down on the table and told something interesting, invented games, and knew how to captivate. The boys and girls seemed to want to run, but they sat and listened. They probably had some respect for him that he could not participate in their games. Sometimes they even dragged him. Not always, of course, children are children, it happened, and they ran away. Then Danka was sad: “Why can they, but I can’t.” I had to explain. Now Danya tells me: "I accepted myself as I am." Mom Danila Pluzhnikov about him

He travels a lot around Russia, participates in song contests, went to the Paralympics - to talk with champions who conquer peaks despite their illnesses. Such a meeting was organized by Danila's father - and it was truly a very wise decision. Also, the father insisted that the boy ride a scooter around the city - this is not a scooter in the usual sense of the word - fitted to Danila, but still this type of transport allows the teenager to feel much more confident than on a baby carriage, but which all of them Parents also carry if necessary. It's hard for Danil to walk on his own - some time after the first operation, he had to get crutches. Still, these operations mechanically stretch the bones, which is sometimes worse than the disease itself.

Danil Pluzhnikov and Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is a doctor and host of the program “Live healthy!”. To show how much she cares about Danil's fate, she tried to do something for him and was able to conduct a complete examination of his body. It should be noted that Danil is already a patient of several hospitals and several operations have already been performed to increase the height of the child. There, by stretching bone tissue, his legs were enlarged by 5 cm.

In the center of Ilizarov, he was scheduled for the next operation, the time of which coincided with the competition “Voice. Children". And the doctors agreed to move it to June.

However, here Elena Malysheva got involved in the case, who conducted a complete examination of the child's body with the help of doctors. Doctors only confirmed the diagnoses that Danil Pluzhnikov already had.

It was necessary to see the faces of the child and his mother when they were brought into the studio, like winners, and at the same time they said only what they had known for more than 12 years!

Do exercises, do massages, eat right, regularly undergo examinations with doctors. Danil knew all this already, but found the strength to thank Elena Malysheva for the additional examination. He even sang for her the song "I'm as happy as anyone." You can watch the video of the song "I'm happy" performed by Danil Pluzhnikov online just below on this page.

The only thing in which the opinions of the doctors of the Malysheva team and the doctors of the Ilizarov center differed was in the operation that Danil is waiting for. Malysheva's team notes that surgery on growing bones is a premature measure. The bones sag over time, because the child does not have enough bone tissue, and the fact that now it will be increased by another 5 centimeters through surgery is a temporary measure. Unfortunately, the very reason that the boy is not growing cannot be eliminated in any way, neither hormonal nor any other drugs will help.

Thus, they advise to wait for the complete formation of the bone material and only then start a series of operations. But is it really so easy for a 14-year-old teenager, even a very wise one, to wait another seven years, when you can become a little taller NOW.

Psychics talk about Danil Pluzhnikov that he still needs to be patient before making a decision. It is possible that in this case, waiting is the best solution. Moreover, this operation has already been karmically transferred twice, perhaps this is just the case when fate itself tries to protect the child from a mistake.

Psychics about Danil Pluzhnikov: forecast for the future

Psychics very carefully looked at Danil's photo for damage and curses in order to understand where the child got this disease from and whether it is possible to heal him by cleaning the aura. They noticed that Danil Pluzhnikov's aura had additional protection and a special rune that gave him mental clarity. They say that, most likely, the child was taken to an appointment with a strong medicine man to remove the curse and try to heal.

The specialist could not do anything, because he was unable to change fate.

The fact is that this boy’s family is written that he will be strong from his weaknesses. That's what he has to go through to change the world.

“Danil Pluzhnikov’s fate says that he is strong because of his weaknesses. If there is no weakness, there will be no strength.” Mirkhoyan Dzhenividze, Armenian psychic

The psychic at the consultation took pity on the child and did the only thing he could in this situation. Taught Daniel to accept himself as he is.

What is the purpose of Danila Pluzhnikov? It remains only to guess. Perhaps this is already what he does, instills hope in others, showing by his own example that disability is not the end of life, but just a different way to live it, no worse and no better.

Perhaps its purpose is much more significant, and will affect the fate of all mankind. For example, many psychics such as Nostradamus and Vanga say that new era life, dawn will come with birth little man. Could Danil be that same person? Definitely yes.

Psychics about Danil Pluzhnikov note that he does not and never had evil eyes or curses. The aura is completely intact and has a bluish tint, similar to the color of the aura in children.

Psychics also say that it was his zodiac sign that strongly influenced Danil's character. We wrote in more detail about the characteristics of the Aquarius zodiac sign. The nature of Aquarians is such that they are mostly kind and calm by nature, they receive great pleasure, challenging public opinion and secretly they like to shock conservative people with their unusual behavior. It is precisely by his fighting nature that Danil is not afraid, is not afraid that he is not like that and is deprived of something in his life. For the most part, he lives a life even more complete than that of many people.

Video song by Danila Pluzhnikov

Danil Pluzhnikov - blind audition

Danil Pluzhnikov - blind audition. Watch the video of the first appearance of Danil in the show “Voice. Children" with Oleg Gazmanov's song "Two Eagles".

Danil Pluzhnikov for Elena Malysheva "I'm as happy as anyone!"

In gratitude for the fact that Elena Malysheva gathered endocrinologists to find a way to cure the boy, Danil sang a song dedicated to her at the concert. She believes that this child is not yet lost.

Danil Pluzhnikov in fights

Danil Pluzhnikov sang the song “Oh, roads” in fights, together with Damir Nurutdinov and Elizaveta Kabaeva, he sang the Russian folk song of the war years - “Oh, roads”, which is known to every Russian person. It is the eyes and soul of Danila Pluzhnikov that gives the song a new semantic color.

Danil Pluzhnikov "Two Eagles" - video semi-final of the show "Voice. Children"

Gazmanov's song for the second time, after working with a professional, already sounds smoother, but the sparkle in Danil's eyes, his expression, his ability to feel the song and fill it with new meaning remain the same

For the press conference of the Angels of Nature festival, Oleg Gazmanov sang his song with Danil in a duet and shook his hand.

Danil Pluzhnikov "I'm free" - video Finale of the show "Voice. Children"

Although Danil himself chooses for himself songs that are closer to the people, after closer communication and work with the boy, Dima Bilan selects Kipelov's song "I'm free" for him.

In addition to performing the song, Danil himself plays the synthesizer. Psychics who know little about music, but are well aware of human souls, want to note that that sincerity and understanding of every word fully compensate for the fact that the boy does not reach Kipelov's vocals. People who at that moment could be in the hall felt a surge of strength, a charge that this boy gives.

Finale of the show “Voice. Children "Season 3 - Danil Pluzhnikov "They beat us - we fly"

The famous song of Alla Pugacheva “They beat us - we fly” was sung by Danil Pluzhnikov on April 29, 2016 and resonated in the hearts of the audience. Probably, the boy's story still played a role no less than his voice and his musical ability, but Danil became the winner of the show “Voice. Children ”in season 3, 65 percent of the audience voted for him. Psychics note that it was the results of the audience's voting that played a decisive role, and at the moment when his voice was heard from the TV screens, people simply could not vote differently. Because sincerity is the most powerful magic.

Dear readers, what do you think about Danil's songwriting? How long did his star light up and is it fair that he won in the final of the TV show “Voice. Children"? Write your answers and opinions in the comments below the article.

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