Aesthetic properties of personality. b) additional literature


The education of moral culture is interconnected with the education of aesthetic culture, which is also the most important component of the spiritual culture of the individual.

Aesthetic culture is a component of the spiritual culture of a person, characterizing the degree of mastery of aesthetic (artistic) knowledge, needs, feelings, ideals, interests, aesthetic taste, aesthetic attitude to nature and art, as well as the experience of aesthetic (artistic) activity.

Aesthetic consciousness- a set of views, ideas, theories, tastes, ideals, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to reliably determine the aesthetic value of the surrounding objects, phenomena of life, art. aesthetic feeling- subjective emotional experience generated by the evaluative attitude to the aesthetic phenomenon. aesthetic taste- this is the ability to evaluate aesthetic phenomena from the standpoint of aesthetic knowledge and ideals.

In accordance with the structure of aesthetic culture, the content of the work on its formation is aimed at developing the aesthetic consciousness, the emotional sphere of schoolchildren by means of aesthetics, nature and art; the formation of artistic and art history knowledge; aestheticization of the educational process, the surrounding subject environment, relations in the school team, in the family; familiarization of children and young people with world and national artistic culture, development and implementation of their creativity.

Education of aesthetic culture involves the organization various artistic and aesthetic activities(artistic-performing, cognitive, research, labor, environmental, design, emotional-evaluative, etc.) of students, aimed at developing their ability to fully perceive and correctly understand beauty in art and in life, to develop aesthetic ideas, concepts , feelings, tastes and beliefs, as well as the development of creative inclinations and talents in the field of art.

means education of aesthetic culture are also art (its different types and genres), literature, nature, aesthetics of the surrounding life, work, everyday life, aesthetics of the lesson and all school life, aesthetics of relationships between people and aesthetics of behavior, aesthetics of appearance. In particular, the artistic culture of a person is based on his attitude to art: the need to communicate with art, knowledge in the field of art, the ability to perceive works of art and give them an aesthetic assessment, as well as the ability of artistic and creative self-expression in a particular form of art.

Great opportunities for the education of the aesthetic culture of schoolchildren are provided by the content of all subjects of the curriculum of a secondary general education school. However, in the first place, the group of subjects that make up the educational area "Art" (music, visual arts, world art culture, and others) is aimed at forming the artistic culture of students.

Consider the age specifics of this area of ​​education (see table 19).

Table 19

Age features of the education of the aesthetic culture of the individual

Jr school age



Formation of an aesthetic attitude to nature, universal moral values, development figurative thinking students, imagination by means of various types of art. Formation of an aesthetic attitude to nature through practical participation in aestheticization environment(caring for plants, animals, careful attitude to nature). The use of art in the formation of students' ideas about the beauty of nature. Formation of aesthetic feelings, emotional attitude, love for native nature in the process of introducing children to poetry, literature, fine arts, architecture.

Paying attention to the aesthetics of behavior and appearance of children. Minimize conversations of a general, explanatory nature. Conducting games, theatrical performances, workshops, matinees, quizzes, meetings, etc. with a wide involvement of literature, music, visual material, video, film materials, as well as children's amateur performances

Formation of a full-fledged aesthetic (artistic) perception, the ability to make independent aesthetic assessments; development of the emotional sphere, creativity by means of art, development of skills and abilities of artistic and creative activity: the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards one's own appearance, interpersonal relationships, natural and social environment. Formation of aesthetic perception of works of art in the process of aesthetic education ( oral journals, talks, lectures, excursions to museums, the Philharmonic, theaters, etc.; watching videos, reading books on art), creative activities of teenagers (competitions, exhibitions, etc.). Formation of aesthetic assessments of students in the process of writing reviews, reviews, articles, organization of games, quizzes, work with art history literature, etc. Stimulation of adolescents to an aesthetic analysis of works of art. Formation of skills and abilities of artistic and creative activity literary, fine arts, theatrical amateur performances, which not only contribute to the aesthetic development of adolescents, but also satisfy their need for communication with peers

The formation of the aesthetic component of the worldview, the development of the emotional and sensory sphere, the skills of conscious perception of the aesthetics of life, the assessment of works of art and literature, self-assessment of behavior and activity. Formation of aesthetic attitude to professional activity. Organization creative associations on the basis of self-organization and self-government, in which high school students will deepen their knowledge in the field of national and world art and literature, develop their creative abilities

The word aesthetics comes from the Greek "aisteticos" - feeling, sensual, relating to sensory perception. As you know, the concept itself was introduced by N. Baumgarten only in the 18th century. However, the history of aesthetics as a world science goes back to ancient times. The variety of uses of the word "aesthetics" outside of science is evidence of the broad content of this concept. When considering the concept of aesthetics, one can recall a verbally consonant concept - ethics, the prerogative of which is the good (as well as the prerogative of science - the true). First of all, the concept of aesthetics refers to creation. human hands, and even his actions, and then to something born by nature itself. In most encyclopedias, aesthetics is explained as the doctrine of the beautiful (or graceful according to V. Dahl), first of all in art, and then in life. It can be concluded that the special nature of aesthetics as a science lies in its interdisciplinary nature. Aesthetics is focused on identifying universal criteria for sensory perception of the expressive forms of the surrounding world.

    Definition of "Aesthetic"

Aesthetic is the most general category of aesthetics, with the help of which its subject is designated and the essential relationship and systemic unity of the entire family of aesthetic categories is expressed. As a special category, it was formed in aesthetics in the 20th century. on the basis of the predicate “aesthetic”, which has been actively used since the time of I. Kant in relation to special experience, special subject-object relations, fine arts, specific consciousness, etc., i.e. to the whole sphere of phenomena studied by aesthetics.

    Definition of "Beauty"

One of the traditional categories of aesthetics. Since ancient times, it has existed in culture almost as a synonym for beauty and is often used in this sense to this day, especially in everyday speech. However, some semantic differences have already been outlined since antiquity, although they have never been strictly fixed. In contrast to the broader sense of the beautiful, as a category from the field of subject-object relations, K. is a characteristic of only an aesthetic object. With its help, they seek to designate that elusive set of properties of an object (natural, subject, work of art), which leads to the generation of a sense of beauty.

    Definition of "Beautiful"

beautiful - aesthetic category, which characterizes phenomena that have the highest aesthetic perfection. In the history of thought, the specificity of morality was realized gradually, through its correlation with other kinds of values ​​- utilitarian (benefit), cognitive (truth), ethical (good).

    Definition of "Harmonious"

Harmony - consonance, agreement, the consistency of parts in a dismembered whole, corresponding to aesthetic laws. The idea of ​​harmony was still at the heart of the Pythagorean idea of ​​the harmony of the spheres, it continues to exist in a transformed form in the new philosophy of Shaftesbury, Kepler, Giordano bruno, Leibniz and in German idealism. Goethe's pedagogical ideal, as he expresses it in Wilhelm Meister, was "the education of a harmoniously free humanity", the development of all valuable human faculties into perfect balance.

    Definition of "ugly"

The ugly is a category of aesthetics that contains an assessment of objects and phenomena of reality as ugly, base, opposite to the ideas of beauty and beauty. B. in a lawsuit causes a negative in a person. the attitude towards the terrible and ugly, awakens a feeling of protest and striving for the beautiful, gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should be. Ideas about B. depend on national, historical, class and taste differences.

    Definition of " Aesthetic education»

Aesthetic education is a purposeful system of effective formation of a person capable of perceiving, evaluating and realizing the aesthetic in life, nature and art from the standpoint of the socio-economic ideal, capable of living and transforming the world according to the laws of beauty.

The work of a person, his actions, relationships with other people, as well as experiences, aspirations and ideals are of a different nature from an aesthetic point of view. Therefore, aesthetic education performs its tasks in close cooperation with all other types of education: moral, labor, legal, environmental, physical, artistic, etc.

    Definition of the concept of "Artistic education"

Artistic education - the formation of a child's worldview by means of art. It can be spontaneous and pedagogically directed. H.v. introduces the child to various manifestations of art through their perception and their own creative activity. Different kinds arts are part of the reality surrounding the child and from the first years of his life influence the education of feelings, tastes and attitude to life itself.

9. Definition of "Culture"

In a figurative sense, culture is the care, improvement, ennobling of the bodily-mental-spiritual inclinations and abilities of a person; accordingly, there is a culture of the body, a culture of the soul and a spiritual culture. In a broad sense, culture is a set of manifestations of the life, achievements and creativity of a people or a group of peoples.

Culture, considered from the point of view of content, is divided into various areas, spheres: customs and customs, language and writing, the nature of clothing, settlements, work, education, the economy, the nature of the army, socio-political structure, legal proceedings, science, technology, art , religion, all forms of manifestation of the objective spirit of a given people. The level and state of culture can be understood only on the basis of the development of the history of culture; in this sense one speaks of primitive and high culture; The degeneration of culture creates either lack of culture or "refined culture". In old cultures, fatigue, pessimism, stagnation and its decline are sometimes observed. These phenomena make it possible to judge how much the bearers of culture remained true to the essence of their culture. The difference between culture and civilization is that culture is the expression and result of the self-determination of the will of the people or individual (" man of culture”), while civilization is a set of achievements in technology and related them comfort.

11. Definition of the concept of "Aesthetic culture" Components of Aesthetic culture

The aesthetic culture of a schoolchild includes a certain degree of aesthetic development of feelings, consciousness, behavior and activity of a schoolchild, namely:

Emotional-sensual responsiveness to the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the base, the heroic and the vulgar, the comic and the tragic in art, in life, in nature, in everyday life, in work, in behavior and activity, as well as the ability to control one's feelings; - knowledge and understanding of the essence of the aesthetic in art and the surrounding reality, artistic literacy, correct ideas, judgments and beliefs related to the aesthetic perception of works of art and life phenomena; - mastery of the cultural heritage of the past, attitude to contemporary art and sensitivity to progressive trends in the development of art; the degree of development of creative abilities, interest and desire for the aesthetic development of the world; - a measure of involvement in artistic creativity, practical participation in the creation of beauty in life; - the need and ability to build life "according to the laws of beauty" and to affirm the ideals of beauty in relationships with people, in work and social activities.

13. Aesthetic education in the era of the Ancient World

Aesthetic ideas in the ancient world were associated with mythology, were of a cosmological nature. Highest value given to music as a means of education. Ancient Chinese aesthetic thought saw moral and educational significance in music. means of aesthetic experience ancient india considered poetry, dance, music. It was noted that a piece of music should correspond to the spirit of the performer, his age. So the practice of public life ancient world put forward the task of teaching music, dancing, singing. For training, the first educational institutions of music and dance appeared. The underdevelopment of socio-economic relations of the countries of the Ancient World left its mark on aesthetic ideas.

During the period of antiquity, the socio-economic development of society required a new look at a person, his upbringing and education. Aesthetic education has become part of the upbringing and education of a person. The purpose of education was defined as the formation of a harmoniously developed person. The basic principles, the content of aesthetic education, the meaning of art were developed by philosophers of antiquity. Aristotle, Democritus, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates singled out the organic connection between ethical and aesthetic education.

In ancient Rome, the formation of a harmoniously developed personality gave way to the idea of ​​practical utility. In the period of antiquity, the obligatory elements of aesthetic education were the study of music, singing, drawing, rhetoric, learning to play a musical instrument, gymnastics, and there was also a connection between aesthetic and mental and moral education. Ancient thinkers formulated the main problems of aesthetics: the question of the relationship of aesthetic consciousness to reality, the nature of art, the essence creative process about the place of art in the life of society.

The basic categories of the aesthetic culture of the individual are aesthetic consciousness, artistic and aesthetic perception, aesthetic feeling, aesthetic experience, aesthetic need, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic taste, aesthetic judgment.

Aesthetic consciousness includes a people-conscious aesthetic attitude to reality and art, expressed in the totality of aesthetic ideas, theories, views, criteria.

The most important element of a person's aesthetic consciousness is artistic and aesthetic perception. Perception is the initial stage of communication with art and the beauty of reality, psychological basis aesthetic attitude to the world.

Artistic and aesthetic perception is manifested in the ability of a person to isolate processes, properties, qualities that awaken aesthetic feelings in the phenomena of reality and art.

Aesthetic feeling is subjective emotional condition caused by a person's evaluative attitude to an aesthetic phenomenon of reality or art.

Aesthetic experience is a state of shock, enlightenment, suffering, joy, delight, etc. Aesthetic experience contributes to the emergence and development of spiritual and aesthetic needs.

Aesthetic need manifests itself as a steady need to communicate with artistic and aesthetic values.

The central link of aesthetic consciousness is the aesthetic ideal - a socially conditioned idea of ​​modern beauty in nature, society, man, art.

Aesthetic consciousness in unity with aesthetic feeling gives rise to artistic and aesthetic taste as a subtle and complex ability to see, feel, understand truly beautiful or ugly, tragic or comic and correctly evaluate it.

On this basis, the ability of aesthetic judgment develops - evidence-based, reasoned, reasonable assessment of aesthetic phenomena. public life, art, nature.

The formation of aesthetic culture is carried out in the process of aesthetic education.

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality capable of perceiving, feeling, evaluating

beautiful, tragic, comic, ugly in life and art, to live and create according to the "laws of beauty".

Aesthetic education includes aesthetic development -organized process the formation in the child of natural essential forces that ensure the activity of aesthetic perception, feeling, creative imagination, emotional experience, imaginative thinking, as well as the formation of spiritual needs.

The core of aesthetic education is the impact on the personality by means of art and the implementation of artistic education on its basis.

Artistic education is a purposeful process of developing in children the ability to perceive, feel, experience, love, appreciate art, enjoy it and create artistic values.

The organization of the system of aesthetic education is based on a number of principles:

The universality of aesthetic education;

An integrated approach to the whole matter of education;

Combination of classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular activities, various forms exposure to art through the media;

The connection of artistic and aesthetic activity with life, the practice of updating society;

Unity of artistic and mental development;

Artistic activities and amateur performances of children;

Aestheticization of all life;

Accounting for age and individual features children.

Criteria for the formation of aesthetic culture:

The presence of a desire to communicate with art and nature;

The presence of an aesthetic need for transformation surrounding reality according to the laws of beauty and intolerance for the ugly;

The ability to perceive art, empathize and enjoy highly artistic samples;

The ability to give an aesthetic assessment of a work of art and an object of nature;

The ability of artistic and creative self-expression;

Aestheticization of relationships with other people;

Basic knowledge folk art, historical and cultural traditions of their country, the desire for their creative development and preservation.

More on the topic § 4. Formation of the aesthetic culture of the individual:


The aesthetic culture of the individual is a complex integrative quality, expressed in the ability and ability to emotionally perceive, realize and evaluate the phenomena of life and art, as well as transform nature, the world man "according to the laws of beauty."

The concept of "aesthetic culture of the individual" includes two components: aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic activity.

Aesthetic consciousness is one of the forms public consciousness, which reflects the sensual-emotional and intellectual attitude of the individual to reality and art, her desire for harmony and perfection. The structure of aesthetic consciousness includes a need-motivational component, aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, taste, interest, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic creativity.

aesthetic artistic activity- this is an activity aimed at the performance or creation of any aesthetic value, for example, works of art. Of course, any type of activity contains in one way or another aesthetic aspect. For example, the formation of an aesthetic motive of activity, setting the goal of creating an aesthetically expressive, emotionally attractive product; the choice of aesthetically significant means and methods of carrying out activities, obtaining an aesthetically valuable result.

Thus, the aesthetic culture of the individual means the unity of aesthetic knowledge, beliefs, feelings, skills and norms of activity and behavior. In the spiritual structure of the individual, the totality of these components expresses the measure of the development of the aesthetic culture of society by it, at the same time determining the measure of possible creative dedication.

Therefore, the components of the aesthetic culture of the individual are:

a) the development of aesthetic consciousness (knowledge of the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the base, the tragic and the comic);

b) the development of an aesthetic worldview (aesthetic ideals, norms and principles, aesthetic orientations and interests, convictions and beliefs);

c) the degree of perfection of aesthetic taste;

d) consistent implementation of aesthetic values ​​in accordance with the aesthetic ideal.

Based on the above components of the aesthetic culture of the individual, it is possible to consider the criteria and levels of development of some individual cognitive processes of the individual and aesthetic culture as a whole. As such a process, one can take aesthetic perception, which is defined as the process of reflecting objects and phenomena of reality in art in all the variety of their properties, including aesthetic ones, which directly affect the senses.

The originality of aesthetic perception is expressed in the full meaningful development of the aesthetic subject, the ability to cover the subject in all its details, in the emotional immediacy, enthusiasm that persists in the analysis of the perceived object. Aesthetic perception always evokes certain associations and thoughts about the perceived phenomenon. Thus, the entire personality of a person is involved in the process of aesthetic perception.

As criteria, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the level and dynamics of aesthetic perception, we can propose: adequacy of the perceived object, the ratio of intellectual and emotional, integrity.

important integral part aesthetic consciousness are:

aesthetic taste- the ability to adequately master the aesthetic qualities of reality, expressed in a system of direct emotional assessments. The very first gradations of taste: like - don't like, beautiful - ugly. It is clear that this impulsive reaction, which acquires the meaning of an unspoken assessment, has a natural tendency to become more complicated and, in the end, to be realized by the person. It has a direct impact on the actions and experiences of a person. Aesthetic taste regulates it emotional reactions, and also indirectly affects the intellectual life of the subject.

aesthetic feelingsspecial kind emotional experiences that have a clearly expressed objective character and are characterized by comparative stability. Aesthetic feelings as a kind of human experience arise from the perception of specific objects - works of art, beautiful objects, natural phenomena. They stimulate social activity a person, have a regulatory influence on his behavior and influence the formation of socio-political, aesthetic, ethical and other ideals of the individual.

aesthetic ideal- norms that do not attribute a certain attitude to reality, but act as models that define the boundaries of an aesthetic attitude.

Aesthetic judgment- an aesthetic assessment of reality, an opinion about an aesthetic object or phenomenon. The main measure of evaluation for him is the aesthetic ideal. Judgment operates with aesthetic categories that reflect the most general and essential aspects of the aesthetic phenomena of reality, aesthetic activity and aesthetic consciousness.

Thus, the aesthetic qualities of a person are complex concept- aesthetic culture. In terms of its content, the aesthetic culture of the individual largely coincides with the aesthetic culture of society, while differing in the subjectivity of comprehension and expression, the dominance of certain aesthetic values, and orientation.


The course "Ethics and Aesthetics" plays important role in the formation of the spiritual culture of the individual, moral qualities, aesthetic taste. Moral has a universal meaning and specific historical content. The problem of the place and role of moral values ​​became especially acute in XX-XXI centuries, during the period of post-Soviet transformation. The problem of war in the nuclear age, the global ecological crisis, the problems of interaction between cultures and education have become planetary problems. Solving them without relying on a moral component human existence impossible, since the intellect "without morality" is capable of destroying not only the world around, but also itself. The moral revival and spiritual improvement of a person is the goal of the development of Ukrainian society and humanity as a whole. Aesthetics plays big role in the formation of the spiritual culture of students, the development of creativity, the ability to perceive the world according to the laws of beauty.

Independent work is an important, integral component of modern educational process, whose significance in recent times is constantly increasing. Use of developed guidelines will improve efficiency independent work students, including their readiness to independently acquire knowledge in this course.

a) basic literature

Zharavina L.V. "At Time at the Bottom": Aesthetics and Poetics of Varlam Shalamov's Prose: Monograph. - M. : Flinta, 2010 - 232 p.

Modern ethics: a textbook for universities / V. A. Kanke. - 4th ed., ster. - M.: Omega-L, 2011. - 394 p.

Fundamentals of Ethics: A Primer for the Secondary vocational education: Recommended Min. education / A. V. Razin. - M.: Forum; M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 304 p.

b) additional literature

Ethics and Aesthetics [Electronic resource]: electronic tutorial: recommended by the methodological council of the university / N. I. Bezlepkin, O. A. Yanutsh; St. Petersburg. acad. ex. and economy. - Electron. text data .. - St. Petersburg: SPbAUE Publishing House, 2010. - 1 CD-ROM:

Aesthetics and ethics in a changing world. - St. Petersburg, Asterion, 2009.

Fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics: textbook / P.A. Egorov, V.N. Rudnev. – M.: Kno-Rus, 2010.

Guseinov A.A., Dubko E.L. Ethics: Textbook / Under the general editorship of A.A. Guseinov, E.L. Dubko; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. -M.: Gardariki, 2004.

Ionov A.I. Ethics and culture government controlled: Uch. settlement / A.I. Ionova. - Flint: Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. -M.: , 2005.

Kibanov A.Ya. Ethics of business relations: textbook; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. -M.: INFRA-M, 2003.

Mishatkina T.V. Ethics. - Minsk: New Knowledge Publishing House, 2008.

Ethics: textbook / L.E.Balashov. - M .: Publishing house Dashkov and K, 2008. - 283 p.

Gubin V.D., Nekrasova E.N. Fundamentals of ethics: textbook. - M.: Forum: INFRA-M, 2007.

c) databases, information and reference search engines

Information and educational portal of SPBUUE. -

Electronic Library of SPBUUE. -

Electronic informational resources:

website of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences:;

website of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University:;

portal " Humanities education»;

Federal portal " Russian education»;

Federal repository "Unified collection of digital educational resources» http://schoolcollection;

- e-library in philosophy: ;

- Gumer library: .

Aesthetic education is a component of the educational system aimed at the formation of aesthetic ideals, needs and tastes in pupils, as well as the development of the ability to perceive, experience and create aesthetic values.

Aesthetic education in its content is based on the categories of aesthetics - the most general concepts, revealing the idea of ​​perfection as the aesthetic basis of the world.

What are the main categories of aesthetics?

Beauty as a central category of aesthetics. The category of beauty is the central category of any aesthetic system. Initially, beauty can be defined as expediency or perfection of form. Plato defined beauty as the perfection of form fashioned in accordance with some ideal pattern. Thus, the beautiful is enlightenment, the translucence of an idea in the material. The beautiful is the material consecrated by the ideal contained in it. In rational beings capable of volitional striving for the ideal, beauty becomes a direct expression of the spiritual, in this sense we are talking about the beauty of the soul or the beauty of virtue. In this case, expediency acts as a direct and immediate striving towards the goal - towards the absolute fullness of being. Beauty is the transformation of matter through the incarnation in it beyond the material principle. .

- ugly. It expresses the impossibility of the absence of perfection, it contrasts with a positive aesthetic ideal and contains a hidden demand or desire for the revival of this ideal.

Category sublime represents a reflection of our consciousness of the greatness of natural and social processes and phenomena that immeasurably exceed the possibilities ordinary person(the greatness of the natural elements - the sky, the ocean, mountains, storms, thunderstorms; the greatness of the revolution as an expression of social power large groups of people; greatness of spirit individual people. The perception and experience of the sublime is accompanied by strong emotional experiences (affects) - fear, horror, amazement, delight.

Opposite aesthetic category -base.Lowland- an aesthetic category opposite to the sublime. It characterizes natural and social objects and phenomena that have a negative social significance and pose a threat to humanity and the individual. The base in art is realized through the creation of the image of evil.

As a category of aesthetics, tragic means a form of dramatic consciousness and a person's experience of conflict with forces that threaten his existence and lead to the death of important spiritual values. The tragic presupposes not the passive suffering of a person under the burden of forces hostile to him, but the free vigorous activity a person who rebels against fate and fights with it. AT tragic man appears at a critical, tense moment of its existence. Subject tragic action implies a heroic personality striving to achieve sublime goals, therefore the category of the tragic is closely related to the category of the sublime.

Opposite aesthetic categorycomic. Schelling defined the comic as a form of aestheticization of the ugly and turning it into an object of art: art is able to transform the ugly in such a way that it becomes a positive aesthetic value, a contemplation that can give pleasure.


Aesthetic culture of personality consists of the following components:

Aesthetic consciousness, which includes

aesthetic knowledge, that is, ideas and knowledge about the main aesthetic concepts and categories;

aesthetic thinking manifested in the ability to comprehend aesthetically significant information and express aesthetic judgments;

The central component of aesthetic culture are aesthetic feelings

Such higher feelings are called aesthetic,which are caused in us by the beauty or ugliness of perceived objects, whether they are natural phenomena, works of art or people, as well as their actions and actions . Aesthetic feelings are based on a special, inherent human need - the need for aesthetic experience..

Distinctive feature aesthetic feelings is their "disinterested" nature. They are not directly related to the satisfaction of our material needs, are not aimed at satisfying hunger or saving lives.

Aesthetic pleasure or enjoyment. It is the feeling of pleasure that the perception of colors, sounds, forms, movements and other features of objective objects or phenomena gives us. As a rule, aesthetic pleasure is caused by harmonic combinations in which individual elements are in certain relations with each other; disharmonic combinations, on the contrary, cause displeasure.

Feeling beautiful embraces us when in our perception we reflect the objectively beautiful, really existing beauty of the phenomena of nature and society. We experience this feeling when we look at beautiful flower, animal, landscape, man-made machine or household utensils when we observe the actions of a person, we think about the wonderful features of his character, etc.

Feeling majestic and sublime is generated by the perception of phenomena that exceed the usual measure of phenomena in which the power of nature and human genius is expressed.

Feeling of artistic beauty associated with the aesthetic perception of works of art and with creative activity in any of its forms. In this regard, it has a complex and peculiar character.

Feeling tragic is affective in nature, accompanied by strong mental upheavals, sometimes expressed in sobs. Created by writer, artist artistic image a person sometimes reaches its highest influencing force: we do not just experience an aesthetic feeling from the perception beautiful work art, it makes us suffer, sympathize, resent.

Feeling comical characterized by a state of merry laughter when perceiving contradictory phenomena of reality and is especially strong when they artistic embodiment in works of art.

aesthetic beliefs - stable, emotionally colored attitudes towards the world, people and oneself, formed on the basis of aesthetic knowledge and experienced aesthetic feelings;

- aesthetic qualities and abilities

The integral aesthetic quality of a person can be considered aesthetic taste - developed by social practice, the ability of a person to emotionally evaluate the various aesthetic properties of objects and phenomena, first of all, to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly. In cases where a work of art is valued, aesthetic taste is called artistic taste. (Big dictionary in cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I.. 2003)

aesthetic ability - a set of individual psychological characteristics of a person, thanks to which it is possible to carry out aesthetic activity

aesthetic activity - aesthetically perceive and experience the phenomena of reality and art, evaluate them by judging taste and correlating with the ideal, create various new aesthetic values ​​(in labor, in behavior, in science and technology).

aesthetic needs - the need to lather, feel and act in accordance with certain aesthetic ideas (ideals);

– experience in aesthetic activity- willingness and ability to perform certain actions (deeds) in accordance with the aesthetic ideas, feelings, needs (ideals) formed in the structure of the personality.

In accordance with the structure of aesthetic culture are determined and tasks of aesthetic education

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