"Thunderstorm" - the most decisive work of A.N. Ostrovsky


Davydova Vera, 11th grade

Presentation for the lessons "Dark Kingdom" of the city of Kalinov.



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Reflection of the traditions of Domostroy in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" Performed by: student of the 10th "G" class, GBU OSH "GMLIOD", Davydova Vera. Teacher: Pukhalskaya L.V.

Statistics The Russian Department of Internal Affairs has published statistics according to which one Russian woman becomes a victim of violence/beating every two seconds. At the number of one thousand one and one thousand two, another Russian woman becomes a victim of domestic violence. Statistics show that 60-75% of women who lost their lives as a result of domestic violence were killed after they broke off relations with the abuser. Every hour one of Russian women dies at the hands of a husband or partner.

In the drama "Thunderstorm", the author showed the wild, deaf society of the county town of Kalinov, living according to the laws of Domostroy, and contrasted it with the image freedom-loving girl, who did not want to come to terms with Kalinov's norms of life and behavior.

Domostroy is a vault worldly rules and instructions. Reflects principles patriarchal life, is known for prescribing the severity of the household.

The compilers of "Domostroy" saw the main virtues of a woman in religiosity, complete subordination to her husband, caring for the family and hard work. In their opinion, it is precisely such a wife - "kind, hardworking, silent - the crown of her husband."

In the canonical and instructive books, the woman seems to be the backdrop for the man's life; acts as an object rather than a subject of action.

Images of the inhabitants of Kalinov

"Groza" presents special interest for readers, as it describes not only interpersonal conflict, but also gives enough complete characteristic Russian merchants mid-nineteenth century.

The nature of intra-family relations in pre-revolutionary Russia regulated by law. In accordance with Russian legislation, the woman was in a position dependent on the man. When she married, she assumed the rank and estate of her husband. The wife was obliged to "obey her husband as the head of the family", "to remain in love, respect and unlimited obedience to him", to render him "every pleasing and affection like a mistress"

The main responsibility of the wife in the family was the organization family life, while the man was the head of the family, the owner of all movable and immovable property, the head of trade operations. At the same time, the wife's dependence on her husband was also increased by the fact that husbands were usually much older than their wives. The dependent position of a woman was also largely facilitated by the recognition of the only form of marriage - church, and according to it, the wife was obliged to follow her husband everywhere and could be forced to do so by court. A wife could get a passport only with her husband's permission. Violation of marital fidelity could lead to imprisonment.

Our 19th writers centuries often revealed the unequal position of Russian women. “You share! - Russian female share! It is hardly more difficult to find,” exclaims Nekrasov.

Domostroy in the Kabanov family

The image of Katerina In the image of Katerina, Ostrovsky showed the whole tragedy of the soul of a Russian woman. In the 19th century, women in Russia were practically powerless. When they got married, they had to follow all the rules of family life.

The image of Kabanikha The image of the stern and domineering Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha) allows us to get acquainted with another variety of representatives " dark kingdom”, as typical as Wild, but even more sinister and gloomy. "Prude, sir! The beggars are clothed, but the household is completely stuck, ”Kuligin defines the character of the Boar so correctly and aptly.

The image of the Wild Wild frankly shows that he does not respect his nephew at all. He puts himself above everyone around him. And no one offers him the slightest resistance. Is it any wonder that Dikoy is becoming more and more convinced of the impunity of his actions, as a result he feels himself a full-fledged master of life.

The image of Tikhon Tikhon is a ruined personality. He cannot resist the orders of his mother and does everything that she requires. As a result, the final scene of the play becomes even more tragic.

The image of Barbara It can be said that life in the house of Kabanikh morally crippled the girl. She also does not want to live according to the patriarchal laws that her mother preaches. But despite a strong character, does not dare to openly protest against them. Its principle is “Do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered.”

Katerina is a mentally vulnerable, fragile person; the cruelty and heartlessness of Kabanikha hurt her painfully, but she endures, not responding to insults, and Kabanova still provokes her to a quarrel, pricking and humiliating her with every remark. dignity.

Katerina is trying to find her happiness in love for Tikhon: "I will love my husband. Tisha, my darling, I will not exchange you for anyone." But the sincere manifestations of this love are suppressed by Kabanikha: “Why are you hanging around your neck, shameless? You don’t say goodbye to your lover.”

A conflict is brewing between Katerina and Kabanikha. This conflict does not reach the explosion until there was a reason for it. And the reason is Katerina's confession of infidelity to her husband. And Katerina understands that after that her life is over, because then Kabanikha will completely overwrite her.

Katerina was doomed to live with an unloved person under the constant yoke of her mother-in-law. The "Dark Kingdom" deprived her happy life. Her only way to salvation is love, but she "poisoned" Katerina's life even more.

Conclusion In the course of our work, we studied the powerless position of Katerina on the basis of Domostroy. We can conclude that the problem main character will be relevant as long as out of consciousness Russian society the patriarchal way of life will not completely disappear.

Sources of information: http://new.hist.asu.ru/biblio/mercbook/gl52.shtml http://mixzona.ru/referat/referat/1355/ http://www.litra.ru/characters/get/ ccid/00132341225987586309/ http://www.litra.ru/composition/get/coid/00050401184864068557/woid/00090801184773070249/ http://www.litra.ru/composition/get/coid/000534011848640756 27/woid/00090801184773070249/http: //shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-31289/

« Domostroy" as a guide to life

When studying the play "Thunderstorm", we traditionally pronounce this word - "house building", and with a negative sign. Katerina, a heroine clearly sympathetic to the author, opposed to the whole huge, oppressive, heavy and stuffy kingdom, affirming the desire for freedom of feelings with her death, alone opposes the house-building orders imposed on her by her mother-in-law. And we easily forgive a little lie - her first line with which she appears on stage: “For me, mother, everything is one thing that own mother, what you". She does not lie - she just gives out wishful thinking. But the house-building orders, branded in every possible way by criticism, irritate us, because they are associated with dark kingdom preventing poor Katerina from breathing freely. Naturally, in the lessons devoted to this masterpiece, A.N. Ostrovsky, we consider the ambiguity of the interpretation of images. Indeed, in protest against outside, (howling, corporal punishment - Tikhon did beat Katerina, because her mother ordered), she destroys with her betrayal the inner - HOUSE as the basis of human existence in general. Of course, we feel sorry for Katerina: she sincerely suffers, repents, finds no place for herself, but we forget about Tikhon (That’s right for him: he didn’t know how to defend his wife in front of his mother - now get suffering for the rest of your life!). And we continue to brand house-building orders. And what do we know about Domostroy and the declared rules? Maybe this knowledge will help us discover something in such a cruel Boar? After all, she still protects the family! Let's make a reservation: the title of the book was never mentioned in the play, I doubt that Kabanikha herself or Dikoy ever held it in their hands, but Domostroy illuminated their actions for us, in many ways, again thanks to criticism.

So, let's define for ourselves the goals that we set when studying this work of ancient Russian literature:

  • Acquaintance with the work in terms of its general structure, with the main content.
  • Obtaining ideas about the norms of family law in the context of the 16th, 19th centuries and comparison with modern family relations.
  • An attempt to comprehend the role of the family, at home
  • Rethinking some of the conceptual aspects of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" from the point of view of family norms declared by "Domostroy".

A little homework was given for the lesson:

  • Scroll through (reread) the play "Thunderstorm", find in it a mention of "Domostroy".
  • Find in the statements of Kabanikh and Wild recommendations on how to behave in various situations.

During the classes:

As introductory remarks you can use the introduction to this article. In the Internet search engine, I typed the word "Domostroy" and received ... a list of various companies. Why do many firms different cities countries have chosen this name for themselves? What is the lexical meaning of the word? What associations can be associated with this word? Students select associations for the word "Domostroy"

Associative concepts

home, material, worker, morality, child-rearing, household, love, protection

way of life, customs, traditions, laws, moral values, upbringing of children

house, person, build, rules, family, canon, family relations, economics, traditions, laws, moral values, parenting

device at home, life, "House-"2"

parents, construction, forestry, farming, economics, family law

something outdated, old rules, concepts, scale, traditions, laws

It is briefly discussed: why did these associations arise? (because Russian corneology reflected in the title of the book exactly the basic concept: house + build?) What does it mean to build a house? (this is not only the erection of a building structure, but also the creation of family relationships).

From the history of creation: "Domostroy", a kind of monument of ancient Russian literature, was not originally primordially Russian. The text was gradually different places, various sources were used. They translated from Greek, rewrote the moral sayings of the holy fathers, and compiled collections from them. Thus, the first edition of "Domostroy" was a compilation work, the book grew, replenished with translations from Latin, German and Polish. And only at the beginning of the 16th century, Archpriest Sylvester, the tsar's confessor and assistant to Metropolitan Macarius, created the second edition of this monument. Later, this option will also be supplemented, but most of all, advice is purely practical properties. We get acquainted with the work precisely in the edition of Sylvester as the most canonical and authoritative.

Group work : Students receive several texts from Domostroy. First they get acquainted with the table of contents (If there is a multimedia installation, then the table of contents and texts can be projected on the screen).

Punishment from father to son

How can Christians believe in the Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God and the Cross of Christ and the holy heavenly powers and all the holy and honest and holy relics and worship them

How to partake of the mysteries of God and believe in the resurrection of the dead, and look forward to the Last Judgment and touch every shrine

How to love God with all your soul, so also have your brother and the fear of God and the memory of death

How to venerate the hierarchical ranks, so are the priestly ranks and the miniscule

How to visit in monasteries and in hospitals and in dungeons and any mournful

How to honor the king and prince and obey in everything and to repent of every ruler and serve them with justice in everything, to the great and to the lesser, and to the mournful and weak to every person

How to be, and pay attention to yourself about this

How to decorate your house with holy images, have a clean house

How to come to the churches of God and monasteries with an offering

10. How to call priests and monks to their house to pray

11. How to feed those who come to the house with thanksgiving

12. How should a husband with his wife and household members pray in his house

13. How in the church a husband and wife pray to keep cleanliness and do no evil

14. How to honor the children of their spiritual fathers and obey them

15. How to bring up your children in every punishment and fear of God

16. How to bring up a child with a promise to marry

17. How children teach and save with fear

18. How to love and take care of the children of the father and mother and obey them and rest them in everything

19. How can every person do needlework and do every work being blessed

20. Praise for wives

21. A command to a husband and wife and people and children, how good it is to be them

22. What kind of people to keep and how to think about them in every teaching, and in divine commandments, and in the house structure

23. How to heal a Christian about illness and from all kinds of sorrows

24. About an unrighteous life

25. About a righteous life, if someone lives according to God and according to the commandments of the Lord and according to patristic tradition and according to the Christian law, if the ruler judges righteously and without hypocrisy to everyone

Equally rich and poor, both near and far will be satisfied with the lessons of the righteous, and do

26. How to live a man sweeping his stomach

27. If someone lives without judging himself

28. If anyone keeps servants out of order

29. Teach your wife to her husband how to please God and make her husband happy, and how to build your house well, and all household order, and all kinds of needlework to know and servants to teach and do yourself

30. Good wives are hand-made fruits, and care for everything and that will hide both the remains and trimmings of the berechi

31. Like any dress, cut and keep the remains and trimmings of berechi

32. Keep every order at home

33. Throughout the Empress, the days of dazirati at the servants of everything and household order and needlework, and about herself and about every care and structure

34. Every day, the wife and husband ask about everything and advise on everything and how to go to people and call on themselves and what to talk to guests

35. Servants punish as people send with chim

36. Wives are ordered about drunkenness and drunken drinking, and servants likewise about potai, do not keep anything anywhere, and do not listen to servants of lies and slander without correction, how to punish them with a thunderstorm and such a wife

The same, and how to arrange yourself in everything in a guest and at home

37. How to wear every dress for a wife and arrange

38. How to arrange a good and clean hut

39. If the husband himself does not teach, otherwise he will receive judgment from God, if he himself creates and teaches his wife and household, he will receive mercy from God

40. To the sovereign himself or to whom he orders an annual supply, and to buy all kinds of goods

41. For your own use, buy all kinds of goods from overseas, and from distant lands

42. About the same thing, if you don’t have any villages to buy, and all kinds of household items, both in summer and winter, and how to stock up every year and at home, keep any animal, and always keep food and drink

43. And as soon as the husband puts up in the year every supply and fasting, and arrange for that

44. About spare profit ahead

45. Vegetable garden and garden how to drive

46. ​​How can a person keep a reserve drink for himself and for a guest, and how to arrange this in front of people

47. The same brewing mandate how to brew beer and how to satisfy honey and smoke wine

48. At the cooks and at the bakers and everywhere, all sorts of orders for the housekeeper dozirat

49. To advise a husband and wife how to order a housekeeper about table service about a cook and bread

50. The order to the keykeeper how the feast shines

51. An order from the sovereign to the keykeeper as a lean and meat food to cook and feed the family, in the meat-eater and in fasting

52. In the granaries and in the bins of care

53. In the dryer, look the same

54. In the cellar and on the glacier, take care of everything

55. And in the cages and in the basements, and in the onbars, arrange all sorts of things for the housekeeper according to the sovereign's order

56. In the sennitsy hay and in the stables of the horse, and in the yard and wood supply arrange and all kinds of animals

57. In the kitchens and in the bakeries, and in the business huts, arrange a deed

58. In the cellars and on the glaciers, and in the granaries, and in the dryers, and in the onbars and in the stables, often look to the sovereign

59. With the servants of the sovereign, laughing in everything because of their pay

60. About merchants and about shop people, for the same account with them often keep

61. How to build a yard or a shop or a village or anbar

62. As a yard tax pays dung from a bench or from a village, and the debtor pays all debts

63. Decree to the key keeper how to keep in the cellar any stock of salted and in barrels and in caddies and in merniks and in cloths and in buckets meat fish cabbage cabbage cucumbers plums lemons caviar mushroom mushrooms

We propose to discuss in groups which areas of life are regulated by Domostroy. Undoubtedly, the table of contents itself, with its ancient spelling and vocabulary, arouses keen interest in the book. There are dictionaries and reference books in the class, by which we determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, although many words that seem so strange turn out to be understandable even without a dictionary. But acquaintance with the table of contents is cursory. We conclude that almost all spheres of life, the entire range of human interests are described in Domostroy. We have time to notice that in some matters it is also recommended to “advise a husband and wife”, that is, nevertheless, a semblance of equality is preserved. You can also pay attention to how the rows of homogeneous members of the sentence in the titles of the chapters show the inclusiveness of the overall picture: we have before us both a work of literature and historical monument, and a kind of document of the era - truly family law!

Text #1

I bless the name of sinners, and I teach and punish, and admonish my son, the name, and his wife and their children, and household members to be in every Christian law, and in every pure conscience and

righteousness, with faith doing the will of God and keeping His commandments, affirming himself in every fear of God, and in lawful residence, and instructing his wife, punishing his household in the same way, not needing wounds or hard work, having like children in every chamber, well-fed and clothed, and in a warm church, and in every way I arrange and give you a Christian life, this writing is for memory and admonishment to you and your children, if you do not heed this writing of mine and do not listen to the instruction, and therefore you will not teach to live and not do such things as but it is written, give yourself an answer on the day of the Last Judgment, and I am not involved in your guilt and sin, except for my soul, about this about everything

I blessed the deanery, and wept, and prayed, and taught, and the scripture offered you, and if you accept this my bad teaching and harsh punishment, and this scripture with all the purity of your soul, asking God for help and reason as much as possible, as God will enlighten and begin to create all this will be on you the mercy of God and the Most Pure Mother of God, and the great miracle workers, and our blessing from now on and forever, and your house and your children and your acquisition and abundance that God is to you

gave from his labors, may it be blessed and full of all good things forever. Amen.

We explain what the name means (by name, naming the name - this is how the place where someone's name should be inserted is indicated in the texts). That is, this message can be addressed to any son from his father.

How did you understand the main meaning of the entry? ( I bless you to live righteously, I taught you, and if you don’t listen to me, you yourself will give an answer before God to doomsday ). So is it about the lack of freedom of choice? A person decides for himself what to choose: sin or virtue, a righteous life or lawlessness, purity of soul or long pangs of conscience (if any).

Working with texts . Emphasize in texts main idea, idea or just keywords.

Let us briefly write down the main idea of ​​the text. (This work can be done in groups - each has its own text).

Text #2

How to love God with all your soul, so also have your brother and the fear of God and the memory of death

Therefore love the Lord God yours from all your soul and move all your deeds and customs and customs pleasing to do according to His commandment, still sincerely si love every person in the image of God created by the river of every Christian, always have the fear of God in your heart, and the memory of death always do the will of God, and according to His commandment go the Lord, in which I will find you in this and judge, otherwise it is worthy of every Christian ready be in good deeds in purity and in peace and in every confession always teasingly

(Sincerely love God and man, remember that you will have the answer at the Last Judgment)

Text #3

How to visit in monasteries and in hospitals and in dungeons and any mournful

In monasteries, and in hospitals, and in deserts, and in dungeons of prisoners, visit and alms and forces of all necessary gifts, they demand it, and see their misfortune and sorrow and every need eliko

maybe help for them and everyone is sorrowful and poor and necessary and do not despise poverty, bring into your house to drink, feed warm clothes with all love and a clear conscience with those merciful God create and receive freedom, and with your deceased parents, make an offering to the churches of God and feed them in the house alms to the poor and you yourself will be remembered from God.

(In every need, help everyone who is worse off than you)

Text #4

How children teach and save with fear

Execute your son from his youth and give you rest in your old age and give the beauty of your soul and do not weaken the beating of the baby, if God does not die with his rod, but you will be healthy beating him on the body,

and deliver his soul from death whether the daughter of imashi put your storm on them, keep me from the bodily, but don’t shame your face, but walk in obedience, but don’t take your own will, and in unreason will spoil your virginity, and we will create you as a laughingstock and shame you before the multitude of the people, if you give your daughter you will do your shameless deed, and in the midst of the cathedral you will boast, at the end you will not stand on the nude, loving your son, making his wounds more frequent

Yes, follow him, rejoice in the execution of your son from childhood and rejoice in him in courage and in the midst of the evil ones boast and your enemies will receive envy, bring up the offspring with a ban and find peace and blessings about him ..

(When educating the spiritual above the bodily, you need to take care of the soul and the moral and bodily purity of your children so that you are not ashamed of them)

Text #5

A command to husband and wife and people and children, how good it is to be them

Yes, teach yourself the sovereign and your wife and children and your household not to steal, not to shine, not to lie, not to slander, not to envy, not to offend, not to rivet, not to reproach another,

frolic, do not laugh, do not remember evil, do not be angry with anyone, be obedient to the big ones, and submissive, love the middle ones, welcome and merciful to the smaller and wretched, with any justice without

red tape, but even more so, don’t hurt the naimita, but endure any offense with thanksgiving for God’s sake, and diarrhea, and reproach, if they reproach and scold in deeds, accept this with love, and turn away from such madness against not taking revenge, if you are not guilty of anything you will receive this reward from God, and teach your household members the fear of God, and all virtues, and do the same yourself, and together you will find mercy from God, if by negligence and negligence you yourself or your wife sin with a husband’s impunity or do evil, and all household members are men and wives and children by the sovereign's impunity, what is the sin or what evil they will do, or abuse or tatba, or fornication all together according to their deeds

they will receive evil, having done eternal torment, and good done to God pleasing to life, eternal life will be inherited in the Kingdom of Heaven.

(Do not commit unseemly deeds, do good in secret, know how to endure insults and forgive: good is pleasing to God).

Text No. 6

How can a person live, sweeping his stomach

And in his own in every household, and in the shop and in all goods, and in the treasury and in polats, or in the yard in every stock, or in the village or in needlework, and in the parish and in expenses and in zaim

and always dream of yourself in debt, and therefore you live and keep everyday life by income and expense.

(Here it is not necessary to translate: by income and expense).

Text #7

How to arrange a good and clean hut

Table and dishes and staves and loshkas and all kinds of vessels and ladles and brothers, warm water from the morning to wash and wipe and dry, and after dinner also in the evening and buckets and nights and sourdough and troughs and sieves and sieves and pots and kukshins and korchagi also always wash and scrub and wipe and dry and put in clean place, where it would be more convenient to always be all sorts of courts and all sorts of order washed and clean, but there would be no courts in the shop and in the yard and in the mansions

and the stalls and dishes and brethren and ladles and spoons would not be lying around the bench, where it was arranged to be in a clean place, there would be an overturned sink and in which vessel food or drink would be covered for the sake of cleanliness and all courts with food or with drinking or with water, (...) good people at a decent wife, the house is always clean and everything is arranged according to order and tucked away where something is nice and cleaned and taken care of always in the arrangement as in paradise (...), and the husband will see that it is not orderly with the wife (,) to whip foreignly for fault, but beat not in front of people in private, teach, say, and welcome, but in no way be angry with either the wife at the husband or the husband at the wife and for any fault in the ear, neither by vision, nor under the heart with a fist or a kick or a staff (...), and for terrible disobedience, and negligence, otherwise with a whip politely beat the hands with a whip

holding out of fault, looking at having taught to say, but there would be no anger, and people would not know and would not hear (...) bowing to the head, the sword does not cut, but humbly the word breaks the bone.

( There should be cleanliness in the house, there may be quarrels in the family, but you can’t take dirty linen out of the hut, you need to be able to forgive, especially if the person himself feels guilty. But the husband is still the head of the house).

Let's pay attention to the fact that "to speak" means "to caress", "to take a sip". Maybe this also cemented relationships, especially in a young family.

In addition, at the lesson, we show the full text of Domostroy to students and invite those who wish to familiarize themselves with the book. Although, of course, even for a double lesson, students will not have enough time to get a complete picture of this work.

Now let's define key concepts, which underlie Domostroy, we write them down on a piece of paper.

Key Concepts

virtue, faith, grace, health, hearth, family, chastity, purity of soul (body)

peace, home, family, peace, chastity, morality

order to people, order, faith, grace, health, morality, chastity, happiness, sin, conscience, love, family

· all tips around the house

Respect for elders, righteous living, healthy lifestyle

Interestingly, in a number of key concepts, the students did not have words at all that were semantically related to the everyday side of life. Let's compare the previously recorded associative ideas about "Domostroy" and key concepts. It should be noted that the key concepts are mainly built not on an economic, but on a moral basis. What is it connected with? (How can one build a life on the farm, if there is no core, no foundation - after all, the spiritual is more significant! And in the 16th century this was perfectly understood, which is why the word “conscience” is so often found in the text).

Let's try to formulate the main questions that the book answers, if we consider it as a guide to the way of life. We write them down and discuss them in groups.

Key questions:

· How to live well? What to do to be happy? How to farm?

· How to live righteously? How to live right? What to do if the children do not obey?

Is tyranny in the family normal?

· How to manage the economy not at a loss to yourself?

How can children love their parents?

· How to live in peace and obey each other?

What is the house based on?

Tell me, would we like to know the answers to these questions now? And those sayings that we found with you - aren't they the answers to them? Can we say that we have before us not just a book, but recipes for happiness? After all, if you follow all the requirements, then you can learn to live righteously, and therefore, achieve harmony with yourself. And we, summarizing the main ideas of individual texts (handout), saw how fair they are in their essence, how eternal the truths embedded in them are. And thus we come to the conclusion that we have before us the ideas of the people of the 16th century about an ideal person, a harmonious world order, reasonable family law. Is it so? (students can note both the rigidity of the requirements, and the spelling, regimentation of each step of a person, up to instructions on how to save trim after sewing, and in later editions, and what when to serve it to the table). Is it good? Controversial question. Is Domostroy modern? We propose to choose any of the problems and write a short argument about what you have read. We exchange impressions. Some works can be read out (optional) or opinions reflected in the essays can be expressed.

Up to this point, we have been working with the texts of Domostroy. Consider the impact the book had on the development of the family and society as a whole. It is appropriate to recall the play "Thunderstorm" here. It is well known that literature both reflects reality and quite often defines and shapes it.

  • Did you find any mention of Domostroy in the text of A.N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm"? (they are not there, N. Dobrolyubov wrote about the house-building orders in well-known articles). Remember what did not suit Kabanikha in the behavior of her daughter-in-law? What demands did she make of her and her son? in Domostroy, find chapters that could serve as the basis for Kabanikh’s reprimands (how to raise children is irrelevant for Katerina, she regrets that God did not give her children, but how to obey her husband’s wife and how a husband should punish his wife for disobedience is just for her). And, of course, we find such correspondences. Moreover, we can also explain Marfa Ignatievna's anxiety: “They won't be afraid of you, and even more so of me. What order will be in the house? ... Ali, in your opinion, the law does not mean anything? She is well aware that the house rests on tradition, order, and the old people are the bearers of these traditions, the holders of order (see her famous monologue “Youth is what it means! ..”). And you and I understand that respect for the elderly and old age, unfortunately, is not ours. national trait. And we don’t particularly want to listen to the opinion of the elders either. In addition, from cruel morals"The city of Kalinov breathes with such a thickened atmosphere of obscurantism that it seems that it is really impossible to live in this" dark kingdom. In general, we perfectly see that Katerina is much closer to us, more modern, more understandable. We, too, probably would not have tolerated the regulation of family relations and also rebelled.

In life, obsolete orders and the desire to live in a new way have always collided. But, destroying the old, we sometimes forget to build a new one. Hence the abolition of the institution of the family, the destruction of family relations. Didn't it all start with Katerina Kabanova? Is it not from the moment when she, holding the key in her hands, decided: “I should at least die, but see him”? But not so long ago it was natural that old people lived as one family, their adult children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, passing on life experience and worldly wisdom, helping and protecting each other.

  • Is Domostroy to blame for the fact that the family of Katerina Kabanova did not work out, just as many other families did not? Perhaps our common misfortune is rooted in non-following these orders: family troubles? Choose from the text of Domostroy what you would take note of for construction own family in the future and with which you strongly disagree. Why?
  • What has gone out of our lives with the “cancellation” of Domostroy? What did it lead to?

(We are, in essence, in terms of our national character, mentality, anarchists and rebels: we don’t want order, we don’t want “as it should be”!). More precisely, we want order, but we don’t want to follow any rules ourselves. I'm not talking about the fact that we had to keep the set of house building rules as instructions. Not at all. But there is an external side: specific advice on home and behavior in everyday life, they are undoubtedly outdated, and there is an internal side: the image of the house as a fortress, a stronghold. Who will protect you if you weak woman V harsh world? If you are poor and hungry, who will shelter and warm you? Here in the book it says that ashamed not to feed the one who knocked on your door, to offend the child, to be a slut after all, and this reflects a certain system of moral values. And fidelity to the husband (wife) and home? And the very road to the temple, dug up by the Soviet regime, the road that we are now, tormented and suffering, are looking for by the whole world, was indicated in Domostroy. We started destroying the HOUSE a long time ago, with a simple one: Katerina's betrayal in Groz only exposed this destruction. F. I. Tyutchev only indicated the falling away of man from God: “I believe, my God! Come to the aid of my unbelief” (“Our Age”). The literature has shown this destruction. "Domostroy" is a book about an ideal HOUSE, about an ideal family.

How to relate to "Domostroy"? How about a historical and literary monument? How about a historiosophical work? How about a monument of Russian culture? It is clear that Domostroy cannot be a guide to action now. But he reveals to us something that, albeit deeply and indirectly, is embedded in the soul of every person: an understanding of what place family, health, children, righteousness, the wholeness of one's own soul occupy in our lives. We all want, in the end, to live, if not in an ideal, but at least a harmonious world adapted for life. In the 16th century, they knew how to achieve this. And now?

Since one of the most important requirements for an elective course is health-saving technologies, homework we do not ask, but the questions posed in the lesson will force the students to independently look for answers to them outside the lesson. And maybe for the rest of your life

Application. Students' essays.

· I think that moral issues mentioned in Domostroy are still relevant today. In our time, there are a lot of unhappy families, and the reasons for this are very diverse. Some families suffer because of alcoholism, others because of a misunderstanding in the family (the wife does not consult with her husband, and the husband with his wife). Our contemporaries should also heed the advice given by Sylvester. How often do we turn a blind eye to the troubles of other people, do not show any sympathy and participation. Domostroy says that you need to visit the sick. Nowadays, there are a lot of lonely elderly people lying in hospitals. I know there are organizations that help such people for free. People don't get paid for it, but they don't care. The gratitude and sincere joy of the elderly pays for everything in full. There are a lot of homeless children. It also speaks of the loss moral guidelines in society today. Families are falling apart. We in the bustle do not want to notice the troubles of people. (Masha N.)

· What to do to be happy? What is happiness? How to achieve happiness? Family, love, faith, home, hearth, family world These are the components of happiness. "Domostroy" taught how to live correctly, how to be worthy person, after all, it is always difficult to remain an honest, decent person, a person of conscience. Especially in our time, when there are so many wrong things at every step. It is easier for a conscientious, kind person to achieve a vague feeling of happiness, his soul is free from sins, his conscience does not torment him for rash actions. The feeling of lightness in the soul and gives a feeling of happiness. And also family, love, loved ones, a sense of tenderness, support from loved ones. After all, if a person is kind, caring, conscientious, then he will never be left alone. Kindness attracts like a magnet, which means that a person will not be left alone and will live in harmony with himself and the world around him. Domostroy contains rules, or rather, tips that are only an assistant to happiness, but each person chooses his own life path That means everyone has their own happiness. (Anna A.)

· "Domostroy", "house", "build", "build". How many associations arise when reading these words. It immediately appears tyranny, a political system, and someone terribly evil is trying to build us in his own way. But, having got a little acquainted with the book "Domostroy", you understand that there is neither tyranny nor cruelty in it. This is a guide on how to live. To be happy, prosperous. And it says not only about housekeeping and careful storage of scraps after sewing. I would say that Domostroy raises more philosophical questions. How to educate yourself and your family spiritually in order to live in virtue, grace, order and happiness? After all, if there is no light, morality, kindness in the soul, then the cleanliness of the home will not help to find the beauty and purity of the soul and body (chastity). How to stay healthy, how to be righteous? How to protect yourself and loved ones from sin? These questions, in my opinion, are still relevant today. In the 16th century, people were pious and righteous, they were concerned about the beauty of the soul and home, but now faith no longer plays such a role, and the advice of Domostroy seems like stupid relics of the past. Now they are more concerned about whether their blouse is fashionable, whether there is a sofa in the house, like a neighbor has, whether the car is of the right color and brand. It is clear that no one will live according to Domostroy in our time. But if you think about it, would we not be happier if we led such a life as then? Indeed, if in every home children were taught the concept of grace, virtue and chastity, they would avoid many problems and sins, although, however, the “polite” upbringing of a wife with a whip seems to me excessive cruelty. (Katya K.)

· How to build relationships in the family? I think that this book is somehow relevant in our time. To live right, you need to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Defend your point of view, but do not conflict, and if you quarreled, go forward. I believe that the main thing in building relationships in the family is love and care. The house should be warm and cozy, and no thunderstorms and storms will destroy it. Do not steal, do not commit evil, do not offend and do not be offended - the main thing in building relationships. (Zhenya K.)

· Are the laws that existed for a long time always relevant? In my opinion, "Domostroy" should rightfully take the place of a certain standard in every home. Times change, everything develops, and something takes on a new meaning, but the foundation remains the same. The problem of the relationship between generations has always worried, worries and will worry people, there will be disputes, innovations, but everyone knows and understands perfectly well that we live according to a kind of pattern: way in the family and home, faith in God and church canons, chastity and morality, image life and its rules. Whoever tries to fight and rebel against the old treasure, all the same, at a certain point in his life, he realizes that he begins to live and has always lived according to the same pattern. The only thing I disagree with is the upbringing of children. In my opinion, it is not necessary to bring up a child in such strictness, but let's not forget that in the 16th century there was no such science as psychology. In general, Domostroy is very the right book and will be needed in the future. (Olya B.)

· Foundations and relationships in the family. Past and present. Monk Sylvester in the book "Domostroy" talks about the relationship that should be in any family between father and son, between husband and wife: a husband needs to beat his wife with a whip to maintain order in the family. The husband is in charge, he decides everything, he can give advice to his wife. In my opinion, in the modern world, in the 21st century, this is far from being the case. If a husband dares to raise his hand against his wife, then this is a low act of a weak person who is not able to resolve this or that conflict peacefully, without resorting to violence, especially against a woman. But if this happens, the wife is likely to file for divorce. Nowadays, a woman has become more independent, she is able to solve her problems herself, disagree with her husband, and have her own opinion. This was not the case in the last century. In "Domostroy" it is stated that the son must be beaten. And keep your daughter in fear. Everything has changed. It seems to me that today it is not violence and pain that come to the fore, but mutual understanding and trust. Only then can peace, tranquility and happiness be achieved and real family as the highest spiritual value. I believe that those family foundations that Domostroy describes are now somewhat outdated, and many treat them with bewilderment, however, like me ... (Lena O.)

What to do if children do not obey? I have several thoughts on this. First, do not abuse physical punishment, because when the children grow up, retribution will follow. In order for children to obey, you need to do what will be interesting to them. You need to have conversations with them. Never forget about children. After mental work, children should be given the opportunity to have fun. If it suits them, then they will simply have no reason to be naughty. If you are completely unbearable from their disobedience, then you can shout or somehow punish, for example, put in a corner, but, in my opinion, you should not beat. Of course, my nanny is the same as a ballerina. But theoretically, I understand something, and these ideas are taken from my own observations. (Nikita A.)

· "Domostroy", written in the 16th century, teaches his contemporaries how to live: in order for life to be happy and righteous, one must follow simple rules: be chaste, honest, virtuous, honor the sovereign, parents and believe in God. And you also need to believe correctly. The author even teaches readers exactly how to do it. In principle, what is said in the book has always been relevant and will not lose its relevance now. After all, neither faith, nor family, nor order, nor health, nor any other problem can lose its significance. But this does not mean at all that Domostroy is modern. Still, our life is very different from that which was led in the 16th century. For example, faith has now faded into the background, and not many regularly attend church and take care of their salvation. immortal soul. Of course, both now and then, people wanted to be happy, to have strong family. But in the time of Sylvester, people followed his advice with pleasure, but my contemporaries would like to achieve all this, not following the instructions of some monk, but in completely different ways. (Katya S.)


1. Domostroy - M .: " Fiction, 1991 (Insert article by V.V. Kolesov)

2.S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Dictionary Russian language" - M.: "Az", 1995

3. Dictionary of archaisms / Comp. I. Smirnov, M. Globachev. - M.: TERRA-Book Club, 2001

4. Somov V.P. Dictionary of rare and forgotten words. - M .: LLC publishing house "Astrel", 2001

5. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Modern writing. - M .: LLC publishing house "Astrel", 2001

Topic: Intra-family relations in Sylvester's "Domostroy" and A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm".

Russian literature is rich beautiful images women: Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova, Anna Karenina, Katerina Ostrovsky... Disputes about the role of women in the family and society were conducted in the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, and now this topic is relevant and interesting, it is one of the eternal topics.

I love Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm". When I met critical literature in this play, I saw many comparisons with a certain Domostroy. The "dark kingdom" of the city of Kalinov is a world built according to the laws of Domostroy. Kabanikha and Wild are sinister representatives of the same Domostroy. And only Katerina is “a ray of light in the dark kingdom” of the Domostroy society. I was very interested in what Domostroy is, which has become a symbol of oppression, enslavement of a Russian woman in the family and society.

The purpose of this work: find out how "Domostroy" Sylvester determined family relations and what role he assigned to the Russian woman in their system; whether three centuries after its creation, in the 19th century, the influence of this work really determined the position of women in Russian society.

To get acquainted with "Domostroy" as a literary monument of ancient Russian literature.

  1. Get acquainted with the traditions of depicting the image of a Russian woman in ancient Russian literature.

  2. Find out how Domostroy defined the role of women in the family and society.
4.Find out whether the ideas of the authors of the 19th century about the ideas of "Domostroy" correspond to the truth: comparative analysis a monument of ancient Russian literature and the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

In the course of the work, the works of Russian scientists - historians and literary critics about "Domostroy", Old Russian literature were studied, and an overview of these studies is given in the work.

Traditional ideas about "Domostroy" are something that has long become a household name and denotes tyranny, cruelty, narrow-mindedness and hypocrisy in family relationships. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that not so much Domostroy itself is known as its name. Today, it arouses the closest interest, which has been expressed in repeated reprints.

What is Domostroy? It is Russian literary monument 16th century It is a carefully developed set of rules for social, religious, and especially family behavior. It is believed that Domostroy arose in the 15th century. among the wealthy Novgorod boyars and merchants. "Domostroy" served ruling class moral code. In the middle of the XVI century. reworked by an entourage of the young Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, Archpriest Sylvester, who concluded the presentation of Domostroy with a message to his son Anfim. Contains valuable information about social structure in the Russian state, gives detailed description Everyday life noble boyars and merchants with many everyday details. Written for the most part in a living language, sometimes decorated with proverbs and sayings.

So, what were the intra-family relations in old Russian family and what role did Domostroy assign to a woman in their system?

It is surprising that the authors of Domostroy do not know the modern division into “rights” and “duties”. According to Domostroy, family members, both women and men, have no rights, so if the researcher set out to study the rights of a man of that time, he would be forced to conclude that the man was enslaved by the family.

Consequently, it is difficult to talk about the rights of women in Rus' in the 16th and 17th centuries.

^ For the Russian people of that time, a family is a home. At the head of the house is the owner - a man, a husband, a sovereign, but next to him is his wife, the empress.

Role of a man: The head of the house (sovereign) occupies a dominant position, which is interpreted not as his right, but as a duty - concern for the well-being of the house and the upbringing, including spiritual, of its members.

^ Role of a woman: The wife (empress) in the family hierarchy occupies a place close to the head of the house. All decisions related to the “building of the house” are made jointly by the husband and wife. They should discuss family problems daily and in private, the wife and her husband receive guests.

But the most important thing is that a woman, a wife in Domostroy, is a regulator of emotional relations in a family. All her activities in the house are aimed at providing home world based on sincere love, respect for each member of the family.

^ The relationship of wife and husband and punishment: Husband and wife only together constitute a "house". Without a wife, a man was not a socially full member of society. Therefore, Domostroy demanded ideal qualities from a woman. If a man had to be strict, fair and honest, then a woman was required to be clean and obedient, able to please her husband, arrange a house well, keep house in order, watch over servants, know all kinds of needlework, have the fear of God and observe bodily purity. If the wife does not know the order, as such, then the husband should admonish her, for guilt and disobedience “great and terrible” and, in the absence of repentance, punish in private, “with love”, and having punished, “say” and “come”, the main thing so that after punishment there would be no anger or resentment, because this is how Domostroy calls to build relationships.

So, is the "dark kingdom" of A.N. Ostrovsky's play a reflection of the "house building orders"? Or is Dobrolyubov's position a strong exaggeration and even a distortion of the actual state of affairs? After analyzing the content of Domostroy and Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" in terms of some indicators, we found the following.

Both in that, and in another work, the theme of closeness, isolation of the house sounds.


A play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

  1. The closure of the house necessary condition family life to preserve peace and good order

And in Kalinov, the closeness of the house is a necessary keeping "family secrets".

  1. Head of the house.
The head of the house is a man, the husband (sovereign) occupies a dominant position, which is interpreted not like its right, but as duty(social and spiritual). All worries about the well-being of the house and upbringing, including spiritual, of its members are the responsibility of the head of the family, the man.

The sovereign and the only mistress in the house is Kabanikha. Tikhon Kabanov - Katerina's husband, Kabanikh's son - weak-willed and completely subordinate to his mother. He does not correspond to the role of a husband in a patriarchal (house-building) family: to be a sovereign, a ruler, but also a support and protection of his wife. Weak person, he tosses between the demands of his mother and compassion for his wife.

  1. The position of the wife in the family.
The wife (empress) in the family hierarchy occupies a place close to the head of the house. All decisions related to the “building of the house” are made jointly by the husband and wife.

Katerina - Tikhon's wife - is also completely powerless. She has no right, like her husband, to participate in economic and other family affairs.

  1. The role of women in the family.
A woman, a wife in Domostroy is a regulator of emotional relations in a family.

All the activities of a woman in the house are aimed at ensuring domestic peace based on sincere love and respect for each family member.

The boar is the spokesman for the ideas and principles of the “dark kingdom.” She sees her main concern in stopping any possibility of disobedience. She "eats" the household in order to kill their will, any ability to resist. Maybe she defends the house-building orders, but she has lost the main component, the essence of this order - love for God and neighbor.

5. Relationships between children and parents.

The main duty of children is love for their parents, complete obedience in childhood and youth, and care for them in old age. Obedience is not based on fear, but on love.

Tikhon - the son of Kabanikh - a weak-willed, spineless creature. He obeys his mother in everything and obeys her out of fear of her. It is difficult to talk about filial love.

6.Relationship to material wealth in family.

According to Domostroy, the norm is moderate sufficiency in property and emotional terms, the excess of property is liquidated through charity and poverty, which should be dealt with “according to strength”.

The boundless power of the Wild and Boar is based on their wealth. Money, profit is both the goal of life and a means of material and moral enslavement of one's neighbors.

7. Punishment in the family.

The husband, sovereign, being responsible before God and people for the moral structure of each member of his family, can and must punish not only children, but also his wife, if her guilt is serious, proven and the wife herself pleads guilty. The punishment of the guilty is also a necessary means of preserving the moral health and peace of the family.

The punishment of both the guilty and the innocent by Kabanikha and Dikiy is a necessary means of psychological enslavement of one's neighbors.

So, the “dark kingdom” of Kabanikha and Dikiy is not a reflection of the “domostroy” order, and they themselves, especially Kabanikha, violate the gender roles defined by Domostroy. And yet there is a heroine in the drama "Thunderstorm" who really is a true representative of the domostroy world. Oddly enough, this is Katherine. If the Kabanikha requires the performance of rituals, then Katerina learned from childhood the main requirements of Domostroy:

Sincere love for God, for the church;

Sincere love for people.

She loved to do needlework, listening to the stories of wanderers and praying women, who were many in their house; always, as far as possible, tried to help the poor.

Freedom and love are the main things in Katerina's character. She freely believed in God, and submitted to the authority of her elders with complete confidence. That is why she gets married, trustingly submitting to the will of her parents, with a willingness to love both her husband and all his relatives, expecting reciprocal love, because it should be so - according to the laws of Domostroy, according to the laws of her parental home.

Once in the Kabanikha family, where relationships are not built on kindness, love, but on rudeness, hypocrisy, unconditional obedience, lies and deceit, Katerina strives to find support, love; having fallen in love with Boris, she sinned, violated the laws that she sincerely accepted, and therefore repented sincerely before God and people. Treason is unacceptable in her "domostroevsky" world. According to Katya, the only way to at least partially get rid of this sin is repentance. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything” - such is Katerina, who, having found strength in herself, of her own free will, confessed everything to her husband and Kabanikha. The boar refused Katerina's repentance. But Tikhon forgave his wife, only she could not forgive herself. Haunted by her sin, Katerina passes away to save her soul.

Oddly enough, even Katerina's suicide due to her "domostroevsky" upbringing. Suicide for a believer is a sin even more terrible than treason, but Katerina went for it. The impulse to love, freedom turned out to be stronger in her than the fear of afterlife torments; Her hope for God's mercy also had an effect, for Katerina's God, undoubtedly, is the embodiment of kindness and forgiveness.

It is Katerina, and not Kabanikha, who is the “representative” of Domostroy, since all the values ​​​​of her life, in the struggle for which she died, are the “house building foundations”.


So, "Domostroy" is a Russian literary monument of the 16th century. It is a carefully developed set of rules for social, religious, and especially family behavior.

Surprisingly, the traditional ideas about Domostroy - a symbol of everything obsolete, outdated, sanctimonious and cruel, formed under the influence of revolutionary ideology, do not at all correspond to its content.

A comparative analysis of the content of the play "Thunderstorm" and "Domostroy" allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1.Some external features of the "domostroevskaya" family are inherent in the families of Kabanikhi and Dikiy: the closeness of the house, a strict hierarchy, observance of traditions, obedience to the head of the house.

2. However, the orders of the “dark kingdom” of the city of Kalinov not only are not “domostroy”, but also contradict the spirit of Domostroy.

Relations in the family according to Domostroy should be based on love for God, love and respect for each other. All the rules in it are aimed at preserving the peace and well-being of the family and each family member: husband, wife, children, parents and even servants. This is the main thing that Kabanikha did not take from Domostroy, following its laws in rituals, trifles.

3. It is Katerina, and not Kabanikha, who is the “representative” of Domostroy, since all the values ​​​​of her life, in the struggle for which she died, are the “house building foundations”. It was she who wanted to be a wife, mistress, daughter, to respect and love her husband, mother-in-law, to receive respect and love from her relatives, she strove to fulfill the gender role assigned to the woman by Domostroy.

Solovyova Alena, 10th grade

A report in which the work on the stated topic was presented at the regional and city conferences of the NOU in 2012.



Topic: Intra-family relations in Sylvester's "Domostroy" and A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm".

Russian literature is rich in beautiful images of women: Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova, Anna Karenina, Katerina Ostrovsky ... Disputes about the role of women in the family, society were conducted in the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, and now this topic is relevant and interesting, this is one of the eternal topics.

I love Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm". When I got acquainted with the critical literature on this play, I saw many comparisons with a certain Domostroy. The "dark kingdom" of the city of Kalinov is a world built according to the laws of Domostroy. Kabanikha and Wild are sinister representatives of the same Domostroy. And only Katerina is “a ray of light in the dark kingdom” of the Domostroy society. I was very interested in what Domostroy is, which has become a symbol of oppression, enslavement of a Russian woman in the family and society.

The purpose of this work:find out how Sylvester's "Domostroy" defined intra-family relations and what role he assigned to a Russian woman in their system; whether three centuries after its creation, in the 19th century, the influence of this work really determined the position of women in Russian society.


To get acquainted with "Domostroy" as a literary monument of ancient Russian literature.

  1. Get acquainted with the traditions of depicting the image of a Russian woman in ancient Russian literature.
  2. Find out how Domostroy defined the role of women in the family and society.

4. Find out whether the ideas of the authors of the 19th century about the ideas of Domostroy correspond to the truth: conduct a comparative analysis of the monument of ancient Russian literature and the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

In the course of the work, the works of Russian scientists - historians and literary critics about "Domostroy", Old Russian literature were studied, and an overview of these studies is given in the work.

Traditional ideas about Domostroy are somethingwhich has long become a household name and denotes tyranny, cruelty, narrow-mindedness and hypocrisy in family relationships. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that not so much Domostroy itself is known as its name,Today it causes the closest interest to itself, which was expressed in repeated reprints.

What is Domostroy? This is a Russian literary monument of the 16th century. It is a carefully developed set of rules for social, religious, and especially family behavior. It is believed that Domostroy arose in the 15th century. among the wealthy Novgorod boyars and merchants. "Domostroy" served the ruling class as a moral code. In the middle of the XVI century. reworked by an entourage of the young Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, Archpriest Sylvester, who concluded the presentation of Domostroy with a message to his son Anfim. It contains valuable information about the social structure in the Russian state, gives a detailed description of the everyday life of the well-born boyars and merchants with many everyday details. Written for the most part in a living language, sometimes decorated with proverbs and sayings.

So, what were the intra-family relations in the Old Russian family, and what role did Domostroy assign to a woman in their system?

It is surprising that the authors of Domostroy do not know the modern division into “rights” and “duties”. According to Domostroy, family members, both women and men, have no rights, so if the researcher set out to study the rights of a man of that time, he would be forced to conclude that the man was enslaved by the family.

Consequently, it is difficult to talk about the rights of women in Rus' in the 16th and 17th centuries.

For the Russian people of that time, a family is a home.At the head of the house is the owner - a man, a husband, a sovereign, but next to him is his wife, the empress.

Role of a man: The head of the house (sovereign) occupies a dominant position, which is interpreted not as his right, but as a duty - concern for the well-being of the house and the upbringing, including spiritual, of its members.

The role of a woman: The wife (empress) in the family hierarchy occupies a place close to the head of the house. All decisions related to the “building of the house” are made jointly by the husband and wife. They should discuss family problems daily and in private, the wife and her husband receive guests.

But the most important thing is that a woman, a wife in Domostroy, is a regulator of emotional relations in a family. All her activities in the house are aimed at ensuring home peace based on sincere love, respect for each family member.

The relationship of wife and husband and punishment:Husband and wife only together constitute a "house". Without a wife, a man was not a socially full member of society. Therefore, Domostroy demanded ideal qualities from a woman. If a man had to be strict, fair and honest, then a woman was required to be clean and obedient, able to please her husband, arrange a house well, keep house in order, watch over servants, know all kinds of needlework, have the fear of God and observe bodily purity. If the wife does not know the order, as such, then the husband should admonish her, for guilt and disobedience “great and terrible” and, in the absence of repentance, punish in private, “with love”, and having punished, “say” and “come”, the main thing so that after punishment there would be no anger or resentment, because this is how Domostroy calls to build relationships.

So, is the "dark kingdom" of A.N. Ostrovsky's play a reflection of the "house building orders"? Or is Dobrolyubov's position a strong exaggeration and even a distortion of the actual state of affairs? After analyzing the content of Domostroy and Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" in terms of some indicators, we found the following.

Both in that, and in another work, the theme of closeness, isolation of the house sounds.


A play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

  1. Closing the house is a necessary condition for family life to maintain peace and proper order

A in Kalinov, the closeness of the house is a necessarykeeping "family secrets".

  1. Head of the house.

The head of the house is a man, the husband (sovereign) occupies a dominant position, which is interpreted not as a right, but as a duty (social and spiritual). All worries about the well-being of the house and upbringing, including spiritual, of its members are the responsibility of the head of the family, the man.

The sovereign and the only mistress in the house is Kabanikha.Tikhon Kabanov - Katerina's husband, Kabanikh's son - weak-willed and completely subordinate to his mother. Hedoes not correspond to the role of the husband in the patriarchal (house-building) family: to be the sovereign, the ruler, but also the support and protection of the wife. A weak man, he tosses between the demands of his mother and compassion for his wife..

  1. The position of the wife in the family.

The wife (empress) in the family hierarchy occupies a place close to the head of the house. All decisions related to the “building of the house” are made jointly by the husband and wife.

Katerina - Tikhon's wife - is also completely powerless. She has no right, like her husband, to participate in economic and other family affairs.

  1. The role of women in the family.

A woman, a wife in Domostroy is a regulator of emotional relations in a family.

All the activities of a woman in the house are aimed at ensuring domestic peace based on sincere love and respect for each family member.

The boar is the spokesman for the ideas and principles of the “dark kingdom.” She sees her main concern in stopping any possibility of disobedience. She "eats" the household in order to kill their will, any ability to resist. Maybe she defends the house-building orders, but she has lost the main component, the essence of this order - love for God and neighbor.

5. Relationships between children and parents.

The main duty of children is love for their parents, complete obedience in childhood and youth, and care for them in old age. Obedience is not based on fear, but on love.

Tikhon - the son of Kabanikh - a weak-willed, spineless creature. He obeys his mother in everything and obeys her out of fear of her. It is difficult to talk about filial love.

6. Attitude to material wealth in the family.

According to Domostroy, the norm is moderate sufficiency in property and emotional terms, the excess of property is liquidated through charity and poverty, which should be dealt with “according to strength”.

The boundless power of the Wild and Boar is based on their wealth. Money, profit is both the goal of life and a means of material and moral enslavement of one's neighbors.

7. Punishment in the family.

The husband, sovereign, being responsible before God and people for the moral structure of each member of his family, can and must punish not only children, but also his wife, if her guilt is serious, proven and the wife herself pleads guilty. The punishment of the guilty is also a necessary means of preserving the moral health and peace of the family.

Punishment of both the guilty and the innocentBoar and Wild- a necessary means of psychological enslavement of neighbors.

So, the “dark kingdom” of Kabanikha and Dikiy is not a reflection of the “domostroy” order, and they themselves, especially Kabanikha, violate the gender roles defined by Domostroy. And yet there is a heroine in the drama "Thunderstorm" who really is a true representative of the domostroy world. Oddly enough, this is Katherine. If the Kabanikha requires the performance of rituals, then Katerina learned from childhood the main requirements of Domostroy:

Sincere love for God, for the church;

Sincere love for people.

She loved to do needlework, listening to the stories of wanderers and praying women, who were many in their house; always, as far as possible, tried to help the poor.

Freedom and love are the main things in Katerina's character. She freely believed in God, and submitted to the authority of her elders with complete confidence. That is why she gets married, trustingly submitting to the will of her parents, with a willingness to love both her husband and all his relatives, expecting reciprocal love, because it should be so - according to the laws of Domostroy, according to the laws of her parental home.

Once in the Kabanikha family, where relationships are built not on kindness, love, but on rudeness, hypocrisy, unconditional obedience, lies and deceit, Katerinastrive to find support, love; having fallen in love with Boris, she sinned, violated the laws that she sincerely accepted, and therefore repented sincerely before God and people. Treason is unacceptable in her "domostroevsky" world. According to Katya, the only way to at least partially get rid of this sin is repentance.“I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything” - such is Katerina, who, having found strength in herself, of her own free will, confessed everything to her husband and Kabanikha. The boar refused Katerina's repentance. But Tikhon forgave his wife, only she could not forgive herself. Haunted by her sin, Katerina passes away to save her soul.

Oddly enough, even Katerina's suicide due to her "domostroevsky" upbringing. Suicide for a believer is a sin even more terrible than treason, but Katerina went for it. The impulse to love, freedom turned out to be stronger in her than the fear of afterlife torments; Her hope for God's mercy also had an effect, for Katerina's God, undoubtedly, is the embodiment of kindness and forgiveness.

It is Katerina, and not Kabanikha, who is the “representative” of Domostroy, since all the values ​​​​of her life, in the struggle for which she died, are the “house building foundations”.


So, "Domostroy" is a Russian literary monument of the 16th century. It is a carefully developed set of rules for social, religious, and especially family behavior.

Surprisingly, the traditional ideas about Domostroy - a symbol of everything obsolete, outdated, sanctimonious and cruel, formed under the influence of revolutionary ideology, do not at all correspond to its content.

A comparative analysis of the content of the play "Thunderstorm" and "Domostroy" allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1.Some external features of the "domostroevskaya" family are inherent in the families of Kabanikhi and Dikiy: the closeness of the house, a strict hierarchy, observance of traditions, obedience to the head of the house.

2. However, the orders of the “dark kingdom” of the city of Kalinov not only are not “domostroy”, but also contradict the spirit of Domostroy.

Relations in the family according to Domostroy should be based on love for God, love and respect for each other. All the rules in it are aimed at preserving the peace and well-being of the family and each family member: husband, wife, children, parents and even servants. This is the main thing that Kabanikha did not take from Domostroy, following its laws in rituals, trifles.

3. It is Katerina, and not Kabanikha, who is the “representative” of Domostroy, since all the values ​​​​of her life, in the struggle for which she died, are the “house building foundations”. It was she who wanted to be a wife, mistress, daughter, to respect and love her husband, mother-in-law, to receive respect and love from her relatives, she strove to fulfill the gender role assigned to the woman by Domostroy.

In 1856, Ostrovsky traveled along the Volga from the source of the river to Nizhny Novgorod. The impressions received have nourished his work for many years. They were also reflected in The Thunderstorm, the action of which takes place in the fictional remote Volga town of Kalinovo (it will later be mentioned twice more in other plays - Forest and Hot Heart).

The people of "Thunderstorm" live in a special state of the world - crisis, catastrophic. The first action introduces us into the pre-stormy atmosphere of life. The temporary triumph of the old only increases the tension. It thickens by the end of the first act: even nature, as in a folk gum, responds to this with a thunderstorm approaching Kalinov.

Kabanikha is a man of a crisis era, like other heroes of the tragedy. This is a zealot of the worst laws of the old morality. Although in reality it easily deviates not only from the spirit, but also from the letter of the Domostroy prescriptions. “... If they offend - do not take revenge, if they blaspheme - pray, do not repay evil for evil, do not condemn sinners, remember your sins, take care of them first of all, reject advice evil people, be equal to those who live in truth, write their deeds in your heart and do the same yourself, ”says the old moral law. “Enemies must be forgiven, sir! - admonishes Tikhon Kuligin. And what does he hear in response? "Go talk to your mother and see what she has to say to you." The detail is significant! The boar is terrible not by loyalty to the old days, but by tyranny "under the guise of piety."

The willfulness of the Wild, in contrast to the tyranny of the Kabanikh, is no longer strengthened on anything, it is not justified by any rules. The moral foundations in his soul are thoroughly shaken. This "warrior" is not happy with himself, he is a victim of his own willfulness. He is the richest and noble person in the city. Capital unties his hands, gives him the opportunity to swagger freely over the poor and materially dependent on him people. The more Wild gets rich, the more unceremoniously he becomes. “Well, are you going to sue, or what, will you be with me? he says to Kuligin. So you know you're a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush. Boris's grandmother, leaving a will, in accordance with custom, made the nephew's respect for his uncle the main condition for receiving the inheritance. As long as the moral laws stood firm, everything was in favor of Boris. But now their foundations were shaken, it became possible to twirl the law this way and that, according to the well-known proverb: "The law that draws: where you turned, it went there." “What to do, sir,” says Kuligin to Boris. “You have to try to please somehow.”

But strong financially, Savel Prokofievich Wild is weak spiritually. He can sometimes give in to those who are stronger than him in law, because the dim light of moral truth still flickers in his soul: “I was talking about fasting, about a great one, and here it’s not easy and slip a little peasant; he came for money, he carried firewood. And brought him to sin at such a time! He sinned after all: he scolded, so scolded that it was impossible to demand better, almost nailed him. Here it is, what a heart I have! After asking for forgiveness, he bowed at his feet, right, so. Truly I tell you, I bowed at the peasant's feet ... in front of everyone I bowed to him.

Of course, this "enlightenment" of Wild is just a whim, akin to his tyrant whims. This is not Katerina's repentance, born of guilt, painful moral torments. And yet, in the behavior of the Wild, this act clarifies something. Dikoi is self-willed with a secret consciousness of the lawlessness of his actions. And therefore he gives in to the power of a person who relies on the moral law, or before strong personality, defiantly crushing his authority.

The young forces of life rise up against the city fathers. These are Tikhon and Varvara, Kudryash and Katerina. Tikhon's misfortune is the lack of will and fear of his mother born from the "dark kingdom". In essence, he does not share her despotic claims and does not believe in anything. In the depths of Tikhon's soul, a kind and generous person curled up, loving Katerina able to forgive her any offense. He tries to support his wife at the moment of repentance and even wants to hug her. Tikhon is much subtler and more morally insightful than Boris, who at this moment, guided by the weak-heartedness of "closed-closed", leaves the crowd and bows to the Kabanovs, thereby aggravating Katerina's suffering. But Tikhon's humanity is too timid and inactive. Only at the end of the tragedy does something resembling a protest awaken in him: “Mommy, you ruined her! you, you, you ... ”Tikhon dodges from oppressive tyranny at times, but even in these subterfuges there is no freedom. Revelry and drunkenness is akin to self-forgetfulness. As Katerina rightly remarks, "and in the wild, he seems to be bound."

Barbara is the exact opposite of Tikhon. It has both will and courage. But Varvara is a child of the Wild and Boars, who does not want to be responsible for her actions, she simply does not understand the moral torments of Katerina: “But in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered” - this is Barbara’s simple life code that justifies any deception .

Much taller and more morally insightful than Varvara is Vanya Kudryash. In him, stronger than in any of the heroes of The Thunderstorm, excluding, of course, Katerina, the national principle triumphs. This is a song nature, gifted and talented, daring and reckless in appearance, but kind and sensitive in depth. But Kudryash also gets used to Kalinov's mores, "his nature is free, but sometimes self-willed." Curly opposes the world of "fathers" with his prowess, mischief, but not with moral strength.

In the merchant Kalinov, Ostrovsky sees the world breaking with moral traditions folk life.

Only Katerina is given in The Thunderstorm to retain the fullness of viable principles in the culture of the people and to preserve a sense of moral responsibility in the face of the trials that this culture is subjected to in Kalinovo.

In Ostrovsky's Russian tragedy, two opposing cultures - rural and urban - collide, generating a powerful lightning discharge, and the confrontation between them goes into the centuries-old thickness. Russian history. "Thunderstorm" is directed to the future to the same extent, in which it is turned into the depths of centuries. To understand it, you need to get rid of the existing confusion, which originates from the Dobrolyubov times. Usually, Domostroy, with its strict religious and moral prescriptions, is confused with the mores of folk, peasant Rus'. Domostroevsky orders are attributed to the family, the rural community. This is the deepest delusion. "Domostroy" and the people's peasant moral culture– began in many ways opposite. Behind their confrontation lies a deep historical conflict zemstvo (folk) and state beginnings, the conflict of the rural community with the centralizing, formal power of the state, with the grand ducal court and the city. It is not difficult to notice the tragic confrontation in "Thunderstorm" religious culture Katerina Domostroevskaya culture of Kabanikhi. The contrast between them is drawn by sensitive Ostrovsky with amazing consistency and depth.

Is it by chance alive rural life brings smells to Kalinov from the flowering Zavolzhsky meadows? Is it by chance that Katerina stretches out her exhausted hands to this oncoming wave of refreshing space? Let us pay attention to the vital sources of the integrity of Katerina's nature, to the cultural soil that nourishes her. Without them, Katerina's character fades like cut grass.

Why did such a seemingly simple story about how a merchant's wife, brought up in strict rules and concepts of ancient morality, fall in love with a visitor from Moscow young man, “decently educated”, cheated on her husband, did not want to hide her guilt and, having publicly repented of her, rushed into the Volga from a high steep?

The fact is that Ostrovsky showed not only the external circumstances of the tragedy: the severity of the mother-in-law, the lack of will of her husband and his commitment to wine; the indifferent, formal attitude of the Kalinovites to faith, which wounds the soul of Katerina, whose religious feeling is ardent and sublime, the imperious rudeness of rich merchants, the owners of the city, the poverty and superstition of the inhabitants, the isolation of the Kalinov world.

The main thing in the play inner life heroine, the emergence in her of something new, still unclear to herself. “Something in me is so unusual, as if I’m starting to live again, or ... I don’t know,” she admits to her husband’s sister Varvara. Katerina - gradually - begins to feel like a person. According to the life experience of a young woman from merchant environment this feeling takes the form of unexpected and "illicit" love. Love and will merge inextricably in the consciousness of the heroine, but she perceives the desire for both that arose in her soul as something terrible and disastrous, contrary to her own moral ideas. Katerina's unbearable suffering is caused not only by separation from her beloved, but above all by the consciousness of sin, pangs of conscience and - at the same time - disgust for life in domestic captivity.

The spirit of the old way of life with its truly high morality, as Ostrovsky shows, has already disappeared from life - only a dead, oppressive shell remains. All the young heroes of the play only superficially fulfill the patriarchal commandments. Katerina Tikhon's husband pretends to love and honor his mother. Barbara, outwardly living "as it should", secretly meets with her lover. Katerina, who still perceives the world from the position moral ideals era, it is impossible to reconcile love and conscience. The fate of Katerina takes on a symbolic meaning in the play.

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