Ideological content and problems Woe from mind. Comedy character system


Not being officially published, the comedy "Woe from Wit" becomes one of the most popular works in Russia, and above all in the circle of the Decembrists. This was not at all accidental: issues comedies fully corresponded to the ideological and moral aspirations of the Decembrists. Griboyedov did not become a member of the secret society of the Decembrists, although he was very sympathetic to many Decembrist ideas and was also opposed to the government. It is no coincidence that the Decembrists highly appreciated the accusatory pathos of comedy and perceived it as a poetic declaration of the ideas of Decembristism. However, the special quality of Griboedov's comedy turned out to be that the depth of its content became more and more tangible with the passage of time. On the one hand, the comedy was illuminated by the tragic reflection of the Decembrist uprising and revealed the fundamental depth of the concrete historical conflict. In the collision of the ardent truth-seeker Chatsky with the Famus world, an abyss became apparent that separated the democratically minded intelligentsia from the bulk of the feudal nobility. Griboyedov's comedy has become a striking artistic document of the Decembrist era. Thus, the plot basis of "Woe from Wit" is a conflict that expresses the main content of its time - the clash of the "current century" and the "past century".

the main idea of ​​the comedy "Woe from Wit" - revolutionary : denunciation of obscurantism, the abolition of serfdom, honor in the mind, freedom of the individual. Griboyedov himself was realized in this great idea, and therefore the great Russian poet took off his hat to the dead Griboyedov. At that moment, Pushkin bowed to the future freedom of our Fatherland!

As a truly great national and folk writer, Griboyedov raised and resolved in his work the main, most important questions related to the life and destinies of the Russian people. Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" played an outstanding role in the socio-political and moral education of several generations of Russian people. It armed them to fight against violence and arbitrariness, meanness and ignorance in the name of freedom and reason, in the name of the triumph of advanced ideas and genuine culture.

The brilliant mind of the author of the work, embodied in Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky, the protagonist of comedies, is merciless towards the stupid and fat inhabitants of the Moscow "world", mired in lazy idleness and nostalgia, enlightenment, humanism. Its representative is Chatsky, who for the first time in our literature challenged the society of feudal lords and conservatives.

The action of Griboyedov's play develops rapidly. Chosen for the plot .classic "love triangle" and retaining the traditional form of comedy (the action takes place in one place - Famusov's mansion for one day, and the circle of actors is constant). Griboyedov immediately makes us understand: personal intrigue gives way to a different kind of conflict - social. Nevertheless, Sophia's "secret" is revealed to Chatsky only in the finale, until which he still hopes for something. Who knows, if not for this hope, he would have clashed with Famusov. Skalozub and the like. would have expressed what he thinks about them? .. But he did it. True, his monologues are still warnings, they are still only words, but what words!

The conflict develops all the more interesting, since a trifle that is purely external at first glance (a remark of an irritated Sophia is a typical reaction of a spoiled creature) is immediately picked up by others and blown up to social proportions. Chatsky's madness is convenient, beneficial to society, because it gives its representatives some chance for their justification. "Dangerous dreamers" like Chatsky too unceremoniously tear off the masks of hypocritical well-being. And now Famusov is gone. respected officer and loving father, not a hospitable and hospitable host, but a ruthless feudal lord, an enemy of enlightenment. The owner of a brilliant colonel's uniform Skalozub is a stupid martinet, the "wit" Repetilov is an empty talker, and Zagoretsky, who is always needed by everyone, is an impudent swindler. And around them are crowds of ghosts like the countess-grandmother and the Tugoukhovsky princes ...

Griboedov idealizes his hero, whose sincere monologues are somewhat long, and their wit frightens rather than convinces the listeners gathered at Famusov's. But after all, the words of Chatsky were actually heard in our literature for the first time! And not just boldly, hotly, but smartly, deeply

At all times there were, are and. probably will have their own Griboedovs, Chatskys. Vazir-Mukhtars, who, first of all, thanks to their brilliant and far-sighted mind, become prophets in their homeland. As a rule, this violates the established social order, the “natural” course of things, and society comes into conflict with the individual.

In the comedy Woe from Wit, the writer reflects the clashes between two camps: camps young Russia, represented by Chatsky and the camp cruel feudal lords presented by Famusov, Skalozub, Khlestova, Molchalin and others. This conflict is not an artistic invention of the author of the work, but he shows in the play a generation of future Decembrists who are imbued with love for the motherland and the people, they are revolutionaries who are fighting moral violence against individuals. Chatsky opposes this in the work. He is the son of a late friend Famusov, grew up in his house, was brought up and studied with Sophia. Chatsky is an educated person engaged in literary work: “He writes and translates well”, served in the military, had connections with ministers, spent three years abroad, this enriched him with new views, broadened his horizons, but did not make him a fan of everything foreign. The struggle between Chatsky and Famusovsky society is becoming more and more fierce, it turns into a personal drama of Chatsky, the collapse of his hopes for personal happiness. If Famusov is the defender of the old age, the time of serfdom, then Chatsky speaks indignantly about the serfs, about serfdom. In a monologue "Who are the judges?" he angrily speaks out against the orders of the Catherine age, dear to Famusov’s heart, Chatsky’s ideal is not Maxim Petrovich, an arrogant nobleman and a “hunter to be mean”, but independent, free person . For Famusov, Skalozub, who considers service as a source of personal benefits, is the ideal. Chatsky, on the other hand, breaks ties with the ministers, leaves the service, because he wants to serve the Motherland, and not serve the authorities. “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve!” he says. Chatsky - for the development of Russian culture. He himself "searched for the mind" during his stay in the West, but he is against the empty, senseless, blind imitation of foreigners. Chatsky defends freedom of speech, thoughts, he believes that every person has the right to express his opinion. In the comedy, Chatsky is forced to fight himself. But among the off-stage images, like-minded people who share his views are mentioned. The comedy does not end with the defeat of Chatsky, although he is declared insane, the readers do not get the impression that he is defeated. He leaves Moscow to join the members of a secret society in order to continue the struggle for the liberation of the people from serfdom.

The problem of the mind in the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" is the key. The name itself testifies to this. Speaking about comedy, its themes and figurative system, the problem of mind and madness has been relevant at all times. Clever, advanced people of their time were declared crazy and often remained misunderstood by their contemporaries. Ideas that went against the generally accepted and preached by the progressive people of our time were persecuted. Griboyedov in his work touches on this problem for a reason. The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written before the December uprising and tells about the reaction of society to the emergence of an advanced mind in Russia. The original title of the comedy was "Woe to the Wit", then the author changed it to "Woe from Wit". Woe from Wit" makes one think about whether Chatsky needs a mind at all in such an environment, and we understand that this mind is bad for the hero himself. That is, the problem becomes two-sided. But in fact, "woe" from Chatsky's mind is not only for him very, but also Famusov society. Education and enlightenment inflict an irreparable blow to old Moscow. We see that one Chatsky quite frightened everyone present at the evening at Famusov's, and only by their numbers could they oust the "foreign body" from their circle. If such , like Chatsky, there will be a lot, then the Famus society will suffer a final and crushing defeat.So, "Woe from Wit", with all the complexity of the problem, gives us hope for "enlightenment at the end of the tunnel", so to speak, in the person of such smart and highly educated people like Chatsky, and the Famus society looks like something deathly pale and dying in its attempts to resist this. 44 Image of Chatsky Citizen Patriot

The time of creation of the comedy "Woe from Wit" fell on crucial moment in the history of our country. After the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, the younger generation of nobles who participated in this war saw that the defeated peoples of Europe were in a better position than the Russian people. It became clear that Russia needed urgent reforms, and as a result, various secret societies of the future Decembrists began to emerge. Griboyedov knew all these mindsets of the youth and understood the need for reforms. And it was this theme of the confrontation between the “current century” and the “past century” that formed the basis of the comedy “Woe from Wit”. The protagonist of the play is Alexander Chatsky. In his image, the writer embodied the features advanced man of that time, features of the Decembrists from Griboyedov's circle of acquaintances. Chatsky is a man of new views, a real citizen and a patriot. He is an enlightened person, drawn to freedom and self-improvement. He is distinguished by such features as love for his people, criticism of serfdom, and patriotism. Chatsky refuses to serve the state, saying: "I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve" - ​​and seeing in the service only servility, servility and sycophancy. However, Chatsky is not alone in his desire for change! In his monologues, he uses the pronoun "we", thereby emphasizing that there are many people like him. Indeed, Princess Tugoukhovskaya recalls her nephew, who, one might say, followed in the footsteps of Chatsky: Therefore, we still have hope that Russia will nevertheless come to some positive changes. Chatsky defends his views, entering into a dispute with the whole society, and not with its individual representatives. He is a fighter, calling for the reign of justice, the abolition of serfdom and the destruction of the patriarchal way of life. Chatsky always speaks clearly, ardently and passionately, and his monologues show the absolute intransigence of the positions of two hostile parties: the “current century” and the “past century”. Chatsky is convinced that he is right and does not need the support or approval of others. He is simply trying to convey to people the essence and necessity of reforms in their lives. Therefore, we can say for sure that Chatsky embodies those thoughts and ideas that were inherent in the progressive people of that time - the Decembrists.

The main thing is those social relations that existed in Russia. Serfdom was hated by every free-thinking person. Chatsky is depicted in the comedy not just as a “desert sower of freedom”, but as a future Decembrist: With anger and pain, he denounces the ardent feudal lords in his monologues Chatsky is a humanist, defender of freedom and independence of the individual. He is especially angry at the landowner's bullying of the personality of the peasant: Chatsky loves people , calls him "kind and smart", hence his suffering about the fate of the people. Chatsky's vices are especially forced to suffer Famus Society. This society hinders everything advanced, blocks its path to the people. They especially hate enlightenment: The fact that society violently resists the influence of noble ideas strikes at the philosophy of Chatsky and adds to his torment. The ideal is seen by these people in the army. This is a product of the era of Arakcheev, who saw in the army a stronghold of serfdom. Holds on rock teeth serfdom and the throne, which is why they are so dear to the Famusovs and hated by Chatsky. The foreigner's tailcoat also evokes admiration, which is also painful for Chatsky to see. Chatsky opposes "empty, slavish, blind imitation". But when Chatsky utters these words, everyone is convinced that he is crazy. The image of Chatsky is the image of a citizen in the highest sense of the word. The slavish morality of the famous and silent Chatsky opposes a high understanding honor and duty ; he is ready to serve the motherland, its interests . “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve”. This is also the suffering of the hero. High sense of duty - the bright side of Chatsky's personality. The tragic conflict between duty and feeling tragically ends everything in Chatsky's soul.

He does not tolerate lies and injustice. Therefore, Alexander Andreevich sees his duty and life calling in serving the Motherland. He is outraged by the traditions that have formed in high society in these times. He does not like cringing, he prefers "to serve the cause, not the persons", does not mix "fun or tomfoolery with business." All this is not to Chatsky’s liking, so he angrily denounces the “noble scoundrels” (Famus society). Griboyedov, through the image of Chatsky, wanted to show how he represents a true patriot of the Motherland. A man who has the courage to condemn high society, to oppose the king and serfdom. Main character understands the danger of his too sincere speeches, but never backs down from the work he has begun. He knows exactly what he is fighting for and what his purpose in life is. He is not lost in his speeches and actions Chatsky fought for better change in the lives of ordinary Russian people, for a free life that does not depend on the “noble scoundrels”, who are characterized by servility, sycophancy, hypocrisy and meanness. the image of Chatsky is intertwined with the very image of Griboyedov. He is also brave and brave, he is smart, he does not like the political structure of the country, so he boldly enters the battle for the future of his homeland. There are few such people among the “famus society” that was formed in those days. These are just a handful of people. The only thing that kept Chatsky in the Famusov house was his love for Sofia. After he realized that there were no mutual feelings between them, he decides to leave Moscow forever ... Chatsky chose the word with his weapon. What exact, well-aimed and merciless characterizations he gives to the rich in Moscow: "their enmity is irreconcilable to a free life", "... they are rich in robbery", "... they overflow in feasts and extravagance"! In accusatory monologues, Chatsky rises to high civic pathos. The hero is convinced that people should be judged not by their position and wealth, but by business and moral qualities. Because of this, Chatsky is hated by society as a new person. And society takes its own measures to neutralize it - builds slander on it. Will it come to terms with the condemnation of the Chatsky education system, when young people despises their people, national culture? He puts all the passion of the soul into the denunciation of "empty, slavish, blind imitation." Chatsky dared to "publicly announce" his sound thoughts, but such and such people are hated in society, calling them "dangerous dreamers", crazy. And wouldn't they have reacted to Chatsky if he had been among our contemporaries? Until recently, all dissidents were declared insane, locked up in psychiatric hospitals, expelled from the country, and imprisoned. Woe Chatsky not only from the mind, but also from love. He found out that Sophia did not love him. But this grief can be overcome. If Sophia had fallen in love with another Chatsky, Alexander Andreevich would certainly have been hard and painful, but he would have survived. The greatest suffering causes Chatsky that it was Molchalin who could become the hero of Sophia. That's where the tragedy is. It is terrible that Sophia is in the crowd of tormentors, among those who persecute and curse. Chatsky realized that he was surrounded by enemies, and no one, not even his girlfriend, understood him. How many examples of such dramas can be seen today! After all, even now "silent ones are blissful in the world", they are loved because they know how to please everyone. For us, today, Chatsky remains, first of all, a Russian person who has realized not only his national pride but also the high moral tasks of a citizen. Griboedov's time is an era far from us, but the bold struggle of the patriot Chatsky against everything backward, vulgar and low in man and society arouses the sympathy and sympathy of the modern reader and viewer. Griboyedov's comedy helps our struggle against cringing before everything foreign, against such social phenomena as careerism, acquisitiveness, sycophancy/bureaucratism, servility, reminds us of high moral concepts and goals worthy of a Russian person.

In world literature, one can not find many works that, like the comedy of A. S. Griboedov, in a short time would gain such a loud nationwide fame. At the same time, contemporaries fully felt the socio-political relevance of comedy, perceiving it as a topical work of a new literature that was emerging in Russia, which set its main task development of "own wealth" (that is, material national history and modern Russian life) and their own, original, non-borrowed funds. The plot basis of "Woe from Wit" was a dramatic conflict: a clash of an intelligent, noble and freedom-loving hero with the inert environment of reactionaries surrounding him. This conflict depicted by Griboedov was vitally truthful, historically reliable. From a young age, moving in the circle of advanced Russian people who embarked on the path of fighting the world of autocracy and serfdom, living in the interests of these people, sharing their views and beliefs, Griboedov had the opportunity to closely and daily observe the most important, characteristic and exciting phenomenon of social life of its time - the struggle of two worldviews, two ideologies, two ways of life, two generations.

After Patriotic War, during the years of the formation and rise of the socio-political and general cultural movement of the noble Decembrist revolutionaries, the struggle of the new - emerging and developing - with the old - obsolete and hindering progress - was most sharply expressed in the form of just such an open clash between the young heralds" free life”and the militant guardians of the Old Testament, reactionary orders, as depicted in “Woe from Wit”. Griboedov himself, in a widely known, constantly quoted letter to P. A. Katenin (January 1825), with the utmost clarity, revealed the content and ideological meaning the dramatic collision underlying the comedy: “... in my comedy there are 25 fools per sane person; and this man, of course, is in contradiction with the society surrounding him, no one understands him, no one wants to forgive him, why is he a little higher than the others.

And then Griboyedov shows how systematically and irresistibly, more and more aggravated, the "contradiction" of Chatsky with the Famus society is growing, how this society betrays Chatsky to an anathema, which is in the nature of a political denunciation - Chatsky is announced in public hearing as a troublemaker, carbonarius, a man who encroaches on the "legal" state and social order; how, finally, the voice of universal hatred spreads vile gossip about the madness of Chatsky. At first he is cheerful, and this is a vice: “To joke and joke for a century, how will you become!” Slightly recounts the oddities of former acquaintances, but what to do if there is no noble feature in them! His taunts are not caustic for the time being,

but still: “I am glad to humiliate, prick, envious! Proud and gender! Does not tolerate meanness: “Ah! My God, he is a Carbonari. Someone out of anger you thought he was crazy. The voice of general unkindness even reaches him, and, moreover, the dislike for him of that girl for whom he was the only one in Moscow, is completely explained to him, he didn’t give a damn about her and everyone else and was like that. Griboyedov told in his comedy about what happened in a Moscow house in one day. But what breadth in this story! It has the spirit of the time, the spirit of history. Griboedov, as it were, pushed the walls apart famus house and showed the whole life of the noble society of his era - with all the contradictions, the boiling of passions, the enmity of generations, the struggle of ideas. Within the framework of the dramatic picture of the hero’s encounter with the environment, Griboedov included the huge socio-historical theme of a turning point that has become apparent in life - the theme of the boundary of two eras - the “current century” and the “past century”.

Hence the extraordinary richness of the ideological content of comedy. In one form or another and in one way or another, Griboedov touched in Woe from Wit many of the most serious issues of social life, morality and culture, which had the most relevant, most topical significance in the Decembrist era. These were questions about the situation of the Russian people, crushed by the yoke of serfdom, about further destinies Russia, Russian statehood and Russian culture, about freedom and independence human personality, about the public vocation of a person, about his patriotic and civic duty, about a new understanding of personal and civic honor, about the power of the human mind and knowledge about the tasks, ways and means of enlightenment and education. The genius of Griboedov responded to all these questions, and this response was filled with such ardent civic-patriotic passion, such indomitable indignation, that the comedy could not fail to make the deepest and most striking impression both in the advanced circles of Russian society and in the camp reactionaries.

Here, in this society, "noble scoundrels" and petty scoundrels, notorious swindlers and "sinister old women", bigots and scammers, united, as if by mutual responsibility, by irreconcilable hostility to "free life", to culture, to enlightenment flourish. to the slightest manifestation of independent thought and free feeling. In this world, without a shadow of embarrassment, serf slaves were exchanged for greyhounds, wealth and honors were obtained by obvious robbery, “poured into pipax and in extravagance”, and learning was considered a “plague”, a malicious and flammable invention of the “cursed Voltairians”. The people of this cruel world lived according to the precepts and legends of the "past age" - "the age of humility and fear." Their "morality" was based on groveling before the strong and on the oppression and humiliation of the weak. For them, the ideal of a person was a successful nobleman of blessed feudal times - such as Famusov's uncle Maxim Petrovich, who reached "known degrees" thanks to his shameless servility and buffoonery at court.

The most typical representative of this world is Famusov himself, a militant obscurantist, a hypocrite and a despot who threatens his slaves with Siberian penal servitude. To match Famusov, all his relatives, friends and guests.

In the image of Colonel Skalozub, Griboyedov recreated the type of Arakcheev, a stupid, narcissistic and ignorant "hero" of the parade parade exercises, stepping and stick drills, a sworn enemy of free thought. This “wheezy, strangled, bassoon, constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas”, chasing ranks, orders and a rich bride, embodies the spirit of reactionary “Prussianism”, which was artificially planted by tsarism in the Russian army and aroused hatred of the entire advanced officer corps, who kept the Suvorov and Kutuzov traditions (in the draft edition of Woe from Wit, Skalozub himself says about himself: “I am the school of Friedrich ...”).

Sharp, typical features are also endowed with all the other characters of lordly Moscow, bred in Woe from Wit: the imperious bar-nya-serf woman old Khlestova, the Countess Khryumina, the Tugoukhovsky princely family, Zagoretsky - a secular cheater, a swindler and an informer, according to all sources — Secret agent political police, Repetilov - the "soul" of the noble society, a jester, a gossip and a windbag who wormed his way into the circle of some pseudo-liberal talkers in order to keep up with fashion, Platon Mikhailovich Gorich - a former friend of Chatsky, a man who has fallen, inert , internally reconciled with the Famus world.

How his "rootless" secretary of Famusov, Molchalin, is accepted in this world. In his face, Griboyedov created an exceptionally expressive generalized image of a scoundrel and a cynic, a "fan worshiper and a businessman", still a petty scoundrel, who, however, will be able to reach "known degrees". The whole lackey "philosophy of life" of this bureaucrat and sycophant who does not dare to "have his own opinion" is revealed in his famous confession: My father bequeathed to me:

First, to please all people without exception -The owner, where I happen to live, The boss, with whom I will serve, His servant, who cleans dresses, The porter, the janitor, to avoid evil, The dog of the janitor, so that she is affectionate.

The gallery of typical images of old-noble, lordly Moscow, created by Griboedov, includes those who do not directly act in the comedy, but are only mentioned in the cursory descriptions that the characters give them. Among them are such bright, embossed, finished images as the "black-and-dirty" frequenter of all balls and dinners, and the serf-theater, and the obscurantist member of the "Scientific Committee", and the deceased chamberlain Kuzma Petrovich, and the influential old woman Tatyana Yuryevna, and the impudent "Frenchman from Bordeaux", and Repetilov's club friends, and many others - up to Princess Marya Alexvvna, the guardian public opinion in the world of Famus, whose name the comedy ends on a significant note. All these faces do not appear on the stage, but nevertheless they are very important for the disclosure of the content of "Woe from Wit", and this is one of the innovative features of the comedy.

Griboedov's social criticism, deployed in Woe from Wit, in its very breadth and specificity was an exceptional phenomenon in the literature of the beginning 19th century. If the satirical-moralistic comedians, who wrote in the traditions of classicism, followed the conditional and abstract criteria legitimized by his aesthetics, and, as a rule, ridiculed any one, separately taken social “vice” or an abstract moral category (for example, only covetousness, only ignorance, only stinginess, only hypocrisy, etc.), then Griboyedov in his comedy touched and exposed in the spirit of the socio-political ideas of Decembrism wide circle absolutely concrete phenomena of the social life of feudal Russia.

The topical meaning of Griboyedov's criticism is, of course, not now felt with such acuteness as it was felt by Griboyedov's contemporaries. But at one time the comedy sounded, among other things, just topical. And questions of nobility education in “boarding houses, schools, lyceums”, and debates about the parliamentary system and the reform of judicial proceedings, and individual episodes of Russian public life in the period after the Napoleonic wars, reflected in the monologues of Chatsky and in the remarks of Famusov's guests - all this was of the most vital importance, in particular in the Decembrist environment, precisely in those years when Griboedov wrote his comedy. The richness and concreteness of the social content embedded in Woe from Wit gives the comedy the meaning of a broad and complete picture Russian public life of the late 1810s - early 1820s, depicted in all its historical accuracy and reliability.

At one time (in 1865), D. I. Pisarev drew attention to this significance of comedy, who argued that “Griboedov, in his analysis of Russian life, reached that extreme limit beyond which a poet cannot go without ceasing to be a poet and without turning into a scientific researcher. And in this regard, the critic quite rightly noted that in order for a writer, a poet to be able to paint such a reliable and accurate historical picture, he “must be not only an attentive observer, but also, besides, a wonderful thinker; it is necessary to choose from the surrounding ... the diversity of faces, thoughts, words, joys, sorrows, stupidities and meannesses exactly what concentrates the whole meaning of this era, which leaves its mark on the whole mass of secondary phenomena that squeezes into its framework and modifies with its influence all other branches of private and public life. Such a huge task was indeed accomplished for Russia in the 1920s by Griboyedov.

The comedy “Woe from Wit”, written by A. S. Griboyedov at the beginning of the 19th century, is also relevant for today's Russia. In this work, the author reveals with all depth the vices that struck Russian society the beginning of the last century. However, reading this work, we find in it the heroes of the present day.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov is the creator of the brilliant comedy "Woe from Wit", scattered into hundreds of "winged" phrases and expressions, which has become, as it were, a collection of aphorisms. The author originally called the comedy "Woe to the Wit", indicating the main reason for the troubles of a person in his contemporary society. Chatsky -- clever man, ardent and passionate nature, looking for a real case, but not finding a use for itself; the mind that wants to serve "the cause, not the persons"...

But in the society where he is forced to live, the opposite is valued - pride, or rather, arrogance, reverence for the faces of only the rich, no matter how well-being was achieved.

Here everyone does not envy the mind, but luck, ranks; not meritorious to the fatherland - the main thing: you have to be "at the feeder", "be with the key yourself and deliver the key to your son."

Some kind of "very sophisticated" self-esteem, if it is valued in money. This is a corrupt society, everything here is bought and sold, everything has a price, only this bargaining is covered with beautiful and lofty phrases, but the essence is the same. When there is a person who calls everything by its proper name, who wants to be sincere and disinterested, who values ​​science, friendship, love, then he will be instantly dubbed crazy.

The comedy of Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov is a complex synthesis of three literary methods, a combination, on the one hand, of their individual features, and on the other, a holistic panorama of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century.

That is why the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" remains relevant in our time.

To better understand the ideological and artistic content of "Woe from Wit", the socio-political issues of comedy, let's recall the characteristic features historical era reflected in the play.

There are certain difficulties with the dating of Woe from Wit, primarily due to the fact that the author did not leave precise instructions about the start of work on the play.

Researchers name both 1816, and 1818, and 1821. Only the time when the work was completed is documented: 1824.

Griboyedov dreamed " prophetic dream”, the following dialogue took place in a dream:

“What do you want? - You know. - When should it be ready? “About a year later.” This event was the impetus for active work over comedy.

Griboyedov was personally acquainted with Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, with the Governor-General of St. Petersburg Miloradovich, with Minister Lansky, with other prominent dignitaries. However, the playwright failed to print the comedy or put it on stage.

There was no cultured noble family that did not have a list or copy of the comedy Woe from Wit. This manuscript containing many blots, from which lists were compiled, scattered throughout the country, has also been preserved and has received the name "Gandre manuscript".

Unexpectedly, luck nevertheless smiled at Griboedov: Bulgarin, who was friendly towards him, was going to publish the theatrical almanac "Russian Waist for 1825". At the end of 1824, the almanac was published and included the comedy "Woe from Wit" (in an incomplete form).

Traces of editing were preserved in the manuscript, which Griboedov, leaving for Persia in 1828, presented to Bulgarin. There is an inscription on it: “I entrust my grief to Bulgarin. True friend Griboyedov. June 5, 1828"

During Griboyedov's lifetime, the play was well known, but it was known only in handwritten lists, since it was published in full and was not staged in the theater. The text of the comedy, which is known to the modern reader and viewer, was compiled by the scientist - literary critic N.K. Piksanov based on a deep study of numerous author's manuscripts.

In comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", the problem of the mind is one of the key. This, in fact, indicates the name. Therefore, this problem should be considered, perhaps, the very first, speaking about comedy, its themes and figurative system.

Above, the word "mind" was used quite often. But at first it is not entirely clear what is put into this concept by the author and his characters, it is necessary to specify it within the framework of the action of the comedy. And indeed, speaking about the fact that Chatsky is smart, we recall stupid, from his point of view, Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusov, and the words of his nephew: “Huh? how do you think? In our opinion - smart. " In this regard, relying on other images of the work (Molchalin, Sophia and others), we can conclude that Griboedov considered two types of mind: "intellectual" and "adaptability", also called "everyday" mind, which is often akin to stupidity.

So, "Woe from Wit", for all the complexity of the problem, gives us hope for "enlightenment at the end of the tunnel", so to speak, in the person of such smart and highly educated people as Chatsky. And the Famus society looks like something deathly pale and dying in its attempts to resist this.

The ideological meaning of the comedy lies in the opposition of two social forces, ways of life, worldviews: the old, feudal, and the new, progressive; in exposing everything backward and proclaiming the advanced ideas of that time. The struggle of the “current century” with the “past century” is the struggle of Chatsky, an advanced man of his time, and the backward Famus society. Representatives of the Moscow nobility are deprived of any civic thoughts and interests. They see the meaning of life, first of all, in enrichment, they are careerists and envious people. They are in power, occupy a high social position.

Satirically denouncing the local and bureaucratic nobility, the entire feudal-serf system, A.S. Griboyedov clearly saw and positive social forces of his era, the birth and growth of new, progressive aspirations and ideas.

In the comedy, the conflict ends with the general recognition of Chatsky as crazy, and the love drama ends with the exposure of the love affair led by Molchalin. At the end of the play, Chatsky feels abandoned by everyone, the feeling of alienation from the society to which he once belonged intensifies in him. denouement love drama influences the main conflict: Chatsky leaves all contradictions unresolved and leaves Moscow. In a clash with the Famus society, Chatsky is defeated, but, losing, he remains undefeated, as he understands the need to fight against the “gone century”, its norms, ideals, life position.

Depicting in the comedy "Woe from Wit" the socio-political struggle of the conservative and progressive camps, the public characters, customs and life of Moscow, Griboyedov reproduces the situation of the whole country. “Woe from Wit” is a mirror of feudal-serf Russia with its social contradictions, the struggle of the outgoing world and the new one, called to win.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" is at the intersection of various artistic aesthetics. Classical tendencies are combined in it with elements of romanticism and realism. A similar synthesis of artistic models is also found in Western European dramaturgy. originality artistic experience Griboedov lies in the specifics of the conflict of the work, in the development of images, in the semantics of the title.

The very score of the character's behavior illustrated the ideas of the Decembrists, who believed that it was necessary to express progressive views everywhere: both at the ball and in the assembly of the nobility. The public character, the publicity of the hero's monologues, the subversive pathos of his social position were deducted from the image of disagreement enclosed in the surname: Chatsky - fuming, expressing seditious ideas.

The thesis-theme included in the title is applicable to all characters and is illustrated by the existential forms of their self-realization. The category of mind so popular in literature XVIII century, is rethought by Griboedov in the context of changed ethical and aesthetic priorities and issues relevant to the beginning of the 19th century. In comedy, two types of "reasonable" behavior are contrasted: the first is purely protective in nature; the second involves the destruction of archaic dogmas.

Formally, the author resolves the conflict situation in favor of the Famus society, but the philosophical correctness of the ideological position belongs to Chatsky. Such a denouement demonstrates the triumph of a personified idea over a world subject to the dictates of outdated morality.

The realistic nature of the comedy lies in the creation of a special artistic world in which each character experiences his "woe from wit". Famusov is depicted as a noble gentleman, to whom all of Moscow gathers, but in the finale of the play he is afraid of becoming a universal laughing stock and the second meaning of his surname (from the Latin fama - “rumor”) is revealed in the character’s remark: “Ah! Oh my God! what will Princess Marya Alekseevna say! The character of Sophia is set in accordance with the images positive heroines previous literature, but in comedy its wisdom extends to the idealization of the unborn lover and the desire to live up to those romantic ideals which she comprehended from French books.

The plot of the comedy reflects life in Famusov's house. Each guest represents a certain type of behavior, elevated by the author to the level of a sociocultural generalization. Repetilov embodies the idea of ​​profanation of high ideals.

Griboyedov's innovation also lies in the creation of a new genre for Russian literature. "Woe from Wit" can be attributed to the type of love comedy, but the dramatic pathos that permeates the conflict does not allow limiting the genre nature of the work by pointing out the experiences of the protagonist and his misunderstanding by the surrounding society. The presence of two intrigues destroys the usual classicist structure known from Molière's comedies, introduces parallel storylines. The compositional elements of the dramatic conflict - love-domestic and socio-political - coincide in the plot and denouement. The socio-political intrigue culminates in Chatsky's monologue, in which the hero lashes out with invectives against the obsequious attitude of Famus society towards everything foreign.

What is the ideological and stylistic originality of comedy? Let's look at the conflict first. Against the background of traditional classical dramas, vaudevilles, sharp comedies of Shakhovsky, the conflict of Griboyedov's comedy is distinguished by psychological and philosophical novelty and depth.

The originality of the conflict dictates the originality of the genre. household comedy, comedy of manners, satire - all these definitions are clearly not enough to define the genre of "Woe from Wit". If you wish, you can find farcical elements in comedy, which, in general, were not an innovation in those days. For example, the replicas of Skalozub, the princess, the appearance of Repetilov. In Griboyedov's play, all this is combined in a peculiar way with Chatsky's romantic sublimity. But this is not a tragedy or a romantic drama to read.

Distrust of life avenges itself, and the development of both personal and social intrigues leads the smartest Chatsky to disaster and disappointment in life.

Thus, we can call Griboedov's work a philosophical drama, the main conflict of which is the conflict between living life and our abstract concepts of it.

Considering the genre originality of the play, it is impossible not to refer to its style features. Griboyedov's innovative play combines features of classicism and realism. Creating a play, Griboyedov developed a special, new poetics. “I live as I write, freely and freely,” Griboyedov says in a letter to Katenin.

Take, for example, completely new speech characteristics of the characters. The language in which the heroes of the comedy communicate contributes to their individualization and at the same time typification. “A mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod”, the richness of the colloquial elements of the language spoken by the Famus society clearly shows us who we are dealing with.

An almost onomatopoeic depiction of the speech of secular young ladies (for example, Natalia Dmitrievna’s “satin tulle”), Skalozub’s clear dry speech, Khlestova’s well-aimed, biting words, Chatsky’s aphoristic statement - all this allows us to agree with Pushkin’s words: “... about poetry, I don’t I say: half will go into proverbs. Let us recall only a few of them: “Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world”, “an intelligent person cannot but be a rogue”, “now they love the dumb”, “they don’t watch happy hours”, “evil tongues scarier than a gun and many, many others.

One and a half hundred years has been interpreted by criticism " immortal comedy» Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. It would seem that everything was said about “Woe for Wit” back in the 19th century. The images of the heroes are considered from all sides, the thought and pathos are interpreted for every taste. The entire color of Russian literature and criticism of all directions spoke about Woe from Wit - from Belinsky to Apollon Grigoriev, from Pushkin to Dostoevsky. The range of assessments was so wide that Chatsky appeared either as a pathological clever man, or as a pathological fool, or as a pure Westernizer, or as a Slavophile.

Blok called "Woe from Wit" a work "unsurpassed, the only one in world literature, unsolved to the end, symbolic in the true sense of the word ..." Such an assessment of the artist, whose scale and whose influence on Russian culture of the 20 own creativity so frank, gives the right and obliges to carefully read the familiar text “Woe from Wit” again and again - this is the key to interpreting the meaning of many subsequent literary works - and to look for new answers to painful questions of Russian history in this text.

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1) Famusovskaya Moscow

a) Opponents of Chatsky

b) Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov

d) Off-stage characters of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

e) The image of the main character

2) About the main character

3) Is A.S. Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" modern?



I Introduction

The comedy “Woe from Wit”, written by A. S. Griboyedov at the beginning of the 19th century, is also relevant for today's Russia. In this work, the author reveals in depth the vices that struck Russian society at the beginning of the last century. However, reading this work, we find in it the heroes of the present day.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov is the creator of the brilliant comedy "Woe from Wit", scattered into hundreds of "winged" phrases and expressions, which has become, as it were, a collection of aphorisms. The author originally called the comedy "Woe to the Wit", indicating the main reason for the troubles of a person in his contemporary society. Chatsky is an intelligent person, an ardent and passionate nature, looking for a real business, but not finding a use for himself; the mind that wants to serve "the cause, not the persons"...

Here everyone does not envy the mind, but luck, ranks; not meritorious to the fatherland - the main thing: you have to be "at the feeder", "be with the key yourself and deliver the key to your son."

Some kind of "very sophisticated" self-esteem, if it is valued in money. This is a corrupt society, everything here is bought and sold, everything has a price, only this bargaining is covered with beautiful and lofty phrases, but the essence is the same. When there is a person who calls everything by its proper name, who wants to be sincere and disinterested, who values ​​science, friendship, love, then he will be instantly dubbed crazy.

The comedy of Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov is a complex synthesis of three literary methods, a combination, on the one hand, of their individual features, and on the other, a holistic panorama of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century.

That is why the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" remains relevant in our time.

To better understand the ideological content and problems of the comedy "Woe from Wit", the socio-political problems of the comedy, let's recall the characteristic features of the historical era reflected in the play.

There are certain difficulties with the dating of Woe from Wit, primarily due to the fact that the author did not leave precise instructions about the start of work on the play.

Researchers name both 1816, and 1818, and 1821. Only the time when the work was completed is documented: 1824.

II. Main part

1) Famusovskaya Moscow

a) Opponents of Chatsky

In one form or another and in one way or another, Griboedov touched upon in Woe from Wit many of the most serious issues of social life, morality and culture, which had the most relevant, most topical significance in the Decembrist era. These were questions about the situation of the Russian people, crushed by the yoke of serfdom, about the future fate of Russia, Russian statehood and Russian culture, about the freedom and independence of the human person, about the public calling of a person, about his patriotic and civic duty, about a new understanding of personal and civic honor, about the power of human reason and knowledge, about the tasks, ways and means of enlightenment and education. The genius of Griboedov responded to all these questions, and this response was filled with such an ardent civic-patriotic passion of such indomitable indignation at evil and untruth that the comedy could not help but make the deepest and most striking impression both in the advanced circles of Russian society and in the camp of reactionaries. .

In the image of Colonel Skalozub, Griboyedov recreated the type of Arakcheev, a stupid, narcissistic and ignorant "hero" of the parade exercises, stepping and stick drill, a sworn enemy of free thought. This “hoarse, strangled, bassoon, constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas”, chasing ranks, orders and a rich bride, embodies the spirit of the reactionary “Prussianism”, which was artificially planted by tsarism in the Russian army and aroused the hatred of all advanced officers who kept Suvorov and Kutuzov traditions (in the draft version of "Woe from Wit" Skalozub himself says about himself: "I am the school of Friedrich ...").

All the other characters of lordly Moscow, bred in Woe from Wit, are also outlined with sharp, typical features: the imperious lady-serf old woman Khlestova, the Countess Khryumina, the princely family of the Tugoukhovskys.

The most striking of them are: Zagoretsky - a secular cheater, a swindler and an informer, according to all sources - a secret agent of the political police; Repetilov - the "soul" of the noble society, a jester, a gossip and a windbag, wormed his way into the circle of some pseudo-liberal talkers in order to keep up with fashion; Platon Mikhailovich Gorich - in the past a friend of Chatsky, a man downcast, inert, internally reconciled with the Famusovsky world.

b) Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov

Famusov is one of the main characters in the comedy, a representative of the camp of serf-owners. A nobleman, a landowner, living in Moscow and serving as a manager in a state-owned place. He is a well-known person in the circle of the Moscow nobility. This is also evidenced by his surname (when translated from Latin, the surname Famusov means - "famous", "enjoying fame"). Famusov belongs to representatives of noble noble families. A widower, loves his daughter, takes care of her, believes that he did everything for her upbringing. Looking for a suitable groom for Sophia, he wants to pass her off as a rich Skalozub. Famusov boasts of "monastic behavior", but flirts with the pretty maid Lisa and counts the days when the widowed doctor is due to give birth.

Famusov is a fan of antiquity, admires the manners of high society at the court of Catherine II. He is a supporter of serfdom. To possess and dispose of serfs at his own discretion seems to him lawful and quite fair. He does not see people in serfs, he does not consider their human dignity. He scolds them, not embarrassed in expressions, calls them "donkeys", "chumps", regardless of their age. He threatens Liza with sending her to the village: "If you please, go to the hut, march for the birds."

As a landowner, Famusov, however, occupies a prominent position in Moscow. Service for him is only a means to receive awards, ranks and money. The most important thing for Famusov is the ability to deal with superior people, to please them in time and thus curry favor.

He hates and fears people with a progressive outlook. He disapproves of Skalozub's cousin. He calls Chatsky "Carbonarius", a dangerous person. The reasons for his indignation are clear: Chatsky speaks out against that system, those orders that are the basis of all his well-being for the Famus.

c) Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin

Famusov's "rootless" secretary, Molchalin, is accepted in this world as one of his own. In his face, Griboedov created an exceptionally expressive generalized image of a scoundrel and a cynic, "a low worshiper and a businessman," as yet a petty scoundrel, who, however, will be able to reach "known degrees."

Creepiness and servility to superiors - this is Molchalin's life principle, which already brings him famous success. "Since I've been listed in the Archives, I've received three awards," he says to Chatsky, adding that he has two talents: "moderation and accuracy." Ready for the meanness of wealth and rank, he approaches others with the same yardstick. Thinking that Lisa's favor is easy to buy, he promises to give her "an intricately crafted toilet". At the decisive moment, when Sophia breaks his embrace with Lisa, Molchalin begins to humiliately crawl in front of her on her knees, not because he felt guilty before Sophia, but because he was afraid for his career. When Chatsky appears, Molchalin, finally scared, flees. "Molchalins are blissful in the world!" Chatsky exclaims with anger and indignation. But the Molchalins should not be underestimated, because they are not as harmless and funny in their servility as it seems at first glance. Time has shown that Molchalin is tenacious and invulnerable. But what is most terrible, it is just so empty, insignificant person was the culprit of "a million torments" of the smart, noble Chatsky, the culprit of the tragedy of Sophia.

d) Off-stage characters of the comedy “Woe from Wit”

Griboyedov's gallery of typical images of old-noble, lordly Moscow created by Griboedov also includes those who do not directly act in the comedy, but are only mentioned in the cursory descriptions given to them by the characters. There are quite a few of them. They expand the canvas of life metropolitan nobility. Most of them adjoin the Famus society. Of course, uncle Maxim Petrovich is especially remembered, who won the favor of the queen by cringing and servility. His life is an example of service to the queen.

Uncle is Famusov's ideal.

Who hears a friendly word at court?

Maxim Petrovich. Who knew respect before everyone?

Maxim Petrovich. Joke!

Who takes the ranks? and gives pensions?

Maxim Petrovich!

From outside the stage characters, one can also name such bright, embossed, finished images as the “black-haired” regular at all balls and dinners, and the serf-theater, and the obscurantist member of the “Scientific Committee”. No less vivid is the portrait of Kuzma Petrovich, who not only managed to arrange his life, but also did not forget about his relatives. “The deceased was a respectable chamberlain ... He was rich, and he was married to a rich woman. Married children, grandchildren. But the most disgusting characters are the feudal landowners, specific traits who were taken in by “Nestor noble scoundrels”, exchanging his servants for greyhounds, selling children taken from their mothers, whom the protagonist denounces in his passionate monologue.

And the influential old woman Tatyana Yuryevna, and the impudent "Frenchman from Bordeaux", and Repetilov's club friends, and many others - right up to Princess Marya Aleksevna, the guardian of public opinion in the Famusovsky world, whose name the comedy ends significantly - all these faces do not appear on stage , but, nevertheless, are very important for revealing the content of "Woe from Wit" - and this is one of the innovative features of the comedy.

e) The image of the main character

Sophia is endowed with one of the most controversial characters in the play "Woe from Wit". This is very well said in the article by I. A. Goncharov "A Million of Torments". He speaks of a mixture in Sophia of "good instincts with lies", "a lively mind with the absence of any hint of conviction." But it is "ruined in stuffiness, where not a single ray of light, not a single stream of fresh air penetrates." Goncharov saw in her "the makings of a remarkable nature," and therefore "it was not without reason that Chatsky also loved her."

By nature, Sophia is endowed with good qualities: a strong mind, an independent character. She is able to deeply experience and sincerely love. This girl got a good education and upbringing. The heroine is fond of reading French literature. But, unfortunately, all these positive character traits of Sophia could not be developed in the Famusovsky society. She drew ideas about people from sentimental French novels, this literature developed dreaminess and sensitivity in Sophia. Therefore, it was not by chance that she drew attention to Molchalin, who, with his features and his behavior, reminded her of her favorite heroes. However, it cannot be said that Sophia is blinded: she is able to evaluate the chosen one sensibly and critically:

Of course, he does not have this mind,

What a genius for others, and for others a plague,

Which is fast, brilliant and soon opposes.

Griboedov introduced us to the heroine of the comedy as a dramatic person. This is the only character that is conceived and executed as close to Chatsky. If Sophia had grown up in a different environment, she might have chosen Chatsky. However, she chooses the person most suitable for her, since she does not think of another hero. But, according to the remark of the same Goncharov, "heaviest of all, even harder than Chatsky" is Sofya.

So, in the comedy Woe from Wit, Griboedov showed the life of the nobility of Moscow and, by introducing off-stage characters into the narrative, deepened the conflict of the work, expanded the picture of the morals of the Moscow nobility. Another distinguishing feature of comedy is the first and brilliant experience of artistic representation in Russian literature. mental life women on the example of the drama experienced by Sofia Famusova.

2) About the main character

“The main role, of course, is the role of Chatsky, without

which there would be no comedy, but would be,

perhaps a picture of manners.

(I.A. Goncharov)

"Woe from Wit" was and remains one of the masterpieces of punishing social satire. But genuine satire is not one-sided, because a satirist writer, if he stands at the forefront of ideological and artistic positions, always denounces evil and vices in the name of goodness and virtue, in the name of affirming some positive ideal - social, political, moral. Likewise, Griboyedov in Woe from Wit not only exposed the world of feudal lords, but also asserted his positive ideal, full of deep social and political meaning. This ideal has found artistic embodiment in the image of the only true hero plays - Chatsky.

As a national and folk writer, Griboyedov could not confine himself to a single image of the Famus world, but he certainly had to reflect in his historical picture the other side of reality - the ferment of young, fresh, progressive forces that were undermining the strongholds of the autocratic feudal system.

This task was also brilliantly performed by Griboyedov. Idea content“Woe from Wit”, of course, is not limited to denunciation of the orders and mores of serf society. The comedy gives a truly broad and in all details true historical picture of all Russian life in Griboedov's time - both its shadow and light sides. The comedy reflected not only the life and customs of the old nobility of Moscow, which lived according to the Old Testament legends of the “time of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea”, but also the social ferment of the era - that struggle between the new and the old, in the conditions of which the Decembrists’ movement was born, revolutionary ideology was formed in Russia.

Famusovism is a reaction, inertia, routine, cynicism, a stable, once and for all, definite way of life. Here, rumors are most feared (“sin is not a problem, rumors are not good”) and they hush up everything new, disturbing, which does not fit into the norm and ranking. The motif of "silence" runs like a red thread through all the scenes of the comedy dedicated to the Famus world, where "The Silent Ones are blissful in the world." And into this musty world, like a discharge of a refreshing thunderstorm, Chatsky bursts in with his anxiety, dreams, thirst for freedom and thought about the people. He is a real troublemaker in the circle of the Famusovs, the Skalozubs and the Molchalins; they are afraid even of his laughter. Chatsky openly, publicly spoke about what was zealously hushed up in their circle - about liberty, about conscience, about honor, about nobility - and all the progressive Russian literature of the 19th century picked up his ardent speech.

So, at the center of the comedy is the conflict between "one sane person" (Griboedov's assessment) and the conservative majority.

As always in a dramatic work, the essence of the character of the protagonist is revealed, first of all, in the plot. Griboyedov, true to life's truth, showed the plight of a young progressive man in this society. The environment takes revenge on Chatsky for the truth that hurts the eyes, for trying to break the usual way of life. Beloved girl, turning away from him, hurts the hero the most, dissolving gossip about his madness. Here is the paradox: the only sane person is declared insane!

"So! I've sobered up in full!" Chatsky exclaims at the end of the play. What is it - defeat or enlightenment? Yes, the end of this comedy is far from being cheerful, but Goncharov is right when he said this about the finale: “Chatsky is broken by the number old force, inflicting on her in turn death blow the quality of fresh strength." Goncharov believes that the role of all the Chatskys is “passive”, but at the same time always victorious. But they do not know about their victory, they only sow, and others reap.

Chatsky also refers to noble society, but his behavior and statements are the opposite of his origin. Chatsky is noble, honest, eloquent and smart. He always strives for great knowledge, unlike the Famus society, he is not interested in money, career, or highest position in society, because he wants not only to receive rewards, profit, he wants to benefit society. The image of Chatsky is intertwined with the very image of Griboyedov. He is also brave and brave, smart, he does not like the political structure of the country, so he boldly enters the battle for the future of his homeland. There are few such people among the "famus society" that was formed in those days. There are few such people.

It is surprising that even now it is impossible to read without emotion about the sufferings of Alexander Andreevich. But such is the power genuine art. Griboyedov, perhaps for the first time in Russian literature, managed to create a truly realistic image goodie. Chatsky is close to us because he is not written as an impeccable, "iron" fighter for truth and good, duty and honor - we meet such heroes in the works of classicists. No, he is a man, and nothing human is alien to him. “Mind and heart are not in harmony,” says the hero of himself. The ardor of his nature, which often prevents him from maintaining peace of mind and composure, the ability to fall in love recklessly, does not allow him to see the shortcomings of his beloved, to believe in her love for another - these are such natural features! “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived,” Pushkin wrote in the poem “Confession”. Yes, and Chatsky could say the same about himself. And his humor, witticisms - how attractive they are. All this gives such vitality, warmth to this image, forcing us to empathize with the hero.

By portraying Chatsky as a smart and noble man, a man of “lofty thoughts” and advanced convictions, a herald of “free life” and a zealot of Russian national identity, Griboedov solved the problem of creating the image of a positive hero that faced progressive Russian literature of the twenties. The tasks of civic, ideologically directed and socially effective literature, as the writer understood the Decembrist trend, did not at all boil down to a satirical denunciation of the orders and mores of serf society. This literature set itself other, no less important goals: to serve as a means of revolutionary socio-political education, to awaken love for the "public good" and to inspire the fight against despotism. Literature was supposed not only to stigmatize vices, but also to praise civic virtues.

3) Is A. S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" modern?

How to compare and see

The current century and the past century ... ".

(A.S. Griboyedov)

There are brilliant works of literature. And there are brilliant names of brilliant works. Those in which the words that make up them seem to merge into one concept. Because before us is not just a title literary composition, but the name of some phenomenon. There are hardly more than a dozen such titles, such works, even in great literature. Griboyedov's comedy is one of them.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov is 200 years old. Of the inconclusively established dates of his miraculous birth one is chosen, and here we are celebrating! The Famusovs are in lodges, the Skalozubs have become generals, Sophia and Liza are pleasing to the eye in the ranks of the Women of Russia social movement, the Molchalins are blissful in ministries and committees. And who are the judges? ...

There is no play more lively and more modern than Woe from Wit. So it was, so it is, so it will be.

A truly great work, such as Woe from Wit, resists reappraisal. There is no getting away from the fact that Griboedov was closely connected with the Decembrists. Another thing is that our understanding of Decembrism as a social movement has been refined over the years. We are more aware of some tragic features Russian public life, especially the age-old traditions of totalitarianism. This explains a lot in national history, up to the present day. It is important for us that "Woe from Wit" is not a "black and white" satire on the social system. The writer was occupied not with "system", not with "system", but with social psychology. And it's not black and white at all. Listen: Famusov and Chatsky often talk about the same thing. "And all the Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French!" Famusov grumbles. And Chatsky is concerned that "our smart, cheerful people, although in language we are not considered Germans." Both of them are unconditional patriots, both are Russian people to the core, they share a lot, but they have a lot in common, that's the tragedy of this comedy, that's why "a million torments". And "system", "system" - well, they can change, but Famusov, Repetilov, Molchalin, Skalozub - are eternal. And Chatsky is eternal.

When we are in last time saw live Chatsky? It was Academician Sakharov. Another time, age, appearance, language, but the essence is the same: Chatsky! The same one whom Pushkin condescendingly reproached, arguing that in "Woe from Wit" there is one smart person - Griboedov himself, and Chatsky - a kind fellow who spent some time in his company and utters smart speeches from his voice - in front of whom? Before the Skalozubs and the Tugoukhovskys? But the fact of the matter is that Pushkin is not quite right: one must speak. Before those with whom history brought you together. Even without understanding. What has been said will not be lost. Griboedov convinced him of this. Sakharov convinced him of this. What do these two Russian people have in common, besides the fact that they are Russian? Mind. Both of them were outstanding minds of their time.

The inexhaustibility of "Woe from Wit" is revealed in the misunderstood Chatsky and the unsolved Repetilov...

How to compare and see

The present age and the past...

Which of the Russians did not consider their age the most incredible? It seems that both Pushkin and Griboedov had to hear the usual complaints about time more than once, otherwise they would be so different heroes, like Famusov and Duke, would not lament so unanimously: “ Terrible age! You don’t know what to start…,” says Famusov. And the Duke echoes him: "A terrible age, terrible hearts!"

"Woe from Wit" has long been a national property. Back in the early seventies of the nineteenth century, I.A. Goncharov, who noted that comedy "is distinguished by its youthfulness, freshness and stronger vitality from other works of the word," predicted "an imperishable life" for it, argued that it "will survive many more eras, and everything will not lose its vitality. This prophecy was completely justified.

The great comedy still remains youthful and fresh. She kept her public importance, its satirical salt, its artistic charm. She continues her triumphal march through the stages of theaters. It is taught in schools.

Millions of people laugh and resent along with Griboyedov. The wrath of the satirist-detractor is close and understandable to the Russian people, because even now he inspires them to fight against everything inert, insignificant and vile, for everything advanced, great and noble. The struggle of the new with the old is the law of our Russian life. The images created by Griboedov, his well-aimed, striking sayings, living in folk speech, are still capable of serving as a sharp weapon of satire.

4) "Woe from Wit" in the literature of the XIX century

Griboedov's social criticism, unfolded in Woe from Wit, was, by its very breadth and concreteness, an exceptional phenomenon in the literature of the early 19th century. , as a rule, any one, separately taken social "vice" or an abstract moral category, then Griboedov in his comedy touched on and exposed in the spirit of the socio-political ideas of Decembrism a wide range of very specific phenomena of the social life of feudal Russia.

The topical meaning of Griboedov's criticism is, of course, not now felt with such sharpness as it was felt by his contemporaries. But at one time the comedy sounded, among other things, just topical. And the issues of noble education in "boarding houses, schools, lyceums", and debates about the parliamentary system, and individual episodes of Russian public life, reflected in Chatsky's monologues and in the remarks of Famusov's guests - all this was of the most relevant importance, in particular in the Decembrist environment , precisely in those years when Griboedov wrote his comedy.

The richness and concreteness of the social content embedded in Woe from Wit gives comedy the significance of a broad and holistic picture of Russian social life in the late 1810s and early 1820s, depicted in all its historical accuracy and authenticity.

In 1865, D. I. Pisarev drew attention to this significance of comedy, arguing that “one must be not only an attentive observer, but also, in addition, a wonderful thinker; it is necessary to choose from the diversity of faces, thoughts, words, joys, sorrows, stupidities and meanness that surrounds you exactly what concentrates the whole meaning of this era, which leaves its mark on the whole mass of secondary phenomena, which squeezes into its framework and modifies with its influence all other branches of private and public life. Indeed, Griboedov fulfilled such an enormous task for Russia in the 1920s.

Continuing the accusatory anti-serfdom tradition introduced into Russian literature by the great revolutionary Radishchev, developing and deepening the fruitful traditions of Russian social satire of the 18th century - the satire of Fonvizin, Novikov and Krylov, Griboedov created a work whose entire content testified to his socio-political orientation.

Woe from Wit embodies a whole system of ideological views in connection with the sharpest, most topical topics and issues of our time, but these views are expressed with the greatest artistic tact - not in the form of direct declarations and maxims, but in images, in composition, in plot. in speech characteristics, in the artistic structure comedy, in its very artistic fabric.

During the time of Griboyedov, the cause of the liberation struggle was carried out by a few "best people from the nobility",1 who were far from the people and powerless without the support of the people. But their cause did not disappear, because they "...helped to wake up the people"1, because they prepared the further upsurge of the revolutionary movement in Russia.

Although in the time of Griboyedov, on the eve of the Decembrist uprising, Famusovism still seemed to be a solid foundation of social life in an autocratic-feudal state, even if the Famusovs, Skalozubs, Molchalins, Zagoretskys then occupied a dominant position, but as a social force it was already decaying and was doomed to die. There were still very few Chatskys, but they embodied that fresh, youthful force that was destined to develop and which was therefore irresistible.

Boldly, innovatively solving the problem of typicality in Woe from Wit, Griboedov thereby with complete clarity said with his work, in the name of what, in the name of what ideals, he exposed Famusism. Having penetrated creative thought into the essence of the main social and ideological contradictions of his time, showing that Chatsky represented in himself the growing and developing strength of Russian society, generously endowing his character with heroic traits, Griboyedov thereby solved the political problem. In this, first of all, Griboedov's socio-political position was affected, and in this it manifested itself with most persuasive ideological direction of his work.

III. Conclusion

Griboedov comedy grief mind

In the dramatic plans after Woe from Wit, everything was connected with the development and deepening of the democratic, anti-serfdom tendencies of this play. Griboedov's death in 1829 prevented the creation of new works that promised to make a significant page in the history of Russian literature. But what he did gives grounds to place Griboedov in the cohort of artists of world significance.

For Griboyedov's contemporaries, his play was a sign of the times. She helped the best people Russia to determine its place in the socio-political struggle. It is no coincidence that the Decembrists said that comedy was for them one of the sources of free thought.

According to the great democrat critic V. G. Belinsky, “Woe from Wit”, along with the novel “Eugene Onegin”, was “the first example of a poetic depiction of Russian reality in the broad sense of the word. In this respect, both of these works laid the foundation for subsequent literature, from which both Lermontov and Gogol emerged.

The significance of any writer of the last day of our modernity is checked, first of all, by how close his spiritual appearance is to us, how much his work serves ours. historical cause. Griboyedov fully withstands such a test. He is close and dear to people as a writer, faithful to the truth of life, as an advanced figure of his time - a patriot, humanist and freedom lover, who had a profound and fruitful impact on the development of Russian national culture.

Griboedov and his great comedy are surrounded in our country by truly popular love. Now more than ever, the words inscribed on grave monument Griboyedov:

“Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory…”

The success of the work, which has taken a firm place among the Russian classics, is largely determined by the harmonious combination of the urgent and timeless in it. Through the brilliantly drawn picture of the Russian society of the pre-Decembrist era, one can guess the "eternal" themes: the conflict of generations, the drama of the love triangle, the antagonism of the individual and society. At the same time, “Woe from Wit” is an example of an artistic synthesis of the traditional and the innovative: paying tribute to the canons of the aesthetics of classicism, Griboyedov “revives” the scheme with conflicts and characters taken from life, freely introduces lyrical, satirical and journalistic lines into the comedy.

IV. Bibliography

1. Andreev N.V. "Great Writers of Russia". Moscow, "Thought", 1988.

2. Volodin P.M. "History of Russian Literature of the 19th Century". Moscow, 1962

3. Druzhinin N.M. "A.S. Griboedov in Russian criticism". Moscow, 1958

4. Medvedeva I. “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov. Moscow, " Fiction", 1974

5. Meshcheryakov V.P. "Things for a long time past days... ". Moscow, "Drofa", 2003

6. Orlov V. “Griboyedov. Essay on life and creativity. Moscow, Goslitizdat, 1947

7. Piksanov N.K. " creative history"Woe from Wit". Leningrad, 1983

8. Smolnikov I.F. "A.S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"". Moscow, Enlightenment, 1986

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The ideological content and system of images of the play "Woe from Wit"

3. The richness and realism of the language of comedy

the abundance of artistic and satirical elements gives "Woe from Wit" a place in the first row of artistic achievements of the early critical realism. His language is richly realistic. The development of a literary language was a huge problem for the writers of the Decembrist era. Griboyedov made a great contribution here. Instead of the former bookishness, a stream of living colloquial speech. The speech of the characters is masterfully individualized: in Skalozub it consists of fragmentary words and short phrases, interspersed with rude military words; Molchalin is laconic and chooses cutesy turns; the speech of Khlestova, a great Moscow lady, smart and experienced, but primitive in culture, mother-commander in rich lordly living rooms, close, however, in economic relations to the village, is remarkably sustained. The role of Lisa is conceived and compositionally organized by the playwright as the traditional role of a confidante in love affair young ladies, and, nevertheless, Lisa has many elements of lively vernacular. Famusovskaya Moscow at Griboyedov speaks everyday language, the Moscow dialect. In one element, people of different generations merge here, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the speech of a lady from the speech of a maid. Speech is replete with realities, simple, figurative, as if material, everyday.

The speeches of Chatsky and Sophia were supposed to solve other problems, to express a complex range of feelings alien to the rest of the characters: love, jealousy, mental pain, civil sorrow, indignation, irony, sarcasm. In the language of Sophia, psychological and ethical elements clearly appear ("reproaches, complaints, my tears do not dare to expect, you are not worth them", "I am ashamed of myself, I am ashamed of the walls", etc.). From the material and concrete, her speech constantly rises to the abstract, generalized. Psychological and ethical elements are also abundant in Chatsky’s speeches (“the face of the most holy pilgrimage”, “mind and heart are not in harmony”, “heat for creative arts, high and beautiful”, “that passion, that feeling, that ardor” and much more) .

But the most significant feature of Chatsky's speeches is the socio-political ideology and pathos. In the speeches of Chatsky - special vocabulary(“foreign power”, “weakness”, “humiliation”), its own system of epithets (“angry”, “mean”, “hungry”, “slavish”, “stately”), its own syntax - with developed forms of sentences, simple and complex , tending to a periodic construction. The artist seeks to single out these two heroes not only in figurativeness or ideological content, but also in a language different from the everyday speech of other characters, a language rich in inversions, gradations, antitheses, and pathos. At the same time, the language of Chatsky and Sophia is also realistically processed by the playwright. It was not easy, here the author was in danger of falling into bookishness (and echoes of this bookishness are felt here and there in the text).

The lyrical style was more difficult than the everyday one. Nevertheless, even here the achievements of simplicity, truthfulness in the verbal expression of the complex psychology of the characters are enormous. Griboyedov's merit was the reconstruction of the speech of the noble intelligentsia of the Decembrist era. As in the speeches of Sophia, Famusov and Khlestova, Chatsky will find words and sayings from the common people and living noble - Moscow - speech (“alongside”, “more”, “not a hair”, “I don’t remember”, etc.). But it would be a mistake to include Chatsky's speech in an indiscriminate characterization of the language of the Moscow Famus society. Contemporaries with the greatest acuteness perceived the socio-political journalism, which related Chatsky's speeches with St. Petersburg, Decembrist oriented literature. In the Decembrist patriotic vocabulary, the words "fatherland", "liberty", "freedom", "people", the word "slave" - ​​in the sense of a politically oppressed or corrupted person - and derivatives from them were widely used. All these words belong to the most active elements of the vocabulary in Chatsky's speeches. The famous words of Chatsky: “this unclean spirit of an empty slavish, blind imitation” directly echoes the words of K.F. Ryleeva: “We will try to destroy the spirit of slavish imitation in ourselves” (“Son of the Fatherland”, 1825).

the largest stylistic feature"Woe from Wit" is its verse form. It is like a musical drama with its inevitable rhythm, which does not allow arbitrary stops and pauses.

The significance of "Woe from Wit" is enormous in updating the poetic language, in the culture of comedic dialogue, in enriching literary speech with lively vernacular.

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