How to hold castanets. Castanets - what is it? Features of Spanish dance with castanets


Castanets are considered a native Spanish musical instrument, although they came to Spain thanks to the Arab Moors. It was in this sultry country that castanets became most widespread and even became folk instrument. That is why, with the word "castanets", we immediately imagine an elegant dancer Spanish dance flamenco with a bright rose in dark hair, which taps the rhythm with her heels and writes out pirouettes with her hands, at the same time masterfully playing the castanets.

Castanets are two concave shell-shaped plates. Usually they are made of wood, but in Lately Castanets were increasingly made from fiberglass. Two plates are tied together with a silk cord, which is worn on thumb of the performer and then tightened so that the castanets are held more tightly. There are also special orchestral castanets, which are the same two pairs of concave plates, which, at the same time, are still tied to two edges of a special handle.

However, ordinary, non-orchestral castanets require much more skill from the performer and are a rather complex instrument, which is not so easy to learn to play with the virtuosity of a master. Let's start with how to properly "position" the castanets in your hand. Firstly, each pair of castanets is not equal in size - one is necessarily slightly larger, and the other is slightly smaller. The smaller one is a female castanet and is called "embra" (hembra - female). It must be taken in the right hand. And the second castanet is male, it is called "macho" and is taken in left hand. The “left” castanet has a lower sound and beats out the main melody of the dance, while the “right” one taps out a more complex and intricate musical pattern. With the right hand, the castanet must be played with four fingers, and with the left hand only the rhythm is emphasized with the help of individual notes. By the way, the notes of the castanets are not the same as those of the piano, violin or trumpet. Here you will not encounter either “do”, or “re”, or “mi”, but you can easily learn about such unusual notes as ta, pi, pan, chim and ria. A skilled flamenco dancer, who at the same time is fluent in castanets, is capable of creating a huge variety of interesting and beautiful rhythmic patterns from these five notes, which differ from one another in timbre. There is also a folk style of playing castanets, in which case they are attached to one or more fingers, and the sound comes from hitting one castanet on the palm.

Learning to play the castanets begins with some exercises that will help you understand how this musical instrument is played. So, you can try to do this exercise: strike alternately with each finger (starting with the little finger) on the castanet, gradually increasing the pace. At the same time, make sure that each sound is clear enough. Then you can move on to the basic technique - extract a few sounds with your fingers right hand and "put an end" by hitting three fingers at once (little finger, ring finger, middle finger) on the left castanet.


Spain… What associations arise when you hear the name of this beautiful country? Of course, olive groves, gentle sea, sunny beaches with golden sand, exciting bullfight with angry bulls and brave bullfighters are presented. In addition, a picture arises in my mind with a graceful dark-haired girl who, to the expressive sounds of a guitar and the virtuoso clicking of castanets, performs an incendiary flamenco. It is hard not to recognize such a dance, the first movements immediately reveal the national Spanish flavor - this is a unique and very impressive sight.

What are castanets? This is a simple percussion musical instrument that creates an incredibly beautiful and clear rhythmic pattern. Castanets are widely used in many countries of the world: Portugal, Italy, Argentina, but only in Spain they are considered a cultural and national treasure, as they are an indispensable attribute of Spanish dance. And it is the performers from this country who master castanets to perfection, captivating the audience, causing delight and admiration.

The history of castanets and many interesting facts read about this musical instrument on our page.


Castanets are not easy to play. For masterful mastery of technique and virtuoso performance of complex rhythmic patterns on an instrument, it is necessary to study for a long time. The sonorous clicking and dryish sound of castanets - percussion musical instrument, which has an indefinite pitch and belongs to the family of idiophones, arises due to the impact of hollow halves - cups. The castanets are played mainly with the fingers, and the finger technique is percussion instruments is the fastest.

There are two ways of performing on the instrument, which differ significantly from each other. One is called folk, the other - classical. At folk style use castanets more large sizes by attaching them to middle finger hands. Sound extraction occurs when the brush moves, which hit the instrument on the palm. This method creates a sharper than with classical style performance, sound.

IN classical style castanets are fixed on the thumb with a cord using two loops: the first is at the base of the finger, the second is near the nail. Instruments for the right and left hand differ in size and sound. The castanet for the right hand is called the hembra: it is smaller in size and has a brighter and more high pitch. It is played with four fingers, performing complex rhythmic patterns and trills. The left-hand castanet is called the macho - it is larger, has a lower tone and creates a rhythmic basis.

In the classical style, rhythmic patterns are created as a result of a different combinational sequence of five game elements extracted on castanets. They are called: TA, RRI, PI, PAM(CHIN), PAN.


Interesting Facts

  • Castanets are also called palillos in Spanish Andalusia, which means chopsticks in Spanish.
  • There is a version that castanets were brought to Spain from the New World by Christopher Columbus.
  • For about three hundred years, the Spanish gypsies, and with them flamenco with castanets, were in exile. And only in the 18th century flamenco "became free."
  • Castanets sounded in the cinema already in the 30s of the last century in the films "Juan Simon's Daughter", "Maria de la O", "The Fandango Spell", where leading role performed by the magnificent Spanish flamenco dancer Carmen Amaya.
  • Castanets are the most popular souvenir that tourists bring with them from sunny Spain.


Castanets are two round halves, in the form of shells with small ears, in which holes are made. A string is inserted into these holes, with which the instrument is attached to the fingers of the performer. The tool is very compact in size and fits easily in the palm of your hand. Its width varies from 2.5 to 5 cm. Castanets today are made of various materials- this is ebony and rosewood, rosewood, boxwood, ivory, fiberglass and sometimes even metal. It is also worth noting that in orchestral practice castanets are used, which are attached to a wooden handle for the convenience of performing on them.

Application and repertoire

The scope of castanets is quite diverse. Commonly used in flamenco dancing, but also for rhythmic decoration of songs and guitar instrumental music, castanets are often used in musical compositions to reflect the characteristic Spanish flavor. The list of such works is quite extensive, the sound of castanets can be heard in the operas of J. Bizet, R. Wagner, K. Saint-Saens; ballets P. Tchaikovsky. S. Prokofiev; in spanish overtures M. Glinka, as well as in the Piano Concerto No. 3 by S. Prokofiev, the opera "Salome" by R. Strauss, the ballet suite "Sid" by J. Massenet, ballet "Don Quixote" L. Minkus, "Spanish Rhapsody" for symphony orchestra M. Ravel, the opera "Let's put on an opera" by B. Britten, the ballet "The Lame Devil" by C. Gide, the ballet "Laurencia" by A. Crane.

Notable artists

The Spaniards say that the sound of castanets conveys the rhythm of their hearts. And although this instrument is an essential attribute of Spanish dance, only real masters can skillfully combine complex pas with virtuoso castanets. The Greatest Performers Of the 20th century, who captivated the audience with their extraordinary performance on the instrument, José de Udaet, as well as his student José Luis Landry, are still considered to be. Among the talented masters who at the present time brilliantly represent castanets on concert venues and delight listeners with the sound of the instrument, it should be noted Lucero Tena, Emma Maleras, Carmen de Vicente, Inma Gonzalez, Console Grau Melet, Montserrat Carles, Belen Cabanes, Teresa Layz, Mar Bezana, Amparo de Triana, Gaby Herzog and Nina Corti.



The history of castanets begins in ancient times. Similar tools were known in ancient times in many countries of the world. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Mauritanians, Chinese and other peoples used sticks - rattles for accompaniment, setting the rhythm of their dances with them. Images of such instruments are found on the frescoes of Egypt and Greece from the period of antiquity, starting from the third millennium BC. But how and when castanets appeared in Iberia, art historians are still arguing. There is an assumption that the Phoenicians or Greeks brought them to the Iberian Peninsula, but it is possible that the tools spread throughout Spain during the Arab conquests. However, castanets could also have appeared among the Spaniards independently of other cultures, and this version is also considered convincing, since archaeologists confirm it with their finds.

The culture of Spain has evolved over the centuries. It was strongly influenced by the Arabs and even the Indian gypsies, who began to settle in the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century. For this reason, in Spanish musical genres new rhythms appeared, distinguished by a special color, passion and brightness. This is how flamenco was born - South - Spanish folk music, one of the attributes of which are castanets.

In the 17th century, their sound was used not only in folk music, but also in ballet performances, then in opera, and somewhat later in symphonic works when the music needed to be given a special Spanish flavor. In the middle of the 19th century, a special school was opened in Spain, where they carefully selected and prepared for various performances - dance show the most talented dancers who perfectly mastered not only the technique of performance national dances but also the art of playing the castanets. These artists amazed the audience with their creativity not only in the theaters of the country, but also in other European countries.

In addition to Spain, castanets are also widely used in Portugal, southern Italy and Latin America, but it was in Spain that they received the name and form that is now used throughout the world.

Castanets are a simple, but at the same time very interesting musical instrument. Its sound gives the music an unusually attractive flavor that creates an indelible impression. In Spain, castanets are treated with respect and reverence, because they are musical symbol this country. The Spaniards carefully preserve and develop the performing arts on an instrument that adequately embodies the national musical culture.

Video: listen to castanets

Castanets- a small shell-like instrument made of solid wood. It serves as an accompaniment to such varieties of flamenco dance as fandango, seguidillo, as well as Spanish folk songs. It is not so easy to combine playing the castanets and dancing, and doing it beautifully and directly, bringing out a fascinating pace, is even more difficult, therefore, at the present time, professional mastery of this instrument is becoming less and less common.

You will need

  • - castanets
  • - lace for castanets


1. Remember that castanets are a musical instrument. This is important, because if you do not take them seriously, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve huge sensations in their development. There are two schools of play Spanish castanets: classical and folk. Both of them assume different handling of castanets, the method of fastening on the hand is also different in both cases.

2. In order to play the castanets, adhering to the classical genre, fasten them on your thumbs. Two halves, or shells, from the whole castanets are connected with a cord. It must be wrapped around the thumb so that the flaps close on one side, and are ajar on the other, so that it is allowed to tap on the upper half with your fingers, making a sound.

3. In your right hand, take the one of the castanets that gives the highest and most brilliant sound. Its name is hembra. Second, the castanet sounds softer and quieter, it is called macho. The right hand is dedicated to bringing out trills and weaves, while the left hand emphasizes the core tempo with individual notes.

4. The popular genre of the game assumes a slightly different mount, because even the castanets themselves are used slightly different. They are larger in size, and their sound is lower than that of the classical ones. In order to secure them, wrap the lace not only around the thumb, but also around some other ones. For folk game no specific method has been developed for holding castanets, because all actors act a little differently. Therefore, fasten the instruments the way your teacher or favorite performer does, or be guided by considerations of sound production comfort.

Castanets used as a rhythmic accompaniment to dance. They are made from ebony, rosewood and other hardwoods. By the way, contrary to popular belief, the birthplace of castanets is not Spain, but Ancient Egypt, because it was there that it was allowed to meet the prototypes of modern castanets. From the 6th century BC, Greek frescoes began to depict dancing women holding a crotalo (from Spanish crotalo - “rattle”, “ratchet”), which resembled long wooden castanets. Play on castanets not difficult.


1. There are two main game genres castanets– typical and universal. Playing in classical genre, the musician fastens the castanets to the thumbs of both hands with the help of a cord, which fastens the two halves of the musical instrument. In the right hand, you should hold the castanet, which sounds brighter and higher (it is called hembra). The second, which is held in the left hand, is called macho. It is customary to play the castanet with the right hand with four fingers (index, middle, ring, little finger), which, like hammers, extract swift trills (or carretillas) along the outer half of the castanet. The left hand emphasizes the tempo with the help of separate notes (golpes).

2. Playing in folk genre, the musician usually uses castanets lower in sound and bigger size. Such castanets are attached to one or more fingers with the help of laces. Under the action of the hand, the halves of the instrument strike the palm of the hand and produce a loud, staccato sound, one that differs from the sound when played by the typical method.

3. According to classical school when playing on castanets it is allowed to extract five different sounds (ta, pi, pan, chim, ria), which differ in timbre. With their help, with skillful playing, it is possible to create a lot of beautiful rhythmic patterns.

4. Pick up castanets and practice - hit the castanets with each finger in turn (starting with the little finger) and gradually increase the pace. Be diligent so that all the extracted sound is distinct. Playing the castanette with your left hand, strike with the middle one at the same time, ring fingers and little finger. The tempo with which you can start learning, extract with the fingers of your right hand, and complete it with one note on the "left" castanet. Strive to achieve a rapid pace, alternate playing the right and left hands. It is allowed to occasionally strike castanets against each other.

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Instruments similar to castanets exist among other peoples: these are Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss and Turks.

Helpful advice
With the support of castanets, it is possible to extract 5 different sounds, they all differ in timbre. Experienced musicians are able to create delightful rhythmic patterns, using such a small, at first glance, variety.

Castanets are used for rhythmic accompaniment to the dance. They are made from hardwoods such as ebony, rosewood, granadillo and chestnut. Contrary to traditional belief, Spain is neither the birthplace of the castanets nor the only place their distribution. The prototypes of modern castanets can be found in Ancient Egypt, about 3000 BC Starting from the VI century BC. on Greek frescoes you can see images of dancing women who hold crotalo (from the Spanish crotalo - “ratchet”, “rattle”) in their hands, resembling long wooden castanets. The name "crotalo" still exists in Spanish along with castañuelas or palillos.

At present, castanets, or instruments very close to them, exist among many peoples: these are Indian kartali, Swiss chefeli, Japanese yotsudake, Chinese cha pan, or Turkish kasik.

Castanets are traditionally used in flamenco dances such as sevillanas, fandangos de Huelva and tanguillo de Cadiz. They are usually not used in more “serious” genres, as they deprive the dancer of many expressive possibilities hand movements.

IN classical ballet Castanets have appeared since the 17th century and are used both during solo and group dances. Currently, castanets are used quite limitedly. Perhaps due to the fact that this is not a very easy instrument to learn, playing on which professional dancers must themselves come up with rhythmic patterns and coordinate playing with dance without apparent effort.

The most significant contribution to the development of the skill of playing the castanets was made by the Spanish dancer La Argentina, who toured all over the world at the beginning of the 20th century. And in 1955 American dancer Carola Goya used castanets for the first time while performing with a large symphony orchestra.

There are two main playing styles for Spanish castanets: classical and folk.

When playing in the classical style, the castanet is attached to the thumb of each hand with a cord that fastens the two halves of the castanet. In the right hand, a castanet should be held, which sounds brighter and higher (it is called hembra). The castanet held in the left hand is called the macho. With the right hand, the castanet is played with four fingers: little finger, ring finger, middle and index finger, which, like hammers, extract quick trills (carretillas) along the outer half of the castanet. With the left hand, separate notes ( golpes) emphasize the rhythm.

Folk-style playing usually uses larger and lower-sounding castanets. They are fastened with laces on one or more fingers. With the movement of the brush, half of the castanet hits the palm, producing a loud jerky sound, which differs from the sound during classical playing.

According to the classical school of playing, five different sounds can be played on castanets, which are called ta, pi, pan, chim and ria. They differ in timbre and, with skillful playing, you can create a huge number of beautiful rhythmic patterns with their help.

The first exercise is to strike the castanet alternately with each finger, starting with the little finger, gradually increasing the pace. Make sure that each sound is extracted clearly. To play the castanet with the left hand basic technique- strike simultaneously with three fingers: little finger, ring finger and middle finger, and the rhythm from which you can start learning is to extract several sounds with the fingers of your right hand, ending them with one “note” on the castanet in your left hand. You need to try to achieve a fast pace, alternating the game of the left and right hands. Sometimes castanets can be struck against each other.

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