How kings are buried in Thailand. The funeral of the King of Thailand in October - full information


Another thematic selection of cars from the streets of New York. This time dedicated to ambulances medical care. Well, the story of how this service works.

To complete the picture, there is a bonus video at the end of the post: four and a half minutes in the cockpit of a New York ambulance on a call in Brooklyn.

2. Let's start with city cars. The most common ambulance is a special van made to order based on the chassis of the Ford F-350 or F-450. In addition to such machines, there is a version with a slightly elongated body for crews working with hazardous materials and rescuers. Crew two paramedics.

City ambulances have been part of the New York City Fire Department since 1996. Prior to this, they were part of the structure of the city company, which manages hospitals and medical centers. The doctors themselves do not really like such a merger. Firstly, they were dissolved in a foreign structure, where, against the background of firefighter heroes, they feel like they are on the sidelines. All the laurels go to the firefighters, they are often not even mentioned in official speeches. Secondly, many use work in an ambulance as a career step in firefighters and do not stay there after the prescribed two years. Thirdly, employees are not satisfied with low salaries and pensions. Against the backdrop of the salaries of firefighters, they are even more dissatisfied.

3. This is an F-350 previous generation- a training vehicle from the Academy of Ambulance.

Today, the city service employs 3,200 people. There are 32 ambulance stations in the city. In 2011, ambulances responded to 1,263,345 calls. A paramedic's starting salary is $37,346 per year without overtime or compensation. After five years of work, she will reach $50,501, plus bonuses in the form of a pension, long paid vacation, etc. (firefighter $39,370 - $76,488 no copay)

4. Since 2011, the city began to buy cars based on the Dodge RAM 4500 (now just RAM) with a four-door cab. One of the reasons is to give the crew more comfort while waiting for a call. The cars are on different points in the city, and not on a single base, so that they can quickly get to the place of the call in their square.

On average, 911 handles about 3,300 calls a day. 37% of them are given to ambulance services working in non-profit hospitals, or volunteer ambulance organizations. Together they make up the largest ambulance system in the world. Is it true total I never found the car. Maybe someone knows?

5. New York University Medical Center machine. There is a sticker on the door stating that the car is part of the city's EMS (ambulance) system, and it can receive 911 calls. Most of the cars are Ford-based vans like this.

6. But even here RAM began to appear.

7. And even Chevrolet. The car is at the emergency room of one of the hospitals in Manhattan.

8. But the bulk are still Fords.

9. Machine New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan. My son was born there, but we went there by taxi. And that's why.

Ambulance in New York is paid. Moreover, it is quite expensive, and is not covered by the bulk of insurance. Or only half covered. For a city ambulance ride, you will have to pay $515 per call, plus $7 per mile. In fact, this is the most expensive taxi in the city. Many people prefer to endure, but to get to the hospital on their own two feet. But here it is necessary to clarify that if you do not have money (not in your pocket, but in life, of course), then the city will pay for you. And the ambulance cannot refuse to provide you with medical care.

10. Machine Lutheran Medical Center. Don't let the religious names of the hospitals scare you, it's just a historical heritage. Previously, caring for the sick was a monastic affair, and this was done in charitable hospitals at monasteries or religious societies. That's where the names of the hospitals come from. In fact, these are quite modern clinics, and nuns or Lutherans with Presbyterians are seen there no more often than you and me.

11. Ambulance Mount Sinai Private Hospital in Manhattan. For some reason, in the colors and symbols of the Bavarian flag. There is no EMS system sticker.

12. Jewish medical center ambulance.

There are ambulances outside the EMS system. They do not work on emergency calls, but are engaged in scheduled transportation of patients, or transportation between hospitals.

13. Ambulance County Richmond. This is Staten Island.

14. Midwood car in front of a nursing home in Brooklyn.

15. Such ambulances are often with national color. Remember the first photo.

16. They are also mostly made on the basis of Fords. But not vans, but cargo buses.

17. You can also call such a car to be taken to the hospital. But only as planned. They cannot provide emergency assistance.

18. Car for the transportation of the elderly. The services of such machines are covered by insurance.

19. Priority embulance machines 1.

20. They have all kinds.

21. And even supervisors' cars.

22. In addition to all of the above, there are also special machines of the Jewish Hatzol system (if I write correctly). It is a volunteer organization that exists in Jewish communities around the world. They have their own dispatching service, their own doctors and cars.

23. A sick religious Jew will never call 911, but will call Hatzol's phone in his city. Even on a call to 911, such a car will be sent to the scene of an accident if it turns out that there are Jews among the victims. They are hospitalized both in their own medical centers and in ordinary city hospitals. Only Jewish volunteers work for them, and cars are bought with donations. This is written on board, indicating the names of benefactors.

Now the video from the cab of the city ambulance:

The car started from the point of waiting and arrived at the place of the call, and not the first one. If you want more, then this girl (a paramedic girl shoots a video) has whole channel on youtube. You can watch all day long. There are some fresher videos, but I chose this because of the interesting road conditions, so that it was clear how drivers react to an ambulance.

From the outside it looks like this.

True, this is already Manhattan, where there are much more cars. The car is just too long. Rescue units. Pay attention to the driver.

When someone dies in Thailand, it is customary to keep the corpse in the house for 7 days until the moment of cremation. For six days, the monks come every evening and perform prayers for the deceased. The coffin is usually decorated with garlands and a photograph of the deceased. If the family of the deceased is not wealthy, the corpse may be prepared for burning a little earlier, between 3 and 7 days. The fact is that the formalin used for embalming the body is not affordable for everyone.

Those invited to the commemoration are dressed in dark clothes but a white shirt may be appropriate. Everyone greets each other. The waiters invited to accompany the commemoration offer water or Coca-Cola to those present. During the first six days, monks come to the house every evening around 19:00. Usually there are four of them. But often the number varies depending on social status deceased. For 30 minutes they say prayers in the Pali language. Then the car delivers them back to the temple. On the seventh day, cremation can be scheduled at any time during the day.

At the wake, all guests are treated to food. It is customary to have conversations. Many chat even while reading prayers. Contrary to public opinion the atmosphere is not so sad, loud tears are not accepted. Family, relatives, neighbors and even unknown people can join the memorial prayers. Sometimes an old respected monk is invited. But then he is only present, not taking part in the ceremony. His presence indicates that the deceased was of high rank.

On the seventh day, according to tradition, funeral procession. The monks go first, followed by the men and then the women. The men carry the coffin. But in our time, the coffin is often transported to the temple by car.

Then the procession, including the guests, arrives at the temple. Everyone gives gifts and money to the family of the deceased.

A counterweight European countries the funeral ceremony is not considered a sad event. Everyone is talking. For Buddhists, death is only a transition to the next reincarnation. Cremation is meant to release the spirit of the deceased.

In some families, it is customary to print a small memorial book, which is distributed to guests during the ceremony. This book contains the history of the deceased person, poems, some personal letters. This custom is highly valued in Buddhism. Its purpose is to pass on the wisdom and knowledge of the deceased to other people. In Bangkok, in the temple of Wat Bonivet (WAT BONIWET), there is even a small museum of memorial books. For some time now, a dirty business has even grown on this: some people go to the funeral, even if they did not know the deceased, only to get a memorial book and then sell it on a specialized market.

At a magnificent funeral, the family of the deceased may invite a traditional Thai orchestra. The musicians play the xylophone or all the instruments of the national gamelan.

In Thailand, the problem of the dead, unclaimed by relatives, is acutely building. If a person had no relatives, there is no one to pay for their cremation. Cremation of corpses is one of the main aspects of Buddhism, because for believers, the burning of the body is the liberation of the soul, which rushes to heaven and stays there in anticipation of the next reincarnation.

There are several charities in Thailand that take care of unclaimed bodies and bury them in a private cemetery. Each year, the corpses are then dug up on a designated day, monks are invited, and a mass burning ceremony is organized. In 1998, during one of these ceremonies, 40,000 remains were burned at once. Due to the general economic downturn charity organisations V currently do not have enough funds to buy land and expand temporary cemeteries. The morgues of some hospitals are overcrowded and their management does not know what to do with unclaimed bodies. There is even talk of allowing the use of incinerators to solve this problem!

But back to the cremation ceremony. During it, all those present fold their hands several times in a respectful gesture - wai (WAI) - palms are folded together in front of them at neck level. This gesture is repeated several times during the monks' prayers, reminding them of the impermanence of life.

For the cremation of corpses in the temples, a crematorium is equipped. It can be identified by its tall chimney.

If the temple does not have a specially equipped crematorium on the territory, the corpses are burned on outdoors. This action can often be accompanied by rather terrible scenes, when the coffin explodes due to fire and the dead fall out of it like the living dead. That is why pregnant women were previously forbidden to participate in such ceremonies, so that the sight of such scenes would not harm the unborn child.

At the funeral influential people up to 1000 people or more can simultaneously observe the cremation process. It is always customary to make the wai gesture to honor the deceased with an incense stick sandwiched between the palms. For the dead, one stick is always burned, and for offerings to the Buddha, three.

After 100 days from the date of death, the moment comes for another final memorial ceremony. This Buddhist ceremony is arranged to offer concluding prayers. It's called Tam Ban 100 Van. Envelopes with money and SANG KHATHAN are offered to Buddhist monks on this day. These are various small gifts, which can be toiletries, including washing powder and soap, as well as medicines, monastic clothes, fruit juice, candles, matches, umbrellas, sandals, lighters, milk, incense sticks, toothpaste and a brush toilet paper, water and the like. On this day, the ceremony "Sat Nam" (SAT NAM) is also arranged, during which holy water is poured on the floor. This action is intended to bless the spirit of the deceased and give him strength in his last journey. It is believed that this shortens the time for souls to wait for their next rebirth in a new body.

The ashes are placed in urns and kept in the house. For this, a small room is allocated, where guests are not allowed, only relatives. Offerings are brought to the dead, incense is lit.

Thais firmly believe in reincarnation, so the death of loved ones is not such a grief as it is for us.

The deceased is washed only by close relatives, then he is transported to the monastery and 4 monks read prayers around the clock. The family of the deceased feeds these monks, as well as those who come to say goodbye to the deceased. And everyone can come, including those who have not seen the deceased during his lifetime, that is, eat)) Therefore, poor families keep the deceased for 1, maximum 2 days. Whereas the rich up to 7 days. Then the body is cremated, right there in the monastery. If someone is buried royal family the crematorium is no longer in use.

Those who have money bring ashes to temples and build a pagoda. Those who are poorer are put in common pagodas, like mass grave. On the territory of any temple a large number of pagodas. They are very beautiful: a cone-shaped structure, all in bright mosaics. Ashes are laid at the base.

And they can also marry a dead girlfriend)

In Thailand, near every residential building or institution, there is always a small house for the Gods.
Buddhism and Hinduism, Islamism coexist calmly in this country.
Initially, Siam professed Hinduism, worshiped many gods. When the Buddha came, he asked the gods to allow him to take 3 steps around him. The gods, of course, allowed. Think 3 steps around you. BUT!!! They didn't know what the steps of the Buddha were. Having already taken 2 steps, he passed the whole earth and sky. The gods prayed: - And where do we live?! To which the Buddha replied: - Live close to people, let them build houses for you and take care of you!))
How and where to install a house is a whole science! Before entering the house, a specially trained person is called who finds a place for the house. It is important that the shadow of the house does not fall on it and vice versa.

Thais firmly believe in the gods. They bring food, gifts and incense 3 times a day!!! It is believed that if you do not put up a house, then things will not go well, the business will burn out and all the misfortunes of the world will fall on your head. There are specialized shops selling houses. Prices range from 1-2 thousand baht to 50-70 or even 100 thousand. The house looks like a square coffee table on high leg and a roof on 4 pillars, of course, in oriental style))) In front of it, a little lower, another “coffee table” is placed, but without a roof. Offerings are placed on it.
Moreover, these houses often look more beautiful than the dwelling itself)))

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The king of the country died more than a year ago, but according to tradition, his funeral took place many months after the death of the royal person. The farewell ceremony lasted 5 days and ended with the cremation of the remains.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) of Thailand, who passed away on October 13, 2016, was buried a year later. This tradition of delayed funerals is associated with the lengthy preparation that precedes the ceremony and the observance of mourning. All this time, the body of the embalmed monk was in the throne room of the Dusit Maha Prasat Palace.

During this year, more than 5 million people came to say goodbye to their beloved king. Many came from remote villages. King Bhumibol Adulyadej was loved by the Thais not only as a monarch, to whom the people of Thailand have a very special attitude, but also for personal qualities. He loved books, was merciful, and it was believed that it was he who led the country to economic recovery. Despite a series of terrorist attacks and a turbulent past few years before his death with a coup d'état in 2014, the monarch remained the most beloved ruler in the history of the country. Taking the throne in 1946, he ruled until his death.

For a year of mourning, during which many employees own initiative only wore white clothes(white - the color of mourning), a 50-meter burial complex was built. Hundreds of Thai masters took part in its creation. This large territory, on which, in addition to the burial place, there are 4 ponds, a reservoir, a rice field, windmill.

The project was designed by landscape architect Porntham Thammawimol and the Department of Fine Arts of Thailand.

Funeral arrangements began on October 25, 2017. On the morning of October 26, the sarcophagus with the remains of the king was loaded onto a once purpose-built chariot for the funeral of monarchs. It is decorated with naga heads. It's serpentine mythical creatures holding the drink of immortality.

200 year old chariot" a great victory"moves with the help of 222 military personnel. Because of the chariot, the rest of the participants in the ceremony were forced to master a special ceremonial step.

Thousands of Thais came to say goodbye to the King. 2406 people take part in the procession. A relatively short distance to Sanam Luang Square (890 m) they pass in 2 hours.

A girl with a badge depicting her beloved king.

Inside the fenced historical center of Bangkok, where the funeral of the king took place, 157 thousand people could be. All this time they spent the funeral here. Only invited guests (about 7.5 thousand people) and participants in the ceremony were allowed outside the inner perimeter of the royal crematorium.

Many of those who came to see the King off last way, it was getting bad. During the 5 days of the funeral ceremony in Bangkok, medical teams were on duty around the clock. Volunteers handed out free food and water.

The remains of the deceased are placed on a platform inside the burial complex, in the center of which there is an elevation symbolizing Mount Meru. After death, according to the beliefs of the Thais, the souls of royal persons go to her after physical death. As a sign of respect, funeral flowers are laid on the platform.

At the cremation ceremony itself, only members of the royal family are present. The beginning of the moment of cremation in the Main Square was recognized by the smoke that began to rise above the main tower of the crematorium.

Copies of the crematorium have been installed throughout the country. After the cremation fire was lit in Bangkok, ceremonial fires were also lit in other parts of the province. The ashes of burnt sandalwood were then scattered in the wind over the Gulf of Thailand, the Andaman Sea, small rivers and lakes.

At the end of the cremation ceremony, the third day of the funeral is devoted to collecting the ashes of the late king. All collected ashes are divided into 6 ritual urns, which will be sent to Buddhist temples.

On the 4th day, the Buddhist ritual of prayer for the soul takes place in the throne room of Dusit Maha Prasat in the large royal palace. The funeral ceremony ends with the donation of food to the Buddhist monks, after which one urn with the ashes is placed in the Chakri tomb located on the territory of the Grand Royal Palace, the others go to the temples of Wat Ratchabophit and Wat Bovonniwet.

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