How to draw a carnival scarecrow. Maslenitsa is pancakes


Maslenitsa is a holiday of seeing off a long and beloved by all people. cold winter. Even in pagan times, people cheerfully celebrated the meeting of spring. Orthodoxy, however, slightly changed the meaning of the holiday, arranging it to coincide with the beginning of Great Lent. How to draw Maslenitsa easily, but at the same time beautifully? Be sure to think over the plot of the drawing and do not forget about the most vivid images this day!

How to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa?

The main symbol of the spring festival is a scarecrow made of straw, which is burned at the stake at the end of the festivities. Most often, the scarecrow is depicted as a woman with a round head in elegant clothes.

In order to draw Shrovetide with a pencil (by the way, this is not only the name of the holiday, but also the scarecrow itself), take Blank sheet paper, an eraser and a pencil itself. Start the sketch by sketching the pillar. It should have a cross beam for the arms of the stuffed animal. Immediately sketch out the oval of the head. Outline general contours stuffed clothes and headdress (it is better if it is a scarf). The scarecrow's clothes should be worn, you do not need to draw them new and attractive. Draw in detail the scarecrow's outfit, it's very good if you use folk motives. Add a few patches and rips to the Shrovetide skirt along with a few patches. Now it's time to show that the scarecrow is made of straw. Draw its base: head, arms and legs.

How to draw pancakes?

The question of how to draw a carnival with a pencil in stages worries many people, and especially parents whose children received a similar task at school. No one can imagine this day without pancakes, but how can you draw them with a pencil? Pancakes are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, and they are eaten on time for a reason!

The fact is that they are warm and homey. If you want your stack of pancakes to look natural, then pay attention to the play of light and shadow. How to draw Shrove Tuesday and pancakes correctly? First, draw a rectangle on the sheet. Now outline the top pancake. It doesn't have to be perfectly round and even. Then start drawing pancakes in a stack, they should not be even and straight. Each pancake is individual. IN last turn detail the drawing with a drop of honey or jam and draw shadows.

How to draw a carnival with a pencil in stages: depict fire

At the end of the festivities, the effigy of Maslenitsa is necessarily burned, so there must be fire in the picture. You can depict a burning scarecrow or a freestanding bonfire as another symbol of the holiday. How to draw Maslenitsa step by step? It will be more convenient for a novice artist to draw fire gradually. Schedule wavy lines main flames.

Do not forget about the play of light and shadow - one side of the fire should be darker than the other. Hold the pencil at a slight angle and apply dense strokes to it. Then add additional flames to the main ones. Circle each of them on top with a sharpened pencil. If you want, then draw firewood under the fire.

How to draw the sun?

In the picture of Maslenitsa, the sun occupies important place. They draw it not as usual, but using folk motifs. The sun can be in the form of flames or pancakes. Often the sun on Maslenitsa is depicted as a spiral or several circles, alternately inscribed in each other.

Don't forget to draw rays for your sun. They should resemble splashes of pancake oil or flames. If you want to color your drawing, then use a variety of shades of red, yellow and orange for the sun.

How to depict folk festivals?

You do not know how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil? Don't despair, it's actually not that hard! You should not think through complex in compositional and plot plan a picture, a simple plot with the obligatory symbols of seeing off winter will suffice. Take a simple one as the basis for the drawing. Place a scarecrow in the center of the picture, let the fire burn nearby, and the Shrovetide sun in the sky. Draw in your picture a few joyful people carrying pancakes and poles with flying ribbons.

Can you picture and active games such as climbing a pole for a gift and so on. If you want to depict a still life, then put a plate of pancakes and a samovar in the center of it. Draw cups, bagels, sweets and so on on the side.

How to draw a carnival with children?

The youngest children also love Shrovetide and pancakes, but they are not yet able to draw a full-fledged drawing. How can you help them? A patient parent can create a very beautiful drawing along with your child. How can this be organized?

  • The parent draws a large yellow pancake on a sheet of paper, and the child decorates it with berries using his fingers and scarlet paint. An older child can also use a brush.
  • parent drawing on paper yellow sun, and the child complements it with bright and cheerful rays that warm the earth.
  • Older children can be invited to express their impressions of the past holiday and festivities on paper on their own.

This article details how to draw Shrovetide. You can do this with a pencil, or you can take paints. A color drawing will better convey the joyful and warm atmosphere of this day. Use but slightly dilute them with cold shades, because contrast is also necessary. Creative success to you!

Maslenitsa is a cheerful and bright holiday. Folk festivals and pancakes can be an excellent plot for a children's drawing or greeting card.

main topic Shrovetide - solar pancakes (which are baked in abundance on Maslenitsa). Drawing a pancake is within the power of even the smallest children. Invite them to draw the most delicious pancake they tried on Shrovetide. The drawing should be bright and joyful.

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Draw a pancake

To draw a picture on the theme "Shrovetide", a pancake is depicted on the entire sheet (yellow or orange paint). It can be decorated with jam (bright spots of red paint) or sour cream (spots of white paint).

Draw the sun

Maslenitsa is associated with the bright sun, so you can draw a picture depicting the sun on Maslenitsa. A bright, cheerful sun is drawn using yellow or orange paint. Be sure to draw the sun's rays (which will warm the earth and call for spring).

Draw a composition

Older children can be invited to draw a scarecrow of winter, which, according to tradition, is burned on Maslenitsa. You can make a drawing in the form of a composition against the background of a winter landscape: the trees are still bare, without foliage, the ground is covered with snow, but it shines brightly. spring sunshine. A bright festive scarecrow will fully reveal the theme of Maslenitsa.

Topic disclosure

Pancakes must be present in the picture, because they are a symbol of Maslenitsa and will best reveal this topic. Pancakes can be drawn against the background of simple household utensils: a jug of sour cream, a vase of jam, a cup of tea (the plot may be the simplest).

In the drawing, use bright warm colors (this is how the atmosphere of the holiday is created). Emphasize the Maslenitsa nationality with an ornament - decorate the tablecloth on the table and cups with it.

The Maslenitsa theme is revealed in a bright sunny drawing that evokes associations with the holiday. You need to perform the drawing in a folk manner, using rough forms and a naive plot, complementing the drawing with an ornament.

How easier theme drawing and its execution, the better the topic will be revealed national holiday. It is not difficult to draw a bright sunny drawing on the theme of Maslenitsa, the main thing is to show a little imagination.

Maslenitsa is a holiday of the omen of spring, when honest people have fun, dance around the stuffed carnival, eat pancakes, dumplings and lead an idle lifestyle in order to drive away winter and convey native land into the grip of a warm spring. Children adore the holiday, because it is very cheerful and you can enjoy pancakes all week long. We have prepared for you pictures of "Shrovetide" for children - large collection images that convey the atmosphere of this traditional holiday. All images are available in full size by clicking.

When do we celebrate Shrovetide?

The date of this holiday varies depending on when Easter is celebrated. In 2018, Maslenitsa is from February 12 to 18.

Collection of children's pictures "Shrovetide".

A picture with the inscription "Shrovetide holiday for children"

People sled, sing, have fun and play the accordion on Shrove Tuesday. Someone is holding pancakes, someone is dancing, someone is just getting ready to join the fun.

Beautiful children's drawing with the inscription "Hello Shrovetide!"

Maslenitsa is a celebration of the coming of the sun, so pancakes are baked on it, symbolizing this star

Everyone eats pancakes - a cat, a dog, a boy, and a girl. And the bear plays the balalaika

Drawing with folk entertainment for Shrove Tuesday. Sledges, climb the pole to the very top, a carnival stuffed animal and much more

Children sit at the table and prepare to taste grandmother's pancakes

The picture is perfect for the headline of a children's wall newspaper for Shrovetide, or even for a sign!

Even more massive festivities in February for carnival. Now there is an ice rink, a fair, music and a more urbanized city

The same image, but performed with less flashy colors. Choose a picture to your liking!

Animated picture with a girl in a traditional kokoshnik offering us a pancake. With carnival!

The buffoon plays the balalaika, the grandfather on spoons, the granddaughter baked pancakes, and the sun is already warming. Here it is, a real Russian Shrovetide!

We meet Maslenitsa, invite spring, drive away winter, eat pancakes!

Shrovetide fun in this children's picture

The same girl with pancakes became the heroine of a children's picture with a poem

Children sit at the Shrovetide table and prepare for dinner

Children's drawing of the burning of a carnival effigy

Photo of cute boy and girl dressed in old Russian style. The boy holds pancakes with black and red caviar in his hands

The Shrovetide holiday will come very soon, which in Rus' marks the farewell to winter and the welcome of spring. He is loved by both adults and children. For this holiday, ancient custom Rus', the stove is turned on delicious pancakes and pamper all members of your family with them and not one day a year, but a whole week. All residents go out into the street and with songs and dances burn an effigy of Maslenitsa. The scarecrow symbolizes winter. By burning it, people say goodbye to the cold and welcome spring. The scarecrow was usually made from straw.

Animated picture:


How can you play Maslenitsa holiday with the help of pictures and photos?

Consider one of these games.

Game "Describe Maslenitsa"

Before the children put up drawings, pictures and photos on the theme "Shrovetide", and give each child one at a time. Then the teacher with the children conducts a preliminary conversation about the holiday itself, as it is celebrated. Only after that, the children should carefully consider the pictures distributed to them. The children are told that Maslenitsa is a meeting of spring. Look each at your picture and find the one that depicts this time of the year. The one who has it rises and describes everything that is depicted on it. The children are then told that Maslenitsa is a fun holiday, with dancing, fun and eating pancakes. And the most chief guest on this holiday - Skomorokh. Look at the pictures and find it. Children do the same as before. This game is most suitable for children after three years. It contributes not only to an increase in the baggage of knowledge about this holiday, but also to the development vocabulary in children.

For children five to six years old, you can apply the following game with didactic drawings, colored or in pencil.

Game "Collect pancakes"

The children are given pictures depicting the Maslenitsa holiday in Rus' and with different names on them, as well as colored circles symbolizing pancakes. The teacher introduces the children to the customs of this holiday, says that pancakes are the main treat for Maslenitsa. Then the children are offered to count the number of syllables in the name of their pictures and put the same number of circles next to them. This game contributes to the development of mindfulness and counting skills in children.

For very young children, you can show pictures of Maslenitsa and tell what is shown on them. And the guys who can speak can name the objects depicted in the pictures themselves. Thus, they can develop visual memory and speech.

The ancient holiday of the arrival of spring and seeing off winter is Maslenitsa. This article tells you how to draw pancakes, a scarecrow and festivities for Shrovetide in stages using a pencil or paints.

Maslenitsa is a wonderful and very tasty and satisfying holiday. On Maslenitsa, it is customary to bake pancakes and burn a scarecrow. These two traditions are calling card» holiday.

The image of Maslenitsa implies a picture with wide Maslenitsa festivities, stacks of pancakes, round dances around a scarecrow.

Today we will tell you how to draw the Maslenitsa holiday so that it is easily recognizable.

On Maslenitsa it is customary to cook pancakes in huge piles

How to draw a Maslenitsa holiday in stages with a pencil?

As we have already said, the Maslenitsa holiday implies several "rites" or traditions. One of these rituals is the preparation a large number pancakes to feed family, friends, neighbors and relatives.

Therefore, in this part of the article we will tell you how to draw one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa - pancakes in stages.

Pancakes for Maslenitsa - the main treat

In order to draw a stack of pancakes, you will need:

  • thick paper
  • eraser
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils, or pencils of different hardness

So let's get started.

  • First of all, draw a rounded plate at the bottom of the sheet. At the top, mark the borders of the stack of pancakes. The width of the stack is slightly smaller than the width of the plate.
  • Now draw the side of the pancakes. Do not forget that we are drawing a stack of pancakes, so the edges of it will be uneven.
  • Finish the upper part of the pancakes - draw an oval equal in width to the oval of the lower part of the pancakes.
  • Now erase all extra construction lines. Make the drawing more voluminous, realistic. To do this, draw pancakes.
  • It is not necessary to draw every pancake, but keep in mind that there should be enough pancakes. Start at the top or bottom.

Finish drawing the pancakes in the center of the stack.

  • Now draw a triangular piece of strawberries on top and 3-4 strips of dripping oil on the side of the pancakes. Do it about the same principle as shown in the figure.
  • Shade the dark areas on the pancakes and the plate.
  • Draw all the shadows in more detail.
  • The work is almost ready.
  • Now take the softest pencil and highlight the shadows if they do not stand out well, and use the eraser to highlight the highlights.
  • But do not overdo it, otherwise you will get dirt.

  • Add colors to your work. And you will get a great drawing of pancakes for Maslenitsa!

How to draw a scarecrow for Shrovetide in stages?

Burning an effigy is an integral part of the Maslenitsa celebration. Any festivities have always been accompanied by this ritual, which takes its roots from ancient times.

In this part of the article, we will tell and show you how to draw a real carnival scarecrow in stages.


  • paper
  • pencil
  • eraser

First draw the base of the scarecrow. It consists of a long stick curved at the bottom and a stick transverse to it at the top. The vertical stick is the legs, the horizontal stick is the arms. On top of the frame, draw the silhouette of a scarecrow. He looks like a woman in a long loose dress.

Step 1

Now draw the details of the dress, scarf. A dress for a scarecrow is always taken with patches, or they themselves put them on purpose. The more colorful the dress, the better.

Step 2

Now draw the rest of the straw: the face, arms and legs. A scarecrow is specially stuffed with straw so that it burns better and retains its shape.

By straw, we mean thin and short branches that stick out from under the dress.

Step 3

The scarecrow drawing is ready. You can decorate it to your taste and color. Here are some children's drawings of a Shrovetide effigy.

Presentation at Maslenitsa

How to draw a scarecrow burning on Maslenitsa?

One of the most striking and memorable customs on Maslenitsa is the burning of an effigy. This ritual symbolizes the farewell to winter and the welcome of spring. It is believed that after carnival festivities spring comes into its own - the sun is getting warmer, and the days are noticeably longer.

To draw a scarecrow burning, you will need:

  • thick paper of any size
  • pencils and colored pencils
  • eraser
  • fantasy and patience

Burning an effigy for Maslenitsa

The drawing on the theme "Burning an effigy" includes two main elements: the effigy itself and the fire.
We have already described how to draw a scarecrow in this article, so now we will tell you how to draw a fire beautifully. As a result, you will simply need to connect these two drawings and you will get a drawing of a scarecrow burning.

We draw a fire.

  • First, mark an oval - the place where the main part of the flame will be located. In the future, this oval will help you draw the borders of light and shadow.
  • Draw flames inside the oval as shown in the picture.
  • Add smaller flames, extra.

  • Make clearer outlines - circle the fire, add more contrast to the drawing.
  • Now draw firewood under fire.
  • Strengthen the hatching around the campfire. Make it better soft pencil and don't press too hard on it, otherwise the line will be thick and dark.
  • At this stage, you can add lights and shadows to the finished drawing to make the image more realistic. Also, if you wish, you can add color to the work.

The drawing is ready! Draw a scarecrow along with the fire to get a full-fledged illustration of the holiday.

How to draw Shrovetide for children to school?

For school drawing Shrovetide you will have to try. One, or even two heroes in the picture will obviously not be enough - create a whole composition from many characters. With our instructions, you will succeed.

First, line up the characters, that is, mark with a pencil the location and size of the main and secondary characters and items. In our case, we need to outline the horizon line, a scarecrow, children near it and a woman with a cat in the foreground.

Step 1

Now start drawing in more detail each shape. We recommend starting with the scarecrow itself in order to develop the composition away from it. Draw a head in a scarf, a sundress, hands and firewood below.

Step 2

Children are running around the scarecrow, and then we will draw them now. Try to depict joy and fun on the faces of the children, make the figures more lively, dynamic. In our case, we depict a boy and a girl.

Step 3

Let's take the first shot, in which we will have a woman holding a plate of pancakes and a cat cuddling at the woman's feet. For the cat, draw stripes on the back and a fluffy chest, and for the woman, do not forget to draw a pink blush on her cheeks and a smile.

Step 4

Next in line is the distant plan - the church, trees and houses. It can be seen that the holiday takes place in a large village.

Step 5

Draw a small dog playing next to the child.

Step 6

Draw a buffoon at the bottom left. The one who entertains people with his jokes during the festivities. The buffoon has a long cap, and the merry fellow himself sits on the snow.

Step 7

Draw the buffoon in more detail. In our drawing, he plays an instrument like a pipe.

Step 8

Take a thin marker, felt-tip pen or liner. Circle all the characters along the outline. Draw the clouds in the sky, circle them too, as well as the background - the village.

Step 9

Use colored pencils to add color to the work - make the clouds pink-purple and the sky blue. Step 13

Your work for the school is ready! The drawing is very lively and bright. The teacher will accurately evaluate your efforts and the efforts of your child.

How to draw Maslenitsa with paints?

In addition to simple and colored pencils, of course, paints can also be used. In principle, any of the above drawings can be drawn using watercolor or gouache paints. Oil paints For such work it is better not to use. If you choose colors for oil based your work must be done professionally.

Here is a picture of Maslenitsa you can paint with paints

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