Painting Kustodiev Shrovetide festivities. Description of the painting "Shrovetide" (1919) B. Kustodieva


Vibrant scenes from folk life always attracted the attention of the artist BM Kustodiev. Maslenitsa is one of the brightest holidays, which has always been loved by the people. It meant the end of the harsh winter, which was seen off with a noisy revelry. Maslenitsa is also a time of hopes for the imminent arrival of heat.Kustodiev in his picture showed a noisy festivities. In this work, a horizontally elongated canvas contains a panorama of the whole city, which opens from a hill. Sunny frosty day, snowdrifts around, trees shrouded in silvery hoarfrost, sparkling with thousands of sparks. All this creates the mood of the holiday. And although winter is not losing ground yet, there are signs of the coming heat: on the sunny side, icicles appear on the roofs, indicating that the days of winter are numbered.There are many people on the streets. Noise and fun can be heard from far away, coming from everywhere. Especially a lot of people gathered at the theater, where the buffoons are expected to perform. Whom you just don’t meet on the street: here both mummers and sedate merchants stepping on the floors of their own fur coats, with them elegant wives, fat merchants, went out to people to see and show themselves. The mummers vied with each other to invite everyone to take part in the general fun. Here and there there are peddlers with trays, each praising their pancakes. Innkeepers invite you to taste pancakes, lush and hot, as clear as the sun. Fun outside. The barrel organ hums, harmonicas sing, songs and laughter, funny jokes are heard everywhere.
The author dwells in detail on various details of life, on the inhabitants of the city, who joyfully perceive the arrival of Maslenitsa. The artist shows how the holiday transforms the life of the city. Here is a trio jumping famously. Her horses are dressed up, harnessed to huge painted sleighs. Bells are poured under the arc. The coachman in the red-topped cap waved his whip, because the horses slowed down their run at the turn, as if on purpose so that the viewer could admire the beauty of her decoration. The people sitting in the sleigh laugh and wave merrily to the passers-by.
Many more modest sledges pulled by a pair of horses. After all, Maslenitsa is a fun ride through the frosty streets. Until late in the evening, laughter and jokes, joy and fun will not cease in the city, because everyone is seeing off the harsh Russian winter. In the distance, the golden domes of churches shine, and a joyful chime is heard from the bell towers, creating an indescribable feeling of a holiday. Kustodiev seems to enjoy in the picture the richness of the observations revealed to him folk life, folk types, picturesqueness of the whole situation. Kustodiev's painting is like a poeticized image of the Motherland, for which the artist expressed his love. He conveys his impressions with surprising immediacy. We seem to be drawn into a whirlwind of the mischievous procession of the daring Russian people.


The famous Russian artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev several times in his work turned to the festive theme of seeing off winter, revealing it each time with a feeling of joy from brightness and frosty freshness. One of these striking works, the painting Maslenitsa by Kustodiev, was painted in 1916, subsequently continuing this creative theme, he creates two more colorful canvases in 1919 and in 1920. Although some sketches and sketches of the Russian holiday were made by him earlier.


Maslenitsa 1916. The last evening rays illuminate the snow-covered city, high spiers and multi-colored domes of churches. And below, multi-colored swings and carousels creak, rotating, from afar you can hear the cheerful hubbub of the fair. A brightly painted sleigh driven by a pair of horses along the street. It can be seen that there is a competition, who is faster, louder, farther. Fun embraces everyone. This is a fabulous reality, like a testament of a sick artist to always look at life with optimism and certainly believe that life itself is a holiday. The sun is nearing sunset, but its rays seem to linger to look at the merry festivities. The winter landscape, which served Kustodiev as a backdrop for his work, creates an atmosphere of carnival. Painted sleighs, birds soaring up, downhills. The viewer seems to be watching the action from a bird's eye view. Fun, Russian prowess - all this is depicted by the painter in a collective image - a folk holiday. The size of the canvas is 89 by 190.5 cm, 1916. The painting is located in the Russian Museum, in the city Saint Petersburg.


Maslenitsa 1919. One such holiday is depicted in another painting by Kustodiev in 1919. In the pink-golden rays of the sunset, a mass celebration of the inhabitants of a provincial town takes place. The movement of the holiday can be felt on the dashingly racing sleigh. The work of the artist on the theme of winter is filled with genuine joy. Here you have a dashing trio of horses in the center of the canvas, a team drawn by two horses is catching up with it, and in the foreground on the left, modestly but cheerfully, a merchant married couple on a sleigh with a white horse harnessed. Seeing off winter is a special folk holiday, which Kustodiev so repeatedly sought to convey: painted sledges, merchants conduct leisurely trade and the nobility march imposingly. Carefree fun, and in the distance you can see the domes of a small church - a symbol of Orthodoxy. Author chooses bright colors: bright red or green pattern of painted sledges, facade of houses. But the temple is depicted as bright and located between beautiful trees. This expresses his attitude towards faith. Canvas size 71 by 98 cm, located in St. Petersburg, in the museum apartment of I. Brodsky


Shrovetide 1920 In 1920, another painting “Shrovetide” comes out from under the brush of Kustodiev - this is the life of the people of Russia and its centuries-old history. The artist unfolds before us the most fascinating stories with the smallest details, in multi-figured compositions, colored with admiration and its elusive irony. Among the people, this holiday was very famous for folk amusements and colorful fair booths. It looks like a carnival, against the backdrop of a high church, where everything is so decorative: the townspeople dressed in expensive fur coats walk leisurely, someone sells only baked pies, horses dash dashingly, merrily jingling with golden bells. In the foreground, children are sledding. It seems that even nature has dressed up for this occasion, decorating the trees with frost, delighting the townspeople with its spring-like sunny but still frosty weather. This is an amazing, bright, multi-colored and festive sketch, reminiscent of popular prints. folk art. The size of the painting is 69x90 cm, the location of the painting is unknown.

In pictures that are dedicated mass celebration, the artist sought to note the reckless and daring whirlwind of emotions. Most often, this was expressed in the image of a racing Russian troika. In these works there is something from the scenery of the theater: the contrast and even the use of "backstage". They are very colorful, in composition, reminiscent of unique Russian caskets.

This is perhaps the only case in the world when a person doomed to immobility and slow death created the most festive, most colorful and joyful creations. From thirty three years artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev began to feel signs of a serious illness, which later turned out to be a tumor spinal cord. Five years later, in 1916, despite painful operations, his legs were paralyzed. And he, sometimes in a wheelchair, sometimes lying down, overcoming terrible pains, painted on canvas full of health, brightly dressed merchants, merry Shrovetide, noisy taverns ... Even knowing that death was very close, Boris Mikhailovich did not change his favorite holiday themes , did not make the palette darker and duller; it was then that he conceived a large series of works close to folk print and new to him in technology. Plots taken from modern folk ditties which he carefully wrote down.

With all his work, Kustodiev claims that the Russian people are not a dull, suffering mass, that centuries of poverty, deprivation and severe social oppression could not kill the dreams of a happy life in the Russian people.


The theme of Kustodiev's painting "Maslenitsa" was the image of folk festivals. Against the backdrop of a winter landscape, people are depicted hurrying to the main square of the town. They ride in sleighs pulled by horses. A cheerful festive atmosphere reigns all around.

The central place is occupied by a pair of beautiful stately horses harnessed to beautiful painted sledges. On one of them, a gilded patterned arc is clearly visible. Those sitting in the sleigh are also in a hurry to the holiday. It can be seen that there are a lot of people in them, there are also women. The man drives the horses.

Still, in the background, a church flaunts surrounded by trees. Also, houses and other city buildings are visible in the picture. And, the farther their image is, the more they seem to merge with the snowy expanses seen in the distance.

The landscape itself is also interesting. The shades of the sky are golden with a barely noticeable pale blue tint and pink clouds in the center of it. Against this background of the winter sky, flocks of birds soared up. The snowdrifts in the picture are a whitish-bluish hue with a slight pale pink reflection. Horse tracks are visible on them.

Trees stand, flaunting around silvery from the snow. On the left side of the central image of a sleigh with horses and people, close-up birches are depicted. They stand on a snow-covered hill, which is cordoned off in a circle by small trees below. Behind this hill, the carousel and the crowding people are visible.

By right side- a few more trees that the artist singled out from the general background, drawing them larger. Beside them are several people. The rest of the trees are drawn small. But apparently there are a lot of them. The sleigh comes out from behind the trees. There are trees in the square, where people have fun. And, throughout the town they are scattered in their winter outfits. They merge with the general landscape.

Composition based on the painting Maslenitsa Kustodiev

Shrovetide in the artist's work is the most common theme, one of his favorites. IN different years Kustodiev painted several paintings dedicated to this Russian holiday (in the period from 1916 to 1920).

As you know, Maslenitsa - traditional holiday at Slavic peoples, anticipating Easter and marking the arrival of spring. From time immemorial, Maslenitsa was widely celebrated by Russian people for a whole week, each day of which had its own traditions and customs. Kustodiev's canvas depicts, presumably, the most vividly celebrated day - Thursday. The artist aims to depict collective image jubilant Russia, because the holiday united all the townspeople, any framework and conventions are erased - here are wealthy merchants, and small grocers, and noisy children running after frisky troikas with bells, and crowds of onlookers who have gathered at the theater in anticipation of the beginning performance . Only the Russian soul, having cast aside all the hardships of a difficult life, can walk and rejoice so widely and carefree.

Symbols-attributes of the holiday are easily recognized in the picture. If the canvas is mentally divided into three parts, in each one can find something meaningful. On the left, everything related to the meal is depicted: signs with alluring names speak of this on the buildings - "Bakery", "Cheese and Caviar", a tavern, where tables bursting with dishes are visible through the windows. In literature, the symbolism of eating and feasting "for the whole world" is a fairly common phenomenon. The subtext of this author's move speaks for itself. Carnivals and festivities, where everyone is only engaged in eating food is nothing more than a distraction from surrounding events that are not always positive (the picture was painted in 1919 - in the post-revolutionary period).

The next shot - a bright red "Theater" sign near the building, the roof of which resembles a circus dome, and an announcement on the wall with the word "Struggle" clearly visible in the title open to the right. Here, the author already refers to the tradition of arranging fights and performances for Shrovetide week, it was believed that in this way you need to let off steam, get rid of all the negativity that has accumulated over the winter and open yourself to a new life. The culminating symbol of all this action is the church. The Church in Rus' was of tremendous importance, in no locality her absence was not allowed. This is a centripetal force, this is all that unites people in an unshakable faith. The church stands on a hillock, as if watching, giving "go-ahead" for the celebration. Maslenitsa is still a truly Christian holiday. And even something more - this is the hope for the revival of life, this is the purity of thoughts and aspirations, this is purification both spiritual and physical before the upcoming celebration of Great Easter.

Such holidays dedicated to seeing off winter are typical not only for Russians - there are analogues for other peoples. But that love and that color that is fully conveyed by Kustodiev in "Maslenitsa" can not be found anywhere else.

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An essay based on Kustodiev's painting "Maslenitsa" should begin with brief reference about the artist himself. For example, the fact that Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev is one of the greatest Russian Soviet artists, who worked in various periods of the life of Russia: he was born in Russian Empire and died in the Soviet Union. He was distinguished by talent already in his early years and received many medals and awards during his studies and at the end of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Despite the fact that he was widely known as a portrait painter, his soul lay in the everyday genre - the combination of a portrait with a landscape or an interior. Such is his painting "Shrovetide", written in 1919.

The plan for writing an essay on the theme "Shrovetide" based on the painting by Kustodiev

Like any other essay, this work must begin with a thoughtful plan.

  1. The first item, as usual, is the introduction. An example of an introduction is at the beginning of this article, it can be expanded if necessary and introduce other facts about the artist or painting.
  2. Further, in the essay based on the painting "Pancake week" by Kustodiev, the details of the picture should be described: what is on the front and background which objects or parts focus on themselves, consider color scheme And general mood works.
  3. After that, you need to describe your feelings and emotions caused by viewing the picture. You should also not skimp on assumptions about what the emotions of the characters in the picture and its general mood can be caused by.
  4. At the very end, it remains to draw a capacious conclusion that will summarize the entire essay as a whole.

Composition based on the painting by Kustodiev "Pancake week"

In this picture, the artist sought to convey the general cheerful and cheerful mood, which is caused by the primordially Russian and long-awaited holiday - Maslenitsa. It is so long-awaited because people associate it with fragrance. tasty food, with fairs, with the onset of spring and city festivities. In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted harnessed horses with people briskly riding in a sleigh, cheerful children next to a shop with cheeses and caviar, merchants slowly leading a conversation, a merchant behind a small shop and a lively crowd at the theater. The central object of the composition is an elegant trio of horses, which with difficulty overcomes fluffy snowdrifts and carries wealthy ladies in a sleigh. Despite the fact that it is clearly cold outside (all the characters are dressed in warm fur coats), the color scheme of the picture warms its viewer: a variety of warm brown, red and yellow shades in the foreground of the picture complements the general mood of the work. In the background, the fun seems to subside a little: a calm church glistens in the sun, birch trees covered with snow stand quietly, there seem to be not so many people.

Completion of the essay

In conclusion, the essay on the painting "Maslenitsa" by Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich, I would like to note that he was true master in creating such bright, festive household paintings which will not let the Russian person remain indifferent to them. Everyone will find themselves in his paintings, recognize the emotions that this artist tried to convey. talented artist. His paintings turned out so lively and truthful, because he was close to the people and sincerely loved them.

Even in his youth, Boris Kustodiev became famous as a talented portrait painter. However, portraits were boring to paint and he came up with his own unique style.


He was lucky enough to become a student of Ilya Repin himself, but he rejected the canons of his teacher. The public refused to recognize him as an artist and called him an eccentric, a serious illness put him in wheelchair and he continued to write.

Astrakhan childhood of Boris Kustodiev

Artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev was born in Astrakhan in March 1878, in the family of a seminary teacher. And a year after the birth of Boris, his father died and the artist's mother, who became a widow at the age of 25, raised and supported four children alone.

Boris studied at the parochial school, then entered the gymnasium. In 1887, when Boris was 9 years old, an exhibition of Wanderers arrived in Astrakhan. The paintings of the Wanderers so impressed the boy that he firmly decided to learn how to draw and draw really skillfully. The mother went to meet the wishes of her son, found money so that her son could attend classes with a well-known artist in Astrakhan, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, P.A. Vlasov.

Pyotr Vlasov instructed:

Learning to draw a little is like learning nothing. Art takes all of life. You don’t know human anatomy - don’t try to write nudes, you won’t be able to do it. Repin says: “Cultivate your eye even more than your hand.”

In a letter to his sister, Boris wrote:

I have just returned from Vlasov and I am sitting down to write you a letter. Already whole month I go to him and today I have already started drawing the head. At first he painted ornaments, parts of the body, and now he has already begun to draw heads. The other day I painted two quinces and two carrots from nature in watercolor. When I drew them, I wondered - did I draw or someone else?

Artist Boris Kustodiev. The beginning of the creative path

Church parade of the Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment

In 1896, after graduating from high school, Boris Kustodiev went to Moscow with a desire to enter art school. However, Boris Mikhailovich was not taken to school because of his age - the future artist at that time was already 18 years old, and only minors were taken to school. Kustodiev travels to St. Petersburg and submits documents to the Higher art school at the Academy of Arts.

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! Virtue is punished, vice triumphs! I'm accepted! Yes! Today, after ten days of ordeal, they finally let me go. At three o'clock the doors opened and everyone poured into the hall in which our works stood. I found mine, it had 'accepted' written in chalk.

Kustodiev studies with great diligence, works hard and with soul, is especially fond of portraiture. Boris's "most important" teacher, Ilya Repin, wrote:

I lay on Kustodiev big hopes. He is a gifted artist, loving art, thoughtful, serious; closely studying nature...

In 1900, student Kustodiev leaves for the Kostroma province, where he writes sketches and meets Yulenka Proshenskaya, who in 1903 will become his wife.

Portrait of the artist's wife

In 1901, Repin painted a huge canvas " Solemn meeting State Council” and draws his best student Kustodiev to paint the picture - Boris Mikhailovich painted 27 portraits for this canvas.

Ceremonial meeting of the State Council

In 1903, Kustodiev graduated from the Academy with a gold medal and, as a pensioner of the Academy, with his wife and three-month-old daughter, went to Paris, traveled to France and Spain, visited Germany, worked a lot in European museums and even entered the studio of Rene Menard.

Boris Kustodiev. Finding your way

For six months the artist lives and works in Europe, then returns to Russia, buys a land plot near Kineshma and builds, with his own hands, a house, which he gives the name "Terem".

On the terrace

The name of the house is not accidental, because, while building a house, Kustodiev, at this very time, is painfully looking for his own style- he does not want to be an imitator of his teacher Repin. Boris Mikhailovich does not want to open up the sores of society, he does not like to write "realism".

The artist is more attracted to "Russian beauty", about which the artist has already formed his own idea. For example, he really likes festivities and fairs:

The fair was such that I stood like stunned. Ah, if only I had the superhuman ability to capture it all. He dragged a peasant from the market - and wrote in front of the people. Damn hard! Like for the first time. It takes 2-3 hours to make a decent sketch... I am writing a docile woman - it will last at least a week! Only cheeks and nose turn red.

Freezing day

village holiday

In 1904, Kustodiev established the "New Society of Artists", was fond of graphics and wrote cartoons for the magazines "Zhupel", "Infernal Mail" and "Sparks", illustrated Gogol's "Overcoat", created scenery at the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1909, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev became an academician - his candidacy at the Council of the Academy of Arts was supported by Arkhip Kuindzhi, Vasily Mate and "the most head teacher» Ilya Repin. At this time, Kustodiev was enthusiastically working on paintings for the Fairs series.

Kustodiev is weird

Kustodiev is worried about bouts of pain in his arm. In 1911, these pains become unbearable, but medicine is powerless. The artist leaves for Switzerland, where he is treated in a clinic, and then leaves for Germany, where he undergoes an operation.

Returning to Russia, Boris Mikhailovich again plunges into work - he writes genre sketches and portraits: “Merchant”, “Merchant”, “Beauty” and others.


These are not finished paintings, but experiments, searching for a theme and designing your own style. However, the public did not accept the "experiments", and the newspapers wrote:

That’s who’s weird, it’s Kustodiev ... He seems to be deliberately throwing himself from side to side. Either he paints ordinary good ladies' portraits, like Mrs. Notgaft or Bazilevskaya ... and then he suddenly exposes some plump "beauty" sitting on a chest painted with bouquets ... Deliberate and invented bad taste.

They treated Kustodiev as a theater artist in a completely different way - there were a huge number of orders. Now the artist creates not only scenery, but also costumes, paints portraits of great Russian directors and actors of the Moscow Art Theater.

Illness, revolution and "Russian Venus"

In 1916, the artist began to suffer from pain in his hand again. However, it was impossible to get into the German clinic - the First World War. I had to be operated on in St. Petersburg, where the doctors issued a terrible verdict - you can keep the mobility of either your arms or legs.

It is already the 13th day since I have been lying motionless, and it seems to me that not 13 days, but 13 years have passed since I lay down. Now he caught his breath a little, but he suffered and suffered very much. It even seemed that all the forces had dried up and there was no hope. I know that not everything is over yet, and not weeks, but long months will pass, until I begin to feel at least a little human, and not like that, something half-dead.

Doctors forbade Kustodiev to work, but he neglected this ban - too many ideas and plans had accumulated during the forced idleness. Boris Mikhailovich writes "Maslenitsa", which is very well received by the public.


Merchant for tea

During this period, Kustodiev writes as much as he did not write in those days when he was healthy. There is a whole series of portraits, including famous portrait Fyodor Chaliapin, and the ideal of Russian beauty in "Gone Rus'", and posters for revolutionary propaganda, covers for the magazine "Communist International", and the painting "Bolshevik".


Portrait of Fyodor Chaliapin

The artist, as in the old days, is engaged in illustrating books and creating scenery for theaters, sketches of costumes. Subsequently, director Alexei Dikiy recalled:

Never have I had such a complete, such an inspiring unanimity with the artist, as when working on the play "Flea". I knew the whole meaning of this community, when Kustodiev's farcical, bright scenery appeared on the stage, props and props made according to his sketches appeared. The artist led the whole performance, took, as it were, the first part in the orchestra, which obediently and sensitively sounded in unison.

About a year before his death, Boris Kustodiev finished working on his intimate painting “Russian Venus” - the artist was very ill, could only work a few hours a day, and therefore painted the picture for a whole year.

Russian Venus

At the end of March 1927, permission was received from the People's Committee for Education to travel to Germany for treatment. In addition, a government subsidy was received for this trip. However, while officials were preparing a foreign passport, the artist Boris Kustodiev died. It happened on May 26, 1927.

I have already talked about the fact that in his younger years Kustodiev became famous as a portrait painter.

But, here's what he says about the work of the artist A. Benois:

... the real Kustodiev is a Russian fair, motley, "big-eyed" calicos, a barbaric "fight of colors", a Russian settlement and a Russian village, with their harmonicas, gingerbread, overdressed girls and dashing guys ... I argue that this is his real sphere, his real joy… When he writes fashionable ladies and respectable citizens, it is completely different - boring, sluggish, often even tasteless. And I think it's not about the plot, but about the approach to it.

Even at the beginning of his creative way Boris Mikhailovich developed his own genre of portraiture - this is a portrait-painting, a portrait-landscape in which a generalized image of a person and a unique individuality are combined, which is revealed through the surrounding world.

Spectacular works reveal the character of an entire nation, through an accessible and understandable household genre- it's such a dream beautiful fairy tale O provincial life, a poem in painting, a riot of colors and a riot of flesh.

Maslenitsa festivities

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