How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step. Draw an owl with paints


Lesson for children "how to draw an owl" consists of 6 simple steps step by step drawing pencil cartoon owl. After you complete all the steps, you should have such a cute owl that you can color in any color you like!

How to draw an owl step by step

The instruction will show you how to draw an owl step by step, then to color it, creating a unique picture. Even if you have not held a pencil in your hands for many years, you can easily cope with this task and teach your child.

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  • Owls symbolize wisdom and tranquility since the ancient greek goddess Athens, who, according to legend, always wore her owl on her shoulder.
  • Owls create strong families, without parting all his life, putting a lot of effort into the upbringing of the owls. For example, it has been noticed that some individuals bring small snakes to the nest so that the owls not only eat, but also feel the struggle and competition from childhood.
  • Owls have excellent hearing and communication. The famous hoot of an owl means protecting your territory from uninvited guests.
  • Owls love to sit in the rain, taking their time to hide from bad weather.

The wisest bird in the world is the owl.

Everyone hears

But very stingy with words.

The more he hears

The less he talks.

Ah, this is what many of us miss.

Boris Zakhoder

With such a poem, we will begin our drawing lesson today. Today we will find out! - have already been. Now the bird is more serious! Features of the behavior and lifestyle of an owl have led to the fact that many different qualities are attributed to it. When true, and when not so. But nevertheless, the owl is a symbolic bird. The image of this bird is characterized by a connection with a secret: intimate, frightening, gloomy and nocturnal. Perhaps because the owl is nocturnal, sees in the dark and flies silently. This bird can turn its head 180 degrees, it has a very "perceptive" look, it is practically immobile during the day. The owl symbol means wisdom, erudition, thoughtfulness, prudence and is often the trademark of organizations associated with science and education. We start drawing.

Step one. We start with the head. Let's place it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head are auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose. Draw the body to the head. To the sides, swinging as it should, we draw the lines of the wings. Wings should be symmetrical. Together they are somewhat similar to. On the wings we will depict short curved lines, then they will turn into feathers. Under the bird below, draw a fairly large arc - the contour of the tail. At the bottom of the body we outline the legs with claws. Step two. Let's draw in detail the claws of an owl. Inside the contour, we will show the torso, which converges to the legs. On a horizontal level, outline the eyes. And then we draw feathers all over the body of the owl: along the line of the wings, along the tail. In this case, the feathers should not be the same and their size can also be different. For especially large feathers, draw center line.Step three. On the main area of ​​​​the large open wings, draw small curved lines depicting plumage. In some places we will show them more densely, in others less often. Examine carefully the abdomen of an owl and try to do the same. Let's put a mark in place of the beak. Step four. Very important detail– . We draw pupils and circles around the eyes themselves. we will show the drawing on the crown and on the torso. Step five. No less important stage of the lesson. In the figure, we got a lot small parts. Now you need to carefully erase all the auxiliary lines. Well, the owl is ready. Can be colored. Try to draw more.

Hello dear friends!

Today our guest is a wise night bird - an owl. Do not think that a drawing depicting an owl is something not entirely practical, and will only come in handy to illustrate the tale of Winnie the Pooh. Owls are very interesting creatures not only for their way of life, legends and symbols, they all have an unusual plumage color and big eyes, and this should interest you as an artist. Let's look at beautiful images birds and learn how to draw an owl.

Drawing materials

In order to receive nice sketch, it is enough to have a desire to draw, a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. It will be more interesting to work if you apply:

  • graphite pencils;
  • sketch paper;
  • add a few strokes with colored pencils.

If you know how to use ink and pen, you can create a very beautiful graphic work. You can also get a good effect by painting the patterns on the feathers with a black felt-tip pen.

Draw a human nose

Where to begin

A thick ball of thick and lush feathers well hides the structural features of this bird. The silhouette of an owl can be inscribed in fairly simple forms.

Let's complicate our task a little and try to depict an owl from several angles, consider how to draw her portrait, paws, wings and feathers.

Direction shape and silhouette

We start with a line that will indicate the direction of the body of the bird, its pose, and also denote the silhouette with a simple geometric figure.

Do not neglect the line - it will help create symmetrical pattern, and the body of the bird will keep the balance. Build a figure starting from a line.

After we have placed the bird on the sheet, the image should be slightly detailed, the silhouette and parts of the body should be clearer. Refine the shape of the head, wings, tail, add paws.

Draw a dog


Main external distinguishing feature owls from other bird species - large round eyes, a small flattened but sharp beak. To correctly designate the eyes and beak, you should draw a vertical line dividing the head in half. Next, two horizontal lines designate the frames for the eyes.

  • Eyes very expressive, with large pupils almost round, are at a sufficiently large distance from each other. Almost all species of these birds have an expressive halo of feathers around the eyes, they are highlighted with a beautiful pattern or color.

  • Beak hooked is located slightly below the center of the eyes. Often it is well hidden among the feathers, and we see only the very tip. In fact, the beak is large enough and opens wide, an owl can even swallow a mouse whole.
  • The head of an owl is often drawn with ears- this is another feature of these birds. Above the auricles are long sensitive feathers. These feathery ears help you hear perfectly and pinpoint the source of noise. Incredible acute hearing paired with vision, they help this bird species to hunt at night.
  • Neck very short, it is not visible and it seems that it does not exist at all. Yet, this part of the body of owls is more than mobile, they can turn their heads 180 degrees or more.

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Feathered predators hunt not only with the help of sight and hearing, but also with strong, dexterous and clawed paws. Since they are covered with dense plumage, most often we can see well and distinguish only the claws.

Drawing claws is quite simple, especially if you are drawing an owl sitting on a branch. Usually we see only three front claws, the middle one is slightly larger than the others. In fact, there are four claws - one is protruded back, and helps the bird to grab, hold on and not let go of the prey from its paws.

wings and tail

When a bird flies or lands, we can clearly see the shape of the wings and tail, as well as appreciate the beautiful pattern on the feathers.

The tail is very similar to a fan, all feathers are of the same shape and size, neatly painted. Wings do not have any features other than beautiful patterns, on the tips - the largest and most powerful feathers are located, on the body there are small feathers.

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In nature, there are many species of owls, and they are distributed throughout the world. The color of the plumage of these birds directly depends on the habitat. Most often they are painted with brown and grayish colors to match the color of the trees among which they live. White owls - live in the north among the snow, reddish sepuhas - among residential buildings, gray-brown - live in forests, there are also earthen owls.

Regardless of the species and habitat, the feathers of all birds are painted with very interesting and beautiful patterned spots. It will be easier to show these drawings if you can understand and follow the rhythm of the ornament.

Video tutorial

Watch the video how to draw an owl in stages:

Works for inspiration

If you want to portray something beautiful and believable, find a suitable nature to avoid gross errors. Since only the most daring and dexterous will be able to catch and seat this bird in front of their eyes, let's look at the photos for a sample and inspiration.

How to draw bright lips

These photos clearly show how beautifully nature has decorated the feathers of these birds. There is a very interesting legend and a cartoon about where the owl's feather patterns come from.

Here are some great graphics:

Drawing an owl step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step by step photo

Master class on drawing "Owl"

Author: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, lecturer, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov, city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education and creative people.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a drawing of an owl in watercolor technique.
- learn to draw an owl advanced distinctive features birds;
- to develop the ability to work with color in watercolor technique;
- improve brush skills;
- educate love for nature and careful attitude To her.

Sounds in the woods at night
Terrible echo "uh" yes "ah."
What are those strange words?
- It's an owl hooting!
Owls belong, probably, to the most mysterious and enigmatic birds. A secretive nocturnal lifestyle, a "smart" look, a silent flight, a frightening voice struck the human imagination. Owls have been on earth for over 60 million years. Some species have not even changed at all! Owls live everywhere: in the desert, in the tundra, in the forests, in the jungle.
Owls were revered, dedicated to gods and heroes, they became a symbol of wisdom. In many fairy tales and legends, owls act as advisers, insightful birds, messengers, carriers of unusual knowledge. The Slavs attribute the role of the guardian of underground wealth to the owl.
For a long time, the owl has been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Among the ancient Greeks, she was the sacred bird of the goddess of wisdom Athena (namely, the little owl). According to one of Christian traditions, the owl symbolizes the wisdom of Christ, which manifests itself in the midst of primordial darkness. The owl acts as an attribute of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the sake of Humanity.
The oldest fossil remains of owls (Strigiformes) were found in North America in the layer of the Tertiary period, which indicates that, as an independent species, owls appeared on Earth about 60-70 million years ago, and some of them are now existing species have hardly changed since then.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. The size of the body of owls is different: from 40 to 180 cm and from 50 g to 3.5 kg. The eyes are large, fixed, but the neck is very mobile, owls can turn their heads 270 °. The beak is strong, with a sharp curved hook at the end. The wings are wide, the claws are long and sharp. The tail is usually short. The plumage coloration of owls is usually "protective", that is, it merges with environment, helping the bird to remain unnoticed during daytime rest. The feathers of wood owls are usually brownish, while species living in coniferous forests have a grayish tinge. Owls - the inhabitants of the desert and their relatives, found on the flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red. Most often, females are larger than males. Owls fly silently. Many owls have specific protruding tufts of feathers (“ears”) above their ears. During the day, the birds rest, sitting in a hollow or on a branch of a tree; in a calm state, the bird sits vertically, in a “column”.

During the day, owls usually lead a motionless lifestyle, so many believe that they do not see anything during the day and sleep. But it's not. An owl sees in the same way both during the day and at night, although the color is weakly distinguished. Her vision has another drawback - owls are farsighted. An owl sees almost nothing next to itself. But her hearing is very thin, the hearing of an owl is 50 times more sensitive than that of a person.

As a rule, owls are sedentary, only a few species fly south for the winter or migrate in search of more secluded places. Most owls are nocturnal predators, owls feed mainly on a variety of rodents, for the most part- mice. Large species are able to overcome a hare, small mustelids. Nests are made in old crow nests, on the ground, in hollows of trees, from year to year choosing the same dwelling, which can serve as a refuge for them during daylight hours. They mostly live alone, but if they create a couple, then for life. Small owls live for about 20 years, and large owls lived up to 68 years in captivity.

Owls are widespread on the territory of Russia and Siberia, in the fauna of Russia there are 2 families with 12 genera and 18 species. Fish owl, or fish owl, hawk owl and snowy owl are found on the territory of Russia on Far East(from the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands). In the Baikal Reserve, owls, short-eared and short-eared owls, scops, hawk owls, and long-tailed owls are found in the order of owls.
Many of these species are listed in the Red Book, and the Russian Bird Conservation Union declared 2005 the year of the Owl. Many of them are useful - they exterminate rodents in the fields, they are all protected by law and any hunting for them is prohibited.

Materials and tools:
-A3 sheet of paper
- simple pencil, eraser, brushes
- glass for water
-cloth for brushes

Master class progress:

We will draw this drawing immediately with paints, before work, the watercolor must be moistened with water, drop by drop in each color. Then we will paint with a thin brush. Just above the middle of the sheet, draw brown a small triangle, this is the nose of an owl.

We paint over the nose. Then, in black, draw two circles on both sides of the triangle, the bird's eyes.

We decorate the eyes. Now we need to draw the head and torso. We draw them with arcuate lines. Brown. first draw the lines of the head, and then the torso.

We draw triangular ears.

We connect the triangles with another arc, and at the bottom we also draw small arcs-paws of an owl at the bottom. Then we decorate the silhouette of the bird in light brown or ocher, it all depends on the colors available.

We create the plumage of the owl with a more saturated brown color. We work with strokes from top to bottom, take a larger brush.

With ocher we draw brushes on the ears of an owl and its wings. You can add feathers of the same color between brown ones. Then we will draw a tree on which the bird sits, we will have a birch. Black draw the outlines of the trunk and branches.

The contours need to be slightly blurred with a clean brush with water, making a smooth transition from black to white. We make green smears, birch leaves.

The greenery of the tree also needs to be slightly blurred with some water to create a light airy background of green foliage.

The rest of the space of the picture between the leaves is filled with blue, this is the sky.

The background dries, and we decorate the birch with black dashes. Then in bright green we draw the contours of the leaves and the veins on them.

Now we need another shade of brown, we will draw the outlines of the wings with it and add more feathers. Don't forget to draw the owl's claws on the paws.

You can draw an owl on a spruce. To fir branches seemed more picturesque, you need to paint them in several shades Green colour, from light to dark.

For older children, work can be complicated, let's start with pencil sketch. First, we will draw the head of an owl, its crown is an arc, a semicircle.

Then draw smooth triangles at the bottom, and small circles in the middle.

Add a spout (carrot shape), draw an arc-silhouette of the body, and a branch on which the bird sits.

We draw the contours of the tree trunk and the contour of the tail. Before working with watercolor, you need to lightly erase the lines so that they are almost invisible.

We start working with paints from the background of the sky, draw in blue.

Then we decorate the tree trunk and branch with light brown. We work with strokes, the background will be uneven, this is the bark of a tree.

Now the owl, with black color on the tip of the brush with a lot of water, paint the shades of the plumage of the bird. With dark brown we circle the silhouette of the tree and blur the paint inside it.

On the branch we draw semicircular lines, they need to be slightly blurred with water - this is the bark.

The silhouette of the owl needs to be made brighter, this will give the bird volume. We circle the bird in dark brown, draw the bark of the tree.

We draw a few more large and small branches.

We begin to work on the owl, first we decorate the eyes with yellow and the beak with a light orange. Next we will work with dark brown, draw a muzzle.

With thin lines we draw the feathers of the bird.

With gray we add shadows on the abdomen, draw the plumage of the wing. Gray color is black paint heavily diluted with water.

Dark brown draw feathers.

Representatives of the Owl order live on all continents of the Earth, with the exception of cold Antarctica. But not every child can boast that he saw one of them in nature. This is because birds of prey are predominantly nocturnal. Pictures for children with owls will allow you to see them up close.

Also to the attention of curious kids and their parents, a selection interesting facts about owls.

Photo of an owl for children

The Owl order includes two hundred species of birds, very different in size, habitat and some habits. But they all have common features. For example, in these pictures for children with owls, you can see that the birds are distinguished by a large head, a short curved beak, round eyes located in front of the head, and not on the sides, like most birds.

Owls do not have bright plumage. Their feathers are often gray and brown. From the color performs a camouflage function. A very funny white owl that lives in the tundra zone. It is almost invisible against the backdrop of snow.

Cool and funny pictures of owl-owls

The owl can turn its head 270 degrees due to the fact that the skeleton of its neck consists of twice the number of vertebrae - 14 instead of 7, like in other birds. Unique system blood supply protects birds from oxygen starvation of the brain and vascular injuries.

The eyes of owls are compared to saucers. The bird cannot move them, which is why it needs such a mobile neck.

Hunting at night, the owl flies silently. She grabs the victim with tenacious paws with sharp claws. Their prey is usually insects, small rodents and fish.

The flight of a bird of prey during a night hunt is an impressive sight. Photos of this process are very beautiful, but rare.

Birds of other species of owls are hunted very rarely. At the same time, cannibalism is common among them: great horned owls exterminate small striped ones, and striped ones - western screaming ones.

Cute owls. Photo in the forest, on a tree. snowy owl

The owl sees perfectly at night, knows how to find prey without moving from its place, its look is wise, and its appearance is important.

At the same time, there are often funny pictures.

Owls prefer to live in wooded areas. They build their nests mainly in tree cavities. Their offspring are also born there.

Polar white owls living in the North nest on the hills. Their appearance is nomadic.

Cartoon owls. Guess the cartoon from the picture

Wisdom, unusual ability twisting its head, round huge eyes and a somewhat awkward look - these are the features that allowed the night bird to become a favorite of children's authors and animators. Kids will be happy to name the names of cartoon owls and the names of cartoons, the frames of which are shown in the pictures.

Drawn birds. Wise and smart owls. Owl drawings in pencil

From the time of ancient greece this bird is a symbol of wisdom. In the drawings, owls are often funny, depicted on a stack of books, with a feather in their paw or in a square academic cap. It is also believed that a figurine or drawing of a night bird in the house will protect it from misfortunes and criminal encroachments.

The "owl" theme is very fashionable today: bird prints adorn clothes, haberdashery, home textiles. Manicures, body art and owl tattoos are very popular.

The most popular are night hunters drawn in such a cartoon style.

With the help of strokes of various thicknesses and shading, the feathers of the owls drawn in pencil seem to shimmer.

Pencil drawing step by step for children and beginners

A child who loves to draw and spends a lot of time doing this activity will be happy to draw a cute little owl with a pencil in stages if you offer him one of these schemes. They are good because they teach to distribute space on the face and take into account proportions, which is especially difficult for young and novice artists.

The authors of this video get to draw an owl really easily and quickly.

Poems and videos for kindergarten and elementary school children

It is unlikely that the baby will be given the role of an owl or an owl. But these birds popular characters fairy tales and performances for children kindergarten. After cultural event with peanuts, it would be nice to have a developmental lesson with watching videos about owls and learning short rhymes.

short rhymes

This little rhyme succinctly describes the nocturnal lifestyle of owls.

If the mice do not want to fall into the claws of a nocturnal predator, they must hide securely.

Video about owls for children

Children will be entertained by the heroes of this good cartoon, wise Owl and his little owlet grandson.

A funny owl-owl is dedicated to a nursery rhyme song for the smallest.

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