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Fatal brunette Sati Casanova is a recognizable personality domestic stage. The girl started her creative activity as part of the first "manufacturers" of the rating TV project "Star Factory" under the direction of producer Igor Matvienko, followed by participation in the musical trio "Factory".

Biography of Sati Kazanova

Today it is recognizable solo singer, and her compositions are constantly heard on the radio waves and have become hits more than once.

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The future celebrity was born in a large family, where she is the eldest child (Sati has three younger sisters). This event took place on October 2, 1982 on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria in the small village of Upper Kurkuzhin. Early childhood passed at home, there future star visited the stage primary school, dreamed of waking up famous. At the age of 12, Casanova's parents moved to live in Nalchik, where they sent their eldest daughter to a district school. Then Sataney Setgalievna (that's what it sounds like full name singer) decided to fulfill her old dream and entered the Children's Art School in a vocal class. After graduating, Sati became a freshman at the School of Culture and Arts of Kabardino-Balkaria, enrolling in academic vocals. In such a fateful period, the aspiring singer was recognized as the winner of the Nalchinsk Dawns, was considered a local celebrity.

She saw further education only in the capital, but her parents prevented her eldest daughter from such a wish. Despite parental prohibitions, she managed to move to Moscow and enter the first year at the Music Academy. Gnesins in the class of pop-jazz vocals. Since the Kazanov family had no friends and relatives in Moscow, they had to study and work at the same time.

As a student, Casanova rented an apartment, at the same time mastered small stage, having settled down as a vocalist music show"Voyage of Dreams". However wages there was not enough in the KRC "Crystal", so the young singer had to quit. But all the same, she believed that a grand future awaited her on stage, so she regularly attended all the auditions of the capital, tried her hand at advertising and even modeling.

After a long creative search in 2002, luck smiled at her: the girl became a member of Igor Matvienko's new musical television project at that time called "Star Factory". Together with Irina Toneva and Alexandra Savelyeva, Sati Kazanova reached the final, became the winner and soloist of the new girl group"Factory". The first joint composition and the video for it “About Love” immediately became the leader of domestic charts, Sati woke up as a star.

In 2006, continuing creative way in the "Factory", the girl became a student of the acting department of GITIS, thereby fulfilling another childhood dream - to study as a film actress. For eight years Casanova was known as a soloist musical pop group"Factory", but in 2010, after lengthy deliberation, she left the project and went on a free voyage. It was a conscious decision, a desire to achieve personal success and a huge career leap. There were no conflicts with the producer, the contract was terminated on mutually beneficial terms through a compromise.

Igor Matvienko himself approved the first achievements in the solo field, assisted her new project. Then, in 2010, Casanova appeared before her fans in a completely new role and took part in the cult television project on the First "Fire and Flame", where she paired with Roman Kostomarov for the first time on skates.

Despite the fracture of the ribs against the background of numerous falls during filming and training, the girl continued her performances and even reached the final, but, alas, she did not become the winner.

The following year, Sati decided to experiment again and now acted as the host of the Phantom of the Opera project, where Anton Makarsky himself became her stage and microphone partner. Then the singer became a restaurateur of the capital's restaurant "Kilim" with Arabic, Azerbaijani and Uzbek cuisine, but her undertakings in this direction against the backdrop of fierce competition were not successful. In 2012, Sati Kazanova again became a student, this time she was to study at the German Sidakov School of Drama. The following years, fans could watch her creative growth in the rating television projects of the domestic show business "One to One" (2013) and "Live Sound" (2014), but did not achieve victory.

The track record of Sati Kazanova includes the nomination "Stylish Singer" (2006), the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea (2009) and four music awards for creative talents in the main part of the "Factory". Today, this talented person continues his solo career, while constantly improving his talent, appears in public in the most unexpected roles.

Personal life of Sati Kazanova

The charming Sati Casanova does not remain without the attention of men to her person for a minute. But, despite the frank and sexy stage outfits, the girl is very modest and shy by nature, sacredly honors the rules of decency and parental instructions. It's forbidden in her family frank behavior on stage and excessive favor to the representatives of the stronger sex, because of this, there were already a lot of strife with parents, and some of them became public, discussed in the press. Sati Casanova keeps her personal life a secret, although in communication with journalists she does not deny that she is in love and infinitely happy. Name and occupation of young man the girl does not advertise, trying to leave her personal life behind the scenes. Strict parents sincerely hope that their eldest daughter will soon get married and have children. They openly declare that they are dissatisfied with Casanova's choice of profession, since they are deeply religious views in the family they forbid such public life, not always decent outfits and such frank self-expression on stage.

Sati openly declares in her interviews that she has always been lucky with men, moreover, she also dreams of a family hearth and imminent motherhood. But while all of her free time occupy a stormy social activity And Solo career with big plans for the future.

Actress, pop singer, fashion model, TV presenter, graduate of the Star Factory, Honored Artist of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia - Sati Kazanova. The fatal brunette began her ascent with a rating talk show, which resulted in the pop group Fabrika.

Then the singer went to solo project and switched to ethnic music. In her songs, the star is open to everyone, but she tries to keep her personal life under lock and key as much as possible. For a long time, the actress was in search of her man. Now her Family status has changed.

The family in which the singer grew up

Satanei Setggalievna Kazanova was born on 10/02/1982 in the small settlement of Upper Kurkuzhin in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. She grew up in a large family. Sisters of Sati Casanova - Svetlana, Madina and Maryana. Mother - Fatima Ismailovna, an obstetrician-gynecologist by education, was engaged in raising her daughters and ran the household. Father - Setgaly Talostanovych was a truck driver.

Parents of Sati Casanova

Sati's early childhood passed among meadows, gardens and fresh mountain air. However, when the girl turned 12, the family of Sati Casanova moved to Nalchik, where future singer began to study vocal singing at the Children's Art School. In a regular school, Sati's performance was good, teachers constantly praised a diligent student.

As a child, Sataney participated in theatrical scenes, performances, vocal numbers. Relatives and friends assured the girl to develop her talent, but her mother was against it.

Sati Casanova

Relations with businessman Dmitry

Having started her career as a soloist of the Fabrika pop group, Sati began an affair with a successful businessman Dmitry. Information appeared in the media about the imminent wedding of young people. However, the singer had a contract, according to which she was forbidden to marry for 6 years. This fact was often the reason for quarrels between lovers.

Dmitry demanded to leave the group and take care of him and their future children in the right way oriental woman. As a result, the choice of Sati Kazanova was not in favor of the young man, and the couple broke up.

Sati and Dmitry

What happened to Alexander Shekman?

The pop diva met her next chosen one at a party. Alexander Shekman was 20 years older than the girl, but this did not become an obstacle for them. However, he was married, and Sati refused such a relationship. As a result, Alexander left the family, leaving his wife with 2 children.

The young people planned the wedding for the summer of 2016, but Alexander Shekman never became the husband of a pop star.

Sati Casanova and Alexander Shekman

Artur Shachnev and the broken engagement

Relations between entrepreneur Artur Shachnev and Sati Casanova for a long time were kept secret. Later, the young announced the upcoming wedding, which was to be held in a narrow family circle. In honor of this event, the singer arranged a bachelorette party, inviting even her former colleagues from the factory.

The celebration was planned to be celebrated first on an island in the Mediterranean Sea, and then at home in the company of close relatives and friends. However, the day before important event Sati called off the engagement.

Sati Casanova and Artur Shachnev

Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

At the wedding of her friend Sati Kazanova, she met a photographer from Italy -. Initially, she mistook him for an arrogant handsome man, but later her attitude towards him changed dramatically.

The young began to meet and after a while the Italian made a marriage proposal, which she could not refuse. In October 2017 they got married.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

The singer's parents and sisters approved the choice of Sati Kazanova. The wedding was decided to be done in 3 stages. The official wedding took place in Moscow in September 2017. Then the celebration was held in the singer's homeland, in compliance with all traditions: the lovers dressed in national Circassian costumes. After 2 weeks, the newly-made family went to Italy to continue the holiday.

Admirers of the star's work are concerned about the question - does Sati Kazanova have children. This topic is also relevant for the singer's parents, who are looking forward to the appearance of their grandchildren with impatience and excitement.

Sati Casanova popular singer who came from the outback to conquer Moscow. Many may envy such success, but only Sati knows how much work it cost her and how much effort was invested to become what she is now. There was a time when the singer was malnourished, but bought a cheap but new dress and was eager to fight again. After all, as the girl says: “My appearance is business card and she always tried to look presentable.

Casanova had many rich and famous contenders for her heart, but Sati was not ready for a serious step. However, fate brought her to her prince, whom she fell in love with and married. About how the singer achieved everything, and who was able to charm the beauty and plunge into the sea of ​​passions, read below.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sati Casanova

All fans of the singer are interested in knowing how the life of a girl is developing, her career, weight, age. How old is Sati Kazanova can be calculated based on the date of her birth. Since the singer was born on October 2, 1982, then on this moment she is thirty five years old. Of course, the beauty looks much younger than her age, and even the girl is not deprived of a figure. With a height of 167 cm, Sati weighs 47 kg. Slender, graceful, like a reed, the singer pleases with her appearance. What is the secret of her beauty, because it is noticeable that she glows from the inside, rejoices like a child and sincerely smiles at everyone. Maybe it's love? And what Sati Casanova herself tells about it. Photos in her youth and now the singer differ only in hair color.

More than once, the girl experimented in beauty salons in order to somehow change, to be more beautiful. But as they say, you can't go against nature, natural color hair turned out to be the best for her, in which she agreed and calmed down on this.

Biography and personal life of Sati Kazanova

Biography and personal life of Sati Kazanova is very fascinating story, which began in Kabardino-Balkaria, where a girl was born. Sati was the older sister, and besides her, there were sisters in the family - Sveta, Maryana and Madina. The family lived in the village, where the father, Setgaly Kazanov, and the mother, Fatima Kazanova, were ordinary workers. In 1994, the Casanovas moved to live in Nalchik, and there the girl decided to study singing at a music school.

After school, Sati entered the School of Culture, where she continued to work on her vocals. Her first songs were heard in a local restaurant, but this was not enough for the singer and she went to Moscow, where she entered the Academy of Music. The girl does not have enough finances, it was very difficult, but her goal moved her forward and not in vain. After passing in the casting, Sati became one of the members of the Factory group. The songs “About Love”, “Factory Girls” the whole country begins to sing and Sati is in seventh heaven with happiness, so her dream came true.

In 2006, Casanova entered the acting department, and in 2010 she took up solo career, where popular hits such as "Goodbye", "Fool" are gaining momentum. Sati began to participate in TV projects and TV shows. "Ice and Fire", "The Phantom of the Opera" and many others are gaining ratings due to the participation of Casanova, because the singer has become an idol for many fans.

In Sati's personal life, there were enough boyfriends, but none of them touched the strings of the soul. She met with Andrei, the son of Kobzon, and was even invited to Joseph's birthday. After there was an affair with businessman Artur Shashnichev, and everyone was sure that the wedding was inevitable, but here Sati gave up. Roman Emelyanov, who allegedly courted the singer, also quickly stepped aside. And in 2016, the network appeared joint photos with Alexander Shenkman, who was thirty years older than the girl. Many assured that this is friendship.

In 2017, Sati Casanova met Stefan Tiozzo and married him. There was no doubt that this was her man. They felt each other so much that they realized that the couple was a single whole. Sati shares that for many men she drew what they did not have and believed in it. You don’t need to finish anything with your husband, so he approached her in all aspects.

Family and children of Sati Kazanova

The family and children of Sati Casanova, of course, are in the plans of the singer. Sati is teaching now native language her husband is Italian, explaining that she will need him when talking with Stefano's relatives and with her future children. The couple is going to live in Moscow for the time being, since Casanova is convenient for her occupation, for which she is grateful to her husband for understanding.

Stefano's parents fell in love with the girl very much, and said that now she is their daughter. These touching words touched the girl so much that Sati burst into tears. Casanova and her husband, though of different faiths, but they have one goal - to be faithful, devoted person and love each other for the rest of your life. I would like to wish the couple everything goes well in the future. After all, if two people dream, it will definitely come true.

Husband of Sati Casanova - Stefano Tiozzo

Sati Casanova's husband, Stefano Tiozzo, having met Sati at the wedding of mutual friends, initially thought that the girl was very arrogant. Only later was the couple able to consider true feelings in each other. Stefano, originally from Italy, works as a photographer in different parts of the world, where he shoots unprecedented beauties that take your breath away.

Sati admits that the first thing that touched her was that Stefano was interested in the girl's childhood, her goals and other details in life, which many were not interested in. The lovers could not tear themselves away from each other, enjoying just communication. It seemed that they had known each other for many years, they were so comfortable together. “And somehow quickly I agreed to get married,” says the singer, “And all because it’s real.”

Instagram and Wikipedia Sati Casanova

Instagram and Wikipedia Sati Kazanova naturally uses in great demand and popularity. After all, Sati does not hide his personal life from his subscribers, and this is the most interesting thing for fans. The girl has added photos where she and her husband are relaxing and what romantic days the singer has.

As fans have noticed, Sati and Stefano are very suitable for each other, their eyes glow with happiness. The guys in the pictures even look the same, but if the lovers are alike, then they will be happy.

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