How old is Sofia Rotaru. The creative path and biography of Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru


The creative career of Sofia Rotaru is an example of unconditional success on the international stage and universal recognition. The singer's repertoire consists of 500 different songs in many languages. Also in Soviet time Sofia Rotaru was considered one of the best singers of our time. Today, a talented woman is often called the "golden voice of the country" and the "queen of the stage."

Childhood and youth of the star

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born in big family, in which, besides herself, there were five more children. The singer's birthday is August 7, 1947. The family lived in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine.

According to Sofia's memoirs, she took her first steps to the stage thanks to her older sister, who taught her to sing. The girls' father also contributed a lot musical development babes. The man had a wonderful voice and perfect pitch.

At the age of seven, Sonya not only sang in the school choir of folk songs, but also soloed during church services, which threatened her with exclusion from the pioneer organization. Possessing Moldovan roots, Sonya felt a special attraction to the ancient chants of Moldova, which the girl sang in the evenings, picking up accompaniment on the accordion.

Sonya was also attracted by the stage. The aspiring actress was engaged in a drama circle.

Apart from creative pursuits, the girl was also fond of athletics and wrestling. Subsequently, skills future singer helped her to perform complex stunts in clips and movies without the help of professional stuntmen.

What was the beginning creative way Sofia Rotaru

Since childhood, the girl participated in various music competitions. A truly resounding success overtook her in 1962 after the district competition in amateur performances. It was thanks to this victory that young Sofia was able to perform at regional competition, where she also prevailed over her rivals.

After winning the leading places at the shows, the beginning talent Rotaru was waiting for the festival in Kyiv, where the young singer won again. According to the results of the competition, information about the success of Sofia Rotaru appeared in a magazine, where a young man named Anatoly saw a photo of a young artist. The man was in love with the singer at first sight, and was also captured by the idea of ​​founding his own musical group. Subsequently future husband Sophia Rotaru did everything to ensure that his beloved had his own musical orchestra.

In 1964, the aspiring artist also performed at the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin.

After graduating from school, Sonya finally made her choice future profession and therefore went to study at the Chernivtsi Music College.

The youth of the singer

After successfully graduating from a music school, the singer decided to participate in a youth festival in Bulgaria, which took place in 1968. At this event, the singer became a gold medalist as best performer folk songs.

In the same year, Sofia married her admirer Anatoly. In a marriage, a boy Ruslan was born to young people. Except significant changes his marital status, Rotaru devoted herself to teaching.

The singer is also known for her film roles. For example, in 1971 Rotaru starred in leading role in the Chervona Ruta project, which caused a lot of various discussions in society. Shortly after the release of this film on the wide screen, Sofia founded her own musical ensemble and called it Chervona Ruta. In addition, by that time the singer had a position at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

As regards the activities of musical ensemble, then the singer worked for him in collaboration with composer Vladimir Ivasyuk. The musicians created many beautiful compositions that were distinguished by their unique folk style.

Thanks to her songs, as well as her unique manner of performance, Sofia quickly became famous during her tours in foreign countries. A dizzying success awaited the talented performer everywhere.

Soon the singer received the official title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic.

Since the 1970s, she has regularly won various music competitions.

Subsequently, the singer decides to continue her musical education. In 1974, Sofia completed her studies at the Institute of Arts in Chisinau. After that, the young performer went to the Polish festival "Amber Nightingale", where she became a well-deserved laureate among other participants. In the same period, the first album of the talented singer was released. The name of the album is quite simple: "Sofia Rotaru".

In connection with the events political orientation the singer, along with her orchestra, moves to permanent place residence in Yalta, where the artist immediately found her calling on the stage of the local Philharmonic.

In 1976, Sofia became the owner of a new status for herself - People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. In addition, now Sofia Rotaru regularly participates in filming New Year's show"Blue Light", which is a great honor for every talented singer and artist.

The singer also has another disc called “Sofia Rotaru sings the songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk”, which was released in 1977.

Others come out after 2 years creative work Rotaru:

Disc giant "Sofia Rotaru - My tenderness";

"Only for you";

Sofia Rotaru.

Artistic successes

In the eightieth year, the domestic audience was able to admire the magnificent game in the film “Where are you, love?”, And in which she performed one of her songs and impressed with her bold stunt number - she drove along the coast on a motorcycle.

Shortly after the appearance of the film, a disc was released that contained all the musical compositions performed in the film.

In the future, the actress Rotaru was in search of a new style, which she had never used before either on stage or in films. In particular, Sofia starred in a film with Makarevich and his team in the film Soul, and also took up rock songs.

In 1983, the singer and her musical group managed to perform in Canada and even released a record there dedicated to his grandiose tour. After such a high-profile event that shocked the world Soviet stage, the singers for some time lost the opportunity to leave their country.

The performer released the album "Tender Melody" in 1984, which recalled the original image of the Soviet and Moldovan singer.

Subsequently, from the lips of all members of the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" began to sound Ukrainian song. That is why Sofia Rotaru soon decides to change the team and begins cooperation with the capital's musicians.

Released in the early 90s new album singer, which contains obvious elements of metal.

After Soviet Union broke up, the career of the performer, as if nothing had happened, continued with new albums and performances.

The singer has earned such a status as "Man of the twentieth century" in Ukraine, and also became the owner of many other honorary titles and awards.

Details of the personal life of Sofia Rotaru

The singer entered into a single marriage - Anatoly Evdokimenko became her husband. Since then, the couple did not interrupt their relationship and lived together until the death of Anatoly. Sophia's legal husband became for her not only a faithful and caring life partner, but also a person who made a significant contribution to the development of the singer's career. Despite numerous trips around the country, as well as tours abroad, Rotaru did not feel abandoned, because she traveled everywhere accompanied by her husband, with whom they lived for more than 30 years.

She was born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselytsky district, Chernivtsi region of Ukraine.

From the first grade she sang in school and church choir participated in amateur performances.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru graduated from the conductor-choral department of the Chernivtsi Musical College, in 1974 - from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after G. Muzicescu.

In 1971, Sofia Rotaru received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, which was called Chervona Ruta. Artistic director ensemble was the singer's husband Anatoly Evdokimenko. Subsequently, he became the director of all concert programs of Sofia Rotaru.

Since 1975, Rotaru has been a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic.

Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru have become laureates of the Song of the Year television festival. Composer Arno Babadzhanyan wrote “Give me back the music” for her, Alexei Mazhukov - “And the music sounds”, Pavel Aedonitsky - “For those who are waiting”, Oscar Feltsman - “Only for you”, David Tukhmanov - “In my house” and “ Waltz", Yuri Saulsky - "The usual story".

Sofia Rotaru was the first performer of songs by composer Yevgeny Martynov " swan fidelity and "The Ballad of a Mother". Long years creative cooperation the singer is associated with the composer Vladimir Matetsky. The beginning was laid by the song "Lavender", written by Matetsky in 1985, then followed by "Moon, moon", "It was, but it has passed", "Wild swans", "Farmer", "Zasentyabrilo", " moon rainbow”,“ Stars are like stars ”and many others. In 2017 she presented new song Matetsky "On the seven winds".

In July 2017 in Baku (Azerbaijan) as part of music festival"Heat" was a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sofia Rotaru.

For my singing career Rotaru performed more than 400 songs, many of which have become classics of the Soviet and Ukrainian stage. She toured in many countries of Europe, America, Asia, Australia.

The singer has released over 30 albums, among her discs recent years- “And my soul flies ...” (2011), “I'm sorry” (2013), “Let's have a summer! (2014), "Winter" (2016).

Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical television films "Chervona Ruta" (1971), "The Song Will Be Among Us" (1974), "Monologue about Love" (1986), starring feature films"Where are you, love?" (1980) and "Soul" (1981). In 1981, the musical television film “Visiting Sofia Rotaru's family” was released, and in 1984, the television film “Sofia Rotaru invites you”.

In the 1990s-2000s, with the participation of the singer, musical films"Old songs about the main thing" (1996), "Military field romance" (1998), "Crazy day, or the Marriage of Figaro" (2003), " The Snow Queen“ (2003), „Sorochinskaya Fair"(2004)," Star Holidays "(2006)," The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors "(2007)," gold fish"(2008)," Little Red Riding Hood "(2009) and others.

Sofia Rotaru - People's Artist of the USSR (1988). She was awarded the Orders of the USSR "Badge of Honor" (1980) and Friendship of Peoples (1985), is a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978). In 2002, for her great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties, she was awarded Russian order Honor.

Rotaru - People's Artist of Ukraine (1976) and People's Artist of Moldova (1983). In 2002, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, in 2007 she was awarded the Ukrainian Order of Merit, II degree.

The singer is a laureate international competitions IX World Festival of Youth and Students (Sofia, 1968), "Golden Orpheus" (Sofia, 1973); "Amber Nightingale" (Sopot, 1974). She is a multiple winner of the Ovation and Golden Gramophone awards.

Sofia Rotaru was married to people's artist Ukraine Anatoly Evdokimenko (1942-2002). The singer has a son Ruslan.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (rom. Sofia Rotaru, real name- Rotary). Born August 7, 1947 in the village. Marshintsy, Novoselytskyi district, Chernivtsi region. Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer, actress. People's Artist USSR (1988). Hero of Ukraine (2002).

She was the second of six children in Moldovan family foreman of winegrowers in the village of Marshintsy (Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR). Due to the error of the passport officer, who wrote down the date of birth in the passport - August 9, 1947 - he celebrates his birthday twice.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, drafted into the Red Army in May 1944, having reached Berlin as a machine gunner, being wounded and returning home only in 1946, he was the first in the village to join the party.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (1920-1997).

The older sister Zina, suffered from typhus in childhood and lost her sight. Zina, having absolute pitch, easily memorized new songs and taught Sofia many things. folk songs, becoming both a second mother and a beloved teacher. Sofia Rotaru said that they all learned from her. Zina, spending a lot of time at the radio, learned Russian along with songs. And taught him brothers and sisters.

Brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar (born 03/09/1953) and Evgeny Mikhailovich Rotar (born 02/03/1957), bass players and singers, worked in the Chisinau VIA "Orizont".

Sofia Rotaru and Nikolay Rastorguev - Zasentyabrilo

In 1999, Star Records released two more CD compilations of the singer in the Star Series. According to the results of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized the best singer Ukraine in the nomination "Traditional Stage", having received the "Golden Firebird", as well as special award"for his contribution to the development of Russian pop music." In the same year, the singer for special personal merits in the development of song creativity, many years of fruitful concert activity and high performing skills were awarded the Order of Princess Olga III degree. "Russian Biographical Institute" recognized the singer as "Man of 1999".

In 2000, in Kyiv, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as "Person of the XX century", "Best Ukrainian pop singer XX century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, Laureate of the “Prometheus - Prestige”, “Woman of the Year”. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the "Ovation" award, "For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage."

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program"My life is my love!" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his creative activity.

In 2002, the song "My Life, My Love" opened " New Year's Light on the ORT channel.

In 2002, a new album "I still love you" was released. The official release of the album took place on April 23 at the Extraphone studio in Moscow. On May 24, in Kyiv, in front of the building of the International Center for Culture and Arts, a solemn opening ceremony of the Ukrainian Alley of Stars was held, among which was lit and "Star of Sofia Rotaru". On August 7, the birthday of the singer, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine "for significant personal services to the Ukrainian state in the development of art, selfless work in the field of preserving national and cultural traditions, increasing the heritage of the people of Ukraine." August 9, 2002 Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Honor by Presidential Decree Russian Federation"for his great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties."

In 2002, the official release of the video version of the film was released. "Where are you, love?" directed by Valeriu Gagiu, released by the film studio "Moldova-Film" in 1980. The video version of the film was published by ARENA Corporation. Starring Sofia Rotaru, Grigore Grigoriu, Konstantin Konstantinov, Evgeny Menshov, Ekaterina Kazemirova, Viktor Chutak. The singer begins cooperation with guitarist Vasily Bogatyrev.

On April 11, 2003, Sofia Rotaru appeared the composition " White dance”, Ukrainian authors Oleg Makarevich and Vitaly Kurovsky. New stage her work began with performances in concert hall"Russia" in Moscow in honor of the laying of a nominal star on the alley in front of the hall.

In 2004, after a four-year break, Sofia Rotaru gave two big solo concerts in Chicago and Atlantic City, where she performed in one of the most prestigious halls - the Taj Mahal theater-casino (in 2001, the tour there was disrupted due to the fact that the sound engineer did not receive a visa).

August 7, 2007 Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 60th birthday. Hundreds of fans as well famous artists and politicians came to Yalta from all over the world to congratulate the singer. The President of Ukraine awarded Sophia Rotaru with the Order of Merit, II degree. A solemn reception on the occasion of the anniversary was held in the Livadia Palace.

In October 2011, Sofia Rotaru held anniversary concerts in Moscow (Bolshoi Kremlin Palace) and in St. Petersburg ( Ice Palace). The concerts were timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of his creative activity.

After counting all the songs of Rotaru performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in history - 83 songs performed at 38 festivals (1973-2011, except 2002).

sincere confession. Sofia Rotaru

The growth of Sofia Rotaru: 170 centimeters

Sofia Rotaru personal life:

Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with his future wife when he served in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil. He got an issue of the magazine "Ukraine" with a photograph beautiful girl on the cover, after which he returned and began to look for Sophia.

Evdokimenko, originally from Chernivtsi, is the son of a builder and teacher, who "had one music in his head." He graduated music school, played the trumpet, planning the creation of an ensemble. Being a student of Chernivtsi University and a trumpeter in a student variety orchestra, he discovered Sofia variety orchestra- before that, violins and cymbals were used to accompany Rotaru's songs.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko. Graduating from Chernivtsi University, he had an internship in Novosibirsk and at the same time was a trumpeter in a student variety orchestra.

The young family spent Honeymoon in the hostel of the 105th military plant.

Anatoly Evdokimenko worked at the plant. Lenin, and Sofia Rotaru cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang in the Otdykh club. The newlyweds left after 3 months.

In an interview, Sofia Rotaru admitted that after a year of marriage she began to dream of a child. At the same time, Anatoly Evdokimenko had other creative plans and he continued his studies. They lived with their parents in two-room apartment He hasn't graduated from university yet. Sofia Rotaru cheated: "Listen, the doctor said I'm going to be a mom soon." Although in fact I was not in a position at that moment - I had to go to a small female cunning. Tolik shook his head: "Well, that's good." He relaxed, lost his vigilance and began to wait for the birth of the heir. The baby was born eleven months later. Now I believe that I did everything right, then I just wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin ”. On August 24, 1970, the son Ruslan Evdokimenko was born.

Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko

Ruslan - music producer. His wife Svetlana - executive producer. Rotaru has grandchildren: Anatoly (born March 23, 1994) and (born May 30, 2001).

Sofia Rotaru with her son

In addition to Sofia, professional level her younger sister Aurika Rotaru performed, combining solo career with performances as a backing vocalist, as well as a duet of brother and sister - Lydia and Eugene. Notable success, unlike Aurika, the duo, who worked in the style of Italian pop music of the 1980s, did not achieve, and in 1992 stopped performing.

Discography of Sofia Rotaru:

1972 - Sofia Rotaru
1972 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1972 - Chervona Ruta
1973 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1973 - Ballad of Violins
1974 - Sofia Rotaru
1975 - Sofia Rotaru sings songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk
1977 - Sofia Rotaru
1978 - Sofia Rotaru
1980 - Only for you
1981 - Sofia Rotaru
1981 - Songs from the movie "Where are you, love?"
1981 - Sofia Rotaru and Chervona Ruta
1982 - Sofia Rotaru
1985 - Gentle Melody
1987 - Monologue about love
1988 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Sofia Rotaru
1991 - Caravan of Love
1991 - Romance
1993 - Caravan of Love
1993 - Lavender
1995 - Golden Songs 1985/95
1995 - Farmer
1996 - Night of love
1996 - Chervona Ruta
1998 - Love me
2002 - I still love you
2002 - Snow Queen
2003 - To the One
2004 - Water flows
2004 - The sky is me
2004 - Lavender, Farmer, then everywhere ...
2005 - I loved him
2007 - What is the weather in the heart
2007 - Fog
2008 - I am your love!
2010 - I won't look back
2011 - And my soul flies

Musical TV films by Sofia Rotaru:

1965 - Songs of a happy land (documentary)
1966 - Nightingale from the village of Marshintsy
1971 - Chervona Ruta - Oksana
1973 - Dniester melodies
1975 - The song is always with us - singer
1978 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1979 - Musical Detective
1980 - Stars of the Olympic regatta
1980 - Where are you, love? - Marcela, music teacher
1981 - Ten years later. Chervona Ruta (short film)
1981 - Soul - Victoria Viktorovna Svobodina, singer
1985 - Sofia Rotaru invites you
1986 - Monologue about love
1989 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Caravan of Love
1991 - One day by the sea
1996 - Old songs about the main thing - foreman-drummer
1997 - 10 songs about Moscow
1998 - Military field romance
2003 - Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro - Marceline
2004 - Snow Queen - flower fairy
2004 - Sorochinskaya fair - gypsy
2006 - 1st Fast - Zina Timofeeva
2006 - Star Holidays - Diva
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Queen / Delegate from Ukraine
2007 - First at home - a woman from TV
2008 - Beauty requires ... - guest of the Miss Housewife contest
2008 - Goldfish - Spaniard
2009 - Little Red Riding Hood - sorceress

Despite the unquenchable fire in her eyes, grace and beating energy, Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru celebrated her 65th birthday in 2012. But to leave the stage and finish your stunning creative career legendary singer not yet going.

Childhood of the future star

The official biography of Sofia Rotaru contains some inaccuracies. The future legend of the Soviet stage was born in the small village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region. According to Sofia Rotaru, the date of birth in her certificate is incorrect. Sofya Mikhailovna Rotar, born on August 9, 1947, is registered in the village council. The real date of birth of the singer is August 7 of the same year.

In the difficult post-war years, children from working-class families worked with early years hands down. This is exactly the kind of childhood that the nugget from Marshynets had.

The controversial question: "Sofia Rotaru who is by nationality?"

An interesting fact: between the two countries - Ukraine and Moldova - there was even a tacit dispute for the right to call the singer her native. The artist herself proudly says that both countries are native to her. What ethnic group does Sofia Rotaru herself refer to? What is the nationality of this great singer? Her father is Moldovan, and according to her passport she is Ukrainian.

The world changed dramatically after World War II. The borders of the USSR, as one of the victorious countries, have seriously expanded. This is exactly the story that happened to the native village of the singer. Until 1940, Bukovina was a territory of Romania, then passed to the Ukrainian SSR. But be that as it may, a girl from the Bukovina village in her childhood could not even think what an incredible life path fate had in store for her.

By the way, the name Rotaru is the real name of the singer's father. After the transition of this territory to the "soviets", many residents were forced to change their surnames to Russians. This is how the surname Rotar appeared.

Parents and family of the singer

Sophia's father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar - was a machine gunner during the Second World War, went through the entire war to Berlin. Later he returned to his native village and worked as a viticultural foreman. Mikhail Fedorovich was an excellent accordion player, had good voice and hearing. Probably, thanks to the gift of the head of the family, all the Rotar offspring were talented - they sang, danced, played musical instruments.

The mother of the future artist - Alexandra Ivanovna - was from a worker-peasant family.

Sophia was the second child in the Rotar family. Subsequently, she had two more brothers and the same number of sisters. In total, the family had six children. Her older sister Zinaida was the support of her mother, and Sonya, in turn, was constantly in the wings of Zinochka.

When Zina was four years old, she fell ill with typhus and lost her sight in one day. Sofia Mikhailovna is grateful to her elder sister Rotaru to this day. After all, my mother constantly worked, and Zina, despite her illness, looked after the kids.

Childhood years were very difficult for Sonya. I constantly had to work, help my parents with the housework. The family was engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. After the harvest, Alexandra Ivanovna and Sonya got up before sunrise and went to the market, selling the grown crop.

From the early childhood Sonya had a great voice and ear for music. The father believed in her future and said that his daughter would great singer. And the little girl herself really wanted everyone to hear her singing.

But while they were enjoyed only at home - younger sisters Lida, Aurika and brothers Tolik and Zhenya. By the way, the Rotar family was famous for its hospitality, and when guests came to their parents, the head of the family immediately organized a choir.

Youth years. Carier start

Sofia Rotaru, whose date of birth falls on the post-war years, admits that in many ways those Hard times tempered her character. After all, she had to constantly help her parents, and there was also studying at school and circles. The girl learned to play the dombra and button accordion, mastered singing, went to dance club. On weekends she sang in the church choir.

In 1962, Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna participated in the district amateur performance review for the first time and, of course, received her first prize. Already next year young artist participated in the regional competition, where she also received first place. Already in 1964, she participated in the festival of young talents in Kyiv, where she became the winner.

Photo of the new sprocket domestic stage appeared on the cover of the all-Union magazine "Ukraine". And the recognized master of the Ukrainian stage Dmitry Gnatyuk prophesied a great future for the girl.

After such success, she was sent to study in Chernivtsi School of Music to the conductor-choir department.

Husband of Sofia Rotaru. Love story

It is not surprising that, having seen such a beauty on TV screens and on the cover of a magazine, many enviable grooms lined up. But Sonya decided that she would only marry simple guy from Chernivtsi.

Your first and the only love the future husband of Sofia Rotaru Anatoly Evdokimenko saw it on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". At this time, Evdokimov served in Nizhny Tagil. It turned out that the talented beauty is his countrywoman. The cover girl sunk into the heart of the young soldier so much that, having served the due date, he returned to his native Chernivtsi and found her.

At this time, Sofia Rotaru studied at a music school and performed at various song competitions.

After graduating from college, the artist traveled to Bulgaria, where she took part in the VIII World Song Festival, which was held in Sofia. The young star conquered this city, publications about her immediately appeared on the front pages of newspapers.

In the meantime, Anatoly entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Chernivtsi University, additionally played the trumpet in the student orchestra. This team constantly accompanied Rotaru's performances. That's how they met. It was love at first sight. In 1968, they got married and began their journey together not only in their personal lives, but also on the stage.

Children of Sofia Rotaru

The biography of Sofia Rotaru is complete interesting facts. Some publications write that the girl, in order to firmly bind the guy she liked, told him about the pregnancy a few months earlier. In the end, passing in position eleven instead of nine prescribed months Sonya gave birth to a son. The singer herself claims that she simply cast a bait and looked at her husband's reaction.

For the first few years after her marriage, the singer performed rarely. She even had to postpone admission to the Institute of Arts in connection with the family's move to Novosibirsk. Anatoly was doing pre-graduation practice at the plant. In 1970, the singer became a mother. Sofia Rotaru calls the year of birth of her son Ruslan one of the happiest in her life. After all, it was during this period that their young family was constantly together.

A year later, the care of Ruslan had to be shifted onto the shoulders of her husband's parents. After all, the tandem Evdokimenko - Rotaru began to tour throughout the country and abroad.

In those rare days when the family got together, Sophia spent all the time with her son, took him from school for a few days to enjoy communication with the whole family. After all, these moments were so rare and precious.

Nevertheless, Ruslan grew up as a serious, purposeful young man. Today he is a successful architect and a mainstay for his famous mother.

The creative path and recognition of Sofia Rotaru

Already in 1971, the career of a young singer began to rapidly gain momentum. It all started with an invitation to participate in the filming of the film "Chervona Ruta", where the young singer showed herself and how good actress. By the way, this is not her only role. Repeatedly Sofia Rotaru performed songs in films, playing, as a rule, the main characters. Such films as "The Song Will Be Among Us", "Monologue about Love", "Heart of Gold", "Where are you, love?", and many others will forever be remembered by the audience for the soulful play of the artist.

After filming the debut picture, Rotaru, together with her husband, organizes a vocal and instrumental ensemble with by the same name"Chervona Ruta". Anatoly Evdokimenko takes over the leadership of the team.

In 1973, the singer performs in Bulgaria at the Golden Orpheus competition and brings an award for first place from there. In 1974, she performed at the Sopot festival and won second place.

Each festival and competition in which the young singer took part became a prize for her. This is not surprising, because Sofia Mikhailovna always had a special, soulful manner of performing not only folk, but also pop songs. And already at that time, cooperation with many talented authors provided her with an excellent repertoire.

Eternal hits of the Russian pop star

The hit that brought all-Union popularity to the young artist was "Chervona Ruta". The biography of Sofia Rotaru is generally inextricably linked with these two words. Both the ensemble and the song - it was they who became calling card singers. The singer's collaboration with Vladimir Ivasyuk continued with the composition "Ballad of Two Violins" and many others.

In 1974, the singer began to collaborate with Evgeny Doga and Evgeny Martynov. The song "Swan Fidelity" performed by Rotaru became a hit of the past years.

Sofia Rotaru calls songs and collaboration with composer Vladimir Matetsky another gift of fate. “Lavender”, “Moon, Moon”, “It was, but it has passed”, “Farmer”, “Wild Swans” and many other compositions are known to everyone today.

Sofia Mikhailovna herself calls each new song a small short story with her own world of feelings and main characters.

Strike of fate

Unfortunately, the biography of Sofia Rotaru consists not only of ups and downs. It has tragic moments. In 1997, the artist's mother, Alexandra Ivanovna, died. And in 2002, the beloved husband of the singer, Anatoly, passed away. They lived together for 35 years.

The blow was so strong that the singer left the stage and did not perform for about a year. Sofia Rotaru began a new stage in her creative life with the song "White Dance".

Creativity in the new millennium

In 2003, the singer's new album "The Only One" was released, dedicated to her husband. Starting this year, Rotaru has been actively working, recording new compositions, and touring all over the world. Only loving family and creativity helped to look into the future, Sofia Rotaru admits. The love songs performed by her are dedicated to Anatoly.

In 2004, she gave her first concert in the USA in 4 years.

In 2007, the biography of Sofia Rotaru was replenished with another event - the sixtieth anniversary. From all over the world, thousands of fans gathered in Yalta to congratulate their beloved artist. In the same year, she became the owner of the State Order of the II degree "For Merit". Of course, the artist celebrated this date with her anniversary concerts in the Kremlin, which indescribably pleased her fans.

Today, the singer sometimes tours in Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries, takes part in some music shows and competitions as a member of the jury.

The family of Sofia Rotaru is increasingly enjoying her presence in the family nest in the Crimean Yalta.

Future plans

Speaking of future plans, Rotaru does not look far ahead. Today the world famous singer - loving mother and grandmother of two wonderful grandchildren, Tolik and Sonya. Sofia Rotaru considers the birth year of her grandchildren to be one of the most magical in her life, but, as the singer herself admits, she is not yet ready to become a great-grandmother.

Today Sofia Mikhailovna is as cheerful and energetic as at the beginning of her career. Who would have thought that in a few years this charming woman is going to celebrate her seventieth birthday.

May 27, 2017 No comments

famous singer Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru - her biography (born, nationality), personal life, family: children, grandchildren and new husband- all this is an excellent occasion for gossip. After all, throughout for long years, the talent and beauty of the artist delighted more than one generation of listeners who grew up on famous hits stars sounding on the radio stations of countries former USSR and to this day!

Sofia Mikhailovna is a native of the village of Marchantsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. Born in 1947 in a family of immigrants from Moldova. The tendency to sing showed up from early childhood. At school, little Sophia very quickly became one of the main voices of the choir. But at the same time, in addition to active participation in the creative life of a general education institution, the future star showed herself in sports, in particular, in athletics. A comprehensive development girls helped visit theatrical circle, along with participating in school plays and plays. It is no less interesting that Sofia could play several musical instruments at once!

For the first time about Rotaru as a talented singer they began to speak in 1962: it was then that the girl managed to take first place in the regional amateur art competition. A little later, Sofia Mikhailovna took the Grand Prix at a similar competition in Chernivtsi.

The phenomenal success of the "Bukovina Nightingale" was also appreciated in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR: Sofia also took the honorable first place at the republican competition. It was this competition that determined later life future star: after graduating from school, the singer entered the Bukovina Musical College for a course choral singing and the art of conducting. In 1968, the already established singer became the winner of the ninth world festival youth and students in the capital of Bulgaria - the city of Sofia.

In the same year, Rotaru marries Anatoly Evdokimenko, who fell in love with the singer at first sight when he saw her picture on the cover of the once popular Ukraine magazine. Since then, Anatoly Evdokimenko (husband of Sofia Rotaru) has provided all possible support to the undertakings of his wife. In 1970, the singer knew the joy of motherhood, and in 1971 the Chervona Ruta ensemble was created, named after the musical, which became the acting debut of young Sofia. A little later, in tandem with the famous Ukrainian composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, Rotaru became known far beyond the borders of the USSR.

Since 1975, after moving to the Crimea, Sofia Mikhailovna has become a regular guest of the New Year's " blue lights". In the 80s, the singer reached the top of the domestic show business, releasing successful albums, acting in films and expanding her repertoire with works in various styles and directions. And, contrary to a common phenomenon, Rotaru's star did not fade away throughout the 90s: releasing hit after hit, the singer strengthened her position in the starry sky, becoming the best Ukrainian pop singer of the 20th century. In the mid-2000s, the singer was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree, "For Services to the Fatherland."

Due to the incredible popularity, the personal life of the star was an excellent occasion for various gossip regarding how many children Sofia Rotaru has. At present, we can say with confidence that Sofia left one heir - the son of Ruslan, who works in the field of sound recording. It is worth noting that the guy gave her two beautiful grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia, named after their grandmother.

The turning point in her career was the death of her husband Sofia Rotaru, with whom the singer lived in a happy marriage for over 35 years. The first concert after the departure of Yevdokimenok from life was dedicated to the bitterness of the loss of a loved one. In connection with sudden death wife, fans of the singer began to be interested in where Sofia Rotaru lives now. However, it is quite difficult to answer this question, because the singer owns real estate in the Crimea and Koncha-Zaspa. By the way, the singer has long dreamed of a cottage in the forest, so Ruslan's gift was a rather pleasant surprise for her!

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