Folk dances for beginners. Russian dance for children


At present, many parents of children preschool age think about how to instill in their children love and respect for folk culture. This can be done through Russian folk dances for children. Moreover, dancing is an indispensable attribute of kindergarten matinees. Since children's matinees are staged by the organizers in the form of mini-performances, without a costume suitable for the theme of the event, it is not necessary to think through dance moves and even the facial expressions of little dancers. This article will just talk about staging dances for kindergarten students.

Russian folk dance for children "Matryoshka"

To stage this wonderful children's dance you will need to make a cardboard mock-up of a nesting doll, as tall as a child. And also take care of the costumes and soundtrack. Girls should be in Russian folk sarafans and scarves, with painted cheeks, as in children's fairy tales. To the music of the song “Tumbler Dolls”, the girls, two at a time, “swim up” from behind a cardboard nesting doll, holding the corner of the scarf with their hands and swaying slightly from side to side like nesting dolls.

Russian-folk dances for preschool children are not required to develop ideally performed dance movements for children, but are designed to interest the kids and help them overcome constraint and liberate themselves. Therefore, dance movements should be simple and easy to perform:

  • heel-toe;
  • swaying with arms folded like a “boat”;
  • turning around.


Russian folk dances for children in kindergarten can turn an ordinary matinee into a whole theatrical performance. The well-known and beloved song "Quadrille" to the verses of E. Temnikova to the music of V. Temnov is great for this.

The first verse is the intro. The girls stand aside in a group, "plunk the seeds" and look at the boys, laughing contagiously. The boys, dressed in blouses and caps, sit on a bench with their arms folded across their chests.

The second verse - one of the boys resolutely gets up and, waving his hand "was-was not," goes to the girls. The rest of the guys laugh at the daredevil, pointing fingers at him. And the brave man, meanwhile, invites one of the girls to dance. The girl, after hesitating, gets up, accepting the invitation, and they, holding hands and raising them in the form of "collars", slowly walk in a circle. With her free hand, the girl holds her dress by the edge, and the boy put his bent arm behind his back.

The rest of the boys, looking at them, also get up, pull down their blouses, straighten their caps, and one after another invite the girls to dance. After all the girls accept the invitations, the square dance begins directly. First, the couples, clasping their elbows, spin to the beat of the music, and then the boys get down on one knee, and the girls, holding their hands, spin around them.

Other children's folk dances

For dancing on children's holiday a trickle like the game of the same name is ideal. "Boat", when the couple approaches and diverges holding hands to the beat of the music. Or the favorite children's dance "clappers"

Kindergarten graduation dance

Saying goodbye to kindergarten means getting to know school soon. Therefore, the dance at the graduation party in the garden should be dedicated to the upcoming school life. As a phonogram of the dance, you can take famous songs about the school, for example, " School years wonderful” or “First time in first class”. As costumes, you can even dress children school uniform. For graduation dance you can remake the square dance, adding new elements and movements to it, which will significantly change the entire setting of the dance. You can even remake the words of the song or compose something of your own, for example, “once a couple of years ago, Alyosha, Masha, Katya, Anya, holding her mother’s hands, entered kindergarten, but already grown up, beautiful, handsome for new knowledge in classroom hurry…”

This is just a sample dance for a kindergarten graduation. Options - a lot. As well as dances in Russian folklore. You can dance with hip-hop elements, you can spin the kids in a Russian dance hall, you can stage a “Kalinka-Malinka” ... The main thing is that the children are delighted and take part in the dance with pleasure.

Dance, along with the language, traditions, songs of this or that people, can be considered its " calling card". There are many nationalities on Earth, and almost everyone has their own, special dance culture. Certainly, most of cultures differ from each other, especially if we are talking about dances from different continents. But be that as it may, every dance contains the history, traditions and soul of every nation.

Some types of such art are more common, some are less: for example, in Russia there is and is developing a powerful national school dancing. In addition, Eastern, Indian, Caucasian, Latin American, European, Irish dances. Over time, our compatriots discover even those that were considered exotic. It is gratifying that the art of dancing is close to the younger generation. The children of our city can learn all the subtleties of the dances of the peoples of the world in specialized studios, circles, associations, and experienced teachers skillfully guide and become guides in Magic world body language.

Folk dances, in addition to the fact that they perfectly develop the spiritual, moral and physical health children, and also allow them to learn more about the traditions and culture of their homeland and other countries. Guys get great opportunity meet like-minded people, and eventually participate in competitions at the local, all-Russian and even global levels.

How to choose an Irish dance costume

In a row national dances Irish dances occupy a special place and attract both adults and children with their traditions, color, beautiful costumes and energy. And what exactly is the Irish costume associated with? What tips should be taken into account when choosing it? If we talk about girls, then the recommended items of clothing will be slippers made of soft soles, wide skirt(most importantly!) And a short (at least not long) dress. Boys, on the other hand, can put on a shirt with wide sleeves, a vest and tight trousers and put on the same slippers made of soft soles or hard. Shoes plays big role, since the “main burden” falls on the legs: so no heels! As for the colors, there is no rigid binding to any one option. Of course, if any official competitions are coming up, then the team can think about the same form, which is associated with the Irish state and the traditions of the country.

Choosing clothes for Russian folk dances

So, the child has enrolled in a specialized studio and will study Russian folk dances. What costume will be relevant in this case, what elements of clothing will reflect the soul of the performer? It should display folk motives, be free, bright and rich in decorations and embroidery. Boys can wear beautiful embroidered shirts with a collar on the side and woven belts, while girls can wear scarves, kokoshniks and sundresses.

Dance is a language that can be translated and understood by all peoples of the world. Whatever country and nationality it may be, it always expresses joy and sadness, an event in life, and other feelings and thoughts of mankind.

It all started with simple gestures, facial expressions, and grew into a huge direction modern culture. People have always experienced fear and excitement in front of an unpredictable threat from nature and incredible joy in front of a clear sky and bright sun. Depicting their joy in the form of singing, playing, pantomime and dancing, or performing rituals to appease nature - this was called dance.

They began with the transfer of emotions, gradually turned into leisure, reborn into ballroom dancing when between tournaments, in castles, balls were held. Thus, folk dancing is officially recognized as a profession.

On this moment very popular , where folk dances are taught to both adults and children.

Vintage musical instruments, folklore, different for each region, only adds bright colors to this spectacular show.
Therefore, more and more parents and teachers introduce their children and pupils to this art.

Folk dances for children It is not only beautiful, but also useful. With their help, children develop rhythm, memory, thinking, attention. Such dances give the body flexibility.

Choreography classes harmoniously develop children physically. They become hardy, gain muscle strength, posture is corrected. Permanent physical exercise improve the respiratory and cardiovascular system, thus, the child becomes more energetic and active.

Artistic creativity and aesthetic education, the small fraction that can be obtained in the classroom. Building round dances, complex figures and rebuilding - all this develops logical, organized thinking.

for children keep the origins national culture, instills a love for culture, and broadens their horizons, because by studying the dances of the peoples of the world, the child learns the history of other countries, their music and costumes, all this cultivates the roots of morality and education.

It is a well-known fact that the rhythms folk music cause emotional upsurge, bring a feeling of joy and satisfaction, therefore folk dances for children, this is exactly the style for which the child should be recorded first of all, no matter if it is a girl or a boy. Boys develop masculinity, because what strength must be developed in order to learn skillfully, perform tricks and jumps. And girls acquire smoothness and grace, stately beauty.

Russian dance- this is the creativity of the people, its soul. It displayed human activity, life, hopes and dreams. Development of folk dance art associated with the history of the people. Each lived era brought its own details to it.

Has its own characteristics. Moving to the music folk performer tried to show his best features. He danced primarily for his own self-expression.

Types of Russian dance for children

Over the centuries, Russian folk dance has settled down, it has developed a certain choreography, musical accompaniment and the number of participants. It is divided into two types - round dance and dance, each of which has many different subspecies.

The round dance comes from pagan times, when people worshiped the sun. Hence the shape of the choreographic figure - in the form of a circle. The dancers, holding hands or holding on to matter, may not hold at all, and move one after the other in a circle. When the participants perform this choreographic figure, they have a sense of unity, as everyone takes part in the same activity, a sense of friendship and team integrity.

Dance involves performance different figures alone, in pairs or in groups. It is in it that you can prove yourself a leader, a soloist.

Also an important part of this art form is the costume and musical accompaniment. They must be in unity with the plot of the dance and dramaturgy.

What do Russian dances give for children?

You can learn and dance at any age. They do not have excessive physical activity, which, for example, ballerinas receive. Movement to music brings pleasure from interacting with it. It is also a motor activity in which all muscle groups will be involved. Communication with folk dances allows you to touch a huge layer of culture that has been formed over the centuries.

Russians also very helpful. Moderate physical exercise allow harmonious development of the growing organism. At a young age, it is useful to study in order to understand your gifts, even if later the child chooses another profession.

In dance, training takes place to the music, without violence against the emerging child's personality. Beautiful costumes, harmonious music, all together allows you to get acquainted with the culture of your people.

In addition, dancing classes in children distracts them from the traps that await on the street and in life - alcohol, drugs, dubious companies.

How do Russian dances affect children?

Not overly complex. Every child can master them, starting from young age. Round dances and solo performances introduce the child to the history and culture of the people, develop a sense of beauty, teach to be in a team and achieve goals together, will contribute to a harmonious physical and spiritual development. And when the child is busy, then the parents will be calmer.

How are Russian dance classes for children?

Usually, classes consist of the following components:

  • warming up;
  • jump part;
  • gymnastics;
  • dance part;
  • a large number technical exercises that help the child quickly master the movements.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics, because a child cannot be taught like an adult. Therefore, to achieve the best result, each child must be approached individually.

This art form is passed down from generation to generation as a great heritage. Russian dances carry the color and emotions of the people who created it. Even with the passage of time, it does not cease to be relevant and interesting people because it brings them closer to the culture home country. There are always those who want to both learn this skill and watch bright performances as spectators.

dance training

You can start exercising at any age. Parents thinking about intellectual and physical development send their children to classes with early years before entering school.

Folk dances for children carry the culture and traditions of the country

At first, the guys are given a very light load. These are exercises that improve them. physical form and preparing for full-fledged dance numbers. Then it increases, the children learn the elements of dance, help each other, rehearse and very soon become ready for public speaking at school or kindergarten events.

It is very pleasant to move to the beat of rhythmic music in bright costumes, performing refined, beautiful movements. Individually, they may seem simple, but when they are woven into dance composition, then the picture looks rather intricate, dynamic and interesting.

Russian folk dances for children: from what age

If a child, when choosing a dance school, gravitates towards folk dances, you should agree with him. It's bright, fun, playful. Children are always eager and happy to attend such classes. They are equally suitable for both girls and boys. Each of them gets its own benefit: babies acquire grace, lightness, beautiful figure and correct posture. The guys, on the other hand, acquire strength and dexterity - this is necessary for them to perform jumps and other complex elements of folk dance.

Plus, it is useful for well-being and health promotion, namely:

  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Prevention excess weight.
  • Muscles and joints are trained, the child becomes active and resilient.
  • Emotional uplift, good mood, stress resistance.

Children get to know folklore and the culture of their native country, which forms their outlook, spiritual perception, increases their education. Developing creative potential child and logical thinking. He has the opportunity to show himself, his talent, while interacting with like-minded friends.

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