What were the interests of the bazarov. Philosophical views of Turgenev in the work


The image of Bazarov

Early sixties of the 19th century.Difficult, transitional era for Russia. It was turning point, marked by the emergence of a new type of people - commoners. They had no means of subsistence and were forced to get an education, and then earn a living with their knowledge. Raznochintsy went, as a rule, to the natural sciences, were fond of materialism, and in its lowest manifestation, vulgar. Bazarov in "Fathers and Sons" is one of the representatives of the nihilists of the sixties. I. S. Turgenev does not accept his views, proves the falsity of his theory.

Bazarov is a convinced nihilist. And, as it turns out, this is not a tribute to the new fashion trend. The hero fully believes in his theory. Having carefully thought through and felt his ideas, he puts them into practice. So what is a nihilist? best definition gives Arkady, a student of Eugene: "A nihilist is a person who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take a single principle on faith." But the formation of a new ideology could not do without extremes. Bazarov believes that only the natural sciences can lead to progress. Therefore, he is mainly engaged in chemistry, physics, biology. Conducts experiments with frogs, observes amoebas, collects samples of flora and fauna. But that's where his interests end. The hero thinks that art and other manifestations of the spirituality of people's lives hinder progress. In this, in fact, he differs from the true materialists, who affirm the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of consciousness. What are, for example, Bazarov's reasoning that "Rafael is not worth a penny," and "a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet." The ignorance of the hero is not limited to this. Bazarov cannot understand the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. It even comes to the point that he insults him, laughs at his poetry. The nihilist in every possible way mocks Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov's addictions to playing the violin and reading poetry. The life of such people, in the understanding of Bazarov, is useless for society. He also denies love and romanticism. During a conversation with Arkady, the "materialist scientist" mocks his friend's speeches about "mysterious looks" and advises him to study the anatomy of the eye better.

In past decades, the younger generation recognized the traits of their characters in the Onegins, Pechorins, Rudins and Chatskys.The Pechorins had a will without knowledge, the Rudins had knowledge without a will. “The Bazarovs have both knowledge and will, thought and deed merge into one solid whole.” Indeed, Bazarov is a man of life, a man of action. He spends his days at work, in his studies. He even has red hands from work, Turgenev emphasizes. Bazarov cannot live without regularly giving his brain work and benefiting from it. So, as a guest at Arkady, he spends all the time in his laboratory behind a microscope.Of course, such energetic people could make a great contribution to the development of science.

Bazarov - son county doctor having two dozen souls.Therefore, the hero has little means of subsistence. The elegance of life is alien to him. Once in the company of the refined aristocrat Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Bazarov does not cease to tease him. The hero does not get tired of making fun of his collars, perfumes, English clothes. Hatred for the "damned barchuks" is in Yevgeny's blood. But it is mutual and soon turns into a heated argument. Some wild ideas of Bazarov come to light. Yes, the hero denies everything, refutes everything, seeks to destroy everything. But what does he want to build instead? Nothing. As the hero says, his task is only to clear the place. And creating something new is no longer his concern. What a resemblance to the barbarians! Destroying Rome was all they could do.

But Bazarov's ideas are not viable. His theory puts him in a dead end, he becomes her slave. The hero, who denies all feelings, suddenly falls in love. The passion that has seized him makes a breach in his theory.Love for Odintsova makes Bazarov look at the world differently. And now Eugene sees that life does not want to fit into a nihilistic scheme. Therefore, Bazarov, who has suffered through his theory, sees apostasy from it as his weakness, as a collapse in life. All his foundations are crumbling. Gradually, he begins to notice that he is doing things that are unacceptable for himself. This is participation in a duel, a “knightly duel”, which the hero so fiercely denied. This and Noble act committed during a duel. Succumbing to the feeling, Eugene saves the life of his opponent. Internal conflict Bazarova does not find her solution and eventually leads the disappointed hero to a tragic ending.

An inevitable blow of fate overtakes Bazarov - he dies.There is something fatal in the fact that a brave "anatomist" and "physiologist" becomes infected from the autopsy of a corpse. In the face of death, the supports that once supported Bazarov turn out to be weak. “Yeah, go try denying death. She denies you, and that's it! Eugene admits. But the hero suddenly shows qualities that he once denied. Bazarov's death is amazing. Dying, he thinks not about himself, but about his parents and Odintsova. Having weakened control over himself, Bazarov becomes better and more humane. But this is not a sign of weakness, but a natural manifestation of feelings. And "this serves as an energetic proof of the integrity, completeness and natural richness of nature."

Bazarov is no more. But life goes on. Those heroes who studied nature, understood its beauty, obeyed the mysterious forces acting in it, find happiness in love, in life. And the story continues with them. But Bazarov was not completely defeated. After his death, he continues to be remembered and loved. Bazarovs with such knowledge and skills are needed by society.Materialism, in their understanding, is doomed to death.

The image of Bazarov occupies a central place in Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. Only in two chapters of twenty-eight is this person not the main actor. All other characters described by the author are grouped around Bazarov, help to clearly see certain traits of his character, and also reveal themselves. Bazarov is fundamentally different from the people around him: he is smart, has great mental strength, but among the representatives of the district aristocracy he feels loneliness. This is a commoner who adheres to democratic views opposing the serfdom, a materialist who went through a difficult school of deprivation and labor. The image of Bazarov attracts attention with his independence and ability to think independently, freely.

The collision of free consciousness and the old order

The plot of Turgenev's novel is based on Bazarov's clash with the aristocratic world of that time. The author reveals the character and life position of the hero in his conflict with the “cursed barchuks”. In the work, the writer actively uses contrasts: Bazarov is opposed to Pavel Petrovich. One of them is a staunch democrat, and the other is typical representative aristocratic class. Bazarov is consistent, purposeful, possesses. In turn, Pavel Petrovich is soft-bodied, is in a state of a kind of “splitness”. His beliefs are random, he has no idea about his goal.

As already mentioned, the image of Bazarov is most fully revealed in the disputes of the hero with other characters. Talking with Pavel Petrovich, he demonstrates to us the maturity of the mind, the ability to see into the root, contempt and hatred for the lordly-slave order. The relationship between Bazarov and Arkady reveals the identity of the first new side: he acts as an educator, teacher and friend, shows the ability to attract young people to his side, intransigence and honesty in friendship. And his relationship with Odintsova shows that, among other things, Bazarov is capable of deep true love. This is an integral nature, having willpower and possessing

Origin of Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov, whose image is the topic of our discussion today, comes from a simple family. His grandfather was a peasant, and his father was a county doctor. The fact that his grandfather plowed the land, Bazarov speaks with undisguised pride. He is proud of the fact that he studied for “copper money”, and that he achieved everything he has on his own. Work for this person is a real moral need. Even while resting in the countryside, he is unable to sit idly by. Bazarov communicates with people simply, guided by sincere interest. And it's in Once again is confirmed by the fact that after he visits Arkady, the yard boys “ran after the doctor like little dogs,” and during Moti’s illness, he gladly helps Fenya. Bazarov keeps himself simple and confident in any company, he does not seek to impress others and under any circumstances remains himself.

Denial as the basis of the hero's worldview

The image of Bazarov is the image of a supporter of "merciless and complete denial." What does this strong and extraordinary person? He himself gives the answer to this question: "Everything." Bazarov denies literally all aspects of the socio-political structure of Russia in those years.

The protagonist of the novel does not succumb to the influence of others, but knows how to persuade other people to his side. His strong influence on Arkady is obvious, and in disputes with Nikolai Petrovich he is so convincing that he makes him doubt his views. Unable to resist the charm of the personality of Bazarov and the aristocrat Odintsova. However, in fairness, it should be noted that not all of the hero's judgments are true. After all, Bazarov denied the beauty of the wildlife around him, and art, and the boundless sphere of human emotions and experiences. However, apparently, love for Odintsova made him rethink these views and climb another step higher.


A man walking one step ahead of his time is depicted in his creation by Turgenev. The image of Bazarov is alien to the world and the era in which he lives. However, along with the inexhaustible spiritual strength of the character, the author also shows us “ reverse side medals” - his ideological, political and even psychological loneliness in an environment of nobles alien to him. Demonstrating Bazarov's readiness to change the world for the better, to “clear” it for those who will build a new state with new orders, Turgenev, however, does not give his hero the opportunity to act. After all, in his opinion, Russia does not need such destructive actions.

The main role in the novel "Fathers and Sons" by S.I. Turgenev assigned to Evgeny Bazarov. From the first pages of the work, his image attracts the reader's attention with its unusualness, a pronounced difference from other heroes. This is a young guy who is more attracted not by his appearance, but by his way of thinking and behavior.

Bazarov considers himself a nihilist, rejecting all ideals and principles, norms of behavior in society that are accepted by older generations. This is a man with a hard, tough, one might say cruel character. He is dominated by traits of perseverance, self-confidence, pride, and sometimes even selfishness. If he enters into an argument, then no one can ever defeat him, because he firmly defends his opinion, and will never accept the point of view of another.

Evgeny Bazarov is fond of exact sciences, he is attracted by chemistry, physiology, scientific facts rather than philosophical reasoning. Romantics, connoisseurs of beauty, art cause him to laugh, he considers such hobbies a waste of time. Analyzing the image of Evgeny Bazarov, we cannot say that he is villain. He had a lot and good qualities. Eugene was very hardworking, got up early, worked a lot, doing the exact sciences, wanted to treat people. Bazarov achieved everything in his life himself, he tried not to take an extra penny from his parents.

Being devoted, life position, Bazarov was faced with contradictions between his feelings and his views. The reason for this was Mrs. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, with whom the young man was in love. But he remained true to himself to the end, sacrificing, perhaps, his happiness. In the life of Yevgeny Bazarov, a crisis sets in, he chooses the only way out of this situation, this is death.

Throughout the novel, Bazarov is shown as a man of a new generation, new era who rejected the era of the "fathers". But it proved impossible to build the future. After all, it is impossible to build something new without taking the experience of the older generation as a basis.

Option 2

Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" greatest work, which still continues to excite the minds of readers, provides food for thought and makes you think about acute philosophical issues that are relevant to this day.

The protagonist is a real strong, strong-willed personality with a pronounced personality. The author endowed Bazarov with a love for science, a materialistic worldview and a talent for influencing people around him. Bazarov does not accept waste of time, does not accept routine. He is a man of labor and words. Usually, in all disputes, it is the winner main character. He builds his own life, he makes his own way.

Despite all this, Turgenev shows the main character as a ruthless and tough person. Bazarov absolutely cannot get along with the opinions of other people, he evaluates both his own statements and the statements of other people only subjectively.

When Bazarov falls in love with Anna Sergeevna, he realizes that his theories and beliefs have collapsed. What he so stubbornly believed in is crumbling before his eyes, does not pass the test of strength. So fiercely condemning romanticism, Bazarov suddenly discovers romance in himself. Now we see the contradiction of the hero in all its glory: he continues to deny feelings, spirituality, but it also turns out that he can passionately love, that feelings are not alien to his heart.

For Bazarov, love was stupidity, and passionate impulses were a kind of illness for him, but now Bazarov feels how love has awakened in him. Bazarov is losing his former iron confidence in his ideals, his concept is crumbling before our eyes.

The main character talks philosophical themes: the theme of death and the place of man in this world. Bazarov believes that people should conquer nature, subjugate it. But Bazarov understands that this is impossible, since a person is only a fine grain of sand in this whole world. The hero understands this, but does not accept it.

The protagonist cannot give up his beliefs, and he cannot ignore the demands of nature either. The only way out for Bazarov in this position is death.

It should be noted that Turgenev created the image of a thinking, active person, but denying spirituality. But what is a person without a soul? Only the body shell, under which there is nothing.

Essay about Bazarov

The book "Fathers and Sons" was written in 1861 during the conflict between the nobles and the poor serfs. Turgenev expressed this conflict in his novel. The main character of the book is Evgeny Bazarov.

Yevgeny Bazarov considered himself a nihilist and did not believe in anything. As a person, Bazarov did not recognize any principles and stereotypes, while he does not obey anyone. Bazarov received a medical education and was interested in natural sciences. He worked daily, tirelessly. The hero got up early, walked across the field and collected medicinal herbs. Bazarov believed that goals can only be achieved through labor. He lived in the estate of his parents and treated people. Eugene hated the nobles, who seemed to him empty and proud people. Bazarov's views were supported by many liberals.

Bazarov was not a materialist, but he recognized the sciences as physiology and physics. Eugene perceived the relationship between a man and a woman from the side of physiology. He thought love and romance were nonsense. abstruse thoughts he told his student Arkady Kirsanov. Bazarov treated him like a son. The young nihilist believed that a person should act, guided by inner feelings. According to the author, such heroes as Bazarov live only in a certain era. Serfs admired fortitude, inflexibility and firmness. The hero could resist any obstacle, and was not afraid of death.

Eugene understands that his life path will be difficult, requiring a lot of effort and sacrifice. However, he still adhered to his own convictions. On my own life path he met Odintsova. He denied his feelings for the young girl. During the conversation, Bazarov shared with her his life principles and looks. But Odintsova does not support his views. Bazarov decided to sacrifice everything for the cause. After the appearance of love, Bazarov appears internal contradictions. He valued only science and common sense and tried to deny the feelings. In addition to love, he denied literature, art and idle talk, and spirituality the surrounding world.

Even before his death, Bazarov adhered to his own ideals and proudly looked into the eyes of death. It was strength, devotion and courage that distinguished Bazarov from other people. Because not everyone can fearlessly wait own death. At the same time, Bazarov had negative sides as harshness, rudeness, disbelief in creativity and irony. The image of Bazarov can be admired and hated at the same time. The hero was not afraid of condemnation and misunderstanding from others, and openly expressed his thoughts and discontent. Eugene was purposeful and practical, distinguished by leadership qualities and had an extraordinary mind.

Option 4

One of best novels Turgenev is "Fathers and Sons", because this topic is very relevant at all times and is considered "eternal". It is in this novel that two currents, the nihilist and the nobleman, also collide. All of these themes were greatly elevated in that century. Bazarov is the type of person who belongs to the "new" people.

Arkady Kirsanov lives in the village with his brother and is waiting for his son with pleasure. But what happens is that he arrives with his new friend. Bazarov, coming to new people, remains the same egoist. He had a confident, calm look. As you know, he is a completely independent person, that is, the main character is able to provide for himself. And goes to good results in medical university. After leaving his parental home, he completely refused their help. Bazarov is very easy to communicate with people, because he is not arrogant and they are drawn to him. Although he does not particularly approve of what the people are doing, he will still come to the aid of such people. The main character is a fan of experiments on insects, because it was not for nothing that he followed in his father's footsteps and entered the medical university.

Eugene is not an ordinary person, there is a riddle in him that not everyone will solve. It also has features in the teachings and a rather intelligent person. If he is confident in his answer, he will defend it to the end, because Bazarov will not back down just like that. As you know, he does not treat the nobles well and is generally against their class. He considers them the lowest and accuses them of not understanding anything. And besides their appearance, they don’t care about anything else. Also, a direct person and all his feelings and thoughts speaks immediately and without any hints.

This hero does not believe in friendship, or rather denies its existence. And also love, but at the same time he feels very much for Odintsova strong feelings and how difficult it was for him to stay with his parents. Thinks it's low to think it exists. He does not believe in everything that cannot be touched, because he is a nihilist.

At the end of the novel, the protagonist dies. The author proves to the reader and to Bazarov himself that if you live your whole life in this way, then you will find nothing beautiful in this life and remain unhappy until the end of your days. Consequently, he did not achieve anything by this, he simply remained with his opinion. When Yevgeny Bazarov loses his theory, he dies and remains unhappy. I think that people should not follow the way the main character did, because there is so much beauty in the world.

Essay 5

Turgenev's famous novel "Fathers and Sons" was written at the junction of two eras, it reflects the views and disagreements of the nobles and democrats-raznochintsy, and Bazarov belonged to the latter. After all, it was the representatives of this class who made their own way into life and did not want to recognize the class division in society. They valued people not by their material well-being, but by the benefit they brought to their homeland. Even appearance the main character says that he is a democrat. Appearing in society in a hoodie, he, as it were, makes a challenge to the nobles, treating them with disdain. If you look at Bazarov's hand, you can see that he does not hesitate to do hard physical work.

The writer, describing his appearance, notes in him intelligence and self-respect. If Nikolai Petrovich treated Bazarov arrogantly, openly showing his dislike for him, then ordinary people were simply drawn to our hero. So, for example, the timid Fenechka even asked to wake him up so that he would help her son, and the kids always ran to him for advice and medicines when they started to get sick. The servants in the person of Dasha and Peter also treated him with confidence, and did not at all consider him a master. The conflict between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov was inevitable. And here not only people from different layers but also as representatives of different beliefs.

Our hero tried to get away from the quarrel, but he did not succeed. He speaks cruel words about denying everything with imperturbable calmness. Mental strength, confidence that he is right sound in his voice and short phrases. It is clearly seen that when talking with Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich uses as many expressions as possible, corresponding to a real aristocrat, which greatly irritates our character. Bazarov's speech is distinguished by wit, resourcefulness and excellent knowledge vernacular. In the disputes of Kirsanov, a senior and true democrat, we see that Pavel Petrovich wants to defend the old order, and Bazarov, exposing this society, preaches new system. And if in a conversation they agreed on a single opinion in relation to the people, then all the same, it is clear that Bazarov speaks of the Russian peasants with disdain, thereby indignant at their backwardness and ignorance.

Some attitude of Bazarov to surrounding reality deserves criticism. So, he does not notice the beauty of Russian nature at all, although he loves it, noticing that a person can take a lot from it. He does not perceive painting and poetry. Bazarov is completely alone, because he did not have people who completely shared his views. The writer himself understood that the main character was a messenger of the future. And although the character is shown tragic, however, throughout the novel he was shown bright person with his courage and will. And such Bazarovs are needed.

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    The novel "Fathers and Sons" caused heated debate and contradictory assessments.

    The generation of "fathers", liberals, is represented in it by the Kirsanov brothers, and the generation of "children" is represented by raznochintsy-democrat Yevgeny Bazarov.

    In the center of the novel is the figure of Bazarov. The novel begins with Bazarov's arrival at the Kirsanovs' estate. His appearance really stirred up the usual way of life of the Kirsanovs.

    Bazarov is the son of a doctor, he went through a harsh life school, studies at the university for copper pennies, is fond of the natural sciences, knows botany, agricultural technology, geology, never refuses medical care people are proud of their origin. "My grandfather plowed the land!" - the hero says with haughty pride. He caused aversion and interest immediately with his appearance alone: high growth, a hoodie with tassels, a naked red hand, long hair. The author focuses on the hero's hands. He repeatedly emphasizes his intelligence, pointing to the spacious skull and face, expressing self-confidence.

    The Kirsanovs are the best of the nobles. The views of Bazarov cause them different feelings. The most acute clash occurs between Evgeny and Pavel Petrovich.

    Bazarov is a nihilist, and he vehemently defends his position of denying everything. He speaks coldly and contemptuously about art: "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet," he says. Rafael, a recognized genius all over the world, according to Bazarov, is not worth a penny. Nature is not an object of admiration for Turgenev's hero, for him "it is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." Love Bazarov calls rubbish, unforgivable nonsense.

    The author takes his hero through a series of tests, including a test of love. Having met with Odintsova, Bazarov is sure that there is no love and cannot be. He looks at women very skeptically. Anna Sergeevna for him is only a representative of one of the categories of mammals. He notes her rich body, quite worthy of an anatomical theater, and does not think about her as a person, as a person. However, gradually, in the soul of the hero, unexpectedly for him, those feelings wake up that lead him into a state of complete confusion. The longer he is visiting Odintsova, the closer he converges with her, the stronger he becomes attached to her, the hotter his feelings flare up. A person who is confident in his convictions breaks down at the first encounter with true life. unrequited love does not deprive Bazarov of pride. “I am a poor man, but I have not yet accepted alms,” he says to Odintsova.

    The hero is in conflict with himself. He tried to build his existence on the basis of the theory of nihilism, but life cannot be subordinated to a dry idea. Denying the principle of honor, Bazarov accepts a duel challenge from Pavel Petrovich. Despising aristocrats, he sorts things out according to their rules and behaves nobly in duels. Pavel Petrovich himself tells him about this.

    Bazarov cannot hide his affection and tender attitude towards his parents, whose care and love, at first glance, he is burdened. Feeling the approach of death, he asks Odintsova not to forget his old people, because "people like them, in ... big light in the daytime with fire not to be found ... ". Critic D. I. Pisarev considers the death of Bazarov heroic. “To die the way Bazarov died is like doing a great feat ...”, he writes.

    The discovery of the ability to love in oneself becomes very painful and difficult for the hero. However, this ability enriches it, makes it more understandable and close to the reader.

    The author sympathizes with his hero, respects and pities him, although he himself professed the idea of ​​liberalism. In his memoirs, Turgenev wrote: "To accurately and strongly reproduce the truth, the reality of life, is the highest happiness for a writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies."

    The greatest creation of the master of psychology I.S. Turgenev. He wrote his novel at a turning point, when advanced people societies were interested in the future of Russia, and writers were interested in the search for the hero of the time. Bazarov (the characterization of this character clearly demonstrates what the most developed youth of that time was like) is central character novel, all the threads of the narrative are reduced to it. He is the one bright representative new generation. Who is he?

    General characteristics (appearance, occupation)

    As a writer-psychologist, Turgenev thought through everything to the smallest detail. One of the ways to characterize a character is the appearance of the hero. At Bazarov high forehead, which is a sign of intelligence, narrow lips, speaking of arrogance and arrogance. However big role plays the clothes of the hero. Firstly, it shows that Bazarov is a representative of raznochintsy democrats (the younger generation, opposed to the older generation of liberal aristocrats of the 1940s). He is dressed in a long black hoodie with tassels. He is wearing loose trousers made of coarse fabric and a simple shirt - this is how Bazarov is dressed. The image turned out to be more than speaking. He does not pursue fashion trends, moreover, he despises the elegance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose appearance is completely opposite. Simplicity in dress is one of the principles of the nihilists, whose position the hero has taken, so he feels closer to common people. As the novel shows, the hero really manages to get close to ordinary Russian people. Bazarov is loved by the peasants, followed by the yard children. By occupation, Bazarov (characteristic of the hero in terms of profession) is a doctor. And who else could he be? After all, all his judgments are based on German materialism, where a person is considered only as a system in which its own physical and physiological laws operate.

    Nihilism Bazarov

    Bazarov, whose character is certainly one of the most striking in the literature of the 19th century, adhered to one of the most popular teachings of that time - nihilism, which means "nothing" in Latin. The hero does not recognize any authorities, does not bow to any life principles. The main thing for him is science and knowledge of the world by experience.

    External conflict in the novel

    As noted above, Turgenev's novel is multifaceted, two levels of conflict can be distinguished in it: external and internal. At the external level, the conflict is represented by the disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov.

    Disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov concern different sides human life. The most irreconcilable Bazarov is in relation to art, especially poetry. He sees in it only empty and useless romanticism. The second thing the characters are talking about is nature. For people like Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, nature is god's temple in which a person rests, they admire its beauty. Bazarov (the character's quotes confirm this) is categorically against such chanting, he believes that nature is "a workshop, and a person is a worker in it." In a conflict with Pavel Petrovich, the hero often behaves rather rudely. He speaks unflatteringly about him in the presence of his nephew, Arkady Kirsanov. All this shows Bazarov not from the very better side. It is for such an image of the hero that Turgenev will subsequently suffer. Bazarov, whose characteristic in many critical articles does not affect Turgenev, turned out to be undeservedly scolded by the author, some even believe that Turgenev slanders the entire younger generation, undeservedly accusing him of all sins. However, do not forget that older generation is also not at all praised in the text.

    Relationship with parents

    Bazarov's nihilism clearly manifests itself at all moments of his life. Parents who have not seen their son for a long time are eagerly waiting for him. But they are slightly shy of their serious and educated child. The mother pours out her feelings, and the father embarrassedly apologizes for such intemperance. Bazarov himself seeks to leave as soon as possible parental home, apparently, because he is afraid of suddenly showing warm feelings. According to German materialism, a person cannot have any spiritual attachments. On his second visit, Eugene also asks his parents not to interfere with him, not to bother him with their care.

    Internal conflict

    The internal conflict in the novel is obvious. It lies in the fact that the hero begins to doubt his theory, he is disillusioned with it, but cannot come to terms with it. The first doubts about nihilism arise in Bazarov when he meets Sitnikov and Kukshina. These people call themselves nihilists, but they are too small and insignificant.

    Love line in the novel

    The test of the hero by love is a classic for the genre of the novel, and the novel "Fathers and Sons" was no exception. Bazarov, an inveterate nihilist who denies any romantic feelings, falls in love with the young widow Odintsova. She conquers him at the first sight, when he sees her at the ball. She differs from other women in beauty, majesty, her gait is graceful, every movement is royally graceful. But her most important feature is intelligence and prudence. Just prudence will prevent her from staying with Bazarov. At first, their relationship seems friendly, but the reader immediately understands that a spark of love flashed between them. However, none of them is able to step over their principles. Evgeny Bazarov's confession looks ridiculous, because at the moment of revelation his eyes are more full of anger than love. Bazarov is a complex and controversial image. What makes him angry? Of course, that his theory collapsed. Man is and has always been a being with a living heart, in which the strongest feelings glimmer. He, who denies love and romance, is subdued by a woman. Bazarov's ideas collapsed, they were refuted by life itself.


    Arkady Kirsanov is one of Bazarov's most devoted supporters. However, it is immediately noticeable how different they are. In Arcadia, as in his family, there is too much romanticism. He wants to enjoy nature, he wants to start a family. Surprisingly, Bazarov, whose quotes to Pavel Petrovich are harsh and unfriendly, does not despise him for this. He guides him on his path, realizing at the same time that Arkady will never be a true nihilist. At the moment of the quarrel, he insults Kirsanov, but his words are rather thoughtless than evil. A remarkable mind, strength of character, will, calmness and self-control - these are the qualities that Bazarov possesses. The characteristic of Arkady looks weaker against his background, because he is not like that. outstanding personality. But at the end of the novel, Arkady remains a happy family man, and Yevgeny dies. Why?

    Meaning of the end of the novel

    Many critics reproached Turgenev for "killing" his hero. The end of the novel is very symbolic. For such heroes as Bazarov, the time has not come, and the author believes that it will never come at all. After all, humanity is kept only because it has love, kindness, respect for the traditions of ancestors, culture. Bazarov is too categorical in his assessments, he does not take half measures, and his sayings sound blasphemous. He encroaches on the most valuable - nature, faith and feelings. As a result, his theory breaks on the rocks of the natural order of life. He falls in love, cannot be happy just because of his beliefs, and in the end he dies altogether.

    The epilogue of the novel emphasizes that Bazarov's ideas were unnatural. Parents visit their son's grave. He found peace in the midst of beautiful and eternal nature. In an emphatically romantic vein, Turgenev depicts a cemetery landscape, once again pursuing the idea that Bazarov was wrong. "Workshop" (as Bazarov called it) continues to bloom, live and delight everyone with its beauty, but the hero is no more.

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