Nikolay Bessonov. Modern Myth: "Gypsies don't work or study"


The Ogonyok magazine published an article about gypsies- boilers who tried to move to a new place of residence - to Arkhangelsk. This story received a great response in the media, as the city leadership tried to expel the settlers. Naturally, in order to substantiate this action, negative facts were required. But despite close attention police, no clues like participation in the drug trade were found. This, in fact, was the article "Citizens of the Gypsies."
Immediately after the publication, discussion began on the Internet forum ( It revealed that in Russian society strong racist stereotypes. The vast majority of responses were filled with hatred for the author, human rights activists and anyone who considers Roma to be people. I have selected three characteristic quotes. They are very indicative of the myth discussed here. The participants in the discussion think whole nation something like mafia. They are sure that the only source of income for Roma is crime. And they simply do not believe that there are working gypsies:

All gypsies in gas chamber. There are NO law-abiding gypsies. if they don't know the word drugs, then they're stealing. No need to talk about this, they say, you can’t arrest without proof. You just need to take all the gypsies in batches and destroy them!!!

More hateful creatures are hard to imagine! The fact that they do not steal and do not sell drugs IS A LIE, because these dregs of society cannot help stealing and cheating, just as flies cannot help but eat shit!

The camp gypsies "want to work", to go to work, but the xenophobic Pomeranians don't take them? Where, by whom, when did they work in our sense of the word?

There is no need to build illusions that only marginals speak like that. It is enough to read our press to be convinced of exactly the same attitude of many journalists. The expressions are more decent, but the essence is the same. "Gypsy men traditionally parasitize among the Gypsies," writes journalist S. Altunin ("According to Gypsy Concepts." Out of the Law. 19.IX.2001. P.4.). He is echoed by dozens and hundreds of colleagues ...

But how do they know about real position affairs? Further crime chronicle media workers in search of material do not drop in. And it would not hurt to go to the audience of universities. There you can meet a lot of gypsy students.
It would be nice to go through gypsy families with a simple question: "Who works where for you?" I guarantee that the result will be the most unexpected... Drug dealers and swindlers public consciousness people who consciously joined the Russian labor collectives. Workers, engineers, doctors, drivers, barbers of gypsy nationality live - like most Russians - from paycheck to paycheck. They devote their energies to keeping food and goods sold in the shops, keeping the houses warm and the streets and offices clean. It didn't start today. Talk, for example, with a gypsy from the famous Masalsky family - Alevtina Aleksandrovna, who worked as a sausage molder for 34 years. Her pension is not great, but how much dignity in her story about her working biography! She is sure that she has brought to society no less benefit than relatives-artists. Andrei Vasilkov worked all his adult life as a miner in the Lugansk region. Andrey Ivanovich Silnitsky gave 30 years to the metallurgical plant in Ostankino. There are thousands of such examples. The Russians who worked side by side with the gypsies will confirm my words: if a gypsy undertakes to build houses or cultivate the land, repair cars, or make Jewelry, he does it no worse than others. Only one feature distinguishes the gypsies from the background of other hired workers: they are emphatically scrupulous, because they are aware of the negative stereotype that exists in the minds of Russians. Bitter experience tells them how easy it is to be guilty without guilt in any conflict or extraordinary situation.
Do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to deny the fact that among the Gypsies trade is considered a more prestigious business than production. But you can not cut everyone with the same brush! Someone stands in the market with sheepskin coats or shoes. Someone (journalists are right) is in prison for fraud or heroin. But a lot of people study or work. And it's time for society to notice these people.
Sometimes I feel very sorry that the Russians do not have access to the gypsy press. Articles in the genre of labor biographies are often published there. Oksana Popenko's letter, published in the newspaper, looks very indicative. "Roman Yag", August 11, 2004. The editors gave this material the title "We have something to be proud of."

"The press almost always talks about gypsies only in connection with something negative, criminal and hopeless. It is very unpleasant for me. Therefore, I want to talk about the positive - about my large gypsy family, which, I believe, deserves a newspaper publication.
My father, Nikolai Alexandrovich Matusevich, comes from big family. He had five brothers and had a sister. His childhood years were spent in the nomad camp. They roamed all over Ukraine. Since 1954, they began to live settled, settled in the village of Makoshino, Lynsky district, Chernihiv region.
The elder brother - Matusevich Vasily Alexandrovich, has a higher education. Graduated from Kharkov medical institute, returned to his native village and worked as a surgeon in the hospital for two years. He married a gypsy, a native of Moscow. He moved to the capital and began working in a clinical hospital as the head of the surgical department, he also operated. For his hard work, he was awarded government awards, he is an honored surgeon, he has the Order of Friendship of Peoples.
His wife, Svetlana, graduated from the Moscow Electrical College. She has worked as an engineer all her life. Now retired.
Their son Alexander Vasilyevich graduated from the Moscow Institute of the Meat and Dairy Industry after the army. Now he is an engineer at the Lianozovsky Dairy Plant.
Another brother - Fedor Alexandrovich Matusevich - graduated from a vocational school. All his life he has been working as a driver on long-distance flights. His wife, Irina Vladimirovna, has a higher education, specializing in economics.
Son Aleksey graduated from the Chernihiv School as a car mechanic, now he serves in the army. Daughter Anna Fedorovna is a dental technician, a graduate of the Chernigov Medical School, works in a dental hospital and studies in absentia at the Chernigov Pedagogical University, at the Faculty of Psychology.
The middle brother is Mikhail Aleksandrovich Matusevich, after the army he worked as a turner at a factory in his native village. For his work, he was the only one in the Chernihiv region who was awarded the "Gold Star of the Komsomol Central Committee". Now he lives in Cherkassy, ​​works as an electric and gas welder in the trolleybus department. His wife Learia Fedoseevna has a higher education, head of the planning department. Their son Andrei Mikhailovich graduated from the Cherkasy State Pedagogical University, now a lecturer at the State technical university. Daughter Lyubov Mikhailovna also graduated from the GPU, works as an instructor at the Institute of Physical Therapy.
My father, the most younger brother from the Matusevich dynasty - Nikolai Alexandrovich graduated in Bryansk region railway College. Mom, Ekaterina Nikolaevna, spent her childhood in tents. There are four of them in the family: three sisters and a brother. In 1956, after the Decree, they settled in Rypkino. My mother's life was such that she could not finish school. She and her sister Raisa Nikolaevna worked at a garment factory almost from the age of 16, both had a musical gift. The sisters began to sing amateur performances, their beautiful voices enchanted the audience not only in the region, but throughout Ukraine. The sisters, who did not have a special musical education, were invited to work in the Chernihiv Philharmonic, with concerts they traveled all over Georgia and other republics of the Soviet Union.
Younger sister Nikolai Alexandrovich - Ivanova Maria Nikolaevna is also the pride of our family. A graduate of the Chernihiv Law College, she enters
to Kharkiv legal institute and ends it. Now she works as a lawyer-attorney. Maria Nikolaevna defends the interests, first of all, of the Roma, but also of the Ukrainians.
Now my parents, Nikolai Aleksandrovich and Ekaterina Nikolaevna, are pensioners, they have many years of work experience. All their lives they tried to ensure that their children, that is, my brother Igor and I, received an education. As a child, we were taken to a music school. I studied in the accordion class, my brother - in the button accordion class. Then we entered School of Music. Igor twice won first places at the review of three republics - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Soon he graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory. After graduating from the music school, I worked as a teacher in music school. Higher education received in absentia, graduating from the Nizhyn Pedagogical University. My brother and I are very grateful to our parents, and God forbid that we at least give to our children as much as our beloved parents gave us their health, warmth, energy and finances. Now, no matter what environment we are in - among the gypsies or among the Ukrainians, our education helps us to be quite confident and independent.
Dear readers, in this story about the family you found only facts about the education of my relatives. I deliberately made such an actual calculation; I wanted to show that education and lack of education (as well as, by the way, decency-dishonest, good-bad, beautiful-disgusting) are such simple truths.
And truths, as you know, have no nation, complexion, and also no religion."

Here is information about work biographies Gypsies, published in the newspaper "Roma and the World" (Rostov-on-Don) No. 2, 1999:

1) Gubarev Ivan Gavrilovich - was born on January 19, 1939 in Novoshakhtinsk. In 1956, he began working in the central electrical workshops of the Rostovugol plant as a hammer and a blacksmith's apprentice. I worked in the same place all the time. He was elected trade union organizer of the shop. He was repeatedly awarded as the winner in the socialist competition. Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council March 1, 1978 Gubarev was awarded the Order of Labor Glory 3rd degree. In September 1985 he was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labour".
2) Fedor Nikolaevich Limansky was born in February 1955. in the Veshensky district, a coal miner. He has worked at the Mayskaya mine since 1975. He was awarded two Orders of Miner's Glory.
3) Gamanov Alexander Ivanovich was born on June 22, 1940. He worked on the collective farm "Rassvet" in Bolshekrepinskaya, Rodionovo-Nesvetaisky district Rostov region from 1956 to 1963 His father in 1941 went to the front and died. From 1964 to 1978, Alexander Gamanov worked as a blacksmith - mine No. 43 of the Stepanov Mine Administration of the Novoshakhtinsky district of the Rostov region. From 1978 to 1990 he began to work as a miner at the same mine. Worked great. Retired since 1990
4) Kutenkov Vasily Born in 1940. All his life he worked as a blacksmith, retired for a long time, continues to work.
Gypsy teachers work in schools in the Rostov region.
1) Ivashchenko Gennady Gavrilovich - history teacher and director of the school in Rossosh, Tarasovsky district.
2) Nemtseva Anna Petrovna - teacher of Russian language and literature in Morozovsk.
3) Lukyanenko Vasily Vasilyevich - a teacher of mathematics in the city of Kamensk.
4) Petrenko Ivan Ivanovich graduated from the Rostov Art College. Grekova, art teacher in Proletarsk.

In the same newspaper "Roma and the World" (No. 1. 1999) there is the following data:

1. Belikov Nikolai Vasilievich, he began his career in 1977 as a driver and has 10 years of experience in this profession. At that time, he studied on the job at the Taganrog Construction College. In 1988, he went to work in the non-departmental security of the Ordzhonikidzovsky district as a controller and then he was sent to guard the reinforced concrete plant. In 1990, he was appointed to the post of head of security. For the entire time of work at the plant, it is characterized only with positive side. With his help, order was put in place in the protection of the plant, the fencing of the territory was overhauled; fences and locks have been installed in the workshops of the plant to prevent unauthorized persons from entering for the purpose of theft. In the multinational team of the plant JSC "Stroydetal" Belikov N.V. enjoys well-deserved prestige.
2. Belikov Ivan Vasilievich went to school, served in the army. He worked as a driver in the city of Taganrog. In Rostov-on-Don, he worked at a plumbing equipment plant as a non-ferrous metal caster.
3. Lyuba Chuchukova studied at a medical school and has been working as a nurse for many years.
4. Nikolai Ivanovich Belikov was born in Shakhty in 1959. He graduated from TPTU and became a plumber. Worked at different enterprises. Now he lives and works in the city of Krutoy, Tsimlyansky district.
5. Viktor Ivanovich Belikov was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1962. He graduated from the railway school in Bataysk. Served in the army. He worked as an electric welder in the city of Bataysk.
6. Yuri Ivanovich Belikov was born in 1966. He studied at TPTU and became a plasterer-painter. He served in the army and then worked at the Kr. Aksai. Now he lives and works in Novoshakhtinsk.

Probably the next time I update the site, I will need to gather my strength and make a whole section of similar articles. Who knows - maybe at least someone will get a lot of documentary material to think about?

We don't know much about the life of the Gypsies. But it seems that this is enough for an unshakable conviction to form in society: the gypsy people consist exclusively of thieves, drug dealers, swindlers and beggars. The correspondents of went to visit the Gomel gypsies and looked to see if everything was so unambiguous.

Finding gypsies is easy. But you won’t go to them yourself: they won’t let a stranger, and even more so a journalist, approach them. You need to act through a trusted person. It turned out that this is not easy to find. The Internet and the telephone directory unanimously gave out the number of the Gomel Roma organization, but they answered that it was an apartment and there were none here. The Department of Religious Affairs also shrugged. They say that earlier the gypsies knew more about the authorities, but now they have gone underground. When asked to take us to gypsy addresses, the district police officers advised us to forget about this idea. “We don’t come across good gypsies on duty. Those with whom we communicate have nothing to do, ”- policemen reported. After two hours of unsuccessful searches, we managed to get information about public association « Social projects". Recently, the organization volunteered to help Gomel gypsies. Through her, we found a representative of the Roma diaspora. No, not the baron. Nikolai identified himself as the coordinator of the newly registered Romano Drome Roma community and gladly volunteered to help.

- It's a shame that they think only bad things about us. Many gypsies good people who honestly work, go to work, go to church, lead a normal life. Any nation will have dishonest people, but because of them, after all, no one calls the whole people bad. There are criminals everywhere, and it does not depend on nationality,- pours out boiled over long years Nikolay.

In an old Nissan we drive to his niece Rada. She needed some help around the house. We turn from Barykin to Sosnovaya and stop near an old brick house.

- Many gypsies used to live here. There were such houses! That big one and that one- Nikolai gestures around the neighborhood. - It has now become fashionable to build cottages. And in Soviet years only gypsies had two-story houses. But today many of them have been sold to the Russians.

- For what?

- Who is in debt, who goes into apartments, and who moves to another place in search of a better life.

- And now the gypsies roam?

- Not really. I heard that in Russia 1% of gypsies lead a nomadic lifestyle. I think we have even less.

We are met by a modestly dressed gypsy woman with large gold earrings in her ears. He asks not to take off his shoes and calls to the table. In a small kitchen - modest furniture, in the corner - an oven, clean. Rada pours tea and apologizes for the lack of treats: she did not have time to go to the store.

15 years ago, her husband left the Rada. Since then she has been alone. Raised children first. Now - grandchildren. She proudly talks about the fact that her daughter received an education: she completed 11 classes. The son, however, did not have time - he got married in the 9th. Now he has two daughters. A third child is on the way. The gypsy talks about her past with pleasure, but dodges the camera. At another attempt by the photojournalist to get a colorful picture, she swore in her own language and gave her a stern gypsy look. After this, I didn’t want to point the lens in her direction. But Rada presented her granddaughter without a shadow of embarrassment. Three-year-old Zlata seems to be made for photo shoots.

Rada talks about how difficult life is. There is no money at all. The garden and the farm help out: a woman keeps a cow, pigs. Sells milk and meat.

- Have you tried guessing?

- I do not believe in it. My mother guessed to survive. But I know that she really didn't know how to do it. There we had one fortune-teller on Kraynaya. Here she was real - all the authorities of the city and even prosecutors went to her. And all the rest ... I do not believe them, the gypsy waved her hand.

Only Rada's daughter works in the family. The son is at home. And this is the norm. Many gypsy men are in a permanent job search. Ask any of them where he works, and 8 out of 10 will certainly say: I just quit, I'm looking for a new one. But a gypsy parasite will never be reproached with a piece of bread. This nation has a philosophical attitude to the problem of constant lack of money.

Recently, a fence fell down near the Rada. He says they helped everyone. gypsy world: “Who gave fifty thousand, who gave a hundred - they collected money. Repaired and installed- proudly says the woman.

Rada's nephew Ivan does not want to let us go for a long time. He asks to say hello to one of our acquaintances, a TV journalist. "He is my friend. We grew up together as children,- not paying attention to our surprise, says the gypsy.

While we are standing, two wagons loaded with scrap are passing by the house. And one bike. Nearby is a scrap yard.

- Where do they get so much metal?

- Collect. Sometimes they buy it for next to nothing and then resell it.

- The police have a different version ...

- No-no. Nobody steals from us.

In his answer, Ivan is so convincing that further questions about the nature of the occurrence of metal in gypsy bins become meaningless. Meanwhile, the cyclist with an empty trunk is coming back. Earned 65k.

- Not much,- evaluates the income of a neighbor Ivan. - But after all, no one will give them.

Two girls of the weather - Sandra and Renata - look at non-locals with curiosity. Sandra has blonde hair. They say that this happens to gypsies when the blood gets in the way.

The sisters do not remember their mother, half gypsy, half Ukrainian. She left them when they were still crawling. Something went wrong with her husband and father of the girls, she got ready and left for her homeland in Ukraine. Now the children are being raised by their grandmother and aunt Zoya.

The kids take a tour of the house. Although there is not much to show here. In the living room, only a sofa and a table are furnished. In other rooms - battered chests of drawers and beds. The sisters show who sleeps where. From their story, it turns out that there are at least twice as many family members as there are beds in the house.

At parting, we treat the girls with chewing gum. They ask for more.

The next address is the house of Nikolai and Albina. There are two cars in the yard. One is a used foreign car, the second ... that's right - a Zhiguli. There are legends about the long-term devotion of the gypsies to this particular brand of car. The gypsies themselves explain their love for the VAZ simply: any breakdown in this car can be fixed on their own, without resorting to the help of a car mechanic.

On the threshold we are met by the head of the family - a man of about fifty. He has a hammer in his hands: the owner is fixing the door in the living room. We are immediately seated on the sofa. Judging by the situation, strong gypsy middle peasants live here. There are carpets on the floor, a multi-inch TV on the wall.

With Nikolai and Albina, eight more souls live in the house: three daughters, a son with a daughter-in-law and three grandchildren. All of them, by some miracle, are accommodated in just two rooms.

The youth, having heard the sounds of the camera shutter, locked themselves in the hall.

We don't need to take pictures.

- Why?

- Then everyone will laugh and discuss, one of the girls explains. Then he takes a broom and begins sweeping the floor near the threshold. Somewhere I heard that if a gypsy does this in front of guests, do not expect favors from her.

The situation was defused by the middle daughter - Vera. She just got back from work. The girl is dressed in the latest fashion. The skirt is not to the floor, but to the knee.

- This length is possible, while not married,- explains the gypsy. - When you get married, it depends on your husband. Some are allowed, others are not.

- Oh I do not know. If my husband had allowed me, I wouldn't have worn it. It's embarrassing. Do you know how our people say afterwards? A! She already wanted another man, so she put on such a skirt. No, it's a shame to walk like this- her daughter-in-law says to Vera.

“Is it true that only virgins are married to you?”

- Certainly. We even have such a custom - they take out a sheet at a wedding. And they show it to all the guests. If the girl turned out to be dishonest, shame on her and her entire family later.

After such revelations, the girls thawed out and agreed to a photo shoot. Let's go dress up. So that the guests would not get bored, the head of the family turned on a DVD with gypsy songs. In the clips, horses of all breeds and colors gallop across the LCD screen. The gypsy, holding his breath, does not take his burning eyes off his bay.

- Well, look how handsome!- Nikolay smacks his lips.

- Do you have a horse?

- There was a horse. sold, the man sighs. - Money was needed. But I will definitely buy. What is a gypsy without a horse?

After 15 minutes, dressed-up girls came out.

Even later, the gypsies were completely replaced. Forgetting how our meeting began, they started talking and told about their main problem- unemployment.

- We stand with my mother at the stock exchange. Once there for us is suitable job they give us a phone number. We are calling. We are told: "Yes, come." We come, they see that she is a gypsy, and they refuse. We don't know how many times this has happened. It's a shame. We do want to work. Why are we treated like this?- Svetlana is perplexed. - Let them ask about us, they would know that we are honest and decent. Look, our Vera has been working at Steklolux for so long! And the authorities are pleased with her.

The gypsy radio worked well. Having heard that journalists were on his land, the baron himself came to the house of Nikolai and Albina. However, the rite of initiation into Barons Jean did not pass. Simply, being a respected person, he took on the responsibility of maintaining order in the district. So I came here to see if everything is calm. Convinced of our adequacy, the gypsy leader was getting ready to go home, throwing from the threshold:

- Well? When you finish, I'll wait for you at my place?

The baron's house cannot be confused with any other. It looks impressive, but without much frills. No painted turrets and mosaic stained glass windows from colored glass. But inside - and crystal chandeliers, and Meissen porcelain ...

Jean takes us around the house. He introduces a pleasant youthful woman - this is his wife Svetlana, with her only daughter Zlata and her greatest joy - her granddaughter Ramina.

- I want her to be an artist,- the baron does not take his eyes off the girl. Looking at Ramina, who, at the age of four, was not too lazy to dress up for the arrival of guests, you have no doubts about her artistic future.

Why gypsies? Because where there are gypsies - there are problems, and where there are problems - there is a district police officer. I confess that before the word "gypsies" I always intuitively want to insert the word "bl..t", but I will not distort the text, so we write "gypsies", "bl..t" - in my mind. There are several, perhaps subjective reasons why I, to put it mildly, dislike them:

1. Gypsies don't work. That's right, nah... work, we're gypsies, everything we need, we spiz... them. During his work, he interviewed more than a dozen gypsies, and each time, following the need, he asked the question "place of work?" with the feeling of asking 16 summer teenager: "Do you masturbate?" I have already touched on the second item of my menu in the first, so let's not put it off the shelf:

2. Gypsies steal. This is not a label, they all really have a brain sharpened only to take away someone else's. Here is a small list of stolen goods from my practice, where the main actors there were gypsies: horses, cows, cars, bicycles, radio tape recorders, wives, wallets, handbags, gold, products, money. Yes, yes, it didn’t seem to you, they still steal their wives. Not all of them, and not so often anymore, but they continue to do so. I personally went to three such cases (it was still fun). In this situation, only one thing pleases, that the kidnapped brides are also gypsies.

3. Gypsies reproduce in a way unknown to science. Gypsy wives are in a permanent state of pregnancy. The only distraction they have during childbirth is getting pregnant again. Upon arrival at the gypsy dens (it’s hard to call it houses), I was always met by a brood of 10-15 gypsy children, and each time they were different children different ages. Gypsy children are worthy of a separate paragraph, but I will try to summarize everything in one:

4. Gypsies are arrogant. They absorb impudence with mother's milk. A dozen children surround you from all sides and the execution begins. Two people pull on the pants different sides, two are grabbing my hands, the fifth is trying to pull the PM out of the holster, one is already running around the yard in my cap, and four are pulling the briefcase. With age, this quality in behavior does not disappear, but, on the contrary, prevails over the others. One elderly gypsy woman, whom I saw for the first time and tried to interview, without a shadow of embarrassment, took out two thousandth bills from her hem, threw them in front of me with the words: “daraga, don’t bother us anymore, we are good people, we don’t wish harm to anyone” and added "if you don't touch us."

5. Gypsies smell bad. There are many specific smells that, having tasted once, you will never forget. The gypsy smell in my personal rating is next to the aroma of a village toilet and notes of a homeless den. I would describe the shades of this amber as a mixture of manure and a steam locomotive. I won’t dwell on this point in more detail, sorry, it’s too painful for me to have a good memory for smells.

6. Gypsies are pushing drugs. Of the non-working gypsies, those who do not steal sell heroin, cocaine, marijuana, hashish, poppy straw ... in a gypsy supermarket, the choice is decent and they do not care about sanctions. One ancient gypsy tradition is connected with drugs: if drugs are found during a search in a gypsy lair, then some old blind, legless gypsy grandfather will definitely appear, who will declare that he facilitates his mortal existence with drugs and will take everything upon himself. If the grandfather is sitting, then the grandmother will come out and so on ad infinitum... and the supermarket continues to work. Practically in all the facts of sale there was a direct or indirect gypsy trace.

7. Gypsies can't read and write. And they don't want to learn. I do not rule out that there are reasonable representatives of an ancient family, but I have not come across such. In my memory, there was one typical gypsy element who, under the pretext of "I can't read and write," did not put a single signature in a three-volume criminal case. He spent six months in custody and sincerely, due to his stupidity, believed that he would be released in the courtroom, because. there are no his signatures in the file ... he received 9 years and 6 months in a strict regime colony.

8. Gypsies are liars. Someone calls it hypnosis, someone calls it witchcraft, and I call it a lie. The favorite pastime of gypsy liars is to take money and jewelry out of the apartments of gullible and especially impressionable citizens under the pretext of removing damage. All sorts of fortune-tellers and soothsayers can be attributed to the same category.

9. Gypsies don't get sick. I have seen many gypsies sleeping in the cold on outdoors, their children chewing dirt, but never saw a gypsy in line for an appointment with a therapist or pediatrician. The conclusion is that they are either immortal or do not get sick.

10. Gypsies are aliens (no comments).

Everyone decides for himself whether to love gypsies, not to love, or simply not to notice, they didn’t give me a choice ...

P.S. one gypsy friend told me that the one who first posts Tommy from Big jackpot, there will be nothing for it.

We don't know much about the life of the Gypsies. But it seems that this is enough for an unshakable conviction to form in society: the gypsy people consist exclusively of thieves, drug dealers, swindlers and beggars. The correspondents of went to visit the Gomel gypsies and looked to see if everything was so unambiguous.

Finding gypsies is easy. But you won’t go to them yourself: they won’t let a stranger, and even more so a journalist, approach them. You need to act through a trusted person. It turned out that this is not easy to find. The Internet and the telephone directory unanimously gave out the number of the Gomel Roma organization, but they answered that it was an apartment and there were none here. The Department of Religious Affairs also shrugged. They say that earlier the gypsies knew more about the authorities, but now they have gone underground. When asked to take us to gypsy addresses, the district police officers advised us to forget about this idea. “We don’t come across good gypsies on duty. For those with whom we communicate, you have nothing to do, ”-...

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And it will be even the most decent of what you can hear. It is unlikely that even one in a hundred will say something kind. Well, unless you meet a gypsy himself on the street ... In the eyes of those around them, Roma are one of the most closed and mysterious national communities, the vast majority of gypsies fear and even hate. Moreover, the hostile attitude sits somewhere on genetic level. Why? What are the gypsies today? Why are they almost not integrated into society? Can not? Do not want? How do the Roma live in the Urals and in Russia? This is our today's conversation with the head of the national-cultural autonomy of the gypsies Sverdlovsk region Jan Sokol.

Jan, in your opinion, why is there such an opinion about gypsies, why don’t you ...

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Wandering Tribe

Why are gypsies doomed to wander
and what is behind the myth of their magical gift?

Violetta Basha, "My Family" weekly, No. 19, 2002

They are scattered all over the world, there are more than four million of them. They can be found in Europe, Asia, North Africa, America and Australia. The beauty of their women has witchcraft power and has killed many men. The men of the gypsy tribe are dashing riders and horse thieves, domineering, intolerant of dictatorship, with a burning gaze of fiery eyes, all as one consider themselves barons, in general - wildly "macho". But is it really so? And is there a myth created by them themselves?
Gypsies are a special civilization that has existed for many centuries parallel to ours and at the same time within it. Why did they not assimilate, did not mix with the peoples among whom they lived? By unknown forces they are doomed to eternal wandering. The ability to see the future and master hypnosis is inherited by them. What do we know about them? Resourceful and cunning....

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I am a representative of the gypsy nationality. Not purebred, but half. My father is a gypsy. I love my nation, I honor and respect traditions, even though our family has been “Russified” for a long time, not observing strict gypsy laws (although until the age of sixteen I was brought up in strictness and according to the laws). Father has two higher technical education, and built a swanky career in his life as a young man. Now he is old, on a well-deserved rest. He married my mother when he was young, and they lived together all their lives. By the way, literally these days today they have another anniversary - 25 years from the date of their wedding! As far as I know, according to all the canons and rules, my parents did not have a gypsy wedding, they preferred to modestly celebrate with close friends. But I myself have repeatedly been to real gypsy weddings, and I always noted to myself that it is a gypsy wedding that can be spectacular, interesting and insanely beautiful!...

Many people perceive gypsy wedding, How...

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Historical information about gypsies, intertwined with myths and roam with them, from century to century, and from country to country. It is now well established that the Gypsies originate from Northern India. However, it is not known what prompted them to leave this region and when it began. They were presumably driven out by the invasions of the Greeks, Persians, Scythians, Kushites, Huns and Arabs. For one reason or another, approximately IX-X centuries large groups people left their homeland and moved west...

Gypsies are the largest of the peoples who still do not have their own state and they live in literally on the entire planet. Everyone heard about the gypsies, everyone saw them, but they do not look like a simple layman, so household level There are numerous myths and stereotypes about this people. Mostly negative. And they arose, as often happens, from ignorance and the same unusualness.

Below are the 10 most important myths and stereotypes about gypsies. What is curious - these myths exist in all countries of the world, ...

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Material from Lurkmore

[edit] The legendary significance of Lurkomorye

and then you say that there is no significance here, write about what you want?

[edit] Front of work on the article

As there is a hurt, I corrected the style. Now we need to add details, especially about:

Music - more or less there. dance clothes (especially women's) add a glossary (I'll start) cultural influence on gadzha, that is, not gypsies. songs (Uriah Heep, Jimi Hendrix, deep purple, thousands of them), books (Pushkin, Gorky, Hugo ...), films. Endless work. -Raddium 15:52, 15 March 2012 (MSK) Street magic! Bljad, instead of broadcasting a die, would have waited for the "Significance" section. Eh… -Raddium 09:22, March 16, 2012 (MSK)

Two, more memetic people cannot be imagined, except perhaps ERZH. It is necessary to reveal both the theme of dancing with Mikhalkov under the nomadic star, and the theme of modern drug villages in many cities and towns of our vast country


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Married to a gypsy

At the end of the 1970s in Slutsk, as well as on greater territory Union, an era has begun Indian cinema when our Slutsk girls, sobbing in cinemas, imagined themselves in the arms of Mithun Chakraborty or Amitabh Bachchan. The distant roots and superficial resemblance of Bollywood stars to ordinary gypsies made connections with the latter attractive. Among such admirers of Indian cinema was my interlocutor Svetlana.

We met her recently. Blue eyes, snub nose, bright face. But I immediately noticed her accent and style of clothing. There was something not Belarusian in the manner of communication of this native of Sluchchina. After some time, I learned that Svetlana had been the wife of a gypsy for many years and lived with his family. After much persuasion, she agreed to give an interview to the Kur'er newspaper and talk about the life of the Slutsk gypsies.

Love at first sight
- Sveta, how did it happen that you married a gypsy? There were no Belarusian guys in Slutsk?
- No, there were enough guys ....

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Gypsy wedding: the bride is 14 years old, the groom is 11

The bride is 14, the groom is 11. Say it's impossible? Not at all. Gypsies marry early. Therefore, many perceive a gypsy wedding as a marriage without restrictions and traditions. But gypsies marry pretty early age not just like that. They believe that a young girl gets used to a new family easier and faster.

If there is a red flag or ribbon under the roof, it means there is a wedding in the house. On this street they flutter on two houses. The bride and groom live opposite each other. Diana and Krymo are classmates. True, they will not go to school anymore. WITH tomorrow they will begin adult family life, despite the fact that the bride is only 14, and the groom is 11 years old.

Lovari Mihai, the father of the groom: “We have such laws. So that he does not walk, so that he is a man! So that he doesn’t wallow in taverns, in restaurants. Do you understand how we are? To be a man!

The father chooses the wife for the son. The opinion of the newlyweds is not taken into account. A couple of years ago, Lovari liked ...

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Each nation has its own erotic games and rituals. Sometimes they seem incomprehensible and strange, and sometimes familiar and even useful. Remember, at least the Kama Sutra or a French kiss. But I did not know about the gypsy kiss until today.

First, you can remember famous joke about the gypsy kiss: a gypsy kiss is when you lose not only your wallet, but also your gold teeth. It is not unreasonable that gypsies are known as thieves. And for some reason, little is said about the fact that the gypsies are a passionate and very sensual people.

According to one version, a gypsy kiss is a special ritual of matchmaking among gypsies. For example, a guy liked a girl, and he must kiss her by any means (sometimes even by force). If he succeeds, then the girl is now considered his wife, without other official rituals.

Another version: the gypsy kiss is a special erotic game, during which the partners gradually excite each other until the foreplay reaches...

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Cuba Libre, I confirm my words by the fact that 5% of the Gypsies have assimilated and live like Russians, work at enterprises, 5% are 5 people out of 100 people, the rest, 95 people out of a hundred, steal, tell fortunes at train stations and sell drugs - this is statistics.

I also confirm my words by the fact that it is the gypsies who are expelled from France by all means, not just anyone, but the gypsies. Why gypsy? Because one harm from them.

It is also the gypsies who pester me at the train stations to tell fortunes, and it is the gypsy women who behave uncivilized, swear loudly in public places - Russian women made comments to them, they sent them to them - I saw it myself.

The Gypsies also tried to steal my father from my family.

Even in the village I saw gypsy families, they live like scourges, they have no brains or conscience.

And you answer how the gypsies live and how to live ...

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household needle

According to one version, the origin of the concept of "gypsy needle" is due to the fact that they were made by the gypsies themselves, who were engaged in blacksmithing. The steppe gypsies were engaged in handicrafts, and industrial sewing needles were an expensive business, so for sewing clothes for sale or making shoes, needles, as they say, of their “home” production were used. It is no secret that gypsy needles are durable, and they can sew such dense materials as leather or burlap. For such material, you need a thick thread, and you can thread a thread of wool or even a thread into a wide eye. This is the first theory.

Needle multifunctional

The next version says that the “gypsy” needle became due to its versatility. With a wide needle, you can patch up things, and mend a harness, and sew up a wound. Therefore, starting on the road, the gypsies took only such needles on the road. And among things, even in a haystack, it is difficult to lose such a needle. Why is she again, without options, ...

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The Ogonyok magazine published an article about Kotlyar gypsies who tried to move to a new place of residence - to Arkhangelsk. This story received a great response in the media, as the city leadership tried to expel the settlers. Naturally, in order to substantiate this action, negative facts were required. But despite the close attention of the police, no clues such as participation in the drug trade were found. This, in fact, was the article "Citizens of the Gypsies."
Immediately after the publication, discussion began on the Internet forum ( It revealed that racist stereotypes are strong in Russian society. The vast majority of responses were filled with hatred for the author, human rights activists and anyone who considers Roma to be people. I selected three characteristic quotes. They are very indicative of the myth discussed here....

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Traditions and customs of the gypsies

Most popular in 7 days

One gypsy legend says that God loved the gypsies so much for their fun and talent that he did not tie them to patches of land, like other nations, but gave the whole world for life. Therefore, gypsies can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

One of the most interesting gypsy concepts is the concept of "badness". It is associated with the lower body of a married or just an adult woman. It is enough for her to walk over something, as this place becomes "desecrated". Clothes worn below the waist by a woman and shoes are automatically considered "desecrated". Therefore, in the female National Costume many gypsies in the world include a large apron. And for the same reason, in order not to be defiled, gypsies prefer to live in small, one-story houses.

Only 1% of Russian gypsies wander.

Gypsy short hair is a symbol of dishonor. Hair was cut off by the exiled and isolated. Until now, gypsies avoid very short ...

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04/07/11, Nali
I am a gypsy by nationality, and like all children I go to school, I don’t beg and don’t go dirty, my parents have a good job. But I don’t tell my enemies my nation, because people don’t have the right understanding. For them, gypsies they are dirty beggars who do not have their own home and are deceivers. But who are they really? they are very friendly people, they will stand up for their own blood, they will never give, and will not offend their own, because they are a mountain for each other, because all of them brothers or sisters for each other. And not like Russians, they are ready to bite each other. There is one very beautiful legend, why did boh fall in love with gypsies? "Once Boh saw the gypsies and fell in love with them, and he fell in love with them for their kindness, for their fun, for their songs and dances, and therefore Boh decided to give them complete freedom"

07/07/11, Livina
I didn’t like gypsies before, I laughed at them, but now my attitude has changed. I now work for gypsies, they are completely different from what I met before, I even fell in love and wanted to get out ...

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The reality of our world is that in every country, most of its population has an enemy of some kind. For Israelis - Arabs. For Arabs, Jews. In Russia, the enemies change with the seasons and the political situation: Jews, Democrats, gays, Caucasians, residents Central Asia. In France, the Arabs. In Germany, the Turks. Enemies may not be loved quietly, or they may be noisy. Organize fights, pogroms and national campaigns to eliminate or expel them.

Suppose the number of representatives of the Central Asian republics can be reduced by introducing visas to Russia (but what to do with those who have double citizenship and eat Russian passports?). In relation to the Arabs in Europe, introduce a tough immigration policy, and use the army in Israel. All these decisions are controversial, but they can still be called ways out of the situation. The erection of walls around Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and others with their expulsion from Russia - “we give you freedom, deprive you of our citizenship and introduce visas for your countries” - is also a way. True, little...

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So, our interview with a gypsy named Jeanne, which was initiated by users from other resources, we interrupted last time with a tea ceremony. Yes, and dispersed for a couple of days, each on his own business.

Well, what are we on there ..?

Yeah, we asked Zhanna, what does she herself think, why is there such a strong negative attitude towards gypsies in society? Why do they hate working so much?

- Well, of course, for what! They steal, deceive... I don't know. It has already historically happened - if the gypsies, then something is already unclean, you can’t believe it. When the gypsies were nomads, how could they study, work? Where else was there to take money to feed the children. They stole exactly as much as was needed for food. They were never rich. Would you steal a child?

Is cheating shameful or worthy?

- It is not worthy to deceive, it is a shame. But for this we scold only within the family, the elders, out of habit, probably, do not scold for such trifles. It's still a long time to etch...

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More and more Belarusian gypsies enter universities, but mixed marriages, although allowed, are not welcome.

April 8 is International Gypsy Day. According to the latest census, they are among the ten most numerous nationalities of our country. Approximately the same number of Jews, Tatars, Azerbaijanis and Lithuanians live in our country. Most of the Roma in Belarus live in the Gomel region.

On April 8, 1971, the First World Gypsy Congress took place in London. It was then that people scattered all over the world recognized themselves as a single non-territorial nation and adopted the main National symbols: flag and anthem. Belarusian gypsies also celebrate this day.

The first Gypsies within the borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania appeared more than five centuries ago. Difficult fate persecuted this people on our land during the time of the Principality of Lithuania and the Commonwealth, "under the tsar", and "under the soviets". Since 1956 (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the introduction of gypsies to work, ...

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