Pictures of native nature in the novel A. Composition on the topic: Pictures of Russian nature in the novel A


When V.G. Belinsky called the novel “Eugene Onegin” “an encyclopedia of Russian life”, then, first of all, of course, he singled out a variety of scenes and paintings public life, rural and urban life, shown by the writer. But in this "encyclopedia" a prominent place was also occupied by descriptions of nature, which appear on the pages of the novel either in the form of separate strokes and comparisons, or in the form of expanded pictures in several stanzas.

It is interesting to note that the poet begins to describe his native nature at length only from the fourth chapter, in which he gradually reveals to us poetic soul Tatyana. It seems that the author, through the perception of nature, is trying to reveal the character of the characters. In Larina, a special perception of the world, love, life through nature merges. And it’s not for nothing that Pushkin said:

Tatiana ( Russian soul,

I don't know why.)

With her cold beauty

loved Russian winter...

One can guess why, of all the seasons, Alexander Sergeevich chose winter in order to emphasize “Russianness”. After all, the first thing that foreigners who lived in Russia have always noted is a long winter (there is nothing like it in Europe), Russian cold, snow. This is for the country, one might say, characteristic time of the year. But the novelist chuckles at the summer:

But naked northern summer,

southern winters cartoon,

Flicker and no...

If, talking about his “sweet ideal”, the creator of the novel gives juicy, free descriptions, then the unpoetic Onegin sometimes causes him a slightly mocking attitude towards nature. Even the comparisons that Eugene uses show how indifferent he is to her beauties. So, in a conversation with Lensky, he compares Olga with the moon:

She is round, red-faced,

Like that stupid moon

In this stupid sky.

But Tatyana in the fifth chapter is also compared with the moon, but in a completely different way: “And, the morning moon is paler ...”

Onegin was bored in the city, where "he was equally yawning among the fashionable and ancient halls," he was also bored in the estate, although "the village where Yevgeny was bored was a lovely corner."

The creator of the novel in verse, locked up for a long time in Mikhailovsky, of course, he laughed at the boring village monotony, and rushed to the capital, but at the same time he enjoyed the beauties native nature. As you know, he loved autumn most of all.

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Moved south...

Descriptions of nature in the work are inextricably linked with the life of the people, the unity of peasant life and nature is emphasized. Pushkin caustically contrasts his “low” description of fields and forests with how other poets describe nature in “luxurious style” in romantic style. But it is precisely these pictures of “lower nature” that sink surprisingly deep into the soul.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood, updates the path;

His horse, smelling snow,

Trotting somehow;

Reins fluffy exploding,

A remote wagon flies;

The coachman sits on the irradiation.

In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is running yard boy,

Planting a bug in a sled,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The scoundrel already froze his finger:

It hurts and it's funny

And his mother threatens him through the window...

great artist words in their descriptions is very diverse. The style and language of his descriptions are constantly changing depending on what goals he sets. I just brought a household sketch. And in the scenes of Tatyana's dream, as romantic as the love of this girl for her hero, nature becomes mysterious, enigmatic.

Before them is a forest; motionless pines

In its frowning beauty;

All their branches are weighed down

patches of snow; through the peaks

Aspens, birches and lindens naked

A beam of night luminaries shines;

There is no road; bushes, rapids

All are covered with a blizzard,

Buried deep in the snow.

And the place where Lensky, “a poet, a pensive dreamer”, killed by a friendly hand, is buried, is again described in such a way as to emphasize how this young man saw the world.

There is a place: to the left of the village,

Where did the offspring of inspiration live,

Two pine trees fused with their roots...

There the plowman likes to rest,

And plunge the reapers into the waves

Ringing jugs are coming...

There by the stream in the thick shade

A simple monument was erected.

Pushkin's descriptions of winter and autumn are beautiful. And I want to finish the essay no less wonderful description spring, which begins the seventh chapter:

Chased by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped by muddy streams

To flooded meadows.

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream meets the morning of the year;

The skies are shining blue.

Still transparent, forests

As if they are turning green.

Nature appears in the novel in different images: this and landscape sketches, and the natural, harmonious world, opposing vanity and confusion human soul, soothing and ennobling, and the source means of expression to recreate the various mental states of the characters.
Asserting the inconstancy, changeability of women's feelings, Onegin compares them with fleeting natural phenomena:

The young maiden will change more than once
Dreams are light dreams;
So the tree has its leaves
Changes every spring.
So, apparently, the sky is destined.

Bright, colorful pictures of nature, scattered across the motley storyline novel, sparkle and shimmer like gems. Many of them became winged, gained life, like independent works. However, the author depicts nature not enthusiastically romantically, but subjectively realistically - after all, the eternal and many-sided nature is objectively perfect and does not need verbal decoration. Sometimes Pushkin even allows himself light irony when describing not the most favorite seasons of the year:

But our northern summer
southern winters cartoon,
Flickers and no: it is known,
Even if we don't want to admit it...
Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard.

But even in these ironic sketches there is amazing accuracy, amazing accuracy in conveying moods. The poet paid tribute to all the seasons of the year. Following the dreary, expectant (“nature was waiting, waiting for winter”) sometimes when the rich, bright colors mature nature were replaced by plain black, gray, the long-awaited winter is coming:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood, updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow...

Faithful to the truth of life, Pushkin paints not just a winter landscape, he creates psychological picture the beginning of the season, the image of winter, perceived by the peasants. Nature for the people is not only an object of admiration, but also a favorable period for sleigh rides after the autumn off-road. The details of peasant winter life are recreated quite poetically: a red sash against the background of a bright white, brilliant snow carpet, the swift flight of a wagon, exploding “fluffy reins”. And yet, the poeticization of simple, unremarkable life phenomena is defiantly bold for the belles-lettres of that time. But Pushkin defiantly emphasizes the principle of a realistic view of the world:

But maybe this kind
Pictures will not attract you:
All this is low nature;
Not much beauty here.

Contrasting his winter landscape saturated with realistic details with exquisite depictions of “luxurious style” of “all shades of winter bliss”, the poet defends the right to creative independence, naturalness.
But Pushkin is changeable and multifaceted. Through the eyes of his beloved heroine, he recreates the image of a colorful and poetic winter:

Tatyana (Russian soul,
I don't know why.)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter
Frost in the sun on a frosty day,
And the sleigh, and the late dawn
Shine of pink snows,
And the darkness of Epiphany evenings.

The arrival of spring Pushkin paints with bright, light colors.
The joy of the awakening of nature, the renewal of life is conveyed by a variety of definitions, epithets, an abundance of verbs:

Nature's clear smile
Through a dream meets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
As if they are turning green.

But Pushkin not only reflects the outside world, nature is the background against which the mental life person. inner life is not always consonant with changes in nature, in this case the contrast between naturalness natural phenomena and emotional confusion emphasizes the mood of the hero. A clear, cloudless sky, transparent air make spiritual sadness even more difficult.

How sad is your appearance to me,
Spring, spring! it's time for love!
What a languid excitement
In my soul, in my blood!
With what heavy tenderness
I enjoy the breath
In the face of the blowing spring...

What in youth inspired, gave strength and energy, now causes only sadness. There is no joy in the soul of the discovery of the world - there is only the weight of the years lived and unfulfilled hopes.
Pushkin perfectly described a summer evening filled with moonlight, filled with peaceful sounds. Every sound is heard clearly, even the quietest. Silence fascinates with the harmony of resting nature, peace and tranquility.
True, Tatyana, immersed in her dreams, this time does not admire the beauty of nature, mental pain completely swallowed her.

It was evening. The sky was dark. Water
They flowed quietly. The beetle buzzed.
The round dances were already dispersed;
Already across the river, smoking, blazing
Fishing fire.

And finally, autumn. Pushkin's favorite time, a riot of colors of mature nature, a fruitful time creative work, inspiration. Bright, saturated colors delight the eye and soul, but anxiety is already creeping into the heart - the age of prosperity is short, the harsh winter will soon swallow this farewell smile of nature:

Golden autumn has come
Nature is quivering, pale,
Like a sacrifice, magnificently removed ...
Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.

The image of autumn is also tragic because it is perceived through the eyes of Tatyana, whose feelings are sharpened to the limit. She says goodbye to her girlish dreams, to her loved ones rural scenery. Childhood is over, she is being taken “to the bride fair”, and her heart is breaking from unrequited love, hopelessness.
Pushkin's nature is a world of harmony, a source of inner peace. Spiritual connection with nature is a sign of deep nature, rejection of it is a feature of spiritual poverty, the limitations of a person.






A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", after exact definition V. G. Belinsky, "encyclopedia of Russian life." Very interesting, sincere, exciting pages of this poetic encyclopedia are descriptions of nature, especially the nature of central Russia.

On the painting canvas the poet's imprinted boundless home country with its meadows, groves, hills and fields. landscape painting was just beginning to develop in Russia when Pushkin created a poetic calendar of the seasons in Eugene Onegin, setting the novel open-air.

famous winter pictures -

Light patterns on glass

Trees in winter silver -

They are replaced by live spring sketches:

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream he meets the morning of the year, with a description of the short northern summer, "a caricature of the southern winters" and, finally, autumn, so beloved by the poet, from the early, when

Nature is quivering, pale,

Like a victim, magnificently removed ...,

Until late when

Dawn rises in a cold haze, ..

On the fields, the noise of work ceased.

And nature froze in anticipation new winter. And then she finally came, and again "everything is bright, everything is white around." In simple words the poet paints wonderful and, most importantly, lively pictures. With the help of epithets (shine of pink snows, winter with a brilliant carpet), comparisons (a river shines more neatly than fashionable parquet; nature, like a victim, is magnificently removed), metaphors (a stream not constrained in winter, the sky breathed in autumn, fog lay on the fields) and especially personifications (The dawn rises in a cold haze, But with a crimson hand, the Dawn from the morning valleys Brings out with the sun behind it Fun party name day).

Pushkin makes nature a living participant in events. Native nature, according to the poet, is a great educator. In relation to nature, there are also best features a person brought up by close communication with her, and the worst, which are explained by separation from her, from a people inextricably linked with native land th. So, the character of Tatyana, with a “Russian soul”, embodying Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”, with her love for folk customs, for the spiritual life of the people, could only be formed in the bosom of native nature. It is no coincidence that the landscape winter village is given through the perception of this beloved Pushkin heroine:

Waking up early

Tatyana saw through the window

Whitewashed yard in the morning…

It is also noteworthy that the scene of Tatyana's conversation with the nanny - one of the most poetic and touching in the novel - is given in a wonderful landscape frame. Image young pure love merges with the poetic depiction of Russian nature, and the whole episode is perceived by us as a wonderful piece of life. And the lilac bushes and the alley to the lake in Mikhailovsky are forever immortalized by the heartfelt excitement of Tanya in love.

But " extra person» Onegin, very far from folk life, does not like nature, she does not touch him. For Yevgeny, "there is the same boredom in the countryside." For Tatyana, native places are an unforgettable memory of the heart. The reader will not forget the nature of the places beloved by the poet, and having visited the Pushkin Reserve in the Pskov region, he will easily recognize the picturesque hills of Trigorsky, the narrow winding ribbon of Soroti, and the mirror lakes, he will see the “moving pictures” of the native nature recreated in the novel.

The spring renewal of the earth, and light autumn sadness, and beautiful folk custom winter holidays. The tombstone by the stream in the shade of two pines that cast a lacy shadow will not be forgotten either ...

The special, animated landscape of Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" is very important for the author's self-characterization. Pushkin speaks directly about his love for his native land (“Flowers, love, village, idleness. Fields! I am devoted to you with my soul”); then with one epithet “charming” (“The village where Eugene was bored Was a lovely corner”) conveys his admiration for the Russian countryside; then contrasts the pictures of lush southern nature (“the waves of the edge of the pearl, and the noise of the sea, and piles of rocks”) the landscape is familiar, but such close to the soul(“I need other pictures: I love a sandy slope, two mountain ash in front of the hut, a gate, a broken fence ...”). All this speaks of the poet's transition from romanticism to realism. It is no coincidence that Pushkin included the last lyrical digression from the unpublished "Onegin's Journey" in the published excerpts of this chapter.

Pushkin's landscapes in "Eugene Onegin" real painting word. In them (landscapes) everything: colors, the play of light and shadow, silence, rustles, sounds - seems to be the only possible one, admires with accuracy, truthfulness and poetic perfection. It seems to me that the well-known idea that by reading Pushkin one can the best way to educate a person in oneself is directly related to the natural world that lives on the pages of Onegin and awakens “good feelings” in everyone who reads the novel.

Pushkin treated nature with special tenderness. Wherever he was - in his native Mikhailovsky or on the Black Sea coast, in Orenburg, or in the mountains of the Caucasus, he always had kind and warm words paying tribute to Nature. And his poetic paintings were so vivid and accurate that painters could paint pictures based on his poems.

Fragments describing nature in "Eugene Onegin" are inimitable and not uncommon: its lines reflected the arrival of spring, the onset of autumn. Winter and autumn were described 2 times.

Having lived in the Crimea and visited the Caucasus, Pushkin had the right and could compare:

But our northern summer

Southern winter cartoon...

Reading these lines

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter...

You clearly imagine the gray heavy sky, the sun hidden behind leaden clouds. In the lines of Pushkin, nature comes to life, becomes spiritualized. The sky breathed in autumn. And you understand that the breath of the sky is the winds. Hidden behind the clouds, the sun rarely shines.

The mysterious canopy of the forests is exposed - not green leaves, but yellow, brown, even orange-red leaves fly around and the forest becomes bare, tree trunks remain, the forest becomes lighter, more transparent.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin described mainly the weather of his native Mikhailovsky, wrote about what he saw himself. And according to these verses, one can come to the conclusion that the forests near his village were mostly deciduous. Cold, freezing rain, what fun. November has passed. The seasonal work is over. Now the frost has frozen the river with ice:

Amazing comparison. Here the peasant boys are skating, and somewhere on the parquet floor luxurious gentlemen are dancing. Winter balls this is also an integral part winter holidays. The poet felt sad about Petersburg life. And here is the unlucky goose

A delightful picture of a winter morning, the first snow. But in the next chapter of Eugene Onegin, Pushkin writes:

But what about “The first snow is flashing, winding”? It turns out that somewhere in November the first snow fell, and then it was no more. Until January 3rd.

Talking about a coachman in a wagon, about a boy playing with a dog and expressing joy at the first snow, Pushkin says:

Fine, maybe a little, but these are paintings of that time. And to us, the generation of the XX-XXI centuries, these village sketches are very interesting.

But in the novel spring comes:

Spring is the time of the year when all living things wake up from hibernation. When nature pleases everyone sunshine. But what happens to our poet?

We know from Pushkin's poetic creations that he prefers autumn. At this time of the year, inspiration awakens in him, the muses visit his secluded home. It seems that the poet himself does not understand what is happening to him.


Like any person who passionately loves his homeland, A. S. Pushkin could not remain indifferent to the charm and beauty of his native nature.

In many ways, this motif in Pushkin's work comes from his childhood. The future poet spent the summer months with his grandmother Maria Alekseevna in the village of Zakharovo near Moscow, near Zvenigorod. The Tsarskoselsky park at the Lyceum, where the poet spent six years of his life, also had an extraordinary landscape. Nature entered the creative consciousness of the poet as an organic component. However, one should not look for tenderness and admiration of native nature in the novel “Eugene Onegin”. Landscapes fulfill a certain artistic role: there is a parallel between the pictures of nature and the image state of mind heroes, which allowed the author to more deeply reveal the character of the characters, to motivate their actions, actions, thoughts.

So, for example, Eugene Onegin cannot remain indifferent to rural nature. Of course, life in the countryside did not destroy in him the feeling of superiority over people that he had in Petersburg. On the contrary, this consciousness of superiority only strengthened in Onegin, although the first two days were full of new discoveries for him, everything seemed new, unusual, but

On the third grove, hill and field

He was no longer interested;

Then they put me to sleep.

The reason for this non-perception of the hero of nature was that although there were no streets, no palaces, no maps, no balls, no poems in the village, the same melancholy reigned here as in the capital. The endless conversations of rural landowners “about wine, about the kennel, about their relatives” could not entertain the bored Onegin. New neighbor attracts close attention local residents, everyone wants to get to know him, to become friends, although there is already a rumor that “he is the most dangerous eccentric”. However, Onegin is extremely unfriendly to such encroachments on his freedom, he tries to retire. not without reason

… from the back porch

usually served

Him don stallion,

Only along the main road

Will hear them at home drogi.

I wake up every morning

For sweet bliss and freedom:

I read little, I sleep a lot,

I do not catch flying glory.

The village in which Onegin sought solitude was a charming corner: the master's house stood on the banks of the river, closed from the winds by a mountain. In the distance, golden meadows and cornfields were full of flowers and blooming, a huge, neglected garden stood in thought.

Herds roamed the meadows. It is not surprising that gradually Onegin began to draw closer to nature, enjoying the forest shadows and the murmur of jets:

Solitude, silence:

Here is Onegin's holy life.

The joy of a non-fussy, natural life, which, eventually forgetting both the city, and friends, and “the boredom of festive undertakings,” Yevgeny prefers, is also reflected in the appearance of images of nature. So, convincing Tatyana that her feeling is transient, Onegin compares it with a tree that changes its green outfit every spring.

Reflecting on how Lensky's life would have turned out if there had not been a fatal duel, the poet suggests: "perhaps he was born for the good of the world, or at least for glory."

At the same time, Pushkin admits that "an ordinary poet was in for a lot" - parting with the muses, marriage, village silence, happiness and gout.

Further, these reflections continue with a description of the grave of Lensky, who was killed by a friendly hand: two pine trees that have grown together with roots, trickles of a stream under them. Here the plowman likes to rest after a hard labor day, reapers come here for water, and the shepherd weaves his bast shoes and sings “about the Volga fishermen”. This landscape changes the course of the author's thoughts: from the present to the future, from the future to the eternal.

As artistic technique to characterize Tatyana Pushkin makes extensive use of the image of the landscape. Inner world Tatyana is in tune with changes in nature, this connection is deep and organic. Tormented by love longing, Tatiana goes to be sad in the garden. Nights when they happen frank conversations Tatyana with a nanny and feelings overwhelm the girl’s heart, pouring out sorrowful tears, illuminating Moonlight. “And everything was dozing in silence, under the inspiring moon,” writes Pushkin, and in this case, the landscape serves as a means of depicting Tatyana’s beautiful feeling not as an exceptional, but as a life phenomenon that already contains beauty in itself. The radiance of the moon took Tatyana's heart far into the world of dreams, and the moonlight witnessed the girl's reckless act of hopelessness - writing a love letter. After Onegin's stern rebuke, "youngness fades to sweet Tanya: thus the shadow of a barely born day dresses the storm."

The onset of winter, depicted at the beginning of the fifth chapter, is shown through Tatyana's perception of it:

... Waking up early,

Tatyana saw through the window

Whitewashed yard in the morning,

Curtains, roofs and fences,

Light patterns on glass

Trees in winter silver.

In the image of Pushkin, Tatyana, “Russian in soul”, loved the cold beauty of winter. Tatyana's favorite winter organically enters her dream, but in a slightly modified form, which emphasizes the strength of the heroine's emotional experiences. If in the evening, when Tatyana goes out into the courtyard to find out her fate with the help of a mirror, and the frosty night is beautiful, the sky is surprisingly clear, and the marvelous chorus of heavenly bodies “flows so quietly, so in harmony,” then in a dream the girl is surrounded by a sad haze:

In the snowdrifts in front of her

Noisy, swirling with its wave

Ebullient, dark and gray

A stream unfettered in winter.

This dream landscape conveys the emotional tension of the heroine, her fear and despair.

As you can see, in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" landscapes play an important artistic role - they serve as a means of characterizing the characters.

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