Which of the rockers died. Deceased musicians


Many of the great musical talents passed away in their prime, leaving their fans to mourn their deaths.

How much more wonderful music they could create, one can only guess. But masters of genius Photoshop cases from the Phojoe agency will help us see what rock stars would look like in old age.

They used the same technique that is used for age progression of missing persons. You will see such old rock stars as: John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, etc.

Jim Morrison

This is what the band's frontman would look like" The Doors- Jim Morrison, had he lived to see the new millennium and not died of cardiac arrest in Paris in 1971 at the age of 27, after several years of hard living and drug and alcohol abuse. If Morrison were alive, he would have turned 70 years old.

Bob Marley

King of reggae music Bob Marley, he would be 68 today if not for tragic death from cancer in 1981 at the age of 36.

Ellen Naomi Cohen

Ellen Naomi Cohen, known by her pseudonym Cass Elliot, was born in Baltimore in 1941, achieved huge popularity by forming the group "The Mamas & the Papas" in 1965. After the split of the group, she began solo career, and later, when she turned 32, she died of a heart attack in the London apartment owned by the singer Harry Nilsson. Ellen Naomi Cohen would have turned 72 in September

Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain, frontman of Nirvana, committed suicide in 1994 by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun when he was 27 years old. Today he would be 46 years old.

Bobby Darin

Bobby Darin achieved success by performing worldwide famous song called "Splish Splash". Bobby Darin died of heart failure at age 37. He would be 77 today.

Karen Carpenter

Karen Carpenter skyrocketed to fame with her brother Richard in 1970 with The Carpenters. Richard was on drugs and regularly took pills, and Karen, trying to lose weight, was starving and taking laxatives. Karen Carpenter died in 1983 of heart failure at the age of 32. She would be 63 today.

John Lennon

John Lennon one of the members legendary band The Beatles. He was killed in 1980 at the age of 40 while leaving his apartment in New York. John Lennon would be 73 today.

Keith Moon

Keith Moon is the band's drummer The Who", died of a drug overdose in 1978 at the age of 32 (coincidentally, he died in the same Harry Nilsson apartment where Cass Elliot had died four years earlier. It is understood that Nilsson sold his apartment later). Keith Moon was infamous for his strange behavior and a craving to create art by trashing hotel rooms. He was one of rock's greatest drummers. He would have turned 67 this year.

Janis Joplin

Janis Lyn Joplin is considered the best white blues singer. She loved bourbon, took amphetamines and sat on heroin, and in the end it got to her in 1970, Janice died of an overdose when she was 27 years old. Janis Joplin was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995. She would be 70 now

Elvis Presley

King Elvis Presley became a star almost overnight thanks to rock music and his acting talent in the 1950s. He died in 1977 at the age of 42 from heart failure after battling drug addiction. The king would be 78 today.

August 15 marks the 20th anniversary of the death famous musician, the leader of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi.

February 17, 1988 died after falling out of a window on the ninth floor, one of the most prominent representatives Russian rock Alexander Bashlachev. The reasons for the fall have not been precisely established. The most likely version is suicide (perhaps not conscious).

April 22, 1989 committed suicide Dmitry Selivanov, member of the groups "Kalinov Most", "Putti", " civil defense"," Industrial architecture ". Selivanov hanged himself on his own scarf. The reasons for the suicide were not officially named.

August 15, 1990 famous rock musician, founder of the Kino group, died in a car accident Viktor Tsoi. The accident occurred on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway near Tukums in Latvia, a few dozen kilometers from Riga. According to official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel, after which his Moskvich-2141 flew into the oncoming lane and collided with the Ikarus-280 bus.

May 17, 1991 in the Inya River near Novosibirsk, the body of a rock singer, poetess, member of the punk rock groups "Civil Defense", "Great October" was found Yankees(Yan) Diaghileva. The investigation has not been definitively established whether it was an accident or suicide. The authorities accepted the version of drowning as a result of an accident, according to the forensic examination, no violent injuries were found on the body.

August 27, 1991 As a result of an accident in his apartment, a famous Soviet rock musician, the leader of the Zoo group, died Mike Naumenko(real name - Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumenko). According to the official version, Naumenko died as a result of a brain hemorrhage. The drummer of the Zoo group Valery Kirilov in his memoirs expressed the opinion that Mike was killed, but most people familiar with the circumstances of Mike's death do not confirm this hypothesis.

April 12, 1993 guitarist of the rock band "Alisa" Igor Chumychkin committed suicide by throwing himself out of an apartment window in Moscow under the influence of drugs.

February 27, 1997 died of cardiac arrest after years of heroin use Anatoly Krupnov, founder of the Black Obelisk group.

August 24, 1999 died Ilya Tyurin- poet, philosopher, rock musician. Tyurin drowned in the river.

December 28, 1999 in a state of drug intoxication fell out of the window and crashed Evgeny Pyanov (Makhno), guitarist of the group "Civil Defense".

February 18, 2000 died of a heroin overdose Eugene (Jay) Nazarov, a member of the St. Petersburg rap group "Bricks".

July 4, 2000 died of heart failure Yuri (Khoi) Klinskikh, creator of the Gaza Strip group. The health of Yuri Klinsky was undermined by alcohol and drugs, in recent years he suffered from hepatitis.

September 24, 2003 died Vadim Pokrovsky, vocalist of the group "Two Planes". The cause of death was chronic diseases caused by drug addiction.

February 19, 2008 in Omsk died the permanent leader of the cult rock band "Civil Defense" Egor Letov. According to the conclusions of the investigation, Letov died of acute respiratory failure, which developed from alcohol poisoning.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

2018 has already claimed enough lives of rock musicians whose work is listened to by fans this genre worldwide. We decided to create a separate series of articles that will collect information and achievements of those rockers who died this year.

It is pointless to talk about the worldwide popularity of rock music - everyone understands this perfectly without words. And it is very sad when those whose songs influenced you and pushed you to something more, to new achievements, pass away. And 2018 has already claimed the lives of such people - let's remember them, and "Owl" will help you with this.

Bret Hoffman

Source: DARKSIDE portal

Bret Hoffman - former lead singer of American death metal band Malevolent Creation.He died on July 7 - he died of cancer. His creative way was thorny and complicated - he left three times and returned to the team. Bret took part as a vocalist in most of the records Malevolent Creation. Therefore, he is very well known to the American listener.

Steve Soto

Steve Soto- a musician who long years was one of the most popular punks. He performed in such punk bands as SoCal, the Adolescents And Agent Orange. But most of his career passed precisely with the Adolescents (translated from English - "teenagers"): with them he recorded a lot good compositions. According to the group, Steve passed away in his sleep, and there were no signs of trouble. In addition, the Adolescents were going on tour in Europe.

. Photo: Gazeta.ru

Vincent Paul Abbott, best known in the rock world as Vinnie Paul, is a founding member of the heavy metal band Pantera. He also performed as a drummer in bands Damageplan and Hellyeah. Willy is one of those who managed to give a new impetus to the development of heavy metal in the 90s. The musician died at the age of 55, at his home in Las Vegas.

Ben Graves

Ben Graves- musician with a spectacular appearance, former drummer of the American horror punk band Murderdolls(2002-2004) and bands Dope(2005-2006). He died in May 2018 after a long battle with cancer at the age of 45.

Photo: moldkorr

Tim Calvert is an American metal guitarist, composer and songwriter. My creative activity he did in groups Forbidden and Nevermore. In the early 2000s, he decided to give up music and began working as a civilian pilot. However, in April 2018 he passed away - He died at the age of 52 from an aggressive form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Photo: sadwave

Caleb Scofield- bass guitar player, from 1998 to 2006 speaking in a group cave in. After the collapse of the team, he created his own project called Zozobra and also played in a band Old Man Gloom. But at the end of March 2018, a tragedy happened - the pickup truck, in which Caleb was, crashed into the concrete fence of the bridge and immediately caught fire. The musician died on the spot. He left behind a wife and two daughters.

Photo: Lenta.ru

Josh Martin- band guitarist anal cunt, who performed as part of the team from 1996 to 2011, when the group broke up due to the death of the leader of the group, Seth Putnam. Last years John did not part with music - he performed with amateur groups, as well as in a tribute show. But at the end of May 2018, his life was cut short in the most ridiculous way - an official statement from the Rhode Island State Police says that the musician "fooled around and rode on the escalator handrail" in one of shopping centers, after which he fell from it to the floor, hitting his head on a table in the food court area. Josh died at the scene from his injuries in the accident.

This concludes the first part of our collection. We will continue to talk about rock musicians who died in 2018 in the next part. Stay tuned.

Born in Cherepovets in the family of a factory worker and a school teacher Alexander Bashlachev the role of one of the founding fathers of Russian rock was prepared. His wide popularity began in 1984 after meeting with Artemy Troitsky, who invited a nugget musician from the provinces to hold several so-called "kvartirniks" in Moscow and Leningrad.

Alexander's piercing songs instantly turned him into a star Soviet rock. However, at that moment, rock was not officially recognized by the authorities, and its heroes from their glory had more problems than joys.

In 1985-1986, Bashlachev actively performed under the auspices of the famous Leningrad rock club, officially being a fireman in the boiler room, known to all rock and roll fans under the nickname "Kamchatka". The most famous stoker of this boiler house was Viktor Tsoi, who sang it in his work.

In 1987, Bashlachev actively performed, and also took part in the filming of documentary film"Rock" Alexey Uchitel. However, in the midst of work on the film, the musician refused further cooperation.

Bashlachev, who burned himself from the inside with his dedication in his work, did not live to see the official recognition of rock in our country. On February 17, 1988, he fell out of the window of the eighth floor of a residential building in Leningrad. According to the official version, the musician committed suicide. He was 27 years old.

Alexander Bashlachev had a huge impact on Russian rock. Almost all famous Russian rockers of the late 1980s and early 1990s have songs dedicated to his memory.

Viktor Tsoi, 28 years old

A native of Leningrad Viktor Tsoi outlived Bashlachev by only a couple of years, but he managed to see universal popularity and recognition. Starting, like Bashlachev, with "kvartirnikov", Tsoi in 1981 created the Kino group, which, with the help of Boris Grebenshchikov recorded her first album that same year. The popularity of the group grew along with the attention to it. law enforcement. In 1983, Tsoi, in order to avoid being drafted into the army, had to go through mental asylum. In the eyes of the underground public, this only added to Tsoi and Kino's popularity.

At the beginning of perestroika, Kino was among those Soviet rock bands whose work became known in the West thanks to the Red Wave project. Tsoi's fame in the USSR was added by a small, but bright role in film Sergei Solovyov"Assa".

In 1989, Choi met Yuri Aizenshpis, who became the producer of "Kino". musical talent Tsoi and the managerial talent of Aizenshpis gave a fantastic result - in just a few months, Kino turned from just one of the Soviet rock groups into the undisputed leader of the scene.

Kino concerts were sold out at the stadiums, and the group's popularity went beyond the rock audience itself. In terms of exalted young fans, Tsoi almost surpassed the pop idol Yuri Shatunov.

Everything ended abruptly on August 15, 1990. Viktor Tsoi's car got into an accident in Latvia, and the musician died on the spot. According to the official version, Tsoi, who was working on a new album, fell asleep at the wheel from overwork. He was 28 years old.

Yana Diaghileva, 24 years old

Like most Russian rock stars, Yana Diaghileva, better known by her stage name Yanka, comes from a simple Soviet family - her parents were engineers.

Yana studied at music school in piano, but soon made a choice in favor of the guitar. A pronounced humanist, the girl at school was very fond of literature, especially poetry. After school in her native Novosibirsk, she entered the Institute of Water Transport Engineers, which she soon abandoned. In search of herself, Yana went to Leningrad, where she strong impression produced local rockers, especially Alexander Bashlachev.

However, the musical and poetic experiments of Yankee herself remained in pure form amateur performance until 1987, when she met Egor Letov.

It was Letov, who took Yanka under guardianship, who allowed her talent to reveal itself to the fullest. Many friends of Yana Diaghileva believed that Letov had ruined her to some extent - Letov's powerful energy had a heavy effect on the girl, she began to experience bouts of acute depression.

During three years she, together with Civil Defense, traveled around the country, giving concerts, and recording albums.

The wide fame of Yankee will be posthumous - her records will become known everywhere in the early 1990s, when the girl will no longer be alive.

On May 9, 1991, Yana Diaghileva left her dacha near Novosibirsk, and no one else saw her alive. On May 17, her body was found by a fisherman in the Inya River. To this day, there are three versions of the death of the Yankees: accident, suicide and murder. The first was accepted by official bodies, relatives and friends leaned towards the second, Yegor Letov and the leader of the Black Lukich group put forward the third Vadim Kuzmin- in their opinion, Yana became a victim of drunken hooligans. Be that as it may, the rock star died at the age of 24.

In June 2013 where she lived.

Yuri Khoy, 35 years old

Leader of the Gas Sector group Yuri Klinskikh, better known by the pseudonym Khoy, refers to one of two notable Russian rock figures who were never actually officially recognized by the authorities in post-Soviet period. But if Yegor Letov was not recognized by the authorities for political reasons, then Khoy and the Gas Sector remained in a semi-legal position due to unlimited profanity in their works.

Before starting his rock career, Yury Klinskikh, who was born in Voronezh in a family of workers, had a classical Soviet biography- school, army, service in the traffic police, work at the factory.

Writing songs for himself, Yuri Klinskikh chose the creative path after the appearance of a rock club in Voronezh. After a row solo performances Yuri gathered his own group, called the Gas Sector. This name had nothing to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict - this was the unofficial name of one of the regions of Voronezh with poor ecology.

Sektor Gaza immediately stood out among other groups own style- an incredible mixture of Russian folklore beginnings with punk rock. Perhaps the style most accurately reflects the title of one of Hoy's songs - "Collective Farm Punk".

The group was wildly popular in the first half of the 1990s, but the authorities diligently did not notice it, only occasionally allowing it to air with a few songs in which there was no obscenity. That is why things like the legendary Punk Opera about the Tsar and three sons” sounded only from the windows of houses and cars.

By the end of the 1990s, the songs of the Gaza Strip became more restrained, and Khoy himself, according to friends, had problems with drugs, which was reflected in the content of his later songs.

On July 4, 2000, Yuri Khoy, who was filming the video for the song "Night of Fear", died suddenly, according to the official version, from a heart attack. He was 35 years old.

Already after the death of Khoy, one of the participants in the "Gas Sector" Igor Kushchev tried to continue the existence of a group called "Ex-Gas". In general, the project was perceived by Hoy's fans with hostility, but the group achieved at least one success - the composition "Drunk" sounded in a crime comedy Guy Ritchie"Rock and Roll".

Egor Letov, 43 years old

The leader of the group "Civil Defense" Yegor Letov was the last representative of the first wave of Russian rock, who remained in the underground all his life.

While many of his associates from the 1980s were favored by the authorities in the post-Soviet period, Letov remained true to the principle “I will always be against it!”.

A lot affected by the persecution of rock in the USSR, the leader of the "Civil Defense" after the change political regime not only declared himself a communist, but proved his views by deeds. In 1993, he performed at the barricades near the White House, supporting opponents with his songs. Boris Yeltsin. In 1996, Letov was perhaps the only musician who did not join the Vote or Lose tour in support of Boris Yeltsin's presidential election campaign, but, on the contrary, supported the communist leader Gennady Zyuganov.

Such stubbornness did not go unnoticed - for television and radio, it was as if Civil Defense did not exist at all. Often, Letov's concerts were deliberately disrupted, and the audience was dispersed with batons by riot police.

The true role and influence of Letov on Russian rock is evidenced by the number of participants in the Civil Defense Tribute project, where best songs Yegor was performed by the leading musicians of the CIS.

After 2004, when Letov announced his departure from political life, the attitude of the authorities towards him softened. Nevertheless, official recognition did not go beyond club concerts. However, Letov himself never saw this as his goal.

On February 19, 2008, Igor Fedorovich Letov (real name of the rock musician) died of cardiac arrest. Regarding the causes of death of the Russian rock star, there were many miscellaneous information, alcohol and drugs were mentioned, but Letov's relatives denied this in every possible way. He was 43 years old.

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi(June 21, 1962, Leningrad - August 15, 1990, 35th km of the Sloka - Talsi highway, 2.5 kilometers west of the village of Kesterciems, Latvian SSR) - Soviet rock musician, songwriter and artist. The founder and leader of the rock band "Kino", in which he sang, played the guitar, wrote music and poetry. He acted in several films.

2. Legend

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (January 25, 1938, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR - July 25, 1980, ibid) - Soviet poet and songwriter, actor, author prose works. Laureate State Prize USSR (1987 - posthumously).
Vladimir Vysotsky went down in history as a singer-songwriter of his songs with an acoustic seven-string "Russian" guitar.

3. Anyone who has a gun in the house is equated with Kurt Cobain,
Anyone who can read between the lines is doomed to have a gun in the house...

Kurt Donald Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994) is a songwriter, musician, and artist best known as the vocalist and guitarist for the North American alternative rock band Nirvana.

4. "No woman, no cry"

Bob Marley full name Robert Nesta Marley, eng. Robert Nesta Marley; February 6, 1945, Nine Miles, Jamaica - May 11, 1981, Miami) - Jamaican musician, guitarist, vocalist and composer. Despite the fact that many years have passed since his death, Bob Marley is still the most famous performer reggae style. It was thanks to his international success that reggae gained wide popularity outside of Jamaica.
Bob Marley was one of the most prominent supporters of Pan-Africanism and a devout Rastafarian; many other followers of this religion even consider Marley a prophet

5. We are the champions

Freddie Mercury (Freddie Mercury, real name Farukh Bulsara (guj. ફારોખ બલ્સારા‌); September 5, 1946, Stone City, Zanzibar - November 24, 1991, London, UK) - British singer and songwriter of Parsi origin, vocalist of the rock band Queen.

6. Guitar

Jimi Hendrix (Jimi Hendrix; full name James Marshall Hendrix, English James Marshall Hendrix, birth name Johnny Allen Hendrix, English Johnny Allen Hendrix; November 27, 1942, Seattle, Washington, USA - September 18, 1970, London, England) - American guitarist, singer and songwriter. In 2009, Time magazine named Hendrix the greatest guitarist of all time. Widely recognized as one of the most daring and inventive virtuosos in rock history.

7. “I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a flying star. Everyone stops, points, and whispers in amazement, "Look at this!" And then - fyut, and I'm gone. And they will never see anything like it again, and they will never be able to forget me. Never"

Jim Morrison (. Jim Morrison; full name James Douglas Morrison, eng. James Douglas Morrison; December 8, 1943, Melbourne, Florida - July 3, 1971, Paris) - american singer, poet, songwriter, leader and vocalist bands The Doors.

8. Symbol of an entire era

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958, Gary - June 25, 2009, Los Angeles) was an American entertainer, songwriter, dancer, composer, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. One of the most successful performers in history, winner of 15 Grammy awards and hundreds of other awards. 13 times listed in the Guinness Book of Records; Around a billion copies of Jackson's albums have been sold worldwide. In 2009, he was officially recognized as an American Legend and Music Icon. Michael Jackson made a significant contribution to the development popular music, video clips, dance and fashion. Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 as a result of an overdose. medicines especially propofol.


Elvis Aaron Presley (Eng. Elvis Aaron Presley; January 8, 1935, Tupelo - August 16, 1977, Memphis) - American singer and actor, one of the most commercially successful performers of popular music of the XX century. His fame is so wide that most people call him only by his first name - "Elvis". Elvis Presley is also associated with the stable phrase "King of Rock and Roll" (in America it is often simply "King" - English. The King). It is ranked third among the greatest performers of all time and the greatest vocalists according to Rolling Stone magazine.

10. Liverpool Four

John Lennon (at birth John Winston Lennon, later changed to John Winston Ono Lennon; English John Winston Ono Lennon, October 9, 1940, Liverpool, UK - December 8, 1980, New York, USA) - British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer. One of the founders and member of the group " The Beatles”, a popular musician of the 20th century.

Egor Letov (real name: Igor Fedorovich Letov; September 10, 1964, Omsk - February 19, 2008, Omsk) - Russian rock musician, poet, graphic designer, founder, leader and permanent member rock group "Civil defense". Younger brother saxophonist Sergei Letov, with whom he creatively collaborated on some musical projects.

Well, not only about legends

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