Who is a "quilted jacket": definition, history, interesting facts. St. George ribbon colors


It is believed that the people call themselves themselves, based on what ideal they associate themselves with. Many do not invent anything to talk about themselves. They just pronounce the word "man" in their own language. And such a strange thing? After all, it's an adjective. That is a word that describes quality, not belonging. Let's figure it out by digging into scientific papers.

How different nations call themselves

The name of some, as already said, simply reflects the fact. So, the name "Mari" means "man" (mari) in translation. Gypsies prefer to refer to themselves as "Roma". If translated into Russian, then again it turns out "man".

Other nations preferred to associate themselves with leaders, such as Jews and Czechs. Others are accustomed to being associated with their native places. Such are the Poles and Italians. There are even more interesting examples. The Germans are generally called differently. They themselves say "Deutsch", the French call them the word "Aleman", the British - "Joman". In Rus', they were called from the word mute, that is, those who do not understand local speech and are not able to answer.

Another thing is our people. Whatever theories they came up with to explain why Russians are called Russians. Some assured that that was the name of those Normans that in the tenth century set out to own local people. Others defended the opinion that the name comes from the name This is a small river - Ros. Only there is no such precedent for the people to be called from water body. Somehow this does not fit with self-consciousness (albeit ancient). Cunning, you see, theorists.

Academician O.N. Trebachev's version

The scientist also wondered why Russians are called Russians, considering its importance undeniable. In his opinion, the solution should have influenced further fate people. He convincingly proved that he goes back to the ancient Slavic "ruks-" and the Indo-Aryan "roks-". Both are translated approximately the same and mean "white, light." This, by the way, was more like the truth, since the name of the people was associated with racial characteristics, which was justified millennia ago. And now we can proudly, referring to an authoritative opinion, to the question of why Russians are called Russians, answer: "We are the people of the Light!" Yes, and the roots of ancient words can be cited for justification. It will turn out quite objectively, conclusively. Although there are other sources confirming the theory of the academician.

Arabic manuscripts

"Ruses are tall people, possessing fair skin, - says in manuscripts created long before the known Slavic sources. - These people are blue-eyed and fair-haired. In addition, they themselves called their land Rus, which meant the rest of the territory, which they did not inhabit, was not considered as their homeland, that is, their own. "Maybe it was from those times that the Russians acquired qualities that distinguish them favorably from other tribes. In "Firstly, we will not covet foreign lands. Secondly, we are ready to give for our lives. Agree, this is no longer just a word for a people. It is a symbol of its character, and therefore, of fate. Russians are those people who settle down (take care of , care, love) lands. They grow in their soul, making them not territories, but the Motherland in the most sublime sense. This logic, by the way, will tell you why Russians are called quilted jackets. Although it seems that offensive nickname comes from the clothes that our ancestors wore for some time.

Why are Russians called Vatniks?

To understand the depth and dubious offensiveness of this nickname, it is worth talking to those people who still remember the times of the Great Patriotic War. Ask about the living conditions in which they had to survive. What did they eat, what did they wear. It turns out that most of The population really escaped the cold with padded jackets. These are rough and ugly clothes. They called it that because cotton wool served as a heater.

Those who call Russians that way put an offensive meaning into the word. Like, you are beggars, uncultured rednecks. Only a padded jacket is also a symbol of the heroism of our grandfathers and grandmothers, who were able to defend the rear, giving strength to the front. This is a constant reminder of the feat of each resident huge country that defeated fascism. Now you can answer the question of why Russians are called Colorados. These 2 names are very similar.

St. George ribbon colors

A black and yellow stripe was attached to awards in tsarist times. IN Soviet period she was forgotten. Now in Russia it is a symbol of national patriotism. Some political strategist, not one of our friends, saw in this important attribute resemblance to the Colorado potato beetle. That one, if you saw it, is also striped, although its colors are somewhat different from the patriotic symbol of the Russians. Nevertheless, the cunning political strategist decided that he could use the likeness and put into circulation the offensive nickname "Colorado". The idea turned out to be not entirely successful, because, judging by the information from the other side of the planet, it aroused the public, no less patriotic, (USA). People decided that either their countrymen were being beaten somewhere, or their land was being encroached upon, out of fear they began to create self-defense units.

Other offensive nicknames

The question of why Russians are called Muscovites is easy to answer. Do you remember which city is the capital of our Motherland? This comes from Moscow offensive word. Although there is nothing offensive in it actually. It means people originating from Muscovy.

There is a more incomprehensible question for historians: "Why are Russians called katsaps?" Those who tried to deal with this found out that our people were perceived somewhat strangely by our Western neighbors. It is believed that "katsap" is a modified version of "kasap", which means "butcher". Most likely, the neighbors were afraid of white-skinned giants, fearless and invincible. There is another thought that explains why Russians are called katsaps. It is assumed that this nickname comes from the Ukrainian "tsap" ("goat"). That is, the neighbors were compared with this stubborn, cocky animal. Such an analogy of foreigners could be prompted by a beard that every Russian man had, and the ability to achieve his own. That is, there was nothing offensive in the title. Just dressing perception into a word.

Thinking about how we are perceived from the outside, we should understand that it depends on every Russian. By the way you behave specific situation are judging the whole people. It should be remembered. And don't respond to stupid nicknames yet. They are not used by the most intelligent and courageous people.

A quilted jacket is a short quilted jacket made of dense cotton fabric, insulated with cotton wool. For some reason, it is believed that this piece of clothing appeared in Russia, however, the true homeland of the quilted jacket is Byzantium. Back in the 10th century, the quilted jacket was the military uniform of the Byzantine infantry. Previously, the padded jacket was called "cavadion" and served as light armor. This lightweight jacket protected against slashing blows in close combat.

The quilted jacket came to Russia only at the time Russo-Japanese War. The officers of the Russian army, stationed in Manchuria, drew attention to light, warm and inexpensive jackets and ordered a batch of these clothes from local merchants.

Since then, quilted jackets began to spread throughout Russian Empire. This versatile clothing was quite common in those days, but the quilted jacket gained particular popularity in the 30s of the last century. The quilted jacket was the official uniform of the prisoners.

The quilted jacket turned into a real cult clothing during the Great Patriotic War. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of quilted jackets in the years of this terrible war how many people a padded jacket literally saved their lives, saving them from the cold.

Now, on the Internet, people who express a pro-Russian point of view, support the official government and believe that the United States is an enemy of Russia have begun to be called quilted jackets on the Internet. It used to be a "scoop", now it's a "quilted jacket".

Vatnik - with a "slave mentality", who blindly worships "sovereign Putin", hates everything Western. The quilted jacket drinks glass washer fluid, and on holidays - Putinka vodka.

The jacket has an Internet meme. The picture shows such a square man (something like Sponge Bob). This is an unshaven, drunk comrade gray color, with a bruise under his eye and a red, from unrestrained drunkenness, nose. The quilted jacket often stands against the background of the Russian flag. It is believed that the quilted jacket has cotton wool instead of brains in its head, it constantly watches the news on TV. Vatnik believes in God, so he often hangs on his chest Orthodox cross. He is an adherent of traditional values ​​and does not like representatives of sexual minorities.

In other words, to love the Motherland today has become a “cotton business”. If you think about it, the word "quilted jacket", used in relation to all people who do not like the West or are simply ethnic Russians and do not plan to move abroad, is an analogue of the word "kid". Who coined this word? Propaganda of the Third Reich.

They are trying to introduce into the mass consciousness that the quilted jacket is not a person. It is an emphatically derogatory term that seeks to depersonalize Russians.

However, do not forget that a padded jacket or quilted jacket is a symbol great victory our ancestors who gave their lives and defended their Motherland and, in fact, there is nothing shameful or humiliating in it.

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A meme is an idea, an image, an object of the non-material world, transmitted from one person to another in various verbal and non-verbal ways. When transmitted, memes change, affect each individual and society as a whole.

The simplest example is a picture that appeared on the Internet on a forum or blog. Having noticed it, the rest begin to distribute it to other web resources, supplementing it with funny inscriptions, modifying or replacing the image, but leaving the signature. Over time, the pictures multiply and turn into a sustainable meme. It is believed that the more variations a meme has, the richer and more successful it is.

The meme is not only an Internet phenomenon, as it may seem. Memes had a steady circulation long before there were computers and global networks. For example, widely popular quatrain jokes about a small one. If desired, everyone could compose a new rhyme or simply change the old one.

For those who circulate outside the Internet, there is the concept of media viruses. They are distributed through mass media and have a strong influence on the mind individual people and groups, and often draw public attention to an idea. Although traditionally, the attitude of society towards memes and media viruses is more often negative.

Most often, memes originate in widely popular communities in which constantly communicates a large number of of people. From any news, phrase, object and character, some idea can spontaneously be born. And if visitors to the resource like it, it is picked up, distributed and becomes a meme. After the birth, the development phase begins, the phase of gaining popularity. It can last from several days to several years. During this time, many memes have time to leave the Internet and enter real life of people. And so on until they annoy everyone and are replaced by more recent memes.

Often several memes can be combined into thematic groups to jointly master the minds of people and fight for ideas. The most striking complex memes are political and religious teachings and doctrines. Changing, complex memes of the main religious ideas turn into new currents of religion and sects.

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Russian tourists abroad have long since become the talk of the town. In many countries, only German tourists are considered worse than Russian tourists, and in some places the Germans concede the palm to our compatriots.

Reputation as enigmatic strong people suffered quite a lot in the early nineties of the last century, as representatives of the “new Russians” escaped “over the cordon”. Rude, self-confident people who imagined how the culture of the countries where they traveled differed from that of that time lost Russia, violated every conceivable rule, behaved defiantly and boorishly.

Strange behavior of Russian tourists

Over time, when the nearest warm countries and Europe became accessible to the rest of the population, the situation did not improve much. For some reason, a tourist, in a country unfamiliar to him, immediately begins to believe that he is the one who invests the maximum amount of money in the budget of this country. In this regard, he behaves rudely and in a businesslike manner, causing bewilderment among those around him. Very often, conflicts between Russian tourists and the local population occur because the tourist knows nothing, absolutely nothing about the customs of the country where he arrived.
Recently, a Russian tourist was arrested in Thailand for disrespecting the king of that country. This tourist tore up and was about to throw away Thai banknotes, which depict the king, which is considered a serious insult.

Another unpleasant property is pro - he believes that if in a country where no one speaks a thousand times and very, very loudly repeat a phrase, then it will certainly be understood.

One can understand Americans, British or other English-speaking people who are accustomed to the international status of their own when they are angry that they are not understood. But the complex, beautiful, extremely unpleasant Russian language for foreigners to learn is unlikely to ever become an international means of communication. Therefore, attempts to “shout out” to the hotel or hotel staff on it are meaningless. However, in every batch of Russian tourists there are people who do not think so.

Too many foreigners make a distinction between "Russian tourists" and Russia, declaring that they would like to come to our country someday.

Europeans do not like Russians who spoil "heavenly places". It has long been noticed that if people start to come somewhere in a stream, then prices will inevitably rise there, and the service will deteriorate. The thing is that Russians, in the hope of feeling “rich and famous,” begin to overspend, which inevitably affects the price level.

Aggressive Russian patriotism

The “leavened patriotism” of our compatriots irritates many people. Especially taking into account the fact that among Russian tourists during a week-long vacation you can meet not too many sober people. The formula "Russian, vodka, scandal" does not fail. The domestic belief that all available alcohol should be drunk immediately, without stretching the pleasure, does not lead to anything good. At the same time, the drunken Russian, remembering the basics of school English, immediately begins to prove to others in a rather unpleasant tone that the Russians will defeat everyone and show Kuz'kin's mother. That does not contribute to the improvement of relations with others.

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IN Lately among other Russian and foreign liberals, it has become customary to call ordinary Russian people “quilted jackets”. They say what to take from them - "quilted jackets" they are "quilted jackets". But the gentle Russian people are not offended by these words, believing that their opponents simply do not know what a quilted jacket is. After all, this is not just a quilted jacket, it is the most massive and most democratic winter clothing in the world, which saved millions of lives in the cold.

The history of the appearance of the quilted jacket has many centuries. For example, something similar to a quilted padded jacket existed back in the 11th century - this is a cabadion, or “linen shell”, a jacket made of many quilted layers of felt or linen. These clothes were worn by warriors in cold weather under chain mail and armor. According to another hypothesis, the prototype of today's quilted jacket was a quilted Central Asian robe. It was shortened so as not to interfere with movement.

The real birth of quilted jackets and padded jackets occurred after Paul and Alfred Hartmann invented the method in 1870. industrial production cotton wool. At first, cotton wool was used only as a dressing, but then someone thought that wool can also be used to insulate clothes. And from the end of the 30s of the twentieth century, the USSR began mass production of quilted jackets - the most mass-produced, reliable and inexpensive clothing in the world.


A rare shot: soldiers of the First World War in wadded clothes.

Red Army soldiers in quilted jackets.

Up to the beginning of the 30s, the appearance of a padded jacket in the Red Army practically did not change, only now all the ties were replaced with buttons. Here is a description of a wadded padded jacket, approved by the Committee for Standardization of the NKLP USSR on October 8, 1932: “The padded jacket is a single-breasted wadded jacket, straight cut, fastens along the side up to the top with 4 buttons with four sewn loops (loopholes) in the left side. The floors are straight without darts, with side patch pockets, quilted through the top, wadding and lining with parallel shared machine lines. Distance between stitches 6 cm. The quilting of the back is the same as the hollow. The stand-up collar is soft, fastens with one button with a loop sewn to its left end. The height of the collar is 3 cm. The sleeves are single-seam, ending at the bottom with a small slot and cuffs, fastened with one button with a loop sewn to the end of the upper half of the cuff. The quilting of the sleeves is the same as the hollow ... Material - top - diagonal tunic khaki; lining - dyed gray or khaki calico; cotton wool 2nd grade.

Quilted clothing came in handy during the Soviet-Finnish Winter War.

NPO Order No. 283 of 1941 introduced new pattern a wadded padded jacket, which, unlike the old-style padded jacket, which was intended to be worn under an overcoat, now had to be worn instead of an overcoat - that is, an overcoat was given to command personnel, and padded jackets to privates.

Telogreyka from the museum of military uniforms

Moscow militias.

1942 All jerseys are for the front.

The simplicity and low cost of production made it possible to set up a multimillion-dollar production of quilted jackets, saving more expensive overcoat cloth. In wet weather, the fighter put on either a cape or a camouflage robe or suit on top of the padded jackets.

But the Germans did not have such warm and practical clothes.

Quilted jackets in Berlin.

Quilted jackets among the exhibits of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

At the same time, quilted jackets appeared among the home front workers, and

... and among the workers of a very deep rear - in the camps of the Gulag.

Vatnik from the so-called "Museum of the Occupation" in Tallinn.

The very concept of "quilted jacket" was originally used for a certain category Russian citizens on the territory of continental Russia, but when the "little green men" crawled into the Crimea, it spread to the peninsula.

The dictionary of Russian slang slovonovo.ru gives three definitions of the word "quilted jacket":

1. Collective image Russian patriotic cattle. He loves totalitarian power (Putin, Stalin), subjugation, equalizing people under one brush, vodka and everything Russian. He hates the USA and everything non-Russian. A holy holiday for a quilted jacket is May 9, on which a quilted jacket likes to get drunk and declare that "grandfathers fought." Patriotic, weak-willed and impenetrably stupid. Irony and self-irony are absent as such.

2. A person "rolling cotton wool" - not fulfilling a promise, or just an empty type. As a rule, quilted jackets are people with great conceit, important and very busy, but at the same time they do nothing, and if they do (very rarely), then to no avail. If fate brought you to a quilted jacket, in no case have anything to do with him, do not exchange numbers, and even more so, do not lend. As a rule, this does not lead to good things.

3. Sluggish guy, sleepy, inactive.

"Vatnik is the bearer of a whole bunch of mutually exclusive political views. Vatnik really needs a Master and a shepherd -" a strong hand ".
The quilted jacket understands relations between countries and between people exclusively through the prism of the prison-barracks hierarchy: there are godfathers, and there are sixes and lowered ones. In short, a quilted jacket is a typical Russian redneck with a bias in politics."

"Rashka is a square padded jacket" - such a community operates in social network"In contact with".
Has 25 thousand subscribers. They post cartoons, songs and messages that ironically convey the philosophy of the quilted jacket. For example:
Wanted to strangle the West
Rus' native sanction!
And I'll hang myself out of spite -
Symmetrical Action!

Cheap quilted jackets - padded padded jackets - have become perhaps the most common clothing in the Soviet Union since the 1930s. They were worn by both millions of Gulag prisoners and soldiers of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.
“Lately, among other Russian and foreign liberals, it has become customary to call ordinary Russian people “quilted jackets,” the Russian undertook to explain on March 14 the essence of the phenomenon” historical truth"- They say what to take from them -" quilted jackets "they are" quilted jackets. mass and most democratic winter clothing in the world, which saved millions of lives in the cold.

Vatnikov is now often remembered in the Crimean forums. For example, one of the teachers of the Sevastopol national university of nuclear energy and industry spoke about the change of power at the university: "All students and employees were gathered on the parade ground, a short speech by the acting rector, quilted jackets from among local students and former and current employees of retirement age swagger, and began the procedure of" farewell "with Ukrainian flag.

From tellmemore.name: "Sevastopol forum, concentration of quilted jackets is 146%, everyone else is simply banned. There is everything - hatred for all countries except Russia, slave mentality, the right of the strong," Putin, save us ", childish confidence that they already Russian. Each post can be taken here under a quote. "

Quite a bit of time has passed, in the historical sense, since the collapse of the USSR. Fifteen Union Republics kindred peoples ceased to be a single entity and began to build their statehood separately from each other. Today it is already possible to see and evaluate how the governments of independent units did it.

Until 2014, it was impossible to imagine that between the countries that were part of the CIS and former USSR there may be some enmity. But brotherly people Russian Ukrainians, not of their own free will, but under the strict guidance of Western "well-wishers", clashed foreheads within the state. And the citizens of Ukraine started with insulting names towards each other - quilted jacket and dill, and in the process everything turned into chaos, war and thousands of senseless deaths. What Ukraine's leadership has brought Ukraine to is impossible to describe in a few paragraphs. You can only figure it out - quilted jackets and Colorados, who are they?

What connects Russia and quilted jackets

Since Russia occupies the most large area It has a very varied climate, but most of its territories are cold. A quilted jacket is a warm outerwear that was worn to work. He gained his popularity due to the long wear time and unpretentiousness in handling. In this regard, Russian quilted jackets have become an important element folk culture like felt boots, earflaps and mittens.

Who is called a quilted jacket in Russia

Who is a quilted jacket in Russia? This is a certain category of citizens of the Russian Federation. Enemies of quilted jackets insist on his aggressiveness and thoughtless patriotism. The quilted jackets themselves consider themselves the backbone of today's Russia, which is trying to defend independence during times of unrest.

Who is considered a quilted jacket in Ukraine

The word padded jacket has many meanings. This is the name of an inactive, lethargic person, someone who does not keep promises. Who is a quilted jacket - this is a person with a huge baseless self-conceit, rarely performing effective actions. However, at present in Ukraine they have come up with a new meaning of this word. It has become a derogatory term for a person living in the Donbass who supports Russia and considers the policy of its government to be correct, but this is in cultural sense words.

The jingoistic patriots of Ukraine in its current deplorable state describe the quilted jacket as a drunken cattle, dressed in a cotton jersey, mistakenly considering Russia a great power and, watching TV, believing that the “Russian spring” will come, as well as mythical Bandera and fascists. On forums where they communicate with the same, no matter how strange it may sound, pro-American patriots of Ukraine, who firmly believe in the legitimacy of the government's actions. You can also read about the fact that the quilted jacket is sadly low, like his mental capacity, since quilted jackets are unfortunate people zombified by Russia.

Who is called a Colorado in Ukraine

It is already clear who such a quilted jacket is, according to a certain category of citizens of Ukraine, but why Colorados? Where did this strange word come from in your head? Again, from violent clashes in the forums, you can find a thread of events and understand what the meaning of the word colorado is. It turns out that there are two values ​​- one is more logical, the second is at least strange.

While the Crimea was determining its future fate, and the inhabitants of the peninsula began to walk with the state flag of Russia, they received the name Colorado. The tricolor flag is a tricolor, and the one who walks with it is a colorado. The second meaning began to be applied to the Donbass, namely to the inhabitants who believe that Russia is closer to them than Europe, both in tradition and in spirit. Colorado - Colorado beetle. The worst thing is that the color of the beetle is equated with the color of the symbol of the great victory of St. George's Ribbon.

As a result, quilted jackets and colorados are who for Ukrainian nationalists? These are people who live in the past and consider the collapse of the USSR a mistake, love totalitarian power, equalizing people with the same brush, without class and racial differences, and also consider May 9 a holy holiday. Most importantly, with such a decoding, a small handful of nationalists, who have climbed to the top of the country's government, are sincerely trying to offend people in whom the Russian spirit lives.

Quilted jackets in Internet comments

An Internet meme in the form of an image of a drunken square man, unshaven, with a bruise under his eye and a reddened nose - this is the image of a quilted jacket. He is dressed in a wadded sweatshirt, felt boots, darned trousers. This image appeared for the first time in the social network Vkontakte. regular background drawing is the flag of the Russian Federation.

Some Internet cultures in the image of a quilted jacket represent a blind faith in the foundation of Russian spirituality, stupidity, a slave mentality, as well as alcoholism.

How do residents of Donbass relate to such nicknames?

In addition to real hostilities and senseless deaths, an information war of “sofa troops” is also going on in Ukraine, which consists in everyday verbal skirmishes. A resident of Donbass is called a Russian quilted jacket, and citizens of Ukraine who support the current government policy are called dill. But the average quilted separatists have long been no longer offended by this nickname, because in the DPR and LPR, apart from empty verbal insults, there are enough problems - there is a war there.

Why not be ashamed to be a quilted jacket

Description characteristic features colorado padded jacket:

  1. They consider a quilted jacket to be absolutely uneducated, and even the fact that such a person has it is not a confirmation of the opposite. And in verbal skirmishes, the quilted jacket does not stoop to insults, not because of its tact, but precisely because of its lack of education.
  2. Vatnik is a rogue man. Successful achievements in business do not matter.
  3. A person with a diagnosis of "quilted jacket" does not understand same-sex love, and rejects even the slightest possibility that his children will go to school, where they will be told that it is not necessary to have a mom and dad, you can live happily in the family of parent No. 1 and No. 2 . As a result, the same quilted jackets are raised in the family of quilted jackets.
  4. Colorados prefer not to eat overseas fast foods, convenience foods and McDonald's. They love quilted cuisine - borscht, soups, dumplings and pancakes.
  5. The main thing in political views quilted jacket is a dislike for America. In their quilted circles, she is called Pendosia. But Russia will never be called Rashka, and Russians Rashkovans.
  6. Sentimental attitude towards Soviet films, as well as films about the Second World War - distinguishing feature quilted jackets.
  7. Colorado misunderstands all the delights of democracy and nostalgic for the times of the USSR.
  8. Victory Day is considered a holy holiday, hates fascist symbols and everyone who, with some kind of understanding, relates to Hitler or Bender.

Patriotism and the information war

Paying attention to empty chatter and insults on the Internet aimed at the patriots of today's Russia is a waste of time. Most people from the post-Soviet space have patriotism, they honor history and the Second world war called the Great Patriotic War. Even if they don’t know who a quilted jacket is, they are called by that name.

No one could even imagine that the peaceful protests of the Maidan in Ukraine, from which it all began, would spin such a snowball of aggression, hatred, mutual recriminations, forced migration and hostilities.

Studying information on the Internet, watching media videos, even having visited the Donbass, you do not need to lose your head and unconditionally believe in everything that is written and shown. Even when you see it with your own eyes, it is not clear what is happening. Your opinion should be present, but you should not waste time defending a subjective point of view on the forums. This big politics and they provide us with information in any light, only pushing their foreheads together.

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