Events held on the holiday of the Cossack mountain. Scenario "Cossacks and Cossacks



On the club territory at the entrance to the Palace of Culture, guests are greeted with a song by a folklore group. Esaul appears.

Hey, villagers, meet the marching ataman!

Meet. The ataman appears with a group of Cossacks.

Well, shut up, brothers Cossacks, our chieftain will speak on the march.
Cossacks-friends, free people! Gather, brothers, in a single circle of your kurens with your families for a walk, and we will choose a deadly ataman for our holiday.
Do you, brothers, want our koshovoy ataman to become our slaughter ataman?
Love, love!
Grandfather Shchukar!

Grandfather Shchukar appears.

I don't mind taking orders...
Always ready to help...
Quiet, old citizens!
A holiday is not a toy!
To walk - you need at least a rub,
I disagree without a cup (too stupid)
I give self-repayment..
You are power in our village,
So go ahead and party to your heart's content,
And to stir me up with some tea,
Someone's bald head flared up.
You are such a fool
By Sundays il how?
That sobriety is the norm
How are the words for you?!
I am useful prospects
Never opposed.
If the line is like this
I am always for the team!
I'm sharp on the tongue
And I love native folklore!
Hey, Cossacks, sing,
I'm a conductor now!

Song golden bee.

Your choir, grandfather Shchukar, is good,
But ours is unbearable!
Look here, how nicely dancing
Youth without alcohol!

The dance "Krivyanskaya quadrille" is performed.

Oh, and they dance, at least where,
Girls are ripe fruits.
But you have long forgotten
Enti, like them, rites!
You are not the right place!
Also blurted out - rituals!
Do you know the beat?
I'd rather take water in my mouth!
Maybe I didn't say that
Just what I was leaning towards
What are the rites of these old
You haven't seen in a long time!
Don't be fooled by words
Better get married!
Show me how on the Don
Girls were given in marriage
According to the rite of old!
Everything, your order is clear,
I fulfill this hour
Don't hesitate,
Chai, it's not the first time.
An announcement sounds.
Dear friends, guests have arrived for the holiday! Newlyweds - Galina and Grigory. Meet them.

The march of Mendelssohn sounds. The newlyweds arrive.

You listen to the ataman
I've been to different countries
I saw London, Singapore,
Ai love yu knew and lyamour.
Seen the whole wide world
Josephine and Henriette
But people like your Galya,
There are no beauties among them.
I approve of your choice
And with all the Cossack circle
I bless this sword!
And I'll tell you, wife:
Be faithful to him all your life!
Look what you grabbed -
Everything with him, everything in full!
Hey, wait, friends!
You can't do a wedding like that.
We remember rituals
We were interrupted at the wrong time...
Kohl got to the Maidan,
Well, in their circle, ataman!
Let the old rite
Walk with us!

Cossack, bridesmaid:
Dear Galya and Grigory! Please accept this cake. May your love be sweet, etc.

Cossack girls present flowers, shouting from the crowd: "Bitter, bitter." The general choir sings the solemn Cossack song "Wedding".

Oh, but where is our Shchukar?
Here I am, faq, Gutar!
Well, grandfather, I'm very glad
Nicely done ceremony!
The youth convinced us
They have Don blood in their veins.
Still I have confusion
To the younger generation...
And what, speak!
Are there any heroes here?
Cossacks are not sick?
You say the same, really.
STE you completely withered,
And they have a fathom in their shoulders.
Come on guys, get out.
Show your strength!
Come on, Sasha, take off your shirt.
Don't flash your eyes,
Have fun with the weights!

There is a competition to see who can lift the weight more times.

Can they wield a saber?

The competition is on. At the moment of the competition, as if accompanying:

Loves every person
Holiday, every strength.
That's why it's worse than all
Both in work and in a fight!
And in his habit -
Long since forever
For dashing daring
Respect cordially.

Pike tries to walk on a log. Yesaul invites youth to a pillow fight on a log.

Well thank you all for that
Our Quiet Don is strong to know.
There is gunpowder in powder flasks,
There are eagles in the Don villages.

In the middle of the competition, Shchukar, watching the action at the moment of fading interest in them, shouts out:

And now, honest people,
Get the faces out of the beards!
Our tea is not a memorial service,
Quite the contrary!
We no longer shed tears -
Sing songs and drink honey!
If you have come to have fun
So so be it.

At the entrance to the DC choir. Choir sounds. The song "Oh pancakes, pancakes."
DC invitation.

Who is hungry for food -
Let him come here:
Come into the Cossack hut,
Here we have her pounds!

DC is getting ready. There are tables with traditional Don cuisine in the foyer.

Here, for example, get
Straight from the kalachi oven.
Got a roast turkey
There is cherry plum compote.
There are sausages and cheeses,
There is half a centner of caviar,
There are Caribbean lobsters
And Don sturgeons.
Ataman Yesaulu:
What are you standing for, fool?!
Prem soon in the Cossack kuren!
Hey people, come on over here.’
This is for sale here
You will never see.

All guests pass in the foyer, where an exhibition of traditional crafts of the Don is deployed. There is also organized "Samovar table". Table with refreshments. Under the emblem of the Cossacks (a Cossack on a beer barrel) there is a beer bar with dried fish, crayfish.

The owner of the hen:
I am always glad to have guests
I have a stage here too.
Come in, Cossack people,
How much to eat I will instruct dishes.
I will treat all the guests,
And I won't let you, grandfather!
You're aiming me right in the stomach!
You don't appreciate humor
You won't understand the joke!
I'm not evil, sorry!
Okay, old man, come in! Passes with Shchukar to the stage. To the guests: Come in, accommodate yourself, Have fun, help yourself! The game "Guess" is waiting for you - Mandala, balalaika, Samovar is waiting for you and kvass, Everything is available for you!

Cossack (with tray):
But who wants gingerbread, who wants cookies?!
How much is your product worth?
Sweet tea is not turpentine?!
We don't sell anything
We are giving away!
How do you solve the riddle?
You get a treat!
And here they give spiritual food
And not for a ruble, but immediately for a thousand!
Local poets read their poems and couplets!

Speakers literary associations. A relay race is being held. Auction of proverbs and sayings "On the Don, a proverb is not said from idleness."

Esaul: .
With Ataman Kashev
I've been everywhere.
And in many cities
I marveled at the miracle!
I saw yogis in India,
Equilibr in China,
About the talent of fellow countrymen
I often remember!

Cossack invites to auditorium to a concert of amateur art folk groups. Music sounds.
Leading the concert characters Quiet Don"- Aksinya and Grigory. The program is built from existing creative possibilities DC, district.
The final.

Dear countrymen! Daring Cossacks!
Our evening is coming to an end
Speech is out of hand.
We said everything without words
You have been proven today:
What flows in the end
The blood of the Donets is in our veins.
All participants of the evening take the stage.

- What is our Cossack glory -
We are rightful heirs.
That we observe traditions, we cherish the sacred memory.
What we are glad to keep in our hearts;
Songs, dances and rituals! .
In a word, Cossacks in everything,
So let's sing!
Let's say goodbye together
We all love the song
"Like beyond the Don across the river."

The common choral song "Like beyond the Don, beyond the river" is performed. Evening continues in the lobby. Working: beer bar, "Samovar team", "Tasting table".

(sounds solemn music)

Presenter 1:

-Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

-Today we want to introduce such a people as the "Cossacks". The Cossacks originated on

marginal lands of the Russian and Polish states in the XV-XVII centuries.

Originally lived in the steppes and forest-steppes of Eastern Europe,

predominantly in the area modern Ukraine and Russia; subsequently

also settled in the territory of the Middle and Lower Volga, Cis-Urals,

the southern Urals (now northern Kazakhstan), Siberia and the Far East.

Cossacks - brotherhood of people united by a special state of mind,

morality and morality. Cossacks are a people with their own culture, history and

memory. The Cossacks have always served their native land - Holy Rus', their people and their

To the state. Above all, in the Cossacks there has always been the Cossack will and the people.

Here are just some of the commandments of the Cossack:

1. Honor and good name For a Cossack, life is dearer.

2. Cossacks are all equal in rights.

3. You are judged by all the Cossacks and your people.

4. Serve loyally to your people, not to your leaders.

5. Keep your word, the word of a Cossack is precious.

Presenter 1:

At Cossacks their customs, customs and traditions.

and honoring the elder in age obliges the younger, first of all, to take care,

restraint and willingness to help and to demand compliance with some

etiquette (when the old man appeared, everyone had to stand up - the Cossacks in uniform

put your hand on the headdress, and without a uniform - take off your hat and bow).

The second important custom is to honor a woman, just as a woman

is the future continuation of the genus.

The Cossacks took an active part in all peasant wars and many

popular uprisings. Since the 18th century, the Cossacks have been directly involved in

all wars in Russia. The Cossacks on a massive scale heroically fought the enemy in

period of the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, the merits of the Cossacks in the development of Russian history and culture are enormous:

they expanded and guarded the frontiers Russian state, distributed

high moral ideals, traditional values, were an example for

majority, forming unshakable stamina, love of freedom, honor, and courage. Their

a special Cossack spirit had a great influence on the formation of the Russian mentality.

It is no coincidence that by the beginning of the twentieth century, the Cossacks began to symbolize the Russian

(while talking about national costumes disguised come out on stage

participants demonstrating clothes)

Presenter 1:

The Cossacks also have a national uniform.

For men it is:


Bloomers, like a shirt, were the main parts menswear. This clothing was

and underwear and output at the same time.

In the literature, harem pants are called: “wide pants”, “simple harem pants”, “wide

bloomers "(among the grassroots Cossacks), trousers - bloomers. They usually went to

The trousers differed in color. On weekdays they wore only blue (kindechnye), and on

festive and wedding days dressed up in red (Kyrmyz).

The image was complemented by a shirt, boots and a hat - Papakha.

Shirts, depending on their purpose, were sewn from canvas of different quality, silk,

motley; with the spread of factory fabrics - from chintz, calico.

Papakha is a lamb hat with a cloth top. In ancient times, the Slavs called

papakha hood, modern name came into use later

trukhmenka or kabardinka.

There were a great many boots - without boots, riding is impossible, and even

You can't walk through the dry steppe barefoot. Special love enjoyed soft boots without

heels - ichigi.

Host 2:

Costume married women consisted of a white linen shirt, ponevy(view

loincloth) and apron- curtains.

Do not married girls light sundresses with short sleeves.

Usually the colors of such sundresses are bright.

As a rule, sundresses were sewn from silk, and sleeves from kapron.

The Lower Don prefers to see a colored dress on the Cossacks, but not a colorful one.

Target: Involve children in Cossack traditions and rites.

Enrich children's knowledge about the culture of the Cossacks, holidays.

The formation of citizenship, patriotism among preschoolers, moral conduct, a person-citizen, integrated into modern reality and aimed at its improvement; the formation of feelings of love for the past, present and future native land, cities.


1. Studying the history of the native land, customs, traditions and spiritual culture of their people.

2. Formation of civic and patriotic feelings, love for the Fatherland.

3. To promote the development of cognitive, creative skills in preschoolers.

4. Education of love for parents, loved ones, study and preservation of family traditions.

5. Education of patriotism, humanism, tolerance, love for one's family;

6. Formation of love for hometown and interest in the past and present of the native land

7. Development careful attitude to your city (sights, culture, nature);


For modern man it became relevant to restore cultural and historical ties with the native land, with their small homeland.

perspective : the history of the development of the Cossacks, holidays, features of linguistic culture is an important means of implementing the regional component, which is aimed at shaping preschoolers' ideas about the world around them, the history of its occurrence, rituals, customs, folk traditions.

Sounds like Cossack song“Oh, guys, oh, Cossacks,” the children enter the hall, sit down in their places.

1-cossack: Have a great day dear guests! Fun and joy to you! Beautiful and young, funny and daring! We have been waiting for you for a long time, the holiday did not start without you.We have a place and a word for everyone! Today you will hear many wonderful songs. And the song will be born where there is a lot of sun, light, joy. Such is our Stavropol land. Cheerful round dances do not stop here, Cossacks are smart and beautiful, Cossacks are strong and brave.

1 child Our Motherland is Russia,

And I know about it.

It's the sun in the blue sky

Forest, sea, meadows, fields.

2 children I also know that Russia

My beloved land, dear

And distant roads

They will always bring you home.

3 children My land is steppe,

native Stavropol,

I love you more and more over the years.

Your fields are wide expanse

We glorify our Motherland in songs.

4 children They know how to sing in the Stavropol Territory,

Taught songs to the steppe,

How not to sing - the wheat will sing,

Cherries were removed - how not to sing!

Children sing the song "Flourish, dear land."

1 Cossack: Look, some kind of Cossack farm can be seen, let's go to the light.

(2 Cossacks come out)

2 Cossacks: My dear guests! Come into my hut, into the upper room.

And why are you so smart and beautiful today?

Children: We have a holiday of the first pants.

2 Cossacks: What kind of holiday do you know?

At the age of 4, the Cossacks received the first trousers with stripes as a gift. So today you received your first Cossack pants with stripes. The first trousers and hat are a sign of belonging to the Cossacks.

reb: Come out, honest people!

No dust, track!

The Cossacks are coming now

Dance a little!

reb: Hey play my harmonica

And don't ask for mercy!

Look, love

How the Cossacks will dance to you!

Children preparatory group perform "Cossack dance".

1 Cossack: Have a healthy day, Cossacks!

(Children performing dance read poems).

1 reb: We are Essentuki Cossacks

Very friendly guys

Century ready to live peacefully

Russia - to serve mother!

2 reb: Don't offend kids

To multiply the glory of the ancestors,

Honor the laws of the Cossacks

Everyone is ready from youth.

3 reb: And without checkers and horse

We can't even live a day

That's what we guys are

All dashing Cossacks

Century ready to live in friendship

And cherish Russia!

Reb: Gutarili that you have a holiday of the first trousers today.

Reb: And we give you horses. After all, from the age of 4, a real Cossack was taught horseback riding.

2 Cossacks: Thank you kind guests. Now we will practice horseback riding.

An attraction is being held: "Ride on a horse" - the older group.

1 Cossack: Well, what did we practice riding horses, and now let's play a song"Chubariki" as a gift to our guests.

Meet the folklore group "Belfry".

2 Cossacks: Cossack and Shvets and reaper,

And a player on the pipe, and a singer in the choir,

And well done in battle!

Do you, Cossacks, know proverbs?

Children tell Cossack proverbs.

1. Tolerate a Cossack - you will be an ataman.

2. The Cossack will not eat himself, but will feed the horse.

3. Everything will be born on Essentuki land, you just need to work hard.

4. In the Stavropol Territory, the law is like this - off with all enemies from the earth!

5. Cossack in work, as in battle - glorifies his Motherland!

6. A Cossack without friends is like an oak tree without roots.

7. From laziness the Cossack is ill, and health hardens from work.

1 Cossack : There are talents in the Stavropol Territory,

I speak confidently!

Since the people sing and dance

Know that all is not lost.

Children middle group perform a round dance "Like in our backyard."

1 Cossack:

Oh look! Vanya, a Cossack, is riding along the street to the end. Oh yes, Vanya is a daredevil, a daredevil is well done!

(Vanya rides in a circle on a horse backwards, a Cossack girl comes out to meet her - a girl) - children of the preparatory group.

Cossack - girl:

What are you, Vanya - simplicity,

Bought a horse without a tail.

Sat back to front

And went to the garden.


Hostess, let the water get drunk, otherwise you want to eat.


Drink some water, and look how our Cossacks and Cossacks play.

1 Cossack:

Gather up, people!

Wider, wider, round dance!

Let's play duck

The best to choose!

Held Cossack game"DUCKING" - preparatory group.

Choir: How do you, duckling, fly across the field?

Duckling: This is how I, a duckling, fly across the field (waving his arms).

Choir: How do you, duckling, build a nest?

Duckling: That's how I cobble (twirls his arms).

choir : How do you, duckling, pluck a feather?

Duckling: That's how I pluck (pinches his shirt).

choir : How do you lay eggs, duckling?

Duckling: This is how I lay the eggs (squats down).

Choir: How do you, duckling, hatch chickens?

Duckling: This is how I bring it out (beats fist on fist).

choir : How do you overclock them all?

Duckling: That's how I accelerate!

Everyone is running in all directions, and the duckling must catch. Caught becomes a duckling.

2 Cossacks : And how will the girls and the Cossacks gather - well done

So is the place for the song.

Where the song flows, life is easier there.

Sing a funny song.

Children sing the song "KAZACHATA".

reb: Go around the whole planet

Better Cossack dance There is not.

Balalaika and accordion

Kindle a fire in us!

Children senior group perform the dance "COSSACK DANCE".

1 Cossack: And now we will play again, entertain the guests.

The game "Who will take faster whip? - preparatory group.

reb. We can’t sing all the glorious songs,

Do not say good words to everyone.

Stavropol is a wonderful land,

Like the whole of Mother Russia.

Children of the preparatory group perform the dance "Swans".

2 Cossacks: Guys, we live in an amazingly beautiful corner of Russia - in the North Caucasus.

The children of the preparatory group read.

1 child The Caucasus has -1000 valleys,

The Caucasus has -1000 peaks.

The beauty of the meadows and the pride of the skies,

A chain of snowy mountains and a sunny song.

2 children We live in the Caucasus among mountains and steppes,

We live in the Caucasus and there is no better place.

We love our Cossack, amazing land.

Good Stavropol, grow rich, flourish!

3 children We live in the Caucasus among mountains and plains,

Cossacks say:

“May there always be peace!

May there always be happiness, may there always be light,

May there always be joy and health in a hundred years!”

Children sing the song "White, blue, red."

1 Cossack: Many nationalities live in our Stavropol Territory, they are all friendly with each other.

In our city of Essentuki, people also live different nationalities, for example: Armenians, Circassians, Georgians, Greeks.

And now Rostislav Latsenov will perform the national greek dance"Lezginka".

2 Cossacks: Guys, dear guests, today we praise our Stavropol region, the people who live in it, our city, where people live in peace and harmony.

We are all Stavropol residents, we are Essentuchans, but first of all we are Russians, residents of a large and powerful country.

The older children are reading.

reb. Stavropol Territory - flowering land,

Rich gardens, endless fields.

Native land, work and sing.

In work, in song, we are with you.

Reb. So that your gardens bloom, so that Narzan beats from under the ground.

I live in Stavropol, I love my native land,

It is good in winter and summer and especially in spring.

Reb. Fun party ours is in full swing

Legs are torn to dance.

We are all on a roll today

It's great for us.

The children of the senior group perform the dance "The young woman went for water."

1 Cossack:

All that is dear to the heart

That's what the song asks for

And crimson dawn

And under the sky a grove.

Look from the hill

You can see the blue river

You can see the endless distance

What is the name of Russia!

The song "You live, my Russia" is performed.

2 Cossacks: We sang for you

And danced for you

If you like fun, come again!

1 Cossack: Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye

Until happy new meetings!

A Cossack song sounds, the children leave the hall.

1 Cossack: You won't be full of games and dancing.

Our people are famous for their noble treats.

Hot tea is our strength, table decoration

“There is no dashing from tea” - that's what people say.

2 Cossacks: And we ask you guests

Sit down at the table with us.

And with fragrant bagel tea to eat!


Scenario of the event "Cossack gatherings"
Tasks: To acquaint with the historical past of the native land; develop creative
the potential of children by means of folklore and word creation, related to the transfer
artistic traditions in Rostov region; bring up pride
for the heroic past of the Cossacks,
interest in native traditions.
Material: hall

Attributes: attributes for games.
The course of the holiday
slide 12 (music sounds)
Dear guests, today we invite you to OUR NATIVE DON Cossack
gatherings! On the rubble in the lamps
Or on logs, what,
Gathered gatherings
Young and old
The Cossacks loved, but what can I say, they love now
Gather in the light, talk, have fun.
Cossack: Have a great day! (bows)
Cossack: Have a great night! (bows)
Kka: Our people have
Eternal, special features -
They do not take years or hardships,
Nor whims of windy fashion -
They are from the heart, from kindness.
Kk: Guest, come in,
Traditions are not broken!
We always drink tea.
Everyone knows the Cossacks cordiality:
Hospitality and open house.
Host: Do you guys know who the Cossacks are? (free, free people,
remote) Where did they come from?
Long ago, runaway serfs began to settle along the banks of the Don River,
whom the landlords forced to work from dawn to dusk. They couldn't feed
their families. So people fled to the steppe, where there was a lot of game. Settled first on
islands near rivers.
Slide (3 6) song
Performance of the song “Like beyond the Don, across the river, the Cossacks are walking”
As for the Don, for the river, the Cossacks walk

She is alive, do not be shy, the Cossacks walk

And the Cossacks saddle their horses.
13th. slide
And scarlet dawns rise effortlessly.
The villages are free and the free Don.
Men are brave¸ Cossacks are burning.
Keep and glorify Rus' since the old days.
14th. slide
Native steppe!
Endless streaks!
Grasshoppers ring like reeds.
Yes, the sun wanders knee-deep in dew,
Yes, they whisper about something feather grass.
15th. slide
Where does Don originate from?
Where the eternal stream is hidden,
What down the river is stately
Goes to distant lands?
16. slide
Under a low birch
Don takes its start
From under the grass of the land of Moscow
It flows from Ivanozero.
17th slide
My Don region with white gardens,
It’s not like everything and you can’t take your eyes off,
I remember everything, and wherever I am
I want to say words of love.
Slide 17
Vedas: Cheerful storytellers and writers boring fairy tales our ancestors were
Cossacks. They loved to fool each other.
Kk: How is it?
Vedas: Here's how
Slide 18
Child: Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a yard, a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake, but should we start
fairy tale first?
Vedas: start
Child 1: Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a yard, a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake, but should we start
fairy tale first?

Child 2: And I know another fairy tale.
Child 3: What?
Child 2: We walked with you?
Child 3: Let's go
Child 2: Did you find the casing?
Child 3: Found
Child 2: Did I give it to you?
Child 3: Gave
Child 2: Did you take it?
Child 3: Got it
Child 2: Where is he?
Child 3: What?
Child 2: Yes shroud
Child 3: What
Child 2: We walked with you? (tone rises)
Child 3: Let's go
Child 2: Did you find the casing?
Child 3: Found
Child 2: Did I give it to you?
Child 3: Gave
Child 2: Did you take it?
Child 3: Got it
Child 2: So, where is the casing? (in a raised tone)
Child 3: What?
Child 2: Yes shroud
Child 3: What?
Vedas: And so on ad infinitum.
The song “Utah My Beloved” is performed
The sun and bright white burn,
Oh, the nights are dark, but the hugs are hot.

Oh, mother, mother, yes, I don’t know how to lie.

My beloved is the only one in the world,
Yes, it's not destiny for us to be with you together
My beloved, my beloved.
Steppe and feather grass until the very dawn,
Long, short, but for two the road.
You spoke a girl's heart,
Oh good people, don't judge strictly.
My beloved, fly like a free wind,
Cossack blood and your black horse.
My beloved, my beloved.

Vedas: But the Cossacks loved not only to fool each other. They were very
observant people and, on the basis of their observations, made signs,
proverbs, sayings.
Slide 19 (click)
The white mushroom is good, and the Cossack is skilled.
There is no translation for the Cossack family;
Cossack head, like grass under the rain;
­ Don Cossack part will not throw, even though the little head is getting cold;
A Cossack without songs is like a vine without grapes;
Listen to Cossack songs, eat honey with a spoon;
Cossack with a horse both night and day;
Host: Now we have learned some Cossack sayings.
Well, yes, the gatherings continue on this
Slide 20
Cossack: The sun alone shines for us,
One is heaven and earth.
We are all your Russian children.
One great land.
Take care of Russia
There is no other Russia.
Take care of her peace and quiet,
This is the sky, this is the sun.
This bread is on the table
And a native window in a forgotten village.
Take care of Russia
We cannot live without her.
Take care of her
To be forever
Our truth and strength.
Keep the fire of the native hearth
And do not covet other people's fires
Our ancestors lived by such laws
And bequeathed to us through the centuries.
Glory, glory to you, my Rus'!
Hail, our great land!
Be glorified, be glorified from generation to generation.
Hail our great people.
We gathered to have fun
Yes, have fun, play.
Who's got a frown there?
The music is playing again! Get it together, kids
The Cossack game is waiting for you!
Hat game (song)
On the court, the players stand, forming a circle, in the center is one of the players.
players standing in a circle throw a hat to one another. The one standing in the circle must

catch the hat as it flies from one player to another, or
try to wrest it from the hands of the players.
Rules of the game:
The hat is thrown, not observing the order, back or forth; if standing in
the circle manages to catch the hat, then he sits down in the circle. And the player who had
the hat is taken away or who did not catch the hat in time, it remains to stand in a circle.
Rope game (song)
One student twists the rope, while others jump over it, whoever did not have time, gets out of
games. Who will last longer
And now we'll rest
Let's solve the riddles!
Slide (2126)
1. Strong, ringing and honed? (Saber)
2. Is he riding on someone else’s back, is he carrying a load on his own? (Saddle)
3. Did you lie down in the sun, but did you all run away to the Don? (Snow in spring)
4. Cossacks came without axes, cut down a hut without corners (Ants)
5. A shaggy Cossack, a sash in the middle, walks around the yard, puts things in order? (Broom)
6. The curve of the two brothers carried to the Don to swim. While the brothers are swimming, the crooked without
things lying around? (buckets and yoke)
Well done, played, riddles guessed.
And now the turn has come
play ditties.
Music (chastushki)
1. Pike swims in the Don.
Sleeping on an apple tree in the garden...
We wound the wool into a ball,
A silk scarf will come out.
2. The dog Barbos cackled,
I laid an egg in a kennel,
In March, snow and ice melted -
This winter is coming to us.
3. Because of the Don, because of the mountains,
Grandpa Egor is coming.
Children on calves
Grandchildren on goats.
4. To make the stove flare up,
Gotta turn up the heat
So that the ditty sang better.
We must dance to help.
5. A hedgehog sits on a birch
new shirt,

On the head of a shoe
Cap on the leg.
6. Oh, guys, tarara,
There is a mountain on the Don.
And on that mountain there is an oak tree,
And on the oak funnel.
7. A darling walks around the village,
Walking, smiling
It turned out that he inserted his teeth,
The mouth does not close.
8. My sweetheart is beautiful,
She lived across the river
Wanted to see
Swam in the sieve.
9. Oh, byada, byada
Swan in the garden
Cheryomushka white,
What has love done?
10. Previously, there were Russian braids
At my darling
And now in a new fashion
Shaved nape.
11. Two karzhonka in the south
Shouted in the morning:
Carr da carr, carr da carr.
Here they set up a market.
12. We sang ditties to you
Is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
For us to be applauded.
slide 27th
Beautiful is our country
our beloved Don region.
You are Don, you are our Motherland
You are not more beautiful.
There is no land richer and more generous,
You are the pearl of my country!
Endless Don expanses,
Fertile generous land,
Vast fields, like the sea,

The Rostov region is my Motherland!
The song “I will go out into the field with a horse at night” is performed (presentation).
I will go out at night in the field with a horse,
Let's go quietly in the dark night.
We'll go with the horse
Together across the field
We will go with the horse across the field together (x3)
Grace in the field of stars at night,
No one to be seen in the field
Just me and the horse
We walk across the field (x4)
I will sit on a horse
You carry me across the field.
In the boundless, my field (x2)
Let me take a look,
Where the field gives rise to the dawn.
Ay lingonberry light, scarlet yes dawn,
Ali is the place, or it is not. (x2)
My polyushko, springs.
Distant village lights.
Golden rye, yes curly flax,
I'm in love with you Russia, in love. (x2)
Slide 28
We had fun together today
The Don region was not lazy to glorify,
The meal was cooked to perfection
We had fun, we danced by right!
We love Don!
We are Cossacks - no matter where!
Cossack and Cossack (in chorus)
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say "Goodbye,
Until happy new meetings!”
Presentation on the topic: Cossack gatherings

Tamara Sergeeva
Scenario of the holiday "Festival in the Cossack village"

In our time, it is very important to nurture moral and patriotic feelings in children. To this end, I have prepared and carried out open lesson "PARTY IN THE COSSACK COUNTRY". The purpose of which is the development in each child of a system of knowledge about the originality of the native land, the development of a child's interest in the culture and history of the Don region, the development of the emotional and aesthetic sphere of a preschooler in the process of educating musical, literary, pictorial works native arts.

Much preparatory work has been done Job: These are various conversations, classes, exhibitions of drawings. Classes were held in a free and playful way. Children love it when classes take place in « Cossack hut» , which the educators issued together with the parents. In the hut there is a Russian stove, a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth, an antique mirror, a chest, crockery, and various household utensils.

OPEN CLASS « Walking in the Cossack village» .


Leading in Cossack suits greet guests by making "collars". Children: Cossack and Cossack holding a tray with bread and salt in their hands.

Presenter 1: Have a great day! (bows).

Lead 2: Have a great night! (bows).

Guests: God bless!


Our people have

Eternal special traits -

They do not take years or hardships,

Nor whims of windy fashion

They are from the heart, from kindness.


Guest, come in!

We won't break tradition.

And always pour some tea.

Everybody knows Cossack hospitality.

Hospitality and open house.

Guests are treated to bread, salt and go to music hall. The melody of the Don song sounds. The boys enter the hall Cossacks, become the center, do "collars". The rest of the children pass through them and disperse into different sides, become a semicircle. Then in "collars" includes leading Cossack costumes. Welcome children and guests.

Presenter 2. Have a great day!

Children (in chorus). God bless!

Presenter 1: Home is where we live. And we live on the Don land. Our homeland is the Don region, where they live Cossacks. Here we are, dear guests, and invited you to festivities in the Cossack village.

Sounds the melody of a song "Oblivskaya stanitsa» , comes out cossack.

You - Cossack my land is immense.

You are my Don side.

And your expanses cannot be embraced by me,

Do not embrace the field with your eyes.

Lead 2. (addressing guests): Look at our Cossacks. They dressed up, squatted down! Look how daring and smart they are.

Lead 1. (referring to children):

Hey, Cossacks, what the holiday?

Won't you tell us?

1st reb. Today Cossack festivities!

2nd reb. Let's play and sing!

3rd reb. Let's have dances and competitions!

Lead 2:

We will have fun and play

Sing, dance and dance!

To glorify our village!

1. Hello, my Oblivskaya!

My dear stanitsa.

Hello, my dear Chir,

Give me water to drink!

2. My dear land, you are dear to my heart!

I've been in love with you since childhood!

In the steppe expanses of the Don expanses,

And in every bush and in every maple!

3. My epic land,

I love you sweet pain:

And this steppe, and this field,

And this nightingale's song!

4. As we have in Oblivskaya -

People are strong

Glorify their abundant land!

5. Herbs in the groves rinse the inflorescences,

And above them the sky is turquoise,

I am friends with this sweet steppe,

Where yesterday the storm died down.

Like someone in the night fields.

Passed and scattered good.

I collect dewdrops in handfuls,

The best sample I take silver.

How many times have you been sung.

In our songs thyme and feather grass.

And your blue spaces

And your heroic expanse.

Steppe native. I breathe only for you.

From dawn to dawn. I won't lie.

All I go and go furrow

And I confess - I can not get tired. (M. Bogdanov)

Children sing a song: "Oh, Don Cossacks

Presenter 1: Well, you sang great - it's a pleasure to look at.

Why don't we play fun games

Naughty and funny?

A GAME: "Who will catch the fish faster?"

Rules of the game: you need to move the cut parts of the fish, collect your fish, name it distinctive features. (Catfish, pike, crucian carp, bream)

Lead 2: Oh, and you are dexterous, but fast!

Presenters 1: But not only dexterity and speed were famous Cossacks but also wisdom. On the Don, the proverb is not in vain said. Listen to our Cossacks.

1st Cossacks they are not shy in battle - they will overcome any enemy.

2nd Cossack observes friendship - does not leave a horse in trouble.

3rd Who is afraid of bullets Cossacks are no good.

4th Cossack grip by force, daring rich.

5th Cossack courage will destroy any fortress.

6th Not a horse paints Cossack, A Cossack horse.

7th The Cossack won't eat himself and feed the horse.

8th Cossack would rather die than with native land will do.

9th Cossack without songs like a vine without clusters.

10th On Don sings along to the Cossack and the pebble.

Lead 2:

In take a walk in the village

Came out Cossacks.

Have fun from the heart

Guys and girls.

Presenter 1: Oh, knock - knock.

From heel to heel

The heels came

The rugs are rattling.

The fun continues. The dance begins. Children perform Cossack dance.

Lead ": Cossack with a horse night and day.

Host!: Where are you? Cossacks Are your horses fast?

Children go to play.

A game: "Dress up Cossack» .

Step out 2 Cossack and 2 Cossacks. There is a tree in the middle of the hall, 2 couples: beads, apron, scarf. On signal Cossacks on"horses" jump, overcoming obstacles for beads, etc. Dress up Cossack. Who is faster.

Lead 2: Oh, and it's nice to look at you daring ones! Fathers will have a good change! Put your horses frisky, they did not let you down. Not without reason among the people says: what Cossack, so is the horse. Relax on the mound, yes on look at our villages.

Presenter 1: And in Oblivskaya there are Cossacks.

That you can't take your eyes off.

And how they sing a song -

Immediately the legs are dancing!

Girls- Cossacks sing a song"Accordion player-Timoshka".

Lead 2: Well, how did you perform the song stanitsa?

Cossack: Cossack listening to songs is like eating honey with a spoon!

Presenter 1: Where are you, the song is remote,

Where are you, golden bee?

A girl dressed as a bee enters to the music. She has tools in her basket. (tambourine, spoons, metallophone). Distribute them to children Cossacks.

SONG: "Golden Bee".

Lead 2: Yes, our song places! But with the song Cossack was born, went to the service, got engaged to the bride!

Presenter 1: And each farm had its own song. And you in the village has its own favorite?

1st child: How not to be? Eat!

The song is approaching.

2nd child Get out of the Maidan, you hear, they sing.

Ensemble artists enter "Azure Melodies" with a song

"Oblivskaya stanitsa» .

Presenter 1: In the village we walked,

The songs were fun!

We were glad to see you

Sing along... Have a good time!

Performed by ensemble artists "Azure Melodies" and children of the older group sounds a song "Don region".

Ensemble artists treat children with a pie.

Cossack child: (holds a pie in her hands, on a tray).

The sky is happy for the sun,

The sunflower helped.

Glad to tablecloth bread

He is like the sun on her.


Now the time has come to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye.

Until happy new meetings.

Presenter 1: Oh, thank you dear guests for your warmth, for your participation, for your kind smiles!

Under Cossack songs children leave the hall.

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