Nelly Furtado: a figure that overflowed its banks. Biography Nelly Furtado


"I love it when music is in the spotlight, when the boundaries of genres are broken, when excitement reigns, when people argue" - this is how Nelly Furtado's autobiography began, which she, then a teenager, sent out along with her own demo tapes and amateur photographs to the most different labels, in the hope that someone will eventually pay attention to it. Could she have guessed... Read all

"I love it when music is in the spotlight, when the boundaries of genres are broken, when excitement reigns, when people argue" - this is how Nelly Furtado's autobiography began, which she, then a teenager, sent out along with her own demo tapes and amateur photographs to the most different labels, in the hope that someone will eventually pay attention to it. How could she imagine, declaring her love for musical passions, how many of them would flare up around her and what fighting will start for the right to get her among the label's clients. In the end, the winner in this heated struggle was DreamWorks, whose main priority has always been the artistry of the performer. And Nelly Furtado, no doubt, knew how to impress: vocals, like a soul diva, aplomb, like a pop princess, and at the same time - a deep passion for ethnic music.

Nelly Furtado was born December 2, 1978 in the Canadian city of Victoria, British Columbia. Her parents came to Canada from Portugal. More precisely, even from the Azores, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Her father was a bricklayer, and her mother worked as a maid in a motel, and every summer during the holidays Nellie worked part-time helping her. Parents always supported their daughter in her musical hobbies which appeared very early. At the age of four, the girl sang for the first time in public - a duet with her mother, who for many years was a singer in the church choir. Nellie started playing the ukulele at the age of 9 and wrote her first song at 12. Everything is as it should be with future stars. While her girlfriends asked for dolls and outfits for Christmas, Nelly dreamed of receiving a synthesizer and a recording tape recorder from Santa Claus. IN school years she was seen in a jazz band, in a concert band and a march group - and everywhere she played the trombone. In addition, she continued to take vocal lessons and dance. First serious passion future star became rhythm and blues and hip-hop. The walls of her room were covered with portraits of rappers from music magazines.

Fantastic new impressions were given to the girl by a trip to Portugal, the homeland of her parents. In one of the local clubs, 16-year-old Nellie participated in the local version of the MC contest for the first time - she simply got up on stage, took the microphone and began to hum some kind of rhyming text, writing words on the go. "In Portugal, there is an interesting old musical tradition - cancoes desafios. In fact, this is spontaneous singing," says the singer. "The essence of hip-hop is in the same freestyle."

Long-suffering parents, and passionate music lovers themselves, protested only once - when 17-year-old Nellie decided to go to Toronto. But it was impossible to overstubborn the stubborn girl. In Toronto, she found work at a company that installed burglar alarms, and in parallel created her first trip-hop group - so far only a duo - called Nelstar *. The duo not only played music for themselves, but also recorded in the studio (Furtado composed all the songs herself) and even shot a video clip.

In the mid-90s, the girl fell ill English rock(Radiohead, Verve, Oasis) and tried to write own songs to the guitar, which, by the way, is only now being mastered. But in fact, she was a creature of exceptional musical omnivorousness and could get carried away with literally everything: from TLC to Smashing Pumpkins, from Cornershop to Brazilian national music, and even the orchestra that performed marches, in which her Portuguese relatives played, delighted her. In order to convey my chaotic impressions and let all my influences speak out, I had to look for something new, create my own sound hybrid. An eclectic sound would be an adequate reflection of her linguistic freedom (Nelli sings in three languages ​​- English, Portuguese and Hindi), her multi-instrumentalism (plays the guitar, ukulele and trombone) and multicultural influences of the environment (her childhood friends included Indians, Chinese, Africans, Hispanics, etc.).

A new page in her life opened in 1997, when 18-year-old Nelly applied to participate in a singing competition held in Toronto. The jury of the competition is nothing young artist did not encourage, but it made no sense to be upset, because it was here that she met the manager of the promoted Canadian project The Philosopher Kings. Two members of this team, Brian West (Brian West) and Gerald Eaton (Gerald Eaton), assessing the prospects of Furtado, engaged in producing it and helped her make her first professional studio recording. And although Nelly herself was quite satisfied with the demo versions of the songs, she already had other plans. Most of all, the girl wanted to travel around Europe with a backpack on her shoulders, and not sit in Toronto and pore over textbooks, studying the art of composition. Nellie herself could not really determine what she really wanted. And only the constant perseverance of West and Eton, who did not lose touch with her and reminded her of her true calling, saved the case.

Two musicians eventually dragged the singer into the studio and forced her to spend two weeks on intensive studio work, during which it turned out that this trio could find perfect mutual language. The material from the studio sessions was on the tables of representatives of various labels, until DreamWorks signed a contract with Furtado in 1999. Nellie entered show business with a ready-made production team (West and Eaton) who called themselves Track & Field. In September 2000, Furtado was ready to present her debut album"Whoa, Nelly!" ("Whoa, Nellie!"). The record united and melted down the most diverse experience of the young artist, her passion for "black" music, popular and ethnic genres. Played a role and the music that her parents loved and with which she grew up: ABBA, Lionel Richie (Lionel Richie), Madonna (Madonna), Paul Abdul (Paula Abdul). Reflected her hobbies early youth- hip-hop and R&B: Kris Kross, De La Soul, Ice-T, New Edition, Bel Biv Devoe, Salt-N-Pepa, Jodeci.

In the success of the album, as always, half the work was done by the well-chosen single "I" m Like A Bird ". The actively promoted song and the accompanying video turned Furtado into a very popular person. The song was recorded at least in Top 30 of a dozen American charts, occupying a place in top ten on the Billboard Hot 100. Soon the single began to storm the British charts, and the album itself rose to the English Top 10. Long play "Whoa, Nelly!", which received a gold certificate in Portugal and a number of other European countries, made some noise in Canada, where it finished on the second line of the chart. Furtado harvested her harvest of awards at the Juno Awards. In the meantime, the second single "Turn Off The Light", which consolidated the success of the album, was waiting for even louder commercial resonance. It is worth noting at least the first line of the club chart and the sixth number in the Billboard Hot 100.

Among the fans of the young singer were Elton John (Elton John) and Missy Elliott (Missy Elliott), and U2 invited her to warm up the audience before their American concerts. After the artist's participation in the "Area: One" tour, Moby, the organizer of this tour, called her "the most beautiful and talented woman in the world." When Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio came to Toronto on an official visit, the singer took the stage with the hit "I"m Like a Bird" and was one of the few young artists who were entrusted with the honor of welcoming the head of a foreign state.

The first and second album Nelly Furtado separated three years. During this time, the artist managed to conduct her own headlining tour of the United States, be nominated three times for Grammy and become the winner of 2001 in the nomination "Best Female Pop Vocal" for the track "I"m Like A Bird".

Nelly was already preparing to become a mother when she started recording the next album (her daughter was born a month before the official release date). The impending motherhood gave her new work "Folklore" a special softness and warmth. At the same time, having lost the naivety and youthful cheerfulness that characterized her first disc, Furtado prepared a darker and more reflective work. Guest appearances on the album include Caetano Veloso, Bela Fleck, Justin Meldal-Johnsen and the Kronos Quartet. When the artist was just thinking about the future album, she wanted to make a modern folk record. As she worked, she fell more and more in love with the banjo, ukulele, cymbals - all these instruments can be heard on the album. The ultimate goal was now different - to focus on the composition, on the melodies, and not jump from one genre to another five times per song. The same production tandem of Brian West and Gerald Eaton took up this task.

So far, "Folklore" has been more modestly successful than its predecessor, at #38 on the Billboard 200 compared to "Whoa, Nelly!" at #24. Started moving up in the rankings and new single"Powerless (Say What You Want)", which has only peaked at number 30 on the mainstream chart so far. But the trouble is the beginning.

In 2006, the singer presented her new album. She called it "Loose" (free) after spontaneous and creative decisions while working on the album.

Recording took place all over the world - from Brazil to Los Angeles. On this moment this is the most successful album of the performer, the most warmly received by critics. In it, Nelly boldly mixed styles and rhythms, achieving an individual sound that was inherent to her alone.

The results of the experiments were the mega hits "Say It Right" and "Give It To Me", in the recording of which Justin Timberlake and Timbaland.

According to reports, Nelly is now planning to record her fourth album, in which she wants to return to mother tongue their parents - Portuguese.

Popular singer Nelly Furtado was born on December 2, 1978. This event took place in the small provincial town of Victoria (Canada). Once the girl's parents moved here from Portugal and settled for a long time. Ordinary people who have nothing to do with the stage and show business managed to inspire their daughter with a love of music. The girl's mother had beautiful voice and she loved to sing. Nellie, who grew up on her songs, early childhood showed interest in singing.

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Biography of Nelly Furtado

The musical debut of the young singer took place in 1982, when she sang a song with her mother. The girl liked this performance. She was not afraid and felt quite comfortable in front of the audience. In addition to improving their daughter's vocal abilities, her parents decided to teach her how to play some musical instrument. At that time, the girl really liked the ukulele, a miniature four-string guitar. She mastered it at the age of nine. But the inquisitive musician did not want to stop there. The next in the list of mastered instruments was the trombone, on which Nelly Furtado played in the school band. At the age of 12, she wrote the first song in her musical career.

Nelli gave preference to music, but at the same time she did not forget about vocals and dancing. Being a versatile person, she easily mastered new things and got real pleasure from it. After a while the parents young talent decided to return to their homeland in Portugal. Their daughter was not happy with this trip. Canada gave her the brightest impressions. The girl yearned for the places in which she grew up, and poured out her longing in songs. But there were still certain advantages from returning to Portugal. It was there that the girl first dared to independently take part in music competition. Nelly's performance was very successful. This strengthened her on the idea of ​​seriously pursuing a career as a singer. But for inspiration, the girl wanted to return to her native land. Therefore, she decided to leave for Toronto and announced this to her parents. They terribly did not want to let go of their daughter, but surrendered under the pressure of her passion. Then the rising star was 17 years old.

In Toronto, Nelly Furtado wasted no time. She quickly found a job and started creating a group. Soon the duet Nelstar was born, the repertoire of which consisted entirely of Nelly's songs. The nineties brought a passion for rock into the life of the singer. She mastered the guitar.

In 1997, the girl decided to try her luck by taking part in a vocal competition. It was not possible to achieve much success, but it was noticed. Brian West and Gerald Eaton decided to help the promising singer. They arranged for her debut professional recording in the studio and acted as producers. This alliance proved successful. Already in 1999, Nelly Furtado signed her first contract with DreamWorks. And in 2000, the first album of the singer, called "Whoa Nelly!", was released. It included interesting songs reflecting inner world Nellie. Everything was there: an appeal to the roots, gratitude towards parents, the first hobbies. Following the album, 2 independent singles were released and two clips were filmed. They allowed Nelly to draw even more attention to themselves. Success brought the girl with her sensational album to the top ten popular American charts. In her native Canada, she firmly held second place, in England she entered the top 10. In Europe, Nelly's album even managed to get a gold certificate.

The next three years after the release of the first album, the singer devoted to tours and performances. She was recognized everywhere, and the circle of admirers increased markedly. These included Elton John and Missy Elliott. The second album, called "Folklore", was no longer so successful. Some outdatedness of the songs affected, many of which were distinguished by lyricism and folk. After that, the singer decided to take a short time-out and temporarily abandon the conquest of musical peaks. It was important for the singer to find herself, to find the thread that could lead her to success. And she did.

In 2006, the new album "Loose" was released, recognized as the most successful. It was produced by Timbaland. With this album, the star performed in Moscow in 2008. Popularity gave Nelly creative strength. In 2009, the fourth album "Mi Plan" was released, and in 2010 - the fifth album "Lifestyle".

Nelly Furtado's personal life

Nelly Furtado does not like to advertise her relationship, leaving them aside from creative life. But popularity leaves its mark, not allowing some details of his personal life to be kept secret.

It is known for certain that Furtado had a rather stormy and long affair with Jasper Gahania. This famous musician, who shared the singer's hobbies in various directions in music. Their relationship can not be called a fleeting hobby. The couple has been together for almost four years. As a result of this love and creative union On September 20, 2003, daughter Nevis was born. The parents gave this name to the girl in honor of the island of the Caribbean archipelago. They claimed that it was there that they conceived their child. However, the birth of a daughter could not keep Nelly Furtado and Jasper together. Their relationship came to an end, and in 2005 the musicians put an end to them.

For a long time there was no talk of the singer's affairs of the heart. But now a new contender for the girl's heart has appeared on the horizon. This time, the nascent relationship was shrouded in even greater mystery. The singer refused to comment on the rumors, and none of her entourage gave any confirmation or denial. It was said that Furtado had a stormy romance with Demacio Castellón. This is a famous Cuban sound engineer, with whom fate brought the singer. One could guess for a long time about the validity of such assumptions, but the producer of the singer Timbaland resolved the situation. On the rights close friend Nelly Furtado, he confirmed the rumors about her relationship with Demacio. Moreover, the producer said that on July 19, 2008, the singer and the sound engineer got married.

Childhood and family of Nelly Furtado

Nelly's homeland is Canada. Childhood passed in a small provincial town. Her parents were people of simple working professions. Nelly's mother sang beautifully, therefore, for the first time in public, she sang with her mother. Then she was four years old. At the age of nine, the girl mastered the ukulele, at twelve she wrote her first song. In the school ensemble, Furtado played the trombone.

In addition to playing in the ensemble, the girl danced with enthusiasm and studied vocals. Most of all she liked the rhythms of hip-hop and n-blues. The parents of the future singer are from Portugal. The trip to their homeland made her great impression. It was there that she first took part in the MC competition, the girl, having risen to the stage, spontaneously began to sing. The principle is the same as in hip-hop.

When Nellie decided to go to Toronto, her parents protested, but it was impossible to keep the stubborn seventeen-year-old girl. There she tripled to work and organized the first group. It was the duo Nelstar, a trip-hop group. She wrote all the songs herself, recorded in the studio.

In the mid-nineties, Furtado became interested in rock. She began to learn the guitar. The singer sang in three languages ​​and could admire any, even the most unusual musical instrument.

The beginning of the career of Nelly Furtado, the first songs

An important event that influenced the future musical career girls, happened in 1997. She became a member of the vocal competition. Nellie did not show herself in any way, but she made an excellent acquaintance, after which the participants in one of the promoted Canadian projects decided to produce a promising singer. Thanks to them, the girl made her first studio professional recording. It was produced by Gerald Eaton and Brian West.

For two weeks hard work in the studio, the trio showed that they worked well together and their collaboration can be very productive. Intense studio work produced material that lay on the table of any label, in order to find someone who would sign a contract with an aspiring singer. The company that signed a contract with Furtado in 1999 is called DreamWorks. Nelly started her way in show business with an already well-established production team, which it was decided to call Track & Field.

Nelly Furtado

A year later, the album “Whoa Nelly!” appeared. He absorbed all the experience of the young singer, all her musical hobbies. The music on which she grew up, which her parents loved, as well as her early infatuation hip hop.

One after another, 2 singles for the album were released and clips were shot. Both of them were more than successful, and hit the top ten in the US charts. The album reached the Top 10 in the UK and was certified gold in Portugal and some European countries. The debut album made a lot of noise in Canada, having managed to finish in the second line of the chart.

Best songs, Nelly Furtado at present

After a great start, Nelly had such eminent fans of creativity as Missy Elliott and Elton John. To warm up the hall before her American concerts, the singer was invited by U2.

Nelly Furtado For The Night

For three years Nelly performed a lot, held a headlining tour of America. She has been nominated three times for a Grammy. In 2001, for her track "Like a Bird" Furtado was awarded the nomination, called "for the best vocals."

Three years after the first album, the singer's second album was released. Unlike the debut album, this one was softer and warmer, it did not have youthful cheerfulness and childish naivety. The work was more reflective and darker. Being an enthusiastic person, Nelly, who originally set out to create a modern folk record, during the work became seriously interested in such instruments as banjo, cymbals and ukulele. These instruments can be heard on the second album. It was called "Folklore" and proved to be a success, although it fell considerably short of its predecessor. The reason was not quite pop sound. In addition, the songs were too different, all of them were a reflection of some events in Nelly's life.

After the failure, nothing was heard about the singer for some time. It was only in 2005 that information appeared that she had begun recording a third album. Its name is Loose. He saw the light in the summer of 2006. The album was produced primarily by Timbaland. It became the most successful and most successful album talented singer. Nelly's experiments with Hip-hop, R&B and Punk-hop are heard in it. In the summer of 2008, she presented this album while performing in Russia, where Dima Bilan was the opening act.

"Mi Plan" is the title of the fourth album, recorded in 2009. And a year later, Furtado released her fifth album called Lifestyle.

Nelly Furtado's personal life

For almost four years, Nellie dated musician Jasper Gahania. In September 2003, their daughter was born. The singer named her Nevis. This happened almost a month before the release of the second album.

In the summer of 2008, Furtado allegedly married a Cuban sound engineer named Demacio Castellona. It was Timbaland who confirmed such rumors.

21 chord selections


Nelly Kim Furtado (eng. Nelly Kim Furtado; born December 2, 1978, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) - Canadian singer, song's author, music producer and an actress.

“I love it when music is in the spotlight, when the boundaries of genres are broken, when excitement reigns, when people argue,” began Nelly Furtado’s autobiography, which she, then a teenager, sent along with her own demo tapes and amateur photographs to the most different labels, in the hope that someone will eventually pay attention to it. How could she imagine, declaring her love for musical passions, how many of them would flare up around her and what kind of hostilities would begin for the right to get her among the label's clients. In the end, the winner in this heated struggle was DreamWorks, whose main priority has always been the artistry of the performer. And Nelly Furtado, no doubt, knew how to impress: vocals, like a soul diva, aplomb, like a pop princess, and at the same time - a deep passion for ethnic music.

Nelly Furtado was born December 2, 1978 in the Canadian city of Victoria, British Columbia. Her parents came to Canada from Portugal. More precisely, even from the Azores, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Her father was a bricklayer, and her mother worked as a maid in a motel, and every summer during the holidays Nellie worked part-time helping her. Parents always supported their daughter in her musical hobbies, which appeared very early. At the age of four, the girl sang for the first time in public - a duet with her mother, who for many years was a singer in the church choir. Nellie started playing the ukulele at the age of 9 and wrote her first song at 12. Everything is as it should be with future stars. While her girlfriends asked for dolls and outfits for Christmas, Nelly dreamed of receiving a synthesizer and a recording tape recorder from Santa Claus. During her school years, she was seen in a jazz band, in a concert band and a march group - and everywhere she played the trombone. In addition, she continued to take vocal lessons and dance. The first serious passion of the future star was rhythm and blues and hip-hop. The walls of her room were covered with portraits of rappers from music magazines.

Fantastic new impressions were given to the girl by a trip to Portugal, the homeland of her parents. In one of the local clubs, 16-year-old Nellie participated in the local version of the MC contest for the first time - she simply got up on stage, took the microphone and began to hum some kind of rhyming text, writing words on the go. “There is an interesting old musical tradition in Portugal, the cancoes desafios. In fact, this is spontaneous singing, - says the singer. “That kind of freestyling is what hip-hop is all about.”

Long-suffering parents, and passionate music lovers themselves, protested only once - when 17-year-old Nellie decided to go to Toronto. But it was impossible to overstubborn the stubborn girl. In Toronto, she found work at a company that installed burglar alarms, and in parallel created her first trip-hop group - so far only a duo - called Nelstar *. The duo not only played music for themselves, but also recorded in the studio (Furtado composed all the songs herself) and even shot a video clip.

In the mid-90s, the girl fell ill with English rock (Radiohead, Verve, Oasis) and tried to write her own songs with the guitar, which, by the way, she has only now begun to master. But in fact, she was a creature of exceptional musical omnivorousness and could get carried away with literally everything: from TLC to Smashing Pumpkins, from Cornershop to Brazilian national music, and even the orchestra that performed marches, in which her Portuguese relatives played, delighted her. In order to convey my chaotic impressions and let all my influences speak out, I had to look for something new, create my own sound hybrid. An eclectic sound would be an adequate reflection of her linguistic freedom (Nelli sings in three languages ​​- English, Portuguese and Hindi), her multi-instrumentalism (plays the guitar, ukulele and trombone) and multicultural influences of the environment (her childhood friends included Indians, Chinese, Africans, Hispanics, etc.).

A new page in her life opened in 1997, when 18-year-old Nelly applied to participate in a singing competition held in Toronto. The jury of the competition did not encourage the young artist in any way, but it made no sense to be upset, because it was here that she met the manager of the promoted Canadian project The Philosopher Kings. Two members of this team, Brian West (Brian West) and Gerald Eaton (Gerald Eaton), assessing the prospects of Furtado, engaged in producing it and helped her make her first professional studio recording. And although Nelly herself was quite satisfied with the demo versions of the songs, she already had other plans. Most of all, the girl wanted to travel around Europe with a backpack on her shoulders, and not sit in Toronto and pore over textbooks, studying the art of composition. Nellie herself could not really determine what she really wanted. And only the constant perseverance of West and Eton, who did not lose touch with her and reminded her of her true calling, saved the case.

Two musicians eventually pulled the singer into the studio and forced her to spend two weeks on intense studio work, during which it turned out that this trio knows how to perfectly find a common language. The material from the studio sessions was on the tables of representatives of various labels, until DreamWorks signed a contract with Furtado in 1999. Nellie entered show business with a ready-made production team (West and Eaton) who called themselves Track & Field. In September 2000, Furtado was ready to present her debut album "Whoa, Nelly!" (“Whoa, Nellie!”). The recording united and melted the most diverse experience of the young artist, her passion for "black" music, popular and ethnic genres. Played a role and the music that her parents loved and with which she grew up: ABBA, Lionel Richie (Lionel Richie), Madonna (Madonna), Paul Abdul (Paula Abdul). Her early youth hobbies reflected hip-hop and R&B: Kris Kross, De La Soul, Ice-T, New Edition, Bel Biv Devoe, Salt-N-Pepa, Jodeci.

In the success of the album, as always, the well-chosen single "I'm Like a Bird" did half the battle. The actively promoted song and the accompanying video turned Furtado into a very popular person. The song was recorded in at least the Top 30 of a dozen American charts, occupying a place in the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100. Soon the single began to storm the British chart, and the album itself rose to the English Top 10. Long play "Whoa, Nelly!", which received a gold certificate in Portugal and a number of other European countries, made a splash in Canada, where it finished on the second line of the chart. Furtado harvested her harvest of awards at the Juno Awards. Meanwhile, the second single "Turn Off the Light", which consolidated the success of the album, was waiting for even louder commercial resonance. It is worth noting at least the first line of the club chart and the sixth number in the Billboard Hot 100.

Among the fans of the young singer were Elton John (Elton John) and Missy Elliott (Missy Elliott), and U2 invited her to warm up the audience before their American concerts. After the artist's participation in the "Area: One" tour, Moby, the organizer of this tour, called her "the most beautiful and talented woman in the world." When Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio came to Toronto on an official visit, the singer took the stage with the hit "I'm Like a Bird" and was one of the few young artists who were entrusted with the honor of welcoming the head of a foreign state.

The first and second album Nelly Furtado separated three years. During this time, the artist managed to conduct her own headlining tour of the United States, be nominated three times for Grammy and become the winner of 2001 in the nomination "Best Female Pop Vocal" for the track "I'm Like a Bird".

Nelly was already preparing to become a mother when she started recording the next album (her daughter was born a month before the official release date). The upcoming motherhood gave her new work "Folklore" a special softness and warmth. At the same time, having lost the naivety and youthful cheerfulness that characterized her first disc, Furtado prepared a darker and more reflective work. Guest appearances on the album include Caetano Veloso, Bela Fleck, Justin Meldal-Johnsen and the Kronos Quartet. When the artist was just thinking about the future album, she wanted to make a modern folk record. As she worked, she fell more and more in love with the banjo, ukulele, cymbals - all these instruments can be heard on the album. The ultimate goal was now different - to focus on the composition, on the melodies, and not jump from one genre to another five times per song. The same production tandem of Brian West and Gerald Eaton took up this task.

So far, "Folklore's" success has been more modest than its predecessor's, reaching #38 on the Billboard 200 compared to "Whoa, Nelly!" at #24. The new single “Powerless (Say What You Want)” also began to move up in the ratings, which so far only started from the 30th position of the mainstream chart. But the trouble is the beginning.

In 2006, the singer presented her new album. She called it "Loose" (free) after spontaneous and creative decisions while working on the album.
Recording took place all over the world - from Brazil to Los Angeles. At the moment, this is the most successful album of the performer, the most warmly received by critics. In it, Nelly boldly mixed styles and rhythms, achieving an individual sound that was inherent to her alone.
The experiments resulted in the mega hits "Say It Right" and "Give It To Me" featuring Justin Timberlake and Timberland.

In March 2009, Nelly Furtado announced via Peretz Hilton's blog that the new album would be in Spanish and called "Mi Plan" and the first single would be "Manos Al Aire" ("Hands in the Air"). The album contained 12 tracks, the second single was the song "Mas", released on July 21. The third single was "Mi Plan" (ft. Alex Cuba) which launched on iTunes on August 11, 2009, and "Bajo Otra Luz" (ft. Julieta Venegas and Mala Rodriguez) was the fourth and final single from the album, which was released on September 1st 2009. Nelly also recorded the duet "Suenos" ("Dreams") with Alejandro Fernandez. The video for the song "Manos Al Aire" was released on July 29th. On November 11, 2010, Nelly received an award at the Latin Grammy Awards for her album "Mi Plan" and became the first Canadian artist to win a Latin Grammy award.

On February 12, 2010, Nelly Furtado sang a duet with Bryan Adams at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. The song was called "Bang The Drum" and was released on the album Sounds of Vancouver 2010.

In October 2010, Nelly Furtado received a star on the Canadian Walk of Fame. October 26, 2010 "Mi Plan Remixes" is released containing 12 remixes of songs from "Mi Plan". On November 16, 2010, the first compilation of Nelly's hits is released, called "The Best of Nelly Furtado". The first single from the album was "Night is Young", which premiered on BBC Radio 1 on October 3rd, 2010. The best-of album contained two new songs besides Night is Young: "Girlfriend in the City" and "Stars" - left over from the days of Loose.

On July 2, 2011 Nelly performed with a new track that will appear on her new album, an acoustic ballad called "Mystery". New album titled "The Spirit Indestructible" and will be released in September 2012. This album will be similar to the first work "Whoa, Nelly!", but contain urban, alternative elements and a light reggae sound. Bands that influenced the sound of this record range from Janelle Monae, The xx, and Florence + the Machine. Produced by The Neptunes, Tiësto, Timbaland, Rick Nowels, Ryan Tedder and Rodney Jerkins. The first single from The Spirit Indestructable was "Big Hoops (Bigger the Better)", which was released on April 17, 2012 and hit radio stations. North America May 1, 2012. Furtado continues to work with hip-hop producer Salaam Remi, who previously worked on her 2010 single "Night Is Young". Nelly Furtado plans to promote the album for at least 2 years with her world tour.
Furtado also started recording an album in Portuguese, as she previously recorded an album entirely in Spanish, Mi Plan.

When the parents gave the black-eyed baby Nelli the name of the Soviet gymnast Nelli Kim, they could not even think that someday their daughter would also become a world celebrity. Latest album Nelly Furtado "Loose" is now being sold around the world at a fantastic pace. In the charts, her songs are beyond competition. Beautiful face Nelly graces every second glossy cover. And colorful video clips are played dozens of times a day on all music channels.

Nelly Furtado was born and raised in the Canadian city of Victoria, in a family of Portuguese immigrants. They lived more than modestly: for eight years in a row, Nelly had to earn extra money every summer as a maid in a hotel. For the first time, the girl performed in front of the public at the celebration of the Day of Portugal, when she was only 4 years old she and her mother sang a duet. Already at 9, Nelly began to learn to play the trombone and ukulele (Hawaiian four-string musical instrument), and a few years later she also mastered the guitar and piano. At 12, she began writing her first songs for her teen band. At the same time, her musical tastes were constantly changing. Nellie has always loved R&B: Mariah Carey, TLC. But once she got to her older brother's music library, she suddenly became interested in Radoihead, Pulp, Oasis, Portishead, The Verse and U2. And at the same time, she never denied herself the pleasure of listening to something Brazilian in the spirit of Amalia Rodrigues (Amalia Rodrigues). But the strongest musical taste Nelly Furtado has been influenced by hip hop.

In 1996, after graduating from school, Nelly went to Toronto. There she met Tallis Newkirk, then a member of the hip-hop group Crazy Cheese. A year later, they founded their duo Nelstar. At night they performed in clubs, and during the day Nelly worked for an alarm installation company. In the end, her musical ambitions proved stronger, and Furtado left the duo, explaining that Nelstar's trip-hop style did not allow her to show her full vocal abilities. The girl almost went home when she suddenly received a very interesting offer.

Musicians from Canadian funk-pop bands The Philosopher Kings Brian West (Brian West) and Gerald Eaton (Gerald Eaton) liked Nelly's performance so much that they asked her to record a demo of their songs. This is how the first compositions appeared, which were later included in Nelly Furtado's debut album “Whoa, Nelly!”. It was released in the fall of 2000 by Dreamworks. Creativity Furtado aroused considerable interest from the public and critics, especially after the young singer took part in the summer tour of musician Moby (Moby). After that, the songs "Im Like a Bird" and "Turn Off the Light" became really hits. The following summer, Nelly Furtado received four Grammy awards at once, one of which was in the nomination "Song of the Year" for the song "Im Like a Bird".

In 2003, just two months after the birth of her daughter, Nelly released her second album Folklore. It was Nevis (Nevis, as the newborn was called) that she dedicated to the song "Childhood Dreams". The most successful single from the album was the song "Forca" the official anthem of the European Football Championship 2004. And yet, compared to the debut album, the second work was a failure. After that, the singer hid from the bright light of spotlights for some time, devoting all her time to the child.

Nelly returned to work only in 2006. In the summer Furtado presented her third album "Loose", almost entirely produced by the almighty Timbaland (Timbaland). The record turned out to be so fresh and positive that Nelly's career quickly went uphill again. Critics unanimously noted that Timbaland "enriched her music, adding hip-hop and sex to the folk-rock tunes." Their duet "Promiscuous" became an instant hit, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Of all Nelly's works, the disc "Loose" was by far the best. It topped the Billboard Top 200 album chart throughout its first week of release. The album's magical combination of R&B, hip-hop and 80s-style melodies has resulted in every single magic wand became a super hit. First the energetic "Promiscuous", then the romantic ballad "Te Busque", performed with Juanes. Before the fans had time to learn the words of one song, all the radio stations and music channels were already picking up the next novelty from Nelly: as soon as “Say It Right” died down, “All Good Things (Come to an End)” appeared. And with what glee did the fans greet the single "Give It to Me", which Furtado recorded with Justin Timberlake ( Justin Timberlake) and Timbaland!

After all the ups and downs, Nelly Furtado is finally firmly established at the top of the world musical Olympus. Today she is a real superstar who tours all over the world, from her native Canada to India, and for an exclusive shoot in Playboy magazine (Playboy) receives half a million dollars.

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