Feedback on the work of the exchange of trifons. Yu.v


The story Exchange Trifonov refers to the cycle of urban prose. It opened the cycle of the writer's Moscow stories and covered various problems of Muscovites. Focusing primarily on moral problems Oh.

Moral problems of the story

To reveal one of the moral problems, the author uses the method of confrontation between two families. Thanks to a simple plot that describes a rather banal life situation, the author shows the ruthlessness of life when cold calculation and the search for profit come to the fore. In order to better see the problems of the story Exchange by Y. Trifonov, we suggest that you get to know her and the main characters.

In the story "Exchange" we get acquainted with the family of Dmitriev and Lukyanov. Viktor Dmitriev chose Lena Lukyanova as his wife. He wanted to convey to her all the traditions, moral and family values ​​of his family, to teach sensitivity, tact, intelligence. It's just that the opposite happened. Instead of conveying moral values ​​to Lena, Victor himself becomes a pragmatist, reaching out to material goods. As his sister said, the hero himself was lukewarm.

According to the plot of the story, Lena is at enmity with her mother-in-law and does not want to live with her. But everything was turned upside down by a message about the fatal illness of Victor's mother. Here Lukyanova takes everything into her own hands. She understands that she needs to hurry to make an exchange so as not to lose her room. The woman raises the issue of further cohabitation, although before that she did not want to hear about such a thing. Lena's tactlessness outraged even Victor, but the girl stood her ground and went to her goal. While the mother-in-law was lying on the operating table, she was looking for exchange options. As a result, under the pressure of his wife, Victor himself turns into a prudent and cold person.

At first, Dmitrieva agreed to move to new apartment where now everyone will live under one roof, but when the woman found out about real reason exchange, she was in great pain. As the mother noted, her son made the exchange long before they exchanged rooms for an apartment. The exchange took place when Victor married Lena and fell under her influence.

Mother is dying, but is our hero happy? Of course not. He is depressed, nothing pleases him, Victor has grown old prematurely. Nor did his sister forgive him, who blamed his brother for the death of his mother. When the mother died, the paths of the sister and brother diverged, and most likely will never cross again.

Heroes of the story Exchange

Viktor Dmitriev, a plump hereditary Muscovite from an intelligent family. According to the plot, Victor looks weak-willed and driven by his wife, so he quickly becomes sloppy, having lost his moral qualities for the sake of material well-being.

Lena Lukyanova is Victor's wife. Knows how to get her way, subjugate people, a woman with a grip of a bulldog, strong character, determination and initiative. This is a tactless and arrogant person, for whom morality comes last.

Ksenia Fedorovna Dmitrieva is the mother of Victor and Laura. It's delicate and kind woman who was ready to help people for free. Fate sent her a fatal illness and this illness opened her eyes to her daughter-in-law, and made it clear how much her son had changed for the worse.

/ / / Analysis of Trifonov's story "Exchange"

In Trifonov's "Exchange" we are talking oh simple life situation in which anyone could be. The hero of the story is faced with a difficult choice on which the fate of himself, as well as family members, will depend. Agree with your wife and move into a new apartment, but still live with your mother, or leave everything as it is.

It should be noted that the relationship between his wife and Ksenia Fedorovna had long been hostile. So if the outcome of events begins to develop according to the "scenario" that Lena came up with, then the question arises, what does she want to achieve with this exchange?

To understand this, you need to know at least a little about the character, and he is not at all simple with her. If a girl wanted something from life, then she definitely achieved it. For her, there were no boundaries, and she could easily go beyond the "framework" of decency or morality.

Therefore, the conversation that began confused the man. After all, before Ksenia Dmitrieva was put fatal diagnosis, wife and did not want to listen about living together with her. And now she brings up the subject herself.

But what resented the man most of all was the faux pas of his wife. While his mother lay on the operating table, his wife ran around the brokers and looked for options for an exchange? She did not feel empathy, much less compassion for her mother-in-law's illness. Rather, on the contrary, the woman resolutely wanted to get the living space she occupied.

Victor did not have long to be offended by his wife. She said that the answer should be given soon and insisted on an immediate "family council" at which the topic of the exchange would be raised. The man gave up. No, he was not afraid of his wife, but really believed that it would be better for both parties. He will be able to take care of his mother, their daughter Natasha will be supervised, and he and Lena will leave the communal apartment forever.

So the man himself did not notice how he turned from a compassionate son into a prudent and selfish "outsider".

And, and his sister Laura, these changes became immediately visible. Dmitriev was told that the "exchange" took place many years ago, because the man was at the mercy of his wife.

Of course, the disinterested and generous Dmitrieva, on reflection, agreed and moved to a new apartment, although she was tormented to the last by an incomprehensible feeling. But when the woman found out about her "true" state of health, she understood why such changes occurred in Lena's mind. And in this situation, Ivanova's "defect of the soul" manifested itself. But the saddest thing for a woman was that her own son allowed his wife to treat her illness with obvious blasphemy.

After Dmitrieva died, Victor became depressed. He was not pleased with the new housing, family and position. He understood that life passes, and in better side There is no change, and most likely there never will be.

Laura was very judgmental of her brother for the "exchange" that brought their mother to the grave. The parents' dacha was sold, because the brother and sister, after the death of their mother, should not be united by anything. Everyone went along the path chosen for him, and most likely these roads will not cross anywhere.

Lesson Objectives:

educational - to reveal the philosophical meaning of the work; to reveal the position of the characters of the story in relation to the issue of the exchange; having created a problematic situation, encourage students to express their own point of view about the life principles of the Dmitriev and Lukyanov families, as well as the main characters - Viktor and Lena Dmitriev;

educational - to promote the formation of students' own point of view on the identified problem; create situations in which students will understand that there is a way out of any difficult situation;

developing - to promote the formation of group work skills, public speaking, the ability to defend one's point of view; activation of students' creative abilities.

Equipment: slide material, computer, screen, images of the heroes of the play.

Methodical methods: learning dialogue, elements role play creating a problematic situation.

Methods: verbal, visual, partially search and research.

Lesson form: lesson-thinking.

During the classes

“Ice on the ground, ice ..”.
Vladimir Vysotsky

From good to bad, one chateau "k.

“There are two abysses in a man,” Dostoevsky taught, and he does not choose between them, but rushes about like a pendulum.
Joseph Brodsky

1. introduction teachers.

Today, in a series of events, we have the last joint public lesson. Very soon we will part with you, and you will enter adulthood with its ups and downs, joys and disappointments, wonderful acquaintances and the desire to separate yourself from someone ... Tell me, didn’t all this happen in our life today? It was, of course, but it was not always conscious, it took place when the shoulder of loved ones and relatives was always there, and their opinion was almost undeniable and very authoritative. However, in adulthood, many pitfalls await you, stones in your bosom, the opinions of former authorities do not work. And I would very much like our excursion into adulthood to be remembered one day and at least slightly alleviate difficult moments.

2. Issues for discussion.

A) Work with the epigraph of the lesson:

Look at the epigraphs that I offered you to start our conversation?

How do they fit into the topic of our lesson? And which one would be better for you? Argument your point of view. (Slide number 1 teacher)

B) Work with the title of the story.

You already know what aglavia is an important component of the text, it is important for revealing the ideological and philosophical meaning of the work.

The title is always a message about the content of what we are about to read. “Starting to read a book,” noted A.M. Peshkovsky, “the reader is interested in its content and in the title sees a hint of this content or even a concise expression of it ... This means that the title of a book is always something more than a title.”

Look at the title of our story and determine the future direction of the conversation, the semantic core .. (Presentation)

Why suddenly the usual household, family situation grows into a conflict? Give us a brief summary of this story.

So, in order to understand the conflict, let's get to know the main character of the story, Viktor Georgievich Dmitriev, better.

Before giving the floor to the first creative group, I remind you of the main requirements that we impose on speakers (clarity of thought, conciseness, consistency, evidence, clarity, schematization when working with presentations. Students have sheets that contain an assessment of the presentation materials of the speakers )

1) The group “Viktor Georgievich Dmitriev” based on textual material - a general acquaintance with the character without deepening:

A native Muscovite from a family of pre-revolutionary intellectuals;

In the story - junior researcher, specialist of the Research Institute for pumping units - 37 years old;

Married, has a wife, Elena, and a daughter, Natasha, a student at a special school for learning English;

Lives in Moscow in a small communal apartment;

He organizes the exchange of apartments at the very moment when it is discovered that the mother is terminally ill.

Teacher's word:

What kind of person could do this: an unprincipled grabber? A spineless bastard? Who is he? Or maybe just selfish? To answer these questions, let's take a closer look at his origins, his family (already in the composition in which we find it). And let's try to answer main question: In what world was Victor's worldview formed? What influenced the formation of the character of Victor?

In the article “Choose, Decide, Sacrifice,” the writer rightly said that “life is ordinary life, a test of life, where a new, today's morality is manifested and tested. And then he added that "life is a war that does not know a truce." According to Yu. Trifonov, he strove in the "Exchange" to the density of writing, to ensure "to depict as fully as possible the complexity of the circumstances in which a person lives," the complexity of relationships. That is why the story is saturated with subtexts, that is why it rests on allegories. Every action here is a move in a positional struggle, every retort is a fencing attack. Let's try to get to the heart of the story.

2) The Dmitriev family:

Origin, social status(mother, father, grandfather, sister Laura);

Circle of interests, hobbies, occupations of each;

family priorities;

The cult of the family is sacrifice, the fear of being a burden to someone.

Bottom line: so what does the Dmitriev family appear to us, at least at first glance?

origin, social status;

family priorities;

Family cult.

Bottom line: so what kind of Lukyanov family appears before us, at least at first glance?

Origin, social status;

Circle of interests, hobbies, occupations;


Lena's trouble is not in her desires and aspirations, but in the means of their realization.

5) So who is more he, the main character: Dmitriev or Lukyanov?

The steps of gradual “lukyanization” is an irreversible process, which boils down to getting bogged down in trifles

“You have already exchanged, Vitya. The exchange took place.. It was a very long time ago. And it always happens. Every day, so don't be surprised, Vitya. And don't get angry. It's just so imperceptible."

The first very imperceptible step - rushed after the failure of admission to art school at least somewhere. The first loss of oneself is an unloved job;

Marrying another girl - not from a blue dream - loss of family happiness and eternal concessions in small things;

Dreams about .. and “ are late, Vitenka”. Page 50;

Dmitriev - candidate of sciences, gave up - did not finish his dissertation - p. 51.

History with a portrait of the father;

A trip to Bulgaria to Golden Sands - father's illness (stroke);

History with the grandfather (talk about contempt);

Funeral and commemoration of grandfather - death and canned saury-deficit (pp. 47-49);

Transition to the Institute of Gas and Oil - and the reasons for this transition (the story of Levka Bubrik) (according to the grandfather, everyone expected something different from Viktor. “Nothing terrible happened, of course. You are not a bad person. But also not amazing” - betrayal of a friend;

The story with Tatyana - a game - deception - a gap in Tanya's family;

Apartment exchange due to mother's illness;

Mother's funeral and exchange.

Compare with another character - Ionych + "Young" Solzhenitsyn.

Find in these “micro-concessions” those where the equalization of such concepts takes place, which are incomparable in their significance.

So why is it said in passing about the death of his grandfather, the death of the mother of Viktor Georgievich? Why did these, perhaps, the most tragic moments of life, especially the loss of a mother, not become a tragedy? What role did the Dmitriev family play in this? (The very sacrifice that was cultivated in the Dmitriev family was the fundamental basis for the rejection of the son from the family, it was the sacrifice of the parents (not to be a burden to children) that gave birth in Viktor Georgievich to the complete conviction that parents, grandfathers are not the most sacred. No wonder they say that evil does not seek harmony, his strength lies in routine, and this routine was able to regenerate moral values ​​in the inner world of the main character).

One more detail is alarming and keeps us from pitying him: Lena calls a spade a spade, but Victor does not. He needs a cover, some noble legend. Like the one he gives to his sister Laura: “I don't need a damn thing, absolutely not a damn thing. In addition, that our mother was well. She wanted to live with me always, you know that, and if now it can help her…”.

6) Please share the observations and reasoning of our expert parents, who also took part in the discussion of this story. Tell me the way out of this zugzwang. (The statements of the children, the statements of the parents about the main character, his actions are read). Presentation

I would like to conclude our lesson with the words of Joseph Brodsky, which he spoke to the students of the University of Michigan back in 1988.

"Consider what you are about to hear just the advice of the tip of a few icebergs, if I may say so, and not Mount Sinai. I am not Moses, you are not Old Testament Jews either; these slightly messy sketches, (...) are not tablets. Ignore them, question them if you like, forget them if necessary, if you cannot otherwise: there is nothing obligatory in them. If some of them are useful to you now or in the future, I will be glad. If not, my anger will not overtake you. ”

Note to the lesson: create a syncwine (each group has its own character).


Mark with colored cards lying on your table your emotional condition during the lesson and put them in an envelope.

We ask the guests of the lesson - parents to express their observations, thoughts on the topic of the lesson.

Homework: written work “Thinking about what you read”.

At the heart of Yuri Trifonov's story "Exchange" is the desire of the protagonist, a typical Moscow intellectual Viktor Georgievich Dmitriev, to make an exchange of housing, to improve his own housing situation. For this, he needs to settle with a hopelessly ill mother, who is aware of her imminent death. The son convinces her that he is terribly eager to live with her in order to take better care of her. However, the mother realizes that he is primarily concerned not with her, but with the apartment, and that he is in a hurry with the exchange because of the fear of losing her room after her death. Material interest replaced Dmitriev's feeling of filial love. And it’s not for nothing that at the end of the work the mother declares to her son that she was once going to live together with him, but not now, because: “You have already exchanged, Vitya. The exchange has taken place ... It was a very long time ago. And it always happens, every day, so don't be surprised, Vitya. And don't get angry. It's just so imperceptible .. "Dmitriev, a decent man from the very beginning, little by little, under the influence of his wife's selfishness, and even his personal egoism, changed his moral positions to philistine well-being. And yet, having managed to move in with his mother right before her death, her death, perhaps a little caused by a hasty exchange, is depressing: "After the death of Ksenia Fedorovna, Dmitriev had a hypertensive crisis, and he lay at home for three weeks in strict bed rest" . Then he strongly passed and seemed as if "not yet an old man, but already elderly." What is the reason for Dmitriev's ethical fall?

In the story, his grandfather is presented to us as an old revolutionary who says to Victor "You are not a bad person. But not amazing either." high idea that spiritualizes his life, there is no passion for any business. No, what turns out to be very important in this case, and willpower. Dmitriev cannot resist the pressure of his wife Lena, who is striving to obtain life's blessings at any cost. At times he protests, makes scandals, but only to clear his conscience, because almost always, in the end, he capitulates and does as Lena wants. Dmitriev's wife has long prioritized her own prosperity. And she knows that her husband will be an obedient tool in achieving her goals: "... She spoke as if everything was predetermined and as if it was clear to him, Dmitriev, that everything was predetermined, and they understand each other without words." Regarding people like Lena, Trifonov said in an interview with critic A. Bocharov: "Egoism is in humanity that it is most difficult to defeat." And at the same time, the writer is far from sure whether it is possible in principle to completely defeat human egoism, or whether it would not be more reasonable to try to introduce it into some kind of moral limits, to set certain boundaries for it. For example, such: the desire of each person to satisfy their own needs is legitimate and fair as long as it does not harm other people. After all, egoism is one of the most powerful factors in the development of man and society, and this cannot be ignored. Let us recall that Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky wrote about "reasonable egoism" with sympathy and almost as an ideal of behavior in his novel What Is To Be Done? The trouble, however, is that it is very difficult to real life find the line that separates reasonable selfishness"from" unreasonable ". Trifonov emphasized in the interview mentioned:" Egoism disappears where an idea arises. " Dmitriev and Lena do not have such an idea, therefore selfishness becomes their only moral value. But those who oppose them do not have this idea , - at Ksenia Fedorovna, Victor Laura's sister, cousin the protagonist Marina ... And it is no coincidence that in a conversation with another critic, L. Anninsky, the writer objected to him: "You pretended that I idolize the Dmitrievs (meaning all representatives of this family, except for Viktor Georgievich) idolize, and I idolize them ironic." The Dmitrievs, unlike the Lena family, the Lukyanovs, are not very adapted to life, they do not know how to benefit for themselves either at work or at home. They do not know how and do not want to live at the expense of others. However, Dmitriev's mother and his relatives are by no means ideal people. They are characterized by one very disturbing vice of Trifonov - intolerance (it is no coincidence that this is how the writer called his novel about the People's Will Zhelyabov - "Intolerance").

Ksenia Fedorovna calls Lena a bourgeois, and she calls her a hypocrite. In fact, Dmitriev's mother is hardly fair to consider a hypocrite, but the inability to accept and understand people with different behavioral attitudes makes her difficult to communicate, and this type of people is not viable in the long run. Dmitriev's grandfather was still inspired revolutionary idea. For subsequent generations, it has greatly faded due to comparison with the post-revolutionary reality, which is very far from ideal. And Trifonov understands that in the late 60s, when "Exchange" was written, this idea was already dead, and the Dmitrievs did not have any new one. This is the tragedy of the situation. On the one hand, the purchasers of the Lukyanovs, who know how to work well (which Lena is valued at work, is emphasized in the story), know how to equip life, but they don’t think about anything other than that. On the other hand, the Dmitrievs, who still retain the inertia of intellectual decency, but with time are losing it more and more, not supported by the idea.

Viktor Georgievich has already "become a fool", and probably this process was accelerated by Nadezhda, who is counting on the fact that the main character's conscience will be resurrected. Still, in my opinion, the death of his mother caused some kind of moral shock in the hero, with which, apparently, Dmitriev's malaise was also connected. But still, the chances of his spiritual revival are very small. And it is not without reason that in the last lines of this story the author reports that he learned the whole story from Viktor Georgievich, who now seems to be a sick man, crushed by life. Exchange moral values occurred in his soul, led to a sad result. Reverse exchange for the hero is almost impossible.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 11

« urban prose in modern literature.
Yu. V. Trifonov. story "The Exchange"

Goals: give the concept of "urban" prose of the twentieth century; consider eternal problems raised by the author against the backdrop of urban life; to determine the features of Trifonov's work (semantic ambiguity of the title, subtle psychologism).

During the classes

Take care of the intimate, intimate: all the treasures of the world are dearer than the intimacy of your soul!

V. V. Rozanov

I. "Urban" prose in the literature of the XX century.

1. Work with the textbook.

Read the article (textbook edited by Zhuravlev, pp. 418-422).

What do you think the concept of “urban” prose means? What are its features?

Draw up your conclusions in the form of a plan.

Sample Plan

1) Features of "urban" prose:

a) it is a cry of pain for a person "turned into a grain of sand";

b) literature explores the world "through the prism of culture, philosophy, religion."

3) "Urban" prose by Y. Trifonov:

a) in the story "Preliminary results" he reasoned with "empty" philosophers;

b) in the story "Long Farewell" reveals the theme of the collapse of the bright beginning in a person in his concessions to the bourgeoisie.

2. Appeal to the epigraph of the lesson.

How is the content of "urban" prose related to the epigraph of today's lesson?

II. "Urban" prose of Yuri Trifonov.

1. Life and creative way Trifonova.

The complexity of the fate of the writer and his generation, the talent for the embodiment of spiritual quests, the originality of manner - all this predetermines attention to life path Trifonova.

The writer's parents were professional revolutionaries. Father, Valentin Andreevich, joined the party in 1904, was exiled to administrative exile in Siberia, and went through hard labor. Later he became a member of the Military Revolutionary Committee in October 1917. In 1923-1925. Headed the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

In the 1930s, my father and mother were repressed. In 1965, Y. Trifonov's documentary book "The Reflection of the Fire" appeared, in which he used his father's archive. From the pages of the work rises the image of a man who "kindled a fire and himself died in this flame." In the novel, Trifonov was first used as a kind of artistic technique principle of timing.

History will disturb Trifonov constantly ("The Old Man", "The House on the Embankment"). The writer realized his philosophical principle: “We must remember - here is hidden the only possibility of competition with time. Man is doomed, time triumphs.

During the war, Yuri Trifonov was evacuated to Central Asia, worked at an aircraft factory in Moscow. In 1944 he entered Literary Institute them. Gorky.

The memoirs of his contemporaries help to visibly present the writer: “He was over forty. A clumsy, slightly baggy figure, short black hair, in some places in barely visible lamb curls, with rare threads of gray hair, an open wrinkled forehead. From a broad, slightly swollen pale face, through heavy horn-rimmed glasses, intelligent gray eyes looked at me shyly and unprotectedly.

The first story "Students" - graduate work budding prose writer. The story was published by the magazine New world» A. Tvardovsky in 1950, and in 1951 the author received the Stalin Prize for it.

It is generally accepted that the main theme of the writer is everyday life, being dragged into everyday life. One of the well-known researchers of Trifonov’s work, N. B. Ivanova, writes: “At the first reading of Trifonov, there is a deceptive ease of perception of his prose, immersion in familiar situations close to us, collisions with people and phenomena known in life ...” This is true, but only when reading superficially.

Trifonov himself claimed: “Yes, I don’t write life, but life.”

Critic Yu. M. Oklyansky rightly asserts: “The test of everyday life, the imperious force of everyday circumstances and the hero, one way or another romantically opposing them ... is a through and title theme of the late Trifonov ...”.

2. Problems of the story by Y. Trifonov "Exchange".

1) - Remember the plot of the work.

The family of Viktor Georgievich Dmitriev, an employee of one of the research institutes, lives in a communal apartment. Daughter Natasha - teenager - behind the curtain. Dmitriev's dream of moving in with his mother did not find support from Lena, his wife. Everything changed when the mother was operated on for cancer. Lena herself started talking about the exchange. The actions and feelings of the heroes, manifested in the solution of this everyday issue, which ended in a successful exchange, and soon the death of Ksenia Feodorovna, constitute the content of a short story.

So, the exchange is the plot core of the story, but is it possible to say that this is also a metaphor that the author uses?

2) Main character the story is a representative of the third generation of the Dmitrievs.

Grandfather Fyodor Nikolaevich is intelligent, principled, humane.

And what about the hero's mother?

Find the characteristic in the text:

“Ksenia Fedorovna is loved by friends, respected by colleagues, appreciated by neighbors in the apartment and in the pavlinovskaya dacha, because she is friendly, compliant, ready to help and take part ...”

But Viktor Georgievich Dmitriev falls under the influence of his wife, "gets sloppy." The essence of the title of the story, its pathos, the author's position, as it follows from artistic logic stories, are revealed in the dialogue between Xenia Fedorovna and her son about the exchange: “I really wanted to live with you and Natasha ... - Xenia Fedorovna was silent for a while. - And now - no "-" Why? - “You have already exchanged, Vitya. The exchange has taken place."

What is the meaning of these words?

3) What makes up the image of the main character?

Description of the image based on the text.

How does the emerging conflict with his wife over the exchange end?(“...He lay down in his place against the wall and turned to face the wallpaper.”)

What does this pose of Dmitriev express?(This is a desire to get away from the conflict, humility, non-resistance, although in words he did not agree with Lena.)

And here is another subtle psychological sketch: Dmitriev, falling asleep, feels his wife’s hand on his shoulder, which at first “lightly strokes his shoulder”, and then presses “with considerable weight”.

The hero realizes that his wife's hand is inviting him to turn around. He resists (this is how the author depicts the internal struggle in detail). But ... "Dmitriev, without saying a word, turned on his left side."

What other details indicate the subordination of the hero to his wife, when we understand that he is a follower?(In the morning, the wife reminded her to talk to her mother.

“Dmitriev wanted to say something,” but he “took two steps after Lena, stood in the corridor and returned to the room.”)

This detail - "two steps forward" - "two steps back" - is a clear evidence of the impossibility for Dmitriev to go beyond the limits that are imposed on him by external circumstances.

Whose rating does the hero get?(We learn his assessment from his mother, from his grandfather: “You are not a bad person. But not amazing either.”)

4) The right to be called a person Dmitriev was denied by his relatives. Lena was denied by the author: “... she bit into her desires like a bulldog. Such a pretty bulldog woman ... She did not let go until the desires - right in her teeth - turned into flesh ... "

Oxymoron* cute female bulldogemphasizes even more negative attitude the author to the heroine.

Yes, Trifonov clearly defined his position. This is contradicted by the statement of N. Ivanova: "Trifonov did not set himself the task of either condemning or rewarding his heroes: the task was different - to understand." This is partly true...

It seems that another remark of the same literary critic: “...behind the outward simplicity of presentation, calm intonation, designed for an equal and understanding reader, - Trifonov's poetics. And - an attempt at social aesthetic education.

What is your attitude towards the Dmitriev family?

Do you want life to be like this in your families?(Trifonov managed to draw typical picture family relations of our time: the feminization of the family, the transition of the initiative into the hands of predators, the triumph of consumerism, the lack of unity in the upbringing of children, the loss of traditional family values. The desire for peace as the only joy makes men put up with their minority in the family. They lose their solid masculinity. The family is left without a head.)

III. Summary of the lesson.

What questions did the author of the story “The Exchange” make you think about?

Do you agree that B. Pankin, speaking about this story, calls a genre that combines a physiological sketch of modern urban life and a parable?


“The exchange saw the light in 1969. At that time, the author was criticized for reproducing a “terrible mire of trifles”, for the fact that in his work “there is no enlightening truth”, for the fact that spiritual dead roam in Trifonov’s stories, pretending to be alive. There are no ideals, man has been crushed and humiliated, crushed by life and his own insignificance.

Express your attitude to these assessments by answering the questions:

What comes to the fore in the story when we perceive it now?

Does Trifonov really have no ideals?

Will this story remain in literature, in your opinion, and how will it be perceived in another 40 years?

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