The Queen of Spades complete libretto. Potpourri from the opera by P.I


"Queen of Spades"is a masterpiece that unites two world geniuses born on Russian soil: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The opera is one of the most performed Russian compositions abroad, along with the opera "Boris Godunov" by MP Mussorgsky.

Composition by A. S. Pushkin

The basis of the opera is Pushkin's story "The Queen of Spades". It was completed in 1833, and its printed publication debut took place the following year, 1834.

The plot is mystical in nature, such topics as fortune, fate, higher power, lot and rock.

The story has prototypes and real basis. Her story was suggested to the poet by the young Prince Golitsyn. But he actually lived, after losing in a card game he was able to win back, thanks to the hint of Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna - his grandmother. She received this advice from a certain Saint Germain.

Probably Pushkin wrote the story in the village of Boldino Nizhny Novgorod region, but, unfortunately, the handwritten original has not been preserved

This story is perhaps the first work that was successful not only in Russia, but also abroad during the life of the poet.

Characters and plot

The main characters of Pushkin's "Queen of Spades":

  • The engineer Hermann is the main character. He never picked up cards until he accidentally heard about some secret of the three cards with which you can win a large fortune.
  • Anna Fedotovna Tomskaya is the very keeper of the desired secret.
  • Lisa - young naive girl and pupil, thanks to whom main character was able to enter the Countess's house.

On the night after the funeral, the ghost of the Countess appears in a dream to Hermann and nevertheless announces the secret of the cards. He does not miss the opportunity and sits down to play with wealthy opponents. The first day turns out to be successful, and a triple bet on 47 thousand gives the lucky winner a victory.

On the 2nd day, fortune in the face of the seven again turns to face him, and Hermann again leaves the game as a winner.

On the 3rd day, already inspired and anticipating a complete victory, Hermann puts absolutely everything on the coveted ace and loses. Opening the card, he sees the Queen of Spades, who mysteriously begins to take on similarities with the deceased countess.

The main character cannot stand such meanness and eventually loses his mind, and the unfortunate Liza, having forgotten all this like a bad dream, marries a respectable man.

Opera "The Queen of Spades"

Opera is one of famous works Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. It was written in 1890. The work was created based on the work of the same name by A. S. Pushkin.

History of creation

The composer worked on it in Florence, surprisingly, the opera was written in just forty-four days. However, the intention of the staging piece of music appeared on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater much earlier and belonged to I. A. Vsevolozhsky. Initially, negotiations on the creation of the opera were conducted with other composers - N. S. Klenovsky and A. A. Villamov. Later, in 1887, the first conversation between Vsevolozhsky and Tchaikovsky took place. The composer flatly refused to work on the opera. However, instead of him, his younger brother, Modest Ilyich (a talented librettist), took up the matter. Pyotr Ilyich's attitude towards opera gradually changed, and in 1889, the composer rethought his decision, and, leaving his business, studied the libretto (the literary foundation on which vocal and ballet compositions are created), written by him younger brother. In January 1890, while in Italy, he began work on an opera.

The work began at a stormy and energetic pace, the composer himself even wrote the text for two of his arias (the hero Yeletsky in act II and the heroine Liza in act III). Later, Tchaikovsky added the 7th act, Herman's drinking song, to the composition.

The world-class premiere took place on December 19, 1890 at the famous Mariinsky Theater under the direction of conductor Eduard Napravnik.

The Moscow debut took place in the fall of 1891 in Bolshoi Theater conducted by Ippolit Altani.

The opera was a success with the public, and it was decided to go on tour with her to Europe and America. On October 11, 1892, the premiere took place abroad, in Prague, in a Czech translation.

Modest Tchaikovsky, taking Pushkin's story as a basis, retained all the main characters and the plot as a whole, but despite this, the libretto differed significantly from the literary original:

  • Herman felt real, sincere and passionate love for Lisa. For comparison, in the story the main character only used the naivety and feelings of the girl.
  • Elizabeth is far from the poor pupil of the old woman, but her rich successor with an impressive inheritance that she inherited after the death of the countess. This is not an unhappy and silent nature, but on the contrary - an ardently loving and passionate girl, ready to do anything for the sake of the protagonist.
  • Herman not only goes insane, but ends his life by suicide after a crushing loss at cards.
  • Lisa decides to renounce her newly-made husband Yeletsky and dies, unable to survive the madness of her lover.

The libretto of "The Queen of Spades" is written in verse, and the work of A. S. Pushkin is in prose. In addition to important details, the vocal text is also distinguished by an emotional message. Tchaikovsky anxiously experiences the fate of each character, passing their feelings through himself. Pushkin, on the other hand, described the situation in the style of secular humor and treated the characters very indifferently.

It is worth noting that in the libretto of "The Queen of Spades" the name of the main character is written with one letter "n". The thing is that in Pushkin's work Hermann is probably a surname of German origin, which is why the consonant is doubled. In the libretto, his origin is unknown, as a result of which we can conclude that this is his name.

Each separately

The opera consists of 7 scenes in 3 acts. Events take place in late XVIII century in the city of Petersburg.

Below is the libretto of the opera "The Queen of Spades" by actions.

Act one

First picture. In the summer garden, a dialogue takes place between officers Surin and Chekalinsky. They talk about the mysterious deeds of their friend Herman, who devotes all his time to the gambling house, but does not take up cards himself. After some time, the main character himself appears in the company of Tomsky, the count of the estate. He talks about his passionate feelings for the girl, without even knowing her name. At this moment, Yeletsky appears and announces an imminent engagement. Herman is horrified to realize that she is the very object of his desire when he sees Tomskaya with her ward Lisa. Both ladies experience anxious feelings, feeling the interested look of the protagonist on themselves.

Count Tomsky tells a joke about a countess who, in her distant youth, suffered a fiasco, losing her entire fortune. From Saint-Germain, she learns about the secret of the three cards, in return giving him one date. As a result, she was able to regain her fortune. After this "funny" story, Surin and Chekalinsky's secular friends jokingly suggest that Herman follow the same path. But he is not interested, all his thoughts are focused on the object of love.

Second picture. In anticipation of the night, Lisa sits in a sad mood. Girlfriends try to calm the girl, but all their attempts are in vain. Only left alone with herself, she confesses her passionate feelings for the unknown. young man. At the right moment, the same stranger appears and pours out his heartache, begging the girl to answer his feelings. In response, she sheds tears, tears of regret and sympathy. The unintentional meeting is interrupted by the countess, and Herman, who has hidden, at the sight of the old woman, suddenly recalls the secret of the three cards. After her departure, Lisa confesses her reciprocal feelings.

Action two

Third picture. The events take place at a ball where Yeletsky, worried about the indifference of his future bride, ardently confesses his love for her, but at the same time does not limit the girl's freedom. Herman's friends, wearing masks, continue to mock him, but the hero does not like these jokes at all. Lisa gives him the keys to the Countess's room, and Herman takes her act as a hint of fate itself.

Fourth picture. The protagonist, having made his way into the room of Countess Tomskaya, peers at her portrait, feeling the sinister fatal energy. Having waited for the old woman, Herman begs to reveal the desired secret to him, but the countess remains motionless. Unable to stand the silence, he decides to blackmail with a pistol, but the unfortunate woman immediately falls unconscious. Lisa comes running to the sound and understands that Herman needed only the solution of three cards.

Act Three

Fifth picture. Herman, being in the barracks, reads a letter from Lisa, in which she makes an appointment for him. Memories of the Countess's funeral come to life. Suddenly, a knock is heard outside the window. The candle goes out, and Herman sees the revived Tomskaya, who, against her will, reveals to him the secret of three cards.

Sixth picture. Elizabeth, waiting for a date on the embankment, has doubts and finally loses hope of seeing her lover. But, to her surprise, Herman appears. After some time, Lisa notices that something is wrong with him and is convinced of his guilt. German, obsessed with winning, leaves the meeting place. Unable to withstand all the pain of disappointment, the girl throws herself into the water.

Seventh picture. The gaming fun is interrupted by a heated Herman. He offers to play cards and wins the first two games. For the third time, Prince Yeletsky becomes his opponent, but Herman, who has lost his mind, does not care. According to the plot of The Queen of Spades, with three cards (three, seven and ace), the old countess managed to win. Herman was close to victory, knowing this secret. However, instead of the proper ace in his hands is the queen of spades, in the image of which he sees the features of a dead old woman.

Unable to withstand everything that happens, the protagonist stabs himself, and in his awakened (for the remaining few seconds) consciousness, the image of his bright innocent love, Lisa, appears. "Beauty! Goddess! Angel!" - are heard last words from the protagonist.

Composition and vocal parts

The Queen of Spades opera features 24 vocalists, in addition to solo artists important role the choir plays, as well as the support of the whole process - the orchestra.

Every acting hero have their own part, written to a certain timbre of voice:

  • German was a tenor;
  • Liza had a sonorous and light soprano voice;
  • The Countess (Queen of Spades) had a low mezzo or contralto;
  • Tomsky and Yeletsky - baritones.

From Act I, Herman's aria "Forgive me, heavenly creature" is famous, and from Act II - Yeletsky's aria "I love you."

In act III, it is impossible not to note the incredible sonority of Lisa's aria "Ah, I am weary of grief" and Herman's finale with the famous, which has already become catch phrase, the phrase: "What is our life? Game!".


The opera "The Queen of Spades" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky is one of the pinnacles of the world operatic art, a musical and dramatic work surprising in its strength and depth. Some details of the plot were changed, but what is really important - other accents, the meaning of which is to exacerbate the conflicts "life - death", "man - fate", "love - game".

Thanks not only to Peter, but also to Modest Tchaikovsky, the author of the libretto for The Queen of Spades, the opera has become a world masterpiece.

The action takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of the 18th century.

Created Jan. 1890, Florence - June 1890, Frolovskoe.

First performance 7 Dec. 1890, Petersburg, Mariinskii Opera House. Conductor E.F. Napravnik. Directed by G.P.Kondratiev. Dances and interlude staged by M. Petipa. Artists: V.V.Vasiliev - d. I, kar. 1, A.S. Yanov - d. I, map. 2, G. Levot - d. II, map. 3 and d. III, map. 7, K.M. Ivanov - d. III, map. 4 and d. III, map. 6, I.P. Andreev - d. III, map. 5. Costumes according to the drawings of E.P. Ponomarev.

d. I, 1k.
Solar Summer garden. In an atmosphere of prosperity and joy, a crowd of townspeople, children, accompanied by nannies and governesses, walk around. Officers Surin and Chekalinsky share their impressions of strange behavior his friend Herman. He spends all night long in a gambling house, but does not even try to try his luck. Soon Herman himself appears, accompanied by Count Tomsky. Herman opens his soul to him: he is passionately, ardently in love, although he does not know the name of his chosen one. Prince Yeletsky, who has joined the company of officers, talks about his forthcoming marriage: "The bright angel agreed to combine his fate with mine!" Herman is horrified to learn that the prince's bride is the object of his passion, when the Countess passes by, accompanied by her granddaughter, Liza.

Both women are seized with heavy premonitions, hypnotized by the burning gaze of the unfortunate Herman. Meanwhile, Tomsky tells the audience a secular anecdote about a countess who, being a young Moscow "lioness", lost her entire fortune and "at the cost of one rendezvous", having learned the fatal secret of three always winning cards, overcame fate: "Since she named those cards to her husband, in another once their young handsome man found out, but on the same night, only she was left alone, a ghost appeared to her and said menacingly: “You will get death blow you are from the third, who, ardently, passionately loving, will come to force you to learn three cards, three cards, three cards! The garden is emptying, only Herman meets the raging elements “with an open visor”, a fire of no less strength bubbles in his soul: “No, prince! As long as I'm alive, I won't give it to you, I don't know how, but I'll take it away!" he exclaims.

2 k.
At dusk, the girls play music in Lisa's room, trying to cheer up the saddened, despite the engagement with the prince, girl. Left alone, she confides her secret to the night: "And my whole soul is in his power!" she confesses her love for to a mysterious stranger, in whose eyes I read "the fire of scorching passion." Suddenly Herman appears on the balcony, who came to her before passing away. His ardent explanation captivates Lisa. The knock of the awakened Countess interrupts him. Hiding behind the curtain, Herman is excited by the very sight of the old woman, in whose face he sees a terrible ghost of death. Unable to hide her feelings any longer, Lisa surrenders to the power of Herman.

II d., 1 k.
There is a ball in the house of a rich metropolitan dignitary. Yeletsky, alarmed by Liza's coldness, assures her of the immensity of his love. Chekalinsky and Surin in masks mock Herman, whispering to him: "Are you the third one who, passionately loving, will come to learn from her three cards, three cards, three cards?" Herman is excited, their words excite his imagination. At the end of the Shepherd's Sincerity performance, he is confronted by the Countess. And when Lisa gives him the keys to the Countess's bedroom, which leads to her room, Herman takes it as an omen. Tonight he will learn the secret of the three cards - the way to take possession of Lisa's hand.

2 k.
Herman sneaks into the Countess's bedroom. With trepidation, he peers at the portrait of the Moscow beauty, with whom he is connected "by some kind of secret power." Here she is, accompanied by her companions. The countess is unhappy, she does not like it present morals, customs, she longingly recalls the past and falls asleep in an armchair. Suddenly, Herman appears before her, begging to reveal the secret of the three cards: "You can make happiness whole life, and it won't cost you anything!" But the Countess, numb with fright, is motionless. Under the threat of a pistol, she expires. "She is dead, but I have not learned the secret," Herman, close to insanity, laments in response to the reproaches of Lisa who has entered.

III d. 1k.
German in the barracks. He reads a letter from Liza, who has forgiven him, where she makes an appointment with him on the embankment. In the imagination, pictures of the funeral of an old woman arise, funeral singing is heard. The emerging ghost of the Countess in a white funeral shroud broadcasts: "Save Lisa, marry her, and three cards will win in a row. Remember! Three! Seven! Ace!" "Three ... Seven ... Ace ..." - Herman repeats like a spell.

2 k.
Lisa is waiting for Herman on the embankment near Kanavka. She is torn by doubts: "Ah, I am exhausted, I have suffered," she exclaims in despair. At the moment when the clock strikes midnight, and Lisa finally lost faith in her lover, he appears. But German, at first repeating the words of love after Lisa, is already obsessed with another idea. Trying to captivate the girl to hurry after him to the gambling house, he runs away screaming. Realizing the inevitability of what happened, the girl rushes into the river.

3 k. Players have fun at the card table. Tomsky entertains them with a playful song. In the midst of the game, an agitated Herman appears. Twice in a row, offering big bets, he wins. "The devil himself is playing with you at the same time," those present proclaim. Game continues. This time against Herman, Prince Yeletsky. And instead of a win-win ace, the queen of spades turns out to be in his hands. Herman sees on the map the features of the deceased old woman: "Damned! What do you need! My life? Take it, take it!" He's squirming. In the clarified consciousness, the image of Liza arises: "Beauty! Goddess! Angel!" With these words Herman dies.

The opera was commissioned by Tchaikovsky from the directorate of the imperial theatres. The plot was proposed by I.A. Vsevolozhsky. The beginning of negotiations with the directorate dates back to 1887/88. Initially Ch. refused and only in 1889 decided to write an opera based on this story. At a meeting in the directorate of the imperial theaters at the end of 1889, the script, the layout of the opera scenes, the staging moments, and the design elements of the performance were discussed. The opera was composed in sketches from 19/31 Jan. to March 3/15 in Florence. In July - Dec. 1890 Ch. made many changes to the score, in literary text, recitatives, vocal parts; at the request of N.N. Figner, two versions of Herman's aria from the 7th card were also created. (different tones). All these changes are fixed in the proof-readings of the transcription for singing with piano, marks, various inserts of the 1st and 2nd editions.

When creating sketches Ch. actively reworked the libretto. He significantly changed the text, introduced stage directions, made cuts, composed his own texts for Yeletsky's aria, Lisa's aria, and the choir "Come on, little Masha."

The libretto uses poems by Batyushkov (in the romance of Polina), V.A. Zhukovsky (in the duet of Polina and Lisa), G.R. Derzhavin (in the final scene), P.M.

The scene in the Countess's bedroom uses the old French song "Vive Henri IV". In the same scene, with minor changes, the beginning of Loretta's aria from A. Gretry's opera "Richard Lion Heart". In the final scene, the second half of the song (polonaise) "Thunder of victory, resound" by I.A. Kozlovsky was used.

Before starting work on the opera, Tchaikovsky was in a depressed state, which he admitted in a letter to A.K. Glazunov: “I am going through a very mysterious stage on the way to the grave. fatigue from life, some kind of disappointment: at times an insane longing, but not one in the depths of which there is a foreknowledge of a new surge of love for life, but something hopeless, final ... And at the same time, the desire to write is terrible ... On the one hand, I feel that it is as if my song has already been sung, and on the other hand, an irresistible desire to drag out either the same life, or even better a new song "...

Tchaikovsky loved and highly appreciated his opera The Queen of Spades, calling it a masterpiece. It was sketched in 44 days in Florence. The plot is borrowed from the story of the same name by Pushkin. The libretto was written by the composer's brother M.I. Tchaikovsky, although some texts were written by Tchaikovsky himself. The opera was composed quickly and with particular passion. After its completion, the composer wrote a string sextet "Memories of Florence", dedicating it to the city in which he created his favorite brainchild.

Ch. was well aware of the significance of the "Queen of Spades" even in the process of work. Here are the lines of his letter to Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich: "I wrote it with unprecedented fervor and enthusiasm, I vividly suffered and felt everything that was happening in it (even to the point that at one time I was afraid of the appearance of the ghost of the" Queen of Spades ") and I hope that all my author's enthusiasm , excitements and passions will resonate in the hearts of sympathetic listeners" (dated August 3, 1890). And one more eloquent self-assessment: "... either I am terribly mistaken, or The Queen of Spades is really a masterpiece ..." This self-assessment turned out to be prophetic. The composer's characterization of the idea of ​​the Fourth Symphony is the best answer to the main meaning of his operatic masterpiece: "This is fate, this is the fatal force that prevents the impulse to happiness from reaching its goal." "Everything is new, compared with Pushkin, in the plot ... - notes the librettist of the opera M.I. Tchaikovsky, - transferring the time of action to the era of Catherine and introducing a love-dramatic element." Let us add that Herman in the opera is not a prudent and ambitious player with the “soul of Mephistopheles”, but a poor officer, a “warm, lively attitude” to which the author himself gives rise to our response - more sympathy than condemnation. Liza is transformed from a poor pupil into the granddaughter of an old countess. In addition, she is the bride and, unlike the poor Herman, her fiance is the noble and wealthy Prince Yeletsky. All this reinforces the motive social inequality separating the heroes. Interpreting it your way Pushkin's story, Ch. enlarged it at the same time.

A feature of the opera is the fact that its main character, Herman, is present on stage and sings in all seven scenes of the opera, which required high skill and endurance from the singer. The part of Herman was written for the remarkable Russian tenor N.N. Figner, who became its first performer.

The composer himself took part in the preparation of the St. Petersburg premiere, playing the roles of Herman and Lisa with the Figners. According to critics, "Figner's bright temperament gave each phrase a very high relief in the corresponding strong moments. In purely lyrical places ... Figner's singing was imbued with charming softness and sincerity." "Figner and the St. Petersburg orchestra ... performed true miracles," Tchaikovsky later wrote. The success of The Queen of Spades, as its author had foreseen, was amazing. With the same incredible success"The Queen of Spades" was received in Kyiv 12 days after the St. Petersburg premiere, performed by I.P. Pryanishnikov's opera entreprise under the direction of I.V. famous artist M.E. Medvedev as Herman. November 4, 1891 "The Queen of Spades" was given in Moscow at the Bolshoi Theater. The author was present at the performance, as well as at the first performances in St. Petersburg and Kyiv, and took part in rehearsal work. Conducted by I.K.Altani. The main roles were played by outstanding artists: M.E. Medvedev (German), who moved from Kiev to Moscow, M.A. Deisha-Sionitskaya (Liza), P.A. Khokhlov (Eletsky), B.B. A.P. Krutikova (Countess). The production at the National Theater of Prague conducted by conductor A. Cech (October 12 - September 30, 1892) was very carefully prepared - the first performance of The Queen of Spades abroad.

P. E. Weidman

"THE LADY OF SPADES". Recording to mp3

Actors and performers:
Herman - Nikandr Khanaev (tenor), Lisa - Ksenia Derzhinskaya (soprano), Countess - Bronislava Zlatogorova (contralto), Count Tomsky - Alexander Baturin (baritone), Prince Yeletsky - Panteleimon Nortsov (baritone), Polina / Milovzor (Dafnis) - Maria Maksakova (mezzo-soprano), Prilepa/Chloe - Valeria Barsova (soprano), Zlatogor - Vladimir Politkovsky (baritone), Chekalinsky - Sergei Ostroumov (tenor), Surin - Ivan Manshavin (tenor), Chaplitsky - Mikhail Novozhenin (bass), Narumov - Konstantin Terekhin (bass), Masha - Nadezhda Chubienko (soprano), Governess - Margarita Shervinskaya (contralto), Master of Ceremonies - Pyotr Belinnik (tenor).

Radio station "Mayak" and Firm "Melody" present a joint project"Night at the Opera" - complete records outstanding opera productions.

P.I. Chaikovsky(1840-1893)


(Op. 68, 1890)

Opera in 3 acts, 7 scenes

The plot is borrowed from the story of the same name by A.S. Pushkin

Libretto M.I. Tchaikovsky

The action takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of the 18th century.

Actors and performers:

Hermann- Z. Anjaparidze, tenor

Count Tomsky- M. Kiselev, baritone

Prince Yeletsky- Y. Mazurok, baritone

Chekalinsky- A. Sokolov, tenor

Surin- V. Yaroslavtsev, bass

Chaplitsky- V. Vlasov, tenor

Narumov- Y. Dementiev, bass

Steward- A. Mishutin, tenor

Countess- V. Levko, mezzo-soprano

Lisa- T. Milashkina, soprano

Pauline- I. Arkhipova, contralto

Governess- M. Mityukova, mezzo-soprano

Masha- M. Miglau, soprano

Characters in the interlude Shepherd's sincerity»:

Prilepa- V. Firsova, soprano

Milovzor- I. Arkhipova, contralto

Zlatogor- V. Nechipaylo, baritone

Nurses, governesses, nurses, walkers, guests, children, players, and so on.

Choir, children's choir and orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater

Choirmaster - A. Rybnov

Head of the children's choir - I. Agafonnikov

Conductor - B. Khaykin

1967 recording

Sound engineer - A. Grossman

Remastering - E. Barykina

The action of the opera takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of the 18th century.

First action

First picture. Sunny Summer Garden, filled with a walking crowd. Officers Surin and Chekalinsky share their impressions about the strange behavior of their friend Herman: he spends nights in a gambling house, but he never takes cards in his hands. Soon Herman himself appears, accompanied by Count Tomsky. He admits that he is passionately in love, but does not know the name of his chosen one. Meanwhile, Prince Yeletsky, who has joined the company of officers, shares his joy in connection with his imminent marriage: “The bright angel agreed to combine his fate with mine!” Herman is horrified to learn that the object of his passion is the prince's bride, when the Countess passes by, accompanied by her granddaughter, Lisa. Both women, who noticed Herman's burning gaze, are seized with heavy forebodings.

Tomsky tells his friends a secular anecdote about a countess who, being a young "Venus of Moscow", lost her entire fortune. "At the price of one rendezvous," she learned from the Count of Saint-Germain the fatal the secret of three always winning cards to get your money back. From that moment on, her secret was firmly connected with her further fate: “Once she called those cards to her husband, another time the young handsome man recognized them, but on the same night, only she was left alone, the ghost appeared to her and said menacingly:“ If you receive a mortal blow, you will come to force you to learn three cards from you, three cards, three cards!”. After this story, Surin and Chekalinsky make fun of Herman and offer to find out the secret of the cards from the old woman, but Herman's thoughts are focused on Lisa. A thunderstorm starts. The garden is empty. Amidst the raging elements, Herman exclaims: “I am not afraid of a storm! In myself all the passions awoke with such deadly force that this thunder is nothing in comparison! No, prince! As long as I'm alive, I won't give it to you, I don't know how, but I'll take it away! ... She will be mine, mine, or I will die!

Second painting. Twilight. The girls try to cheer up the saddened Lisa, but she hides her thoughts. Only left alone, Lisa confides her dark secret of the night. She feels love for a mysterious stranger, he is beautiful" as fallen Angel", in his eyes "a fire of scorching passion." Herman suddenly appears on the balcony. He reveals his love to Lisa and begs her to accept this confession, because otherwise he is ready to give up his life. Tears of compassion become her answer. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. The Countess enters the room, and Herman, who hid behind the curtain, at the sight of her, suddenly recalls terrible secret three cards. In the face of the old woman, he sees a terrible ghost of death. But she leaves and Herman's impetuous explanation ends with Lisa's reciprocal confession.

Second act

First picture. Ball. Yeletsky, alarmed by Liza's coldness, assures her of his love, but at the same time nobly gives her freedom. Surin and Chekalinsky in masks mock Herman: “Are you the third one who, passionately loving, will come to learn from her three cards, three cards, three cards?” Herman is frightened by these words. At the end of the interlude "The Sincerity of the Shepherdess", he is confronted by the Countess. Having received the keys to the secret door of the Countess from Lisa, Herman perceives this as a fatal omen. Tonight he learns the secret of the three cards.

Second painting. Herman sneaks into the Countess's bedroom. With trepidation, he peers at her portrait in his youth and feels a secret fatal force connecting him with her: “I look at you and hate, but I can’t get enough of it.” The Countess herself appears, accompanied by her companions. She grumpily recalls the past and gradually falls asleep in the armchair. Suddenly, Herman appears before her, begging to reveal the secret of the three cards: “You can make the happiness of a lifetime, and it will cost you nothing!” But the Countess, numb with fright, is motionless. Enraged Herman threatens with a gun and the old woman falls dead. The prophecy came true, but the secret remained unknown to Herman. Lisa comes to the noise and sees Herman in a state of madness. She realizes that Herman needed the secret of the three cards.

Third act

First picture. German in the barracks. He reads Liza's letter, where she appoints him a date on the embankment. He sorts through the past in his memory and pictures of the old woman's funeral rise in his imagination, ghostly funeral singing is heard. There is a knock on the window. The candle goes out. Horrified Herman sees the ghost of the Countess and hears her words: “I came to you against my will. But I am ordered to fulfill your request. Save Lisa, marry her and win three cards in a row. Remember! Troika! Seven! Ace!" "Three ... Seven ... Ace ..." - Herman repeats like a spell.

Second painting. Lisa is waiting for Herman on the embankment near the Winter Canal. She experiences a terrible torment of doubt: "Ah, I am exhausted, I have suffered." When the clock strikes midnight and Lisa finally loses hope, Herman appears, at first repeating the words of love after Lisa, but already obsessed with another idea. Lisa becomes convinced that Herman is the culprit behind the death of the Countess. His madness intensifies, he does not recognize her, his thoughts are only about the gambling house: “There are piles of gold lying to me too, they belong to me alone.” He runs away to the gambling house, and Liza, driven to despair, throws herself into the water.

Third painting. Players have fun at the card table. Tomsky entertains them with a playful song. In the midst of the game, an agitated Herman appears. Twice in a row, offering large bets, he wins. “The devil himself plays with you at the same time,” those present proclaim. Game continues. This time against Herman, Prince Yeletsky. And instead of a win-win ace, the queen of spades turns out to be in his hands. Herman sees on the map the features of the deceased old woman: “Damned! What do you need! My life? Take it, take it!" and he is stabbed. In the mind of the dying hero arises beautiful image Lisa: "Beauty! Goddess! Angel!" With these words Herman dies.


Queen of Spades



A platform filled with spring sun in the Summer Garden. Nurses walking or sitting on benches, governesses and wet nurses. Children play burners, jump ropes, throw balls.

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

One two Three!

(Laughter, exclamations, running around.)

Chorus of nannies

Have fun, cute kids!

Rarely the sun of you, dear ones,

Fills with joy!

If, darlings, you are at will

Games, pranks are up to,

Then a little to your nannies

You bring peace then.

Warm up, run, dear children,

And have fun in the sun!

Chorus of governesses

God bless,

At least you can rest a little.

Breathe spring air

See something!

Do not shout, spend time without remarks,

About suggestions, punishments, forget about the lesson.

Chorus of nannies

Get warm!

Run, dear children,

And have fun in the sun!

Choir of wet nurses

Bye, bye, bye!

Bye, bye, bye!

Sleep, dear, rest!

Don't open your clear eyes!

(Drumbeats and children's trumpets can be heard offstage.)

Chorus of nannies, nurses and governesses.

Here are our soldiers coming, soldiers.

How slim!

Step aside!

Places! Places!

One, two, one, two

One, two, one, two!

Boys in toy weapons enter, pretending to be soldiers; in front of the boy-commander.

Chorus of boys

One, two, one, two!

Left, right, left, right!

Friendly, brothers!

Don't stumble!

Boy Commander

Right shoulder forward! One, two, stop!

(The boys stop.)

Listen! Musket in front of you!

Take it for granted! Musket to the leg!

(The boys follow the command.)

Chorus of boys

We are all gathered here

To the fear of Russian enemies.

Evil enemy, beware

And with evil intent

Run or submit!

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

Save the Fatherland

We got to share

We will fight

And enemies into captivity

Pick up without an account!

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

Long live the wife

wise queen,

She is the mother of all of us,

Empress of these countries

And pride and beauty!

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

Commander Boy. Well done boys!


We are glad to try, your honor!

Boy Commander

Listen! Musket in front of you!

Right! On guard! March!

(The boys leave, drumming and trumpeting.)

Chorus of nannies, nurses and governesses

Well, well done our soldiers!

And indeed let fear into the enemy.

Well, well done! How slim!

Well, well done!

The boys are followed by other children. The nannies and governesses disperse, giving way to other walkers. Chekalinsky and Surin enter.

CHEKALINSKY. How did the game end yesterday?

SURIN. Of course, I blew terribly! I'm out of luck.

CHEKALINSKY. Did you play again until morning?

SURIN. Yes, I'm terribly tired ... Damn it, I wish I could win at least once!

CHEKALINSKY. Was Herman there?

Was. And, as always, from eight to eight in the morning,

Chained to the gambling table, he sat and silently blew wine.


SURIN. Yes, I watched the game of others.

CHEKALINSKY. What a strange man he is!

SURIN. As if he had at least three villains in his heart.

CHEKALINSKY. I heard that he is very poor..

SURIN. Yes, not rich.

Herman enters, thoughtful and gloomy; Count Tomsky is with him.

SURIN. Here he is, look. Like a demon of hell, gloomy... pale...

Surin and Chekalinsky pass.

TOMSKY. Tell me, Herman, what's the matter with you?

HERMANN. With me?.. Nothing...

TOMSKY. You are sick?

HERMANN. No, I'm healthy.

You have become some other ... Dissatisfied with something ...

It used to be: restrained, thrifty,

You were cheerful, at least;

Now you are gloomy, silent

And - I can not believe my ears:

You, a new passion of grief,

As they say, until the morning

You spend your nights playing.

Yes! To the goal with a firm foot

I can't go on like before

I don't know what's wrong with me

I'm lost, indignant at weakness,

But I can't control myself anymore...

I love! I love!

TOMSKY. How! Are you in love? in whom?

I don't know her name

And I don't want to know

Earthly name not wanting

Call her...

(With passion.)

Sorting through all the comparisons,

I don't know who to compare...

My love, the bliss of paradise,

I would like to keep a century!

But the thought is jealous that it

Another to possess

When I dare not trace my foot

her to kiss,

It torments me; and earthly passion

In vain I want to appease

And then I want to hug everything,

And I want to hug my saint then ...

I don't know her name

And I don't want to know!

And if so, get to work!

Find out who she is, and there

And make an offer boldly

And it's up to you...

Oh no, alas!

She is noble and cannot belong to me!

That's what torments and gnaws me!

TOMSKY. Let's find another ... Not alone in the world ...

You do not know me!

No, I can't stop loving her!

Ah, Tomsky! You do not understand!

I could only live in peace

While passions dozed in me ...

Then I could control myself

Now that the soul is in power

One dream - goodbye peace,

Goodbye peace!

Poisoned as if intoxicated

I'm sick, sick

I'm in love!

Is that you, Herman? I confess

I wouldn't have believed anyone that you could love like that!

German and Tomsky pass. Walkers fill the stage.

The general choir of all those walking.

Finally God sent us

Sunny day!

What an air! What a sky!

May is right here!

Oh, what a delight, right,

Walk all day!

Can't wait for a day like this

Long time for us again.

For many years we do not see such days,

And we used to see them often.

In the days of Elizabeth - a wonderful time -

Summer, autumn and spring were better!

old women (Simultaneously with the elderly).

We used to live better, and such days

We've been here every year in the early spring.

Yes, every year!

And now they are rare

Sunshine in the morning

It got worse, right, it got worse,

Right, it's time to die!

What a joy! What happiness!

How gratifying, how gratifying to live!

How pleasant it is to walk in the Summer Garden,

It's lovely how pleasant it is to walk in the Summer Garden!

Look, look

How many young people

Both military and civilian

Wanders a lot along the alleys,

Look, look

How many wandering around here,

Both military and civilian

How graceful, how beautiful, how beautiful!

Look, look!

Young people (simultaneously with the young ladies).

Sun, sky, air, nightingale melody

And a bright blush on the cheeks of the maidens -

That spring gives, with it love

Sweetly excites young blood!

The sky, the sun, the air is clean,

Sweet nightingale chant

The joy of life and the scarlet blush on the cheeks of the virgins -

Either the gifts of a beautiful spring, or the gifts of spring!

Happy day, beautiful day, how nice

Oh joy, spring brings love and happiness to us!

The general choir of all those walking.

Finally God sent us

Sunny day!

What an air! What a sky!

May is right here!

Oh, what a delight, right,

Walk all day!

Can't wait for a day like this

Long time for us again!

Enter German and Tomsky.

Are you sure she doesn't notice you?

I bet I'm in love and miss you..

When a gratifying doubt

I lost

Would I have endured the torment

My soul?

You see, I live, I suffer,

But in a terrible moment, when I find out

That I was not destined to master it,

Then only one remains...



Prince Yeletsky enters. Chekalinsky and Surin approach him.

CHEKALINSKY (Eletsky). Can I congratulate you?

SURIN. Are you the groom?

Yes, gentlemen, I'm getting married;

Bright angel gave consent

Combine your fate with mine forever!

CHEKALINSKY. Well, goodbye!

SURIN. I am glad with all my heart. Be happy, prince!

TOMSKY. Yeletsky, congratulations!

ELETSKY. Thanks, friends!

ELETSKY (with feeling)

WITH happy day,

I bless you!

How it all came together

To rejoice with me together!

Reflected everywhere

Bliss of unearthly life...

Everything smiles, everything shines,

As in my heart,

Everything trembles cheerfully,

To heavenly bliss beckoning!

What a happy day

I bless you!

HERMANN (to himself, simultaneously with Yeletsky).

unhappy day,

I curse you!

It's like everything came together

To fight with me!

Joy is reflected everywhere

But not in my sick soul.

Everything smiles, everything shines,

When in my heart

Annoyance infernal trembles.

Annoyance hell trembles,

Some torment sulya.

Oh yes, only torment, torment I promise!

TOMSKY. Tell me who will you marry?

HERMANN. Prince, who is your bride?

The Countess and Lisa enter.

ELETSKY (pointing to Lisa). Here she is.

HERMANN. She?! She is his fiancee! Oh my God! Oh my God!

LISA, Countess. He's here again!

TOMSKY (to German). So who is your nameless beauty!

I'm scared!

He's in front of me again

Mysterious and gloomy stranger!

In his eyes a silent reproach

Replaced the fire of insane, burning passion...

Who is he? Why is he following me?

I'm scared, scared, like I'm in power

His eyes of sinister fire!

I'm scared! I'm scared!

I'm scared!

Countess (simultaneously).

I'm scared!

He's in front of me again

Mysterious and scary stranger!

He is a fatal ghost

Embraced all over by some kind of wild passion.

What does he want by following me?

Why is he in front of me again?

I'm scared like I'm in control

His eyes of sinister fire!

I'm scared! I'm scared!

I'm scared!

HERMANN (simultaneously).

I'm scared!

Here again in front of me

Like a fatal ghost

A gloomy old woman appeared ...

In her terrible eyes

I'm reading my dumb sentence!

What does she need?

What does she need, what does she want from me?

Like I'm in control

Her eyes of sinister fire!

Who, who is she!

I'm scared! I'm scared!

I'm scared!

ELETSKY (simultaneously).

I'm scared!

My God, how embarrassed she is!

Where does this strange excitement come from?

There is languor in her soul,

In her eyes there is some kind of dumb fear!

They have a clear day for some reason suddenly

It's time to change the bad weather.

What with her? She doesn't look at me!

Oh, I'm scared, as if close

Some unexpected misfortune threatens,

I'm scared, I'm scared!

TOMSKY (simultaneously).

That's what he was talking about!

How embarrassed he is by the unexpected news!

I see fear in his eyes

Silent fear has replaced the fire of insane passion!

What about her, what about her? How pale! How pale!

Oh, I'm scared for her, I'm scared!

I'm scared for her!

Tomsky approaches the Countess, Yeletsky approaches Lisa. The Countess looks at Herman intently.

TOMSKY. Countess! Let me congratulate you...

Countess. Tell me who is this officer?

TOMSKY. Which? This? Herman, my friend.

Countess. Where did he come from? How terrible he is!

Tomsky sees her off and returns.

ELETSKY (shaking hands with Lisa).

Heaven's enchanting beauty,

Spring, light rustle of marshmallows,

The fun of the crowd, hello friends

Promise in the future for many years

We are happy!

Lisa and Yeletsky leave.

Rejoice, friend! You forgot

What happens after a quiet day is a thunderstorm,

That the creator gave tears to happiness, a bucket of thunder!

A distant thunderclap is heard. Herman, in gloomy thought, sinks onto the bench.

SURIN. What a witch is this Countess!


No wonder she was nicknamed the "Queen of Spades"!

I can't figure out why she doesn't ponte.

SURIN. How! Is it an old woman? What are you?!

CHEKALINSKY. An octogenarian hag! Ha ha ha!

TOMSKY. So you don't know anything about her?

SURIN. No, really, nothing!


Oh, so listen!

The Countess many years ago in Paris was known as a beauty.

All the youth went crazy for her,

Calling "Venus of Moscow."

Count Saint Germain among others,

Then still handsome, captivated by her,

But unsuccessfully he sighed for the countess:

Beauty played all night long

And - alas! - preferred "Pharaoh" * love.

Once upon a time at Versailles "Ai jeu de la Reine"**

"Venus moskovite" *** was played to the ground.

Among those invited was the Comte Saint-Germain;

Watching the game, he heard how she

Whispered in the midst of excitement:

"Oh my God! Oh my God!

Oh my God, I could play everything

When would it be enough to put again

Count, choosing a good minute when

Stealthily leaving the full hall of the guests,

The beauty sat alone in silence,

Lovingly whispered over her ear

Words sweeter than the sounds of Mozart:

"Countess, Countess!

Countess, at the price of one "rundez-vous" ****

Would you like me to call you

Three cards, three cards, three cards?

The Countess flared up, “How dare you?!”

But the count was not a coward. And when in a day

The beauty has come again, alas,

Penniless, "Ai jeu de la Reine"

She already knew three cards...

Boldly placing them one after the other,

She returned her ... but at what cost!

Oh cards, oh cards, oh cards!

Since she called those cards to her husband,

Another time, their handsome young man recognized them.

But on the same night, only one remained,

A ghost appeared to her and said menacingly:

"You will receive a fatal blow,

From the third, who, ardently, passionately loving,

Three cards, three cards, three cards

Three cards!

CHEKALINSKY. Se non e ver`e ben trovato.*****

Lightning flashes, thunder is approaching. A thunderstorm starts.

* "Pharaoh" - card game, which was in vogue at the court of the French queen.

** IN royal game(fr.)

*** Venus of Moscow (fr.)

**** Date (fr.)

***** "If not true, well said." Latin proverb.

It's funny! .. But the Countess can sleep peacefully:

It is difficult for her to find an ardent lover!


Listen, Herman!

Here's a great opportunity for you to play without money.

(Everyone laughs.) Think, think!


"From the third, who, ardently, passionately loving,

Will come to learn from you by force

Three cards, three cards, three cards!”

Chekalichsky, Surin and Tomsky leave. There is a strong thunderclap. The storm is playing out. Walkers rush in different directions.

Chorus of walkers.

How fast the storm came

Who would have expected, what passions!

Blow after blow louder, more terrible!

Run quickly!

Hurry up to the gate!

Hurry home!

Everyone is running away. The storm is getting stronger. The voices of the walkers are heard from afar.

Hurry home! Oh my god! Trouble! Hurry to the gate! Run here! Hurry!

Strong thunderbolt.

HERMANN (thoughtfully).

"You will receive a fatal blow

From the third, who, ardently, passionately loving,

Will come to learn from you by force

Three cards, three cards, three cards!”

Ah, what do I have in them

Even if I had them!

Everything is dead now...

I was the only one left.

I'm not afraid of the storm!

All the passions have woken up in me

With such deadly power

That this thunder is nothing in comparison!

No, prince!

As long as I'm alive, I won't give it to you,

I don't know how, but I'll take it!

Thunder, lightning, wind!

Before you, I solemnly swear:

She will be mine

She will be mine, mine

My il die!

(Runs away.)


Lisa's room. Liza is sitting at the harpsichord. Around her friends, among them Polina.

LISA, Polina.

It's already evening ... The edges of the clouds have faded, *

The last ray of dawn on the towers is dying;

The last jet in the river

With the extinct sky is fading away.

Everything is quiet ... The groves are sleeping, peace reigns around,

Stretched out on the grass under the bowed willow,

I listen how it murmurs, merging with the river,

A stream overshadowed by bushes.

How the aroma is merged with the coolness of plants,

How sweet is the splashing in the silence at the shore of the jets,

How quiet is the breeze of ether over the waters

And flexible willow flutter.

Chorus of friends.

Charming! Charming!

Wonderful! Pretty!

Ah, wonderfully good!

Also, mesdames. Also, mesdames. More more!

LISA. Sing, Fields, we have one!

Pauline. One? but what to sing?

Chorus of friends.

Please what do you know

Ma shere **, darling, sing us something:

I'll sing Lisa's favorite romance for you.

(Sits down at the harpsichord.) Wait... How is it?

(Preludes.) Yes! remembered.

(Sings with deep feeling.)

Dear friends, dear friends, ***

In carelessness playful,

To the tune of a dance, you frolic in the meadows.

And I, like you, lived in happy Arcadia,

And I am in the morning of days in these groves and fields

Tasted moments of joy

Tasted moments of joy.

Love in golden dreams

She promised me happiness;


* Zhukovsky's poems

** My dear (fr.).

*** Batyushkov's poems.

But what did I get in these joyful places,

In these happy places?

Grave, grave, grave!

(Everyone is touched and excited.)

So I decided to sing a song

Such a weepy one! Well, why?

And without that you are sad something, Lisa,

On a day like this, think!

After all, you are engaged, ah-ah-ah!

(To girlfriends.)

Well, why are you hanging your noses?

Let's have fun, yes Russian,

In honor of the bride and groom!

Well, I'll start, And you sing along to me!

Chorus of friends. And really, let's have a fun, Russian!

Girlfriends clap their hands. Lisa, not taking part in the fun, stands thoughtfully by the balcony.

Come on, little Mashenka,

You sweat, dance!

Polina and the choir of friends.

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

You sweat, dance!

Your white little hands

Pick up the sides!

Polina and the choir of friends

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

Pick up the sides!

Your quick little legs

Don't be sorry, please!

Polina and the choir of friends

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, Do not be sorry, please!

(Polina and friends start dancing.)

If mommy asks - "Merry!" - speak.

Polina and the choir of friends

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli - "Vesela!" - speak.

And to the answer, auntie -

Like, “I drank until dawn!”

Polina and the choir of friends.

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, people -

Like, “I drank until dawn!”

Pauline. "Go away, go away!"

Polina and the choir of friends.

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

"Go away, go away!"

The Governess enters.


Mesdemoiselles, what's all the fuss about here?

The Countess is angry...

Ah ah ah! Aren't you ashamed to dance in Russian?

Fi, quel genre, mesdames *

To the young ladies of your circle

You need to know decency!

You should have each other

Inspire the rules of the world.

In girlish only to rage

You can, not here, mes mignones, **

Can't you have fun

Don't forget the bonton?

To the young ladies of your circle

You need to know decency

You should have each other

Inspire the rules of the world!

It's time to disperse.

They sent me to call you to say goodbye.

The ladies disperse.

Pauline (approaching Lisa). Lisa, why are you so boring?

I am boring? Not at all!

Look what a night

Like after a terrible storm

Everything suddenly changed.

Look, I will complain to the prince about you,

I'll tell him that on the day of the engagement you were sad.

LISA. No, for God's sake, don't speak!

Then please smile now.

Like this! Now goodbye!

(They kiss.)

LISA. I will accompany you...

Polina and Lisa leave. Masha enters and puts out the candles, leaving only one.

As she approaches the balcony to close it, Liza returns.

* Fi, what genre6, ladies. (fr)

** My darlings (fr.).

LISA. No need to close, leave.

Masha. Wouldn't catch a cold, young lady!

LISA. No, Masha, the night is so warm, so good!

Masha. Can you help me get undressed?

LISA. No I myself. Go to sleep!

Masha. It's late, lady...

LISA. Leave me, go!

Masha leaves. Liza stands in deep thought then softly cries.

Where are these tears from?

Why are they?

My girlish dreams

you changed me

My girlish dreams

You changed me!

This is how you justified yourself in reality!

I have now handed my life over to the prince,

Chosen by heart, being,

Mind, beauty, nobility, wealth

Worthy of a friend not like me.

Who is noble, who is handsome, who is stately, like him?

Nobody! And what?

I am full of longing and fear,

I tremble and cry!

Where are these tears from?

Why are they?

My girlish dreams

you changed me

My girlish dreams

You changed me!

You changed me!


And hard and scary!

But why deceive yourself?

I'm alone here, everything is sleeping quietly around ...

(Passionately, enthusiastically.)

Oh listen, night!

You alone can believe the secret

my soul.

She is gloomy, like you, she is sad

Like a gaze of eyes

Who took away peace and happiness from me...

Queen of the night!

How are you, beauty, like a fallen angel,

He is beautiful

In his eyes the fire of scorching passion,

What a wonderful dream

It beckons me, and my whole soul is in its power!

O night! oh night!

Herman appears at the door of the balcony. Liza retreats in mute horror. They silently look at each other. Lisa makes a move to leave.

HERMANN. Stop, I beg you!

LISA. Why are you here, crazy man? What do you need?

HERMANN. Say goodbye!

(Liza wants to leave.)

Don't leave! Stay!

I myself will leave now

And I won't come back here again...

One minute! .. What are you worth?

The dying man is calling to you.

LISA. Why, why are you here? Get away!.


LISA. I will scream!

HERMANN. Shout! Call everyone!

(Pulls out a pistol.)

I'm going to die anyway, alone or with others.

(Liza lowers her head and is silent.)

But if there is, beauty, in you

Though a spark of compassion

Wait, don't go!

LISA. Oh god, god!

After all, this is my last, death hour!

I learned my verdict today:

You, cruel, give your heart to another!


Let me die blessing you

And not cursing

Can I live a day when a stranger

You are for me!

I lived by you; just one feeling

And a stubborn thought alone possessed me!

I will die.

But before saying goodbye to life,

Give me just one moment to be with you,

Together in the midst of the wonderful silence of the night,

Let me drink in your beauty!

Then let death and peace with it!

(Liza stands, looking sadly at Herman.)

Stop like that! Oh how good you are!

Gorgeous! Goddess! Angel!

Sorry beautiful creature

That I disturbed your peace

I'm sorry but passionate

Don't deny confession

Do not reject with longing!

Oh sorry! I am dying

I bring you my prayer;

Look from the heights of heavenly paradise

To the death fight

Soul tormented by torment

Love for you, oh have pity

And my spirit with affection, regret,

Warm your tears!

(Lisa is crying.)

You are crying! You!

What do these tears mean?

Do not drive and regret?

He takes her by the hand, which she does not take away.

Thank you! Gorgeous! Goddess! Angel!

He leans on Lisa's hand and kisses her. At this time, the sound of footsteps and a knock on the door are heard.

Countess (Behind the door). Lisa, open up!

LISA (in confusion). Countess! Good God! I'm dead, run! .. Too late! Here!

There is a stronger knock on the door. Lisa points Herman to the curtain, goes to the door and opens it. Enter the Countess in a dressing gown, surrounded by maids with candles.

Countess. What are you not sleeping? Why are you dressed? What is this noise?

LISA (confused) I, grandmother, walked around the room ... I can’t sleep ...

Countess (gestures to close the balcony)

Look you! Don't be stupid! Now go to bed!

(Knocks with a stick.) Do you hear?..

LISA. Me, grandma, now!

Can't sleep!.. Have you heard this!

Well times! Can't sleep!.. Lie down now!

LISA. I obey! .. Forgive me!

Countess (leaving).

And I hear noise;

You're disturbing your grandmother!

(Maid.) Come on!

(Lize.) And don't you dare do anything stupid here!

(Exit with maids.)

HERMANN (About myself).

"Who, passionately loving,

Will come to probably learn from you

Three cards, three cards, three cards!”

Grave cold blew around!

Oh scary ghost

Death, I don't want you!

Lisa, having closed the door behind the Countess, goes to the balcony, opens it, and gestures for Herman to leave.

Oh spare me!

Death a few minutes ago

It seemed to me salvation, almost happiness!

Now it's not the same: she's scary to me, she's scary to me!

You opened the dawn of happiness to me,

I want to live and die with you!

LISA. Crazy man, What do you want from me, What can I do?..

HERMANN. Decide my fate!

LISA. Take pity, you are ruining me! Leave, I beg you, I command you!

HERMANN. So, it means that you pronounce the sentence of death!

LISA. Oh God, I'm getting weak .. Go away, please!

HERMANN. Say then: die!

LISA. Good God!

HERMANN. Goodbye!

LISA. Heavenly Creator! (Herman makes a move to leave.) No! Live!

Herman hugs Liza; she rests her head on his shoulder.

HERMANN. Love you!

LISA. I'm yours!

HERMANN. Gorgeous! Goddess! Angel!



Masquerade ball at the rich dignitary. Big hall. On the sides, between the columns, lodges are arranged. Boys and girls in fancy dress dancing country dance. Singers sing in the choirs.

Choir of singers.

Joyfully, cheerfully on this day *

Gather together, folks!

Throw away your troubles

Jump, dance boldly!

Jump, dance boldly,

Throw you, throw you your idleness,

Jump, dance, dance merrily!

Beat with your hands,

Click your fingers loudly!

Move your black eyes

Stanom you all say!

Fertik hands you to the sides,

Do easy jumps

Chobot on Chobot knock,

With a bold step whistle!

The Steward enters.


The owner asks dear guests to come

Look at the glitter of fun lights!

All guests are directed to the garden terrace.


Our Herman hung his nose again,

I guarantee you that he is in love

It was gloomy, then it became cheerful.

No, gentlemen, he is passionate,

What do you think?

How? Hope to learn three cards.

CHEKALINSKY. Here's the weirdo!

I don't believe you have to be ignorant

For this. He's not stupid!

SURIN. He told me himself...

TOMSKY. Laughing!


Come on, let's go tease him! (Pass.)

And yet, he is one of those who, once thinking,

Gotta get it all done! Poor fellow! Poor fellow!

(Tomsky passes. Servants prepare the middle of the hall for an interlude. Prince Yeletsky and Liza enter.)

You are so sad dear

As if you have grief ...

Trust me!

LISA. No, later, prince, another time ... I beg you!

(Wants to leave.)

Hold on, for a moment!

I must, I must tell you!

I love you, I love you beyond measure,

I can't imagine living a day without you.

And a feat of unparalleled strength

Ready to do for you now

But know: your heart is free

I don't want to embarrass anything

Ready to hide for you

And appease the ardor of jealous feelings,

Ready for everything, for everything!

Not only a loving spouse,

Servant helpful sometimes,

Wish I could be your friend

And a comforter always.

But now I see clearly, I feel now,

Where did you lure yourself in dreams,

How little trust you have in me,

How alien I am to you and how far away!

Ah, I am tormented by this distance,

I sympathize with you with all my heart,

I mourn your sadness

And I cry with your tears ...

Ah, I am tormented by this distance,

I sympathize with you with all my heart!

I love you, I love you beyond measure,

I can't imagine living a day without you

I am a feat of unparalleled strength

Ready to do it for you now!

Oh honey, trust me!

Prince Yeletsky and Liza are passing by. Herman enters without a mask, in a suit, holding a note in his hand.

HERMANN (is reading).

"After the performance, wait for me in the hall. I must see you..."

It would be better to see her and throw this thought ...

(Sits down.) Three cards!.. Three cards to know - and I'm rich!..

And together with her I can run away from people...


This thought is driving me crazy!

Several guests return to the hall; among them Chekalinsky and Surin. They point to Herman, creep up and lean over him, whispering.


Are you the third

Who, passionately loving,

Will come to learn from her

Three cards, three cards, three cards?

Hiding. Herman gets up frightened, as if not realizing what is happening. When he looks back, Chekalinsky and Surin have already disappeared into the crowd of young people.

CHEKALINSKY, SURIN and several guests.

Three cards, three cards, three cards!

They laugh and mingle with the crowd of guests, which little by little enters the hall.

What is this? Brad or mockery? No! What if?! (He covers his face with his hands.)

I'm crazy, I'm crazy! (thinks.)


The owner asks dear guests to listen to the pastoral under the title: "The sincerity of the shepherdess"! *

The guests are seated in the prepared seats. Boys and girls, dressed in the costumes of shepherds and shepherdesses, go out into the meadow. They lead round dances, dance and sing. Prilepa alone does not take part in the dances and weaves a wreath in sad thoughtfulness.

Chorus of shepherds and shepherdesses.

Under the thick shadow

Near a quiet stream

We came today in a crowd

Please yourself


* The plot and most of the verses of this pastoral are borrowed from poem of the same name P. Karabanova.

sing, have fun

And round dances

enjoy nature,

Weave flower wreaths.

The shepherds and shepherds retire to the back of the stage.

My pretty little friend

Dear shepherd,

Who do I sigh

And I want to open the passion

Ah, did not come to dance,

Milovzor (entering).

I'm here, but boring, languid,

Look how thin you are!

I won't be humble anymore

I hid my passion for a long time

I won't be humble anymore

I hid my passion for a long time.

I won't be modest

I hid my passion for a long time!

My pretty little friend

Dear shepherd,

How I miss you

How I suffer for you

Ah, I can't tell!

Ah, I can't tell!

I don't know, I don't know why!


Loving you for a long time

Missed without you

And you don't know that

And here you hide yourself

From my gaze, from my gaze.

I don't know, I don't know why

I don't know, I don't know why!

The retinue of Zlatogor brings precious gifts by dancing. Zlatogor enters.


How cute, how beautiful you are!

Tell me which one of us

Me or him

Forever love agree?


I wholeheartedly agreed

I bowed to love

Whom does it command

To whom does it burn?


I am mountains of gold

And precious stones

I have myself.

I promise to decorate

I am all of you

I own darkness

And gold and silver

And all the best!


My one estate -

Love unflattering heat.

And in eternal possession

Accept it as a gift

And birds, and branches,

Ribbons and wreaths

In place of the speckled

Precious clothes

I will bring

And give them to you!

I don't need any estates

No rare stones

I'm with a sweetheart in the fields

And I'm glad to live in a hut,

And I'm glad to live in a hut!


Well, sir, good luck ...

(to Milovzor.)

And you be calm!

Here in solitude

Rush to the reward

Such nice words

Bring me a bunch of flowers!

Prilepa and Milovzor.

The end of suffering has come

love admiration

The time will come soon

Love, hide us!

Choir of shepherds and shepherdesses

The end of suffering has come

Bride and groom

Worthy of admiration

Love, hide them!

Cupid and Hymen with retinue enter to marry young lovers. Prilepa and Milovzor are dancing hand in hand. Shepherds and shepherds imitate them, make round dances, and then they all leave in pairs.

Chorus of shepherds and shepherdesses.

The sun is shining red

The marshmallows swept

You are with a beautiful young man,

Sticky, have fun!

The end of suffering has come

Bride and groom

Worthy of admiration

Love, hide them!

They all leave in pairs. At the end of the interlude, some of the guests get up, others are talking animatedly, remaining in their places. Herman comes to the forefront.

HERMANN (thoughtfully).

"Who passionately and passionately loving!"

Well? don't I love? Of course yes!

He turns around and sees the Countess in front of him. Both shudder, staring at each other intently.

SURIN (in mask).

Look, your mistress!

(Laughs and hides.)

Who is it?.. Demon or people?

Why are they following me?

Damn! Oh, how pathetic and ridiculous I am!

Lisa enters wearing a mask.

LISA. Listen, Herman!

You, finally!

How happy I am that you came!

I love you!.. I love you!..

No place here...

That's not why I called you!

Listen... Here's the key to the secret door in the garden...

There is a staircase... You will go up it to your grandmother's bedroom...

HERMANN. How? to her bedroom?

She won't be there...

In the bedroom near the portrait there is a door to me.

I'll be waiting!

You, I want to belong to you alone!

We need to decide everything!

See you tomorrow, my dear, desired!

Hermann. No, not tomorrow, No, I'll be there today!..

LISA (scared). But honey...

HERMANN. I want!

LISA. Let it be! After all, I am your slave! Sorry...


Now it's not me, fate itself wants it that way,

And I will know three cards!

(Runs away.)

Steward (excited and in a hurry).

Her Majesty is now pleased to welcome ...

There is great excitement among the guests. The steward separates those present so that a passage for the queen is formed in the middle.

Chorus of guests.

Queen! Her Majesty! Queen! She will arrive...

What an honor to the owner, what happiness! ..

Everyone is happy to look at our mother.

And what a joy for us!

The French ambassador will be with her!

The Most Serene One also honors!

Well, it's a real holiday!

What delight, what joy!

Well, the holiday came out, that's for the glory.

Steward (singers). You "Glory to this" now boom-

Chorus of guests.

This is how the holiday turned out to be famous!

Shout "Glory to this"!

Here, here, it’s coming, it’s coming, now our mother is coming!

Everyone turns towards the middle doors. The steward makes a sign. sing to get started.

Choir of guests and singers

Hail to this, Ekaterina,

Hail, tender mother to us!

Vivat, Vivat!

Men become in a pose of a low courtly inclination. The ladies take a deep squat. Pages enter in pairs, behind them Catherine appears surrounded by a retinue. *


The bedroom of the Countess, illuminated by lamps. Herman softly enters through a secret door. He looks around the room.

* In pre-revolutionary productions of the opera, this action ended with the exit of the pages preceding the appearance of Catherine II. This was due to the prohibition to depict persons of the royal family on the stage.

It's just like she told me...

What? I'm afraid, right?

No! So it's decided, I'll find out the secret from the old woman!


What if there is no secret?

And all this is just empty nonsense of my sick soul!

Goes to Liza's door. Passing, he stops at the portrait of the Countess. Midnight strikes.

And, here she is - "Venus of Moscow!"

Some secret power

I'm connected with her rock!

Am I from you, are you from me,

But I feel that one of us

Die from another!

I look at you and hate

And I can't get enough of it!

I would like to run away, but there is no strength ...

An inquisitive gaze cannot be torn off

From a terrible and wonderful face!

No, we can't part without a fatal meeting!

Steps! They're coming here!.. Yes!..

Ah, come what may!

Herman hides behind a boudoir curtain. The maid runs in and hastily lights the candles. Other maids and hangers-on run after her. The Countess enters, surrounded by bustling maids and hangers-on.

Choir of hangers-on and maids.

Our benefactor,

How did you like to walk?

Light is our lady

Wants, right, to rest!

(They escort the Countess into the boudoir.)

Tired, tea?

So what,

Who was better there?

Were maybe younger

But none more beautiful!

(Behind the scenes.)

Our benefactor...

Light is our lady...

Tired, tea,

Wants, right, to rest!

Liza enters, followed by Masha.

LISA. No, Masha, follow me!

Masha. What is the matter with you, young lady - you are pale!

LISA. There is nothing...

Masha (having guessed). Oh my god! Really?..

Yes, He will come...

Be quiet! He, perhaps, is already there ... And he is waiting ...

Watch over us, Masha, be my friend!

Masha. Oh, how could we not get it!

He said so. I chose him as my husband...

And an obedient, faithful slave of that flock,

Who was sent to me by fate!

Lisa. and Masha leave. Hangers and maids introduce the Countess. She is in a dressing gown and a night cap. They put her to bed.

Chorus of hangers-on and maids


Light is our lady,

Tired, tea,

Wants, right, to rest!



Lie down in bed, tomorrow you will be more beautiful again

Morning dawn!

Go to bed, you'll get up better tomorrow

Morning dawn!


Lie down in bed

Take a rest, take a rest

Full of lying to you!.. Tired!.. I'm tired... no urine...

I don't want to sleep in bed!

(She is seated in a chair and covered with pillows)

Ah, this world has disgusted me! Well times!

They don't know how to have fun.

What manners! What a tone! And I wouldn't look...

They don't know how to dance or sing!

Who are the dancers? Who sings? Girls!

And it happened: who danced? who sang?

Le duc d`Orlean, la duc d`Ayen, de Coigni,.. la comtesse d`Estrades,

La duchnesse de Brancas... *

What names!

And even, sometimes, herself, the Marquise Pompadour herself! ..

I sang with them...

Le duc de la Valliere ** praised me!

Once, I remember, in Chantili ***, at Prinse de Conde ****,

The king heard me!

I see everything now...


* Duke of Orleans, Duke d'Ayen, Duke de Coigny, Countess d'Estrade, Duchess de Branca. (fr.).

** Duke de la Vallière (fr.)

*** Chantilly, - the Royal Castle near Paris (fr.)

**** Prince de Condé (fr.)


Il me dit: "je vois fime"

Et je sens malgre moi

Mon coeur qui bat...

Je ne sais pas porqoui... *

(Looks around as if waking up.)

Why are you standing here? Get on up!

The maids and hangers-on, carefully stepping, disperse. The Countess is dozing and humming as if through a dream.

Je crains de lui parler la nuit

J'ecoute trop tout ce qu'il dit,

Il me dit: "je vois fime"

Et je sens malgre moi

Mon coeur qui bat...

Je ne sais pas porqoui...

Herman comes out and stands against the Countess. She wakes up and silently moves her lips in mute horror.

Don't be scared!

For God's sake, don't be afraid!

I won't harm you!

I have come to beg you for mercy alone!

The countess silently looks at him as before.

You can make up the happiness of life's goals! And it won't cost you anything! You know three cards.. .

(Countess rises.)

For whom do you keep your secret?

Herman gets on his knees.

If you ever knew the feeling of love

If you remember the ardor and delight of young blood,

If at least once you smiled at the caress of a child,

If your heart ever beat in your chest,

Then I implore you with the feeling of a wife, mistress, mother,

All that is sacred to you in life,

Tell me, tell me, tell me your secret!

What do you need it for?!


* I'm afraid to talk to him at night,

I listen too much to everything he says.

He says to me: I love you,

And I feel, against my will,

I feel my heart

Which is beating, which is beating

I do not know why! (from French)

May be,

It is associated with a terrible sin,

With the destruction of bliss

With a devilish condition?

Think you're old, you won't live long

And I'm ready to take your sin upon myself! ..

Open up to me! Tell!..

The Countess, straightening up, looks menacingly at Herman.

Old witch!

So I'll make you answer!

Herman takes out a gun. The countess nods her head, raises her arms to shield herself from the shot, and falls dead.

Full of childishness!

Would you like to assign me three cards?

Yes or no?

Approaches the Countess, takes her hand. He sees with horror that the Countess has died.

She is dead! It came true!..

I didn't know the secret!

(Stands like a stone.)

Dead!.. But I didn't know the secret...

Dead! Dead!

Liza enters with a candle.

LISA. What's the noise here? (Seeing Herman.) Are you, are you here?

HERMANN (rushing towards her, fearfully).

Be quiet! Be quiet!

She is dead, but I did not know the secret! ..

LISA. Who is dead? What are you talking about?

HERMANN (pointing to the body).

It came true! She is dead, And I did not know the secret! ..

LISA (rushes to the corpse of the Countess)

Yes! died! Oh my God! And did you do it?


HERMANN. I didn't want her to die, I just wanted to know three cards!

So that's why you're here!

Not for me!

You wanted to know three cards!

You didn't need me, but the cards!

Oh my god, my god!

And I loved him

She died because of him!

Monster! Murderer! Monster!

Herman wants to speak, but she points to a secret door with an imperious gesture.

Away! Away! The villain! Away!

HERMANN. She is dead!

LISA. Away!

Herman runs away. Liza sobs down on the corpse of the Countess.



Barracks. Herman's room. Winter. Late evening. Moonlight either illuminates the room through the window, or disappears. The howling of the wind is heard. The room is dimly lit by a candle on the table. Offstage, a military signal is heard. Herman is sitting at the table.

HERMANN (reads the letter).

"... I don't believe that you wanted the death of the countess... I am exhausted by the consciousness of my guilt before you! Calm me down! Today I'm waiting for you on the embankment, when no one can see us there. If you don't come before midnight, I will have to admit a terrible thought that I drive away from myself. Forgive me, forgive me, but I suffer so much! .. "

Poor thing! Into what abyss did I drag her with me!

Ah, if only I could forget and fall asleep!

He sinks into a chair in deep thought and, as it were. dozing. It seems to him that he again hears the church choir, the burial service of the deceased countess.

Choir of singers (behind the scene).

I pray to the Lord

To heed my sorrow,

For my soul is filled with evil

And I fear the captivity of hell,

Oh, look, God, on suffering

You are your slave!

HERMANN (getting up fearfully).

All the same thoughts

All the same nightmare and gloomy pictures of the funeral

They rise as if alive in front of me ...


Singing or howling wind?

I won't understand...

(Distant funeral singing is heard.)

Just like there ... yes, yes, they sing!

And here is the church, and the crowd, and the candles,

And censers, and sobs ...

(Singing more clearly.)

Here is the hearse, here is the coffin...

And in that coffin the old woman without movement, without breathing

Drawn by some force, I enter the black steps!

It's scary, but I don't have the strength to go back! ..

On dead face I'm watching...

And suddenly, mockingly squinting,

It blinked at me!

Away, terrible vision! Away!

(He sinks into an armchair, covering his face with his hands.)

Choir of singers. Give her endless life!

For a moment, the howling storms subside and in the silence there is a short knock on the window. Herman raises his head and listens. A gust of wind comes up again. There is a shadow in the window. The knock on the window is repeated. New impulse the wind opens the window and extinguishes the candle, and again a shadow appears in the window. Herman stands like a stone.

I'm scared! Scary!

There ... there ... steps ... Here they open the door ...

No, no, I can't stand it!

He runs to the door, but at that moment the ghost of the Countess in a white shroud appears in the doorway .. Herman retreats, the ghost approaches him.

Ghost of the Countess.

I came to you against my will

But I am ordered to fulfill your request.

Save Lisa, marry her

And three cards, three cards

Three cards will win in a row.

Troika! Seven! Ace! Three, seven, ace!


HERMANN (with an air of madness).

Three, seven, ace! Three... Seven... Ace...


Night. Winter Ditch. At the back of the stage, the embankment and Peter-Pavel's Fortress, illuminated by the moon. Under the arch, in a dark corner, all in black, stands Lisa.

It's nearing midnight

But Herman is still gone, still gone.

I know he will come, dispel suspicion.

He's a victim of chance

And he cannot, cannot commit a crime!

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired!

Oh, I'm weary of grief...

Whether at night, during the day, only about him

I tortured myself thinking...

Where are you, old joy?

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired!

Life gave me only joy

I found a cloud, brought thunder,

Everything I love in the world

Happiness, hopes shattered!

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired!

Whether at night, during the day, only about him,

Oh, I've been torturing myself with the thought...

Where are you, old joy?

A cloud came and brought a thunderstorm

Happiness, hopes shattered!

I'm tired! I suffered!

Longing gnaws at me and gnaws...

And if the clock strikes me in response,

That he is a murderer, a seducer?

Oh, I'm scared, I'm scared!

The clock is striking on the fortress tower.

Wait, he'll be here now...

(With desperation.)

Oh, dear, come, have pity,

Have pity on me

My husband, my lord!

So it's true! With a villain

I tied my fate!

Killer, fiend forever

My soul belongs!

With his criminal hand

And my life and my honor is taken,

I am the fateful will of the sky

Cursed with the killer!

Liza wants to run away, but at this time Herman appears.

You are here, you are here! You are not a villain! Are you here!

The end of suffering has come

And I became yours again!

Away with tears, torment and doubt!

You are mine again and I am yours!

Falls into his arms.

HERMANN. Yes, here I am, my dear! (Kisses her.)

LISA. Oh yes, suffering has passed, I am with you again, my friend!

HERMANN. I'm with you again my friend!

LISA. The bliss of goodbye has come!

HERMANN. The bliss of goodbye has come!

LISA. The end of our painful torments!

HERMANN. The end of our painful torments!

LISA. Oh yes, suffering has passed, I'm with you again!

HERMANN. Those were heavy dreams, the deception of an empty dream.

LISA. The illusion of a dream is empty.

Forgotten moans and tears!

I'm with you again

Yes, I'm with you again!

Our pains and sufferings have passed,

The blessed hour of goodbye has come,

Oh my angel, I'm with you again!

LISA (simultaneously with German)

Forgotten moans and tears!

Oh, my dear, desired,

I'm with you again, again

Our suffering has passed forever,

The torment is over

My dear, desired,

I am with you again!

But, my dear, we must not delay, The clock is running...

Are you ready? Let's run!

LISA. Where to run? With you to the end of the world!

Where to run?.. Where?..

To the gambling house!

LISA. Oh my God! What's wrong with you, Herman?

There are piles of gold

And to me, to me alone they belong!

Herman, what are you talking about? Come to your senses!

Oh, I forgot, you don't know yet!

Three cards, remember

What else did I want to find out from the old witch!

LISA. Oh my God! He is insane!

Stubborn! I didn't want to tell!

Because today I had her

And she called me three cards.

LISA. So, did you kill her?

Oh no! For what?

I just raised my gun

And the old witch suddenly fell!


LISA. So it's true! Is it true!

Yes! Yes! It's true, I know three cards!

Three cards for your killer

She named three cards!

So it was destined by fate

Three cards for this price

I could only buy!

I had to commit villainy

So that at this terrible price

My three cards I could recognize.

LISA (simultaneously with German).

So it's true! With a villain

I tied my fate!

Killer, fiend forever

My soul belongs!

With his criminal hand

And my life and my honor is taken,

I am the fateful will of the sky

Cursed with the killer

With the murderer, I am also cursed!

But no, it can't be! Watch out, Herman!

HERMANN (in ecstasy).

Yes! I am the third one who, passionately loving,

I came to force you to know

About three, seven, ace!

Whoever you are, I'm still yours!

Run, come with me, I'll save you!

Yes! I learned, I learned from you

About three, seven, ace!

(Laughs and pushes Lisa away.)

Leave me alone!

Who are you? I don't know you! Away! Away!

(Runs away.)

LISA. He died, he died! And me with him!

Runs to the embankment and rushes into the river.


Gambling house.

Dinner. Some people play cards.

Chorus of guests and players.

Let's drink and have fun!

Let's play with life!

Youth doesn't last forever

Old age is not long to wait!

We don't have to wait long.

Let our youth drown

In bliss, cards and wine!

They have one joy in the world,

Life will run like a dream!

Let's drink and have fun!

Let's play with life!

Youth doesn't last forever

Old age is not long to wait!

We don't have to wait long.

SURIN (behind the cards). Dana!

Chaplitsky. Gnu passwords!

Narumov. Killed!

Chaplitsky. No passwords!

CHEKALINSKY (mosque). Is it okay to put?

Narumov. Atanda!


Prince Yeletsky enters.

SURIN. I am Mirandole...

TOMSKY (Eletsky).

How did you get here? I haven't seen you at the players before.

Yes! Here I am for the first time.

You know they say:

Unhappy in love - happy in the game.

TOMSKY. What do you want to say?

I am no longer a fiancé.

Do not ask me-

I'm in too much pain, friend

I'm here to take revenge

After all, happiness is in love

Brings misfortune in the game.

Explain what it means.

Chorus of guests and players.

Let's drink and have fun!

ELETSKY. You'll see!

Chorus of guests and players.

Let's play with life!

Youth doesn't last forever

Old age is not long to wait!

We don't have to wait long.

The players join the diners.

CHEKALINSKY. Hey gentlemen! Let Tomsky sing something to us!

Chorus of guests and players.

Sing, Tomsky, sing, yes, something merry, funny!

TOMSKY. I can't sing something...


Oh, come on, what nonsense! Drink and sleep!

Tomsky's health, friends! Hooray!

Chorus of guests and players.

Tomsky's health, friends! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

TOMSKY (sings).

If lovely girls *

So they could fly like birds

And sat on the branches

I would like to be a bitch

To thousands of girls

To sit on my branches

On my branches to sit!

Choir of guests and players

Bravo! Bravo! Ah, sing another verse!

Let them sit and sing

They made nests and whistled,

* Poems by Derzhavin.

Bring out the chicks!

I would never bend

I would love them forever

Was the happiest of all bitches

Was the happiest of all bitches!

Chorus of guests and players.

Bravo! Bravo! That's the song! It's nice! Bravo! Well done!

"I would never bend

I would love them forever

I was happier than all the bitches!

CHEKALINSKY. Now, as usual, friends, "Igretskaya"!

CHEKALINSKY. Chaplitsky, Narumov and SuriN.

Ah, where are those islands, *

Where tryn-grass grows, -

So on rainy days

They were going

Chorus of guests and players.

So on rainy days

They met often.

Bent, God forgive them,

From fifty

Chorus of guests and players.

Bent, God forgive them,

From fifty

CHEKALINSKY, Chaplitsky, Narumov and SURIN.

And they won

And unsubscribed

Chorus of guests and players.

And they won

And unsubscribed

CHEKALINSKY, Chaplitsky, Narumov and SURIN.

So on rainy days

They were engaged

Chorus of guests and players.

So on rainy days

They were engaged

* Ryleev's poems

CHEKALINSKY, Chaplitsky, Narumov and SURIN.

Bent, God forgive them,

From fifty

Chorus of guests and players.

Bent, God forgive them,

From fifty

CHEKALINSKY., Chaplitsky, Narumov, SURIN and the choir of guests.

And they won

And unsubscribed

So on rainy days

They were engaged

Bent, God forgive them,

From fifty

(Whistling, shouting and dancing.)

One hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred!

CHEKALINSKY. For the cause, gentlemen, for the cards! Wine, wine! (Sit down to play.)

Chorus of guests and players. Wine, wine!

Chaplitsky. Nine!

Narumov Passwords...

Chaplitsky. Down the drain!

SURIN. I put on root...

Chaplitsky. Dana!

Narumov. From transport to ten!

Herman enters.

ELETSKY (seeing him).

My premonition did not deceive me.


I may need a second.

Will you refuse?

Rely on me!

Choir of guests and players

A! Hermann! Friend! Buddy!

So late? Where?


Sit down with me, you bring happiness.

Where are you from? Where was? Isn't it in hell?

Look what it looks like!

CHEKALINSKY. It can't be scarier! Are you healthy?

HERMANN. Let me put up a card.

(Chekalinsky silently bows in agreement.)

SURIN. Miracles, he began to play!

Chorus of guests and players.

Here are miracles, he began to ponte, our Herman!

Herman puts down the card and covers it with a bank note.

Narumov. Buddy, congratulations on allowing such a long post!

Hermann (putting down a card). Is it coming?

CHEKALINSKY. And how much?

HERMANN. Forty thousand!

Chorus of guests and players.

Forty thousand!

Yes, you're crazy! That's so kush!

SURIN. Have you learned three cards from the Countess?

HERMANN (irritated). Well, do you hit or not?

CHEKALINSKY. Goes! Which card?

HERMANN. Troika.

(Chekalinsky Mosque.)


Chorus of guests and players.

He won! Here's the lucky one!


There's something wrong here!

It's like he's unconscious!

No, there's something wrong here!

His eyes wander

Promises evil!


There's something wrong here!

His eyes wandering promises evil,

He seems to be delusional, without consciousness!

No, there's something wrong here!


ELETSKY (simultaneously with Chekalinsky).

There's something wrong here!

But near, near punishment!

I will take revenge on you

I will take revenge on you, villain, my suffering,

I will take revenge on you!

Narumov (simultaneously with Chekalinsky).

There's something wrong here!

His eyes wandering promises evil,

Promises evil!

No, there's something wrong here!

His wandering eyes promise evil!

Chaplitsky (simultaneously with Chekalinsky).

There's something wrong here!

His wandering eyes promise evil!

It's like he's unconscious!

No, there's something wrong here

His wandering eyes promise evil!

TOMSKY (simultaneously with Chekalinsky).

There's something wrong here, something wrong!

His eyes are wandering

His wandering eyes promise evil!

No, there's something wrong here, wrong!

HERMANN (simultaneously with Chekalinsky).

My cherished wish is coming true.

No no! The old woman's prediction is not deceptive!

Choir of guests and players (simultaneously with Chekalinsky).

There's something wrong here!

His wandering eyes promise evil.

Chorus of guests and players. It's like he's unconscious!

CHEKALINSKY. Do you want to receive?

HERMANN. No! I'm going to the corner!

Chorus of guests and players.

He's crazy! Is it possible to?

No, Chekalinsky, don't play with him

Look, he's not himself!

HERMANN. Is it coming?

CHEKALINSKY. Goes. What about the map?

HERMANN. Here, seven!

(Chekalinsky Mosque.) My!

Chorus of guests and players.

Again it!

There is something wrong with him going on.

What did you hang up your noses?

Are you scared? Are you scared?

(Laughs hysterically.) Wine, wine!

Chorus of guests and players.

Herman, what's wrong with you?

HERMANN (with a glass in his hand).

What is our life?

Good and evil - one dream!

Labor, honesty - fairy tales for a woman.

Who is right, who is happy here, friends!

Today you, tomorrow me!

So stop fighting

Seize the moment of good luck!

Let the loser cry

Let the loser cry

Cursing, cursing your fate!

What's right?

Death is one!

Like the shore of the sea of ​​vanity,

She is a refuge for all of us.

Who is dearer to her from us, friends?

Today you, tomorrow me!

So stop fighting

Seize the moment of good luck!

Let the loser cry

Let the loser cry

Curse your fate!

Is it still going?


No, get it! The devil himself is playing with you!

(Puts the loss on the table.)

And if so, what a disaster!


Is this all on the map? A?

ELETSKY (stepping forward). To me.

Chorus of guests and players.

Prince, what's wrong with you? Stop doing that!

It's not a game, it's crazy!

I know what I'm doing!

We have an account with him!

HERMANN (embarrassed). To you? Would you like?

To me. Dream, Chekalinsky!

(Chekalinsky Mosque.)

HERMANN (opening map). My ace!

ELETSKY. No! Your lady is beaten!

HERMANN. What lady?

The one in your hands -

Queen of Spades!

A ghost appears. Countess. Everyone retreats from Herman.

HERMANN (horrified).

Old woman!..

You! Are you here!

What are you laughing at?

You drove me crazy!


What... what do you need?

Life, my life?

Take her, take her!

Gets stabbed. The ghost disappears. Several people rush to the fallen Herman.

Chorus of guests and players.


How horribly he committed suicide!

He is still alive!

Herman comes to his senses. Seeing Yeletsky, he tries to get up.

Prince! Prince, forgive me!

It hurts, it hurts, I'm dying!

What is this? Lisa?

Are you here! My God!

Why why?

You forgive! Yes?

Don't you curse? Yes?

Gorgeous! Goddess! Angel!


Chorus of guests and players.

Lord! Forgive him!

And rest his rebellious

And a tormented soul.

It is amazing, but before P.I. Tchaikovsky created his tragic operatic masterpiece, Pushkin's The Queen of Spades inspired Franz Suppe to compose ... an operetta (1864); and even earlier - in 1850 - opera of the same name wrote French composer Jacques Francois Fromental Halévy (however, there is little left of Pushkin here: Scribe wrote the libretto, using the translation of The Queen of Spades into French, made in 1843 by Prosper Mérimée; in this opera the hero's name is changed, the old countess is turned into a young Polish princess, and so on). These, of course, are curious circumstances, which can only be learned from musical encyclopedias - artistic value these works do not represent.

The plot of The Queen of Spades, proposed to the composer by his brother, Modest Ilyich, did not immediately interest Tchaikovsky (as did the plot of Eugene Onegin in his time), but when he nevertheless mastered his imagination, Tchaikovsky began to work on the opera "with self-forgetfulness and pleasure” (as well as over “Eugene Onegin”), and the opera (in the clavier) was written in an amazing short term- in 44 days. In a letter to N.F. von Meck P.I. Tchaikovsky tells how he came up with the idea of ​​writing an opera based on this plot: “It happened in this way: my brother Modest three years ago began composing a libretto for the plot of The Queen of Spades at the request of a certain Klenovsky, but this latter gave up composing music in the end, for some reason unable to cope with his task. Meanwhile, the director of the theaters, Vsevolozhsky, was carried away by the idea that I should write an opera on this very plot, and, moreover, by all means for the next season. He expressed this desire to me, and since it coincided with my decision to flee Russia in January and take up writing, I agreed ... I really want to work, and if I manage to get a good job somewhere in a cozy corner abroad, it seems to me that I will master my task and submit the keyboardist to the directorate by May, and in the summer I will instrument it.

Tchaikovsky left for Florence and began work on The Queen of Spades on January 19, 1890. The surviving draft sketches give an idea of ​​how and in what sequence the work proceeded: this time the composer wrote almost “in a row”. The intensity of this work is amazing: from January 19 to 28, the first picture is composed, from January 29 to February 4, the second picture, from February 5 to 11, the fourth picture, from February 11 to 19, the third picture, etc.

Aria Yeletsky "I love you, I love you immensely ..." performed by Yuri Gulyaev

The libretto of the opera is very different from the original. Pushkin's work is prose, the libretto is poetic, and with verses not only by the librettist and the composer himself, but also by Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Batyushkov. Pushkin's Liza is a poor pupil of a rich old countess; for Tchaikovsky, she is her granddaughter. In addition, there is no clarified question about her parents - who, where they are, what happened to them. Pushkin’s Hermann is from the Germans, because this is precisely the spelling of his last name, Tchaikovsky’s about his German origin nothing is known, and in the opera "Herman" (with one "n") is perceived simply as a name. Prince Yeletsky, who appears in the opera, is absent from Pushkin

Tomsky's couplets to Derzhavin's words "If dear girls .." Please note: in these couplets the letter "r" is not found at all! Singing Sergey Leiferkus

Count Tomsky, whose relationship with the countess is not noted in the opera, and where he is introduced by an outsider (just an acquaintance of Herman, like other players), Pushkin is her grandson; This seems to explain his knowledge family secret. The action of Pushkin's drama takes place in the era of Alexander I, while the opera takes us - this was the idea of ​​the director of the imperial theaters, I.A. Vsevolozhsky - into the era of Catherine. The finals of the drama in Pushkin and Tchaikovsky are also different: in Pushkin, Hermann, although he goes crazy (“He is in the Obukhov hospital in the 17th room”), still does not die, and Liza, moreover, relatively safely marries; in Tchaikovsky, both heroes die. Many more examples of differences, both external and internal, can be cited in the interpretation of events and characters by Pushkin and Tchaikovsky.

Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Modest Tchaikovsky, ten years younger than his brother Peter, is not known as a playwright outside of Russia, except for the libretto of The Queen of Spades after Pushkin, set to music in early 1890. The plot of the opera was proposed by the directorate of the imperial Petersburg theaters, who intended to present a grandiose performance from the era of Catherine II.

Aria of the Countess performed by Elena Obraztsova

When Tchaikovsky set to work, he made changes to the libretto and wrote part of it himself. poetic text, introducing into it also poems of poets - Pushkin's contemporaries. The text of the scene with Liza at the Winter Canal belongs entirely to the composer. The most spectacular scenes were shortened by him, but nevertheless they give effect to the opera and form the background for the development of the action.

Scene at the Kanavka. Singing Tamara Milashkina

Thus, he put a lot of effort into creating an authentic atmosphere of that time. In Florence, where the sketches of the opera were written and part of the orchestration was made, Tchaikovsky did not part with music XVIII century of the era of the "Queen of Spades" (Gretry, Monsigny, Piccinni, Salieri).

Perhaps, in the obsessed Herman, who demands from the countess to name three cards and dooms himself to death, he saw himself, and in the countess - his patroness Baroness von Meck. Their strange, one-of-a-kind relationship, maintained only in letters, a relationship like two incorporeal shadows, ended in a break just in 1890.

In the appearance of Herman in front of Lisa, the power of fate is felt; the countess introduces a grave cold, and the ominous thought of three cards poisons the mind of the young man.

In the scene of his meeting with the old woman, Herman's stormy, desperate recitative and aria, accompanied by angry, repetitive sounds of wood, signify the collapse of the unfortunate man, who loses his mind in the next scene with a ghost, truly expressionistic, with echoes of "Boris Godunov" (but with a richer orchestra) . Then follows the death of Liza: a very tender sympathetic melody sounds against a terrible funeral background. Herman's death is less majestic, but not without tragic dignity. As for the "Queen of Spades", she was immediately accepted by the public as a great success for the composer.

History of creation

The plot of Pushkin's The Queen of Spades did not immediately interest Tchaikovsky. However, over time, this short story increasingly took possession of his imagination. Tchaikovsky was especially excited by the scene of Herman's fatal meeting with the countess. Its deep drama captivated the composer, causing an ardent desire to write an opera. The composition was begun in Florence on February 19, 1890. The opera was created, according to the composer, "with self-forgetfulness and pleasure" and was completed in an extremely short time - forty-four days. The premiere took place in St. Petersburg at the Mariinsky Theater on December 7 (19), 1890 and was a huge success.

Shortly after the publication of his short story (1833), Pushkin wrote in his diary: “My Queen of Spades is in great fashion. Players ponting for three, seven, ace. The popularity of the story was explained not only by the amusement of the plot, but also by the realistic reproduction of the types and customs of St. Petersburg society. early XIX centuries. In the libretto of the opera, written by the composer's brother M. I. Tchaikovsky (1850-1916), the content of Pushkin's story is largely rethought. Lisa from a poor pupil turned into a rich granddaughter of the countess. Pushkin's Herman, a cold, prudent egoist, possessed only by a thirst for enrichment, appears in Tchaikovsky's music as a man with a fiery imagination and strong passions. The difference in the social status of the characters introduced the theme of social inequality into the opera. With high tragic pathos, it reflects the fate of people in a society subject to the merciless power of money. Herman is a victim of this society; the desire for wealth imperceptibly becomes his obsession, obscuring his love for Lisa and leading him to death.


The opera The Queen of Spades is one of the greatest works world realistic art. This musical tragedy amazes with the psychological veracity of the reproduction of the thoughts and feelings of the heroes, their hopes, suffering and death, the brightness of the pictures of the era, the intensity of the musical and dramatic development. Character traits Tchaikovsky's style received here its most complete and perfect expression.

The orchestral introduction is based on three contrasting musical images: narrative, connected with Tomsky's ballad, sinister, depicting the image of the old Countess, and passionately lyrical, characterizing Herman's love for Liza.

The first act opens with a light everyday scene. The choirs of nannies, governesses, the fervent march of the boys convexly set off the drama of subsequent events. In Herman's arioso “I don't know her name”, sometimes elegiacly tender, sometimes impetuously excited, the purity and strength of his feelings are captured.

The second picture is divided into two halves - everyday and love-lyrical. The idyllic duet of Polina and Lisa "It's already evening" is covered with light sadness. Polina's romance "Dear Friends" sounds gloomy and doomed. The second half of the picture opens with Lisa's arioso "Where do these tears come from" - a penetrating monologue full of deep feelings.

Singing Galina Vishnevskaya. "Where do these tears come from..."

Liza's melancholy is replaced by an enthusiastic confession "Oh, listen, night." Gently sad and passionate Herman's arioso "Forgive me, heavenly creature"

Georgy Nelepp - the best German, sings "Forgive me, heavenly creature"

interrupted by the appearance of the Countess: the music takes on a tragic tone; there are sharp, nervous rhythms, ominous orchestral colors. The second picture ends with the affirmation of the light theme of love. Prince Yeletsky's aria "I love you" describes his nobility and restraint. The fourth picture, the central one in the opera, is full of anxiety and drama.

At the beginning of the fifth picture (the third act), against the background of funeral singing and the howling of a storm, Herman's excited monologue "All the same thoughts, all the same terrible dream" arises. The music that accompanies the appearance of the ghost of the Countess fascinates with dead stillness.

The orchestral introduction of the sixth picture is painted in gloomy tones of doom. The wide, freely flowing melody of Lisa's aria "Ah, I'm tired, I'm tired" is close to Russian lingering songs; the second part of the aria "So it's true, with a villain" is full of despair and anger. The lyrical duet of Herman and Lisa “Oh yes, the suffering has passed” is the only bright episode of the picture.

The seventh picture begins with everyday episodes: the drinking song of the guests, the frivolous song of Tomsky “If only dear girls” (to the words of G. R. Derzhavin). With the advent of Herman, the music becomes nervously excited. Anxiously alert septet "Something's wrong here" conveys the excitement that gripped the players. Rapture of victory and cruel joy are heard in Herman's aria “What is our life? A game!". In the dying moment, his thoughts are again turned to Lisa - a quiveringly tender image of love arises in the orchestra.

Herman's aria "What is our Life is a game"performed by Vladimir Atlantov

Tchaikovsky was so deeply captured by the whole atmosphere of the action and images actors"Queen of Spades", which perceived them as real living people. Having finished sketching the opera with feverish speed(The whole work was completed in 44 days - from January 19 to March 3, 1890. The orchestration was completed in June of that year.), he wrote to his brother Modest Ilyich, the author of the libretto: “... when I got to the death of Herman and the final choir, I felt so sorry for Herman that I suddenly began to cry a lot<...>It turns out that Herman was not only a pretext for me to write this or that music, but all the time a living person ... ".

In Pushkin, Herman is a man of one passion, straightforward, prudent and tough, ready to put his own and other people's lives at stake in order to achieve his goal. In Tchaikovsky, he is internally broken, is in the grip of conflicting feelings and drives, the tragic irreconcilability of which leads him to inevitable death. The image of Lisa was subjected to a radical rethinking: the ordinary colorless Pushkin Lizaveta Ivanovna became strong and passionate nature, selflessly devoted to her feelings, continuing the gallery of pure poetically sublime female images in Tchaikovsky's operas from Oprichnik to The Enchantress. At the request of the director of the imperial theaters, I. A. Vsevolozhsky, the action of the opera was transferred from the 30s of the 19th century to the second half of XVIII century, which gave rise to the inclusion of a picture of a magnificent ball in the palace of Catherine's nobleman with an interlude stylized in the spirit of the "gallant age", but did not affect the overall color of the action and the characters of its main participants. In terms of the richness and complexity of their spiritual world, the sharpness and intensity of the experience, these are the composer's contemporaries, in many respects related to the heroes psychological novels Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

And one more performance of Herman's aria "What is our life? A game!" Zurab Anjaparidze sings. Recorded in 1965, Bolshoi Theatre.

In the film-opera "The Queen of Spades" the main parts were performed by Oleg Strizhenov - German, Olga-Krasina - Lisa. The vocal parts were performed by Zurab Anjaparidze and Tamara Milashkina.

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