A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery host Yana Koshkina. Photo by Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine

Yana Koshkina is a young promising actress with a spectacular appearance. The girl played many episodic roles, but the role of Snezhana in the sitcom "ChOP" brought her fame. Combines acting with gymnastics and modeling business.

Childhood and youth of Yana Koshkina

Yana Koshkina was born in April 1990 in Leningrad. As a child, she was professionally involved in sports: from the age of 4 she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, successfully passed the standards for the master of sports, and for some time was seriously engaged in synchronized swimming.

Also in school years the girl made her debut in the TV series "OBZH", appearing on the screens under own name. She liked playing on camera, so when the question arose whether to enter the Lesgaft Physical Education Academy or the Academy theatrical art, Yana chose the second option, and for the next four years she studied at the studio of the honored actor Arvid Zeland, while simultaneously working as a fashion model. After graduating from the university, Yana moved to the capital.

Acting career of Yana Koshkina

Having moved to Moscow, the girl began to actively attend auditions. And soon the efforts bore fruit: soon she appeared in episodes of the series Highway Patrol, Word to a Woman, Let's Wake Up Together. These projects did not receive a wide response, but they gave Yana the necessary impetus and self-confidence. During this period, the aspiring actress also appeared in the 11th season of "Streets of Broken Lights" (episode "Meeting at the Movies").

Soon she took part in the filming of sensational TNT projects, although the roles were still third-rate and did not go beyond one episode. This is the sensational series "Interns", where Yana played Yulia, a friend of the heroine Christina Asmus; and the sitcom "Kitchen", which tells about the life of a restaurant under the patronage of Viktor Barinov, performed by Dmitry Nazarov, and the notorious "Friendship of Peoples" and "Studio 17".

The breakthrough was the series "Second Chance", where Yana Koshkina got the main female role. Her partner was a young actor Vadim Norstein. Although the adventures of young people from the fictional town of Bliznegorsk did not find a mass audience, after this role, Yana was offered to audition for the series "ChOP".

Yana Koshkina in "CHOP"

On an April morning in 2015, Yana Koshkina woke up famous. On the eve of the premiere of the comedy series "CHOP" about the adventures of unlucky security guards from the private security company "Cedar". The actress played the role of a spa worker named Snezhana Koshkina. Her heroine is kind and slightly naive girl with a sincere and sweet character that does not fit in with her luxurious appearance.

During the filming, Yana Koshkina became friends with the rest of the project participants: Sergey Stepin, Gennady Maslennikov, Dmitry Belotserkovsky, Denis Buzin and other guys from the friendly cast.

The series was a success with the audience, so the second season was not long in coming. In the new part of "CHOP" story line Snezhany took more screen time, and the actress herself had to work with Artur Galchenko, who played the role of her boyfriend Andrei.

In 2016, Yana Koshkina made her feature film debut, playing Marina in the comedy Odnoklassniki. Here, the actress shared the set with Svetlana Khodchenkova.

In addition, Yana was busy filming the fantasy film "The Source" and the exciting adventure comedy "Partner" - along with Sergei Garmash.

Social experiment with Yana Koshkina

In one of recent interviews the actress said that the third season of "CHOP" will definitely see the light of day and that her character will certainly pleasantly surprise fans of the project.

Personal life of Yana Koshkina

Yana just loves social life: she is constantly in the thick of things, attends parties, social events, film festivals. But the girl did not manage to find her soul mate there - today Yana Koshkina's heart is free. "Dream Man" she calls her cat named Taras.

How did it happen that the main stars of Channel One were kicked out, but you were hired? Did they clear the field for you?

I don't know how it happened. In fact, negotiations with me and Pasha Priluchny about the new show were much earlier. Plywood Kings project - Russian version the legendary Lip Sync Battle, a new anti-karaoke format for Russia. Participants play world music hits on stage and participate in a series of crazy competitions. The winner of each issue receives the championship belt of the "King of Plywood".

But will you be on stage all the time? Or, as in the TV series "CHOP", occasionally flicker with their beautiful forms, and the rest of the time people will watch melancholy?

No, what are you! I will always make everyone happy on the stage. Both forms and deep inner content. And my outfits are pretty revealing. In general, Channel One lacked such sexy presenters, but now this problem has been solved.

What series made you get recognized on the street?

The most surprising thing is that they began to recognize me after "Interns", although there I played a small role in one series - the girlfriend of Christina Asmus' character. But what was the plot, it's hard for me to remember. The audience remembers, you have to ask them. And, of course, at the age of thirteen I was glorified by one St. Petersburg series about schoolchildren.

Are you so good at being a schoolgirl?

No. I just had the lead role, and the show ran every night for four years. I think that even those who always switch when the series starts remember me.

Wait, then it turns out that at the age of thirteen you were still loved for your acting data, and not for your bust, as some people think. You didn't have it then, did you?

How was it not?! Was! He was just small then. In addition, I am a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics and in those years actively trained. And when you constantly crawl on the carpet, your chest is afraid to grow. Well, or erased on the carpet, I do not know. But, if you quit classes, everything immediately begins to grow in you. Some are worried, trying to lose weight. But I got lucky. Everything is in harmony with me. Maybe that's why such success hit me after the series "CHOP", where the whole emphasis is just on my forms.

First, a puppy who really wants to go to the toilet, but the owners do not take him out for a walk. Then the sheep that the wolf wanted to kill. And from the objects I was best able to do with a drop of water that flows out of a tap and for some reason drips onto a red-hot stove. Everyone collapsed from laughter.

What premieres are waiting for the audience this fall?

I have eight projects in the works right now. On the fourth of September - the premiere of the new season of the series "Molodezhka". From September 14, the full-length film "Partner" will be released in all cinemas of the country. Starring Sergei Garmash. And I'm very beautiful there, I run around in my underwear the whole film.

Great! What else is your role?

I - Secret agent! It looks like a cute fool, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

You can write on Instagram in direct. I watch it regularly.

So you already have big collection penises from various cretins and generous offers to come to their sauna for a hundred bucks?

One hundred bucks? You offend. One offered me eight million dollars for dinner in Dubai! So I just flew in, had dinner and flew away.

Didn't promise to pay?

Didn't specify. Such offers I always ignore without hesitation.

Think. Still, eight million dollars! In the film "Indecent Proposal" Demi Moore herself agreed for one million. Especially since it's just dinner.

And how can I eat if the person turns out to be unpleasant to me? No, I don't need that kind of money. In addition, in my personal life, everything is in order.

All actors dream of playing Hamlet. You too?

No. I dream of playing Nastasya Filippovna.

List your shortcomings.

I can easily take out the brain. And even now I very easily delete people from my life. If earlier I could forgive even a lie, now it’s goodbye right away. I hate when they lie. When they show off. When a person says that he is like this, but in fact he is not. And I can't stand greed. I can easily spend money myself. I love to give gifts to close people... Well, or I can just fly to the casino with my friends and go away.

Have you filmed nudes before? On the Web, sometimes you come across your naked photos, but for some reason there is always a different body there.

Because I've never filmed like this before. And even in the series "Second Chance", where I stick out of the hatch of a topless limousine, they invited an understudy specially for this. True, when they brought her to the site, it turned out that she was half the size of me, with zero breast size and blonde. And when I asked the assistant director what criteria she was selected for, he said: “That’s her name, too, Yana!”

Funny. By the way, have you started singing yet? Now all the actresses are also recording singles.

Exactly. I promise to surprise everyone. You can turn on your TVs now.

Yana Koshkina became famous for her bright appearance, although she has long been an actress and model, recently a leading and aspiring singer, and all thanks to successful plastic surgery and other ways to change appearance.

The 27-year-old actress, who became famous after the role of the beauty and silly Snezhana in the Chop sitcom, although she had previously played in the TV series OBZH during her school years, was not considered then, so Yana decided to radically change her appearance.

So the actress, who claims that her amazing figure is the result of many years of training, has enlarged her breasts, lips, and also reduced her nose. In addition, she changed her hair color, turning from light brown to a burning brunette. She also increased her eyelashes and changed the shape of her eyebrows, but this is a trifle :)

Yana Viktorovna Koshkina was born on April 22, 1990 in St. Petersburg. From the age of 4 she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, became a master of sports. She also enjoyed synchronized swimming.

After her debut in the TV series OBZh, Yana decides, after graduating from school, to enter the Academy of Theater Arts and she enters the workshop of the honored actor Arvid Zeland. In addition, she is already working with might and main as a model.

After graduating from the university future celebrity moves to Moscow and begins to go to all kinds of castings. As a result, she gets a job in films and starred in episodic roles in the series "Highway Patrol", "A Word to a Woman", "Wake Up Together", in the 11th season of "Streets of Broken Lights" (episode "Meeting at the Movies").

This is followed by small roles in "Interns", the sitcom "Kitchen", as well as in "Friendship of Peoples" and "Studio 17". And finally she got leading role in the series "Second Chance", which became her breakthrough in the film industry. She later appears in crime drama"The Bodyguard", the melodrama "Teachers", the comedy "Bartender" and the detective story "UGRO. Simple Guys-5".

And the role of the naive beauty Snezhana, who works in the spa, in comedy series The "CHOP" of 2015 made her an all-Russian celebrity, after which offers literally rained down on her, as everyone appreciated the stunning figure and stunning appearance of the actress.

In 2016, Yana Koshkina already made her debut in a big movie and played Marina, a friend of the heroine Svetlana Khodchenkova, in the comedy Classmates. Then she appears in the fantasy film "The Source", the melodrama "Poor Girl", the film "Doctor", the comedy "Love with Limits", the adventure comedy "Partner", the serial film "Youth. Adulthood».

since 2017 bright brunette with magnificent forms leads with actor Pavel Priluchny fun show"Kings of Plywood" on Channel One, offering famous people fulfill famous songs as a parody of plywood.

In September 2017, Yana tried her luck in Blind Auditions in the show The Voice Season 6, performing the song Chopin by Elena Vaenga, but none of the mentors turned to her voice, although everyone noticed that she talentedly performed this soulful song.

Currently, the popular actress is filming in crime movie"Dinosaur" about the thief in law Babushkin (Andrey Smirnov), who has to save his closest relatives - his son and granddaughter, about whom he had no idea before. She plays another beauty named Vicki.

The 27-year-old beauty constantly attends all kinds of events and parties, is filmed for famous magazines, so she was not afraid to be naked for men's magazine"Maksim":

She is even proud of her nude photo shoot for a male gloss:

Despite the fact that Yana claims that her heart is free, and her “dream man” for her is her beloved cat Taras, from time to time she is seen in company with famous and successful men.

So she, according to rumors, met with the director for some time and ex-husband Yana Poplavskaya by Sergei Ginzburg, who is 29 years older than the actress. But the couple did not officially confirm these rumors.

On her Instagram page, Yana Koshkina from time to time hints that she has someone, but does not name and does not post general photos:

Posted by (@yana_koshkina_official) Mar 20, 2018 at 10:44 PDT

On August 24, the celebrity was admitted to the hospital, Yana was taken to the Lapino clinical hospital right from film set with high temperature. At the hospital, she was urgently connected to droppers and other procedures. The host wrote:

Worked with temperature. Now a well-deserved "rest" in the hospital

Well, here we are all together! Note my release. You can’t sing, you can’t drink ... So we will dance

It's good that she was already joking, so things are on the mend.

For Yana Koshkina, her mother, whose name is Margot, is still the most close person. She lives and works in St. Petersburg. Just yesterday, Yana Koshkina visited hometown and visited my mother at work.

As a popular presenter writes:

Went to visit my mother at work. Today I got the most beautiful pedicure in my life! And all because my Margo is the best professional in this field, a podiatrist.

For reference. A podologist is a doctor who deals with problematic feet, ingrown nails, fungi, and pedicures.

At the beginning of November 2018, another dream of the charming TV presenter of Channel One came true. She was included in the rating of “100 Sexiest Women in the Country 2018”, during the voting of which the most sexy woman Russia 2018.

Yana Koshkina - media person, model, Russian actress, and now also a TV presenter on Channel One. Many saw Yana in the Russian television series "CHOP", where she played the role of Snezhana, in addition, the girl constantly flickers on television in various programs and episodic roles in TV shows and movies.

On the Internet you can find many photos of Yana from filming, competitions, classes in the gym and even in the circus arena. This girl is a real workaholic, she confidently goes through life, and always remains an optimist.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yana Koshkina

Many say that Yana has earned her place in show business thanks to her striking appearance and big eyes. What can we hide, Yana is really very attractive and beautiful girl. Fans are actively discussing her personal life, career, and form.

Many questions are also raised by the magnificent bust of Koshkina, which directly does not give the spectators peace of mind. Everyone is saying that the actress has enlarged her breasts, but the actress denies it. Says that big breasts she has her own, and this is her pride.

Thanks to the stunning appearance of Koshkina, she has a lot of fans, both among men and women. The audience is very interested in how she maintains her figure, what she does, what kind of food she prefers, as well as her height, weight, age. How old is Yana Koshkina is also a popular request on the network. Today, the actress is 27 years old, her height is 174 cm, and her weight is kept within 50 kg. Yana is full of ambition, and plans to continue to conquer television.

Biography and personal life of Yana Koshkina

Yana was born on April 22, 1990 in the city of Leningrad. According to the sign of the zodiac, she is a Taurus, although the date of birth on the verge of a sign with Aries does its job. The girl is very purposeful in life, and even if everyone around her says “no”, she will still achieve that it was “yes”. In addition, Koshkina is also incredibly self-confident, which, by the way, helped her break into the world of show business and cinema. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an athlete, she was actively involved in sports, gymnastics and swimming.

Yana's diligence and hard work helped her win in various competitions, receive awards and medals, and Koshkina, thanks to sports, learned for life that in order to achieve something, you need to work hard and hard. The girl was preparing to pass the standards in order to get a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, and she succeeded. Today we can say that the amazing figure of the model is the result of her willpower, efforts and hard work on herself. Yana keeps herself in shape all her life, and thanks to her appearance, by the age of 25 she has achieved a lot.

IN adolescence Yana began to realize that she was beautiful, and in modern world this can achieve something. She entered the St. Petersburg Theater Academy, and began her modeling career, went on the catwalks, and starred for magazines, and one day she decided that she would like to become an actress, so she went to conquer Moscow.

Despite the fact that St. Petersburg is a cultural city, everything is still concentrated in the capital, and Koshkina, knowing this very well, decided to move. For another year, she went to auditions, and tried to get to the shooting, until one day she got to the casting for the TV series “Word to a Woman”, in which she played in the episode. After that, she starred in episodic roles in various TV series: Streets of Broken Lights, Traffic Lights, Interns, and others. You can also see Koshkina in many TV series on TNT, such as "Kitchen" and "Friendship of Peoples".

The actress received her first major role when she was 24 years old. In the serial youth film "Second Chance" she performed main character Allu, however, the popularity came to the girl a year later, when she began acting in the TV series "CHOP". Waking up famous, Koshkina decided to try herself not only in the series, but also in full frame, and went to the casting in the cinema. First feature film, the Russian hilarious comedy Odnoklassniki became a good continuation of Yana's career, and this year she has already starred in the second part of the film.

The biography and personal life of Yana Koshkina, despite her popularity, are a complete mystery to fans today. It is not so easy to find information about her, however, there is no reason to doubt that everything is fine in her personal life, looking at the appearance of the girl.

Family and children of Yana Koshkina

Yana was born in the most ordinary Soviet family. Her father worked as a diver all his life, and her mother long years went in for sports, athletics and gymnastics, and then coached the children's section. It was thanks to her mother that Yana decided that she would like to become an athlete. Parents strongly supported the girl in everything, including when she decided to become an actress and entered the theater academy.

In general, Koshkina is a dramatic actress by education, and comedic roles are completely uncharacteristic of her. However, for several years now she has successfully made the audience laugh on the screen, and she does it wonderfully. Yana herself admitted in her interview that she would like to play Nastasya Filippovna, the main character of Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot. Who knows, maybe the actress will still have such an opportunity, although so far she is increasingly perceived as a sexy beauty than an example of virtue.

The actress does not think about marriage and the birth of children yet, she believes that in order to have a family, it is necessary to take place first as a person, and in this she is completely right. Most likely, the family and children of Yana Koshkina are still present in her future, it's just that the girl has not yet been recognized by journalists.

Husband of Yana Koshkina

After the actress began to appear frequently on television, and then became the TV presenter of Channel One, fans were worried why the young beauty's heart was so cold.

The girl loves social life very much, often appears at events, happens at fashion shows of Russian clothing designers, but almost everywhere she appears alone.

The absence of a satellite when Koshkina went out into the world gave rise to a lot of gossip that the model was dating married man and just doesn't want to show it to the public. However, Yana herself calls her pet cat Taras the man of her dreams. The model does not seek to flaunt her personal life, and in every possible way protects her from prying eyes. Fans only hope that future husband Yana Koshkina will soon still appear in sight.

Photo by Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine

Recently, the model and actress posed for a famous men's magazine. Photos of Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine became the subject of discussion among fans, because on them the main sex symbol of Channel One appeared completely naked.

The actress herself admitted that she was very pleased with the shooting, and even her father said that candid photos daughters do not look vulgar, but artistic. Prior to this, the model has already starred a lot for various publishers and glossy magazines in nude photo shoots and in a swimsuit. However, the new photos of the star pleasantly surprised fans and earned a lot of positive opinions.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Koshkina

Despite her popularity, the actress is a very sociable person, she loves to chat with fans, is happy to talk about new projects, gives interviews and shares her vacation photos on her Instagram account. Both the Wikipedia of Yana Koshkina and her twitter do not exist yet, but there is no doubt that soon a page in the universal encyclopedia about the star will still appear.

The sexiest presenter of Channel One dreams of playing the heroine of Dostoevsky's novel and loves sports.

Today, Yana radiates eros, even Priluchny was dumbfounded. Photo: Maxim LI / Channel One

more on the topic

- Yana, you recently starred on the cover magazine MAXIM. Were you embarrassed during the photo shoot?

— I am a person, to be honest, not shy. They ask me: “Are you not shy about kissing in the frame?” I was taught this for five years in theater academy. So I'm not shy at all. How without it? I treat it solely as a job.

- What did the family say?

- I have not heard any comments from my mother yet, but my father liked everything very much. He said that everything turned out very worthy, not vulgar, but artistic. You can also take a picture in a dressed way so that it will look vulgar. And you can act in the nude, but very, very aesthetically pleasing.

- In "Kings of Plywood" you have the image of a liberated person. Is it easy for you or do you have to step over yourself?

- This bright show. Needs to be lit. This is complete improvisation. Who would be interested in looking at the boring face of the presenter? And then there is such an atmosphere that most often you just succumb to emotions. I want to jump onto the stage - and you jump out. You can't contain yourself.

— How did you find mutual language With ?

- Pasha and I used to star in the same project, but, unfortunately, we did not intersect in the frame. It was the movie Love with Limits. And here we immediately found a common language as soon as we saw each other. It is calm, comfortable, easy with Pasha.

- In the TV show, your breasts are like a separate character. Show it very often!

- Well, if it is, why not show it?


- Everyone is discussing on the Internet: is it her own?

— Oh, wow! Well mine, of course! Not men. All yours! People always need something to discuss. Nothing without this.

- Alena Vodonaeva recently took and, explaining the act by the fact that she was tired of too much attention. Yes, it's hard physically.

- It's strange for me. Well, how is it? It’s like asking a person: “How do you walk with your nose?” All girls have breasts. If it is beautiful, feminine, how can it bring any discomfort? It would be worse if the girl didn't have breasts. If everything is fine with you, how can this interfere? I don't understand.

- Yana, who are your parents?

- I have absolutely simple family. Dad worked as a diver all his life. Mom goes in for sports - gymnastics, athletics. Why I was suddenly drawn to the profession of an actress is big question! Neither parents, nor relatives, nor acquaintances - no one is connected with this.

At what age did you have this desire?

- My first film shooting happened at the age of 13. At the age of 15, I entered the St. Petersburg Theater Academy. And everything somehow went.

What role do you dream of?

- I want to play Nastasya Filippovna (the heroine of Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot. - Ed.).

- Do you have the role of a comedian actress?

I am an actress by training. drama theater and cinema. And all five years of study at the theater academy we had a drama. Why I'm being offered comedic roles is a mystery to me. Well, they offer, so it turns out.

- Aren't you afraid that after the project "Kings of Plywood" you will be perceived only as a sexy young beauty, a fatal temptress?

- And what's wrong with that?

“It’s just that it’s far from Nastasya Filippovna.

- Do you think that Nastasya Filippovna was not fatal? I think that's what drove her. It was beautiful luxury woman. Another thing is that my role in the "Kings of Plywood" and Nastasya Filippovna are opposite things.

Yana in her heart dreams of playing Nastasya Filippovna from The Idiot (pictured is a frame from Vladimir Bortko's series with Lydia Velezheva, 2003)

- What do you like to do in your free time?

- If I get a few days of rest, I try to visit my parents, who live in St. Petersburg. And if there is only one day off, then, of course, it cannot do without sports. I also like to go to the cinema. But not in order to watch something new or pass the time, but to learn something for yourself in terms of acting.

- What sport do you do?

- I go to the gym, I do stretching. These are echoes of my past - I'm a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Sometimes I even think: “But if it weren’t for sports, how would my life have turned out in general?” And it's not just about physical training but also that it taught me discipline.

- How do you feel about criticism?

- Calmly. Social media is full of haters right now, but why pay attention to them? Here was recently funny story. Someone wrote to me: “You are so dumb. You are so scary, horror, it’s impossible to watch at all. ” I just for the sake of interest went to the page to this girl. Well, actually, everything became clear to me. There things are really bad for a person. I don't know what drives these people. Why are they throwing mud at someone? We are all imperfect, but I take it easy. And thanks to my dad, who at one time somehow reconfigured me. At first, of course, any criticism is perceived painfully. And now, except for laughter, it causes nothing.

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