Orthodox tradition of the spiritual and moral development of man. Western spiritual traditions


The family is a small world, a small society, and our Orthodox ancestors called it a "small church." Probably there is no such person who would not like to have friendly family with whom he could share both grief and joy. Today, when a lot of families are breaking up, it is simply necessary to tell children about the spiritual traditions of the Russian family.



Information and educational conversation


Goals: expand students' understanding of national family traditions; form a positive assessment family values; encourage students to self-knowledge, self-education, to study and observe the laws on family and marriage, to respect the rights of the individual.

Conduct form: conversation.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, books by M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”, “Quiet Flows the Don”, L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Event progress.

I. Organizing time. Creating an emotional state of students.

II. Problematic situation.

Raise your hands, please, those who want to be happy. What do you think it takes to be happy?

Yes, I agree with you, of course, you need a family to be happy."Happy is he who is happy at home"- these words belong to Leo Tolstoy.

III. Event theme message.

slide 1. Today, ahead of international day family, which is celebrated on May 15, I invite you to talk about spiritual traditions Russian family.

It has already become a tradition in our school to hold such events in May.

The family is a small world, a small society, and our Orthodox ancestors called it a "small church." Probably, there is no such person who would not want to have a friendly family with whom he could share both sorrow and joy.

There is a legend that there was no separation of the sexes before, but there were 2 creatures fused together, carrying both male and female principles. Perfect harmony great power love was theirs. All their thoughts, actions, aspirations were common. The great god Zeus could not allow such relations to exist between people outside Olympus and cut these single creatures in half, scattering them across the Earth. But their love did not weaken, the desire to be together even more intensified. And since then, everyone in this world has been looking for their half, but it is not always possible to find it. A sad and beautiful story...

But in reality, things are not so smooth. Slide 2. Russia is the leader in the number of divorces. Just imagine, every second marriage breaks up, every third child is born out of wedlock.

Family ties are lost. Nothing is sacred.

Reading a poem.

In more than once already darned robe
Made from brightly colored fibers
In a crowded hospital room
An old woman is standing, crying at the window.

No one consoles her anymore.
Everyone knows about the reason for these tears.
They visit neighbors in the ward,
And to her, only once, her son brought a bathrobe.

I forgot about the slippers, he said embarrassedly:
- I'll bring it tomorrow ... Will you be patient, mother?
- Of course I will. I'm on a feather
And I can lie in woolen socks.
Where can I go here? There is little space.
The nurses will bring food.
I've been sick so much,
What would I just lie down and rest.

The son sighed and looked away.
- Here ... You understand ... It's up to you ...
It's all very confusing and subtle...
But don't think badly of me!
Your apartment is empty
And my wife and I thought about
What are you here and there ... Alone ... Sick ...
Get better - we'll take you with us!
And the grandchildren will be happy, you know!
They do not have a soul in you, mother!
All! Decided! You are moving in with us!
We will sell your apartment!

He took out papers, said without a doubt:
-I thought of everything, trust me, mom ...
As soon as we see improvements,
From here you will immediately go to live with us.

What do you say here? He is her son, her own blood ...
And grandchildren - for the sake of them it is worth living!
And signed without suspecting
How things really work.

Days go by, weeks go by...
There is no son. And he is unlikely to come.
The old woman was amused and pitied ...
But who and what does not understand here?

And every day the old woman is getting weaker,
And at night more and more dreams
As the porridge in the morning warms the son,
But he cries and does not want to eat.
And the first steps of a baby son,
And the word that he said for the first time
And the first scratches and bumps,
Both kindergarten and school - first grade ...

Doctors are silent, trying their best
At least somehow alleviate her suffering.
And relatives strictly forbade
Tell the old woman about the diagnosis.
She does not know that this hospital is -
Not a city simple hospital,
That there is no more chance for a correction ...
But, for her, ignorance is not a nightmare.
"Hospice" sign on the wall at the entrance
She doesn't say anything bad.
Strange words have long been fashionable
And should anyone be blamed for that?

She doesn't know what son is doing right
Calls doctors, twice a week:
- You said - dying ... Strange ...
That she is still alive...

She is alive. She waits and believes
That the son will come, hug, explain,
Now the chamber doors will open,
She understands everything and forgives everything.
WITH last strength she gets out of bed.
Holding on to the wall, he will approach the window.
How much more patience does she have?
So to believe the indifferent son?
She is ready to try her best.
And the forces that are not, she must find.
Will he suddenly come? She must wait!
He will come ... Well, how can he not come?
Standing and crying... Waiting for news from his son...
Just look at the sky casually
And shakes his hand pectoral cross -
Like, wait, Lord, don't take

Why is this happening? What to do?

Of course, the experience of past generations cannot be ignored.

IV. Let's turn to history.

Slide 3.

A serious "document" in Rus', regulating human behavior in the state, in family life, everyday life, was the famous "Domostroy" (compiled by Sylvester). In the Moscow text of the 17th century, 64 chapters clearly define the duties of a person in relation to the church and the king, to his relatives, wife, children, etc.

Slides 4, 5 The main idea of ​​Domostroy is the idea of ​​responsibility and authority: the husband is the master of his family and is responsible before God and the sovereign for his family, for raising children. The very concept of "House" in "Domostroy" is much broader, a house is not only a family, but also a society, clan, country, world. The rules of "Domostroy" are given by God himself, by the Church, endured by the people. People did not just read it, rewrote it, they stopped only in 1940-1950.

A very important role in the family belonged to the mother. (An excerpt from "The Fate of a Man" by M. Sholokhov is read).

Peasant children received the basics of spiritual education in the family. It was not by chance that the family was called the "small church", here the child was introduced to prayerful communion, he learned the basics Orthodox faith. The "red" corner of the hut served for the children as a visible confirmation of the constancy of the Divine presence. Regular participation in divine services, the sacraments of confession and communion supported the fire of Divine love in young souls.

Blessing before parting, the custom of sitting together in silence in silent prayer before leaving is characteristic of the Russian family. The severity of separation is brightened up by the bridge of blessing thrown over it. Children released to a foreign land, sons going to war, were given so many blessings and prayers on the road, and there were so many stories in the old days about how a mother's blessing - an icon hung around the mother's neck before leaving - deflected the flight of an enemy bullet. We are here touching the most sacred, secret and intimate in the life of the family. From here grow those invisible bonds and threads that make the family a single spiritual organism, give so much warmth and charm to its inner “air”.

slide 6 . Let us turn to the well-known family of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II.

1894 Nicholas II writes in his diary:“April 8th. A wonderful unforgettable day in my life - the day of my engagement to dear beloved Alix.

1916 Alexandra Fedorovna in a letter to her husband:“My precious, tomorrow I will think of you more than ever, this is the 22nd anniversary of the engagement. God, how time flies ... Unforgettable are the days and the love that you gave me.

And the children grew up in the rays of this mutual love.

“At exactly 9 o'clock we heard a child's squeak, and we all breathed freely! We named our God-sent daughter Olga! When all the excitement passed, just a blissful state about what had happened began.(Nicholas II. Diaries).

Despite their enormous responsibilities main family countries, and perhaps precisely because of their deep understanding, both the king and the queen honored the family and were happy in the family. According to the memoirs of the heir's teacher, Pierre Gilliard, "Nicholas II was for his children at the same time Tsar, father and comrade."

« The very first place for us, where we learn truth, honesty, love, is our home, the most native place for us in the world,- Alexandra Fedorovna writes in her diary.

V. Summing up the conversation. "Foundation" of the family. Slide 7.

VI. Job creative groups. (3 groups of students are created, headed by a teacher. Each group is jointly looking for an answer to the question posed).

1 group.

What traditions can you “start” in your family?

2 group

How can you rationally distribute household chores among family members? (Cooking, washing dishes, cleaning the apartment, taking out the trash, shopping for groceries, supervising the children's studies, attending parent-teacher meetings, etc.).

3 group

What measures, in your opinion, should be taken by the Government to strengthen the family, to increase the birth rate?

While the groups discuss the questions put to them, the audience answers the questions of the quiz. slide 8, 9. discussion of proverbs. slide 10.

VII. Report of creative groups.

VIII. Summing up.

There was a custom at Russian weddings: when the celebration was over, small gingerbread cookies were handed out to the guests. They were called overclockers. Thus, the guests were hinted that it was time to go home.

I also want to give you these gingerbread cookies.

IX. Reflection.

Interview with Alexander Khakimov for the New Epoch newspaper

Alexander Khakimov visited us -

well-known specialist in Vedic culture, writer, psychologist, artist, philosopher.

"Family Spiritual Life" Last exam"and others.

Alexander Khakimov is the honorary director of the John Favors Institute of Applied Spiritual Technologies.

Its wise philosophical view for the present will certainly be of interest to the reader.

"Spiritual Traditions"

« New era": The new era is characterized, in our opinion, by two contradictory trends in man and in society: on the one hand, the growing degradation, moral and cultural impoverishment, and on the other hand, the awakening of interest in spiritual knowledge, in particular to the Vedic. How do you think this contradiction will result?

Alexander Khakimov: The Vedas explain that people are divided into three types depending on their ability to gain life experience. The first type are those who gain experience by ear. They just need to hear or read about the Truth to understand what is good and what is bad. These are the most intelligent people, there are very few of them in our age. The majority, in order to establish themselves in something, need a practical result, real confirmation on own example one judgment or another. Having received some experience - positive or negative - in the form of punishment or just remorse - they accept this Truth. The third type of people are the least intelligent, those to whom the Truth does not reach either theoretically or practically. Neither suffering nor punishment changes them. They don't learn from their own mistakes or from the mistakes of others. Their condition is hopeless, they are rapidly degrading. The first type of people will find the Truth anyway. But the second type needs help. They need experience to change their lives for the better. So, the contradictory trend in society that you are talking about gives people of this type the opportunity to have both positive and negative experiences and, based on this experience, make their choice.

The material world presents a person with only ideas - here you are, free love, consumer sentiment. You can cook for some time in these realities and feel their deceptiveness and unreliable essence. And nearby there is other information - about piety, about God, about spiritual happiness. It can also be tested, tasted, compared with the taste of illusory material pleasures. Man of sense on the basis of this experience, he will draw the right conclusions.

"New Era": In our time, throughout the Western world, including ours, the institution of the family is collapsing, 60 percent of families are falling apart, and even in those that have survived, harmony rarely reigns. Answer as the director of the Institute of Applied Spiritual Technologies, what kind of spiritual technology can be offered to save the family, the unit of society?

Alexander Khakimov: The family is connected by love - such an opinion exists in society. We are trying to make a small correction: the family exists on the basis of the love of God. This is a spiritual statement made on the basis of a commandment. After all, “Love God” is the first commandment, and others are already following. This is the Truth that we, as scientists, as the Institute, are trying to apply to the family. There is no family without God, because love for a person is fickle, it can easily be transferred to another person, which often happens now, and families are destroyed. Therefore, the Vedas say that if you love only a person, then sooner or later you will get fed up with this love. But if you love God and extend this love to a person, then you will not only save your family, but also embrace your children, grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, etc. with your love. In the end, you will understand that the world is big family, the family of God. Our Institute teaches how to build a family on the basis of love for God and service to society, as from a small space own family go to the family of God. If there is no divine understanding of the integrity of society, then each family is for itself. Families compete, quarrel, steal each other's wives, husbands, take away property.

Spiritual technologies are as follows: first you need to establish a connection with God, and therefore already create all the rest human values family, education, parenting, economics, politics. Then the politics will be peaceful, the economy will be healthy, the family will be permanent, the children will be obedient, traditions will be maintained, because the highest reason for doing this will be clear. If there is no such reason, then it will be, as in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. Remember, there brother Alyosha says: "If there is no God, then everything is possible." That is, there is no starting point. It is necessary to restore the institution of the spiritual family, this will make society healthier.

"New Era": On the basis of what spiritual traditions does your Institute work?

Alexander Khakimov: We use many traditions. But the Vedic tradition is very well classified, so we mainly use this system. In fact, all religions fit into it. It may be that everything is not so systematically presented in them as in the Vedas, but in these religions one can find and highlight the same points: karma yoga, jnana yoga, mystical yoga and, finally, the yoga of love for Bo -gu. “Love God” is bhakti yoga, “Do not steal, do not lie, do not commit adultery” is karma yoga. By applying the classification of the Vedas, we can navigate in any religion. The Vedas are not exactly a religion, but rather a scientific classification of religions and value systems.

"New Age": Sometimes it seems that all religions are unfair to a woman. In religious teachings, a woman is given minor role in society. There she is "number two", a kind of attachment to a man. And modern life shows just the opposite: women have become an active part of society. Many of them successfully make a career, run a business, earn more than their husbands. Is there a refutation of religious postulates here?

Alexander Khakimov: Society can be built in accordance with divine or vice versa, demonic principles, on the basis of pride, selfishness, vanity, and then the value system turns out to be inverted. One of the main principles proclaimed in the Vedas is the protection of women. It is said that a woman should always be under the protection of love. If she loses her protection, then she loses her beauty, her health, and sinks into grief. A woman is protected by a man - in childhood the father, in the family - the husband, and in mature years- sons. That is why she is given not the first, but the second role in society. The leading position in the social mind, in the economy is assigned to a man. But in the house, in the family, “number one” is a woman, first of all, as an inspiring force. Thanks to her communication, a man achieves success. She has a more subtle material nature and inspires a man to great deeds. It is said that if there is a Caesar, then the figure of Cleopatra is necessarily guessed behind him.

What happens in modern society? Due to the fact that a man communicates excessively with strange women, he loses the power that gives protection to his wife. She intuitively feels this and becomes uneasy, since she has children (a woman has a higher responsibility for children than a man). And then she artificially assumes the role of a man: she dresses like a man, drives a car, and, taking on an unfeminine business, tries in every possible way to convince herself: "I can do it." And she really succeeds. However, this reminds me of how primitive hunters, armed with wooden spears, went to bear. Going for a bear with a wooden spear is a big risk. To get rid of fear, they kindled a fire, stood in a circle and, moving in a circle, repeated the same thing for a long time: "We will kill the bear." And having convinced themselves in this way, they went and actually killed the bear. It is clear that their strength and courage were somewhat artificial. Something similar is seen in the behavior modern women. woman walking to a difficult, but highly paid job with great risk and loss for himself, and achieves success. Success is only in work, because as a mother no one can replace her. She does this instead of a man, although in fact her true task is to push her husband upstairs, raising his authority. This is where her greatness lies. Of course, for this, a woman needs the appropriate knowledge, which allows her to fulfill her role in the family in such a way as to benefit herself and her loved ones, without resorting to artificial and risky methods for the family.

"New Era": You said that a woman who goes through life in a "male" way is expected to lose. Outwardly, many business women are satisfied with their lives. What losses are we talking about?

Alexander Khakimov: The main one is that on the way to a career and success in society, a woman cannot fully fulfill the role of a mother. Children do not receive maternal protection, maternal strength. You can see that in such families the children are left to their own devices. In character, they turn out to be weaker than the mother, and her maternal energy acts in such a way that it simply covers their shortcomings at the expense of financial situation. I recently had a conversation with a fairly wealthy woman. She said: “I have an adopted son. I did everything I could for him. I have money, he is an orphan, and I was more worried about him than about my own child. He grew up and does not get out of prison ... ". This happened because, not having time to give him enough attention, she covered his shortcomings at the expense of her financial capabilities. The world is arranged in such a way that a woman should receive material well-being and position in society from her husband. Then she will be a full-fledged mother. When she receives all this separately from her husband or without him, her motherhood will be incomplete.

"New Age": The commandments of religion recommend their followers to live virtuously, that is, to be honest, peaceful, open, not vindictive. On the other hand, society lives according to rather cruel laws. Is it right to prepare for life people whom everyone will deceive and offend?

Alexander Khakimov: If evil is active and virtue is passive, she will lose. You need to do it the other way around: so that goodness is active, and evil is passive. Good must be able to assert its rights. At the same time, one must fight not for one's own benefit, but for the principles of virtue. Active goodness means spreading knowledge and law around oneself. When people see that laws work, evil becomes passive, because evil is ignorance. When society begins to understand the laws of karma, that is, the inevitable responsibility for the evil done, evil loses its activity.

New Age: But that's too general an answer. How to be, for example, honest man in relationships with partners or managers who deceive him and exploit his positive qualities in every possible way? Is it necessary, out of virtuous motives, to endure a bad attitude towards oneself?

Alexander Khakimov: No no need. The Vedas say, “Don't let yourself be exploited. The place where you are being exploited must leave immediately.” If everyone does this, the world will change in one second. But people who are attached to their position allow themselves to be exploited for the sake of a crumb of some profit. They themselves are to blame for this. Allowing yourself to be exploited is not a virtue. Real virtue is like fire. Fire illuminates everything around and at the same time protects itself - you can't touch it. A truly virtuous person is under the highest protection, under the protection of universal laws.

Dnepropetrovsk, May, 2012


in India until the 19th century. the only way of existence, transmission and development of spiritual culture. T. assumes that learning by its content covers the entire personality of a person, in all its aspects - intellectually, emotionally, behaviorally, and activityally. The possibility of learning is opened by initiation; it continues in close personal connection with the teacher (guru), including in everyday life, and implies learning by imitation, i.e., the reproduction in oneself of the essential features of his personality. Such personality-related content is often extremely important for a purely intellectual field of activity, and even more so for spiritual experience. It has never been translated into textual form and is poorly adapted for this. Without it, however, the textual content is often not understood at all, is understood partially or distortedly. For different specific spiritual traditions of India, different ratios of elements are characteristic, to-rye in Europe. terms are called philosophical, scientific, religious, spiritual and practical, etc.: a tradition can be a school of logic, Advaitic metaphysics, a community of worshipers of Vishnu, or a sect of Hatha Yogis. Traditionality has positive side the highest professionalism and such a level of personal development of the adept, which in Europe seems almost a miracle (in Europe, only circus artists and sorcerers) its disadvantage is the difficulty of exchanging content between individual traditions and fragility: if the chain of generations is interrupted, then it will be impossible to restore the tradition from the texts.
A. Paribok

Hinduism. Jainism. Sikhism: Dictionary. - M.: Republic. M. F. Albedil, A. M. Dubyansky. 1996 .

See what "SPIRITUAL TRADITION" is in other dictionaries:

    Tradition (lat. traditio transmission). The term has several meanings: Tradition in anthropology, sociology and cultural studies is a set of ideas of customs, skills and habits of practical activity transmitted from generation to ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from the old glory. Flattery lies, deceit) in accordance with the Orthodox dogma, a spiritual illness of a person, accompanied by a higher and very subtle form of flattery to oneself, self-deception, daydreaming, pride, opinion about one's own ... ... Wikipedia

    SPIRITUAL MUSIC- music. works of Christ. content not intended to be performed during worship. D. m. is often opposed to secular music, and in this sense, an extremely wide range of phenomena from liturgical music is sometimes referred to this area ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Musical works related to texts of a religious nature, intended to be performed during a church service or at home. Sacred music in a narrow sense means church music Christian; spiritual in a broad sense ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Tradition (meanings). Tradition (custom) is a set of ideas, rituals, habits and skills of practical and social activities passed down from generation to generation, serving as one ... ... Wikipedia

    TRADITION AND INNOVATION IN LITERATURE- TRADITION AND INNOVATION IN LITERATURE, concepts that characterize continuity and renewal in the literary process, the ratio in it between the inherited and the newly created. Tradition (T.) (from Latin traditio transmission, tradition) is ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Merton College Library Literature (lat. lit(t)eratura, literally written, from lit(t)era letter) in the broadest sense, the collection of any verbal texts. Contents 1 On the boundaries of the concept ... Wikipedia

    Tradition- a concept that reflects the essence of socio-cultural inheritance, historical stability and continuity. T. is understood, in 1 x, as an order (stereotype) of inheritance, which provides, through certain rules, norms, patterns, exact ... ... Russian Philosophy. Encyclopedia

    Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy (MDA) international title Moscow Theological Academy ... Wikipedia

    Vaishnava tradition in Russia: history and state of the art. Teaching and practice. social service, charity, cultural educational activities Cover of the book Vaishnava Tradition in Russia


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Every family has its own indescribable atmosphere of love, understanding and warmth. Children born in families adopt this atmosphere. How does it arise? A similar halo in the family is created family traditions, customs or laws of family leisure. Often such laws take their roots from the family foundations of previous generations - they are strong and unshakable. They create a sense of security family relations, there is a strong bond between family members, close and trusting relationships are maintained, children feel the stability of the family.

What are family traditions: examples

Family traditions are regularly repeated actions of family members aimed at rallying intra-family ties and strengthening the family as the main foundation of society. Traditions are an indispensable attribute of family happiness and well-being, reflecting the moral position of all family members. Each family is individual and has its own history. Family customs allow all members to feel their importance, give time and attention to relatives, show them respect and love.

Tradition examples: co-hosting holidays, themed dinners on weekends, family vacations, bedtime stories or lullabies to children, church attendance on Sundays or religious holidays, children writing letters to Santa Claus on New Year, baking Easter cakes by households for Easter, eating together and many others.

What are family traditions and holidays

  • Holding family holidays. This tradition has its roots in the distant past - for centuries it was customary to celebrate holidays with family and friends. The main such holiday should be called a birthday. In most families, it is customary on this day to invite guests to the house, cover festive table, give gifts to the birthday man and by all means blow out the candles on the birthday cake, making a wish. TO family holidays include weddings, births, baptisms, etc.

  • Holding public holidays. They include everyone's favorite holiday - the New Year. Most families practice the custom of holding it together at a large table, with Olivier salad, traditional for our country, and champagne. Children write letters to Santa Claus asking for the desired gifts. Many families celebrate Easter by baking Easter cakes and lighting them up in the church. Among the national holidays, the World Workers' Day is traditionally celebrated on May 1. On this holiday, most families go on a picnic and cook meat dishes on the grill.

  • Games with children. It is important that both parents take part in the upbringing of the child, play with him. During games, the child learns the world, acquires new skills, improves his physical and intellectual level. For example, according to custom, a mother teaches a child to play chess every Saturday, and a father plays football with his son on Sundays. Children love stability, so try not to break the established customs.

  • Reading stories before bed. This is the most important tradition in raising children, because fairy tales allow the child to develop imagination, to know the world. In addition, daily reading of fairy tales before going to bed develops a certain mode of going to bed in the child. Even if the child is too small to understand the meaning of what he read, the calm and measured voice of mom or dad will calm him down. Such an evening ritual will calm even the most active children, contributing to a good sound sleep.

  • Family walks. For the development of the physical abilities of the child, and maintaining their own, it is important to take joint walks. During such a walk, you need to communicate, you can see the sights. In order to instill spiritual values, it is advisable for the whole family to visit cinemas, theaters, museums, and exhibitions. Such trips can broaden one's horizons and increase cultural level families in general.

  • Kissing tradition. To create an atmosphere of love, it is important to kiss your loved ones more often. It is advisable to kiss children at least twice a day - in the morning when they wake up, in the evening - before going to bed. More frequent kisses and hugs are welcome, even with an older child, because when there is a lack of affection, children grow up callous. It is also important to wish all relatives Good night before bed and good morning waking up.
  • Joint vacation trips. Do not underestimate this type of leisure, because most psychologists recommend regularly changing the environment to maintain good relationships. The main thing is to visit new cities and countries all together in order to escape from routine and everyday life, to expand your horizons.

  • Orthodox traditions. These include going to church together Orthodox holidays or every Sunday, celebrating Christmas and Easter, fasting, baptizing children, reading the Bible, prayers before going to bed, regular visits to deceased relatives.

What values ​​underlie family traditions

Family traditions generate and nurture important values ​​in people: love for the family, respect for one's relatives, care for loved ones, a correct understanding of the family and its role in life. Failure to comply with family customs and foundations can lead to a weakening of ties between its members, to the destruction of family ties. Even a cell of society in which love reigns cannot exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

Traditions strengthen in children a sense of gratitude to their parents, as well as to grandparents, instilling respect for the older generation. Spouses customs give a sense of inviolability, stability of family relationships. L.N. Tolstoy said: "Happy is he who is happy at home." A person living in a family that respects traditions will surely be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. In such a person, family well-being will certainly be transferred to other areas of life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Each nation has its own special traditions related to all areas of life, and especially the family. This is due, first of all, to the fact that each nation or country has its own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, adheres to different religions. All these factors influence the formation of cultural and family customs. Family traditions, in turn, shape the worldview and attitude to life. Such family structures have existed for centuries, practically unchanged, passing from older family members to younger ones.

Family cultural traditions in Russia history and modernity

If we turn to history, it becomes obvious that there are many traditions in Rus'. From time immemorial, the main family custom in Russia has been genealogy - in the past it was considered indecent not to know one's family, and the expression "Ivan, who does not remember kinship" was an insult. An integral part of the family structure was the compilation of a family tree or family tree. Also known are such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuable things from generation to generation and naming a child in honor of one of the respected ancestors.

IN modern Russia the importance of family customs was somewhat lost. For example, nowadays you rarely meet a family leading their own genealogy. Often the memory of generations is reduced to an album with photographs. But such wonderful traditions as a joint meal and holding joint holidays have been preserved. Family customs and traditions in the Kuban still suggest a Cossack life, raising children in the spirit of a Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

There is a stereotype that the Germans are extremely pedantic. The most strict traditions among the Germans relate to the family:

  • it is customary to treat your home with the utmost care, carefully cleaning it and bringing beauty to it;
  • it is not customary to leave grandchildren to be raised by their grandmother or grandfather - for this it is necessary to determine the amount of money for them;
  • parents in old age do not live with children - they are looked after by nurses or they live in special boarding houses;
  • At Christmas, it is customary for the whole family to gather in parental home;
  • The Germans are prudent and economical, so they have a tradition of saving for old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

In England

The British have traditions - these are the three pillars on which the Earth rests, so they honor them with special trepidation. Who does not know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family gatherings and discussions are sure to be held over a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they especially celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, gathering with the whole family, preparing traditional dishes. An excellent tradition among the British must be called the custom of giving children a good education. It is considered bad form not to send your child to a private boarding school or college.

In France

In France, the custom is widespread - on Sundays to gather at a common table, drink wine and have a meal. Of the holidays, the French like to celebrate Christmas, gathering in their parents' house. At the festive banquet, there are always such delicacies as foie gras, salmon, seafood, iscariot snails and noble cheeses. The traditional drink for Christmas is champagne, and the dessert is “Christmas log”.

In India

India is a country of the strictest family customs and traditions. Indian society is divided into social castes, so the issue of marriage is approached very unusually there. The father of the family must himself choose the future groom for his daughter, she was given in marriage only to a representative of her social caste. A lavish wedding celebration is more of a duty than a wish. The bride traditionally had to provide a dowry. Divorce and remarriage in India used to be prohibited.

Indian family life is greatly influenced by Buddhist traditions. According to them, a man should:

  • Show respect for your spouse.
  • Do not change.
  • Provide for a family.
  • Teaching children the craft.
  • Choose the right pair for the kids.

A woman must:

  • Respect your husband.
  • To raise children.
  • Perform all household duties.
  • Don't cheat on your husband.
  • Fulfill all the wishes of the spouse.

Tatar traditions

Tatars are Muslims, so family structures are based on Sharia and the Koran. Among the Tatars, the creation of a family is considered a necessity dictated by religion. Interestingly, after marriage, the husband receives full power over his wife, and the wife is dependent on him - she does not even have the right to leave the house without the consent of her husband. Divorces among Tatars are extremely rare, exclusively at the initiative of the husband. It is customary for children to be brought up by their wife, but they are required to show complete obedience to their father.

What family traditions are important in raising children

Family customs play essential role in raising children. It is extremely difficult to instill traditions in an adult, so they are often passed down from generation to generation from parents to children. Children perceive the world the way their parents do, therefore, pleasant family customs determine the child's perception of the family as the main element of his life, as well as determining its place in the value system.

Traditions will be useful family reading before going to bed, singing lullabies, kisses at every meeting, joint dinners, walks. They define in the child the concept of stability, inviolability family ways, give a sense of cohesion, make children more tender and affectionate. It is also important to instill from childhood the custom of respecting and honoring one's ancestors by regularly visiting them on holidays.

Proverbs and poems about family traditions

There are many instructive proverbs about family customs and traditions:

  • "What is the treasure when the family is in harmony."
  • "Children are not a burden, but a joy."
  • "When the sun is warm, when the mother is good."
  • "Not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised."
  • "A family is strong when there is only one roof over it."
  • "The whole family is together, and the soul is in place."
  • "A tree is supported by roots, but a man is a family."
  • “If I have granddaughters, I know fairy tales.”
  • "Don't hide your failures from your parents."
  • "Honour your parents - you will not go astray from the true path."
  • "In a family where they help each other, troubles are not terrible."

Poems about the family, as well as traditions, see the photo below:

Family traditions are one of the most important aspects of everyone's life, so it is so important to cultivate and support them in every possible way. Family life without traditions would be boring. It's great when young families do it themselves, relying on the experience of their parents' family life, adding their own personal moments to them. the main objective- rapprochement with the rest of the relatives, building a strong reliable family, as well as enjoying communication with loved ones. Be happy!

Why does a modern person, who longs to become stronger and more secure, need to know what ancient religions, teachings and traditions thought about this? In addition to the flavor of ancient cultures and the color of the past, born when immersed in the history of the issue, knowing the point of view that spiritual systems contain always clarifies the picture. After all, behind every tradition there is an endless line of transmission of the subtlest spiritual impulses, the experience of millennia, each particle of which is paid for with the blood of the hearts of entire generations of seekers. The high canons that set religious and esoteric approaches to the problem of security help to observe moral standards when repulsing unfair blows: after all, an ethical position based on the principle of conscience, for all its external vulnerability, is the most powerful. And, finally, religious and esoteric experience is indispensable for searching and finding the highest, true and reliable protector from all misfortunes - the Lord God.

Eastern tradition

The Eastern tradition paid considerable attention to the problem of protecting a person from evil forces, dark energies, influences and blows. She divided attacks into those that come from a person and are aimed at oppressing the personal principle (slander, insult, dispute, pressure, deceit, etc.), and those that are generated by the impact dark forces from the subtle world. At the same time, subtle blows can be aimed both against the energy shell of a person and against his deep spiritual essence, free will, higher aspirations and motives. The defense against psychological blows offered by the Eastern teachings is to change the very perception of the attack. One should not exaggerate its importance, as all self-absorbed people do, but on the contrary, try to look at unexpected circumstances, blows, people who inflict them, and at own reaction, as something insignificant, tertiary, illusory in the eyes of God and Eternity. Yoga, Vedanta, Taoism, and Buddhism advised to apply a similar methodology.

The history of Buddhism has left many legends about the protection of spiritual masters, saints, and, finally, Gautama Buddha himself. A holy life and spiritual concentration on the Highest eventually led to the fact that a person wrapped himself in a powerful protective net that deflected the most powerful blows from him. In Buddhism, of course, the Buddha himself was considered the highest model of a being who ideally owns this power. Let us recall his struggle with the eternal enemy, the Buddhist Judas - Devadatta, in which he did not disdain the most black means - he dropped a huge stone on the Buddha from a height, set a huge mad elephant at him, sent murderous robbers. But in all cases these attempts were in vain. Some unknown force deflected mortal blows. The stone deviated from the target and did not kill the Buddha, but only slightly injured his toe. The elephant, a few meters before the location of the Buddha, suddenly stopped as if rooted to the spot, subdued by a powerful impulse of love and kindness emanating from the Great Teacher. The robbers, coming closer to the Buddha, suddenly abandoned their criminal plan, repented and asked the founder of the Buddhist teaching to take them as students.

The Buddha obtained this power as a result of titanic efforts aimed at achieving enlightenment and liberation from the influence of the circumstances of earthly existence.

In the case of psycho-energetic or magical blows, it does not matter whether they are inflicted by people or evil spirits from the invisible world, Eastern methodology relied either on pronouncing protective mantras or on visualizing protective yantras - sacred images and symbols. Spiritual protection was intended to combat the illusions that break through into the consciousness of the aspiring student in order to lead him astray, as well as to repel strong magical blows that could damage the soul of their victim. The East associated such protection with those methods that develop spiritual insight in a person, as well as the ability to sacrifice personal desires to the divine will. As a result of such a sacrifice, the Supreme Deity begins to fight against all attacking forces. The sacred book of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita, offers one of the main characters, Prince Arjuna, to subordinate his will to the commander Krishna so that he can lead his battle with enemies.

The Eastern system of defense emphasized the repulsion of subtle and spiritual blows (if we are talking about higher yoga), as well as protecting our body (if we are talking about martial arts). Psychological methods of repelling blows were not developed in detail - the man of ancient times was internally more holistic, harmonious and unified than the modern vulnerable neurotic.

Western spiritual traditions

Western spiritual traditions have had fairly well-developed systems for repelling a variety of blows. Thus, the ancient systems of ethics and spirituality tuned a person either to heroism, with the help of which a person defeated all types of evil, including those directed against him personally, or to stoic patience, helping to endure unexpected blows of fate and adversity. Occult-hermetic systems relied on the construction of thin energy shields, the creation of magic circles, the pronunciation of formulas and spells. Christian tradition she taught her followers to repel enemy intrigues with the power of the name of Christ and the power of grace, in which they had to clothe their spirit at the time of the attack.

The multi-volume Christian literature has captured a huge number of cases when a prayer appeal to God attracted protective forces and deflected blows and attacks that a person could not cope with on his own. Prayer reached the Divine World, which sent spiritual power to a person, helping to cope with insults, humiliation and persecution at the psychological level of communication with hostile people. The protective divine power turned into an invincible fortress, easily reflecting all the subtle dark blows and attacks from magicians, sorcerers and just evil dark haters. Prayer energy protected Christians from numerous temptations and temptations that lie in wait for them on spiritual path and constituting a type of attack. Prayer helped to save spiritual energy (acquisition of the Holy Spirit) and helped to defeat any kind of energy vampirism.

The power of sincere Christian prayer was so great that it helped people repel not only psychological or psychoenergetic attacks, but even direct blows of fate and circumstances. Once I had to converse with deep an orthodox person who passed through the Great Patriotic War. He told me an amazing incident from his life at the front, which convinced him of the reality of Divine protection.

A column of German tanks broke through the defenses of our troops and came close to miserable shelters, behind which were hiding the scattered remnants of the retreating unit. My interlocutor told me what horror he experienced at that moment: at first he saw how, literally a few meters near him, a German tank flattened his comrade, and then he noticed that another tank was moving straight at him. Since he had nowhere to run - there was an open area all around, and the frail hillock behind which he had taken cover clearly could not save - he realized that he had no more than thirty seconds left to live. And, crossing himself, he prayed with all his being: "Lord, if You exist, hear me and save me!" The request to God, which he shouted several times, was so powerful and shook his being so much that he almost lost consciousness. He no longer hoped for anything, when suddenly a miracle happened: about ten meters from him, the tank suddenly turned around and moved to the side, firing at some distant targets. So a person really came across the protective power of Christian prayer.

Western religious methods as well as Eastern schools spiritual protection, as befits traditional systems, was not given of great importance repelling psychological shocks. "Human, all too human" has never been a subject of special concern for either world or national religions. They proceeded from the fact that it is much more important to protect the soul from temptations, and the spirit from damage.

Esoteric teachings reveal in detail the methods and secrets of protection from attacks. As a rule, they talk about the protection of a person at all levels - psychological, mental, and spiritual. Eastern esotericism invites a person to change the very view of the "attack-defense" problem, generated by the dual perception of the world, and rise to such spiritual heights where there is neither an attacker nor a defender, and everything is in inseparable unity. Western esotericism relies primarily on hermeticism and therefore sees in defense the erection of walls, complete isolation from the source of attack, deep withdrawal into oneself, delineation of magic circles. Characteristic protective means offered by esoteric teachings - unlike religions, they include psychology to a much greater extent. And the closer to the 20th century, the more in esoteric systems psychological methods protection. This is due to the fact that the personality of a person of an ancient traditional society was a transparent conductor of higher spiritual forces and influences, but over time it lost its integrity, became multiple, complex, vulnerable to conflicts, requiring special measures to harmonize it.

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