Circle of Russian folk dances for children. Russian dance for children


This art form is passed down from generation to generation as a great heritage. Russian dances carry the color and emotions of the people who created it. Even with the passage of time, it does not cease to be relevant and interesting people because it brings them closer to the culture home country. There are always those who want to both learn this skill and watch bright performances as spectators.

dance training

You can start exercising at any age. Parents thinking about intellectual and physical development send their children to classes with early years before entering school.

Folk dances for children carry the culture and traditions of the country

At first, the guys are given a very light load. These are exercises that improve them. physical form and preparing for full-fledged dance numbers. Then it increases, the children learn the elements of dance, help each other, rehearse and very soon become ready for public speaking at school or kindergarten events.

It is very pleasant to move to the beat of rhythmic music in bright costumes, performing refined, beautiful movements. Individually, they may seem simple, but when they are woven into dance composition, then the picture looks rather intricate, dynamic and interesting.

Russian folk dances for children: from what age

If a child, when choosing a dance school, gravitates towards folk dances, you should agree with him. It's bright, fun, playful. Children are always eager and happy to attend such classes. They are equally suitable for both girls and boys. Each of them gets its own benefit: babies acquire grace, lightness, beautiful figure and correct posture. The guys, on the other hand, acquire strength and dexterity - this is necessary for them to perform jumps and other complex elements of folk dance.

Plus, it is useful for well-being and health promotion, namely:

  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Prevention excess weight.
  • Muscles and joints are trained, the child becomes active and resilient.
  • emotional uplift, good mood, stress resistance.

Children get to know folklore and the culture of their native country, which forms their outlook, spiritual perception, increases their education. Developing creative potential child and logical thinking. He has the opportunity to show himself, his talent, while interacting with like-minded friends.

Dance, along with the language, traditions, songs of this or that people, can be considered its " calling card". There are many nationalities on Earth, and almost everyone has their own, special dance culture. Certainly, most of cultures differ from each other, especially if we are talking about dances from different continents. But be that as it may, every dance contains the history, traditions and soul of every nation.

Some types of such art are more common, some are less: for example, in Russia there is and is developing a powerful national school dancing. In addition, Eastern, Indian, Caucasian, Latin American, European, Irish dances have stable popularity in our country. Over time, our compatriots discover even those that were considered exotic. It is gratifying that dance art close to the next generation. The children of our city can learn all the subtleties of the dances of the peoples of the world in specialized studios, circles, associations, and experienced teachers will skillfully guide and become guides to Magic world body language.

Folk dances, in addition to the fact that they perfectly develop the spiritual, moral and physical health children, and also allow them to learn more about the traditions and culture of their homeland and other countries. Guys get great opportunity meet like-minded people, and eventually participate in competitions at the local, all-Russian and even global levels.

How to choose an Irish dance costume

In a row national dances Irish dances occupy a special place and attract both adults and children with their traditions, color, beautiful costumes and energy. And what exactly is the Irish costume associated with? What tips should be taken into account when choosing it? If we talk about girls, then the recommended items of clothing will be slippers made of soft soles, wide skirt(most importantly!) And a short (at least not long) dress. Boys, on the other hand, can put on a shirt with wide sleeves, a vest and tight trousers and put on the same slippers made of soft soles or hard. Shoes plays big role, since the “main burden” falls on the legs: so no heels! As for the colors, there is no rigid binding to any one option. Of course, if any official competitions are coming up, then the team can think about the same form, which is associated with the Irish state and the traditions of the country.

Choosing clothes for Russian folk dances

So, the child has enrolled in a specialized studio and will study Russian folk dances. What costume will be relevant in this case, what elements of clothing will reflect the soul of the performer? It should display folk motives, be free, bright and rich in decorations and embroidery. Boys can wear beautiful embroidered shirts with a collar on the side and woven belts, while girls can wear scarves, kokoshniks and sundresses.

There are many peoples on our planet, each of which is unique. This manifests itself in culture, language, lifestyle, music, dance. Dance - ancient art reincarnations through which you can express your emotions, feelings, experiences. And the dance language is understandable even when there is a language barrier. By studying the dances of the peoples of the world, you can learn a lot about national characteristics and customs.

Russian dance will tell about love, fun, breadth of the Russian soul. Temperamental Caucasian dances speak of love for freedom. Incendiary are filled with desire and passion argentine dances. Oriental dances fascinate, captivate, drive men crazy. Over the years, almost all dance styles have undergone a number of changes, they have become more modern. This did not affect only African dances, they remained just as bright and unusual. Everyone has the opportunity to study one or another dance direction. There are dance studios and inexpensive dance schools in Moscow, where you can learn the dances of the peoples of the world. We offer some of them depending on the dance direction.

Russian folk dances

Folk dances are an integral part of Russian culture. Russian dances differ in choreographic structure, they are divided into round dances, tanks, dances, quadrilles, dances. Depending on regional characteristics, the dance is performed in different ways. Women's dance distinguished by smooth lines, sincerity, femininity. Male - prowess, scope, humor, cheerfulness.

"Moscow Center for Contemporary Dance"

st. Malaya Lubyanka, 16

The Center invites you to study under the program "Turn around, soul!" The training program includes all types of Russian folk dance and popular dances of other nations. There are basic and advanced courses. The cost of a monthly subscription, which includes five classes, is 3300 rubles. The first lesson can be attended for free. Students receive a discount. When you renew your subscription, you get a week of classes as a gift.

Indian dances in Moscow (Bollywood dances)

Indian dance is not just movement to music. This is a musical stage art, in which, in addition to body movements, hand movements, singing, and the art of facial expressions are used. National Indian costumes, a lot of bells and bracelets add entertainment and brightness to the dance, create their own melody of movements to the beat of the dance. One of the directions is becoming more and more popular Indian dance Bollywood dance.

Dance school "Trinix"

st. Ugreshskaya, house 31

The school provides training in the courses "Indian dances" and "Dances in the style of Bollywood". Classes are professional educators, choreographers trained in Indian dance schools. A trial lesson can be attended for 300 rubles, with the purchase of a subscription it will be free. The cost of a subscription for 12 classes will be 4500 rubles. One-time visits are possible - 500-600 rubles. 15% discount awaits students and pensioners.

Latin American dances in Moscow

Latin American dances differ in their expressiveness, expression. Salsa, rumba, paso doble, cha-cha-cha, jive, all these dances are filled with passion, carry a charge of vivacity and energy. They are free to improvise, calm movements are replaced by fast and energetic ones. This dance direction makes it possible to show your temperament, to express your individuality. Latin American dances can be danced not only with a partner, but also solo.

Dance Studio "9 halls"

st. Myasnitskaya, 15 and Belomorskaya st., 36

The studio was opened in 2009. Latin American is taught here. classical dance and their club types. Classes are taught by experienced teachers, training begins with the basics. This is the setting of arms, legs, the study of plasticity, acquaintance with the basic elements of dance, learning to interact with a partner. Those who wish can go to the continuing, and then to the advanced level, continuing their education. Possible individual sessions with a teacher. The cost of a single visit is 500 rubles. Unlimited subscription to visit the studio (month) - 7400-7600 rubles for adults from 18 to 45 years old, over 45 - 6600-7000 rubles.

Irish dancing in Moscow

Tapping heels on the floor - distinguishing feature Irish dances. They are believed to be descended from the French quadrille. The Irish put the movements into their folk music, resulting in a new style. Classic variant The dance is performed by four dancers. From a technical point of view, the dance is not difficult, but to learn how to perform it, you need a subtle sense of rhythm and endurance. Although Irish dances are less popular than Latin American dances, there are schools in Moscow that are ready to offer training in this direction.

School of Irish dance "Iridan"

st. Melnikova, d. 7 and st. Krasnaya Presnya, 9

The school was founded in 2013. It is the first international level Irish dance school. The teaching staff is 15 teachers who regularly undergo internships abroad and attend master classes of famous Irish dancers. Students give three times a year reporting concerts. Classes are held in comfortable rooms for groups of up to 15 people. There are no age restrictions, health restrictions are possible, since the dance involves a fast pace and jumps. The cost of training is 3000 rubles per month (2 lessons of 1.5 hours per week).

Belly dance

Belly dance is a dance technique that came to us from the Middle East. A feature of the dance is its plasticity. Speaking of him, the imagination immediately draws a beautiful oriental girl in a bright outfit, which moves smoothly to the rhythms of oriental music. There are more than 50 styles of oriental dance that are hard to imagine without belly dancing. On the basis of one technique, choreographers put on separate numbers or entire show programs, where girls perform a dance with a fan, with fire, with weapons, with snakes.

"School of Oriental Dances"

st. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16

Groups are regularly recruited at the school to learn belly dancing. Practicing dancers, experienced teachers teach here. Level physical training and age does not matter, they will find an approach to everyone here, show all the movements, help. A trial lesson can be attended free of charge. There are groups for beginners and for those who decide to continue their studies. One-time lesson - 500 rubles, subscription for a month (8 lessons) - 2900 rubles.

Caucasian dances

The dances of the peoples of the Caucasus unite the dances of more than 100 peoples living in this region. They differ in music, movements, costumes. by the most popular dance Lezginka is considered (classical, Chechen, wedding). Also, everyone knows the saber dance (Khevsuruli), classical Georgian dance(kartuli), dance with daggers (khanjluri).

Dance school "Kavkaz Land"

st. Borisovskie Prudy, 26

The dance school opened 12 branches in Moscow. They provide training Caucasian dances: Chechen, Abkhaz, Dagestan, Ingush, Armenian, Ossetian, Kabardian, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Ubykh. Experienced teachers they will teach you to dance the lezginka, the Shalakho dance. There are adult groups and children's groups, everyone is accepted without age restrictions. One-time (trial) lesson - 600 rubles. Subscription for a month (12 hours) - 4000 rubles.

African dances

Rhythmic sounds of drums, frank movements - this is the most mysterious and original African dance. There are several dances of the peoples of Africa: Afro pop dance, Coupe de Calais, Afro-dance, Sabar, Sukus, Kizomba and others. Since ancient times, dances have been part of certain rituals. They include the traditions and customs of Africa and its peoples.

Dance school "Afro-Fusion"

Malaya Ordynka, 18, building 1

Education at the school is carried out according to different directions, among which pair dance Kizomba, energetic solo dance afro-fusion. They originated in Angola and are now becoming popular in our country. A trial lesson at the school can be attended for 300 rubles. Then you can purchase a subscription for 8 lessons - 3400 rubles, or choose individual lessons with a teacher - 2000 rubles.

Folk dance can be safely called a natural result in the development of human society, which is in constant development. From year to year, the culture of countries is gradually changing, bringing new original elements to such dances. Each folk dance corresponds to the spirit and character of the people by which it was created. Its themes and presentation changed with the changing living conditions of people, the social system, reflecting the current interests and needs. Folk dance studio will be an excellent choice for fans of history, bright and noticeable dances, unusual costumes.

Who is the school of Russian folk dance suitable for?

Great popularity in dance studios received Russian folk dance, which arose on the basis of labor activity of people. In it, the people conveyed their feelings and emotions, thoughts and mood. The dance expresses the colorful and bright creation of an entire nation, reflecting its way of life and character, understanding of the beauty of the surrounding world. Ideally, a folk dance school will not only help you master the basic dance moves, but also help to immerse yourself in history great country, to give an opportunity to feel the prevailing moods and emotions. An indispensable condition for folk dances is the original nature of the movement, costumes and music.

Folk dance studios are always open to those who wish. There are no restrictions on classes, which will allow all lovers of Russian folk dance to master dance movements. Fans of history will definitely appreciate the bright costumes, dances and round dances, which perfectly reflect the gradual development of the people, changes in their lives.

In order for folk dance classes to be as comfortable as possible, you need to take care of comfortable sportswear that will not restrict movement. Dance ballet flats or Czech shoes, as well as any other sports shoes, are perfect on your feet. Of course, many folk dance schools take part in competitive programs and put on full-fledged dances - here you can’t do without a themed costume, which will complement the well-thought-out folk dance and help the audience more fully experience the emotions presented to them.

How to choose a folk dance studio in Moscow?

Our portal contains up-to-date and detailed information about folk dance schools and dance studios in Moscow, where folk dance classes are presented. In visual tables, you can get acquainted with the cost of one-time classes or prices for subscriptions, comparing prices in different schools. Using the filter, portal visitors will be able to get a list of studios and prices for classes in the area most suitable for them or near the nearest metro station.

Russian folk dances carry a special energy of the entire Russian people. They are able to reveal his huge soul, while helping to show the talents of each dancer. Russian folk dances have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries as a huge cultural heritage. Their movements seem very simple, but due to the plasticity of the dancers general drawing dance turns out to be very intricate. He looks beautiful both in everyday life and on stage. Our article is devoted to Russian folk dances. In it we will tell you about the main figures of Russian folk dance, about the music characteristic of this dance genre, and also talk about the importance of children's Russian folk dance in the education of our kids.

Modern Russian folk dances

Modern Russian folk dances, just like the dances of our ancestors, are distinguished by childish naivety, lightness, and poetry. When you see the performance of a folk dance, you involuntarily realize that such movements and drawings could only be born on the fertile land of our Motherland with its broad, unexplored soul. At the same time, Russian folk modern dance shows valiant prowess and courage, and can also be humorous.

Of course, the round dance can rightly be called the most important Russian folk dance, to which a separate article is devoted to Bambino Story. Other equally famous folk dances are “Boots”, “Lady”, “Circular-dancing”, “Veselukha”, “Topotukha”, “Monogram”, “Gorodets Gate”, “Balalaika”, “Crane”, “Apple”, “Gusachok”, as well as children’s favorites “Is it in the garden ...”, “Kalinka” and “Quadrille”. Each region of Russia has its own local folk dances with characteristic names: "Vladimirskaya Veselukha", "Ryazanochka", "Siberian Lyric", "Northern Tricks", " Cossack dance"," Siberian Fun "and others.

A separate category of folk dances are Russian dances or improvisational dances. The movements of Russian folk dance are unlimited, since the purpose of such dances is self-expression, demonstration of one's abilities, imagination and talent. Movements in improvisational dances can be smooth, slow or very fast with increasing tempo acceleration. Such a dance is always a surprise, since the dancer himself does not always know what step he will perform in the next moment. In fact, improvisation dances are real competitions in which young people flaunt agility and grace, as well as festive outfits.

Among fast dances the hopak, which came to Russia from the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, stands out clearly. This dance is widespread in the Kuban and in the south of Russia. The whole dance is danced at a very fast pace: the women dance in a circle and separately, each with their own energetic dance part, and when the turn comes to the men's parts, then auditorium just a standing ovation!

There are dances dedicated to natural phenomena("Blizzard", "Snowstorm"), as well as animals and birds ("Goby", "Bear", "Fish"). Such dances are playful in nature, with their movements the dancer must imitate the habits of animals or birds. Without a doubt, Russian folk dances are a national treasure, not yet fully comprehended and understood, but always causing a stormy enthusiastic reaction from the audience.

Music for Russian folk dance

Music for Russian folk dance can be quite diverse. Of course Russian folk music for dances, it is the creation of the people themselves, tremulously passed down from generation to generation. Today, with the development of sound technologies, songs for Russian folk dance are recorded in separate collections, best composers and arrangers on the basis of Russian folklore create ingenious compositions. We will not list all the famous folk dance songs. We will only say that, by tradition, the majority folk songs It has time signatures 2/4 or 6/8, while their tempo can be both slow and quite fast. Also, energetic folk dances are characterized by frequent acceleration and deceleration of the tempo. All these techniques form the unique character of folklore music.

Russian folk dances for children

Preschool childhood is very important period the formation of personality. At this time, children form initial ideas about the world around them and society. Russian folk dances for children are very great importance in the matter of studying the culture and traditions of their own people, as well as determining the child's role in it, since Russian folk dance for children can, with the help of dance images, reveal the spiritual life of the people, their way of life, tastes and ideals. With the help of dance, you can convey to each child the idea that he is the bearer of Russian folk culture. It is very important that our children are brought up in national traditions otherwise it is simply impossible to give them full development.

Introducing children to traditions and customs, adults instill in them a love for the history and culture of their own people, and Russian folk dance is a great helper in educating little patriots. Dance as part of folklore is a thread that connects the past, present and future. We hope that our article was useful for you, and you will be able to apply the information received for self-development and education of your own children.

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