Incidents in the Altai region today. Incidents


today at 13:10

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Altai Territory clarified the circumstances of the accident on the Zmeinogorsky tract in Barnaul

Traffic police officers immediately went to the scene to assist the victims and organize traffic. The road accident occurred on March 3 at 10:50 am in the area of ​​building 47 along the Zmeinogorsky tract in the regional capital. According to preliminary information, the driver, born in 1994, driving a Mitsubishi Mont...

Traffic police officers immediately went to the scene to assist the victims and organize traffic. The road accident occurred on March 3 at 10:50 am in the area of ​​building 47 along the Zmeinogorsky tract in the regional capital. According to preliminary information, a driver born in 1994, driving a Mitsubishi-Montero car, created a dangerous situation for traffic and collided with a Lifan 215800 car moving in the same direction, driven by a driver born in 1970. As a result of a traffic accident, the passenger of the Mitsubishi-Montero car, a woman born in 1950, received medical care at Barnaul City Hospital No. 1, but was not hospitalized. State Traffic Inspectorate employees are clarifying all the circumstances of the incident.

yesterday at 10:24

Traffic police officers are investigating the circumstances of an accident in the Tabunsky district

Traffic police officers immediately went to the scene to clarify all the circumstances of the accident involving a car and a bus. According to preliminary data, on the morning of 03/02/2019, a GAZ-21 Volga car collided on the K-03 Zmeinogorsk-Karasuk highway near the village of Tabuny. with the Belokurikha-Yarovoye passenger bus. In r...

Traffic police officers immediately went to the scene to clarify all the circumstances of the accident involving a car and a bus. According to preliminary data, on the morning of 03/02/2019, a GAZ-21 Volga car collided on the K-03 Zmeinogorsk-Karasuk highway near the village of Tabuny. with the Belokurikha-Yarovoye passenger bus. As a result of a traffic accident, a man born in 1956, driving a GAZ-21 Volga, died on the spot. A passenger in the car (a woman) was hospitalized with injuries of varying severity. At the time of the accident, there were 40 passengers on the bus; medical care No one contacted the ambulance workers. All passengers continued their journey using additionally provided transport.

The criminal investigation into the high-profile traffic accident in which three people died has been completed

The investigative unit of the Investigative Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Barnaul has completed the investigation of the criminal case initiated against a 33-year-old resident of the city of Barnaul. He is accused of committing a crime under Part 6 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation, – violation of the rules by the person driving the car...

The investigative unit of the Investigative Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Barnaul has completed the investigation of the criminal case initiated against a 33-year-old resident of the city of Barnaul. He is accused of committing a crime under Part 6 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - violation of traffic rules by a person driving a car, committed by a person in a state of intoxication, resulting through negligence in the death of two or more persons and causing grievous harm to human health. A traffic accident, which caused a huge public outcry, occurred on October 15, 2018 in the city of Barnaul on Lenin Avenue, 23. As a result of a collision between two cars, three people died, including two minor children of three and five years old, and two participants in the accident were injured serious harm to health. During the investigation, a number of studies and examinations were carried out, including auto technical, transport and traceological, forensic, and psychiatric. Evidence was collected that made it possible to conduct an objective investigation and fully reconstruct the circumstances of the traffic accident. The investigation of the case was under the personal control of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Altai Territory, Police Major General Andrei Podolyan. Currently, the criminal case with an indictment has been sent to court for consideration on the merits. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of four to nine years. The final decision on the case will be made by the court.

Speech by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of Police of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev, at an extended meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the objective assessment of our work, the support and attention that you pay to the internal affairs bodies. 2018 was full of important socio-political events for our country, major sporting events international level. They largely determine...

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the objective assessment of our work, the support and attention that you pay to the internal affairs bodies. 2018 was full of important socio-political events for our country and major international sporting events. They largely determined the priorities in organizing the operational and official activities of our Ministry. The personnel ensured law and order during the election campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation and on the single voting day. Significant forces were involved during the preparation and holding of the World Cup. High-profile crimes and offenses, including those committed by football fans, not allowed. The safe holding of the tournament was facilitated by the creation of “tourist” police units in the host cities. Identification and access control systems for stadiums using a personalized spectator card have proven themselves to be successful. These are domestic developments that have been highly appreciated not only by the FIFA leadership, but also by fans from different countries. The Russian experience has interested the organizers of the upcoming European Football Championship and the 2022 World Cup. In accordance with your instructions, Vladimir Vladimirovich, a similar control system will be used during matches of the football Premier League and the Russian Cup. Despite all the difficulties, the internal affairs bodies have proven that they are capable of ensuring law and order and the safety of citizens during any events, including world-class ones. Last year, work continued to optimize the organizational structure. Seven hundred staff positions were identified as a target and transferred to territorial bodies. Mainly in regions adjacent to state border Russian Federation. The allocated resources were used primarily to strengthen the units on migration, criminal investigation, and patrol services. Great importance was attached to strengthening human resources and developing departmental educational organizations. When selecting and placing managers, the system of forming and training a personnel reserve was actively used at both the federal and regional levels. Issues of social security for employees remained a priority. Last year, the number of families who received one-time payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises almost tripled. Particular attention was paid to the state of official discipline and legality. Including within the framework of the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan. Over the past seven years, the number of notifications received from employees about the facts of contacting them with proposals of a corruption nature has increased 14 times. The effectiveness of checks on the accuracy and completeness of information on income provided by personnel has increased. At the same time, the activities of internal security units to restore order within our system have been intensified. They account for almost 70% of detected crimes committed by employees of internal affairs bodies. However, additional measures are needed here. We constantly demand from managers at all levels to strengthen control over their subordinates. React harshly to every instance of abuse or failure to fulfill official duties. At the same time, ensure transparency and objectivity in the assessment of certain actions. One of the main conditions for effective work is updating the material and technical base of the bodies and divisions of the Ministry. Their equipment with basic types of weapons, military and special equipment was 77%. This, among other things, made it possible to complete the assigned tasks in full. 190 types of modern weapons were purchased. 33 objects of general civil and special purpose were put into operation. However, a number of problems remain in the field of construction, reconstruction and overhaul departmental buildings and structures. We have already discussed the current situation and measures to improve it several times. The direct responsibility of the heads of the relevant departments of the central apparatus and territorial bodies is to keep this issue under control. Today we are faced with large-scale tasks to modernize the information technology infrastructure of internal affairs bodies. I mean the creation of a unified population register, a biometric identification system, and the transition to issuing electronic identity cards and driver’s licenses to citizens. The introduction of qualitatively new methods and technical means of information processing is also relevant in the context of countering criminal threats in cyberspace. Considering the high degree of deterioration of the equipment currently used, we count on the necessary budget funding in this matter. Last year, the development of the departmental segment of the system for providing public services continued. There were over one hundred million of them. And this does not take into account the most popular one - providing information about administrative offenses in the field of traffic. In general, citizens rate the quality of government services provided to them quite highly. Nine are already available in multifunctional centers. Their list on the Unified Portal is expanding. Interactive methods of submitting applications are being introduced. This allows you to process the necessary documents remotely. Solving problems related to increasing the availability and quality of government services in the migration sphere, of course, is complicated by the 30 percent reduction in the number of specialized units when they transfer to the Ministry. However, as practice has shown, for many territorial bodies the personnel problems that arose did not become a serious obstacle to organizing effective work. All that remains is to take into account their experience and take appropriate measures. Increasing the safety of citizens on the streets and in other in public places contributed to the implementation of a set of preventive measures and the work of police squads in a single deployment system. The number of crimes registered here last year decreased by almost 5%, serious and especially serious crimes– by 3%. People's vigilantes and representatives of various law enforcement associations provided significant assistance. With their participation, about ten thousand persons who committed criminal offenses were detained, about four hundred and fifty thousand administrative offenses were suppressed. The capabilities of the law enforcement segment of the “Safe City” hardware and software complex were actively used. More than twenty-eight thousand crimes have been solved with its use. In total, over two hundred and sixty-five thousand CCTV cameras and almost one thousand two hundred “citizen-police” emergency communication terminals have been deployed in populated areas of the country. In the course of measures to prevent illegal behavior, a significant place is given to working out the residential sector. Last year, local police commissioners placed over two hundred and thirty thousand citizens on preventive registration. Targeted work has made it possible to reduce the number of crimes committed under the influence of alcohol and drugs, domestic crimes and those with previous convictions. I must say that the workload on employees remains very, very high. There are no other ways to optimize their activities other than freeing them from unusual or redundant functions. Currently, the preparation of the Concept for the development of this service is being completed. The document also provides for increasing the level of resource provision for district police officers. The most important component in solving the problems of prevention is the prevention of delinquency among minors. It should be noted that the measures taken led to a decrease in the number of crimes committed by them or with their complicity. As part of countering criminal behavior against teenagers, the emphasis is placed on preventing the dissemination of information that causes harm to them. Total in in social networks Last year, on the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than twenty-five thousand eight hundred resources containing destructive content were blocked. At the same time, it is impossible to completely protect our children from violence, cruelty, and negative psychological impacts solely through the efforts of the police. This problem goes far beyond the competence of one department and requires consistent coordinated steps. A large amount of work was carried out by migration departments. Over the past three years, they have adapted to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, despite objective difficulties, are improving the quality of public services provided to the population. Approved last year new Concept state migration policy. 22 ministries and departments are involved in its implementation. One of the tasks outlined in the document is to provide compatriots living abroad with the most favorable conditions for relocating to Russia. In pursuance of your instructions, Vladimir Vladimirovich, changes have been made to the current legislation providing for a simplified procedure for issuing temporary residence permits and residence permits to foreign citizens. We are talking about the category of people who speak Russian, want to live and work in the Russian Federation and are able to integrate into our society. When applying for citizenship, additional preferences are provided for qualified specialists in demand by the economy of our country. Along with this Ministry, work is underway to simplify the procedure for foreign citizens entering Russia for tourism purposes. Taking into account the positive experience of using an electronic visa in the constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District, from July 1 such a mechanism will be implemented in the Kaliningrad region. In the future, it can be broadcast to federal cities and adjacent regions. Last year, four hundred and thirty thousand verification activities were carried out in the migration sphere. About one million six hundred thousand administrative protocols have been compiled. Over two hundred and fifty thousand decisions have been made to ban entry to foreign citizens who have violated Russian legislation. Positive trends are observed in ensuring road safety. Last year, the Government approved the Strategy of the same name prepared by us. She set priorities for the next five years. The system for automatically recording traffic violations has been further developed. Compared to 2017, the number of stationary complexes increased by 27%. Their total number is about twelve thousand. Almost 106 million offenses have been identified using the system. The preventive effect of its use is also quite noticeable. Where such technical equipment is located, a decrease in the number of incidents and the severity of their consequences has been noted. The activity of citizens showing increasing principled position and assisting the police in identifying violators on the roads. The result of joint actions was an increase in the level of road safety. The number of accidents, as well as deaths and injuries, has decreased. In terms of the rate of reduction in road accident mortality, the target indicators provided for by the federal program for 2018 have been achieved. The internal affairs bodies have made a significant contribution to ensuring transport security. In total, more than five hundred and sixty thousand passenger trains were escorted last year. Every day, about a thousand police officers were involved in this. Over two thousand violators were suspended from air transportation. Together with the Russian National Guard, the safety of the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait has been ensured. There were no illegal acts of interference in the activities of the facility. One of the main factors determining the attitude of citizens towards the police is the confidence that their rights and legitimate interests will be protected. Last year, internal affairs bodies solved about nine hundred thousand crimes, every fifth of which was serious and especially serious. Almost eight hundred and forty thousand persons who committed criminal offenses were identified. The detection rate of murders has increased intentional causes grievous bodily harm, robbery. The overall balance of unsolved crimes has decreased. The involvement of organized groups or criminal communities in the commission of fifteen and a half thousand crimes has been proven. The activities of more than nine thousand leaders and active participants in criminal structures were stopped. There is no doubt that with the adoption of the amendments introduced by you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, to the State Duma to the current criminal legislation in relation to this category of citizens, the process will become more progressive. The decisive evidence in exposing the perpetrators is the expert’s opinion. Today, the internal affairs bodies carry out 49 types of forensic examinations. Unique methods that have no analogues in the world have been introduced. Using the nuclear magnetic resonance method, previously unknown drugs are identified and subsequently placed under control. The use of olfactory expert techniques makes it possible to isolate and examine odor information on objects seized from crime scenes many years ago, and to identify individuals using it. During the reporting period, the practice of applying judicial fines expanded. This criminal law measure is designed to optimize the investigation of non-serious offenses. Additional efforts are aimed at combating fraud, primarily using bank cards, Internet, mobile communications. In order to inform citizens about ways to protect themselves from such acts, the necessary information is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Crimes committed through computer and telecommunication technologies require special attention. With an almost twofold increase in their registration, only every fourth crime is solved. The heads of territorial bodies are required to take all measures to improve the organization of the work of units involved in the investigation of criminal cases, to ensure the proper level of interaction. During search activities, police officers identified the location of over fifty four thousand persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court. At the same time, various channels of international cooperation were actively involved. Two stages of the interstate operational and preventive Operation Search were carried out, as a result of which 7,700 suspects and accused were detained. With the assistance of the National Bureau of Interpol of Russia, 72 persons who committed mostly grave and especially grave crimes were extradited. A search was carried out for missing persons. The location of thirty-three and a half thousand citizens has been established, of which more than five thousand are minors. Volunteer organizations took an active part in the search activities. With their help, order was discovered three thousand Human. Currently, volunteer groups have been formed in seventy-six regions. Almost every second has concluded cooperation agreements with the police. We intend to continue to expand this practice. In the sphere of combating drug crime, the main emphasis was placed on combating its organized forms, closing smuggling channels, eliminating network distribution schemes, and undermining the material base of the drug business. The implementation of the Anti-Drug Policy Strategy Implementation Plan continued. At the initiative of the Ministry, state control measures were established in relation to thirty new psychoactive substances. During the reporting period, a number of special operational and preventive measures were carried out, including in an interstate format. Together with Roskomnadzor, the Internet is monitored in order to identify and block sites that promote drug use and distribute illegal drugs. In total, over two hundred thousand drug crimes were documented last year, most of which were committed by internal affairs agencies. Almost 96 thousand persons who committed such acts have been identified. The number of cases of drug sales we have identified, as well as crimes related to their smuggling, has increased. An extremely important area is to ensure economic security countries. The departments of the Ministry's system account for more than eighty-five percent of crimes of this category out of those identified by all law enforcement agencies. The main emphasis is on suppressing acts committed on a large scale or especially large size, in organized forms, as well as of a corrupt nature. Further steps have been taken to decriminalize the most significant sectors of the economy and social sphere, including the financial and credit sector. As part of interaction with the Bank of Russia, work has been organized to remove unscrupulous organizations from the microfinance market. Their share since the Central Bank was vested with the functions of a mega-regulator has amounted to 4%. Another painful topic is the situation with municipal waste. Last year, an additional set of measures was carried out aimed at suppressing activities related to their illegal transportation and placement. As a result, 70 crimes were identified involving violations of the rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and waste. Over fifty persons who committed them have been identified. The number of administrative protocols drawn up increased by almost a third. In addition, facts of unjustified inflated tariffs for waste disposal services have been documented. Only in Chuvash Republic in one such criminal case, the damage caused to citizens and organizations amounted to about two hundred million rubles. The territorial bodies of the Ministry are focused on identifying such crimes. Of course, the activities carried out should not disrupt the work of bona fide business entities. At the same time, we are now in a situation where the current legal norms come into certain conflict with the objective capabilities of the law enforcement system. A significant number of requests received, including from representatives business environment, requires a full range of investigative actions. They often insist on conducting forensic examinations and analyzing numerous financial transactions and accounting documents. The law allows this to be done only within the framework of a criminal case. In response to our proposals for applicants to go to court to restore their allegedly violated rights by business partners, as a rule, we hear a categorical denial and a demand to initiate a criminal case. Citizens perceive some of the subsequently dismissed cases of this category as a negative of the entire law enforcement system, imagining this as pressure on business. We discuss the problems that exist here, including on the platform of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the auspices of the Prosecutor General’s Office. We work closely with the Presidential Administration and the Supreme Court. We actively participate in the development of solutions to decriminalize legislation. I must say that the workload on investigators regarding ongoing criminal cases and materials is constantly increasing. At the same time, their number in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is over last years decreased from fifty-four to forty-five thousand. It is obvious that in such conditions additional measures are necessary, including organizational and staffing measures. These are, among other things, the issues that you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, drew attention to during your annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Last year, we also continued a set of measures to protect the rights of participants in shared-equity construction. The number of detected crimes in this area increased by 80%. To protect budget allocations allocated for the most important infrastructure projects and federal target programs, monitoring of the activities of auction commissions for placing government orders has been organized. A number of criminal cases have been opened regarding the theft of funds aimed at preparing and holding the FIFA World Cup and the upcoming World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk. The level of criminalization of the fuel and energy complex remains high. A significant number of offenses are recorded here, including theft of enterprise assets, tax evasion, tapping into pipelines, and trafficking in counterfeit petroleum products. The heads of departments of the economic bloc are simply obliged to intensify their work. First of all, this concerns the North Caucasus Federal District, where the problem is most acute. Aggressiveness in suppressing corruption crimes, including those committed by representatives of executive and legislative authorities, has been maintained. As a result, a number of high-ranking officials were brought to criminal liability. In total, we have documented over twenty-three thousand corruption crimes. Separately, I would like to dwell on the problem of compensation for damage in economic and corruption cases. In its decision, the Ministry interacts with the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency. However, out of two hundred and sixty-eight billion rubles, only half has been reimbursed. Today, there are a number of factors that hinder more efficient work. In accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedure law, investigative authorities are required to seize property and bank accounts to compensate for future damages. However, it is not always possible to identify and install them in sufficient quantities. Often, at the time of the investigation, a significant part of the assets has already been sold by the accused. In addition, criminal schemes are widely used to quickly transfer stolen funds abroad through offshore companies and their subsequent legalization. The legal status of such jurisdictions does not allow taking effective measures to restore the property rights of victims. Interaction within the framework of generally accepted procedures often makes the results of the investigation dependent on the discretion of foreign competent authorities. The fight against extremism remained among the priority areas. A number of measures have been taken to prevent and prevent interethnic conflicts. There were no offenses that could seriously provoke an escalation of tension in society. An algorithm for interaction with Roskomnadzor and the Prosecutor General’s Office was actively used to limit access to Internet resources containing prohibited content. Contacts with law enforcement agencies of foreign countries developed. First of all, with colleagues in the CIS, SCO, CSTO. In the near future, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the procedure for ratifying the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Convention on Countering Extremism will be completed. It contains legal basis to form mechanisms for international partnership in this area. Thanks to targeted preventive work and suppression of the activities of extremist organizations, it was possible to reduce the total number of crimes of this nature. Within the limits of their authority, the bodies and divisions of the Ministry participated in neutralizing the terrorist threat. An integral part of countering modern criminal challenges is international police cooperation. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs makes a significant contribution to strengthening ties in the law enforcement sphere in the post-Soviet space. First of all, on the platform of the Council of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the CIS member states. The closest contacts have been established with partners from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community. The dialogue with foreign colleagues through Interpol is expanding. Despite attempts by some states to politicize the activities of this organization, it still remains a universal mechanism for police cooperation. Interpol's capabilities were especially in demand by Russian law enforcement agencies during the World Cup. Over twenty-six million checks have been carried out on the databases. About a hundred cases of foreign citizens using stolen or lost documents in order to enter the territory of the Russian Federation have been identified. Constructive interaction is built within the framework of police training. Currently, more than two thousand students from sixty-four countries of the world are studying in educational organizations of the Ministry’s system, almost half of them are studying in higher education programs. *** In general, the measures taken in 2018 contributed to improving the operational situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the internal affairs bodies. The trend towards a reduction in both the total number of registered crimes and individual, most dangerous types has continued. Positive changes in the sphere of law and order and security are also recorded by sociological studies. According to the results of population surveys over the past period, citizens’ confidence in the protection of their personal and property interests from criminal attacks has increased. This is extremely important for us and is an additional incentive to increase efforts and further strengthen interaction with civil society. Nevertheless, the situation in the field of public safety remains difficult. Her condition continues to be negatively affected by a number of external and internal factors. Taking into account the current situation, priority attention should be paid to suppressing the activities of extremist structures and combating drug trafficking; control over migration processes. Serious challenges and threats to the country's security are posed by the uncontrolled functioning and development of computer and telecommunication technologies, which are accompanied by the intensification of illegal activities. Moreover, the problem is not only the quantitative growth of cybercrime, but also its spread to almost all areas. Modern information Technology are widely used in drug trafficking, propaganda of destructive ideology, when committing various types of fraudulent activities, illegal financial transactions and other illegal acts. Therefore, life itself forces us to fight against anonymous and uncontrolled services, the use of instant messengers for criminal purposes, and “gray” SIM cards. Of course, we are not talking about a banal ban or tightening of access to certain network resources, for which we are often reproached. However, one must understand that the problem cannot be solved without adequate legal regulation Internet environment; increasing liability for posting prohibited content online; formation of legal, organizational and technical mechanisms for responding to illegal activities in this area. This is the only way we can ensure the safety of our citizens in cyberspace. The efforts of the bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the coming period will be aimed at countering these and other threats and challenges to the country’s internal security. Primary attention will be paid to the implementation of national projects approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018, and the implementation of the tasks set by you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, at today’s meeting. *** At the end of my speech, I would like to thank the personnel of the Ministry for their responsible attitude to business, high professionalism, perseverance and courage shown in the performance of their official duty. Let me also express my gratitude to the heads and employees of interacting departments, representatives of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, as well as public organizations for constructive and fruitful cooperation in the interests of our citizens, state and society. We look forward to its further development across the entire range of joint tasks. Thank you for your attention. The report is finished.

Police officers are conducting an investigation into an accident in Biysk

Two cars collided in the Biysk region. Four people were injured, one of them a six-year-old child. Police officers immediately went to the scene of a traffic accident that occurred on the 4th kilometer of the Biysk-Lesnoye-Amursky road. A driver born in 1985, driving a VAZ-21104, decided to overtake...

Two cars collided in the Biysk region. Four people were injured, one of them a six-year-old child. Police officers immediately went to the scene of a traffic accident that occurred on the 4th kilometer of the Biysk-Lesnoye-Amursky road. A driver born in 1985, driving a VAZ-21104, decided to overtake and drove into oncoming traffic. As a result, the man lost control and collided with a Toyota Camry. Drivers and passengers were seriously injured. All of them, without exception, were diagnosed with bruises. Dear road users, follow the traffic rules and before making any maneuver, make sure it is safe.

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Altai Territory conducts preventive measure for transporting children in vehicles

Children are the most vulnerable road users. In 2018, 162 road accidents involving child passengers were registered in the region, in which seven minors died and 181 were injured. Since the beginning of this year, there have already been 18 such accidents in which 20 children were injured. In most of these cases...

Children are the most vulnerable road users. In 2018, 162 road accidents involving child passengers were registered in the region, in which seven minors died and 181 were injured. Since the beginning of this year, there have already been 18 such accidents in which 20 children were injured. In most of these cases, children may not have been harmed. The actions of adult drivers have caused many tragedies. Inattention, deliberate violation of traffic rules, disregard for the use of child restraints, all this leads to children suffering. In order to once again draw the attention of road users to this problem, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Altai Territory are carrying out a preventive measure to suppress violations by drivers of the rules for transporting children without child restraints, including in passenger taxis, which will last until March 3, 2019. The events involve road patrol inspectors, members of the voluntary national team, representatives of public, youth, student and volunteer organizations, as well as the media. The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Altai Territory reminds that for violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules, liability is provided under Part 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which sets a fine for the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles, for officials - 25,000 rubles and for legal entities - 100 000 rubles. Dear drivers! Be careful and remember that when you get behind the wheel, you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your passengers.

Traffic police officers are investigating the circumstances surrounding the rollover. vehicle in the Zonal District

Traffic police officers immediately went to the scene to assist the victims and organize traffic. It has been previously established that on February 26, 2019, at about 7:35 p.m., on the 334th km of the R-256 “Chuysky Trakt” highway, in the area of ​​the turn to the village of Shubenka in the Zonal District, a driver born in 1976 driving a Volvo refrigerator...

Traffic police officers immediately went to the scene to assist the victims and organize traffic. It has been previously established that on 02/26/2019 at about 19:35 on the 334th km of the R-256 “Chuysky Trakt” highway, in the area of ​​the turn to the village of Shubenka of the Zonal District, a driver born in 1976 in a Volvo refrigerator, moving from the city of Biysk in the direction city ​​of Barnaul, did not take into account road conditions, lost control and allowed the vehicle to overturn into a ditch. As a result of the accident, the driver and passenger, a man born in 1961, received bruises but were not hospitalized. Traffic police officers are investigating the circumstances of the incident. The issue of using special equipment to lift the vehicle and transport it further is being resolved.

Police officers are looking for eyewitnesses to a traffic accident

Police officers are looking for eyewitnesses to a traffic accident that occurred in the Kalman district on February 24, 2019. On February 24, 2019 at 19:45 in the Kalman district on the A-322 highway near the village of Logovskoye, a collision occurred between a Lexus LX 470 and a VAZ-2107. Currently according to this fact employee...

Police officers are looking for eyewitnesses to a traffic accident that occurred in the Kalman district on February 24, 2019. On February 24, 2019 at 19:45 in the Kalman district on the A-322 highway near the village of Logovskoye, a collision occurred between a Lexus LX 470 and a VAZ-2107. Currently, police officers are conducting an investigation into this fact and are establishing all the circumstances. Police officers are asking eyewitnesses of the accident, as well as citizens who have any information about this incident, to respond. Please call 8-913-233-45-04 or 02, or contact the nearest police department.

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Representatives of the territorial department of supervisory activities No. 6 organized a tour of the residential sector in the village of Chistoozerka, Zavyalovsky district, in order to prevent domestic fires. Particular attention was paid to houses where large families live. IN...

Today, 11:48

The calendar winter is quickly ending; the weather in the Altai Territory has changed from cold to warm. However, we should not forget that such temperature changes have an extremely negative effect on the strength and stability of ice. During the “Safe Ice” campaign, inspectors...

Yesterday, 11:36

Today, March 2, late at night in the regional capital, a fire occurred in one of the apartment buildings on Krupskaya Street. A message about a fire on the seventh floor of a nine-story residential building of a corridor type was received at the fire department dispatcher's console at 4:33 a.m....

Yesterday, 08:36

According to weather forecasters in the Altai Territory on the day of March 3, on the days of March 4 and 05, the daytime air temperature is expected to increase to +1, +7 degrees C., in the foothills to +8 + 13 degrees C. In some areas, precipitation in the form of snow, sleet, and occasional rain during the day is possible, on March 5...

01.03.2019, 16:12

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Affectionate NET – 2

Action 1. “Official message” Event 1. On November 27, 2018, the management of the State Budgetary Institution “Volgograd State New Experimental Theater” revealed the fact that all theater tickets and their sale on counterfeit forms for the touring performance “It’s not evening yet!”, the premiere of which was planned on the stage of the Volgogradgidrostroy cultural center in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, and therefore the show was cancelled. Based on a statement from the theater management, law enforcement agencies are conducting a procedural check regarding the commission of illegal actions. Citizens and legal entities who purchased tickets to the play “It’s not evening yet!” on November 27, 2018 at 19.00 hours in the Volgogradgidrostroy recreation center in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, they can contact the Police Department No. 4 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Volgograd at the address: Volgograd city, Rokossovsky street, building 8. Administration of the New Experimental Theater Yes, this news is valid shocked theater community already because in 30 “NET” years this happened for the first time. But. The “premiere” simply could not end with anything else. Phenomenon 2. From the author: In the first part of the material, a direct speech was given by the actors of the New Experimental Theater, who gave a general, very emotional assessment of what was happening. Today's material is an interview. There is less emotion here. And this is understandable, because my interlocutors are “service workers” or, if we don’t speak in theatrical language, employees of the theater administration. And since they are not creative people, their assessment of the situation is much harsher. And, perhaps, more terrible. Because they operate exclusively with facts. Phenomenon 3. OV: How true are the statements that what happened on November 27 is a direct consequence of the activities of the “past leadership”? In general, how was the ticket distribution system organized under Otar Dzhangisherashvili? R.S.: These statements are meanness and lies. You need to understand that NET is not a private shop. This Government agency. And all its activities, including the sale of tickets, are strictly documented. Firstly, everything goes through the accounting department, everything is under seal. Previously, tickets were distributed by book. The books were stamped, the books were numbered, stitched, bound, the ticket stubs remained with us. Everything is the same as in any government agency. All the events that we carried out, be it replacing a performance, postponing a performance, reducing the price of a ticket for a performance for some reason - all this took place according to orders. The book with the ticket stubs remained in the accounting department and was kept in the theater for, in my opinion, 5 years. After which they were destroyed by activation using a shredder or by burning. About 5 years ago we installed computer program. Yes, in 2013. The program covered all financial-related transactions. All events held with tickets, in the hall, with a repertoire, all this was and is going on in electronic journal. And therefore, everything that we carry out is all pure and white, and, in general, it is not only not customary for us to defame, but the very possibility of this is excluded. Do I understand correctly that under Dzhangisherashvili the tickets were of the established type? Certainly. The sample was approved, all this went through the Culture Committee and was approved by orders. During our work, the ticket sample changed 3 times. And our last sample is, again, the development of Otar Ivanovich and our managers, our artist. It was approved by order, about which there is information on the ticket itself. Tickets have numbers and series. Before sales begin, each series of tickets is registered in the program. If there is a ticket refund, then, again, this is processed through the program and, again, by number. The person who manages the distribution system reports to the director on all these points. The Director reports accordingly to the Founding Committee. Right? Yes. Phenomenon 4. Who is the theater director now? Shiryaev Nikita Andreevich. It’s interesting because he is not listed as a director on the theater’s official website. On the NET website he is listed as artistic director. In fact, he was given all the functions of managing the theater. He is both our director and artistic director. Exactly the same as Otar Ivanovich. The fact is that, as far as I remember, Otar Ivanovich was presented on the site as a director, but Shiryaev was not presented as a director on the site. Am I just being picky or is this really an important point? Yes, this is indeed an important point. Let's start with the fact that we - people who are directly related to both documents and money - have not yet seen any documents regulating the powers of Nikita Andreevich Shiryaev. Popkov brought him to our general meeting, and introduced him as our artistic director. The regulatory documents assigning positions to him were not shown to us, they were not posted on the notice board, although we have an “Order Board”. We simply took Popkov’s speech at his word that this is our leader in 3 persons: director, artistic director and director. Shiryaev signs something, draws up some papers? Yes, of course. Does he sign as an artistic director or as a director? As an artistic director. But the documents that, one way or another, regulate financial discipline, he signs like who? As an artistic director. I may be wrong, but an artistic director is such a position... sort of... artistic, no? In general, yes, you are not mistaken. This is truly the director of the artistic process. Again, I could be wrong, but do the documents for the payment of salaries, for some accruals, for example, have to be signed by the director? Yes. Because the director must lead separately financial side, so to speak, enterprises. Shiryaev signs them for us. Act 2. “We are traveling artists” Phenomenon 1. Let’s return to the story with Volzhsky. How did the idea of ​​a “traveling” premiere come about? How did you find out about this and, in general, how did everything work? We learned this from the words of Nikita Andreevich Shiryaev, in his office. Although... We should probably start with signing the December repertoire. In general, the repertoire is compiled in order, firstly, to earn money, this is natural. Secondly, to stage the performances that we got from Otar Ivanovich so that they do not stagnate - this is important, this is done taking into account the needs of the audience. These performances are in great demand. In general, there are many factors involved when a repertoire is compiled. In November the December repertoire was compiled. Last year we had a very good time New Year's tales. It was great. Otar Ivanovich approved them. The audience received them with a bang. The children were happy because this was the first time in 30 years that we, so to speak, turned to the children. But Mr. Shiryaev simply took a pencil and crossed out everything. That's all! For some reason he didn't like it. It’s even impossible to explain why, but he tries to push aside everything that he got from Otar Ivanovich, even to the detriment of fulfilling the state task. Do you understand what I am talking about? We, like any budgetary institution, have a certain state task and indicators that are given to us and which we strive to achieve. We must fulfill them, and we, with systematic normal work, can fulfill them and have always fulfilled them. But the December state task was under threat. Firstly, a week of children's fairy tales was cut off, with the motivation “the premiere of “Woe from Wit” is being prepared.” But you know, looking at how she prepares... I don’t know, we don’t creative people, well, “financial” as they say, so it’s difficult to judge what’s going on there, but the actors are talking about how the preparation is going on rather hard. In general, during the December week it was planned to show about 12 children's performances and it was calculated that we should earn a good amount from them. The occupancy rate of the hall at children's performances is 100% - this is unambiguous, because everyone wants to bring their children to see a colorful fairy tale. This is real money! But the “fairytale week” was cut short. And the accounting department simply gasped when they saw the repertoire signed by Shirev, because we were deprived of a fairly good chunk of money. This, accordingly, affected the fulfillment of the state task? Yes, yes, and according to state orders, of course, because the occupancy of the hall is taken into account, the number of spectators, there are several indicators, including the money issue too. Shiryaev was told: “You cut a lot a large number of money, they took it from the, so to speak, planned money.” How will we get out of this crisis? It was Nikita Andreevich who came up with the idea for this tour. It was presented to us like this: we will travel around sites, cities and villages and just wow, how easily and simply we will collect this seemingly “lost” money. But listen, we all work here in the theater for a very long time. In our theater and in our region. We know what is happening to the economy of our districts and even more so – and this is sad – of the city of Volgograd. After all, before compiling a repertoire, the situation in the city and region is always analyzed. We did the math and realized that the best ticket price would be 300 rubles. - not higher! And even then, frankly, for villages, for districts, this is simply unaffordable money: 2 people - already 600 rubles. This is a lot considering their salaries - completely unrealistic. But they didn’t hear us. And if they heard it, it was with half an ear. Who set the ticket price for the performance in Volzhsky? In general, this was established collectively. As far as we know, Mr. Shiryaev was told: “We need to determine the goal, understand: what do we want from these tours? If you say that “we are moving into a new era, era,” do we want to declare ourselves as a new academic theater, or do we want to make money? Let’s decide: either money or fame?” ... Or scandalous fame, as we actually got. Shiryaev was directly told that tickets were above 300 - 350 rubles. They just won't sell. I would like to emphasize the point that when a performance is staged, the number of seats in the hall that we are counting on is rented, and we focus on the sold-out price. I apologize for interrupting. Do I understand correctly that all touring venues are rented? Yes. That is, the cost of the ticket also includes rent initially? Naturally. As a result, the first site was determined - in Volzhsky. The rent was fine, everything was fine. The services responsible for preparing the outing were first oriented: organizing outing performances no further than 100 km from Volgograd. But then the ideas started flowing: let’s go further, let’s do more, let’s get bigger halls. Colleagues considered the halls to hold no more than 300 people, this worked out normally in order to show the performance, announce the new direction of the theater and, of course, take some money, without any detriment to it. And everything seemed to be going fine until Shiryaev came up with an idea... In general, we were directed to sell tickets for the performance without informing our viewers that the premiere would take place! He didn’t want to advertise all these trips. Phenomenon 2. This is amazing, by God. I must admit, I have never encountered anything like this. Everyone was surprised. Apalikov wrote, he had an article “for some reason, a thriving theater rents a site in the city of Volzhsky, it’s only 30 km from the city center, but there is no information in the media.” And this is not the whole truth. The truth is that Shiryaev introduced a complete ban on information about this performance and about the tour in general. For the fact that the information-announcement was published on the site, the employee who posted the announcement received a very large scolding. We had to urgently close the site, quickly remove all this, remove all our information from the site, remove from everywhere any information about our tours and our performances, under our NET brand. And in general, Shiryaev said directly: “Everything needs to look like I have nothing to do with it, but the actors got together and did something... And oops – the premiere! And oops – a performance!” This in itself is some kind of disrespect for both us and the viewer, but with Volzhsky it turned out doubly disgusting. Shiryaev needed the first stage in order to run the performance. Because there was no performance as such. You see, as of November 26 - the pre-premiere day - there was no performance! The decorations were received from workshop 26 in the evening. The actors in the scenery never rehearsed, there were no rehearsals, no general run-through to set up the mise-en-scène. How is this even possible? Who was the director? Well, Shiryaev. I don’t understand anything, but has anyone physically worked with the actors? Was he himself present in any capacity? Who knows? We didn’t see the order for the premiere! On what stage we don't know, where they rehearsed. It seems that - in secret from the artistic director - part of the rehearsals was held on the New Stage of our theater. You know, in secret! Because he specifically directed everyone to ensure that there should not even be rehearsals of this performance within our walls. This is, they say, such a surprise. For those who were actually involved in preparing the departure, this caused bewilderment, to put it mildly! Shiryaev was told directly: what is needed to sell an event? Advertising. The audience needs to know. But not like this: I was walking past, there were some lights, the door was open, some people were bustling around, I went in and bought a ticket. This simply doesn't happen. We were ignored. They just looked at an empty place. Appearance 3. On the 26th we took the decorations and went to the city of Volzhsky to exhibit. In order to carry out these events, a full-time administrator was involved - Svetlana Mikhailovna Granina. She has been working for 20 years, a person like a person, with all her weaknesses and difficulties - this is understandable. However, its sales were good, there were never any complaints about it, just as it was never noticed in any kind of falsification or fraud. Shiryaev asked that she be brought to him personally, to his office. An employee who had worked with Granina for a long time brought her and introduced her. According to her, Shiryaev himself, this employee, the chief accountant and Granina were in the office. Mr. Shiryaeva spoke about how he sees the conduct and sale of these tours. Whether Granina later met with Shiryaev alone, only they know, and now the police, probably. This was 2 weeks before the scandal. Hand on heart, it’s an unrealistically short time to do traveling performance, and without any advertising. It’s interesting that at the same time, in the presence of several people, Svetlana Mikhailovna Granina said: “You know, 2 weeks is very little,” and even more so, it was on the eve of November 4th, holidays, that’s all, people have money already spent. The cost of 300 rubles per ticket was also agreed upon in front of witnesses. Now here's what's important. Shiryaev himself directs Granina to sell the stalls, not the sold-out stalls, as was calculated, but to sell the stalls. These are 400 places, these notorious ones that are now popping up, why 400 places. He personally determined this capacity. Therefore, no one had any doubts – 400 seats are on sale. The fact that Mrs. Granina began selling places on unapproved forms... Explain now... Well, we don’t know how. What happened to the man? Another important thing is this. When Granina told her immediate supervisor, “I will sell on such forms,” that is, on handicraft, essentially, forms of an unspecified sample, the manager categorically forbade this and forbade, Glory to you, Lord, in front of witnesses. Otherwise she would sad fate I was waiting. However, they are already trying to pin this scandal on her. Who's trying? Mr. Shiryaev, his, let’s say, confidants, OBEP, who now works in our theater. For some reason, Granina considered it possible to act as she did. We don’t know for what reasons and, most importantly, what kind of instructions she had from the theater management. Now nothing is clear at all. We will not accuse anyone unfoundedly. We won’t talk about it, because - elementary - of the documents accompanying the would-be premiere, there is only an order to leave and an order for a sold-out price. That's all! There are simply no words... Let us repeat once again, we count the full house, but the percentage of the sale is how the sale goes. It seems to us that it will be important for the audience, residents of Volgograd and the region to know something else. The “premiere” was canceled in the city of Zhirnovsk, in the r.p. Gorodishche, in Leninsk. Gorodishche was canceled because only 8 tickets were in demand! Gorodishche is, consider it a district of our city: 15 minutes, and it’s easier for people to come here, to Volgograd, to the theater. 8 tickets! Naturally, it was canceled due to lack of demand. In the city of Zhirnovsk, Shiryaev himself banned the performance. On Monday, November 26, the girl administrator left there and returned immediately after his ban, without selling a single ticket and terminating the rental agreement! In the city of Leninsk, approximately 200 tickets were sold - departure there was also canceled by order. Because 200 tickets is one third of the hall. Phenomenon 4. Is transportation to the tour site carried out using the theater’s own transport? This is also very interesting. At first, everyone was directed to use our fleet of vehicles, then, when they saw that the scenery was huge, and everyone was in hysterics at such a time - a day before the premiere, we were told to rent transport. For actors and technical staff to travel, this is a bus; a cargo gazelle is for scenery. To be honest, this is some kind of game. And in general, the band’s concerts “ Tender May "reminds me a lot. What I don’t understand is, what is the economic benefit of these tours? It's not just you who don't understand. Nobody understands this. Because if they had not killed children’s fairy tales in the December repertoire, which do not involve any rent or hassle, in full normal operating mode, working here in the theater, quietly, calmly, we would have taken the money, and the indicators, and our normative figures . To make such efforts for a tour that is not obvious in terms of success, we do not understand this. Do tours at a site more than 100 km away imply travel allowances for the team? We don't know about travel allowances. But one of our colleagues, she is now on sick leave, was, it turns out, a representative of the girl administrators who were preparing the tour directly on the ground. And this is what turned out. When asked what the salary will be for those who will run around like crazy in an unfamiliar area, sell these tickets everywhere... Like, for example, a girl went to Zhirnovsk to live there for a week. Well, they answered her: “For your money.” We did not see travel allowances being issued to administrators or even to the same installers who went, for example, to the same city of Volzhsky. The silence around the premiere is broken, I look. A report on the performance that was played in Frolovo is posted on the NET website. Yes, the performance was planned in Frolovo and went well. Will you tell me about the strange posters? For example, in Frolovo. I talked to people from Frolovo - they were very surprised by the posters. They directly told me that they would not take tickets because it looked like some kind of scam. The posters don't look like NET's. Why did this happen? Was this done deliberately? We believe so. The poster was developed and approved personally by Shiryaev. This is his idea for such a poster. We tried to say something about the fact that our people are accustomed to brightness, to colorfulness. And this, in general, is a PR stunt. Judge for yourself, a person will rush at a simple white piece of paper or, for example, at some kind of enchanting one. Are the tickets that were distributed in Volzhsky and the tickets that were sold in Frolovo and Mikhailovka identical? No. Tickets for tours and in general for any event announced by our theater are all processed through a computer program of a certain, our, approved model. Tickets of the established form for the city of Volzhsky were handed over to Svetlana Mikhailovna Granina, but despite the ban, despite everything, she... She printed out something like a flyer, some kind of tissue paper with our abbreviation, she herself wrote down the rows, places, price. This is pure fraud. Why she did this... We don't know. Does she explain somehow? Have you talked to her? Does she say anything about this? No. Neither we nor the employee who is her manager communicated with her. As far as we know, the police spoke with Granina. These same gentlemen investigators called her supervisor. Phenomenon 5. Is the loss that the theater will incur from these tours already approximately clear? Now the time has come to talk not about losses from touring, but about losses from incorrect drafting work plan. Because, having killed December, we, naturally, are already incurring a loss, we are not fulfilling the state task, we are not reaching the numbers that are determined for us. And about the tour... We worked the city of Frolovo, it’s 130 km in general, the overhead costs are not so high and they brought something, say, within 100 thousand rubles, not enough, but at least they brought some money to the theater. Those that were cancelled, they are broke, but the administrators who went and worked, they simply won’t be paid, because there is no way out, their contract says: “according to the amount of money donated from this event.” The girls just went for a ride with their own money and saw our cities. It’s difficult to talk about Volzhsky, we don’t know how they signed the lease there, because the lease is signed by the chief accountant and Shiryaev. That is, you don’t know how the rent was arranged: with a fee or with an advance payment? We don't know. Everywhere has its own nuances. Let's say, district recreation centers. According to their Charter, each has their own, some are authorized to rent out premises, some say that holding joint events. In the city of Volzhsky, I don’t know how it was. Let the police sort it out. It’s strange that Mr. Shiryaev is trying to completely distance himself from the tour in Volzhsky, fighting off this with his hands and feet, shifting all the blame onto his deputies. And although it seems that there cannot be a greater hell, there is still a continuation. Dmitry Bessonov P.S. My interlocutors introduced themselves and were ready to publish their names. Only now, knowing what kind of scumbags are in charge today and, specifically, culture, and the region as a whole, realizing that an hour after the publication of the material, my interlocutors will find themselves on the street without a livelihood - I will not do this. / 85 d. 20 h. 17 min. back next

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