Drawing late autumn in the preparatory. Summary of GCD drawing in the correctional group "Late autumn


Chudova Natalia Nikolaevna

Person-oriented interaction ensures the development of the personality, supports individual uniqueness. Provides freedom of ways of self-realization of the individual, and also opens the way to self-independent creative search. The student-centered model of a teacher with children is an alternative to the educational-disciplinary model. The teacher adheres to the principle: "Not next to and not above, but together!". Its goal is to contribute to the development of the child as a person. since the leading activity in preschool age is play activity, I believe that the personality-oriented model of a teacher with a child is more smart to educate through the game. This model can be more effective only if it is oriented towards the age values ​​of children. One of the age values ​​is emotionality - the emotions of children. Emotions make childhood an unforgettable, exciting period of life. The subject-spatial environment provides different types activity of a preschooler, including a game view. In my work I use all types of games - (didactic, educational, mobile, constructive, desktop-printed, etc.). When selecting games, I take into account the age characteristics of each child, the individual characteristics of the child, and also rely on calendar and thematic planning. Two years ago, a boy visited my group, who had pronounced hyperactivity, was constantly distracted in class, was marked by impulsiveness - he could cry if something did not work out or someone offended him; during sleep he was restless (either got up and walked around the group; l-for he sang songs, and sometimes laughed at the top of his voice). This boy had no friends in the group, the boy was 6 years old. The boy was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). So that the p-child would not be an outcast, would not feel - not needed, not interesting, not understanding - for everyone, I created o-certain conditions for this child. Firstly, I distributed the load, that is, only in the morning hours (namely, from 9 to 11 am) I conducted classes, because in the evening, in a hyperactive child, the brain constantly works with overload. Secondly, I created silence, made contact (eyes to eyes; take the hand). Thirdly, in the game, which I conducted, gave clear and understandable instructions, the time of the game is not long, since the game must satisfy the motor needs of the child, then the result is obvious. An example of games: - "Yes" and "no" do not say, wear black and white. "Find a little red riding hood; identify someone Blue colour"- these games concentrate attention. From all of the above, we can conclude: games must be used in the development of children. Some games help develop speech, attention, hearing. Other games are aimed at knowledge and skill. And in general, the game helps the child to become a personality, to reveal himself and to know the world around him.

Every child has the right to happiness.

Childhood is a valuable period in itself, in which each period is valuable in itself. Childhood develops very quickly, it is necessary to have time to follow all the changes in the child's behavior and create unique conditions for its development. Create conditions in which the educational process does not turn into lessons at a desk, but becomes an inseparable part of the child's play activity
“The student-centered model of interaction between a teacher and children is an alternative to the educational and disciplinary model.
The teacher in communicating with children adheres to the principle:
“Not near and not above, but together!”
Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as an individual.
This involves solving the following tasks:
- development of the child's trust in the world, a sense of the joy of existence (mental health);
- the formation of the beginnings of the personality (the basis of personal culture);
- Development of the child's personality.
The teacher does not adjust the development of each child to the defined canons, but prevents the occurrence of possible dead ends personal development children; based on the tasks, maximize the possibility of their growth.
Communication tactics - cooperation.
The position of the teacher proceeds from the interests of the child and the prospects of his further development as a full member of society.
A personality-oriented model of interaction between a teacher and a younger preschooler in the process of playing activity can be effective only if it is focused on the age values ​​of children. One of the age values ​​is emotionality, the emotions of children.
Emotions make childhood an unforgettable, exciting period of life, remembering it, a person involuntarily associates childhood with certain, emotionally colored images of natural phenomena, events, and favorite toys. Emotions are an indispensable companion of a child's life, they dominate in the world knowledge, communication, and activity of the child.
The child must go to the realization of the meaning of his actions, behavior through feeling. Emotions largely determine the development intellectual processes(attention, imagination, thinking, memory, etc.), affect their orientation, selectivity, duration of mental actions.
Emotions, in this case, serve as a mechanism that sets in motion cognitive processes, a means of activating voluntary behavior, including children in activities, enriching them with images.
Poverty emotional life children, the primitiveness of the content of experiences negatively affects the overall personal development and, as a result, there are difficulties in communication, understanding people, in the worldview in general.
“It is not so important for a child to know how to feel” (R. Carson)
So, being in a state of increased interest, emotional upsurge, a child can observe an object for a long time, reason about its properties, connections with other objects, fantasize, enthusiastically craft, play, etc. By influencing emotions, one can bring a general direction and dynamics processes of cognition of the child in accordance with personal meaning. His interests and values.
Under the influence of emotions, the perception, attention, thinking, speech of children manifest themselves in a qualitatively different way, the competition of motives intensifies; the mechanism of “emotional correction of behavior” is being improved, which is manifested in a more subtle anticipation of possible social consequences statements of deeds, actions.
Exceptional importance in the pedagogical process is given to the game, which allows the child to show his own activity, to fully realize himself.

“Emotions cement the game, increase the tone that every child needs for his mental attitude, orientation in the sense of human activity” (D. B. Elkonin).
The game is based on the free cooperation of an adult with children and the children themselves with each other, it becomes the main form of organization of children's life.
Possessing special emotional properties, the game provokes children to diverse emotional manifestations, acts as a school of emotions. Thanks to emotions, high motivation of children's play behavior is maintained, all cognitive processes and, above all, imagination. In the game, the child first emotionally and then intellectually masters the world of human relations, ways of their regulation.
There is a complex of emotional-sensory and emotional-expressive games developed by N. S. Ezhkova. The complex of games wears open character, which gives teachers the right to supplement it, taking into account the specifics of the contingent of children, their individual characteristics.
Emotional-sensory games introduce children into the world of meaningful interaction with sensory stimuli, activate the motor mechanisms of emotional response, and indirectly activate the emotional sphere as a whole.
Their value lies in the fact that emotional reactions arise involuntarily, without deliberate social activation.

- consistent expansion of the range of sensory impact. First, sensory stimuli are introduced, provoking children to experience the usual, most familiar sensations to children, which include tactile and vestibular sensations.
Then games are introduced in which sensory information is fed through two analyzers: visual and auditory.
And last, stimuli are introduced that feed information through the channels of taste, olfactory analyzers.
- when submitting sensory information of any localization, it is important to ensure the free open position of children, independence in regulating the flow of sensory information; give the opportunity to repeat the sensory impact you like, change its intensity, for example, speed up the pace of movements or vice versa, slow down, exit the game.
- a consistent change in the nature of the presentation of sensory information, an increase in the coefficient of complexity, a variety of combinations of sensory influences, their intensity, modality, novelty.
So, in the younger preschool age, sensory information is supplied with the help of sensory influence; low intensity, duration of the sensory stimulus, through inciting, imitative actions, introducing surprise.
Emotionally expressive games develop imagery in children when conveying various moods and the state of characters, relieve psychological stress, stiffness in movements, gestures, voice reactions, and expressiveness.
At a younger preschool age, the content of emotionally expressive games is aimed at developing the beginnings of expressing emotions of joy, sadness, anger, fear, mainly through gestures and pantomime. At this age stage, role-playing interaction between children is not expected in games; game actions are individual in nature. The game context is specific and guiding.
The role of the teacher in the game is:
- in direct role-playing participation in the game, encouraging children to imitate actions, repeat actions after the teacher, initiative actions.
- emotionally rich comments that are used:
1. before the game and introduce the children into an imaginary situation,
2. during the game, to support their independence, activity,
3. at the end of the game, in order to get out of an imaginary situation, which allows you to save pleasant experiences, to indicate the prospects for the subsequent organization of such games;
- in the successive complication of the ways of their organization:
1. games involving the repetition of actions according to the model;
2. games that involve the completion of actions initiated by the teacher;
3. games that involve self-demonstration of body movements, encouraging elementary improvisations.
Expected results of emotional-sensory and emotional-expressive games - expansion of “degrees of freedom” developing child(taking into account his age features): his abilities, rights, prospects. In a situation of cooperation, the possible egocentrism and individualism of children is overcome, and a team is formed.
Their imagination and thinking, not constrained by fear of failure or ridicule, are freed. Cognitive and creative abilities develop.
Thus, in the implementation of a student-centered model of interaction between a teacher and younger preschooler in the process of gaming activity, important role plays the personality of the teacher.

Prototype development in Ready Lessons section and published on 11th September, 2015
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Person-centered model constitutes an alternative to the first model. The teacher, in communicating with children, adheres to the principle: “Not next to and not above, but together!”

  • Ways of communication: understanding, recognition, the concept of the child's personality.
  • Communication tactics: cooperation, creation and use of situations that require children to display intellectual and moral activity.
  • The personal position of the teacher: proceed from the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development.

In contrast to the traditional model, which is mainly aimed at organizing the process of interaction between the child and educational material, a personality-oriented model is aimed at building the interaction of a child with an educating adult, mediated by educational material. However, it is obvious that not every interaction of this kind is developing. Therefore, the main goal of a student-centered learning model is precisely the construction of developing interaction in the system of interpersonal relations between an adult and a child.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary, first of all, that the interaction of the child with the parenting adult be carried out on the basis of genuine cooperation, when the adult builds his relationship with the child not on the basis of volitional influence on him (in which the child’s own point of view is ignored or overcome), but on the basis of a productive interaction with him, when an adult seeks to coordinate his point of view with the point of view of the child.

In addition, genuine cooperation appears only when the teacher and the child single out in the situation of their interaction a common subject for both, when their cooperation is one-subject.

The situation of learning as an interpersonal interaction of an educating adult and a child is expressed in the fact that an adult and a child not only participate in this situation, but also show their personal attitude to it in a certain way, i.e. interpret the situation in a certain way.

A teacher who wants to build one-subject cooperation with a child must strive and be able to listen and hear him, i.e. decenter from own position, stand on the point of view of the child (view the world through his eyes) and coordinate it in order to organize the learning process from his own point of view. The totality of these features is designated by us as the ability of pedagogical decentration.

The educator in communicating with children adheres to the principle: " Not near and not above, but together!" Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

Exceptional importance in the pedagogical process is given to the game, which allows the child to show his own activity, to realize himself most fully. The game is based on the free cooperation of an adult with children and the children themselves with each other, it becomes the main form of organization of children's life. It is through the game that the adult transfers knowledge and experience to the child, in turn learning better inner world baby. It is thanks to the game that a feeling of friendly shoulder is formed. Child and adult are friends and comrades. The teacher is interested in the child, his point of view, he sees in him his young colleague, an inquisitive, quick-witted and dreamy person. Play is the foundation of a child's life.

The learner-centered school aims to learn (and not just teach) every child in individual manifestations; to ensure its development, to reveal a personal "profile" as a sustainable education that determines the orientation of the student, the nature of his manifestations in cognition, everyday behavior, leisure activities.

The student-centered model of learning comes from the recognition of each child's right to show their abilities in cognition and behavior. To do this, the teacher organizes various learning situations where any child, regardless of his "readiness" for school (which is usually measured by the ability to read, count, write letters) could show his childish curiosity, independence, desire for creativity, not being afraid to make a mistake, "do it wrong", get a bad mark.

If the first training model is a vector, the interaction looks like " teacher - student", then in the second " student - teacher". A teacher who implements a student-centered learning model sees his professional task not so much in the transfer of knowledge (skills, skills) as socio-cultural samples; their introduction into the minds of students, as much as in the disclosure of the content of the subjective experience of children. He relies on it in the implementation of his pedagogical tasks, gradually translates the content of subjective experience into a system scientific knowledge; introduces the rules, techniques, algorithms of actions developed in the culture.

Work with the subjective experience of children (its disclosure, use in educational process) is the main pedagogical task in a student-centered school. The implementation of this task within the framework of the educational and disciplinary model is difficult, since the teacher implements other values, sets other goals for himself, builds his interaction with children, mainly on an authoritarian basis. So, in the student-centered learning model, the main attention is paid to working with subjective experience, and each student has his own, unique, in in a certain sense unique.

The teacher does not adjust the development of each child to certain canons, but prevents the occurrence of possible dead ends in the personal development of children; based on the tasks, maximize the opportunities for their growth. Knowledge, skills and abilities are considered not as a goal, but as a means of the full development of the individual.

The position of the teacher proceeds from the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development as a full-fledged member of society.

A look at the child as a full-fledged partner in terms of cooperation.

In a person-centered model, pedagogical technology: the transition from explanation to understanding, from monologue to dialogue, from social control to development, from management to self-government. Training is implemented in joint activities, cooperation between a teacher and children, in which the teacher is an assistant, adviser, elder friend.

The main duty of the teacher is to organize children and involve them in an active process of solving cognitive and practical problems, during which students feel their growth, the joy of creativity, and improvement.

The student-centered model does not in any way imply the abolition of the systematic education and upbringing of children, the conduct of systematic pedagogical work. It does not change the fact that the public preschool education is the first link common system public education and, as such, provides the first stage in the formation of a developed personality.

It should be taken into account that any learning model is researched by scientists, implemented, put into practice by a teacher in a particular institution in the process of interaction with pupils.

The teacher is the main person in the transformation of the learning process into humanistic basis. An educator is a person who lays the foundations of the foundations in children. The character of the baby, his system of values ​​largely depends on him. Previously, we had an educational and disciplinary model, where the educator was the key figure. He commanded, the children carried out. Today we are trying to create such a system preschool education where is the main actor- child. The interests of children are important in it, their individual abilities. Now we do not command our pupils, we ask each child: “What would you like to do today?”, The choice is made by him. At preschool age, the child manifests various talents. It is important to see them and help the baby develop creative potential. It is necessary to observe, and the child will be visible at a glance. One likes to draw, another likes to tinker, the third does it all day dance moves. Maybe these are future great artists and dancers? It is, of course, more difficult to reckon with each child, but also more interesting.

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