How many nationalities live in the Russian Federation. How many peoples actually live in the North Caucasus


How many peoples live in Russia?

The existence of the population of Russia as the sum of numerous peoples - nationalities - has become an integral part of our consciousness and being. One of the first articles of the Russian Constitution reads: "The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people." Thus, the presence in Russia of many nationalities is also fixed by law.

And how many are there? The phrase “more than a hundred peoples live in Russia” is familiar. It is interesting that they said so about the Russian Empire, and about Soviet Union.

As a legacy from the USSR, Russia inherited a fairly clear fixation of the ethnic (in the official Russian terminology “national”) affiliation of each individual. Until recently, there was a mandatory fixation of such belonging. Until now, ethnicity, if desired, is noted in the documents of the natural movement (birth and death certificates). There are statistical summaries of demographic phenomena. Questions about ethnic background regularly reported in population censuses. Moreover, by law, it is the census data that should serve as the basis for all official documents. The official ethnic picture seems to be very definite, with clear inter-ethnic boundaries, an exact place in it, almost for every person. Moreover, nationality/ethnicity for a long time was officially considered almost an integral feature, received at birth and irreplaceable all life. In many respects, such an ethnic picture is also presented in the mass consciousness, and such is often presented in academic articles. Most scholars - not ethnographers use census materials as a background accompanying certain historical processes, as a slice of reality that helps to better understand the current situation in a particular period of time.

As we have already said, the main source of information about the national composition of Russia is population censuses. In public opinion, the population census looks like a procedure for inventorying the human resources of the country.

But among ethnographers and anthropologists, the opposite hypothesis is also widespread. It is most argued in the work of B. Anderson "Imagined Communities", where the author convincingly shows that the way the state designates, classifies people, greatly affects how these people perceive themselves. Those. The "fiction" of the state contributes to the formation of self-awareness of its citizens. Anderson showed nations not as pre-existing, but as communities created through the use of the printed word and literacy, maps, and censuses.

From this point of view, both the conditions and methods of conducting population censuses become significant. And censuses, in turn, are not only mirror reflection real ethnic composition, but also a tool for its formation and, possibly, change.

Technologically it looks like this.

In all Soviet and Russian censuses, when answering the question about nationality (nationality), the principle of self-determination was and is still in effect. In particular, when asked about nationality, the enumerated person can give any name/name of the nationality, nationality or ethnic group to which he refers himself. And the enumerator (before 2002 - the enumerator) writes down what was said in the census form without changes.

However, when developing census materials, not all answers are identified. Before the census, a list / list of nationalities is determined, which will be identified during the census, and for which its materials will be developed.

Special manuals are being created: dictionaries of nationalities and languages, which indicate to which of the selected nationalities this or that answer should be attributed. These lists of nationalities and the corresponding dictionaries are the fruit of the joint work of ethnographers (now ethnologists) and statisticians.

Here is how they wrote about this procedure after the last census.

In general, in the last population census, the stages of structuring the national composition of Russia were most fully and openly presented:

- all the peoples identified during the development of the census materials are listed: they turned out to be only 182. And 142 of them - were presented as independent peoples, and 40 - as ethnic groups that are part of some of these independent peoples. It was to such a list that it was ultimately reduced 776 ethnonym variants.

As for previous population censuses, we can only see the final results of this " technological process» - finite number of selected ethnic/national units.

In the 1897 census, the question of ethnicity, as is well known, was not asked. In 1926, it was allocated 175 ethnic units (including 4 ethnic groups that were part of the Georgians, and 6 nationalities that ethnographers considered "inaccurately designated"); in the "rejected" census of 1937, they intended to allocate 109 ; in 1939 allocated 99 "nations, national groups, nationalities and nationalities” (including two prefabricated groups: “other nationalities of Dagestan” and “other northern nationalities”); in 1959 121 ethnic unit ; in 1970 - 122 ; in 1979 - 123 ; in 1989 - 128 ; in 2002 - 182 (including 40 ethnic groups that were part of other peoples (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. The number of ethnic units counted in Russia during population censuses

The singling out of individual peoples depended and depends not only on certain modern scientific views of ethnologists, but also on the political situation, often on the influence of lobbying groups, etc.

For example, Latgalians were considered separate people in 1926, 1939 and were developed in the results of the census, and in 1959-1989 they were not distinguished and were classified as Latvians. It can be assumed that until 1940 they were considered an oppressed national minority of a foreign and capitalist state, and after that they merged with the mighty Latvian socialist nation. In confirmation of my assumption, in 2002 they were again singled out as a separate people.

There were also examples of direct dependence on the domestic political situation. In 1926 and 1939 Crimean Tatars during the census they did not stand out among the rest of the country's Tatars. And in 1959-1989. they were considered a separate people and data on them were developed on the basis of the results of all four censuses. But nowhere in the official open publications of 1959-1979. the name "Crimean Tatars" was not mentioned, they were added to the rest of the Tatars, and only in the 1989 census were data about them published openly.

Thus, the exact number of peoples is each time only a reflection of today's opinions of the ethnological and political community. And, to the question “How many nationalities are there in Russia?”, It is best to answer “More than a hundred” - you will certainly not be mistaken.

The duty phrase wanders from text to text and applies both to the country as a whole and to individual regions, and more accurate numbers are often mentioned. Sometimes this accuracy even looks strange ... For example: "According to the 2002 census, there are more than 134 nationalities in the Saratov region (according to the 1989 census, 111 nationalities lived in the region)". N.B. Telyatnikov. The peoples of the Saratov Volga region: modern demography. Questions of Statistics 2007, 4, p.64 Literally, this can be understood as follows: in 1989 there lived representatives of exactly 111 nationalities, and by 2002, more than twenty-three more people were somehow added, perhaps arrived. Without understanding the procedure for conducting and processing census data, this is difficult to understand.
Such a hereditary fixation of nationality was introduced through the efforts of the NKVD in personal documents (passports, etc.) in 1938.
Similar ideas are expressed in the article by V. Tishkov "Construction of categories and identities" .
“In the USSR, the question of nationality is included in the programs of all population censuses ... To develop the materials of the 1989 population census, a list of nationalities was adopted containing 128 names. ... In all post-war population censuses, the number of selected nationalities fluctuated ... very slightly: in the 1959 census, 126 nationalities were identified, in 1970 - 122, in 1979 - 123. ( The national composition of the population of the USSR. M.: Finance and statistics, 1991. P.3).
True, 40,551 people with “answer options for the question of nationality not listed above” are surprising. What can be "NOT LISTED" options, if the list itself implies ALL answers. It remains to be assumed that these are fictitious names, such as "goblins", "elves", etc.

Russia is rich not only in amazing natural monuments, beautiful architectural structures and other wonderful sights. She also has a lot National composition indigenous population. At the beginning of this decade, more than two hundred diverse nationalities were officially attested. The country has about 145 million residents who live in it permanently, of which the largest group is Russians, there are 116 million people in Russia, which is 80% of the total population.

It is worth adding that the national composition of our country is not some kind of static indicator, it is constantly changing under the influence of various processes (migrations, wars, resettlement, etc.).

Russia ranks 7th in the world in terms of population and 2nd in terms of density, second only to the United States of America. 1/5 of the population of our country lives in 13 largest cities countries. 7 peoples living in Russia have a population exceeding a million people.

Indo-European group

This vast group includes two subgroups: the Slavic, which is the most numerous, and a group of other peoples. The Slavic group includes Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles. The peoples of other groups include Jews, Ossetians, Armenians and Germans.

From time immemorial, Russian regions were considered Central regions countries, the North-West and the European North, but Russians live everywhere.

The Ukrainian nationality in Russia is slightly more than 2% of the total population (4 million 360 thousand people). Ukrainians take their origin from the Circassians. The main thing in the diet of this nationality is flour (dumplings, donuts, dumplings) and vegetable (borscht, cabbage soup) food, as well as cereals (favorite ones are buckwheat and wheat). Of the meat products, pork and lard are the most common. On all holidays, Ukrainians dress up in national sundresses and embroidered shirts.

Belarusians make up about 1% of the population of our country. This nationality is the descendants of the ancient Wends, who settled in the territory of the present Smolensk, Vitebsk, Pskov, Minsk and Mogilev regions. The table of Belarusians has long consisted of milk, cabbage, cottage cheese, eggs, peas, beans, rye bread, in general, everything that can be prepared from products household. Indigenous Belarusians are distinguished by small stature, sunken eyes, a dense physique, a round face framed by blond hair.

The number of Poles in Russia is about 70 thousand people. This nationality is characterized by undersized representatives. Traditionally, on great holidays, Poles wear their national clothes: striped skirts, aprons, men's trousers made of white cloth, plain shirts and leather belts. National dishes are sourdough, zhur, barshch with the addition of sour cream, lard or butter. Often used potatoes, mushrooms, apples, homemade sausage, cheese, cottage cheese and milk. The Poles have well-developed folk crafts: carving, embroidery, painting on glass surfaces, ceramics, weaving, sculpture and weaving.

There are Jews in Russia about 0.5% of the total population of the country. "Russian Jews" are distinguished by a small religiosity compared to the indigenous population of Israel. Jews have an elongated nose with a curved tip, which betrays their belonging to this nation. They are distinguished by a cheerful disposition, stress resistance, and a good mind.

About 515 thousand Ossetians live in our country, which is 1.8% of the country's population. They are mainly located in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. This nationality is considered the descendants of the Alans. Ossetians mostly have dark eyes and hair, dark skin tone, high growth. In food, these people are quite moderate, the diet mainly consists of wheat, barley, corn, cheese, millet and milk, meat is consumed on holidays.

Armenians make up more than 4% of the total population of the Russian Federation, which is approximately 1 million 150 thousand people. The Armenian family is characterized by a large number with a clear definition of the rights and obligations of its members. Traditional food is cereals, from which lavash is baked, butter cookies, noodles are made, porridges and pilaf are made. Of the dairy products, the most popular are a variety of cheeses, buttermilk, milk, matsun.

The German nation in Russia is 2.1% (843 thousand). Germans are characterized by a small family with one or two children. There is a lot of severity in the appearance of representatives of this nationality, they are silent and inhospitable, but at the same time neat, friendly and practical.

Altai group

This group is divided into two subgroups: the Turkic, which has about 11 million people in our country, and the Mongolian, whose representatives in Russia are about 800 thousand. The Turkic group is represented by such peoples as: Tatars, Kazakhs, Chuvashs, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Yakuts and Tuvans. The Mongolian group includes Kalmyks and Buryats.

Tatars are the most numerous, after the Russians, nationality in the Russian Federation, they make up 3.8% of the total strength of the country, that is, approximately 5.5 million people. Tatars are distinguished by their bright appearance: brown eyes, dark hair, well-defined cheekbones, a wide nose, narrowed eyes. This people is hospitable, hardworking and clean, but they are also characterized by stubbornness and indifference.

There are more than 655 thousand Kazakhs. They live mainly in Western Siberia, Lower Volga and in the south of the Urals. Traditionally, Kazakhs are engaged in livestock breeding (cattle, sheep, goats, camels). It is customary for women to work with wool, and for men - with jewelry, leather, wood and metal.

The number of Chuvash in our country is 1.2%. The Chuvash are traditionally employed in the agricultural sector, but now many representatives of this nationality are employed in the service sector, culture and trade.

Azerbaijanis live in the Republic of Dagestan, there are 4.5% of them there. total number residents of this republic. The traditional occupation of Azerbaijanis is horticulture, agriculture and viticulture, common crafts are leather work, jewelry production, and the manufacture of objects from copper.

Bashkirs live mainly in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is part of the Russian Federation. There are approximately 1 million 670 thousand people. They have a memorable appearance: a straight wide nose, a protruding chin, a large head, and short stature.

The Yakuts have a population of 444 thousand people and live predominantly in the Republic of Sakha. Here the share of the urban population is low, since traditional occupation Yakuts advocate agriculture and other agricultural activities. The inhabitants live in small villages.

The nationality of Tuvans in our country is about 223 thousand inhabitants, mostly living in the Republic of Tyva.

Buryatov has about 460 thousand people, they are settled in the Republic of Buryatia. Folk crafts - fishing, hunting, livestock breeding, agriculture.

Kalmyks settled in the Republic of Kalmykia, Rostov, Astrakhan, Orenburg and Volgograd regions, there are 147 thousand of them.

Ural group

This family includes Finnish and Ugric group. Finnish consists of representatives of the Mordovians, Komi, Mari, Karelians, Udmurts. And Ugric - Mansi and Khanty.

Mordva lives in the Republics of Mordovia, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, in the Ulyanovsk, Samara, Orenburg and Penza regions, the population is 1 million 720 thousand people. The occupations of the representatives of the Mordovians are not much different from the Russians; agriculture is given priority.

There are almost 605 thousand Maris in the population of Russia. They have been busy growing oats, hemp, rye, barley, buckwheat, carrots, onions, flax, turnips, hops and potatoes since ancient times.

The number of Karelians in the Russian Federation is approximately 100 thousand people. traditional crafts Karelians favor weaving, hunting, fishing, embroidery, reindeer herding. national drink- turnip kvass.

There are 637 thousand Udmurts in our country. The national clothes of this people are very bright, painted. However, in holidays Udmurts wear exclusively white outfits. The territory of the Udmurts is perfect for growing all kinds of grain, so this activity is predominant here.

Khanty and Mansi are representatives of the peoples of the North. The first nationality consists of 21 thousand representatives, and the second - only 7.6 thousand.

caucasian group

This group included representatives of the peoples of Dagestan, Ingush, Chechens, Georgians, Kabardians.

The Ingush number 411 thousand people, whose main occupation is agriculture, growing grapes, tea, honey production, gardening. In addition, breeding of horses and cattle is common.

The number of Chechens is more than 1 million 300 thousand people. They live in auls, eat wheat stew, home-made bread, corn porridge, urek and barbecue. They are engaged in the manufacture of carpets, shoes and clothes, cloth and felt.

More than half a million Kabardians live in our country. Here the etiquette of communication between elders and younger generations, women and men. From time immemorial, Kabardian men have been considered excellent warriors, National clothes contains many devices for carrying weapons and ammunition. Women's clothing distinguished by long closed dresses and high headdresses.

There are 131 thousand Georgians in the Russian Federation. Positive features their character is hospitality, friendliness, tact and tolerance.

Welcome to Russia!!!

I was also interested in this question. But he never found the time. Seeing that not only I was interested in this, I decided to look for information and tell you everything that I learned.

How many nationalities live in Russia

So what kind of peoples live in Russia? About 200 nationalities live in Russia! I think it’s not worth listing all 200, I’d rather talk about the most basic and memorable ones.

Tatar people (5.3 million live in Russia). Most often they live in villages and villages, and the region most populated by Tatars, oddly enough, is Tatarstan. In a Tatar family, children are always taught to respect their elders. And girls are taught to run a household from an early age.

Bashkir people(1.5 million live in Russia). Most of(1 million) of this people live in Bashkortostan. It is worth talking about their main holiday, it is called Kargatuy - “rook holiday”. It is celebrated during the arrival of the rooks, and its purpose is to connect with the forces of nature.

Armenian people(0.6 million live in Russia). These are very friendly people. Their beautiful music appeared even before our era.

Chuvash people(1.4 million live in Russia). Lives in absolutely different cities, villages and villages of the country. Their main activity is agriculture.

And this (as I said above) is far from all nations. It is worth mentioning the following nationalities:

Why are there so many nationalities in Russia

In such countries as Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus (and many others) there are much fewer nationalities than in our country. But why?

Russia is very big country. Therefore, the Russian people alone will not be able to fill it. Thanks to this, we can live next door to people of other nationalities. For example, Tatars live next door to me. I really like talking to him and getting new experience.

Russia is rich in nationality. I think we can be proud of it.

Russia has always been multinational, this feature is closely connected with the history of the country, during which it influenced the consciousness and lifestyle of the people inhabiting the country. The multinational composition of the state is also indicated in the constitution, where it is called the bearer of sovereignty and the source of power.

Due to the heterogeneous composition of the country's population since ancient times, many people who identify themselves as actually have different roots and can be considered equally representatives of other nationalities. But in the USSR, a mandatory fixation of ethnicity was adopted, which served as the basis for determining the number of nationalities and their percentage. Today, it is not necessary to indicate your own, and there is no exact figure in the census data - some people did not mark their origin.

In addition, it is a rather vague concept, ethnographers divide some nationalities into several parts, others are distinguished into individual groups. Some disappear or assimilate.

Number of nations in Russia

However, census data allow us to calculate almost exact number nations whose representatives live on the territory of Russia. There are more than 190 of them, although only about 80 nationalities make up a more or less significant part of the population: the rest get thousandths of a percent.

In the first place are Russians or those people who classify themselves as Russians: these include the Karyms, Ob and Lena old-timers, Pomors, Russo-Ustyintsy, Mezens - there are a lot of self-names, but they all make up a nation. The number of Russians in the country is more than 115 million people.

In second place are the Tatars and all their varieties: Siberian, Kazan, Astrakhan and others. They number five and a half million, which is almost 4% of the country's population. This is followed by Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Armenians, Belarusians, Mordovians, Udmurts and many other nationalities: Caucasian, Siberian. Part of the population - about 0.13% - is. Germans, Greeks, Poles, Lithuanians, Chinese, Koreans, Arabs live on the territory of Russia.

Thousandths of a percent are given to such people as Persians, Hungarians, Romanians, Czechs, Saami, Teleuts, Spaniards, French. There are also representatives of very few nationalities in the country: Laz, Vod, Svans, Ingiloys, Yugis, Arnauts.

Russia is multinational state. How many peoples live in Russia? Which of them are the most numerous? How are they distributed throughout the country? We will learn about this further.

How many peoples live in Russia?

Russia covers a huge territory, stretching from of Eastern Europe to Its area is 17,125,191 square kilometers, by which the country ranks first in the world.

In terms of population, Russia is in ninth position, it is 146.6 million people. How many peoples live in Russia? It is difficult to give an exact figure, but there are approximately 190 of them, including the autochthonous population and small indigenous peoples.

The main source of data on the population of Russia is the 2010 census. Nationality citizens of the country is not indicated in the passports, so the data for the census was obtained based on the self-identification of the inhabitants.

Slightly more than 80% of the inhabitants indicated themselves as Russians, 19.1% accounted for other nationalities. Approximately five and a half million people did not indicate nationality. Based on these data, the total number of peoples of Russia who do not consider themselves Russians amounted to 26.2 million people.

Ethnic composition

Russians are the titular population of the country, they prevail in most subjects of the Russian Federation. They include Pomors, representing the sub-ethnos of Karelians and Russians in the White Sea region. The second largest people are the Tatars, which include the Mishars, Kryashens, Astrakhan and

The largest group of peoples are Slavs, mainly Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles and Bulgarians. They belong to Indo-European family, which in Russia is also represented by the Romanesque, Greek, Germanic, Baltic, Iranian, Indo-Iranian and Armenian groups.

In total, peoples who belong to nine groups live on the territory of the state. language families. In addition to Indo-European, these include:

  • Altai;
  • blue-Tibetan;
  • Ural-Yukaghir;
  • Chukchi-Kamchatka;
  • Yenisei;
  • Kartvelian;
  • Eskimo-Aleutian;
  • North Caucasian.

The small peoples of Russia are represented by Kereks (4 people), Vod people (64), Enets (227), Ults (295), Chulyms (355), Aleuts (482), Negidals (513), Orochs (596). These include peoples who belong to the Finno-Ugric, Samoyed, Turkic, Sino-Tibetan groups.

The largest peoples of Russia are presented in the table below.


Number in million



Map of the peoples of Russia

The country's population is not homogeneously distributed. How many peoples live in Russia and how they are located on its territory, the map below can clearly demonstrate. The vast majority live in the area between St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novorossiysk and Primorsky Krai, where all the largest cities are located.

The largest Tatars and Ukrainians - mainly inhabit the southwestern part of the country. Ukrainians make up a large share residents in the Chukotka and Khanty-Mansiysk districts, in the Magadan region.

As for other nations Slavic group, then the Poles and Bulgarians do not form large groups and dispersed. The compact Polish population lives only in the Omsk region. Belarusians in the majority inhabit the region of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the Kaliningrad region, Karelia, the Khanty-Mansiysk district.


The number of Tatars in Russia is more than 3% of the total population. One third of them live in the Republic of Tatarstan. Focal settlements are also located in the Ulyanovsk region, in the Khanty-Mansiysk district, Bashkortostan, Tyumen, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Penza regions and in other subjects of the state.

Most Tatars are Sunni Muslims. Miscellaneous groups Tatars have linguistic differences, and also differ from each other in traditions and way of life. Their language is Turkic languages Altai family, it has three dialects: Mishar (western), Kazan (middle), Siberian-Tatar (eastern). In the Republic of Tatarstan Tatar language is official.

The ethnonym "Tatars" appeared in the VI century among the Turkic tribes who called themselves that. After the conquest by the Golden Horde in the XIII century. the name is spreading and already denotes the Mongols and the tribes conquered by them. Later, the term was used in relation to nomads of Mongolian origin. Having settled in the Volga region, these tribes called themselves Meselmans, Mishers, Bolgrams, Kazanls, etc., until they consolidated under the definition of “Tatars” in the 19th century.


One of the Eastern Slavic peoples - Ukrainians, lives mainly on the territory of the state of Ukraine, where its population is about 41 million people. Large Ukrainian diasporas are located in Russia, the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Germany and other countries.

Including labor immigrants, approximately 5 million Ukrainians live in Russia. Most live in cities. Large centers of settlement of this ethnic group are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, Tyumen, Rostov, Omsk regions, in Primorsky and Krasnodar region, Yamalo-Nenets district, etc.

The history of the peoples of Russia is not the same. Large-scale settlement Russian territories Ukrainians began during the existence of the empire. IN XVI-XVII centuries, according to the royal decree, Cossacks, gunners, archers from Ukraine and the Don were sent to Siberia and Far East for land development. Later, peasants, and townspeople, and representatives of the Cossack elders were exiled to them.

The intelligentsia voluntarily moved to St. Petersburg at a time when the city was the capital Russian Empire. At present, Ukrainians represent the largest population in it. ethnic group after the Russians.


The fourth largest people in Russia are the Bashkirs. The overwhelming majority lives in the Republic of Bashkortostan. They also inhabit the Tyumen, Kurgan, Orenburg regions. The Bashkir language belongs to the Altaic family and is divided into southern and eastern dialects and several dialects.

According to anthropological characteristics, the people belong to the Subural and South Siberian (among the Eastern Bashkirs) racial types. They represent Caucasians with a share of Mongoloidity. By religious affiliation are Sunni Muslims.

The origin is connected with the tribes of the Pechenegs (South Ural Bashkirs - Burzyans, Usergans), as well as the Polovtsians (Kipchaks, Kanly) and the Volga Bulgars (Bulyars). Their ancestors inhabited the region of the Urals, the Volga and the Urals. The Mongols and Tungus-Manchus had an influence on the formation of the people.

indigenous peoples

The indigenous population of the country includes 48 peoples. They make up approximately 0.3% of the total population of the country. Approximately 12 of them are small and number less than a thousand people.

The small peoples of Russia mainly inhabit the northern regions of the state, the Far East and Siberia. They often lead a traditional economy, engaged in reindeer herding, fishing, hunting and cattle breeding.

The largest indigenous people are the Nenets, they number almost 45 thousand people. They occupy the coastal zones of the Arctic Ocean and are divided into European and Asian. The people breed deer and live in tents - cone-shaped huts covered with birch bark and felt.

The Kereks are the smallest and are represented by only four people according to the census. Half a century ago there were about 100 of them. The main languages ​​for them are Chukchi and Russian, their native Kerek remained as a traditional passive language. In their way of life and culture, they are similar to Chukchi people, therefore, were subjected to assimilation with him.


Russia stretched for many kilometers from west to east, affecting both the European and Asian parts of the continent. More than 190 peoples live on its vast territory. Russians are the most numerous and represent titular nation countries.

Others large nations are Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Avars, etc. Small indigenous peoples live in the state. Most of them number no more than a few thousand. The smallest are Kereks, Enets, Ults, Aleuts, they inhabit mainly the region of Siberia and the Far East.

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