Soviet cartoons: the history of their creation. What is the name of the cartoon about a monkey and her children Soviet cartoon


On June 10, 1936, the largest studio in the USSR was created animated films Soyuzmultfilm. Then it was called "Soyuzdetmultfilm", and it was renamed "Soyuzmultfilm" in August 1937.

Whatever one may say, but the most the best cartoons Soviet childhood one can safely call the work of the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Over the years of its existence, it has released a huge number of cartoons for every taste, which we show to our children and do not get tired of reviewing ourselves. In addition, most cartoons contain many secrets and details that only the most attentive can see. Let's get to know them.

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Winnie the Pooh

The first film adaptation of a book about Winnie the Pooh belongs to the Walt Disney Studios: in the early 60s, several episodes about a funny bear cub and his friends were released. Before starting work on the domestic Winnie the Pooh, Fyodor Khitruk had not seen the Disney version.

However, he wanted to move away from the images that were depicted in the book, to create his own, new and original characters. Of course, he succeeded. Everyone who has seen both the Disney version and our version clearly speaks in favor of the latter.

It is curious that initially Winnie the Pooh was very furry, his ears looked a little “chewed”, and his eyes were of different sizes. At first, Piglet turned out to be similar to a thick, appetizing sausage. A lot of different bear cubs and piglets were drawn before the characters took on the look we are used to.

By the way, in the second and third series, the drawings of the characters were simplified: the black "glasses" on the face of Winnie the Pooh acquired a clear outline, and Piglet's rosy cheeks began to be indicated by one red line. While working on the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, Fedor Khitruk did not know about the existence of animated films about the funny bear of the Disney studio. Later, according to Khitruk, Disney director Wolfgang Reiterman liked his version. At the same time, since soviet cartoons were created without taking into account the exclusive rights to the film adaptation owned by the Disney studio, their screening abroad was impossible.

Kid and Carlson

Soviet cartoon "The Kid and Carlson" directed by Boris Stepantsev, based on the story Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and released on television in 1968, was enthusiastically received by both small and adult viewers.

In total, there were two series about Carlson: "Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). Soyuzmultfilm was going to make a third one, but this idea was never realized. The studio's archives still contain a film that was planned to be used for filming a cartoon based on the third part of the trilogy about Malysh and Carlson - "Carlson is playing pranks again."

If you watch the cartoon about Carlson very carefully, you will notice the following detail: at the beginning of the cartoon, when the Kid crosses the road, an Air France advertisement is visible on a passing bus.

The detectives from the cartoon about the adventures of Funtik the pig are very similar to the linen thieves from the cartoon about Carlson. In addition, the Soviet parents of Uncle Fedor from Prostokvashino are very similar to Malysh's Swedish parents.

Cat Leopold

The Soviet animated series about the cat Leopold and the hooligan mice harassing him was filmed on creative association"Screen" from 1975 to 1993. At the time of the creation of the animated series, there was not yet an art workshop. Therefore, the first two series ("Revenge of the Cat Leopold" and "Leopold and gold fish”) were not drawn, but were made by the shifting technique.

Small parts characters and scenery were cut out of paper and placed under glass. After each frame, the details shifted by a tiny distance, which created the illusion of movement. Further cartoon series were realized using hand-drawn animation.

The creators of the cartoon puzzled over the name of the main character for a long time. The authors really did not want to call him too simply - "ordinary" Barsik or Murzik. According to their plans, the name had to sound beautiful and at the same time be easy to pronounce.

There is a version according to which the son of the author of the script Arkady Khait named the good-natured and charming cat. While working on the plot of the cartoon, the boy tried to do two things at once: follow the adults and watch The Elusive Avengers on TV. The name of the White Guard Colonel Leopold Kudasov, one of the heroes of The Elusive, prompted the idea to name the cat the same way. Hooligan mice are also not nameless, as many people think. A well-fed gray rodent is called Motei, and a thin white animal is called Mitya. However, in the cartoon, mice are never called by their names.


The Soviet cartoon about Cheburashka was filmed by director Roman Kachanov based on the book by Eduard Uspensky, or rather, according to them. joint scenario. And although Uspensky wrote 8 stories about Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends, only 4 episodes were made.

The cartoon image of Cheburashka known today - a cute creature with huge ears, large trusting eyes and soft brown hair - was invented by animator Leonid Shvartsman. This is how he first appeared in Roman Kachanov's cartoon "Crocodile Gena" (1969) and won the hearts of children and adults.

According to the preface to Eduard Uspensky's book Crocodile Gena and His Friends, Cheburashka was the name of a defective toy that the author of the book had in childhood, depicting an unprecedented animal: either a bear cub or a hare with big ears.

According to the book, the author's parents claimed that Cheburashka is an animal unknown to science that lives in the hot tropical jungle. Therefore, in the text of the book, the heroes of which, according to the writer, are the children's toys of Uspensky himself, Cheburashka really appears before the readers as an unknown tropical animal.

In an interview, Eduard Uspensky said that he once came to visit a friend who had a little daughter. At the time of the writer's visit, the girl was trying on a fur coat that dragged along the floor. “The girl was constantly falling, stumbling about her fur coat. And her father, after another fall, exclaimed: “Oh, she’s gone crazy again!” This word stuck in my memory, I asked its meaning. It turned out that "cheburahnutsya" - it means "to fall." And so the name of my hero appeared, ”the author admitted.

Three from Prostokvashino

The animated series "Three from Prostokvashino" based on the novel by Eduard Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat" was directed by Vladimir Popov. A total of three series were released. Much of what is in literary source, was not included in the cartoon, but the popularity of the film adaptation several times exceeded the popularity of Uspensky's story.

Work on the creation of screen images of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" was divided between the production designers at the request of director Vladimir Popov. The image of Galchonka did not work out for a very long time. Therefore, everyone who entered the premises of the artists at Soyuzmultfilm was asked to draw this character. The artist Leonid Shvartsman, who invented the cartoon Cheburashka, even had a hand in its creation.

Uncle Fedor is the only type according to which the team that worked on the creation of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" did not come to a single decision. Therefore it screen image varies greatly from series to series. Such a move, which is impermissible from the point of view of Western animation, was taken quite calmly in our country.

By the way, Matroskin's cat could also be called Taraskin. The fact is that when Eduard Uspensky wrote his story, he wanted to name this character by the name of Anatoly Taraskin, an employee of the Wick film magazine, but he did not allow him to use his name. True, he later regretted it and confessed to the writer: “What a fool I was! I regretted giving my last name!

Wait for it!

"Wait for it!" - this is not just an animated series, it is a real legend on which more than one generation has grown up. In 1969, "Well, you wait!" was a government order. Officials decided to give our answer to Disney cartoons and allocated a rather serious budget. Customer requirements were limited to a request to do something funny.

With this request, the leadership of Soyuzmultfilm turned to the famous comedians Alexander Kurlyandsky, Arkady Khait, Felix Kamov and Eduard Uspensky.

A lot of controversy arose among the creators of the cartoon about the 12th episode of the famous cartoon, when the Wolf finds himself in the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Ramses. It was even admitted that the Egyptian government might protest against this. But everything worked out.

In the animated series "Well, wait a minute!" amazing music selection, which uses popular recordings of Western and Soviet stage. But they were never listed in the imprint of the cartoon. Then it was not accepted.

The music that sounds during the credits is the screen saver "Well, you wait!" - called Vizisi ("Water skiing") and was published on a collection of Hungarian pop music by the Melodiya company in 1967. Its author is Hungarian composer named Tomas Deak.

Carrion last year's snow

As the composer Grigory Gladkov mentioned during his performance in the humorous program “Around Laughter”, the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” had the original working title “Firs-sticks, dense forest”, and the main character in it was a janitor from “Plasticine Crow”. Then the visual concept of the main character was finalized, however, as well as the title of the picture.

The role of the narrator in the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was originally planned to be given to Leah Akhedzhakova. She even voiced the cartoon, but director Alexander Tatarsky did not like it. As a result, both roles - both the peasant and the storyteller - were given to Stanislav Sadalsky.

Sadalsky, who voiced the roles of a man and a narrator in the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling", was not listed in the credits. Shortly before the delivery of the cartoon, the actor was detained in the restaurant of the Kosmos Hotel with a foreign citizen, after which a denunciation followed to the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company S.G. Lapin. As a punishment for communicating with foreigners, the actor's name was removed from the credits.

The cartoon "Last year's snow was falling" could not be avoided close attention censorship. “At the delivery of“ Snow ”I had a pre-infarction condition,” recalled the director of the cartoon, Alexander Tatarsky. “They told me that I disrespect a Russian person: you have only one hero - a Russian peasant, and that idiot! ..”

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Cartoons 1940s, 1980s compilation 1
1. Geese-swans
2. How the old man was a mother hen
3. Koloboks-Consequence lead koloboks1
4. Koloboks-Consequence lead koloboks2
5. Koloboks-Consequence lead koloboks3
6. Koloboks-Consequence lead koloboks4
7. New Year's Eve
8. Eagle Feather
9. Treasure Island
10 Peacock Tail
11. Last year's snow was falling
12. bang-bang oh-oh-oh
13. Bang-bang oh-oh-oh (opera)
14. Polkan and Shavka
15. Why a cat was called a cat
16. Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov
17. Adventures of Lolo the Penguin 1
18. Adventures of Lolo the Penguin 2
19. Adventures of Lolo the Penguin 3
20. Missing letter
21. Prostokvashino
22. Journey to the Land of the Giants
23. The smallest gnome 1
24. The smallest gnome 2
25. The smallest gnome 3
26. The smallest gnome 4
27. Saushkin, who did not believe in miracles
28. Gray neck
29. Sinbad the Sailor
30. Silent glade
31. Fear has big eyes
32. Semi-flower
33. Hour fields
34. Wonderful bell
35. Alien voice

1950s cartoons compilation 2
1. Alibaba and 40 thieves
2. Pinocchio
3. Fire burns in the yaranga
4. Ugly duckling
5. Pipe and jug
6. When the Christmas trees are lit
7. Painted fox
8. Robust
9. Forest travelers
10. On the forest stage
11. The Night Before Christmas
12. Orange neck
13. Walnut twig
14. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
15. Tale of dead princess and seven heroes
16. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
17. It will rain soon
18. Snow Queen
19. Straw goby
20. Taiga fairy tale
21. Three lumberjacks
22. Three bags of tricks
23. Pipe and bear
24. Brave fawn
25. Frog Princess
26. Wonder Mill
27. Jackal and camel

1950s cartoons compilation 3
1. 12 months
2. Scarlet flower
3. Anansi three wishes
4. Anasi spider Anasi and the magic wand
5. Walidub
6. Verlioka
7. Magic shop
8. High slide
9. Fungus-teremok
10. Enchanted boy
11. Golden antelope
12. Golden ears
13. Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish
14. Snow Maiden
15. Snow Queen
16. Stepa-sailor
17. The arrow flies into a fairy tale
18. Three Bears

1960s cartoons compilation 4
1. Grandma's umbrella
2. Ballerina on the ship
3. Barankin, be a man!
4. Hot stone
5. Santa Claus and summer
6. Wild swans
7. Dobrynya Nikitich
8. Dragon
9. Thumbelina
10. Uncle Styopa - policeman
11. Boniface's Vacation
12. Tangle
13. The kid who could count to 10
14. Queen toothbrush
15. Puss in Boots
16. The cat that walked by itself
17. Cat-fisherman
18. Lefty
19. Dunno is learning
20. Beware the pike
21. Train from Romashkov
22. Rooster and paints
23. The Adventures of Munchausen
24. Bee zhu-zhu-zhu
25. Ricky Tikki Tavi
26. Film Film Film
27. I drew a little man
28. Cipollino
29. What is good and what is bad
30. Chunya
31. Whose cones are in the forest

Mixed collection 60s and 2000s compilation 5
1. Mitten
2. Vovka in Far Far Away
3. The wolf and the tailor
4 Malicious Egg Breaker
5. Golden feather
6. Boniface's vacation
7. Dwarf Nose
8. My life
9. New Bremen
10. Dangerous walk
11. Bee zhu-zhu-zhu
12. Different wheels
13. Mermaid
14. The biggest friend
15. Firefly 1
16. Firefly 2
17. Firefly 3
18. Firefly 4
19. Firefly 5
20. Firefly 6
21. Firefly 7
22. Firefly 8
23. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
24. The Tale of the Prince and the Three Doctors
25. Snow Maiden
26. Glass harmonica
27. Dragonfly and Ant
28. Timoshkina tree
29. Toptyzhka
30. Umka
31. Umka is looking for a friend
32. Washer, washer
33. Spy passions

1970s cartoons compilation 6
1. Greek myths-Argonauts
2. Greek myths - Return from Olympus
3. Greek myths-Hercules at Admet
4. Greek myths-Labyrinth (exploits of Theseus)
5. Greek myths-Perseus
6. Greek myths-Prometheus
7. Leopold01-Leopold and the goldfish
8. Leopold02 - Revenge of the cat Leopold
9. Leopold03-TV Leopold the Cat
10. Leopold04 - Treasure of the cat Leopold
11. Leopold05-Walking the cat Leopold
12. Leopold06 - Leopold's Birthday
13. Leopold07-Summer of the cat Leopold
14. Leopold08-Cat Leopold in a dream and in reality
15. Leopold09-Polyclinic of the cat Leopold
16. Leopold10 - Car of the cat Leopold
17. Leopold11-Interview with the cat Leopold
18. Parasol in the circus
19. Parasolka warrior
20. Parasol and car
21. Parasol at a trendy resort
22. Parasol on the hunt
23. Parasol fishing
24. Adventures of Captain Vrungel 1-7
25. Adventures of Captain Vrungel 8-13
26. Tales of an old sailor 1-Antarctica
27. An old sailor's tales 2-Desert island
28. Tales of an Old Sailor 3-An Extraordinary Journey
29. Bazhov's Tale 1-Stone Flower
30. Bazhov's Tale 2-Mistress of the Copper Mountain
31. Bazhov's Tale3-Malachite box
32. Tale of Bazhov4-Sinyushkin well
33. Bazhov's Tale5-Grass Trap
34. Bazhov's Tale 6-Mining master
35. Cheburashka1-Crocodile Gena
36. Cheburashka2-Cheburashka
37. Cheburashka3-Shapoklyak
38. Cheburashka4-Cheburashka goes to school

1970s cartoons compilation 7
1. And you friends don’t sit down
2. Aibolit and Barmaley
3. Butterfly
4. Glare
5. Brother rabbit and brother fox
6. Blue puppy
7. Two funny geese
8. Ratibor's childhood
9. Guess folk rhymes
10. Hedgehog in the fog
11. Vanya rode
12. Ilya Muromets
13. How the goat held the ground
14. How the cat and dog washed the floor
15. How the lion cub and the turtle sang a song
16. How the donkey was looking for happiness
17. How longing was overcome
18. How a Musician Duck Became a Football Player
19. Caterok
20. Canterville Ghost
21. Kolya, Olya and Archimedes
22. Little Raccoon
23. Sloth
24. Fox and hare
25. Losharik
26. Bag of apples
27. Muk-fast walker
28. Mouse Peak
29. Sarugashima Monkey
30. Dandelion - thick cheeks
31. Island
32. Octopuses
33. Oh and Ah1-Oh and Ah
34. Oh and Ah2-Oh and Ah go camping
35. Very blue beard
36. Lifesaver
37. In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians
38. By pike command
39. A gift for the weakest
40. Polygon
41. Pony runs in circles
42. The last hare
43. Cucumber Adventures
44. The Princess and the Ogre
45. Bird Tari
46. ​​The most important sparrow
47. Battle of Kezhents
48. Fedorino grief
49. Fock of all trades dock
50. Football Stars
51. Miracle Frost

1970s cartoons compilation 8
1. Ay1-Uncle Ay
2. Ay2-Error uncle Ay
3. Ay3-Uncle Ay in the city
4. Glare
5. At the port
6. Cornflower
7. Vasilisa Mikulishna
8. Vasilisa is beautiful
9. Heather honey
10 Bring Rex Back
11. Tops and roots
12. Cheerful chicken
13. Winnie01-Winnie the Pooh
14. Winnie02 - Winnie the Pooh comes to visit
15. Winnie03 - Winnie the Pooh and the day of worries
16. Wolf and seven kids in a new way
17. Wizard Oh
18. Magic glasses
19. Seasons
20. Contact
21. Marusina carousel
22. Moomin Troll and others
23. Moomintroll and comet
24. Moomin Troll and the way home
25. On the forest path
26. Drunk Cherries
27. The smallest gnome 1
28. The smallest gnome 2
29. The smallest gnome 3
30. The smallest gnome 4
31. Blue bird
32. Tale of greed
33. The tale of the priest and his worker Balda
34. Tale of a brave hare
35. Tale of fairy tales
36. Sweet fairy tale
37. Tiger cub in a teapot
38. The Duckling Who Couldn't Play Football
39. Homa Adventures of Homa
40. Khoma times peas two peas
41. Heron and crane
42. Four inseparable cockroaches and a cricket
43. Invisible hat

1970s cartoons compilation 9
1. 38 parrots 01-38 parrots
2. 38 parrots 02-Grandmother boa constrictor
3. 38 parrots 03-How to treat a boa constrictor
4. 38 parrots 04-Where the baby elephant goes
5. 38 parrots 05-Hi monkey
6. 38 parrots 06-And suddenly it turns out
7. 38 parrots 07-Tomorrow will be tomorrow
8. 38 parrots 08-Charging for the tail
9. 38 Parrots 09-Great Closing
10. 38 parrots 10-beloved guide
11. Bobik visiting Barbos
12. Big secret for a small company
13. WizardIG01 - Ellie in a magical land
14. WizardIG02 - Yellow brick road
15. WizardIG03 - Emerald City
16. WizardIG04 - Kingdom of Bastinda
17. WizardIG05 - Exposing the Great and Terrible
18. WizardIG06 - The Secret of the Sorceress Gingema
19. WizardIG07 - Old Sailor's Ship
20. WizardIG08-Gardening Soldiers
21. WizardIG09 - Mysterious Cave
22. WizardIG10 - Ellie meets friends
23. Magic ring
24. How a hedgehog and a bear cub celebrated the New Year
25. Little Humpbacked Horse
26. Kitten named Woof 1
27. Kitten named Woof 2
28. Kitten named Woof 3
29. Kitten named Woof 4
30. Kitten named Woof 5
31. Box with a secret
32. Nutcracker

1970s cartoons compilation 10
1. You can't do without it
2. Winnie the Pooh
3. Two fairy tales 1-Apple
4. Bunny-knowing
5. Cinderella
6. What the hell do you want
7. Carlson1-Carlson who lives on the roof
8. Carlson2-Carlson is back
9. Mowgli
10. Dunno
11. Dunno
12. Oh and Ah
13. Fairy tale affects
14. Ushastik
15. Ushastik and his friends 1-4

1980s cartoons compilation 11
1. Return of the prodigal parrot - 1
2. Return of the prodigal parrot - 2
3. Return of the prodigal parrot - 3
4. Once upon a time Saushkin 1
5. Once upon a time Saushkin 2
6. Once upon a time Saushkin 3
7. Kapitoshka
8. Kapitoshka2-Come back, Kapitoshka
12. Koloboks1-Consequence one
13. Koloboks2-The investigation is led by koloboks
14. Koloboks-Consequence lead koloboks 1
15. Koloboks-Consequence lead koloboks 2
16. Kuzya1-Adventures of a brownie
17. Kuzya2-House for Kuzka
18. Kuzya3-Fairy tale for Natasha
19. Kuzya4-Return of brownie
20. On the back desk 1
21. On the back desk 2
22. On the back desk 3
23. On the back desk 4
24. Tricks of Ramses 1
25. Ramses' Tricks 2
26. Ramses' Tricks 3
27. Tricks of Ramses 4
28. Tiger cub1-On the road with clouds
29. Tiger cub2-Treasure
30. Tiger cub3-Gift for an elephant

1980s cartoons compilation 12
1. December 32
2. Ancient lyrics
3. Baba Yaga vs.
4. Balagan
5. Banquet
6. Troublemakers
7. Bibigon
8. Big underground ball
9. Big wow
10. Bosun and parrot
11. Marriage
12. Brack
13. Wolf - gray tail
14. Grief is not a problem
15. Two tickets to India
16. Girl and hares
17. Welcome
18. Rain, more rain
19. If I were my dad1
20. If I were my dad2
21. Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers
22. How Ivan the valiant saved the Tsar's daughter
23. How an old man sold a cow
24. Stone musicians
25. Ax porridge
26. Kele
27. Cell
28. Conflict
29. Shorty - green panties
30. Kitten from Lizyukov Street
31. Cat house
32. Crococat
33. Wings, legs and tails
34. Kutkh and mice
35. Boy and frog
36. Mom for a mammoth
37. Masquerade
38. My friend umbrella
39. Moroz Ivanovich
40. Not good
41. Nothing scary
42. New Year's song of Santa Claus
43. Monkeys0-Garland of babies
44. Monkeys1-Beware of monkeys
45. He got caught
46. ​​Father Science
47. Desperate cat Vaska
48. Fairytale hunter
49. Last year's snow was falling
50. Perfil and Thomas
51. Dog in boots
52. Bang bang oh oh oh
53. Bang-bang oh-oh-oh (opera)
54. Plasticine crow
55. By pike command
56. Underpass
57. Helpers of Hephaestus
58. Caliph-stork
59. Sly crow
60. Scarecrow-meow

1980s cartoons compilation 13
1. Wolf and calf
2. Magic shovel
3. Remembrance
4. Vrednyuga
5. Meet Grandma
6. Spruce
7. There was a dog
8. Crane feathers
9. Notes of a pirate
10. Golden linden
11. Golden nail
12. Golden feathers
13. Golden words
14. The cat who could sing
15. Martynko
16. Sherlock Holmes and I
17. At will
18. Lord of Lightning
19. Caught2-Caught that bit
20. Last hunt
21. Before we were birds_
22. Adventures of an old janitor
23. Ant's journey
24. One cowboy, two cowboy
25. Rus'-Swans of Nepryadva
26. Swineherd
27. Blue-eyed
28. Tale of Tsar Saltan
29. Laughter and grief at the Bela Sea
30. The old man and the rooster
31. Mystery of the 3rd planet
32. Herbal trap
33. Shake! Hello!
34. Tyap blunder painters
35. Bike decoration
36. Lost Galaxy
37. Devils1 - Topsy-turvy
38. Silk tassel

1980s cartoons compilation 14
1. Alice1-Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass
2. ArmenFilm-In the blue sea, in white foam
3. ArmenFilm-Look at you, carnival
4. ArmenFilm-Who will tell a fable
5. ArmenFilm-Three blue-blue lakes of crimson color
6. ArmenFilm - Wow, talking fish
7. Grandma's birthday
8. There was a dog
9. Spikelet
10. Sailing of the sun
11. Moroz Ivanovich
12. Moomin-Troll Autumn comes to Moomin-Dol
13. Moomin Troll It's all about the hat
14. Moomin Troll Summer in Moomin Valley
15. Hunting
16. Tales of Donald Bisset
17. Mystery of the 3rd planet
18. Funtik all parts
19. Funtik1-Elusive Funtik
20. Funtik2-Funtik and detectives
21. Funtik3-Funtik and an old woman with a mustache
22. Funtik4-Funtik in the circus

1990s cartoons sbonick 15
1. Cat-&-Co
2. Cat's - story
3. Bambre1-Fierce Bambre
4. Bambre2-In the footsteps of Bambre
5. In the country of bobbers 1-Homunculus
6. In the country of bobbers 2-Dinner with Mr. Grizli
7. Wolf in harness
8. Sunday
9. Geona 1 - Geona Vampires
10. Geona 2-Masters of Geona
11. Rain
12. Hedgehog must be prickly
13. From the cannon to the moon
14. How Ninochka became a queen
15. Pickpocket
16. Puss in Boots
17. Winged, hairy and oily
18. Fox-Strawberry rain
19. Fox-Tale of the old echo
20. Fox-Mist from London
21. Trap for Bambre
22. Little Witch
23. Mr. Pronko
24. Mitki
25. At the End of the Earth
26. Christmas tree holiday
27. Adventures in the Emerald City
28. Provincial School
29. Mermaid
30. Gray wolf end Little Red Riding Hood
31. Counting for three
32. Teremok
33. Knock knock
34. Lame duck

cartoons different years compilation 16
1. Mole and medicine
2 Mole Movie Star
3. Well, wait a minute! 01-09
4. Well, wait a minute! 09-18
5. Pilot_Exhibition
6. Pilot_Latex
7. Pilot_Pums
9. Pilot_Gepard
10. Pilot_Efstifeyka wolf
11. Pilot_Red Gate Rashomon
12. Pilot_Slow bistro
13. Pilot_Bad Boy
14. Pilot_Dangerous walk
15. Pilot_Hunter
16. Pilot_About a girl who found her bear
17. Pilot_Origin of Species-1
18. Pilot_Origin of Species-2
19. Pilot_Origin of Species-3

Cartoons of different years compilation 17
1. 9.5 minutes
2. Bremen + Puss in Boots
3. Fun carousel1
4. Fun carousel10
5. Fun carousel12
6. Fun carousel13
7. Fun carousel14
8. Fun carousel16
9. Fun carousel19
10. Fun carousel2
11. Fun carousel20
12. Fun carousel21
13. Fun carousel22
14. Fun carousel23
15. Fun carousel24
16. Fun carousel25
17. Fun carousel26
18. Fun carousel27
19. Fun carousel28
20. Fun carousel29
21. Fun carousel3
22. Fun carousel4
23. Fun carousel6
24. Fun carousel8
25. Fun carousel9
26. Wuk
27. It was winter
28. Dr. Aibolit
29. Ivashko and Baba Yaga
30. Vampire Mosquito
31. Maria Mirabella
32. Fly-Tsokotuha
33. Creme brulee jerboa
34. Jerboa Shell

Does anyone remember the name of the cartoon? What was the name of the old Czech cartoon about the mole?

  1. Each series has a separate name, for example "The Mole and the Machine", "The Mole and .... "
  2. I only remember the first letter "a"
  3. Mole cartoon

    most popular cartoon character Czech children have had a mole for many years - created by the artist Zdenek Miler. In terms of popularity and the number of videotapes sold, Pokemon and Harry Potter are able to overtake a mole in panties with large pockets, only for a while. Despite the appearance of new incredible cartoon and movie characters every year, plush moles, t-shirts and hats with the image of a cheerful, curious cartoon animal are sold with constant success. Mole Zdenka Miler, who was born in 1954, is immortal.

    The mole figurine, which brings smiles and joy to children all over the world, was born in 1954, and the first film was released in 1956. Where did he come from anyway?

    My zavlit came to me and said: I have a lot for you good topic- it is called: About a linen shirt - it was a story about what needs to be done in order to weave a linen. I didn't really like it, because there were solid cars, it was boring and not for children. I said: All right, - and took this topic, and thought to myself: I'll throw something out, I'll leave something. It was necessary to come up with a figure that would tell the whole story. There were a huge number of figurines, Disney had already done everything, and there was nothing left for me. says Zdeněk Miler.

    Would you like to invent a completely new figure?

    I wanted to make something new, but not dogs or mice. I kept thinking and thinking, but nothing came to my mind, and time fled, one week passed, the second - and everything was fine, I already fell into despair and so I decided to go for a walk in the forest. I've been out late and nothing. Suddenly, leaving the forest, I stumbled, fell and thought: I wonder what I stumbled on, I look back - and there is a bump that moles make when they crawl out to the surface - this is good idea mole.

    However, Zdeněk Miler's mole does not at all look like a small, blind animal with paws like shoulder blades, but, on the contrary, is alive with large, intelligent eyes.

    I pulled out the atlas, found a mole, I didn’t really like it, but I still thought that this animal could be processed, and began to draw. I drew for 2 weeks, a month - until today's mole came out of this figure. In the first films, he has a long nose and mustache, which I gradually removed. I also made his eyes. The real mole is blind. He, most likely, really sees very little, but I made eyes for him, I said to myself: There's nothing to be done, the figure must have eyes - otherwise it will not play. So, the mole gradually changed and turned into a boy who is alive, who is interested in everything, and with whom all kinds of stories happen. Do you remember the cartoon when the mole collects various things and he has nowhere to put them, and suddenly he sees pants with large pockets drying on a clothesline. That's great, I want one too.

    Such beautiful panties, and with such difficulty he got them, but in other series, the panties disappeared where? Maybe he lost them?

    I then drew them in the second film Mole and the Car, but then I abandoned them, because for animators it was too much work. The first film was only about panties, and he was already finished, and in others he no longer needed them.

    So they sent them to the dry cleaners forever?

    Yes, they were sent to the dry cleaners.

    Mole almost never speaks in any of the episodes, why?

    It was like that. In the first series, the mole says that there I had a very good first-grader boy, and he uttered a text explaining how to weave a cloth. But after that, they became interested in the mole foreign firms And studio. At that time, the level of dubbing was very low, so we abandoned it. So, finally, all series of the mole are pantomimic, only the most necessary sounds remain, such as laughter, crying and individual words that help the mole unfold the action.

    The mole has a very wide range of all kinds of groans, visas

  4. Polish! That's what the Mole was called! Mole and glasses, Mole and harvester!
  5. Mole (in the original Krtek)
  6. Krtek
  7. Mole in the city, mole and starlet, etc.
  8. Mole (in the original Krtek) animation character, created Czech artist Zdenek Miler.
    The first series was shown in Prague in 1957. It was devoted to the processing of flax (How the Mole found panties). This was the only episode where speech was used. All other episodes were voiced only by exclamations in order to be understandable to the viewer of any country.
    In his interview 1 on the Krotik series, Zdeněk Miler recalls:
    I was very lucky, because at the time when I made the first moles, my daughters were small. They had very beautiful voices and they had a very good laugh. I was lucky, because I always managed to split them, and when they laughed or cried, I wrote it down, and these sounds have survived to this day, because better, despite the fact that I tried, I could never find.

In the boring and stagnant late Soviet times, there was a real flourishing domestic animation. It was at this time that the strangest and most beautiful Soviet cartoons capturing our imagination once and for all. Since they are all in open access, there is no reason not to watch them again - this time with the children. And once again admire their bewitching madness. Mel, together with Cameralabs, selected 23 of the craziest psychedelic Soviet cartoons.

Wings, legs and tails

Three minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelic. Although, it would seem, nothing portends. It's just that the birds find a certain amount of goodies and make an informed decision to get to them.


Every soviet child you just have to know what frustration is. Because there is no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.


Space saga under absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stoned robot, punishing spheres, Mr. brutality and incorruptibility, a flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that it is better for modern hipsters not to look in order to avoid aesthetic shock.

Spoiler: in the end it turns out that everything happened in a giant flower.

Falling last year's snow

Yes, it's trite, but without it, nowhere. Let's start with the fact that the narration is conducted on behalf of a person with an advanced stage of distracted attention syndrome. The narrator constantly jumps from one storyline to another and forgets where he left off. But it doesn't spoil overall picture, rather, it even helps to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of surrealism that reigns in the minds of the creators. It won't be enough!

bear cub

It was easier with frustration: they immediately made it clear that it was not worth trying to understand what was happening. Here you are trying to the last to delve into the plot, and sometimes it even seems to you that you are beginning to understand. But this is not for long. You can calm yourself down by the fact that these are just dreams that the bear sees in his warm, cozy bed.

wow talking fish

Each creation of the film studio "Armenfilm" - cultural monument absurd, made so high quality that you completely do not notice your own spiritual growth.


"Solaris" for children in summary: an alien mind is trying to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects they understand. Drawing in style The Beatles completes the picture to the fullest.

blue puppy

The cartoon touches on deep issues of discrimination and oppression. "Blue, blue, we don't want to play with you!"

Ferocious Bambre

A picture about anger management and complexity social adaptation aggressive introvert in the world of ordinary people.


A collection of absolutely insane short films, as beautiful in content as in art. A hare with a navel-tail looking for himself, and two virtuoso friends who give unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were then quite a few years old.

Icarus and the Wise Men

Magical and cute cartoon about a dream. Everything is achievable, you just have to not give up. AND funny sayings in Latin, which you can learn along with his characters.


The one-eyed monster lives in a communal apartment with different neighbors, and all the time he litters with his scales. A terribly touching and sad cartoon about tolerance and tolerance, and in childhood it was just sad, which we then understood.


Chukchi fairy tale Chukchi music about how mythical creature abducted two girls. Scary and weird.

Bang bang, oh-oh-oh

What will happen if “The Bunny Came Out for a Walk” is staged at the opera? This cartoon.


A parable about the war, which was shown on the fingers (crossed out) matches. Naturally, with all the horror of war, whichever side turned out to be cooler.

Direct hit

Pro slot machines, virtual reality and that the real reality is better. Bright, dynamic, musical, psychedelic to the brim.


After watching this cartoon, not everyone dared to read the original story by Kira Bulychev. And she's gorgeous, one of the the best works author.

There will be gentle rain

A dark and impressive adaptation by Ray Bradbury. Showing the whole decay of life "in the West", the director unfolded very high quality.

Caliph Stork

Scary scary story. We are still afraid of her!


Freaky funny cartoon with a song. Our sincere recommendation.

December 32

This cartoon was somehow played on one of the central channels on December 31st. And now this extravaganza, which the products sang, is in our heads forever. Thank you fellow cartoonists.

Box with a secret

Bright and colorful cartoon, which was drawn in the style of the famous "Yellow Submarine", about a mechanical music box frightened and still frightens. Despite the extreme elegance.

hedgehog in the fog

This list is unthinkable without the amazing "Hedgehog in the Fog" by Yuri Norshtein. A short film with an almost monochrome picture captivates with a unique mysterious atmosphere. Each viewer interprets the images of the characters and the plot in their own way, but everyone adores him. "Hedgehog in the Fog" collected more than 35 international and all-Union awards, and in 2003 he was named best cartoon of all time based on a survey of 140 film critics and animators from different countries.

On June 10, 1936, the largest animation film studio in the USSR, Soyuzmultfilm, was established. Then it was called "Soyuzdetmultfilm", and it was renamed "Soyuzmultfilm" in August 1937.

Whatever one may say, but the best cartoons of Soviet childhood can be safely called the work of the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Over the years of its existence, it has released a huge number of cartoons for every taste, which we show to our children and do not get tired of reviewing ourselves. In addition, most cartoons contain many secrets and details that only the most attentive can see. Let's find out the history of their creation.

Winnie the Pooh

The first film adaptation of a book about Winnie the Pooh belongs to the Walt Disney Studios: in the early 60s, several episodes about a funny bear cub and his friends were released. Before starting work on the domestic Winnie the Pooh, Fyodor Khitruk had not seen the Disney version.

However, he wanted to move away from the images that were depicted in the book, to create his own, new and original characters. Of course, he succeeded. Everyone who has seen both the Disney version and our version clearly speaks in favor of the latter.

It is curious that initially Winnie the Pooh was very furry, his ears looked a little “chewed”, and his eyes were of different sizes. At first, Piglet turned out to be similar to a thick, appetizing sausage. A lot of different bear cubs and piglets were drawn before the characters took on the look we are used to.

By the way, in the second and third series, the drawings of the characters were simplified: the black "glasses" on the face of Winnie the Pooh acquired a clear outline, and Piglet's rosy cheeks began to be indicated by one red line. While working on the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, Fedor Khitruk did not know about the existence of animated films about the funny bear of the Disney studio. Later, according to Khitruk, Disney director Wolfgang Reiterman liked his version. At the same time, since the Soviet cartoons were created without taking into account the exclusive rights to film adaptation owned by the Disney studio, their screening abroad was impossible.

Kid and Carlson

The Soviet cartoon "Baby and Carlson" directed by Boris Stepantsev, based on the story of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and released on television in 1968, was enthusiastically received by both young and adult viewers.

In total, there were two series about Carlson: "Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). Soyuzmultfilm was going to make a third one, but this idea was never realized. The studio's archives still contain a film that was planned to be used for filming a cartoon based on the third part of the trilogy about Malysh and Carlson - "Carlson is playing pranks again."

If you watch the cartoon about Carlson very carefully, you will notice the following detail: at the beginning of the cartoon, when the Kid crosses the road, an Air France advertisement is visible on a passing bus.

The detectives from the cartoon about the adventures of Funtik the pig are very similar to the linen thieves from the cartoon about Carlson. In addition, the Soviet parents of Uncle Fedor from Prostokvashino are very similar to Malysh's Swedish parents.

Cat Leopold

The Soviet animated series about the cat Leopold and the hooligan mice harassing him was filmed at the Ekran Creative Association from 1975 to 1993. At the time of the creation of the animated series, there was not yet an art workshop. Therefore, the first two series ("Revenge of the Cat Leopold" and "Leopold and the Goldfish") were not drawn, but were made using the shifting technique.

Small details of characters and scenery were cut out of paper and placed under glass. After each frame, the details shifted by a tiny distance, which created the illusion of movement. Further cartoon series were realized using hand-drawn animation.

The creators of the cartoon puzzled over the name of the main character for a long time. The authors really did not want to call him too simply - "ordinary" Barsik or Murzik. According to their plans, the name had to sound beautiful and at the same time be easy to pronounce.

There is a version according to which the son of the author of the script Arkady Khait named the good-natured and charming cat. While working on the plot of the cartoon, the boy tried to do two things at once: follow the adults and watch The Elusive Avengers on TV. The name of the White Guard Colonel Leopold Kudasov, one of the heroes of The Elusive, prompted the idea to name the cat the same way. Hooligan mice are also not nameless, as many people think. A well-fed gray rodent is called Motei, and a thin white animal is called Mitya. However, in the cartoon, mice are never called by their names.


The Soviet cartoon about Cheburashka was filmed by director Roman Kachanov based on the book by Eduard Uspensky, more precisely, according to their joint script. And although Uspensky wrote 8 stories about Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends, only 4 episodes were made.

The cartoon image of Cheburashka known today - a cute creature with huge ears, large trusting eyes and soft brown hair - was invented by animator Leonid Shvartsman. This is how he first appeared in Roman Kachanov's cartoon "Crocodile Gena" (1969) and won the hearts of children and adults.

According to the preface to Eduard Uspensky's book Crocodile Gena and His Friends, Cheburashka was the name of a defective toy that the author of the book had in childhood, depicting an unprecedented animal: either a bear cub or a hare with big ears.

According to the book, the author's parents claimed that Cheburashka is an animal unknown to science that lives in the hot tropical jungle. Therefore, in the text of the book, the heroes of which, according to the writer, are the children's toys of Uspensky himself, Cheburashka really appears before the readers as an unknown tropical animal.

In an interview, Eduard Uspensky said that he once came to visit a friend who had a little daughter. At the time of the writer's visit, the girl was trying on a fur coat that dragged along the floor. “The girl was constantly falling, stumbling about her fur coat. And her father, after another fall, exclaimed: “Oh, she’s gone crazy again!” This word stuck in my memory, I asked its meaning. It turned out that "cheburahnutsya" - it means "to fall." And so the name of my hero appeared, ”the author admitted.

Three from Prostokvashino

The animated series "Three from Prostokvashino" based on the novel by Eduard Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat" was directed by Vladimir Popov. A total of three series were released. Much of what is in the literary source was not included in the cartoon, but the popularity of the film adaptation several times exceeded the popularity of Uspensky's story.

Work on the creation of screen images of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" was divided between the production designers at the request of director Vladimir Popov. The image of Galchonka did not work out for a very long time. Therefore, everyone who entered the premises of the artists at Soyuzmultfilm was asked to draw this character. The artist Leonid Shvartsman, who invented the cartoon Cheburashka, even had a hand in its creation.

Uncle Fedor is the only type according to which the team that worked on the creation of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" did not come to a single decision. Therefore, his on-screen image varies greatly from series to series. Such a move, which is impermissible from the point of view of Western animation, was taken quite calmly in our country.

By the way, Matroskin's cat could also be called Taraskin. The fact is that when Eduard Uspensky wrote his story, he wanted to name this character by the name of Anatoly Taraskin, an employee of the Wick film magazine, but he did not allow him to use his name. True, he later regretted it and confessed to the writer: “What a fool I was! I regretted giving my last name!

Wait for it!

"Wait for it!" - this is not just an animated series, it is a real legend on which more than one generation has grown up. In 1969, "Well, you wait!" was a government order. Officials decided to give our answer to Disney cartoons and allocated a rather serious budget. Customer requirements were limited to a request to do something funny.

With this request, the leadership of Soyuzmultfilm turned to the famous comedians Alexander Kurlyandsky, Arkady Khait, Felix Kamov and Eduard Uspensky.

A lot of controversy arose among the creators of the cartoon about the 12th episode of the famous cartoon, when the Wolf finds himself in the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Ramses. It was even admitted that the Egyptian government might protest against this. But everything worked out.

In the animated series "Well, wait a minute!" an amazing musical selection, which uses popular recordings of Western and Soviet pop music. But they were never listed in the imprint of the cartoon. Then it was not accepted.

The music that sounds during the credits is the screen saver "Well, you wait!" - called Vizisi ("Water skiing") and was published on a collection of Hungarian pop music by the Melodiya company in 1967. Its author is a Hungarian composer named Tomas Deak (Tamás Deák).

Falling last year's snow

As the composer Grigory Gladkov mentioned during his performance in the humorous program “Around Laughter”, the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” had the original working title “Firs-sticks, dense forest”, and the main character in it was a janitor from “Plasticine Crow”. Then the visual concept of the main character was finalized, however, as well as the title of the picture.

The role of the narrator in the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was originally planned to be given to Leah Akhedzhakova. She even voiced the cartoon, but director Alexander Tatarsky did not like it. As a result, both roles - both the peasant and the storyteller - were given to Stanislav Sadalsky.

Sadalsky, who voiced the roles of a man and a narrator in the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling", was not listed in the credits. Shortly before the delivery of the cartoon, the actor was detained in the restaurant of the Kosmos Hotel with a foreign citizen, after which a denunciation followed to the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company S.G. Lapin. As a punishment for communicating with foreigners, the actor's name was removed from the credits.

The cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" could not escape the close attention of censorship. “At the time of the Sneg test, I had a pre-infarction condition,” recalled the director of the cartoon, Alexander Tatarsky. “They told me that I disrespect a Russian person: you have only one hero - a Russian peasant, and that idiot! ..”

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