Types of accentuations: I. Hyperthymic type. Adolescents of the hyperthymic type are distinguished by a large. Character accentuations


Hyperthymic character is called optimistic. Let us consider in more detail the heightened background of his mood and everything that follows from this.

A hyperthymic person wants everything that happens around him to be fun, provocative and exciting. Him by and large it doesn't matter who he's having fun with. The main thing is to maintain an environment in which he is comfortable to play, play pranks, play pranks and jokes, and look for new experiences. In everything dangerous situations they fall just because of their inattention and carelessness.

Crime news often shows stories of how two people were looking for a third person to drink alcohol. Found, sat down, drank, and then did not understand his humor - and a fight began. This third is hyperthym.

He can easily adapt to communication with any person with whom fate brings him during a feast. Find common topics talking to a stranger is not a problem. This does not mean that he is an irrepressible talker. If necessary, he will remain silent. Yes, and put in place hyperthyma can, in principle, anyone. He, like the emotive character, is sensitive to emotional state surrounding, although distinguishing feature and the goal in life is carefree fun.

Therefore, instead of emotive sympathy, hyperthym tries to amuse others. “We only live once” is an excuse for a hyperthymic person. In other words, fun is defense mechanism from the realization of their inevitable mortality. Hyperthym wants to have fun, so as not to regret a meaningless existence.

As you know, for each person the meaning of life lies in something different. German philosopher Erich Fromm once said: "There is no other meaning in life than the one that a person himself gives it." Hyperthym finds it in living at least without being bored.

Communication and interaction

Hyperthyms are sociable, easy and spontaneous, but etiquette and high manners are not for them. It is too difficult and unbearable for an excitable nervous system to follow the rules, so they prefer simplicity in everything, including in communicating with people. To some they will seem rude and arrogant, someone, on the contrary, will appreciate their simplicity, accessibility, lack of arrogance.

Hyperthym at some point in his life begins to realize very well that it is easy to respond to hostility with aggression, but it is impossible to respond to a joke of his own pariah. Sometimes even the most vicious bandit or strict official will not resist and smile at their completely harmless trick, as he says. folk wisdom The evil one is always weaker than the good one. Such a strategy is acceptable for hyperthyms, but is not always clear to others.

Hyperthyms have fun and play pranks in the company. Masters of telling jokes for any occasion in life are hyperthyms. Often their satirical and rude jokes offend more sensitive relatives or colleagues. They can apologize to the offended when they realize that they said too much, but after a minute they will continue to be naughty towards other people.

If satire is directed against them, this does not upset the hyperthym at all, because there is not a single gram of vindictiveness in them. On the contrary, they can always translate such a situation into another joke. If their photo was posted in a wall newspaper with the caption “lazy and alcoholic”, then hypertim will definitely come up with a way out. For example, he will say: “Yes, I am like that, and now treat me. Since you criticize, it means that you know how to help me, so help me.

If hyperthym has quarreled with someone, then he may be the first to come to terms, even if he is not to blame for anything. Sometimes people around try to rein in hyperthyms, which can be slightly annoying, especially girls. However, in five minutes they will be sitting next to the offender and discussing something enthusiastically. For them, loneliness is unbearable, they want the presence of people always.

In our country, people often have to stand in lines of some kind, wait for a long time to be admitted to public institutions or clinics. In such situations, the hyperthymic character of a person always manifests itself, and you can easily recognize him.

Only hyperthym will definitely joke about hot topic waiting in line so that everyone smiles. He will jokingly shout at an official or a doctor who makes people wait. It's fun to wink at someone, even with a stranger will speak on any topic, easily exchange phone numbers for communication.

In its extreme degree, hyperthymia can be intrusive in the desire to communicate, because it does not feel the personal boundaries of another person and considers it completely normal to make any request. He himself will never refuse it and expects the same from other people.

Hyperthyms are very fond of small children. Men play with them, women embrace them and are sincerely touched. They are easy to find with children mutual language because they feel the child as themselves. They stay big kids throughout life. Children reciprocate them, enjoy playing with them in a variety of funny Games which hyperthyms know in large numbers.

Hypertim skillfully invents new verbal turns in speech. Can use foul language, knows a lot of slang words. Masterfully transforms an obscene word so that others can only be surprised and laugh heartily. But he does all this solely for the sake of amusing others and himself.

Good-natured hyperthyms are completely unforgiving, their aggressiveness is not expressed either in communication or in interaction with people. They themselves are largely irresponsible, so they do not expect responsibility from others.

Compatibility with other characters

Hyperthyms easily converge with new people. They always have a huge list of telephone and electronic contacts. True, they remember many of them poorly, but this does not in the least prevent them from communicating. When meeting with an old acquaintance, they sincerely rejoice, smile, try to hug.

People themselves are drawn to them because of their charisma, active life position and easy attitude to problems. The insecure want their confidence, the passive want their activity, the stupid want their creativity, everyone expects something from them. They are like a light fluff, they move from one person to another, find a common language with everyone, but do not remain at the same time with anyone. for a long time.

Heroine domestic cartoon The “amorous crow” fell in love with everyone she met on her way: first with a hare, then with a fox, a wolf and a bear. This behavior can also be found in hyperthymic individuals.

Oh, bunny, what a pretty, gray you are, - the crow was delighted.
- What are you, a crow! Everyone says I'm oblique.
- You're not oblique. You are slanted! As soon as I saw you...
- Straightaway?!
- Yes, immediately! Lawless Heart.

Only she could give them a real feeling of love, which they lacked so much. The crow could give it as much as it wanted, however, while it fluttered from one to another.

With a paranoid hyperthym, a long union is impossible. It too different tempers, contradictions and misunderstanding between them will always be. Fun and playful behavior in principle are alien to the paranoid, so he does not understand and does not accept hyperthymia. Unless this communication is included in the plans of the paranoid, who will always be able to use hyperthym in his own interests, after which he will get rid of him without a twinge of conscience. For hyperthym, as, indeed, for many others, the paranoid is an impetus to action, a kind of "magic kick", after which everything is done faster, more fun and more correctly. Hyperthymia and the paranoid will benefit from such communication if it mutually develops, and not only uses the resources of people.

An epileptoid can perceive hyperthymia as long as his jokes are not directed directly at him. The epileptoid is too sensitive to remarks from those whom he considers weaker than himself. Morally and even physically, hyperthymia can be inferior to the strength, viscous perseverance and pedantry of the epileptoid. Temporary communication between them is quite possible, but the epileptoid will not be able to endure the playfulness and frivolity of hyperthymia for a long time and, most likely, will try to limit communication with him. Hypertim will understand that it is no longer worth knocking on this door.

The epileptoid is stable and correct, he will demand the same from hyperthym, but this is impossible. Although both respect each other, they have different approaches to life. For example, it is not difficult for an epileptoid to keep his clothes clean and tidy. He is accustomed to keep order in everything. Hyperthym does not have such a strong nervous system, his attention is not enough even to keep track of where he sits down. He does not look at his feet, but is focused on other things. As a result, he will definitely remember the arrows on his trousers carefully ironed by his wife - an epileptoid, and will stain an elegant shirt.

Hyperthym knows about this in advance, and therefore does not attach special significance the look of your clothes. “It will be remembered anyway,” he replies with a smile to another remark from his wife.

Possible with hysteria friendly relations, but at every opportunity they will make fun of each other, exposing in a stupid light. Such relationships will last until one of them gets tired of it. The hysteroid is very susceptible to satire and humor in his address, he hardly understands them and never recognizes them. Although he is ready to have fun and loves noisy companies in which you can perfectly prove yourself as a favorite of the public and be in the center of everyone's attention.

The hysteroid is attracted by the ability of hyperthym to sincerely admire other people, to notice their successes and be happy for them, as well as his activity. However, the hysteroid will not cease to be jealous of hyperthym for his friends of the opposite sex, to whom he treats with sincere kindness. This hurts the possessive feelings of the hysteroid. Finding out the relationship in such a family can last a very long time.

The psychasthenic eschews noisy hyperthymia, his company causes a feeling of discomfort and nervous trembling in an anxious person. Communication, most likely, will not work out for them, since the psychasthenic can only listen to hyperthymia, but it is unlikely to support his fun. In addition, the psychasthenic will constantly worry about hyperthymia and his health. how long he can endure this restlessness is known only to the psychasthenic himself.

Both emotive and hyperthym are sensitive to the state of another person, but the first one strives for harmony in everything (clothing, nutrition, relationships), and for the second, harmony is a vibrant activity. On vacation, the emotive will take care of nature, and hyperthym will leave behind a bunch of garbage. Emotive refers to all living things in a paternal way, and hyperthym - irresponsibly. Although they can learn a lot from each other.


Hyperthymic character - a tear. vernacular a hyperthymic character can be called a daredevil. His constancy is not enough for a long time, therefore the concepts of responsibility and duty are, in principle, alien to him. Most likely, he is not able to take responsibility either for himself or for the business he is engaged in, therefore, after some time, people around hyperthym understand that it is useless to correct him. It will be easier if they themselves begin to treat this behavior differently. It is easier to change your requirements and expectations to those that are more suitable for hyperthym's life strategy. Or avoid long periods of time with him. business communication limited to short meetings.

A bright representative of the hyperthymic character is the character of Astrid Lindgren Carlson's fairy tales. Carefree child, shahoon and merry prankster- here is a portrait of a pure hyperthym. Instead of work, he will always offer to play pranks. However, as soon as the moment of truth comes, retribution for his carelessness, he immediately says: “You know, Kid, I’ve been sitting too long with you, it’s time for me. Come on baby." He flies away to continue the fun, but in a different place, away from responsibility.

If the bulk of people are interested in the result of activity, then for hyperthym the process itself is more important. He does not have any permanent hobbies or hobbies, it is more interesting for him to try himself in as many different things as possible.

For example, he does not need to win races, he is attracted by speed. He will never be upset because of a loss, but if the case gets boring, he will simply abandon it for another, more interesting one.

Going on a trip to some hot country, he will pre-order all kinds of entertainment: quad bike racing, scuba diving, Thai massage, and Turkish saunas. There is no stability in his preferences, he is interested in everything.

Official duties are performed by hyperthym accordingly. No, they, of course, can enjoy the benefits of power, but they will, perhaps, find it difficult to do work and be responsible for other people. There is absolutely nothing to ask them. They often break the law, but mostly these are petty crimes, most often due to their inattentiveness and poor memory. But they have more than enough fun and good nature.

The irresponsibility of hyperthymia is ambiguous. He can put everything in the refrigerator on the table for a sudden guest, but at the same time he will not think about what his family will eat tomorrow, or he will spend all the money on treats for old friends, forgetting that the next salary is only in a month.

Hyperthym always responds to kindness with kindness, he simply cannot do otherwise. However, this continues as long as the person is in his field of vision. Out of sight, out of mind.

His kindness and energy are enormous, but irresponsible and momentary. Now he wants to do something and does it without thinking about the consequences. Hypertim sincerely believes that he can always get out of any situation. He will borrow money from friends without complexes and unnecessary doubts. If he does not forget, he will repay the debt. Re-borrow from someone, take a loan. However, the development of events depends only on the degree of adequacy of a person and his moral character. Responsibility is largely a test of adequacy.

Efficiency and business qualities

The efficiency of hyperthyms is high, but it is difficult to rely on them, because they are careless. It is difficult to build business plans and projects with them, because all this is by and large unimportant and uninteresting for them.

They work actively, but, as they say, blunder: quickly, energetically, without thinking about the result. What kind of work do you think these skills are needed for? In what profession is it appropriate to do everything quickly?

It is useless to waste your time suggesting to hyperthym the importance and significance of the rules, they exist in order to break them. It is good if they find adequate use for the peculiarities of their character.

Hyperthyms make excellent comedic or circus artists, presenters of performances, organizers of holidays, toastmasters, children's writers, directors, screenwriters. Not bad they are given the profession of sociologists, consultants or couriers. All of them are associated with human interaction, and hyperthyms have no problems with this.

Hyperthymic people can often change jobs, because they realize that in each, even the most creative profession, unfortunately, there are elements of a mandatory routine that pure hyperthyms cannot stand. The thirst for activity constantly pulls them in search of adventure. They run from one case to the next, from one person to another, from one company to another.

In their personal lives, they have no constancy. Today - one partner, tomorrow - another. Relationships are built quickly and break down just as quickly, but hyperthym does not lose heart at all. Even at the age of 60, he does not lose hope of finding his soul mate. By the way, it happens that he finds. What do you think, who are these remote old men from the plot in the news about the wedding of pensioners?

Although it must be noted that much depends on the personality of a person, as well as on those additional features that are in the structure of his character and, of course, have an impact.

Hyperthyms, like all people, can fall in love with another person or their work. Then an adequate person will do everything to be with his beloved (person or business). He will try to tame his constant impulses and get rid of restlessness if he realizes that this interferes with their happy life together.

They make good leaders, you can always discuss existing problems with them and find ways to solve them. However, here there is the same minus: they want to have time to do as much as possible. Efficiency will become more productive if hyperthymia is indicated by his fussiness, help to control himself, take care of himself, will gently and correctly remind him of his features. For corrective purposes, they can be noted positive sides: the ability to meet halfway, kindness and openness, the ability to unite people and communicate with them easily and confidently. Then you should move on to negative traits, such as fussiness, haste, inattention to detail. Hyperthymes are capable of changes in better side. The main thing in this business is keeping a clear schedule and personal example. If you yourself do not possess such traits, then it is foolish and naive to expect them from other people.

Health and Resources

As already mentioned, hyperthym is a cheerful, optimistic, energetic, active person. His resources are bright impressions and adrenaline in the blood, without which he cannot live in peace.

Being in such a mobile state, of course, at some point he may feel unwell. However, for hyperthyma, any sore is unimportant. He takes on the solution of any problem in any condition with habitual optimism.

Adequate attitude of a person to his illness or weakness means awareness of the need to improve health if it has become weak. Sore throat or cold - do not drink cold and harden, backache - moderate the load and do gymnastics, vision and memory have deteriorated - train them. Approximately so he perceives the problems of hyperthymia, for him this is not even a problem, but an opportunity to change something in life. Someone else fixed it, so why can't I?

True, in order to do this, it is necessary to neglect the established rules and be able to change them, but not all people can do this. Hyperthyma is known to be dismissive attitude to any rules. This is its advantage and disadvantage. Because, on the one hand, the rules organize a person, but, on the other hand, you need to be able to apply them correctly and change them depending on the situation. Hyperthymic people most often just get lucky and get away with a lot. How long?

As it has already become clear to us, hyperthyms are completely non-squeamish, and in their convictions they are cosmopolitans. They are not shy of anyone (although they should be) and are not afraid of anything (although they should be). with every stranger they meet, they can easily start new relationships, are drawn to people and do not refuse intimacy. In the quick, easy sexual relationships that they prefer, you need to remember about protective equipment, contraception and your health. After all, health is given to us once, so we must protect it from a young age.

Hyperthymic character is moderately common among both men and women. IN pure form it is less common, its features are more often noted in a mixed character. In any company, hyperthyms can be recognized as the main ringleaders and constant merry fellows.


Fear is biologically necessary defensive reaction organism, which helps a person to save himself and his life. We cannot exist without fear, but in different cultures the attitude towards fear is different.

A feature of hyperthyms is that they usually do not feel fear as a reality. Hypertim in his dashing bustle does not notice the dangers. Of course, hyperthyms, just like everyone else, can be afraid of different things in life. Feeling fear of rats and cockroaches, they can, for the sake of fun and in good company, take a large number of alcohol without worrying about your health. Therefore, hyperthyms suffer from alcoholism and degrade more often than representatives of other characters.

In search of new experiences or just out of boredom, they can do things that make them ordinary people dizzy. For example, conquer Everest or set new record speed on a racing car, hitting the Guinness Book of Records. At the same time, they may be prone to everyday fears, such as being afraid of injections or visiting the dentist.

However, the main fear inherent in hyperthyms is the fear of boredom. It is unbearable for them to sit without an interesting thing to do or get stuck in the routine of everyday life. Life immediately seems dull and gray to them, and the energy that is looking for a way out does not give rest.

Boredom is also terrible for them because they do not know how and do not know how to cope with it. After all, hyperthyms are used to seeing the positive in everything, and if the negative begins, then they are lost, this state is alien to them. They begin to fuss even more, get nervous, worry, they can lose heart and lose peace of mind.

If you find hyperthymic traits in your character, try to take into account all their features and train to control your impulses, because at any moment they can play with you bad joke. You need to learn to control yourself.

Start small - with self-control and analysis of your condition. Try to identify the moment when you start to fuss too much, stop, say: "Stop!" Ask yourself: “What am I doing now? What do I want to do? Most importantly, why do I need this?

By answering these questions, you can bring your desires to a logical level and understand why you should act this way and not otherwise. Do something only after such an analysis.

Talk to people who are important to you and find out if you offend them with your behavior. Listen to them, maybe by sharing their opinion they will give you important advice.

If you are hyperthymic, appreciate the people who are close to you. Perhaps, in a hurry and bustle, you do not notice their attitude towards you. Because of this, you will later begin to worry, but it will be too late. Not everything in this life can be returned to its former places. Don't forget about it.

Hyperthyms can hardly endure loneliness, so they will always find an interlocutor for the evening. When they are bored, they can just call or come to you at any time of the day or night, whether you want it or not. They will come, tell a lot of jokes, drink and eat whatever you give them, and then they won't want to leave. However, if you get bored and want to be in their company, then it is not a fact that they will come running just as quickly. This is the whole point. If they do not want to go somewhere, then it is useless to persuade them, because they have already found something to do.

Do you want to become the soul of any company, an optimist or the most cheerful person among friends? Develop your hyperthymia. From childhood, start collecting jokes, memorize them or write them down. Constantly hurry somewhere, others will think that you are the busiest person, and as you know, business and successful people know the way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

WITH early childhood hyperthyms are distinguished by sociability, mobility, and a tendency to mischief. They may not have problems with others, they do not cause hostility, they do not come into conflict with either peers or adults if they are allowed to do whatever they want.

When parents begin to overprotect, control or suppress, imposing an uninteresting circle of communication or affairs on them, adolescents regard such actions as an attack on their freedom and independence and react in the same way - with outbursts of anger and irritation.

As a rule, hyperthyms are distinguished by a good memory, quick wit and a lively mind. But due to the lack of perseverance and discipline, their academic success can be uneven - where there are enough abilities, they easily grasp everything, and in classes that require perseverance and perseverance, their success is much worse. They can walk those school lessons which they don't like. If parents begin to control school attendance and homework, then the territory of the conflict expands the boundaries, including home and family. This gives rise to an increase in the hyperthymic reaction and, for example, escapes from the house can occur, and the teenager does not think about where he will live, what to eat, he can commit petty thefts of food or money, he does not have a clear line between what is allowed and what is not allowed. Therefore, petty asocial actions are committed by him not because he consciously wants to break the law, but because he does not think about it.

Typically, hyperthymic teenagers strive to take a leading position in their company, they interfere in everything, command others, and this may be opposed by other members of the group. In addition, a conflict with peers may arise due to the fact that hyperthyms quickly get bored with their usual social circle, they begin to look for new company, easily enter it, as a rule, at first they are perceived as witty and sociable. But in new group they also begin to show leadership claims, and in a teenage company, as a rule, there is already a leader, this can cause rivalry and a new conflict.

Peers can be burdened by excessive activity of hyperthyms, not everyone is fascinated by their recklessness and propensity for adventures, this can also cause conflict. Therefore, hyperthyms often change teenage companies and do not always leave a positive impression about themselves in abandoned group Therefore, members of the company sometimes perceive their departure with relief.

After graduating from school and changing status in connection with entering a university, starting work, their life stereotype breaks down, but the main personality traits, as a rule, remain unchanged.

In the adult period of life, hyperthyms are still easily adapted in society, they easily capture the general background of mood. They are friendly, good-natured, sociable, freely express their feelings, cannot be offended for a long time, harbor anger, and hatch plans for revenge. Their emotions are simple and natural, they are understandable to others. It is easy and simple to communicate with people of hyperthymic accentuation, if their aspirations are not counteracted.

Hyperthyms in the new team are sympathetic because of their good mood, wit. They bring a new stream of liveliness and fun to the team. But, as an adult, they choose a social circle that appeals to them, where they can be active. In the conditions of a permanent student group or work collective, their boundless sociability sometimes cannot be realized. They can run away from classes, neglect their duties, and are able to attract several friends to their undertaking.

In labor activity, at first, hyperthyms are perceived as very capable. They can express original ideas, but they do not have the patience for detailed thinking and in the end they may not finish the job. Naturally, this can lead to a loss of interest in work.

Hyperthym is burdened by the limitation of the working space, he tries to expand it by visiting his many friends who work in other rooms during the working day.

The productivity of hyperthym is low, therefore, in relation to him, comments from the head are frequent, up to serious conflicts and the need to change jobs. In a new team, the situation often repeats itself. Due to conflict working life hyperthyma is unstable, he often changes jobs. He is contraindicated in positions that require perseverance and concentration. Hyperthymic individuals enjoy doing community service organizing various events.

If the work in the specialty does not work out, hyperthym can easily refuse it. Due to the fact that he has the flexibility of thought, new profession is easily mastered.

Most hyperthyms have many friends and acquaintances, they infect with their fun and optimism, but with a longer and closer acquaintance, they can tire with their superficiality, arrogance, self-confidence. Some hyperthyms are desperate debaters, they do not tolerate any objections and counterarguments. Most lack a critical attitude towards their shortcomings

In its pure form, hyperthymas are rare, usually a combination of hyperthymia with other character accentuations.

points least resistance. Situations in which a person is deprived of the possibility of wide contacts and initiative, loneliness and monotonous work that requires accuracy and thoroughness, tight petty control, lack of advance trust, excessive guardianship

protest reactions. They explode with anger, their aggressiveness is directed outward, at the surrounding people or things, in more serious cases their protest is always effective, they act somehow, and not just talk. Escapes, illegal behavior in a group, alcoholism, especially in a company where they prefer to be a leader.

Strengths. Activity, endurance, ability to inspire confidence, sociability, resourcefulness in non-standard stressful situations, readiness to take responsibility.

The manifestation of emotions and the speed of thinking, creativity and creativity, value orientations and manner of communication, features of intellectual activity... All these psychological parameters are individual for each person. They can manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent depending on age, clearly increase in extreme situations and be minimized in a state of stability. The only thing that can never happen is their absolute disappearance.

The concept of "psychotype"

Each person is unique in their own set psychological characteristics. But at the same time, such diversity does not at all exclude the existence of similarities between people. Possessing their differences, they can be conditionally combined into certain aggregates. Within each such group, its members will have more similarities with each other than with representatives of other similar associations.

Despite the fact that each person reacts to certain situations in his own way, there is a certain algorithm of behavior, a scheme of actions that can be followed by completely different, at first glance, people. This is due to the presence of such a phenomenon as psychological types personality.

Personality types

Psychological can be divided into subtypes and types, but still experts distinguish eight main psychotypes.

  • Representatives of this group are not inclined to commit heroic or spontaneous deeds, they think more than they do; they try not to stand out in any way and remain quite satisfied if they are not noticed and not disturbed over trifles.
  • Hysterical personality type. Such people always stand out in the crowd. This applies to both appearance (bright clothes, unusual hairstyle), as well as to actions and lifestyle (tendency to creativity and rebelliousness).
  • Calculating, scrupulous, pedantic, selfish. They always insist on being right, and if they enter into a confrontation, they can become sharply aggressive.
  • Hyperthymic personality type. Owners of this type have pronounced ability to think outside the box, have a tendency to
  • Asthenic personality type. Such people are characterized by excessive modesty, bordering on a complex. This quality gives rise to self-doubt and isolation.
  • Labile personality type. The mood and behavior of representatives of this psychotype can change every minute. They are very emotional, all their experiences (both positive and negative) have a very high amplitude.
  • Sensitive personality type. The most characteristic quality of such people is touchiness. They can get upset over trifles, they are not able to defend their point of view, they have a huge number of complexes.
  • Unstable personality type. Guided, infantile people who do not want to prove anything to anyone, "go with the flow." Under the influence of other people, they can freely change their point of view on any, even very important issue.

Psychological traits of owners of hyperthymic personality type

The hyperthymic character leaves an imprint not only on human behavior, but also largely determines the choice of profession and lifestyle. Domestic psychologists P. B. Gannushkin and G. E. Sukhareva studied in detail people of this type, to which they gave a more precise name "constitutionally excited." They came to the conclusion that people with this character are very sociable, lead active image life. Sometimes they are overly independent, overestimating their capabilities. Already in adolescence, hyperthyms tend to show their leadership qualities everywhere, both in the company of peers and older people. This often leads to a violation of their chain of command, for example, in communication with parents or teachers.

The main feature of hyperthymic people is almost always good, even high spirits. But in rare cases, their "radiance" can be replaced by irritability, outbursts of anger and aggressiveness.

Features of the behavior of people with hyperthymic psychotype

The irresistible desire for activity and for everything new and unknown often causes promiscuity in the choice of friends and acquaintances. Psychological studies show that alcoholics and drug addicts are quite common among hyperthyms. This is one of the consequences of a violent reaction to hobbies. If the enthusiasm is directed in the right direction, then such people can become bright creative personalities.

Another one characteristic is a high vitality. Some of the representatives of this psychotype, correctly using given quality are becoming very successful. But there are others who waste this tone on burning life. Excessive self-confidence gives rise to the illusion that everything will always be fine. As a result, a hyperthymic person can waste himself on a stormy, not always healthy lifestyle life. But at the same time, it is deceptive to believe that at any moment he can change his life for the better.

Hyperthymic personality type: classification

Extremes in the behavior and lifestyle of hyperthyms really take place. The differences between them are caused by divisions within the psychotype, which is especially evident in adolescence in the development of personal qualities.

Hyperthymic-unstable type of character occurs most often. These are easily carried away people who can be easily persuaded of anything. Moreover, they will defend even a completely absurd point of view with great zeal, if they themselves are confident in it. And it will not be difficult to impose this point of view on unstable hyperthyms.

Hyperthymic-hysteroid type is not so often manifested. From the name it is clear that such people have both hyperthymic and hysterical traits in their character.

The hyperthymno-affective type is characterized by an increased manifestation of affective outbursts of irritability and anger, which especially often occur when obstacles arise in the life of such people or failures occur.

Hyperthymic teenagers

The main features of such personalities are the desire for leadership, appeasement after stormy conflicts, lack of timidity in communicating with others, craving for adventure and risky actions. Hyperthymic personality type in adolescents often causes excessive independence and indiscriminate sociability.

In studies, in the case of good abilities, success is also possible, but at the same time, restlessness, distractibility, inaccuracy and indiscipline can become the causes of uneven progress.

A hyperthymic teenager is often unable to carefully treat the performance of work, especially monotonous. They are very burdened by monotonous activities. Situations that require speed, courage and resourcefulness are resolved by such young men and women with ease and success. Their indignation is often expressed in stormy scenes of anger, the opposition of others, the obvious suppression of intentions, a strictly regulated disciplinary regime, the restriction of communication with peers, and the lack of opportunities to splash out their restless energy cause particular irritation.

How to optimize the life of a hyperthymic person

One very simple one can help a person with a hyperthymic personality type to see his behavior from the outside and do work on mistakes. The essence of the reception is that you need to start a notebook where you should write down close and distant plans, and then, after reading what is written, cross out exactly half. That is, to plan less, but to carry out "iron", than to conceive a lot, knowing in advance that the execution of everything at once is simply impossible. Hypertim can come up with a “punishment” for himself for not fulfilling a promise or not completing the work he has begun. Thus, a person himself accustoms himself to fixing and controlling his own indiscipline.

Hyperthymic accentuation does not allow you to see yourself and your actions from the outside. Therefore, psychologists recommend that such people ask themselves questions in the same notebook: “What is the negative in me at the moment that can harm or dislike the people around me?”, “What should I do to negative traits did not interfere with me and others?

Hyperthym needs to be reminded more often about putting things in order in the space around him. If everything around him is structured to be in its place, then order in his soul will come sooner.

Features of health and appearance

Hyperthymic people, as a rule, always have a good appetite and can boast of healthy sleep. Even if it was not possible to fully sleep, in the morning they are quite cheerful and efficient.

The hyperthymic type of personality is located towards fullness. They may not adhere to a specific style of clothing, but some negligence in their appearance always present. Such people closely follow fashion trends, but do not adhere to it. They can wear a very fashionable thing with some other, long out of fashion. That is, they are characterized by an insufficient sense of aesthetics, adjacent to ill-conceivedness.

In the case of heavy professional loads and lack of sleep, in the event of unforeseen difficult circumstances, they are able to quickly mobilize forces and maintain activity in brain and physical activity for a long time.

I. Hyperthymic type. Adolescents of the hyperthymic type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, and excessive independence.

The main feature - an upbeat good mood is combined with good health and high vitality.

Hyperthymic teenagers do not like loneliness, they are drawn to the company of their peers:

Strive for leadership (leader, ringleader);

Unforgiving, quick-witted (quickly put up);

Illegible in the choice of acquaintances (may fall into a dubious company);

In communication they do not experience shyness;

Reaching for adventure, risk.

With good abilities, academic performance can be uneven:

Due to restlessness, inattention, distractibility;

Due to carelessness, indiscipline.

Adolescents of the hyperthymic type cannot do the work carefully, painstakingly; do not like monotonous activities. They are burdened by the monotonous situation, forced idleness.

Their hobbies are very diverse and fickle. In situations where speed, courage, resourcefulness are required, and in an atmosphere of labor upsurge, adolescents are at their best. Hyperthymic teenagers are indignant at:

Opposition from others;

Abrupt suppression of desires and intentions;

Strictly regulated disciplinary regime;

Deprivation of communication, wide contacts with peers;

Lack of opportunities, applying them with more energy.

Leading to conflict:

petty control;

Numerous instructions, moralizing; » “working out” at meetings. As a result:

Strengthening the struggle for independence, » disobedience;

Violation of the rules of conduct. Weak spots:

Intolerance to a monotonous environment;

Monotony of work;

Isolation from peers;

idle situations.

Psychological protection:

Thirst new activity in a new place, among new people.

II. cycloid type. Two options: typical and labile.

Typical cycloids are characterized by an alternation of high and low mood (1-2 weeks). Upswings are less frequent and not as bright as periods of subdepression.

With an increase in mood, they approach the hyperthymic type (they strive to join the team, claim the role of leader).

With a decrease in mood (subdepressive phase) - interest in everything is lost, lethargy appears.

Adolescents avoid company, become lethargic homebodies.

Failures and troubles are hard to experience (remarks and reproaches, accusations aggravate the depressive state).

There is a thought about one's own inferiority and uselessness (maybe the thought of suicide).

A sharp break in the stereotypes of life is poorly tolerated (moving, changing educational institution etc.).

In labile cycloids, the phases are shorter, 2-3 have a nice day are replaced by several "bad" ones. "Bad days" are more marked by bad mood, lethargy.

Within one period, short mood swings are possible, caused by relevant events and news.

In typical and labile cycloids, the reaction of grouping with peers intensifies during periods of rise.

Hobbies of such teenagers are distinguished by cruelty. During periods of upsurge, adolescents may find themselves prone to drinking in company.

The labile form of character accentuation should not be confused with the labile type of accentuation.

III. Labile type. Extreme mood swings. On the one hand, there is too sharp a change from insignificant reasons: someone said an unflattering word, an unfriendly glance of a random interlocutor. On the other hand, a fleeting compliment cheers up, distracts from troubles. For example, in a frank conversation between a teacher and a teenager, when we are talking about various aspects of his life, one can observe moments of a joyful smile, and a state of rolling tears.

From the mood this moment(from joyful to sad) well-being, sleep, appetite, working capacity depend.

An adult must take into account: labile adolescents have very strong needs for empathy.

Adolescents feel good when an adult is disposed towards them, and immediately respond to him in the same way.

Rewards give them great joy.

Praise increases activity, performance. Devotion to friendship is characteristic. They do not pretend to be the leader. They are content with the position of a pet, who is guarded by comrades.

Emotional rejections of significant persons are hard to experience. The teacher should always treat such students evenly. Communication should not be affected. Bad mood teacher, his irritability.

IV. Astheno-neurotic type. From childhood, signs of neuropathy are found: restless sleep, poor appetite, night terrors, fearfulness, tearfulness. In adolescence, astheno-neurotic accentuation unfolds.

Main features: increased fatigue, irritability and a tendency to hypochondria (fixation on one's health). Increased fatigue:

Especially during mental studies and in competition conditions;

Affective outbursts for an insignificant reason. Great irritability:

Easily shifts his difficulties to those around him, sometimes accidentally caught under a "hot" hand. The reason for outbreaks is the increase in fatigue, and not the experienced mood (in the labile type) and not encountered resistance (in the hyperthymic type).

Fixation on one's health (hypochondria):

Carefully listens to his bodily sensations, willingly treated;

Alcoholization, escapes from the house are not observed.

Adults (teachers) should consider:

If the teenager's academic performance is not very high, it is not recommended to call him to the board to solve complex problems, you can offer to reproduce the progress of solving problems that the teacher has just shown. If the tasks are not solved, there is no need to insist on their solution. It's better to explain again.

V. Sensitive type. In childhood, they give the impression of being closed, fenced off from others. They are timid and fearful.

They are afraid of the dark, shun animals, afraid to be alone.

They shun noisy peers, do not like outdoor games. They prefer games with kids, they feel calmer and more confident among them.

Reading prefer drawing, modeling.

Distinguished by obedience. They are called "home child".

IN lower grades slowly getting used to children's team. They are reluctant to go to another.

They usually study hard. But scared of all kinds control works. At the blackboard, they are embarrassed to answer, fearing to stray, to cause laughter.

They answer less than they know. They are afraid of being branded as an upstart.

The difficulty of adaptation usually begins at the age of 16.

During this period, two main features of the sensitive type are exacerbated:

Extreme impressionability;

Feelings of inferiority.

Such adolescents develop a sense of duty and responsibility early.

They are horrified by the rudeness and cruelty of others.

They see many shortcomings in themselves, especially in the field of strong-willed and moral and aesthetic ones.

The feeling of one's own inferiority activates the reaction of self-affirmation. But they assert themselves not in those areas where they can open up, but where they feel their inferiority.

For example: shy girls tend to show their cheerfulness and sociability. Timid boys show arrogance, "demonstrate" energy and will. But in a situation that requires courage, they give up.

Attached to parents, obedient.

Mostly unsociable. But to whom they are used to, they are quite sociable and frank with those.

For example: when a teenager feels sympathy and support, then you can establish trusting contact with him and see his life full of reproaches and self-flagellation; subtle sensitivity and very high demands on oneself.

Under the influence of the sympathy of an adult, tears can well up in a teenager.

If a teacher nominates a teenager of a sensitive type to the post of headman because of his diligence and obedience, then the leadership in such groups goes to others.

They value friendship very much. A friend is preferred by the whole company.

intolerable situations



ridicule, rudeness,


In bad deeds

unfair accusation

Very sensitive to social evaluations

Possible reaction of a teenager:

Absence from classes and even a complete refusal to go to school;

Run away from home.

IN AND. Lichko gives an example when a 15-year-old girl was on duty in the wardrobe. Lost jacket. She began to be tormented by the thought that "they would consider her a thief." And she dropped out of school.

In a good environment:

Attachment to parents; « obedience;


VI. psychasthenic type. Close to the sensitive type. In childhood, psychasthenic traits manifested in the form of timidity, motor awkwardness, a tendency to reason and early "intellectual" interests.

The main features of the psychasthenic type of character in adolescence:

Indecisiveness in actions and reasoning;

Attempts to foresee everything and act strictly according to the plan;

The tendency to introspection about the motives of their actions. It manifests itself in self-digging, in one's experiences and sensations:

Anxious suspiciousness; » anxiety about one's future;

Inventing signs, rituals to give self-confidence. (For example: walking to school, bypassing all the pits - you won’t fail the exam.)

Do not like:

Change of environment

New items, strangers.

An adult should take into account that the obsession of thinking about, about their actions and great indecision violate:

Adolescent's work capacity

His communication.

Psychasthenic attitudes develop with improper upbringing:

In conditions of increased moral responsibility;

With dominant overprotection.

The high hopes of their parents are an unbearable burden for them.

VII. Schizoid type. As a child, a child likes to play alone, without being attracted to peers. Avoids noisy activities. Prefers to be among adults, listening to their conversations. Childish restraint in the manifestation of feelings is noted.

In adolescence, isolation, isolation from peers is clearly manifested.

Attempts to establish friendly relations are often unsuccessful:

Because of the great sensitivity;

Due to rapid exhaustion in contact.

The inner world is almost always closed from prying eyes; The teacher is not recommended to insist that:

The teenager opened up before him;

The teenager was more sociable with peers;

The teenager established emotional contacts.

Business contacts can be satisfactory.

At individual work achieves great results (music, chess, scientific work and etc.).

Hobbies are distinguished by strength, constancy, sophistication.

Rich erotic fantasies are combined with outward asexuality.

The inner world is filled with various hobbies and fantasies that are designed to please oneself.

Incomprehensibility inner world the schizoid makes his actions for others unexpected and incomprehensible.

Such teenagers are not inclined to empathize, emotionally cold. They lack intuition.

They do not know how to guess the desires of others. They don't know how to penetrate other people's feelings.

They do not know how to share the joy or sorrow of another.

They cannot understand the resentment, the excitement of the other.

They cannot convince others verbally.

Once in a teenage group, they remain in a special position in it.

They are ridiculed. But sometimes they can stand up for themselves. Remain independent.

Schizoid accentuation usually does not lead to severe behavioral disorders (alcoholism, suicide).

VIII. epileptoid type.

The main feature is a tendency to a state of maliciously melancholy mood.

Search for an object on which you can vent anger. The reason may be minor.

Affective explosiveness. Strong and long lasting. Unbridled rage, cursing.

Offenses are not forgiven. Subtly vengeful.

Love is often tinged with jealousy.

Sexual attraction of great strength.

Alcohol intoxication with anger and fights (drink until blackout).

They are characterized by:

petty accuracy;

Compliance with all rules, even to the detriment of the case;

Pedantry, striking others;

Performance, often ostentatious;

The desire for innovation is suspect.

In a group, they strive not for leadership, but for domination over their peers.

They adapt well to disciplinary conditions. They have showy performance.

Having seized the right to power over others (for example, the headman), they lose control over themselves: they use force against the “rebellious”.

The reaction of emancipation proceeds hard. A teenager demands freedom, independence, rights.

"Weak point" of epileptoid accentuation:

Intolerance of disobedience to oneself;

Intolerance to material costs.

Psychological protection becomes solitude with some kind of "calming the nerves" activity that requires careful, but monotonous work.

Type difficult for social adaptation.

IX. hysterical type. Main features:

Egocentrism, desire to be the center of attention;

Demonstrative style of behavior;

The need to cause admiration, surprise, sympathy by any means; fantasy, deceit.

All other characteristics of the schizoid type are subject to these features.

In childhood, hysterical character traits manifested themselves when:

Other children were praised more, paid attention to them; » there is a desire to attract attention;

There was a desire to listen to praise in his address;

Academic success is determined by whether they are held up as an example to others.

In adolescence, hysterical traits are sharpened: hobbies are chosen by those that are able to amaze the imagination with their unusualness, provide an opportunity to show off.

In communication with peers, they claim to be the leader, but they turn out to be the leader "for an hour."

When faced with difficulties, they lose their emotional enthusiasm.

If it is impossible to produce an external effect, parents are blamed for not being able to save them from difficulties, to remove obstacles, as it was in childhood.

In order to show off, they exaggerate their alcoholism.

They portray themselves as an "esthete", a connoisseur of brands of all wines.

They prove they don't care. They can make themselves very drunk.

Vulnerable pride (loss of attention, etc.) serves as a reason for suicide. Usually in the form of a demonstration (15-16 years old).

Means are chosen safe: cuts in the veins on the forearm, medicine from a home first aid kit.

There may be runaways from home as a reaction to punishment, due to the loss of attention of others.

Usually they run away to where they will be looked for and quickly found (the teenager, as it were, signals: give me back my former attention and care, otherwise I will be lost!).

The inability to work hard is combined with high expectations regarding the future profession.

Weak link:

Strikes on self-esteem;

Loss of attention of others;

Failure to occupy a prominent position;

Debunked exclusivity. Psychological protection is an active desire

To forget, not to think about troubles, to behave as if nothing had happened.

X. Unstable type.

Main features:

Unwillingness to work (work, study);

Increased craving for pleasure, idleness, idleness;

In everything they show weakness of will.

In childhood, these were naughty, restless children, they climbed into everything everywhere: they hardly learned the rules of behavior; studied hard. They needed strict control. At an opportunity, they shied away from business, classes. Very early, they showed an increased craving for pleasure, idleness, idleness, as a result of improper upbringing.

In adolescence - inability to occupy oneself; they do not tolerate loneliness. Therefore, they are drawn to street teenage groups (often asocial).

The group is looking for a change of impressions, thrill: hooligan acts, alcohol, gambling; early sex life, but romantic love is not characteristic of them.

For them, a company for entertainment is preferable to a friend. Usually in a group they carry out the will of others.

They live one day, extracting maximum pleasure from it. They are indifferent to their future. Plans are not made.

Weak will encourages them to run away from difficulties. For example, wherever hard work is required, where study is difficult, where there is great discipline, an unstable type of accentuation does not occur.

The teacher, using their weakness of will, can keep them in an environment of a rigidly regulated regime with constant monitoring and with the threat of punishment.

The "weak point" of adolescents with unstable accentuation: to be left to oneself, to be in a situation where no one controls you (neglect, an atmosphere of connivance).

Psychological protection: flight "where your eyes look" in order to have fun.

XI. Conformal type.

The main feature is the constant and excessive submission to the opinion of loved ones.

They live by the rule: think like everyone else, act like everyone else, try to have everything like everyone else - from clothes to worldview. Deprived of individuality in actions and judgments.

IN good conditions- they are good, diligently study, work.

In a bad environment, they learn the norms, customs, habits of a bad environment.

Conformity is combined with uncriticality:

Are drawn into groups of offenders;

Drink "for the company";

Truth for them is what they hear from others.

They are also characterized by conservatism: they cannot adapt to the new.

In an unusual environment, they master with difficulty, work well where initiative is not needed; do not tolerate breaking life stereotypes; deprived of their usual society, they value their place in the group, their familiar environment.

Self-assessment can be good, fairly accurate.

They do not show personal initiative in study and work.

Questionnaire of Leonhard-Shmishek - determining the type of character accentuation


You are invited to answer 88 questions relating to various aspects of your personality. On a separate sheet of paper, write the date, last name if desired, age, class, gender. I will read the question number and the question itself, and you will write down the question number, put a dash and your answer “yes” or “no” (you can put +, -).

Answer quickly, immediately after you understand the meaning of the question. The first reaction is important, not the fruit of lengthy reflection.


The questionnaire serves to determine the accentuation of the character and type of character of a person.

Character accentuation is a pronounced pointed character trait, a special emphasis in the pattern of characterological aspirations and in the pattern of behavioral patterns that implement them. Accentuations of character determine the type of character of a person.

The questionnaire for adults has the same number of questions as for children. The option does not differ in meaning from questions for children. The difference is only in some wording and in the treatment. The key to the questionnaire is the same. Therefore, these questions can be used with some reformulation to study character accentuation in adults.

1. Are you usually calm, cheerful?

2. Are you easily offended, upset?

3. Do you cry easily?

4. How many times do you check for errors?

5. Are you as strong and brave as your classmates?

6. Do you easily move from joy to sadness and vice versa?

7. Do you like to be in charge of the game, to be the center of attention?

8. Are there days when you get angry at everyone for no reason?

9. Are you a serious person?

10. Are you able to admire, admire?

11. Can you invent a new game?

12. Do you soon forget if you offended someone?

13. Do you consider yourself kind?

14. Throwing a letter at Mailbox Do you check with your hand to see if it's stuck?

15. Do you try to be the best at school?

16. When you were little, were you afraid of thunderstorms, dogs?

17. Do the guys think you are too neat and diligent?

18. Does your mood depend on school and household chores?

19. Do all your friends love you?

20. Do you have inner restlessness, emotional outbursts?

21. Are you usually a little sad?

22. Have you experienced grief, have you ever cried in front of other people?

23. Do you find it difficult to stay in one place?

24. Do you fight against injustice against you?

25. Can you cut a live bird?

26. Does it annoy you if the tablecloth or curtain hangs unevenly?

27. Are you afraid to be alone in the house?

28. Does it happen that you are either happy or sad for no reason?

29. Are you one of the best students in the class?

30. Do you get angry easily, do you get angry?

31. Do you often have fun, fool around?

32. Do you feel happy sometimes?

33. Do you know how to cheer up the guys?

34. Can you directly tell someone what you think of them?

35. Are you afraid of blood?

36. Are you willing to carry out responsible assignments?

37. Do you stand up for everyone who has been treated unfairly?

38. Do you find it unpleasant to enter a dark room?

39. Do you like slow and precise work more than fast and inaccurate work?

40. Is it easy for you to get acquainted with children?

41. Are you willing to perform at matinees or evenings at school?

42. Have you ever run away from home?

43. Does life seem hard to you?

44. Have you ever gotten so upset over a fight with a teacher or kids that you couldn't go to school?

45. Can you laugh at yourself even if you fail?

46. ​​Do you try to make up if you offended someone?

47. Do you like animals?

48. Has it ever happened to you that when you left home, you returned to check if something had happened?

49. Do you sometimes think that something must happen to you or your parents?

50. Your mood sometimes depends on the weather, what do you think?

51. Do you find it difficult to answer in class, perform on stage?

52. Can you, if you are angry with someone, start to fight?

53. Do you like being among the guys?

54. If something fails, do you fall into despair?

55. Do you stubbornly achieve your goal, even if you encounter difficulties?

56. Do you like to organize games, work?

57. Have you ever cried because of sad movie or books?

58. Do you find it difficult to fall asleep because of worries and future affairs?

59. Do you prompt and let you write off?

60. Are you afraid to walk alone on a dark street in the evening?

61. Do you make sure that every thing is in its place?

62. Does it happen to you that you go to bed in good mood, and you wake up with the bad?

63. Do you feel at ease with strangers in a new place?

64. Do you have a headache?

65. Do you often laugh?

66. Can you behave in such a way that the person you treat badly does not notice this?

67. Can you do many different things in one day?

68. Do you suffer from injustice?

69. Do you love nature?

70. Leaving home, going to bed, do you check that the door is locked?

71. Are you fearful, what do you think?

72. Does your mood change at the festive table?

73. Do you participate in dramatic mug(Do you like to read poetry from the stage)?

74. Do you dream about something tempting and unknown?

75. Do you sometimes think about the future with sadness?

76. Do you have sudden transitions from joy to longing?

77. Can you entertain guests?

78. Are you angry or offended for a long time?

79. Do you greatly experience the grief of your loved ones?

80. Can you rewrite a page in a notebook because of a blot?

81. Do you consider yourself distrustful?

82. Do you often have bad dreams?

83. Have you ever wanted to jump out a window or throw yourself under a car?

84. Do you feel happier when everyone is having fun?

85. If you are in trouble, can you forget about them for a while?

86. Do you do impulsive acts unexpected for yourself?

87. Do you say little more often than a lot?

88. Could you, participating in a drama circle, get into the role so much that at the same time you forget that you are not the same as on stage?

The key to the Leonhard-Schmishek questionnaire

Main signs. Almost always very good, high spirits. From early childhood, mobility, sociability, excessive independence, a tendency to mischief, ease of communication and speed of assimilation of educational material.
Provoking factors, "weak point". Limiting the possibilities of contact with others at his own choice. Attempts to strictly direct the activities of the teenager and the choice of his contacts. Strictly regulated regime. An unfavorable type of upbringing is dominant hyperprotection with strict control, which enhances the adolescent reaction of emancipation. At the same time, upbringing by the type of emotional rejection provokes the appearance of behavioral disorders.
Form of manifestation of disadaptation. From the first years of schooling, restlessness, distractibility, indiscipline. Absenteeism, conflicts with parents and teachers.
Age-related reactions and forms of behavioral disorders. This type has a pronounced reaction of emancipation, which manifests itself in conflicts with parents and teachers and is especially intensified during hyperprotection and authoritarian style dealing with teenagers. The reaction of grouping is expressed, and in the group adolescents of this type often become leaders. Hobbies are unstable, often change. People of this type start early sexual life due to physiological acceleration, they may have promiscuity. Delinquent behavior manifests itself in the form of petty antisocial acts and offenses, usually to show their peers their courage. As a consequence of the reaction of emancipation to avoid excessive control and for self-affirmation, shoots can occur, more often in the form of unauthorized absences. There is a tendency to drink alcohol, a common occurrence is frequent drinking in a group for the purpose of entertainment. True alcoholism in adolescence is not formed.
Individually differentiated approach. Teenagers of this type easily make contact due to their sociability. An influence on a teenager can be exerted by a teacher who himself is an independent person and treats a teenager with respect, interest, and benevolence. It is recommended to ensure the possibility of wide contacts, placement in a group of young people, somewhat older in age, works well. The environment should be diverse, provide rich opportunities for the manifestation of a teenager's own activity. Educational or labor activity should be carried out in a team, with the possibility of changing the situation, the nature of work is not monotonous, diverse, with a change in activities.

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