Style direction genre painting plastova haymaking. Composition - description based on the painting by A.A. Plastov “Haymaking


Russian artist Plastov Arkady Aleksandrovich (1893-1972)

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I managed to visit an exhibition in the Manege. Paintings by Plastov A.A. were shown there. and the work of the sculptor Konenkov. The exhibition made me great impression, especially Plastov's painting "Haymaking". It was very large, and the grasses on it just lived their own lives, very optimistic and sunny. There were many paintings from very famous to completely unknown, including the image of Stalin. But "Haymaking" struck me in the heart!

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (January 19 (31), 1893, the village of Prislonikha, Simbirsk district, Simbirsk province - May 12, 1972, the village of Prislonikha, Karsunsky district, Ulyanovsk region) - Soviet painter.
People's Artist USSR (1962). Laureate of Lenin (1966) and Stalin Prize first degree (1946). Active member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1947).

Plastov - great artist peasant Russia. She looks at us from his paintings and portraits. She will remain forever
which Plastov portrayed her.
He was the son of a village bookman and the grandson of a local icon painter. graduated religious school and a seminary.
From his youth he dreamed of becoming a painter.
In 1914, he managed to enter the MUZhVZ, but he was accepted only to the sculpture department. At the same time he studied painting.
In 1917-25. Plastov lived in his native village; as "literate", engaged in various public affairs. Only in the second half of the 1920s. he was able to return to professional artistic work.

Portrait of N. A. Plastov.

Plastov is a natural realist. Modernist pride, the search for something completely new and unprecedented were completely alien to him. He lived in the world and admired its beauty. Like many Russian realist artists, Plastov is convinced that the main thing for an artist is to see this beauty and be extremely sincere. No need to write beautifully, you need to write the truth, and it will be more beautiful than any fantasy. Every shade, every line in his paintings, the artist repeatedly checked in his work from nature. Innocence, the complete absence of what is called "manner", distinguishes Plastov even from those wonderful masters whose pictorial principles he was the heir to - A. E. Arkhipov, F. A. Malyavin, K. A. Korovin.

Composition based on the painting by A. A. Plastov "Haymaking".
Plastov seems to create the life-giving music of nature. His canvases show that man is an integral part of the universe. The painting "Haymaking" depicts the summer time, in which a villager has to work hard. This is an exciting topic for Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov.
The center of the picture "Haymaking" are workers different ages who work at the same level, trying to perform movements synchronously, being at a close distance from each other. From this we can conclude that labor is for them business as usual. Looking at the canvas, one gets the feeling of a dialogue between an old man and a teenager: "As you work hard, so you eat!".
The picture shows us the heavy postwar period, since the people in the picture are thin and filled with the desire to work in order to safely survive the fierce winter. The old man, the woman, the teenager, and the men are working hard despite the sweltering summer heat.
Bright summer colors of pink, yellow, purple, a variety of meadow flowers, lush green grass come to the fore of the picture. We seem to hear the wind and the rustle of birch leaves, the smell of freshly cut hay and grass, the sweet aroma of flowers, the sounds of singing birds and the buzzing of insects. I just want to breathe in this clean, aroma-filled air with a full chest!
A dark green forest belt is visible in the distance, in which, apparently, our workers take refuge from the heat in order to rest a little and get back to work. A huge field of warm yellow indicates that there is still a lot of work ahead, and the clouds in the sky bring a slight coolness of a hot day. Thin, tender birch trees, sympathizing with the hard work of the workers, as if trying to cover them with their branches from the heat and heat. Everything around is filled with harmony and natural beauty Russian nature, among which the Russian person wants to live and carefully store the gifts of the generous land.
A reverent attitude towards a simple Russian person was respectfully described by artists in their canvases. After all, a benevolent attitude towards nature, and towards the world as a whole, will help to achieve complete harmony and love.

Composition based on the painting "Haymaking".
Summer is a hot time in the life of a village worker. At this time, various preparations for the winter are made and hay is harvested for livestock. If the peasant spends the summer carelessly, he will not survive the cold and hungry winter. Knowing this, many peasants gathered in groups and helped each other. So, when harvesting hay, families or villages often went to the field.
In Plastov's painting "Haymaking" we see a family that entered the field. They work so clearly that it becomes clear - they are doing the usual work. It is noteworthy that women and a teenager are mowed down in the picture. This can only be explained by the employment of men in other, harder jobs.
The artist chose the most bright colors that a person could invent. The picture is full of red, purple and purple flowers. They hid among the ordinary grass, which will soon be mowed down. And the whole process is watched by slender birch trees, which are national symbol.
I really liked the picture because of its bright performance and plot. She glorifies simple labor and shows it from an idealistic side. I would like to believe that this picture will remind a person that not only devices can do all the work, but a person must also work.
This picture contains all the joy of our land. It reflects the whole rainbow world with the singing of a merry horn, a bird's hubbub, with ruddy clouds in a pale pink sky. June. Haymaking. We hear how each flower from this thousand-color bouquet sounds, how lilac, blue, azure, turquoise, yellow, saffron, crimson, purple and gold colors gently ring. Trumpets of white-trunked birches sound powerful. Millions of leaves crumble like a silver trill under the breath of a summer breeze. Magic carpet of a sunny meadow. Dark copses. Emerald Meadows. Oak forests turning blue in the distance. High sky. A moment of silence. And we hear the cuckoo and the buzz of a hairy bumblebee, the industrious song of a bee and the steely sound of a scythe. "Haymaking" - anthem native land, a victorious people who survived and won in a cruel and bloody war.

Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Emelyanovskaya secondary comprehensive school №3

P. Emelyanovo

Krasnoyarsk Territory

Kuznetsova Nina Vladimirovna

Composition - description based on the painting by A.A. Plastov "Haymaking"

The purpose of the teacher's activity: create conditions for the formation of skills to analyze the text (definition of the topic, main idea, type and style of speech, language tools), independently clarify the topic and main idea of ​​the essay, create your own text using various language tools.

Planned results:

Subject - determine the main idea of ​​the text, lexical means for its most accurate transmission, highlight micro-topics, compose a text on a specific topic, revealing the main idea, answer the questions posed


Personal - give adequate self-esteem learning activities are aware of the limits of their own knowledge and "ignorance".

Cognitive - structure knowledge.

Regulatory - accept and save learning task, plan their action in accordance with the task, make the necessary adjustments to the action after completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made, are able to evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an objective assessment, adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.

Communicative - able to formulate own opinion and position, ask questions.

Lesson type : a lesson in the development of speech.

Equipment : reproduction of A.A. Plastov’s painting, poems, proverbs, signs, presentation about the artist, presentation “Meadow Flowers Festival”, cards with assignments for students.

Epigraph: Lover of herbs, I think that it is more beautiful than herbs

there is nothing in the world.

A.A. Plastov

Lesson script

1. Psychological mood of the class. Poem by I. Brodsky "Aria of insects"

Bees, butterflies, bugs -

We are like music icons.

Our role cannot be narrowed down

To the ability to buzz.

Our music is simple:

Quiet, flying away

Flies away, quiet.

He returns, fluttering.

What do you imagine while listening to this poem? (Summer. Bright green grass. Many buzzing insects in the meadow).

Which of you was in the summer in the meadow?

What was especially memorable? What feelings arose during this?

What kind of work is done in the summer in the meadow?

2. Call stage.

Read the epigraph. Explain how you understand its meaning.

Formulate the topic of the lesson. Set your own goals.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov "Haymaking". Let's write an essay on the picture, in which we will try to express our attitude to the subject of the description.

3. The floor is given to a group of students who prepared a presentation about the work of A.A. Plastov.

Ask each other questions for understanding. (Reception "thick and thin questions").

4. Stage of understanding.

Painting conversation.

Carefully consider the reproduction of the painting by A.A. Plastov "Haymaking". What season do you think he depicted in the picture?

In what summer month does such young, fresh greenery occur? (In June)

What did the artist depict in the foreground of the picture? (In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted a flowering meadow).

What paints and colors did A.A. Plastov use to depict meadow flowers and herbs?

What insects are shown in the picture?

Who do we see in the center of the picture? (Kostsov)

How many mowers are in the meadow?

What are these people doing?

How do scythes work? (Mowers work skillfully, quickly, with concentration).

Teacher's word: Plastov knew various peasant work. He knew how and loved to mow the grass and was proud of his skill as a mower. Personal sense of oneness with the outside world, nature, knowledge peasant life, respect for peasant labor gave the artist the opportunity to recreate on the canvas a sense of naturalness and convincing authenticity of the life and work of people in their native land.

Why do you think the artist called his painting "Haymaking"? (The artist called his painting so because the peasants mow the grass in the meadow).

What do you see on the right? (On the right are the beauties of the birches).

Did the artist depict the sun in the picture? (No.)

And why do we understand that it is a clear sunny day? (The artist showed what shade of green grass, leaves and birch trunks are in the sun, and what shade is in the shade).

What do we see in the background of the picture? (clear blue sky).

We continue to collect material for the essay.

Musical physical minute "Two hands"

5. Let's do three tasks. Cards with tasks on your tables.

Task number 1. (replenishment vocabulary)

Find the correct answer to the question. Connect with a line.

1. In what summer month is young greenery?

Artist in the picture he did not depict the sun in yellow or red. With his sensitive eye, he saw what shade of green the grass was in the sun, and what was in the shade.

2. What herbs and flowers did the artist draw?

Only in June there is such greenery fresh, bright, clean.

3. Why do we understand that it is a clear sunny day?

In the shadow of A.A. Plastov painted the trunks with juicy, intense colors, and in the sun - light, bright. Differences in the color of grass, color, leaves created a radiance of solar color.

4. Take a closer look at how the color of birch trunks, illuminated by the sun, changes.

Artist drew bells: small purple and blue large, fluffy pink "cancer necks", white daisies, yellow dandelions, ivan - tea, sweet peas with multi-colored petals - all the flowers that delight the eye at the beginning of summer bloomed under the artist's brush on canvas.

5. With what colors did the artist paint grass and leaves?

Mowers work skillfully, quickly, with concentration. Peasant labor appears hard and festive.

6. How do mowers work?

Green l leaves and herbs, the artist bowled not only green, but also blue, blue and white paints.

Mutual check of the completed task (work in pairs)

Task number 2. (spelling preparation)

Insert the missing letters. Name spellings.

Hot sun, everything has grown and bloomed, violet and blue bells, yellow r.mashki, in early summer, blossomed under the artist’s brush, on canvas, light gi .the bone of thin shoots, the juiciness and fragility of the st.bley, the carved eyes of the leaves, the tenderness and smoothness of the petals, the clear sunny day, the painting. land, labor appears so yellow.

Checking the correctness of the task. Discussion of the content of the text.

Task number 3 (means artistic expressiveness)

Choose adjectives for the words. The game "Who is more?"






The mood of the picture

6. Drawing up an essay plan. ( Teamwork. The teacher writes on the blackboard. Students - in notebooks for creative work).


1.Introduction. A.A. Plastov - wonderful artist- landscape painter

2. The main part. Description of the picture:

a) meadow flowers and herbs;

b) hard and festive work of mowers;

c) white-trunked birch trees in the sunshine;

c) blue sky.

3. Conclusion. My feelings and impressions.

6. Oral statements of students. After the description plan is drawn up and 2-3 options for the beginning of the composition are selected, several students tell how they would describe the picture. Rabat in pairs: students tell each other how they would describe the picture.

7. Independent work of students. (Work in drafts).

8. Reflection.

What piece did you meet today?

What did A.A. Plastov tell about in the film “Haymaking”?

What is your mood?

Homework: rewrite the essay in a clean copy.

Composition based on the painting by A. A. Plastov “Haymaking”

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (1893-1972) was born in the village of Prislonikha in the Simbirsk province (now the Ulyanovsk region) in peasant family. Interest in painting, apparently, was transferred to the boy from his grandfather, who was an icon painter.

For a while, Plastov assumed that he would become a priest. After 3 years of study at a rural school, he entered the Simbirsk Theological School, then the Simbirsk Theological Seminary. But the craving for art, apparently, did not leave the young seminarian. In 1912 the young man left for Moscow. At first he attended classes in the studio of the artist I. I. Mash-

kov, then entered the Imperial Stroganov Central Industrial Art School, where he studied for 2 years. After that, Plastov entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, but not in the painting, but in the sculpture department. Among his mentors were famous masters- sculptor S. M. Volnukhin, artist A. M. Vasnetsov and others.

The young artist returned to his native village in 1917. Here he constantly drew from life, depicting his fellow villagers, their holidays and everyday life.

Plastov's paintings are characterized not only by high skill, knowledge of the life of the Soviet village, but also by love, attention to the people who live and work in the countryside. Features of Plastov's paintings - genre scenes always unfold against the background of the landscape, lyrical expressiveness without plot tension.

The artist during his lifetime became a recognized classic Soviet painting, reproductions of his paintings began to be placed in school textbooks and anthologies..

In the painting “Haymaking”, the artist depicted how a family performs one of the varieties of agricultural work - mows grass for hay. Haymaking is no less important than successful harvesting of bread - because otherwise the cattle will have nothing to eat for a long time. cold winter. Like all rural work, in the old days, haymaking was accompanied by special rituals, many proverbs and sayings are dedicated to it.

Haymaking was considered a kind of holiday, the best clothes were put on it, songs were sung during work. In the old days it was customary to mow the whole village. best time for harvesting hay, the period from Peter's Day (June 29) to Proclus (July 25) was considered.

For mowing, they used - and still use - a special tool called a scythe. On a long wooden handle - like for shovels, rakes, etc. tools - a long, slightly curved blade is attached. Holding on to the handle, swing widely and cut the grass with the inside of the blade. Working with a scythe requires skill and considerable care, as the blade is sharp.

In Plastov's painting, not a whole village is mowed down, but only 4 people. Most likely they are members of the same family. They are dressed simply - probably in their usual everyday clothes. The teenager, who is depicted closest to the viewer, is generally dressed only in pants, he took off his shirt - maybe because it's hot, or maybe he takes care of it. It is not known whether these people have holiday clothes. The artist painted the picture in 1945, therefore, while he was working on it, the Great Patriotic War was still going on. In these difficult years, people often had one felt boots for everyone, and it’s good if they were. There is no time for festive clothes, it would be something to leave the house in.

In addition to a teenager, a woman works among the mowers. She follows the boy. The other two mowers are men.

The dark-haired teenager was tanned almost black. But despite the heat, he works hard, even a couple of steps ahead of the rest. Apparently, he is accustomed to hard peasant labor, has acquired considerable skill and the necessary dexterity. During the war years, many children had to work on an equal footing with adults, and in the village this was always accepted, a child was taught to work from an early age.

The woman is dressed in a simple light dress, her head is tied with a white scarf. A typical peasant outfit, and light is best suited for the summer heat. Determining a woman's age is difficult. Her face was dark from sunburn, from hard work. The headscarf, which is now associated with grandmothers, was worn by all women in the villages, except for young ones. unmarried girls. Maybe this woman is the boy's mother, maybe the grandmother.

Next comes a man in a blue-green shirt. Light curly hair and the same beard, strength is felt in the hands holding the braid tightly - we can assume that this is a middle-aged man. The question may arise why he is not at war - but the artist did not necessarily draw only those mowers whom he could see in front of him in this moment. Or it can be assumed that the soldier was seriously injured, could no longer carry military service and therefore returned to his native village.

Completes the procession of scythes Old man- this man is probably no longer young, since his hair and beard are completely white. His figure is almost obscured by the figure of the previous scythe - perhaps his son. Only the left shoulder and hands holding the scythe are visible. He is dressed in a white shirt.

A group of mowers is depicted by the artist almost in the center of the picture. They act as a compositional core, around which a lushly flowering meadow spreads. And if the clothes of the mowers are painted in modest, restrained colors, then for the image of a flowering meadow, the artist did not spare colors. Lilac, purple, yellow flowers scattered among the grass, which almost reaches the mowers to the waist.

In the right corner there is a group of closely growing birch trees, their branches hang down. Birch is a symbol of Russian nature, one of the most common trees in the European part of Russia. Many Russian artists often depicted birches in their paintings.

The summer months are not only a time for relaxation, but also the most active time in the life of rural residents. There is so much to do, not to forget anything: to prepare hay, to harvest, and to stock up food for the homestead. Work from dawn to dusk. A. Plastov told us about this in his film “Haymaking”.

The artist showed that during haymaking everyone works, from young to old. Every working hand is important in order to get the job done faster, because the upcoming winter depends on it. Most likely shown hard times after the Great patriotic war because children, women, old people work. Or the rest of the men are busy with other physical labor.

In any case, the picture shows how good it is when young people help the older generation. They mow the grass under the scorching sun, do other hard work. Despite the severity of the work, the artist showed the picture surprisingly bright and light. Indeed, in the summer in nature you can find such a variety of colors! The sky is bright blue, the grass is juicy green, the golden sun illuminates everything around with its light. The picture is very colorful.

The artist could not ignore the white birch trees, which are the symbol of our country, which you can endlessly admire. The sun shimmers in their crown, giving the leaves different shades. Birch Grove - the only place in the picture, where workers can relax, take cover under the trees from the hot day. Only this planting of birches reminds of a little coolness. The author showed the leaves on the trees in blue-green colors. The artist painted the picture so realistically that we feel the sound of the wind, the chirping of dragonflies, the buzzing of other insects, and surprisingly fresh air filled with the smell of cut grass and flowers.

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